Пример #1
def ecg_preprocess(sig):
    sig_sm1 = smooth(sig, window_len=20)
    sig_sm = smooth(sig_sm1, window_len=500)
    sig_sm = sig_sm1 - sig_sm
    sig_n = notchFilter(sig_sm, 60, 250, Q=5)
    sig_m = (sig_n - np.mean(sig_n)) / np.max(sig_n)

    return sig_m
def spectral_distance_corrected(signal, fs):
    """Computes the signal spectral distance.

	Distance of the signal's cumulative sum of the FFT elements to
	the respective linear regression.

	signal : nd-array
		Signal from which spectral distance is computed
	fs : int
		Sampling frequency

		spectral distance


    f, fmag = calc_fftmulti(signal, fs)

    cum_fmag = np.cumsum(fmag, axis=1)

    # Computing the linear regression
    points_y = np.array([
        np.linspace(0, cum_fmag_i[-1],
                    np.shape(cum_fmag)[1]) for cum_fmag_i in cum_fmag

    return smooth(np.sum(points_y - cum_fmag, axis=1),
                  window_len=len(signal[0] / 10))
Пример #3
def make_noise_signals(full_paths, max_target_SNR=16, signal_dim=64):
    target_SNR_array = np.arange(max_target_SNR, max_target_SNR - 10, -1)
    N_SIGNALS, N_NOISE, N_SAMPLES = len(full_paths), len(target_SNR_array), 0
    processed_noise_array = np.zeros(
        (N_NOISE, N_SIGNALS, len(sio.loadmat(full_paths[0])['val'][0])))
    SNR = np.zeros(N_NOISE)
    SNRs = np.zeros(N_SIGNALS)
    for i, file_path in zip(range(len(full_paths)), full_paths):
        print("Processing " + file_path)
        signal = sio.loadmat(file_path)['val'][0]
        signal = remove_moving_std(
            remove_moving_avg((signal - np.mean(signal)) / np.std(signal)))
        smoothed_signal = smooth(signal)

        SNR = int(calculate_signal_to_noise_ratio(signal, smoothed_signal))
        SNRs[i] = SNR
        # last_std = 0.0001
        # j = 0
        # for target_SNR in target_SNR_array:
        #     signal_with_noise, last_std = make_noise_vectors(signal, smoothed_signal, target_SNR, last_std=last_std)
        #     processed_noise_array[j, i, :] = process_dnn_signal(signal_with_noise, signal_dim, confidence=0.005)[:np.shape(processed_noise_array)[2]]
        #     j += 1
    return processed_noise_array, target_SNR_array
Пример #4
def process_and_save_signals_2(filenames,
    if indexes2process is None:
        indexes2process = np.arange(len(filenames))

    all_indexes = np.arange(len(filenames))
    for x, filename, core_name in \
            zip(all_indexes[indexes2process], np.array(filenames)[indexes2process], core_names[indexes2process]):
        # try:
        print("Loading signal {0}...".format(x))
        if x < Ns[0]:
            fs = 360
            fs = 128
        original_signal = sio.loadmat(filename)['val'][0][3000:3000 +
                                                          3600 * fs]

        signal = smooth(original_signal, 10)
        signal = signal - smooth(signal, fs * 2)

        time = len(original_signal) / fs
        N = len(original_signal)
        iter_ = scp.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(0, time, 1 / fs), signal)
        t = np.arange(0, time - 1 / 250, 1 / 250)
        signal = iter_(t)

        # moving_maximum = np.array(moving_max(signal, int(360 * 1.2)))
        # moving_maximum = smooth(moving_maximum, int(360))
        # signal = signal / moving_maximum
        fs = 250
        # for i in range(10):
        # signal -= np.array(moving_min(signal, int(fs * 8)))
        moving_maximum = np.array(moving_max(signal, int((3 / 2) * fs)))
        moving_minimum = np.array(moving_min(signal, int((3 / 2) * fs)))
        moving_maximum = smooth(moving_maximum - moving_minimum,
                                int(fs * (3 / 2)))
        signal = signal / moving_maximum
        # signal -= np.array(moving_min(signal, int(fs*8)))

        signal = process_dnn_signal(signal, 256, confidence=0.01)

        new_path = '../data/processed/MIT/{0}[256].npz'.format(core_name)
        np.savez(new_path, signal=signal, core_name=core_name)
Пример #5
def process_and_save_fantasia(plot=False, signal_dim=64):
    insert noise into fantasia dataset
    :param plot: 
    :param signal_dim: 

    signals_without_noise = []
    signals_noise = []
    SNR = []
    full_paths = get_fantasia_full_paths(db.fantasia_ecgs[0].directory, list(range(1,21)))
    for file_path in full_paths:
        # try:
        print("Pre-processing signal - " + file_path)
        signal = sio.loadmat(file_path)['val'][0][:1256]
        # plt.plot(signal)
        processed = process_dnn_signal(signal, signal_dim)
        if plot:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            major_ticks = np.arange(0, 64)
            plt.ylim([0, 15])
            plt.xlim([0, 140])
            ax.grid(True, which='both')
            # ax.grid(which="minor", color='k')
            ax.set_ylabel('Class - k')
            ax.set_xlabel('Sample - n')
            plt.plot(signalx, label="Smoothed Signal", alpha=0.4)
            plt.plot(processed, label="Discretized Signal")
            # ticklines = ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines()
            gridlines = ax.get_ygridlines()  # + ax.get_ygridlines()
            ticklabels = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()

