def make_kc_with_dynaclamp(kc_name, kc_file, inject, tstart, tend, ggn_vm=None): """Read KC model from `kc_file`, inject current `inject` nA, apply dynamic clamp `ggn_vm`, which should be a 2D array with time (ms) in column 0, and voltage (mV) in column 1. """ global model_dict kc = nu.create_cell(kc_name, filename=kc_file) model_dict[kc] = None iclamp = ephys.setup_current_clamp(kc.soma, pos=0.5, delay=Q_(tstart, 'ms'), duration=Q_((tend - tstart), 'ms'), amplitude=Q_(inject, 'nA')) model_dict[iclamp] = None ggn_g_vec = None if ggn_vm is not None: syn = h.GradedSyn(kc.soma(0.5)) for attr, value in GGN_KC_SYN_PARAMS.items(): setattr(syn, attr, value) model_dict[syn] = None ggn_comp = h.Section('ggn') model_dict[ggn_comp] = None h.setpointer(ggn_comp(0.5)._ref_v, 'vpre', syn) ggn_vm_vec = h.Vector(ggn_vm[:, 1]) tvec = h.Vector(ggn_vm[:, 0]) model_dict[tvec] = None #, t, continuous) for interpolating ret =, tvec, 1) print('####', ret) model_dict[ggn_vm_vec] = None ggn_g_vec = h.Vector() ggn_g_vec.record(syn._ref_g) model_dict[ggn_g_vec] = None kc_vm_vec = h.Vector() kc_vm_vec.record(kc.soma(0.5)._ref_v) model_dict[kc_vm_vec] = None print('Built model') return (kc_vm_vec, ggn_g_vec)
args = parser.parse_args() inputs = args.inputs celltemplate = args.celltemplate syncount = args.syncount onset = args.onset tau = args.tau gmax = args.gmax diascale = args.diascale dialim = args.dialim mechs = {'pas': {'g': 3e-5, 'e': -51.0}} # {'name': 'caiiag', 'gbar': 2.5e-5}, # {'name': 'ka', 'gbar': 0.03}] h.xopen(celltemplate) ggn = nu.create_cell(args.cellname, filename=args.celltemplate, mechparams=mechs) if (args.diascale is not None) and (args.dialim is not None): count = 0 ggn.soma.push() ordered_tree = h.SectionList() ordered_tree.wholetree() h.pop_section() for sec in ordered_tree: sec.push() for ii, seg in enumerate(sec): if seg.diam < dialim: seg.diam = seg.diam * diascale # print('Changed diameter of segment', ii, seg.x, 'of section',, 'to', seg.diam) count += 1 h.pop_section()
def setup_model(args): """Setup the model with synapses and recording tables.""" cell_template = args['celltemplate'] input_regions = args['inputs'] syn_counts = args['syncounts'] onset = args['onset'] tau = args['tau'] gsyn = args['gsyn'] mechs = { 'pas': { 'g': Q_(args['gpas'], 'S/cm**2'), 'e': Q_(args['Em'], 'mV') } } if args['gk'] > 0: mechs['ka'] = {'gbar': Q_(args['gk'], 'S/cm**2')} if args['gca'] > 0: mechs['cam'] = {'gbar': Q_(args['gca'], 'S/cm**2')} h.xopen(cell_template) ggn = nu.create_cell(args['cellname'], filename=args['celltemplate'], mechparams=mechs) for sec in ggn.allsec(): sec.Ra = args['RA'] g0 = nu.nrngraph(ggn) g, nmap = ng.renumber_nodes(g0, # Pick out nodes with sections associated with them (not terminal dummy nodes) sec_nodes = [n for n in g.nodes() if g.node[n]['orig'] is not None] # Select the nodes for synapse insertion if args['synfile'] is not None: # This option is to allow replication syn_nodes = [] sec_node_map = get_section_node_map(g) with open(args['synfile']) as fd: for line in fd: try: secname = line.strip() syn_nodes.append(sec_node_map[secname]) except KeyError: print('Could not fidn section "{}"'.format(secname)) raise else: syn_nodes_by_sid = ng.select_random_nodes_by_sid( g.subgraph(sec_nodes), args['inputs'], args['syncounts']) syn_nodes = list( np.concatenate( [v for v in syn_nodes_by_sid.values() if len(v) > 