Пример #1
    def _parse_node_properties(self, node):
        """Helper method to parse the node's properties."""
        properties = {}

        for prop in ("cpus", "memory_mb", "local_gb"):
                properties[prop] = int(node.properties.get(prop, 0))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    _LW('Node %(uuid)s has a malformed "%(prop)s". ' "It should be an integer."),
                    {"uuid": node.uuid, "prop": prop},
                properties[prop] = 0

        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get("cpu_arch", None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warning(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        properties["cpu_arch"] = cpu_arch
        properties["raw_cpu_arch"] = raw_cpu_arch
        properties["capabilities"] = node.properties.get("capabilities")
        return properties
Пример #2
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
         value = arch.canonicalize(value)
     except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
         msg = _("Architecture name '%s' is not valid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Architecture, self).coerce(obj, attr, value)
Пример #3
    def _parse_node_properties(self, node):
        """Helper method to parse the node's properties."""
        properties = {}

        for prop in ('cpus', 'memory_mb', 'local_gb'):
                properties[prop] = int(node.properties.get(prop, 0))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    _LW('Node %(uuid)s has a malformed "%(prop)s". '
                        'It should be an integer.'), {
                            'uuid': node.uuid,
                            'prop': prop
                properties[prop] = 0

        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get('cpu_arch', None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warning(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        properties['cpu_arch'] = cpu_arch
        properties['raw_cpu_arch'] = raw_cpu_arch
        properties['capabilities'] = node.properties.get('capabilities')
        return properties
Пример #4
 def coerce(self, obj, attr, value):
         value = arch.canonicalize(value)
     except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
         msg = _("Architecture name '%s' is not valid") % value
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return super(Architecture, self).coerce(obj, attr, value)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, virtapi, read_only=False):
        super(BareMetalDriver, self).__init__(virtapi)

        self.driver = importutils.import_object(
                CONF.baremetal.driver, virtapi)
        self.vif_driver = importutils.import_object(
        self.firewall_driver = firewall.load_driver(
        self.volume_driver = importutils.import_object(
                CONF.baremetal.volume_driver, virtapi)
        self.image_cache_manager = imagecache.ImageCacheManager()

        extra_specs = {}
        extra_specs["baremetal_driver"] = CONF.baremetal.driver
        for pair in CONF.baremetal.flavor_extra_specs:
            keyval = pair.split(':', 1)
            keyval[0] = keyval[0].strip()
            keyval[1] = keyval[1].strip()
            extra_specs[keyval[0]] = keyval[1]

        self.extra_specs = extra_specs

        if 'cpu_arch' not in extra_specs:
                _('cpu_arch is not found in flavor_extra_specs'))
            self.supported_instances = []
            self.supported_instances = [(
            ), ]
Пример #6
    def _parse_node_properties(self, node):
        """Helper method to parse the node's properties."""
        properties = {}

        for prop in ('cpus', 'memory_mb', 'local_gb'):
                properties[prop] = int(node.properties.get(prop, 0))
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                LOG.warning(_LW('Node %(uuid)s has a malformed "%(prop)s". '
                                'It should be an integer.'),
                            {'uuid': node.uuid, 'prop': prop})
                properties[prop] = 0

        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get('cpu_arch', None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warning(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        properties['cpu_arch'] = cpu_arch
        properties['raw_cpu_arch'] = raw_cpu_arch
        properties['capabilities'] = node.properties.get('capabilities')
        return properties
Пример #7
    def _instance_supported(self, host_state, image_props,
        img_arch = image_props.get('hw_architecture')
        img_h_type = image_props.get('img_hv_type')
        if not img_h_type:
            img_h_type = 'qemu'
        img_vm_mode = image_props.get('hw_vm_mode')
        checked_img_props = (

        # Supported if no compute-related instance properties are specified
        if not any(checked_img_props):
            return True

        supp_instances = host_state.supported_instances
        # Not supported if an instance property is requested but nothing
        # advertised by the host.
        if not supp_instances:
            LOG.debug("Instance contains properties %(image_props)s, "
                        "but no corresponding supported_instances are "
                        "advertised by the compute node",
                      {'image_props': image_props})
            return False

        def _compare_props(props, other_props):
            for i in props:
                if i and i not in other_props:
                    return False
            return True

        def _compare_product_version(hyper_version, image_props):
            version_required = image_props.get('img_hv_requested_version')
            if not(hypervisor_version and version_required):
                return True
            img_prop_predicate = versionpredicate.VersionPredicate(
                'image_prop (%s)' % version_required)
            hyper_ver_str = versionutils.convert_version_to_str(hyper_version)
            return img_prop_predicate.satisfied_by(hyper_ver_str)

        for supp_inst in supp_instances:
            if _compare_props(checked_img_props, supp_inst):
                if _compare_product_version(hypervisor_version, image_props):
                    return True

