def topicomment(request): if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST': # print request.POST.get('comment') text = request.POST.get('comment') topicid = request.POST.get('topicid') topic = Topic.objects.get(pk=topicid) # print request.POST.get('comment') # print request.POST.get('topicid') user = request.user # print user try: c = Comment(user=user, topic=topic, text=text) if topic.writer != user: notify.send(sender=user, target_object= None , recipient = topic.writer, verb='#' , text=text, target_article = None , target_products = None , target_topic = topic) cachekey = "user_unread_count" + str( if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: unread = Notification.objects.filter(recipient = topic.writer).filter(read = False).count() cache.set(cachekey, unread, settings.CACHE_EXPIRETIME) topic.updated = instancesave.delay(topic) cachekey = "topic_comment_" + str(topicid) if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: cache.set(cachekey, topic.comment_set.count(), settings.CACHE_EXPIRETIME) userlist = atwho(text = text, sender = user, targetcomment = None, targetproducts = None , targetarticle = None, targetopic = topic) for item in userlist: atwhouser = MyUser.objects.get(username = item) # test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' # text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' test1 = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test1); # c = Comment(user=user, topic=topic, text=text) # data = { "user": user.username, "text": text, "commentid": } # print data['commentid'] json_data = json.dumps(data) print 'data' return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type='application/json') except: traceback.print_exc() raise Http404(traceback) else: raise Http404
def productscommentcomment(request): if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST': print 'commentcomment' text = request.POST.get('comment') productsid = request.POST.get('productsid') #parenttext = request.POST.get('parenttext') preentid = request.POST.get('preentid') products = Products.objects.get(pk=productsid) #comment = Comment.objects.filter(products=products) targetcomment = Comment.objects.get(pk=preentid) user = request.user if targetcomment.user == user: pass; else: receiver = targetcomment.user.username text="@"+receiver+" "+text try: c = Comment(user=user, products=products, text=text, parent=targetcomment) #文章回复数量缓存 增加1 cachekey = "products_comment_" + str(productsid) if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: cache.set(cachekey, products.comment_set.count(), settings.CACHE_EXPIRETIME) #被评论的评论readers+1放到消息队列中 readersin.delay(targetcomment) #返回@用户的列表,并向@的用户发送消息 userlist = atwho(text = text, sender = user, targetcomment = targetcomment, targetarticle = None , targetproducts = products, targetopic = None ) #给被@的用户增加链接 for item in userlist: print 'for item in userlist:' atwhouser = MyUser.objects.get(username = item) test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); data = { "user": user.username, "text": text, "parentcommentext": c.parent.text, "parentcommentuser": str(c.parent.user), "commentid", } json_data = json.dumps(data) return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type='application/json') except: traceback.print_exc() raise Http404(traceback) else: raise Http404
def topcommentcomment(request): if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST': text = request.POST.get('comment') topicid = request.POST.get('topicid') #parenttext = request.POST.get('parenttext') preentid = request.POST.get('preentid') topic = Topic.objects.get(pk=topicid) comment = Comment.objects.filter(topic=topic) targetcomment = Comment.objects.get(pk=preentid) user = request.user print user try: c = Comment(user=user, topic=topic, text=text, parent=targetcomment) topic.updated = cachekey = "topic_comment_" + str(topicid) if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: cache.set(cachekey, topic.comment_set.count(), settings.CACHE_EXPIRETIME) targetcomment.readers = targetcomment.readers + 1 userlist = atwho(text = text, sender = user, targetcomment = targetcomment , targetarticle = None, targetopic = topic) for item in userlist: atwhouser = MyUser.objects.get(username = item) test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); # c = Comment(user=user, topic=topic, text=text, parent=targetcomment) # print 'z' data = { "user": user.username, "text": text, "parentcommentext": c.parent.text, "parentcommentuser": str(c.parent.user), "commentid", } json_data = json.dumps(data) return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type='application/json') except: traceback.print_exc() raise Http404(traceback) else: raise Http404
def articlecomment(request): if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST': text = request.POST.get('comment')#评论的内容 articleid = request.POST.get('articleid') article = Article.objects.get(pk=articleid) user = request.user try: c = Comment(user=user, article=article, text=text) #文章回复数量redis缓存 增加1 cachekey = "article_comment_" + str(articleid) if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: cache.set(cachekey, article.comment_set.count(), settings.CACHE_EXPIRETIME) #返回@用户的列表,并向@的用户发送消息 userlist = atwho(text = text, sender = user , targetcomment = None, targetarticle = article, targetproducts = None , targetopic = None) #给被@的用户增加链接 for item in userlist: print 'for item in userlist:' atwhouser = MyUser.objects.get(username = item) # test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' # text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); test = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' test1 = "@<a href='" +'/user/'+str('/informations/'+"'>"+atwhouser.username+"</a>"+' ' text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test); text = text.replace('@'+item+' ', test1); data = { "user": user.username, "text": text, "commentid": } json_data = json.dumps(data) return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type='application/json') except: traceback.print_exc() raise Http404(traceback) else: raise Http404
def newtopic(request): grouptitle = request.session.get('group', False) group = Group.objects.get(title = grouptitle) # group = False if request.method == 'POST': form = TopicForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): content = form.cleaned_data['content'] title = form.cleaned_data['title'] new_topic = Topic() new_topic.content = content new_topic.title = title new_topic.writer = request.user = group group.topicount += 1 cachekey = "group_topic_count_" + str( if cache.get(cachekey) != None: cache.incr(cachekey) else: group = Group.objects.get( cache.set(cachekey, group.topicount) userlist = atwho(text = content, sender = request.user, targetcomment = None, targetproducts = None , targetarticle = None, targetopic = new_topic) return redirect(request.session['lastpage']) else: messages.error(request, '您输入的话题内容有误,请改正!') return redirect("newtopic") else: print request.user context = { 'myform': TopicForm, 'group': group, } return render(request, 'newtopic.html', context)