            for line in gridlines:

            for label in ticklabels:


        signalx = smooth(remove_moving_std(remove_moving_avg((signal - np.mean(signal)) / np.std(signal))))

    print("Saving signals...")
    np.savez("signals_without_noise.npz", signals_without_noise=signals_without_noise)
Пример #6
def process_and_save_signals(filenames, core_names, Ns, indexes2process=None):
    if indexes2process is None:
        indexes2process = np.arange(len(filenames))

    all_indexes = np.arange(len(filenames))
    for x, filename, core_name in \
            zip(all_indexes[indexes2process], np.array(filenames)[indexes2process], core_names[indexes2process]):
            print("Loading signal {0}...".format(x))
            if x < Ns[0]:
                fs = 360
                fs = 128
            original_signal = sio.loadmat(filename)['val'][0][3000:3000 +
                                                              3600 * fs]

            signal = smooth(original_signal, 10)
            signal = signal - smooth(signal, fs)

            time = len(original_signal) / fs
            N = len(original_signal)
            iter_ = scp.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(0, time, 1 / fs),
            t = np.arange(0, time - 1 / 250, 1 / 250)
            signal = iter_(t)

            moving_maximum = np.array(moving_max(signal, int(360 * 1.2)))
            moving_maximum = smooth(moving_maximum, int(360))
            signal = signal / moving_maximum

            signal = process_dnn_signal(signal,
            new_path = '../data/processed/MIT/{0}[256].npz'.format(core_name)
            np.savez(new_path, signal=signal, core_name=core_name)

Пример #7
def wii_smoother(wii_data, indexes):
    temp_1 = 0
    temp_2 = 0
    for i in range(0, len(wii_data)):
        wii_data[i] = smooth(np.array(wii_data[i]), indexes[temp_1])
        temp_2 += 1
        if temp_2 == 2:
            temp_1 += 1
            temp_2 = 0
    return wii_data
Пример #8
def smoothing(a):
    """novainstrumentation 100 smoothing
    Reshape safeguard used to work with column arrays
    TODO: Check causality
    is_reshaped = False
    if a.ndim != 1:
        shape = a.shape
        if shape[1] == 1:
            a = a.reshape(len(a))
            is_reshaped = True
    return ni.smooth(a.reshape(len(a)),100).reshape(-1,1)
Пример #9
def plotSmooth(nbr_Burst, data, fig, axis1, axis2, axis3, figTitle, plot_title, axis1Title, units, font1, font2,
    # fig1.subplotpars(pars)

    # Final Stage of data manipulation (Removal of null [] entries).
    val_ent = np.where(np.array(data) != False)[0]
    nbr_Burst = np.array(nbr_Burst)[val_ent]
    data = np.array(data)[val_ent]

    axis1.plot(nbr_Burst, data)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    # ax11.plot(nbr_Burst, MajorF, '.', linewidth=0)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    axis1.set_title(plot_title, fontproperties=font2)
    axis1.set_ylabel(axis1Title + " " + "(" + units + ")", fontproperties=font1)
    axis1.set_xlabel("Burst/Set of Bursts", fontproperties=font1)

    # Plot of the smooth line.
    smooth_line = smooth(data, int(len(data) * smooth_factor))
    axis1.plot(nbr_Burst, smooth_line)

    # Major Frequency Deviation from regression line.
    deviation = data - smooth_line
    absolute_deviation = np.absolute(deviation)

    axis2.plot(nbr_Burst, deviation)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    # ax11.plot(nbr_Burst, MajorF, '.', linewidth=0)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    axis2.set_title(plot_title + " " + 'Deviation', fontproperties=font2)
    axis2.set_ylabel("Deviation" + " " + "(" + units + ")", fontproperties=font1)
    axis2.set_xlabel("Burst/Set of Bursts", fontproperties=font1)

    axis3.plot(nbr_Burst, absolute_deviation)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    # ax11.plot(nbr_Burst, MajorF, '.', linewidth=0)  # limit from min and max frequencies
    axis3.set_title(plot_title + " " + 'Absolute Deviation', fontproperties=font2)
    axis3.set_ylabel("Absolute Deviation" + " " + "(" + units + ")", fontproperties=font1)
    axis3.set_xlabel("Burst/Set of Bursts", fontproperties=font1)

    if list(smooth_line) == list(data):
        FlagValidation = False
        FlagValidation = True

    return FlagValidation
Пример #10
def WindowStat(inputSignal, statTool, fs, window_len=50, window='hanning'):

    output = np.zeros(len(inputSignal))
    win = eval('np.' + window + '(window_len)')

    if inputSignal.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.")
    if inputSignal.size < window_len:
        raise ValueError("Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.")
    if window_len < 3:
        return inputSignal

    inputSignal = inputSignal - np.mean(inputSignal)

