Пример #1
 def _buildGeometry(self, skinType, loadMaterials, materialType):
     for geometry in AgentSpec.GeoIter(self.agentSpec().geoDB, self):
         if not geometry:
             # some ids may not be used (e.g. 0)
         mayaGeometry = MayaGeometry(self, geometry)
         mayaGeometry.build(skinType, loadMaterials, materialType)
Пример #2
def read(cdlFile, handledTokens=kDefaultTokens):
    '''	handledTokens: a list containing the tokens that should be parsed out
		and handled. Any tokens not in this list will be stuffed into the
		AgentSpec leftovers attribute.'''

    agentSpec = AgentSpec.AgentSpec()
    rootPath = ""
    if isinstance(cdlFile, basestring):
        fileHandle = open(cdlFile, "r")
        fileHandle = cdlFile

    tokensSet = frozenset(handledTokens)

            for line in fileHandle:
                _process(fileHandle, line, agentSpec, tokensSet)

            if agentSpec.bindPoseFile:

            if fileHandle != cdlFile:
                # I opened fileHandle so I have to close it
    except Exception, e:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Error reading CDL file: %s" % e
Пример #3
def _handleVariable(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle a variable Spec'''

    # name default_value [min_value max_value] expression
    variable = AgentSpec.Variable()
    variable.name = tokens[1]
    variable.default = float(tokens[2])
    variable.min = float(tokens[3][1:])
    variable.max = float(tokens[4][:-1])
    if len(tokens) >= 6:
        variable.expression = tokens[5]

    agentSpec.variables[variable.name] = variable
    return fileHandle.next()
Пример #4
def dump(agentSpec, target):
    ''' TODO: what if users want to change the bind pose?
		TODO: should msvCdlFile be updated if they export the agent to a
			  new file?
		cdlFile:			msvCdlFile attribute on agentGroup
		units:				msvUnits attribute on agentGroup
		id:					msvId attribute on agentGroup
		color:				msvColor attribute on agentGroup
		angles:				msvAngles attribute on agentGroup
		bindPoseFile:		msvBindPoseFile attribute on agentGroup
		agentType:			msvAgentType attribute on agentGroup
		scaleVar:			msvScaleVar attribute on agentGroup
		bindPoseData:		not needed (stored in bind pose file)
		jointData:			delegate to MayaJoint
		geoDB:				delegate to MayaGeometry
		materialData:		delegate to MayaMaterial
		actions:			delegate to MayaAction
		variables:			msvVariables multi compound attribute on agentGroup
		joints:				not needed (redundant with jointData)
		leftovers:			msvLeftovers attribute on agentGroup

    agentSpec.cdlStructure = mc.getAttr("%s.msvCdlStructure" % target).split()

    for token in agentSpec.cdlStructure:
        if mc.objExists("%s.msv%sLeftovers" % (target, token)):
            agentSpec.leftovers[token] = mc.getAttr("%s.msv%sLeftovers" %
                                                    (target, token))

    agentSpec.cdlFile = mc.getAttr("%s.msvCdlFile" % target)
    agentSpec.agentType = mc.getAttr("%s.msvAgentType" % target)
    agentSpec.bindPoseFile = mc.getAttr("%s.msvBindPoseFile" % target)
    agentSpec.scaleVar = mc.getAttr("%s.msvScaleVar" % target)

    numVars = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables" % target, size=True)
    for i in range(numVars):
        var = AgentSpec.Variable()
        var.name = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables[%s].msvVarName" % (target, i))
        var.default = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables[%s].msvVarDefault" %
                                 (target, i))
        var.min = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables[%s].msvVarMin" % (target, i))
        var.max = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables[%s].msvVarMax" % (target, i))
        var.expression = mc.getAttr("%s.msvVariables[%s].msvVarExpression" %
                                    (target, i)) or ""
        agentSpec.variables[var.name] = var
Пример #5
def _handleCloth(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle one piece of cloth. Since cloth isn't handled yet, treat it
	   as geometry.'''

