class TrackThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, thread_id, detect_queue, track_queue, stt_queue, daemon=True): threading.Thread.__init__(self, daemon=daemon) self.thread_id = thread_id self.detect_queue = detect_queue self.track_queue = track_queue self.tracker = Tracker( initialization_delay=0, distance_function=euclidean_distance, distance_threshold=max_distance_between_points, ) self.stt_queue = stt_queue def run(self): print("Thread tracking start") while self.stt_queue.empty(): box_detects, frame = self.detect_queue.get() detections = [ Detection(get_center(box), data=box) for box in box_detects ] tracked_objects = self.tracker.update(detections=detections) for box in box_detects: draw_border(frame, box) norfair.draw_tracked_objects(frame, tracked_objects) self.track_queue.put(frame)
class ObjectTracking(AbstractHandler): """Class for real-time 2D object tracking. We use the results of DetectionHandler and the norfair tracking library ( """ def __init__(self, silent=False): self.silent = silent def euclidean_distance(detection, tracked_object): return np.linalg.norm(detection.points - tracked_object.estimate) self.tracker = Tracker( distance_function=euclidean_distance, distance_threshold=20, hit_inertia_max=25, point_transience=4, ) def to_norfair(self, detections): d = [] for x in detections: d.append(NorfairDetection(points=np.asarray([]))) return d def __call__(self, rgb_depth, detections): """run tracker on the current rgb_depth frame for the detections found""" if self.verbose > 0:"In TrackingHandlerNorfair ... ") detections = self.to_norfair(detections) self.tracked_objects = self.tracker.update(detections, period=4) img = rgb_depth.rgb if not self.silent: print_objects_as_table(self.tracked_objects) if os.getenv("DEBUG_DRAW") == "True": draw_tracked_objects(img, self.tracked_objects) cv2.imshow("Norfair", img) tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="norfair_" + str( + "_locobot_capture_" + "_", suffix=".jpg", dir="", delete=False, ) cv2.imwrite(, img) cv2.waitKey(3)
class ObjectTracking(): def __init__(self): self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('object_detection_result', ObjectDetectionResult, self.recieve_object_detection_result) = rospy.Publisher('object_tracking_result', ObjectDetectionResult, queue_size=10) self.tracker = Tracker(distance_function=self.calc_distance, distance_threshold=20) def calc_distance(self, detection, tracked_object): return np.linalg.norm(detection.points - tracked_object.estimate) def get_center(self, detected_object): return np.array([ detected_object.xmax - detected_object.xmin, detected_object.ymax - detected_object.ymin ]) def create_detected_object_with_id(self, tracked_object): src = detected_object = DetectedObject() detected_object.xmin = src.xmin detected_object.xmax = src.xmax detected_object.ymin = src.ymin detected_object.ymax = src.ymax detected_object.confidence = src.confidence detected_object.class_id = src.class_id = f'{}:{}' return detected_object def recieve_object_detection_result(self, object_detection_result): detected_objects = object_detection_result.detected_objects # Convert DetectedObject to norfair.Detection. # Set DetectedObject in data field of norfair.Detection. detections = [ Detection(self.get_center(obj), data=obj) for obj in detected_objects ] tracked_objects = self.tracker.update(detections=detections) objs = [ self.create_detected_object_with_id(obj) for obj in tracked_objects if obj.live_points ]
def video( input_file: Path = typer.Argument( ..., file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, ), output_file: Path = typer.Option( "./output/norfair-test.mp4", file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, ), max_distance: int = typer.Option(60), debug: bool = typer.Option(False), ): """ Runs vehicle detection on frames of a video. Outputs a directory of images ready for processing with the ``images`` command. XXX not actually ready yet, I'm currently testing `norfair` package which tracks detections through time so I can be smart about outputing only the largest and most clear frame of a vehicle rather than many similiar frames of the same