    WinRange = int(window_len / 2)

    sig = np.r_[inputSignal[WinRange:0:-1], inputSignal,
                inputSignal[-1:len(inputSignal) - WinRange:-1]]

    # windowing
    if (statTool is 'stn'):
        WinSize = window_len
        numSeg = int(len(inputSignal) / WinSize)
        SigTemp = np.zeros(numSeg)
        for i in range(1, numSeg):
            signal = inputSignal[(i - 1) * WinSize:i * WinSize]
            SigTemp[i] = sc.signaltonoise(signal)
        output = np.interp(np.linspace(0, len(SigTemp), len(output)),
                           np.linspace(0, len(SigTemp), len(SigTemp)), SigTemp)
    elif (statTool is 'zcr'):
        # inputSignal = inputSignal - smooth(inputSignal, window_len=fs*4)
        # inputSignal = inputSignal - smooth(inputSignal, window_len=int(fs/10))
        # sig = np.r_[inputSignal[WinRange:0:-1], inputSignal, inputSignal[-1:len(inputSignal) - WinRange:-1]]

        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            output[i - int(WinRange)] = ZeroCrossingRate(
                sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win)
        output = smooth(output, window_len=1024)
    elif (statTool is 'Azcr'):
        # inputSignal = inputSignal - smooth(inputSignal, window_len=fs*4)
        # inputSignal = inputSignal - smooth(inputSignal, window_len=int(fs/10))
        # sig = np.r_[inputSignal[WinRange:0:-1], inputSignal, inputSignal[-1:len(inputSignal) - WinRange:-1]]

        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            A = np.max(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i])
            output[i - int(WinRange)] = A * ZeroCrossingRate(
                sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win)
        output = smooth(output, window_len=1024)
    elif (statTool is 'std'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            output[i - WinRange] = np.std(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win)
    elif (statTool is 'mean'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            output[i - WinRange] = np.mean(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i])
    elif (statTool is 'subPks'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            pks = [0]
            win_len = window_len
            while (len(pks) < 10):
                pks = detect_peaks(
                    sig[i - int(win_len / 2):int(win_len / 2) + i],
                    mph=np.std(sig[i - int(win_len / 2):int(win_len / 2) + i]))
                if (len(pks) < 10):
                    win_len += int(win_len / 5)
            sub_zero = pks[1] - pks[0]
            sub_end = pks[-1] - pks[-2]
            subPks = np.r_[sub_zero, (pks[1:-1] - pks[0:-2]), sub_end]
            win = eval('np.' + window + '(len(subPks))')
            output[i - int(WinRange)] = np.mean(subPks * win)
    elif (statTool is 'findPks'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            pks = detect_peaks(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i],
                               mph=np.std(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i]))
            LenPks = len(pks)
            output[i - int(WinRange)] = LenPks
    elif (statTool is 'sum'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            output[i - WinRange] = np.sum(
                abs(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win))
    elif (statTool is 'AmpDiff'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            win_len = window_len
            tempSig = sig[i - int(win_len / 2):int(win_len / 2) + i]
            maxPks = detect_peaks(tempSig, valley=False, mph=np.std(tempSig))
            minPks = detect_peaks(tempSig, valley=True, mph=np.std(tempSig))
            AmpDiff = np.sum(tempSig[maxPks]) - np.sum(tempSig[minPks])
            output[i - WinRange] = AmpDiff
    elif (statTool is 'MF'):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            f, Pxx = PowerSpectrum(inputSignal[i - WinRange:i + WinRange],
                                   nperseg=WinRange / 2)
            mf = MF_calculus(Pxx)
            output[i - WinRange] = mf
    elif (statTool is "SumPS"):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            f, Pxx = PowerSpectrum(inputSignal[i - WinRange:i + WinRange],
                                   nperseg=WinRange / 2)
            sps = SumPowerSpectrum(Pxx)
            output[i - WinRange] = sps
    elif (statTool is "AmpMean"):
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            output[i - WinRange] = np.mean(
                abs(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i]) * win)
    elif (statTool is "Spikes1"):
        ss = 0.1 * max(sig)
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            pkd, md = Spikes(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win, mph=ss)
            output[i - WinRange] = pkd
    elif (statTool is "Spikes2"):
        ss = 0.1 * max(sig)
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            pkd, md = Spikes(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i] * win, mph=ss)
            output[i - WinRange] = md
    elif (statTool is "Spikes3"):
        ss = 0.1 * max(sig)
        for i in range(int(WinRange), len(sig) - int(WinRange)):
            pkd, md = Spikes(abs(sig[i - WinRange:WinRange + i]) * win, mph=ss)
            output[i - WinRange] = md

    output = output - np.mean(output)
    output = output / max(output)
    #output = smooth(output, window_len=10)

    return output
Пример #11
def test_symmetric_window():
    x = arange(1., 11.)
    sx = smooth(x, window_len=5, window='flat')
    assert_allclose(x, sx)
Пример #12
        # print(lda_model[corpus_i])

    return labels[:-ind_end]

guide = CONFIG_PATH + "/Hui_SuperProject/MovDict.json"
guide_dict = read_json(guide).to_dict()
example_path = CONFIG_PATH + "/Hui_SuperProject/Data_Examples/"

signal = loadH5(example_path + "arthrokinemat_2018_06_03_00_08_52.h5")

fs = 1000
b = 4
acc1 = signal[b * fs:, 0]
acc1_sm = mean_norm(acc1)
acc1_sm = smooth(abs(acc1_sm), 1000)
acc1_sm = acc1_sm[::50]