    geometry = AgentSpec.Geometry()
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        geometry.name = tokens[1]
    #collide_ks value  		Specifies collision force.
    #collisions type 		Specifies type of collisions: terrain, skeleton, geometry. More than one may be specified.
    #drag value 			Specifies drag.
    #geo filename 			The .obj file referenced by this cloth node, if any.
    #grid x-res y-res x y	If cloth object is a grid, specifies x-resolution, y-resolution, x-size and y-size.
    #id n 					Specifies the node's id number.
    #kb value 				Specifies bend resistance.
    #ks value 				Specifies stretch resistance.
    #material n 			The id of the material node assigned to this cloth node.
    #rotate x y z 			Rotations applied to this cloth object.
    #scale x y z 			Scale transformations applied to this cloth object.
    #steps n 				Specifies number of steps for cloth dynamics.
    #thickness value 		Specifies cloth thickness.
    #translate x y z 		Translation applied to this cloth object.
    #translate x y 			Specifies the location of the current node's icon in the icon work area.

    tokens = []
    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "geo" and len(tokens) > 1:
                # The geo tag may be empty if this cloth node represents
                # an empty entry in an option node
                geometry.file = _resolvePath(agentSpec.rootPath(), tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "id":
                geometry.id = int(tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "material":
                geometry.material = int(tokens[1])
                geometry.leftovers = ""


    return line
Пример #6
def _handleOption(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle one option node'''

    option = AgentSpec.Option()
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        option.name = "_".join(tokens[1:])
    # attach n1 n2 n3...
    #	Specifies id numbers of segment nodes this option node is bound to.
    # inputs n1 n2 n3...
    #	Specifies id numbers of geometry or cloth nodes attached to this
    #	option node.
    # translate x y
    #	Specifies the location of the current node's icon in the icon work
    #	area.
    # var name
    #	Specifies name of agent variable driving this option node.
    tokens = []
    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "translate":
            elif tokens[0] == "var":
                option.var = tokens[1]
            # TODO: I think inputs and geo are mutually exclusive.
            #		I should confirm and make sure that if both appear it
            #		is handled correctly.
            elif tokens[0] == "inputs":
                for input in tokens[1:]:
            elif tokens[0] == "geo":
                for input in tokens[1:]:
                option.leftovers += ""


    return line
Пример #7
def _handleAction(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Reads an embedded ASCII action.'''

    action = AgentSpec.Action()
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        action.name = tokens[1]

    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "curve":
                _handleCurve(fileHandle, tokens, action)
                action.leftovers += line

    agentSpec.actions[action.name] = action

    return line
Пример #8
def _handleGeometry(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle one piece of geometry'''

    geometry = AgentSpec.Geometry()
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        geometry.name = tokens[1]
    #file filename			The .obj file referenced by this geometry node.
    #flip_normals			Specifies whether normals should be flipped.
    #id n					Specifies the node's id number.
    #material n				The id of the material node assigned to this geometry node.
    #rotate x y z			Rotations applied to this geometry in Massive.
    #scale x y z			Scale transformations applied to this geometry in Massive.
    #translate x y z		Translation applied to this geometry in Massive.
    #translate x y			Specifies the location of the current node's icon in the icon work area.
    #weights_file filename	the .w file storing the skinning weights

    tokens = []
    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "file":
                geometry.file = _resolvePath(agentSpec.rootPath(), tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "id":
                geometry.id = int(tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "weights_file":
                geometry.weightsData = WReader.WReader()
                    _resolvePath(agentSpec.rootPath(), tokens[1]))
            elif tokens[0] == "material":
                geometry.material = int(tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "attach":
                geometry.attach = tokens[1]
                geometry.leftovers += line


    return line
Пример #9
def _handleCurve(fileHandle, tokens, action):
    '''Read one anim curve.'''

    tokens = fileHandle.next().strip().split()
    assert "channel" == tokens[0]
    channel = tokens[1]

    tokens = fileHandle.next().strip().split()
    assert "type" == tokens[0]
    type = tokens[1]

    tokens = fileHandle.next().strip().split()
    assert "points" == tokens[1]
    numPoints = int(tokens[0])

    curve = AgentSpec.Curve(channel, type, numPoints)

    for i in range(numPoints):
        tokens = fileHandle.next().strip().split()
        curve.points[i] = (float(tokens[0]), float(tokens[1]))

Пример #10
    def _loadSim(self, animType, frameStep):
        """Load the simulation data for this MayaAgent. It will either be
		   loaded as anim curves or through the msvSimLoader node."""
        if eAnimType.curves == animType:
            # ==================================================================
            # Create Anim Curves
            # ==================================================================
            simData = self.simData()

            for jointSim in simData.joints():
                mayaJoint = self.mayaJoint(jointSim.name())

                for channelName in jointSim.channelNames():
                    channelEnum = AgentSpec.channel2Enum[channelName]
                    if mayaJoint.isChannelFree(channelEnum):
                        times = range(jointSim.startFrame(), jointSim.startFrame() + jointSim.numFrames(), frameStep)
                        channelAttr = "%s.%s" % (mayaJoint.name, channelName)
                        [animCurve] = mc.listConnections(channelAttr, source=True)

