Пример #1
    def __init__(self, nodeid, alg_file, constrain_id, model, seqtype, conf, confname, parts_id=None):

        self.confname = confname
        self.conf = conf
        self.alg_phylip_file = alg_file
        self.constrain_tree = None
        if constrain_id:
            self.constrain_tree = db.get_dataid(constrain_id, DATATYPES.constrain_alg)
        self.alg_basename = basename(self.alg_phylip_file)
        self.seqtype = seqtype
        self.tree_file = ""
        if model:
            log.warning("FastTree does not support model selection")

        self.model = None
        self.lk = None

        base_args = OrderedDict()
        base_args["-nopr"] = ""
        if self.seqtype == "nt":
            base_args["-gtr -nt"] = ""
        elif self.seqtype == "aa":
            raise ValueError("Unknown seqtype %s" % self.seqtype)

        TreeTask.__init__(self, nodeid, "tree", "FastTree", base_args, self.conf[confname])

Пример #2
    def __init__(self, nodeid, alg_fasta_file, alg_phylip_file,
                 constrain_tree, conf):
        self.alg_phylip_file = alg_phylip_file
        self.alg_fasta_file = alg_fasta_file
        self.alg_basename = basename(self.alg_phylip_file)
        self.conf = conf
        self.lk_mode = self.conf["prottest"]["_lk_mode"]
        if self.lk_mode == "raxml":
            phyml_optimization = "n"
        elif self.lk_mode == "phyml":
            phyml_optimization = "lr"
            raise ValueError("Choose a valid lk_mode value (raxml or phyml)")

        base_args = {
            "--datatype": "aa",
            "--input": self.alg_basename,
            "--bootstrap": "0",
            "-o": phyml_optimization,
            "--model": None, # I will iterate over this value when
                             # creating jobs
            "--quiet": ""

        ModelTesterTask.__init__(self, nodeid, "mchooser", "Prottest", 
                      base_args, conf["prottest"])

        self.best_model = None
        self.seqtype = "aa"
        self.models = self.conf["prottest"]["_models"]
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, bin, args, jobname=None, parent_ids=None):
        # Used at execution time
        self.status = None
        # How to run the app
        self.bin = bin
        # command line arguments 
        self.args = args
        # Default number of cores used by the job. If more than 1,
        # this attribute should be changed
        self.cores = 1
        self.exec_type = "insitu"
        self.jobname = jobname
        # generates the unique job identifier based on the params of
        # the app. Some params include path names that can prevent
        # recycling the job, so a clean it.
        clean = lambda x: basename(x) if GLOBALS["basedir"] in x or GLOBALS["taskdir"] in x else x
        parsed_id_string = ["%s %s" %(clean(str(pair[0])), clean(str(pair[1])))
                            for pair in self.args.iteritems()]
        #print '\n'.join(map(str, self.args.items()))

        self.jobid = md5(','.join(sorted([md5(e) for e in
        # self.jobid = md5(','.join(sorted([md5(str(pair)) for pair in 
        #                                  self.args.iteritems()])))
        if parent_ids:
            self.jobid = md5(','.join(sorted(parent_ids+[self.jobid])))

        if not self.jobname:
            self.jobname = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]", "-", basename(self.bin))

        self.ifdone_cmd = ""
        self.iffail_cmd = ""
        self.set_jobdir(pjoin(GLOBALS["tasks_dir"], self.jobid))
        self.input_files = {}
        self.dependencies = set()
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, nodeid, alg_file, constrain_id, model, seqtype,
                 conf, confname, parts_id=None):
        self.confname = confname
        self.conf = conf
        self.alg_phylip_file = alg_file
        self.constrain_tree = None
        if constrain_id:
            self.constrain_tree = db.get_dataid(constrain_id, DATATYPES.constrain_alg)
        self.alg_basename = basename(self.alg_phylip_file)
        self.seqtype = seqtype
        self.tree_file = ""
        self.model = None
        self.lk = None

        TreeTask.__init__(self, nodeid, "tree", "DummyTree", {}, {})