# plt.plot(acc1_sm)
# plt.show()

acc_str = Connotation2(acc1_sm)
# lsa_labels = movingLSA(acc_str)
lda_labels = movingLDA(acc_str, win_size=50)

ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
# plot_textcolorized(acc1_sm, acc_str, ax)
                  signal[b * fs:, -1],
Пример #13
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import novainstrumentation as ni

from gmtools import *


mapxy = np.array(pd.read_csv('./data/coord_demo3.txt', header=None))
x, y = mapxy[:, 0], mapxy[:, 1]
nx, ny = ni.smooth(x, 70), ni.smooth(y, 70)

dnx = np.diff(nx)
dny = np.diff(ny)

# Detection of straight segments
idx = dnx != 0
idy = dny == 0
vals = (idx * idy) + (~idx * ~idy)

plot(nx, ny)
scatter(nx[vals], ny[vals], color='r')

# Looping detection
maxs_ny = ni.peaks(ny)
mins_ny = ni.peaks(-ny)

maxs_nx = ni.peaks(nx)
mins_nx = ni.peaks(-nx)
Пример #14
def emg_smoother(emg, window):
    return list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(emg)), window_len=window))
Пример #15
    fs = f[Macs].attrs["sampling rate"] * 1.0

    data1 = data_group["channel_4"][:, 0]
    data2 = data_group["channel_5"][:, 0]

    return data1, data2, fs

bvp1, bvp2, fs = openH5("Exercise11/ctrx_0007803B4686_2017-04-11_12-16-22.h5")


bvp2 = bvp2[:100000]
bvp22 = filter.lowpass(bvp2, f=20, fs=fs, order=2)
bvp22 = bvp22 - smooth(bvp22, window_len=2000)
rising, falling, r, f, pks = R_F_Amp(bvp22, 0.3 * max(bvp22), 0.2 * max(bvp22))

# Quantization of the derivative
ds1 = np.diff(bvp22)
ds1 = np.clip(np.around(ds1 * 2), -1, 1).astype(int)
ds1 = np.insert(ds1, 0, 0)
x = np.empty(len(ds1), dtype='str')
x[find(ds1 == -1)] = '-'
x[find(ds1 == 0)] = '_'
x[find(ds1 == 1)] = '+'
# ds1 = medfilt(ds1, win_size)
bvp22 = (bvp22 - mean(bvp22)) / max(bvp22)
Пример #16
def EMG_diferential(data, patient):
    fig1 = plt.figure(1)
    fig2 = plt.figure(2)

    fig3 = plt.figure(3)
    fig4 = plt.figure(4)

    maxs = [0, 0, 0, 0]

    max_range = [0, 0]

    for i in range(0, len(data)):
        Acc_ = data[i].get_variable('open_signals_data_filtered')[5:8]
        EMGs = data[i].get_variable('open_signals_data_filtered')[1:5]
        wii = data[i].get_variable("wii_data")

        Acc = []

        Acc[0] = list(np.array(Acc[0]))
        Acc[1] = list(np.array(Acc[1]))

        FR = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[0])), 500))[100:-100]
        FL = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[1])), 500))[100:-100]
        BL = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[2])), 500))[100:-100]
        BR = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[3])), 500))[100:-100]

        if max(FR)>maxs[0]:
            maxs[0] = max(FR)

        if max(FL) > maxs[1]:
            maxs[1] = max(FL)

        if max(BL) > maxs[2]:
            maxs[2] = max(BL)

        if max(BR) > maxs[3]:
            maxs[3] = max(BR)

        [FR, FL, BL, BR] = normalize([FR, FL, BL, BR])

        Front = (np.array(FR) + np.array(FL))
        Back = (np.array(BL) + np.array(BR))
        Left = (np.array(FL) + np.array(BL))
        Right = (np.array(FR) + np.array(BR))

        x = list(np.array(Left)/2.0 - np.array(Right)/2.0)
        y = list(np.array(Front)/2.0 - np.array(Back)/2.0)

        [x, y] = normalize([x, y], zero_out=True)

        Acc = normalize(Acc)


        if (max(Cops[0]) - min(Cops[0])) > max_range[0]:
            max_range[0] = (max(Cops[0]) - min(Cops[0]))

        if (max(Cops[1]) - min(Cops[1])) > max_range[1]:
            max_range[1] = (max(Cops[1]) - min(Cops[1]))

        Cops = normalize(Cops)

        t1 = np.linspace(0, len(Acc[1]), len(Cops[0]))