        LOG.debug("Instance contains properties %(image_props)s "
                    "that are not provided by the compute node "
                    "supported_instances %(supp_instances)s or "
                    "hypervisor version %(hypervisor_version)s do not match",
                  {'image_props': image_props,
                   'supp_instances': supp_instances,
                   'hypervisor_version': hypervisor_version})
        return False
Пример #8
    def _instance_supported(self, host_state, image_props,
        img_arch = image_props.get('hw_architecture')
        img_h_type = image_props.get('img_hv_type')
        img_vm_mode = image_props.get('hw_vm_mode')
        checked_img_props = (

        # Supported if no compute-related instance properties are specified
        if not any(checked_img_props):
            return True

        supp_instances = host_state.supported_instances
        # Not supported if an instance property is requested but nothing
        # advertised by the host.
        if not supp_instances:
            LOG.debug("Instance contains properties %(image_props)s, "
                        "but no corresponding supported_instances are "
                        "advertised by the compute node",
                      {'image_props': image_props})
            return False

        def _compare_props(props, other_props):
            for i in props:
                if i and i not in other_props:
                    return False
            return True

        def _compare_product_version(hyper_version, image_props):
            version_required = image_props.get('img_hv_requested_version')
            if not(hypervisor_version and version_required):
                return True
            img_prop_predicate = versionpredicate.VersionPredicate(
                'image_prop ({0!s})'.format(version_required))
            hyper_ver_str = versionutils.convert_version_to_str(hyper_version)
            return img_prop_predicate.satisfied_by(hyper_ver_str)

        for supp_inst in supp_instances:
            if _compare_props(checked_img_props, supp_inst):
                if _compare_product_version(hypervisor_version, image_props):
                    return True

        LOG.debug("Instance contains properties %(image_props)s "
                    "that are not provided by the compute node "
                    "supported_instances %(supp_instances)s or "
                    "hypervisor version %(hypervisor_version)s do not match",
                  {'image_props': image_props,
                   'supp_instances': supp_instances,
                   'hypervisor_version': hypervisor_version})
        return False
Пример #9
def get_arch(image_meta):
    """Determine the architecture of the guest (or host).

    This method determines the CPU architecture that must be supported by
    the hypervisor. It gets the (guest) arch info from image_meta properties,
    and it will fallback to the nova-compute (host) arch if no architecture
    info is provided in image_meta.

    :param image_meta: the metadata associated with the instance image

    :returns: guest (or host) architecture
    if image_meta:
        image_arch = image_meta.get('properties', {}).get('architecture')
        if image_arch is not None:
            return arch.canonicalize(image_arch)

    return arch.from_host()
Пример #10
def get_arch(image_meta):
    """Determine the architecture of the guest (or host).

    This method determines the CPU architecture that must be supported by
    the hypervisor. It gets the (guest) arch info from image_meta properties,
    and it will fallback to the nova-compute (host) arch if no architecture
    info is provided in image_meta.

    :param image_meta: the metadata associated with the instance image

    :returns: guest (or host) architecture
    if image_meta:
        image_arch = image_meta.get('properties', {}).get('architecture')
        if image_arch is not None:
            return arch.canonicalize(image_arch)

    return arch.from_host()
Пример #11
def to_supported_instances(host_capabilities):
    if not host_capabilities:
        return []

    result = []
    for capability in host_capabilities:
            # 'capability'is unicode but we want arch/ostype
            # to be strings to match the standard constants
            capability = str(capability)

            ostype, _version, guestarch = capability.split("-")

            guestarch = arch.canonicalize(guestarch)

            result.append((guestarch, 'xapi', ostype))
        except ValueError:
                _("Failed to extract instance support from %s"), capability)

    return result
Пример #12
def to_supported_instances(host_capabilities):
    if not host_capabilities:
        return []

    result = []
    for capability in host_capabilities:
            # 'capability'is unicode but we want arch/ostype
            # to be strings to match the standard constants
            capability = str(capability)