vehicle. """ yolo_net, yolo_labels, yolo_colors, yolo_layers = load_yolo_net() video = Video(input_path=str(input_file), output_path=str(output_file)) tracker = Tracker( distance_function=euclidean_distance, distance_threshold=max_distance, ) for frame in video: detections = detect_objects(yolo_net, yolo_labels, yolo_layers, yolo_colors, frame) detections = list( filter(lambda d: d["label"] in VEHICLE_CLASSES, detections)) detections = [ Detection(get_centroid(box, frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]), data=box) for box in detections ] tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=detections) import pdb pdb.set_trace() norfair.draw_points(frame, detections) norfair.draw_tracked_objects(frame, tracked_objects) video.write(frame)
y2 = yolo_box[3] * img_height return np.array([(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2]) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Track human poses in a video.") parser.add_argument("files", type=str, nargs="+", help="Video files to process") args = parser.parse_args() model = YOLO("yolov4.pth") # set use_cuda=False if using CPU for input_path in args.files: video = Video(input_path=input_path) tracker = Tracker( distance_function=euclidean_distance, distance_threshold=max_distance_between_points, ) for frame in video: detections = model(frame) detections = [ Detection(get_centroid(box, frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]), data=box) for box in detections if box[-1] == 2 ] tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=detections) norfair.draw_points(frame, detections) norfair.draw_tracked_objects(frame, tracked_objects) video.write(frame)
nargs="+", help="Video files to process") args = parser.parse_args() for input_path in args.files: video = Video(input_path=input_path) tracker = Tracker( distance_function=keypoints_distance, distance_threshold=distance_threshold, detection_threshold=detection_threshold, pointwise_hit_counter_max=2, ) keypoint_dist_threshold = video.input_height / 25 for i, frame in enumerate(video): if i % frame_skip_period == 0: detected_poses = pose_detector(frame) detections = ([] if not detected_poses.any() else [ Detection(p, scores=s) for (p, s) in zip(detected_poses[:, :, :2], detected_poses[:, :, 2]) ]) tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=detections, period=frame_skip_period) norfair.draw_points(frame, detections) else: tracked_objects = tracker.update() norfair.draw_tracked_objects(frame, tracked_objects) video.write(frame)
tic = time.time() bbs = od.detect_get_box_in( frame, box_format="center_point", classes=od_target_classes, buffer_ratio=0.0, ) if args.time: toc = time.time() print('OD infer duration: {:0.3f}'.format(toc - tic)) # MOTracking norfair_dets = [ Detection(center_point) for center_point, score, pred_class_name in bbs ] tracks = tracker.update(detections=norfair_dets) if args.time: toc2 = time.time() print('norfair infer duration: {:0.5f}'.format(toc2 - toc)) show_frame = frame.copy() draw_tracked_objects(show_frame, tracks) # drawer.draw_status(show_frame, status=True) # if display and mouse_dict["click"]: # chosen_track = choose( # # mouse_dict["click"], det_thread_dict["tracks"] # mouse_dict["click"], tracks # ) # if chosen_track: # print(f"CHOSEN TRACK {chosen_track.track_id}") # mouse_dict["click"] = None
def export(self, export_dir: str = "runs/mot", type: str = "gt", use_tracker: bool = None, exist_ok=False): """ Args export_dir (str): Folder directory that will contain exported mot challenge formatted data. type (str): Type of the MOT challenge export. 