                        offset = mayaJoint.channelOffsets[channelEnum]
                        channels = [offset + jointSim.sample(channelName, i) for i in times]

                        MayaUtil.setMultiAttr("%s.ktv" % animCurve, channels, "kv")
            # ==================================================================
            # Create msvSimLoader Nodes
            # ==================================================================
            simDir = self._sim.simDir
            simType = self._sim.simType.strip(".")
            agentType = self.agentSpec().agentType
            instance = self.id()

            simLoader = mc.createNode("msvSimLoader", name="msvSimLoader%d" % instance)
            mc.setAttr("%s.simDir" % simLoader, simDir, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.simType" % simLoader, simType, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.agentType" % simLoader, agentType, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.instance" % simLoader, instance)
            mc.connectAttr("time1.outTime", "%s.time" % simLoader)

            i = 0
            for mayaJoint in self.mayaJoints.values():
                joint = mayaJoint.joint()
                mc.setAttr("%s.joints[%d]" % (simLoader, i), joint.name, type="string")

                j = 0
                numTranslateChannels = 0
                # Use the joint's degrees-of-freedom and channel order to
                # determine which channels are present and which
                # transformations they correspond to
                for channel in joint.order:
                    if not joint.dof[channel]:

                    src = ""
                    offset = ""
                    if AgentSpec.isRotateEnum(channel):
                        src = "%s.output[%d].rotate[%d]" % (simLoader, i, (j - numTranslateChannels))
                        offset = "%s.offsets[%d].rotateOffset[%d]" % (simLoader, i, (j - numTranslateChannels))
                        src = "%s.output[%d].translate[%d]" % (simLoader, i, j)
                        offset = "%s.offsets[%d].translateOffset[%d]" % (simLoader, i, j)
                        numTranslateChannels += 1
                    dst = "%s.%s" % (mayaJoint.name, AgentSpec.enum2Channel[channel])

                    mc.setAttr(offset, mayaJoint.channelOffsets[channel])
                    mc.connectAttr(src, dst)
                    j += 1

                i += 1
Пример #11
def _handleSegment(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle one segment'''

    joint = AgentSpec.Joint(agentSpec)
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        joint.name = tokens[1]

    #axis A 	 Specify the major axis for a tube primitive.
    axis = [False, True, False]
    #bone_rotate x y z 	Specify the tube primitive rotation with respect to segment space.
    bone_rotate = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    #centre x y z 	Offset the primitive by x y z in segment space.
    centre = []
    #density value 	Density of the segment. (Mass is derived from this value.)
    #include filename 	Specifies the inclusion of the cdl file called filename.
    #length l 	Specifies the length of a tube or line primitive.
    length = 1.0
    #limits dof min max 	Sets the limits for the degree of freedom `dof'. One or more degrees of freedom may follow a single limits statment, one to a line.
    #order a b c d e f 	Specifies the order of transformations. a b c d e f can each be any of: tx ty tz rx ry rz.
    #rotateOrder = "xyz"
    #translateOrder = "xyz"
    #parent name 	Attaches the current segment to the named segment.
    #primitive type 	Specifies the type of segment: box, tube, sphere, line, billboard.
    primitive = ""
    #radius r 	Specifies the radius of a tube or sphere primitive.
    radius = 1.0
    #rotate x y z 	Specifies a rotation of segment rest space. Rotates x about the X axis, y about the Y axis and z about the Z axis. The units depend on the arguement given in the angles statement.
    rotate = []
    #scale x y z 	Specifies a scale of segment rest space.
    scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    #segment name
    #size x y z 	Specifies the size of a box or billboard primitive.
    size = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
    #standin name 	Standins are like segments but can be rendered in place of an entire object. They are selected for rendering by comparing the distance from the camera with the threshold value.
    #example :
    #standin WHITE
    #  primitive billboard
    #  size 0.9000 1.7000 0.0000
    #  centre 0.0000 -0.3000 0.0000
    #  threshold 0.000
    #standin WHITE2
    #  parent WHITE
    #  primitive line
    #  length 1.7000
    #  axis Y
    #  centre 0.00000 -0.3000 0.0000
    #  threshold 10.0000
    #threshold d 	Specifies the threshold distance for a standin.
    #transform 	m00 m01 m02 m03
    #m10 m11 m12 m13
    #m20 m21 m22 m23
    #m30 m31 m32 m33
    #Loads the matrix m into the segment rest matrix. Ignores any previous transformations to the rest matrix.
    #translate x y z 	Specifies a translation of segment rest space.
    iconTranslate = [0, 0]
    # bind_pose x y z Offset to be applied when keying actions
    # dof rx ry rz tx ty tz Degrees of freedom limited to specified channels