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 1)
        l1, = plt.plot(x, y, color='red')
        l2, = plt.plot(Cops[0], Cops[1], color='blue')
        l3, = plt.plot(Acc[0], Acc[1], color='black', alpha=0.2)
        plt.xlabel("Norm x")
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 5)
        plt.plot(x, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[0], color='blue')
        l4, = plt.plot(np.array(Left)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        l5, = plt.plot(np.array(Right)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.xlim([0, len(Acc[0])])
        plt.ylabel("Norm x")
        plt.title("X Axis")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 9)
        plt.plot(y, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[1], color='blue')
        l6, = plt.plot(np.array(Front)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        l7, = plt.plot(np.array(Back)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.xlim([0, len(Acc[0])])
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")
        plt.title("Y Axis")

        Acc[0] = list(smooth(np.array(Acc[0]), 1000))[100:-100]
        Acc[1] = list(smooth(np.array(Acc[1]), 1000))[100:-100]
        Cops[0] = list(smooth(np.array(Cops[0]), 100))[10:-10]
        Cops[1] = list(smooth(np.array(Cops[1]), 100))[10:-10]
        x = list(smooth(np.array(x), 1000))[100:-100]
        y = list(smooth(np.array(y), 1000))[100:-100]

        Left = list(smooth(np.array(Left), 1000))[100:-100]
        Right = list(smooth(np.array(Right), 1000))[100:-100]
        Front = list(smooth(np.array(Front), 1000))[100:-100]
        Back = list(smooth(np.array(Back), 1000))[100:-100]

        t1 = np.linspace(0, len(Acc[1]), len(Cops[0]))

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 1)
        l1, = plt.plot(x, y, color='red')
        l2, = plt.plot(Cops[0], Cops[1], color='blue')

        plt.xlabel("Norm x")
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 5)
        plt.plot(x, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[0], color='blue')
        plt.plot(np.array(Left)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        plt.plot(np.array(Right)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.ylabel("Norm x")
        plt.title("X Axis")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 9)
        plt.plot(y, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[1], color='blue')
        plt.plot(np.array(Front)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        plt.plot(np.array(Back)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")
        plt.title("Y Axis")

    for i in range(0, len(data)):
        Acc_ = data[i].get_variable('open_signals_data_filtered')[5:8]
        EMGs = data[i].get_variable('open_signals_data_filtered')[1:5]
        wii = data[i].get_variable("wii_data")

        Acc = []

        Acc[0] = list(np.array(Acc[0]))
        Acc[1] = list(np.array(Acc[1]))

        FR = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[0])), 500))[100:-100]
        FL = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[1])), 500))[100:-100]
        BL = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[2])), 500))[100:-100]
        BR = list(smooth(np.abs(np.array(EMGs[3])), 500))[100:-100]

        [FR, FL, BL, BR] = normalize([FR, FL, BL, BR], currentMax=False, globalMax=maxs)

        Front = (np.array(FR) + np.array(FL))
        Back = (np.array(BL) + np.array(BR))
        Left = (np.array(FL) + np.array(BL))
        Right = (np.array(FR) + np.array(BR))

        x = list(np.array(Left)/2.0 - np.array(Right)/2.0)
        y = list(np.array(Front)/2.0 - np.array(Back)/2.0)

        [x, y] = normalize([x, y], zero_out=True)

        Acc = normalize(Acc)

        Cops = []

        Cops = normalize(Cops, cop=True, cop_range=max_range, currentMax=False)

        # SEPARAR
        t1 = np.linspace(0, len(Acc[1]), len(Cops[0]))

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 1)
        l1, = plt.plot(x, y, color='red')
        l2, = plt.plot(Cops[0], Cops[1], color='blue')
        l3, = plt.plot(Acc[0], Acc[1], color='black', alpha=0.2)
        plt.xlabel("Norm x")
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 5)
        plt.plot(x, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[0], color='blue')
        l4, = plt.plot(np.array(Left)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        l5, = plt.plot(np.array(Right)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.xlim([0, len(Acc[0])])
        plt.ylabel("Norm x")
        plt.title("X Axis")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 9)
        plt.plot(y, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[1], color='blue')
        l6, = plt.plot(np.array(Front)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        l7, = plt.plot(np.array(Back)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.xlim([0, len(Acc[0])])
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")
        plt.title("Y Axis")

        Acc[0] = list(smooth(np.array(Acc[0]), 1000))[100:-100]
        Acc[1] = list(smooth(np.array(Acc[1]), 1000))[100:-100]
        Cops[0] = list(smooth(np.array(Cops[0]), 100))[10:-10]
        Cops[1] = list(smooth(np.array(Cops[1]), 100))[10:-10]
        x = list(smooth(np.array(x), 1000))[100:-100]
        y = list(smooth(np.array(y), 1000))[100:-100]

        Left = list(smooth(np.array(Left), 1000))[100:-100]
        Right = list(smooth(np.array(Right), 1000))[100:-100]
        Front = list(smooth(np.array(Front), 1000))[100:-100]
        Back = list(smooth(np.array(Back), 1000))[100:-100]

        t1 = np.linspace(0, len(Acc[1]), len(Cops[0]))

