Пример #1
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    # NOTE(sirp): The config option import must go here to avoid an import
    # cycle
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)

        cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
        if format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        out, err = utils.execute(*cmd)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        msg = (_("qemu-img failed to execute on %(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'exp': exp
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'error': err
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #2
    def _check_and_update_bdm(self, slot_map, vm_gen, bdm):
        disk_bus = bdm.get('disk_bus')
        if not disk_bus:
            bdm['disk_bus'] = self._DEFAULT_BUS
        elif disk_bus not in self._VALID_BUS[vm_gen]:
            msg = _("Hyper-V does not support bus type %(disk_bus)s "
                    "for generation %(vm_gen)s instances.") % {
                        'disk_bus': disk_bus,
                        'vm_gen': vm_gen
            raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

        device_type = bdm.get('device_type')
        if not device_type:
            bdm['device_type'] = 'disk'
        elif device_type != 'disk':
            msg = _("Hyper-V does not support disk type %s for ephemerals "
                    "or volumes.") % device_type
            raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

         bdm['ctrl_disk_addr']) = self._get_available_controller_slot(
             bdm['disk_bus'], slot_map)

        # make sure that boot_index is set.
        bdm['boot_index'] = bdm.get('boot_index')
Пример #3
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)

        # The following check is about ploop images that reside within
        # directories and always have DiskDescriptor.xml file beside them
        if (os.path.isdir(path) and
            os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "DiskDescriptor.xml"))):
            path = os.path.join(path, "root.hds")

        cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
        if format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        out, err = utils.execute(*cmd, prlimit=QEMU_IMG_LIMITS)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        # this means we hit prlimits, make the exception more specific
        if exp.exit_code == -9:
            msg = (_("qemu-img aborted by prlimits when inspecting "
                    "%(path)s : %(exp)s") % {'path': path, 'exp': exp})
            msg = (_("qemu-img failed to execute on %(path)s : %(exp)s") %
                   {'path': path, 'exp': exp})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") %
               {'path': path, 'error': err})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    # NOTE(sirp): The config option import must go here to avoid an import
    # cycle
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        msg = (_("Path does not exist %(path)s") % {'path': path})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
    if format is not None:
        cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
    # PF9: run as root to capture situations where the existing VM disks are not readable by
    # nova/pf9 users
    out, err = utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=True)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'error': err
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #5
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)

        # The following check is about ploop images that reside within
        # directories and always have DiskDescriptor.xml file beside them
        if (os.path.isdir(path)
                and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "DiskDescriptor.xml"))):
            path = os.path.join(path, "root.hds")

        cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
        if format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        # Check to see if the qemu version is >= 2.10 because if so, we need
        # to add the --force-share flag.
            cmd = cmd + ('--force-share', )
        out, err = processutils.execute(*cmd, prlimit=QEMU_IMG_LIMITS)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        if exp.exit_code == -9:
            # this means we hit prlimits, make the exception more specific
            msg = (_("qemu-img aborted by prlimits when inspecting "
                     "%(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
                         'path': path,
                         'exp': exp
        elif exp.exit_code == 1 and 'No such file or directory' in exp.stderr:
            # The os.path.exists check above can race so this is a simple
            # best effort at catching that type of failure and raising a more
            # specific error.
            raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)
            msg = (_("qemu-img failed to execute on %(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
                'path': path,
                'exp': exp
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'error': err
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #6
def unprivileged_qemu_img_info(path, format=None, output_format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
        # The following check is about ploop images that reside within
        # directories and always have DiskDescriptor.xml file beside them
        if (os.path.isdir(path)
                and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "DiskDescriptor.xml"))):
            path = os.path.join(path, "root.hds")

        cmd = (
        if format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        if output_format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ("--output=%s" % (output_format), )
        out, err = processutils.execute(*cmd, prlimit=QEMU_IMG_LIMITS)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        if exp.exit_code == -9:
            # this means we hit prlimits, make the exception more specific
            msg = (_("qemu-img aborted by prlimits when inspecting "
                     "%(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
                         'path': path,
                         'exp': exp
        elif exp.exit_code == 1 and 'No such file or directory' in exp.stderr:
            # The os.path.exists check above can race so this is a simple
            # best effort at catching that type of failure and raising a more
            # specific error.
            raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)
            msg = (_("qemu-img failed to execute on %(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
                'path': path,
                'exp': exp
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'error': err
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)
    return out
Пример #7
def qemu_img_info(path):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # flag.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        msg = (_("Path does not exist %(path)s") % {'path': path})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    out, err = utils.execute('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C',
                             'qemu-img', 'info', path)
    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") %
               {'path': path, 'error': err})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #8
def qemu_img_info(path):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        msg = (_("Path does not exist %(path)s") % {'path': path})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    out, err = utils.execute('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C',
                             'qemu-img', 'info', path)
    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") %
               {'path': path, 'error': err})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #9
    def create_hd(cls, filename, size=None,
                  variant=constants.VARIANT_STANDARD, parent=None):
        """Creates a new virtual hard disk image.