    tokens = []
    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "axis":
                axis = [("X" == tokens[1]), ("Y" == tokens[1]),
                        ("Z" == tokens[1])]
            elif tokens[0] == "bone_rotate":
                bone_rotate = (float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]),
            elif tokens[0] == "centre":
                centre = [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3])]
            elif tokens[0] == "length":
                length = tokens[1]
            elif tokens[0] == "order":
                # THEORY: maya and massive's rotation orders are reversed, if massive
                # says xyz, we have to use zyx in Maya
                translateOrder = []
                rotateOrder = []
                for i in range(1, len(tokens)):
                    enum = AgentSpec.channel2Enum[tokens[i]]
                    if AgentSpec.isRotateEnum(enum):
                joint.order = translateOrder
            elif tokens[0] == "parent":
                joint.parent = tokens[1]
            elif tokens[0] == "primitive":
                primitive = tokens[1]
            elif tokens[0] == "radius":
                radius = tokens[1]
            elif tokens[0] == "rotate":
                rotate = [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3])]
            elif tokens[0] == "scale":
                scale = [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3])]
            elif tokens[0] == "size":
                size = [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3])]
            elif tokens[0] == "translate":
                if len(tokens) == 3:
                    iconTranslate = [float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2])]
                    joint.translate = (float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]),
            elif tokens[0] == "transform":
                # Read the next 4 lines, tokenize them, cast them to
                # float, and append them to the transform list
                for i in range(4):
                        for tok in fileHandle.next().strip().split()
            elif tokens[0] == "dof":
                # Since dof was specified only the named channels are free
                joint.dof = [False] * 6
                for channel in tokens[1:]:
                    joint.dof[AgentSpec.channel2Enum[channel]] = True
            elif tokens[0] == "scale_var":
                joint.scaleVar = tokens[1]
            elif tokens[0] == "bind_pose":
                # It seems like these values have to be subtracted from the
                # bind pose before the action is applied
                joint.actionOffset = [
                    -float(tokens[1]), -float(tokens[2]), -float(tokens[3])
                joint.leftovers += line

    if "box" == primitive:
        joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Box(joint)
        joint.primitive.size = size
    elif "tube" == primitive:
        joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Tube(joint)
        joint.primitive.rotate = bone_rotate
        joint.primitive.radius = radius
        joint.primitive.length = length
    elif "sphere" == primitive:
        joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Sphere(joint)
        joint.primitive.radius = radius
    elif "disc" == primitive:
        joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Disc(joint)
        joint.primitive.radius = radius
        joint.primitive.length = length

    joint.primitive.axis = axis
    joint.primitive.centre = centre

    # Maps the Massive joint name to the joint object (for example
    # so that the AMCReader can get the degrees of freedom of a given
    # joint)
    agentSpec.joints[joint.name] = joint
    # stores the order that the segments were encountered
    # we have to preserve this order when building the Maya
    # representation

    return line
Пример #12
def _handleMaterial(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
    '''Handle one material'''

    material = AgentSpec.Material()
    if len(tokens) > 1:
        material.name = tokens[1]
    #ambient value1 value2 value3 colourspace
    #	Specifies the OpenGL ambient value of the material. Example:
    #		ambient 0.5 0.5 0.7 hsv
    #colour_map filename type
    #	Specifies the OpenGL ambient value of the material. Example:
    #		colour_map /massive/agent1/maps/map1.tif rgb
    #diffuse value1 value2 value3 colourspace
    #	Specifies the OpenGL diffuse value of the material. Example:
    #		diffuse 0.5 0.5 0.7 hsv
    #id n
    #	Specifies the node's id number.
    #rman_displacement shader name1 [value1] name2 [value2]...
    #	Specifies RenderMan displacement shader assigned to this material and
    #	its specified parameter values.
    #rman_surface shader name1 [value1] name2 [value2]...
    #	Specifies RenderMan surface shader assigned to this material and its
    #	specified parameter values.
    #specular value1 value2 value3 colourspace
    #	Specifies the OpenGL specular value of the material. Example:
    #		specular 0.5 0.5 0.7 hsv
    #translate x y
    #	Specifies the location of the current node's icon in the icon work
    #	area.