            ostype, _version, guestarch = capability.split("-")

            guestarch = arch.canonicalize(guestarch)

            result.append((guestarch, hvtype.XEN, ostype))
        except ValueError:
            LOG.warning(_("Failed to extract instance support from %s"),

    return result
Пример #13
 def test_canonicalize_compat_xen2(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.I686, arch.canonicalize("x86_32p"))
Пример #14
 def test_canonicalize_i386(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.I686, arch.canonicalize("i386"))
Пример #15
 def test_canonicalize_compat_xen2(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.I686, arch.canonicalize("x86_32p"))
Пример #16
    def _node_resource(self, node):
        """Helper method to create resource dict from node stats."""
        vcpus = int(node.properties.get('cpus', 0))
        memory_mb = int(node.properties.get('memory_mb', 0))
        local_gb = int(node.properties.get('local_gb', 0))
        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get('cpu_arch', None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warn(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        nodes_extra_specs = {}

        # NOTE(deva): In Havana and Icehouse, the flavor was required to link
        # to an arch-specific deploy kernel and ramdisk pair, and so the flavor
        # also had to have extra_specs['cpu_arch'], which was matched against
        # the ironic node.properties['cpu_arch'].
        # With Juno, the deploy image(s) may be referenced directly by the
        # node.driver_info, and a flavor no longer needs to contain any of
        # these three extra specs, though the cpu_arch may still be used
        # in a heterogeneous environment, if so desired.
        # NOTE(dprince): we use the raw cpu_arch here because extra_specs
        # filters aren't canonicalized
        nodes_extra_specs['cpu_arch'] = raw_cpu_arch

        # NOTE(gilliard): To assist with more precise scheduling, if the
        # node.properties contains a key 'capabilities', we expect the value
        # to be of the form "k1:v1,k2:v2,etc.." which we add directly as
        # key/value pairs into the node_extra_specs to be used by the
        # ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        capabilities = node.properties.get('capabilities')
        if capabilities:
            for capability in str(capabilities).split(','):
                parts = capability.split(':')
                if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] and parts[1]:
                    nodes_extra_specs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                        _LW("Ignoring malformed capability '%s'. "
                            "Format should be 'key:val'."), capability)

        vcpus_used = 0
        memory_mb_used = 0
        local_gb_used = 0

        if node.instance_uuid:
            # Node has an instance, report all resource as unavailable
            vcpus_used = vcpus
            memory_mb_used = memory_mb
            local_gb_used = local_gb
        elif self._node_resources_unavailable(node):
            # The node's current state is such that it should not present any
            # of its resources to Nova
            vcpus = 0
            memory_mb = 0
            local_gb = 0

        dic = {
            'baremetal cpu',
            local_gb - local_gb_used,
            memory_mb - memory_mb_used,
        return dic
Пример #17
    def _node_resource(self, node):
        """Helper method to create resource dict from node stats."""
        vcpus = int(node.properties.get('cpus', 0))
        memory_mb = int(node.properties.get('memory_mb', 0))
        local_gb = int(node.properties.get('local_gb', 0))
        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get('cpu_arch', None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warning(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        nodes_extra_specs = {}

        # NOTE(deva): In Havana and Icehouse, the flavor was required to link
        # to an arch-specific deploy kernel and ramdisk pair, and so the flavor
        # also had to have extra_specs['cpu_arch'], which was matched against
        # the ironic node.properties['cpu_arch'].
        # With Juno, the deploy image(s) may be referenced directly by the
        # node.driver_info, and a flavor no longer needs to contain any of
        # these three extra specs, though the cpu_arch may still be used
        # in a heterogeneous environment, if so desired.
        # NOTE(dprince): we use the raw cpu_arch here because extra_specs
        # filters aren't canonicalized
        nodes_extra_specs['cpu_arch'] = raw_cpu_arch