0])) # If np.concatenate arg contains empty list, the result gets converted to float syn_secs = [] synapses = [] for syn_node in syn_nodes: sec = g.node[syn_node]['orig'] syn_secs.append(sec) syn = insert_alphasynapse(sec(1.0), onset=args['onset'], gmax=args['gsyn'], tau=args['tau']) synapses.append(syn) if args['recfile'] is not None: rec_nodes = [] sec_node_map = get_section_node_map(g) with open(args['recfile']) as fd: for line in fd: try: secname = line.strip() rec_nodes.append(sec_node_map[secname]) except KeyError: print('Could not fidn section "{}"'.format(secname)) raise else: if args['recbyreg']: rec_regions = [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] rec_nodes_by_sid = ng.select_random_nodes_by_sid( g.subgraph(sec_nodes), rec_regions, [args['reccount']] * len(rec_regions)) rec_nodes = np.concatenate( [v for v in rec_nodes_by_sid.values() if len(v) > 0]) rec_nodes = list(rec_nodes) else: rec_nodes = list( np.random.choice(sec_nodes, size=args['reccount'], replace=False)) rec_nodes = list(set(rec_nodes + syn_nodes)) rec_secs = [g.node[n]['orig'] for n in rec_nodes] t_vec = h.Vector() t_vec.record(h._ref_t) v_vecs = setup_recording(rec_secs) syn_vecs = [] for syn in synapses: vec = h.Vector() vec.record(syn._ref_i) syn_vecs.append(vec) return { 'cell': ggn, 'cellgraph': g, 'synapses': synapses, 'synsecs': syn_secs, 'synnodes': syn_nodes, 'recsecs': rec_secs, 'recnodes': rec_nodes, 'tvec': t_vec, 'vvecs': v_vecs, 'synvecs': syn_vecs }
dest='rec', default=0) args = parser.parse_args() inputs = args.inputs celltemplate = args.celltemplate syncount = args.syncount onset = args.onset gmax = args.gmax diascale = args.diascale dialim = args.dialim maxrate = args.maxrate / 1000.0 # s^-1 to per ms^-1 mechs = {'pas': {'g': '{} S/cm**2'.format(args.gpas), 'e': '-51.0mV'}} h.xopen(celltemplate) ggn = nu.create_cell(args.cellname, mechparams=mechs, Ra='{}ohm*cm'.format(args.RA), filename=args.celltemplate) if (args.diascale is not None) and (args.dialim is not None): count = 0 ggn.soma.push() ordered_tree = h.SectionList() ordered_tree.wholetree() h.pop_section() for sec in ordered_tree: sec.push() for ii, seg in enumerate(sec): if seg.diam < dialim: seg.diam = seg.diam * diascale count += 1 h.pop_section() print('Scaled diameters of', count, 'sections whose diameters were <',
'vslope': Q_('5.0mV').to('mV').m, 'e': Q_('-80mV').to('mV').m, 'gbar': Q_('1e-3uS').to('uS').m, 'tau': Q_('4.0ms').to('ms').m } # Note: I increased threshold to avoid transmission during low frequency stimulus # where KC can have sustained depolarization. kc_ggn_syn_params = { 'threshold': Q_('-10.0mV').to('mV').m, 'delay': Q_('1.0ms').to('ms').m, 'e': Q_('0.0mV').to('mV').m, 'tau1': Q_('13.333ms').to('ms').m, 'tau2': Q_('13.333ms').to('ms').m, 'gmax': Q_('5pS').to('uS').m } kc = nu.create_cell(args.kc, filename=args.kcfile) kc_solo = nu.create_cell(args.kc, filename=args.kcfile) ggn = nu.create_cell(args.ggn, filename=args.ggnfile) model = make_ggn_kc_conn(ggn, kc, ggn_kc_syn_params) tstart = 0.5e3 tend = 3.1e3 if len(args.freq) > 1: inject = make_driving_current(kc.soma, 0.5, args.amp[0], 1.0, tstart, tend) inject_solo = make_driving_current(kc_solo.soma, 0.5, args.amp[0], 1.0, tstart, tend) else: inject = ephys.setup_current_clamp(kc.soma, delay=Q_(tstart, 'ms'), duration=Q_((tend - tstart), 'ms'), amplitude=Q_(args.amp[0], 'nA'),