'gt' for groundturth data export, 'det' for detection data export. use_tracker (bool): Determines whether to apply kalman based tracker over frame detections or not. Default is True for type='gt'. It is always False for type='det'. exist_ok (bool): If True overwrites given directory. """ assert type in ["gt", "det"], TypeError( f"'type' can be one of ['gt', 'det'], you provided: {type}") export_dir: str = str( increment_path(Path(export_dir), exist_ok=exist_ok)) if type == "gt": gt_dir = os.path.join(export_dir, if else "", "gt") mot_text_file: MotTextFile = MotTextFile(save_dir=gt_dir, save_name="gt") if not use_tracker: use_tracker = True elif type == "det": det_dir = os.path.join(export_dir, if else "", "det") mot_text_file: MotTextFile = MotTextFile(save_dir=det_dir, save_name="det") use_tracker = False tracker = Tracker( distance_function=self.tracker_kwargs.get("distance_function", euclidean_distance), distance_threshold=self.tracker_kwargs.get("distance_threshold", 50), hit_inertia_min=self.tracker_kwargs.get("hit_inertia_min", 1), hit_inertia_max=self.tracker_kwargs.get("hit_inertia_max", 1), initialization_delay=self.tracker_kwargs.get( "initialization_delay", 0), detection_threshold=self.tracker_kwargs.get( "detection_threshold", 0), point_transience=self.tracker_kwargs.get("point_transience", 4), filter_setup=self.tracker_kwargs.get("filter_setup", FilterSetup(R=0.2)), ) for mot_frame in self.frame_list: if use_tracker: norfair_detections: List[ Detection] = mot_frame.to_norfair_detections( track_points="bbox") tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=norfair_detections) else: tracked_objects = mot_frame.to_norfair_trackedobjects( track_points="bbox") mot_text_file.update(predictions=tracked_objects) if type == "gt": info_dir = os.path.join(export_dir, if else "") self._create_info_file(seq_length=mot_text_file.frame_number, export_dir=info_dir)
# %% # Identifying only a person boxes = detections['detection_boxes'][0].numpy() classes = detections['detection_classes'][0].numpy() classes_int = (classes + label_id_offset).astype(int) scores = detections['detection_scores'][0].numpy() boxes_valid = boxes[scores > 0.7] classes_int_valid = classes_int[scores > 0.7] scores_valid = scores[scores > 0.7] for box in boxes_valid: centroids_nor.append(get_centroid(box, H, W)) detections_nor = [Detection(point) for point in centroids_nor] tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=detections_nor, period=args["skip_frames"]) else: tracked_objects = tracker.update() draw_tracked_objects(image_np, tracked_objects, radius=10, id_size=2) for person in tracked_objects: # print( # print(person.estimate[0]) to = trackableObjects.get(, None) if to is None: to = TrackableObject(, person.estimate[0]) else:
def doTracking(data_dict, first_id): sortedKeys = natsorted(data_dict.keys()) tracker = Tracker(distance_function=euclidean_distance, distance_threshold=700, point_transience=1, hit_inertia_min=1, hit_inertia_max=75, init_delay=25) max_id = first_id first_frame = 0 last_frame = 0 if (len(sortedKeys) > 0): first_frame = int(sortedKeys[0].split('.')[0]) last_frame = int(sortedKeys[-1].split('.')[0]) for ii in range(first_frame, last_frame + 1): curr_key = '{0:05d}'.format(ii) + '.jpg' detections = [] if curr_key in sortedKeys: im_dict = data_dict[curr_key] cv2.imread(im_dict["full_im_path"]) people = im_dict['people'] np.zeros((len(people), 2)) for kk in range(len(people)): person = people[kk] if person['valid_sub_im']: center = np.array(person['head_pos']) detections.append(Detection(center)) tracked_objects = tracker.update(detections=detections) # draw_tracked_objects(img, tracked_objects) people = im_dict['people'] for kk in range(len(people)): person = people[kk] person['ID'] = -1 sz = max(len(people), len(tracked_objects)) all_dists = np.ones((sz, sz)) * math.inf for kk in range(len(people)): person = people[kk] c = np.array(person['head_pos']) if (person['valid_sub_im'] == True): for tt in range(len(tracked_objects)): tracked_object = tracked_objects[tt] ct = tracked_object.estimate distance = math.sqrt(((c[0] - ct[0][0])**2) + ((c[1] - ct[0][1])**2)) all_dists[kk, tt] = distance for kk in range(len(people)): min_overall = np.amin(all_dists) if (min_overall == math.inf or min_overall > 75): break min_idxs = np.where(all_dists == np.amin(all_dists)) try: min_person = int(min_idxs[0]) min_tracked_obj = int(min_idxs[1]) person = people[min_person] all_dists[:, min_tracked_obj] = math.inf all_dists[min_person, :] = math.inf tracked_object = tracked_objects[min_tracked_obj] person['ID'] = first_id + - 1 if max_id < person['ID']: max_id = person['ID'] except: print('No min dists? Skipping') else: tracker.update(detections=detections) return data_dict, max_id