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 1)
        l1, = plt.plot(x, y, color='red')
        l2, = plt.plot(Cops[0], Cops[1], color='blue')

        plt.xlabel("Norm x")
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 5)
        plt.plot(x, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[0], color='blue')
        plt.plot(np.array(Left)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        plt.plot(np.array(Right)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.ylabel("Norm x")
        plt.title("X Axis")

        plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 9)
        plt.plot(y, color='red')
        plt.plot(t1, Cops[1], color='blue')
        plt.plot(np.array(Front)/2.0, color='black', alpha=0.7)
        plt.plot(np.array(Back)/2.0, color='green', alpha=0.7)
        plt.ylabel("Norm y")
        plt.title("Y Axis")

    fig1.suptitle(patient, fontsize=20)

    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.45, wspace=0.24, top=0.94, bottom=0.11, left=0.04, right=0.98)
    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

    fig1.legend((l1,l2, l3), ('Emg', 'Cop', 'Acc'), bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.06], loc='center', ncol=3, labelspacing=0.,
    fig1.legend([l6, l7], ['Front', 'Back'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.03], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,
    fig1.legend([l4, l5], ['Left', 'Right'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.365], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,

    fig2.suptitle(patient, fontsize=20)
    fig2.legend((l1, l6, l2, l7), ('Emg', 'Front', 'Cop', 'Back'), loc='lower center', ncol=2, labelspacing=1., fontsize=14)
    fig2.legend([l4, l5], ['Left', 'Right'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.365], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.45, wspace=0.24, top=0.94, bottom=0.11, left=0.04, right=0.98)
    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

    fig3.suptitle(patient, fontsize=20)

    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.45, wspace=0.24, top=0.94, bottom=0.11, left=0.04, right=0.98)
    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

    fig3.legend((l1, l2, l3), ('Emg', 'Cop', 'Acc'), bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.06], loc='center', ncol=3, labelspacing=0.,
    fig3.legend([l6, l7], ['Front', 'Back'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.03], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,
    fig3.legend([l4, l5], ['Left', 'Right'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.365], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,

    fig4.suptitle(patient, fontsize=20)
    fig4.legend((l1, l6, l2, l7), ('Emg', 'Front', 'Cop', 'Back'), loc='lower center', ncol=2, labelspacing=1.,
    fig4.legend([l4, l5], ['Left', 'Right'], bbox_to_anchor=[0.5, 0.365], loc='center', ncol=2, labelspacing=0.,
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.45, wspace=0.24, top=0.94, bottom=0.11, left=0.04, right=0.98)
    mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()

    if not os.path.exists('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/' + patient+'/'):
        os.makedirs('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/'+ patient+'/')
    fig1.set_size_inches(20, 11.25)
    plt.savefig('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/' + patient +'/cops1.png', dpi=300)
    fig2.set_size_inches(20, 11.25)
    plt.savefig('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/' + patient + '/cops2.png', dpi=300)
    fig3.set_size_inches(20, 11.25)
    plt.savefig('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/' + patient + '/cops3.png', dpi=300)
    fig4.set_size_inches(20, 11.25)
    plt.savefig('../WiiBoard/DataProcessor/Images/Cops_gen_4/' + patient + '/cops4.png', dpi=300)
Пример #17
def ACC_Pre_P(acc, fs):
    # acc = filter.lowpass(acc, 15, 4, fs)
    acc = smooth(acc, window_len=fs // 10)

    return acc
Пример #18
def ReportClustering(Signal, NoiseSignal, fs, time, fileName, fileDir, clusters):

	#MainDir = "IWANTOFINDNOISE/TestSignals"
	# SignalKind = os.listdir(MainDir)
	# for SignalFolder in SignalKind:
	# 	SignalDir = MainDir + '/' + SignalFolder
	# 	SignalData = os.listdir(SignalDir)
	# 	for signal in SignalData:
	# 		if ".txt" in signal:

	#                            Open Signal (and Pre-Process Data ???)
#When I will need to take a signal:
# fileName = "ecg1"
# fileDir = "Signals2/ECG1/"
# Signal = np.loadtxt(fileDir + fileName + ".txt")
# NoiseSignal = np.loadtxt(fileDir + "Noise2790.txt")
# fs = 100
# time = np.linspace(0, len(Signal)/fs, len(Signal))
# clusters = 4
	print("Loading file " + fileName)
	#fileTest = "TestSignals/TestFiles/ecg1.txt"

	if(os.path.isdir(fileDir + "/" + "Report_Color_" + fileName) is False):
		os.makedirs(fileDir + "/" + "Report_Color_" + fileName)

	print("Creating Report File")
	pp, ReportTxt = pdf_report_creator(fileDir, "Report_Color_" + fileName)
	win = 512

	# for win in windows:
	#NoiseTest = "TestSignals/TestFiles/Noise2790.txt"
	# open signal
	#signal = np.loadtxt(file)
	signal = Signal
	signalNoise = NoiseSignal
	osignal = Signal
	signal = signal - np.mean(signal)
	signal = signal/max(signal)

	#                                        Extract Features

	print("Extracting features...")