        # NOTE(gilliard): To assist with more precise scheduling, if the
        # node.properties contains a key 'capabilities', we expect the value
        # to be of the form "k1:v1,k2:v2,etc.." which we add directly as
        # key/value pairs into the node_extra_specs to be used by the
        # ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        capabilities = node.properties.get('capabilities')
        if capabilities:
            for capability in str(capabilities).split(','):
                parts = capability.split(':')
                if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] and parts[1]:
                    nodes_extra_specs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                    LOG.warning(_LW("Ignoring malformed capability '%s'. "
                                    "Format should be 'key:val'."), capability)

        vcpus_used = 0
        memory_mb_used = 0
        local_gb_used = 0

        if node.instance_uuid:
            # Node has an instance, report all resource as unavailable
            vcpus_used = vcpus
            memory_mb_used = memory_mb
            local_gb_used = local_gb
        elif self._node_resources_unavailable(node):
            # The node's current state is such that it should not present any
            # of its resources to Nova
            vcpus = 0
            memory_mb = 0
            local_gb = 0

        def _get_total_network_bandwidth ():
            ethersOut = os.popen('ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*');
            ethers = ethersOut.readlines();
            totalSpeed = 0;

            for ether in ethers:
                cmd = 'cat ' + ether[:-1] + '/speed';
                speed = os.popen(cmd);
                speedInMB = int (speed.read());
                totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speedInMB;


            return totalSpeed;

        total_bandwidth = _get_total_network_bandwidth ();
        bandwidth_used = 0;

        dic = {
            'node': str(node.uuid),
            'hypervisor_hostname': str(node.uuid),
            'hypervisor_type': self._get_hypervisor_type(),
            'hypervisor_version': self._get_hypervisor_version(),
            'cpu_info': 'baremetal cpu',
            'vcpus': vcpus,
            'vcpus_used': vcpus_used,
            'local_gb': local_gb,
            'local_gb_used': local_gb_used,
            'disk_total': local_gb,
            'disk_used': local_gb_used,
            'disk_available': local_gb - local_gb_used,
            'memory_mb': memory_mb,
            'memory_mb_used': memory_mb_used,
            'host_memory_total': memory_mb,
            'host_memory_free': memory_mb - memory_mb_used,
            'supported_instances': jsonutils.dumps(
            'stats': jsonutils.dumps(nodes_extra_specs),
            'host': CONF.host,
            'total_bandwidth': total_bandwidth,
            'bandwidth_used': bandwidth_used
        return dic
Пример #18
    def _node_resource(self, node):
        """Helper method to create resource dict from node stats."""
        vcpus = int(node.properties.get("cpus", 0))
        memory_mb = int(node.properties.get("memory_mb", 0))
        local_gb = int(node.properties.get("local_gb", 0))
        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get("cpu_arch", None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warn(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        nodes_extra_specs = {}

        # NOTE(deva): In Havana and Icehouse, the flavor was required to link
        # to an arch-specific deploy kernel and ramdisk pair, and so the flavor
        # also had to have extra_specs['cpu_arch'], which was matched against
        # the ironic node.properties['cpu_arch'].
        # With Juno, the deploy image(s) may be referenced directly by the
        # node.driver_info, and a flavor no longer needs to contain any of
        # these three extra specs, though the cpu_arch may still be used
        # in a heterogeneous environment, if so desired.
        # NOTE(dprince): we use the raw cpu_arch here because extra_specs
        # filters aren't canonicalized
        nodes_extra_specs["cpu_arch"] = raw_cpu_arch

        # NOTE(gilliard): To assist with more precise scheduling, if the
        # node.properties contains a key 'capabilities', we expect the value
        # to be of the form "k1:v1,k2:v2,etc.." which we add directly as
        # key/value pairs into the node_extra_specs to be used by the
        # ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        capabilities = node.properties.get("capabilities")
        if capabilities:
            for capability in str(capabilities).split(","):
                parts = capability.split(":")
                if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] and parts[1]:
                    nodes_extra_specs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                    LOG.warn(_LW("Ignoring malformed capability '%s'. " "Format should be 'key:val'."), capability)

        vcpus_used = 0
        memory_mb_used = 0
        local_gb_used = 0

        if node.instance_uuid:
            # Node has an instance, report all resource as unavailable
            vcpus_used = vcpus
            memory_mb_used = memory_mb
            local_gb_used = local_gb
        elif self._node_resources_unavailable(node):
            # The node's current state is such that it should not present any
            # of its resources to Nova
            vcpus = 0
            memory_mb = 0
            local_gb = 0