        :param filename:    the file name for the hard disk image
        :param size:        the image capacity, in MiB units
        :param disk_format: file format for the output file
                            (default: DISK_FORMAT_VDI)
        :param variant:     file format variant for the output file
                            (default: VARIANT_STANDARD)
        :param parent:
        :return:            UUID for the disk image created

        if disk_format not in constants.ALL_DISK_FORMATS:
            raise exception.InvalidDiskFormat(disk_format=disk_format)

        if variant not in constants.ALL_VARIANTS:
            raise vbox_exc.VBoxValueNotAllowed(
                argument="variant", value=variant, method=cls.CREATE_HD,

        if size and size < 1:
            raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(
                reason="Disk size should be bigger than 0.")

        command = [cls.CREATE_HD,
                   "--filename", filename,
                   "--format", disk_format,
                   "--variant", variant]
        if size:
            command.extend(["--size", size])

        if parent:
            command.extend(["--diffparent", parent])

        output, error = cls._execute(*command)

        if error and constants.DONE not in error:
            if constants.VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR in error:
                raise exception.DestinationDiskExists(path=filename)
            raise vbox_exc.VBoxManageError(method=cls.CREATE_HD, reason=error)

        # The ouput should look like:
        # Disk image created. UUID: 6917a94b-ecb0-4996-8ab8-5e4ef8f9539a
        for line in output.splitlines():
            if "UUID:" not in line:
            hd_uuid = line.split("UUID:")[1].strip()
            # TODO(alexandrucoman): Fail to get UUID (Something went wrong)

        return hd_uuid
Пример #10
 def _dict_from_line(line):
     if not line:
         return {}
         return jsonutils.loads(line)
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
         msg = (_("Could not load line %(line)s, got error "
                 "%(error)s") %
                 {'line': line, 'error': e})
         raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)
Пример #11
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    # NOTE(sirp): The config option import must go here to avoid an import
    # cycle
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        msg = (_("Path does not exist %(path)s") % {'path': path})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
    if format is not None:
        cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        if QEMU_IMG_LIMITS is not None:
            out, err = utils.execute(*cmd, prlimit=QEMU_IMG_LIMITS)
            out, err = utils.execute(*cmd)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        if exp.exit_code == -9:
            # this means we hit prlimits, make the exception more specific
            msg = (_("qemu-img aborted by prlimits when inspecting "
                     "%(path)s : %(exp)s") % {
                         'path': path,
                         'exp': exp
        elif exp.exit_code == 1 and 'No such file or directory' in exp.stderr:
            # The os.path.exists check above can race so this is a simple
            # best effort at catching that type of failure and raising a more
            # specific error.
            raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") % {
            'path': path,
            'error': err
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #12
def qemu_img_info(path):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    # NOTE(sirp): The config option import must go here to avoid an import
    # cycle
    CONF.import_opt('images_type', 'nova.virt.libvirt.imagebackend',
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        msg = (_("Path does not exist %(path)s") % {'path': path})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    out, err = utils.execute('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C',
                             'qemu-img', 'info', path)
    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") %
               {'path': path, 'error': err})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)
Пример #13
 def write_to_disk_info_file():
     # Use os.open to create it without group or world write permission.
     fd = os.open(self.disk_info_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0o644)
     with os.fdopen(fd, "r+") as disk_info_file:
         line = disk_info_file.read().rstrip()
         dct = _dict_from_line(line)
         if self.path in dct:
             msg = _("Attempted overwrite of an existing value.")
             raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)
         dct.update({self.path: driver_format})
         disk_info_file.write('%s\n' % jsonutils.dumps(dct))
Пример #14
def qemu_img_info(path, format=None):
    """Return an object containing the parsed output from qemu-img info."""
    # TODO(mikal): this code should not be referring to a libvirt specific
    # flag.
    if not os.path.exists(path) and CONF.libvirt.images_type != 'rbd':
        raise exception.DiskNotFound(location=path)

        cmd = ('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'LANG=C', 'qemu-img', 'info', path)
        if format is not None:
            cmd = cmd + ('-f', format)
        out, err = utils.execute(*cmd, prlimit=QEMU_IMG_LIMITS)
    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exp:
        msg = (_("qemu-img failed to execute on %(path)s : %(exp)s") %
                {'path': path, 'exp': exp})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    if not out:
        msg = (_("Failed to run qemu-img info on %(path)s : %(error)s") %
               {'path': path, 'error': err})
        raise exception.InvalidDiskInfo(reason=msg)

    return imageutils.QemuImgInfo(out)