	#1 - Std Window
	signalSTD = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='std', window_len=(win*fs)/256)

	print("...feature 1 - STD")

	#2 - ZCR
	signalZCR64 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='zcr', window_len=(win*fs)/512)

	print("...feature 2 - ZCR")
	#3 - Sum
	signalSum64 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='sum', window_len=(win*fs)/256)
	signalSum128 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='sum', window_len=(win*fs)/100)

	print("...feature 3 - Sum")
	#4 - Number of Peaks above STD
	signalPKS = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='findPks', window_len=(win*fs)/128)
	signalPKS2 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='findPks', window_len=(64 * fs) / 100)

	print("...feature 4 - Pks")
	#5 - Amplitude Difference between successive PKS
	signalADF32 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='AmpDiff', window_len=(win*fs)/128)
	# signalADF128 = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='AmpDiff', window_len=(2*win*fs)/100)

	print("...feature 5 - AmpDif")
	#6 - Medium Frequency feature
	signalMF = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='MF', window_len=(32*fs)/128)
	print("...feature 6 - MF")

	#7 - Frequency Spectrum over time
	Pxx, freqs, bins, im = SpectralComponents(osignal, fs, NFFT=129, show=False) #miss axes

	#Interp - to have the same number of points as the original signal
	signalPxx = np.interp(np.linspace(0, len(Pxx), len(signal)), np.linspace(0, len(Pxx), len(Pxx)), Pxx)
	signalPxx -= np.mean(signalPxx)
	#8 - Find Peak Distance
	dpks = findPeakDistance(signal, 2*np.std(signal), 0)

	#9 - Smooth signal
	smSignal = smooth(abs(signal), window_len=int(fs/2))
	smSignal = smSignal/max(smSignal)

	smSignal2 = smooth(abs(signal), window_len=int(fs))
	smSignal2 = smSignal2/ max(smSignal2)
	# #8 - fractal analysis
	# SignalFract = WindowStat(signal, fs=fs, statTool='fractal', window_len=10)
	# print(SignalFract)

	print("Done with Features extraction...creating Matrix")
	# Create Matrix of Features------Standard features
	FeatureNames = ["Standard Deviation", 'Sum', "ZCR"]
	FeatureMatrix = np.array(
		[signalSTD, signalSum64, signalZCR64]).transpose()

	plotLinearData(time, FeatureMatrix, signal, FeatureNames, pp)

	print("Starting Clustering")

	X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringAGG(FeatureMatrix, n_clusters=clusters, Linkage='ward',

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                  Create Classification Array (1- Noise) (0 - Non-Noise)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# find signal indexes - in this case i will assume that the signal is the majority of the signal
	print("Creating Predicted Array...")
	Indexiser = []

	for i in range(0, clusters):
		s = len(y_pred[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]].tolist())
		#s = np.std(signal[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]])

	SigIndex = Indexiser.index(max(Indexiser))

	Prediction = np.ones(np.size(y_pred.tolist()))
	Prediction[np.where(y_pred == SigIndex)[0]] = 0

	print("Calculating Confusion matrix...")
	ResultEvents, Sens, Spec, CorrectPeriod, ErrorPeriod, RatioCorrectWrong, CorrectArray, ErrorArray, TP, TN, FP, FN = GetResults(
		signalNoise, Prediction)
	sizes = [TP, TN, FP, FN]

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                              Plot Things
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Clusterfig = plotClusters(y_pred, signal, time, XPCA, clusters, pp)
	ClassFig = plotDistanceMetric(time, signal, signalNoise, Prediction, Spec, Sens, CorrectPeriod, sizes, pp)

	FeatureNames = ["Standard Deviation" ,"ZCR", "ADF128", "PKS"]
	FeatureMatrix = np.array(
		[signalSTD, signalZCR64, signalADF32, signalPKS]).transpose()
	clusters = 5
	plotLinearData(time, FeatureMatrix, signal, FeatureNames, pp)

	print("Starting Clustering")

	X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringAGG(FeatureMatrix, n_clusters=clusters, Linkage='ward',

	Clusterfig = plotClusters(y_pred, signal, time, XPCA, clusters, pp)

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                  Create Classification Array (1- Noise) (0 - Non-Noise)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# find signal indexes - in this case i will assume that the signal is the majority of the signal
	print("Creating Predicted Array...")
	Indexiser = []

	for i in range(0, clusters):
		s = len(y_pred[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]].tolist())
		# s = np.std(signal[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]])

	SigIndex = Indexiser.index(max(Indexiser))

	Prediction = np.ones(np.size(y_pred.tolist()))
	Prediction[np.where(y_pred == SigIndex)[0]] = 0

	print("Calculating Confusion matrix...")
	ResultEvents, Sens, Spec, CorrectPeriod, ErrorPeriod, RatioCorrectWrong, CorrectArray, ErrorArray, TP, TN, FP, FN = GetResults(
		signalNoise, Prediction)
	sizes = [TP, TN, FP, FN]

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                              Plot Things
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	ClassFig = plotDistanceMetric(time, signal, signalNoise, Prediction, Spec, Sens, CorrectPeriod, sizes, pp)