        dic = {
            "node": str(node.uuid),
            "hypervisor_hostname": str(node.uuid),
            "hypervisor_type": self._get_hypervisor_type(),
            "hypervisor_version": self._get_hypervisor_version(),
            "cpu_info": "baremetal cpu",
            "vcpus": vcpus,
            "vcpus_used": vcpus_used,
            "local_gb": local_gb,
            "local_gb_used": local_gb_used,
            "disk_total": local_gb,
            "disk_used": local_gb_used,
            "disk_available": local_gb - local_gb_used,
            "memory_mb": memory_mb,
            "memory_mb_used": memory_mb_used,
            "host_memory_total": memory_mb,
            "host_memory_free": memory_mb - memory_mb_used,
            "supported_instances": jsonutils.dumps(_get_nodes_supported_instances(cpu_arch)),
            "stats": jsonutils.dumps(nodes_extra_specs),
            "host": CONF.host,
        return dic
Пример #19
 def test_canonicalize_case(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.X86_64, arch.canonicalize("X86_64"))
Пример #20
 def test_canonicalize_case(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.X86_64, arch.canonicalize("X86_64"))
Пример #21
 def test_canonicalize_i386(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.I686, arch.canonicalize("i386"))
Пример #22
    def _node_resource(self, node):
        """Helper method to create resource dict from node stats."""
        vcpus = int(node.properties.get('cpus', 0))
        memory_mb = int(node.properties.get('memory_mb', 0))
        local_gb = int(node.properties.get('local_gb', 0))
        raw_cpu_arch = node.properties.get('cpu_arch', None)
            cpu_arch = arch.canonicalize(raw_cpu_arch)
        except exception.InvalidArchitectureName:
            cpu_arch = None
        if not cpu_arch:
            LOG.warning(_LW("cpu_arch not defined for node '%s'"), node.uuid)

        nodes_extra_specs = {}

        # NOTE(deva): In Havana and Icehouse, the flavor was required to link
        # to an arch-specific deploy kernel and ramdisk pair, and so the flavor
        # also had to have extra_specs['cpu_arch'], which was matched against
        # the ironic node.properties['cpu_arch'].
        # With Juno, the deploy image(s) may be referenced directly by the
        # node.driver_info, and a flavor no longer needs to contain any of
        # these three extra specs, though the cpu_arch may still be used
        # in a heterogeneous environment, if so desired.
        # NOTE(dprince): we use the raw cpu_arch here because extra_specs
        # filters aren't canonicalized
        nodes_extra_specs['cpu_arch'] = raw_cpu_arch

        # NOTE(gilliard): To assist with more precise scheduling, if the
        # node.properties contains a key 'capabilities', we expect the value
        # to be of the form "k1:v1,k2:v2,etc.." which we add directly as
        # key/value pairs into the node_extra_specs to be used by the
        # ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
        capabilities = node.properties.get('capabilities')
        if capabilities:
            for capability in str(capabilities).split(','):
                parts = capability.split(':')
                if len(parts) == 2 and parts[0] and parts[1]:
                    nodes_extra_specs[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                    LOG.warning(_LW("Ignoring malformed capability '%s'. "
                                    "Format should be 'key:val'."), capability)

        vcpus_used = 0
        memory_mb_used = 0
        local_gb_used = 0

        if self._node_resources_used(node):
            # Node is in the process of deploying, is deployed, or is in
            # the process of cleaning up from a deploy. Report all of its
            # resources as in use.
            vcpus_used = vcpus
            memory_mb_used = memory_mb
            local_gb_used = local_gb
        elif self._node_resources_unavailable(node):
            # The node's current state is such that it should not present any
            # of its resources to Nova
            vcpus = 0
            memory_mb = 0
            local_gb = 0

        dic = {
            'hypervisor_hostname': str(node.uuid),
            'hypervisor_type': self._get_hypervisor_type(),
            'hypervisor_version': self._get_hypervisor_version(),
            # The Ironic driver manages multiple hosts, so there are
            # likely many different CPU models in use. As such it is
            # impossible to provide any meaningful info on the CPU
            # model of the "host"
            'cpu_info': None,
            'vcpus': vcpus,
            'vcpus_used': vcpus_used,
            'local_gb': local_gb,
            'local_gb_used': local_gb_used,
            'disk_available_least': local_gb - local_gb_used,
            'memory_mb': memory_mb,
            'memory_mb_used': memory_mb_used,
            'supported_instances': jsonutils.dumps(
            'stats': jsonutils.dumps(nodes_extra_specs),
        return dic
Пример #23
 def test_canonicalize_amd64(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.X86_64, arch.canonicalize("amd64"))
Пример #24
 def test_canonicalize_amd64(self):
     self.assertEqual(arch.X86_64, arch.canonicalize("amd64"))