	FeatureNamesG = ["Standard Deviation", "std", "ADF128"]
	FeatureMatrixG = np.array(
		[signalSTD, signalSTD, signalADF32]).transpose()

	plotLinearData(time, FeatureMatrixG, signal, FeatureNamesG, pp)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                Execute Clustering Techniques
	# X, y_pred, XPCA, params, Z, xx, yy = MultiDimensionalClusteringKmeans(FeatureMatrix, time, signal, show=False, n_clusters=n_clusters)
	print("Starting Clustering")

	X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringAGG(FeatureMatrixG, n_clusters=clusters, Linkage='ward',
	# X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringKmeans(FeatureMatrix, n_clusters=clusters)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                  Create Classification Array (1- Noise) (0 - Non-Noise)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# find signal indexes - in this case i will assume that the signal is the majority of the signal
	print("Creating Predicted Array...")
	Indexiser = []

	for i in range(0, clusters):
		s = len(y_pred[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]].tolist())
		#s = np.std(signal[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]])

	SigIndex = Indexiser.index(max(Indexiser))

	Prediction = np.ones(np.size(y_pred.tolist()))
	Prediction[np.where(y_pred == SigIndex)[0]] = 0

	print("Calculating Confusion matrix...")
	ResultEvents, Sens, Spec, CorrectPeriod, ErrorPeriod, RatioCorrectWrong, CorrectArray, ErrorArray, TP, TN, FP, FN = GetResults(
		signalNoise, Prediction)
	sizes = [TP, TN, FP, FN]

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                              Plot Things
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Clusterfig = plotClustersBW(y_pred, signal, time, XPCA, clusters, pp)
	ClassFig = plotDistanceMetric(time, signal, signalNoise, Prediction, Spec, Sens, CorrectPeriod, sizes, pp)

	clusters = 5

	FeatureNamesG = ["Standard Deviation", "std", "ZCR"]
	FeatureMatrixG = np.array(
		[signalSTD, signalSTD, signalZCR64]).transpose()

	plotLinearData(time, FeatureMatrixG, signal, FeatureNamesG, pp)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                Execute Clustering Techniques
	# X, y_pred, XPCA, params, Z, xx, yy = MultiDimensionalClusteringKmeans(FeatureMatrix, time, signal, show=False, n_clusters=n_clusters)
	print("Starting Clustering")

	X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringAGG(FeatureMatrixG, n_clusters=clusters, Linkage='ward',
	# X, y_pred, XPCA, params = MultiDimensionalClusteringKmeans(FeatureMatrix, n_clusters=clusters)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                  Create Classification Array (1- Noise) (0 - Non-Noise)
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# find signal indexes - in this case i will assume that the signal is the majority of the signal
	print("Creating Predicted Array...")
	Indexiser = []

	for i in range(0, clusters):
		s = len(y_pred[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]].tolist())
		# s = np.std(signal[np.where(y_pred == i)[0]])

	SigIndex = Indexiser.index(max(Indexiser))

	Prediction = np.ones(np.size(y_pred.tolist()))
	Prediction[np.where(y_pred == SigIndex)[0]] = 0

	print("Calculating Confusion matrix...")
	ResultEvents, Sens, Spec, CorrectPeriod, ErrorPeriod, RatioCorrectWrong, CorrectArray, ErrorArray, TP, TN, FP, FN = GetResults(
		signalNoise, Prediction)
	sizes = [TP, TN, FP, FN]

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	#                                              Plot Things
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	Clusterfig = plotClusters(y_pred, signal, time, XPCA, clusters, pp)
	ClassFig = plotDistanceMetric(time, signal, signalNoise, Prediction, Spec, Sens, CorrectPeriod, sizes, pp)
#                     Save plots in PDF and relevant values on text file
	SaveReport(fileName, sizes, Sens, Spec, CorrectPeriod, ReportTxt)
	pdf_text_closer(ReportTxt, pp)
Пример #19
def test_symmetric_window():
    x = arange(1., 11.)
    sx = smooth(x, window_len=5, window='flat')
    assert_allclose(x, sx)
window_size = 256
signal_directory = 'NOISE_BIOMETRIC_ECGs_[{0}.{1}]'.format(batch_size, window_size)

# get noise from signals:

signals_without_noise = []
signals_noise = []
SNR = []
full_paths = get_fantasia_full_paths(db.fantasia_ecgs[0].directory, list(range(1,20)))
for file_path in full_paths:
    signal = sio.loadmat(file_path)['val'][0]
    signal = (signal - np.mean(signal))/np.std(signal)
    signals_noise.append(np.array(signal) + np.random.normal(0, 0.8, len(signal)))
    signal = signals_noise[-1]
    smoothed_signal = smooth(signal)
    noise = smoothed_signal - signals_without_noise[-1]
    SMOOTH_AMPLITUDE = np.max(smoothed_signal) - np.min(smoothed_signal)
    NOISE_AMPLITUDE = np.mean(np.abs(noise))*2


    # print(SNR[-1]*10, "-" + str(SMOOTH_AMPLITUDE/NOISE_AMPLITUDE))
    # print(np.mean(SNR * 10))
    plt.plot(noise[:1000],'r',smoothed_signal[:1000],'k')#, signals_noise[-1][:1000], 'b')

    # plt.show()