    tokens = []
    for line in fileHandle:
        tokens = line.strip().split()
        if not line[0].isspace():
        if tokens:
            if tokens[0] == "colour_map":
                material.rawColorMap = _resolvePath(agentSpec.rootPath(),
            elif tokens[0] == "id":
                material.id = int(tokens[1])
            elif tokens[0] == "ambient":
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    # color component is either a float value or a
                    # variable/expression
                        material.ambient[i - 1] = float(tokens[i])
                        material.ambientVar[i - 1] = tokens[i]
                if len(tokens) > 4:
                    material.ambientSpace = tokens[4]
            elif tokens[0] == "diffuse":
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    # color component is either a float value or a
                    # variable/expression
                        material.diffuse[i - 1] = float(tokens[i])
                        material.diffuseVar[i - 1] = tokens[i]
                if len(tokens) > 4:
                    material.diffuseSpace = tokens[4]
            elif tokens[0] == "specular":
                for i in range(1, 4):
                    # color component is either a float value or a
                    # variable/expression
                        material.specular[i - 1] = float(tokens[i])
                        material.specularVar[i - 1] = tokens[i]
                if len(tokens) > 4:
                    material.specularSpace = tokens[4]
            elif tokens[0] == "roughness":
                # roughness is either a float value or a
                # variable/expression
                    material.roughness = float(tokens[1])
                    material.roughnessVar = tokens[1]
                material.leftovers += line

    numMaterials = len(agentSpec.materialData)
    if material.id >= numMaterials:
        agentSpec.materialData.extend([None] *
                                      (material.id - numMaterials + 1))

    agentSpec.materialData[material.id] = material

    return line
Пример #13
def dump(scene, target):
    agentSpec = AgentSpec.AgentSpec()
    MayaAgent.dump(agentSpec, target)
Пример #14
def _handleSegment(fileHandle, tokens, agentSpec):
	'''Handle one segment'''
	joint = AgentSpec.Joint(agentSpec)
	if len(tokens) > 1:
		joint.name = tokens[1]
	#axis A 	 Specify the major axis for a tube primitive.
	axis = [ False, True, False ]
	#bone_rotate x y z 	Specify the tube primitive rotation with respect to segment space.
	bone_rotate = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
	#centre x y z 	Offset the primitive by x y z in segment space.
	centre = []
	#density value 	Density of the segment. (Mass is derived from this value.)
	#include filename 	Specifies the inclusion of the cdl file called filename.
	#length l 	Specifies the length of a tube or line primitive.
	length = 1.0
	#limits dof min max 	Sets the limits for the degree of freedom `dof'. One or more degrees of freedom may follow a single limits statment, one to a line.
	#order a b c d e f 	Specifies the order of transformations. a b c d e f can each be any of: tx ty tz rx ry rz.
	#rotateOrder = "xyz"
	#translateOrder = "xyz"
	#parent name 	Attaches the current segment to the named segment.
	#primitive type 	Specifies the type of segment: box, tube, sphere, line, billboard.
	primitive = ""
	#radius r 	Specifies the radius of a tube or sphere primitive.
	radius = 1.0
	#rotate x y z 	Specifies a rotation of segment rest space. Rotates x about the X axis, y about the Y axis and z about the Z axis. The units depend on the arguement given in the angles statement.
	rotate = []
	#scale x y z 	Specifies a scale of segment rest space.
	scale = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
	#segment name
	#size x y z 	Specifies the size of a box or billboard primitive.
	size = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
	#standin name 	Standins are like segments but can be rendered in place of an entire object. They are selected for rendering by comparing the distance from the camera with the threshold value.
	#example :
	#standin WHITE
	#  primitive billboard
	#  size 0.9000 1.7000 0.0000
	#  centre 0.0000 -0.3000 0.0000
	#  threshold 0.000
	#standin WHITE2
	#  parent WHITE
	#  primitive line
	#  length 1.7000
	#  axis Y
	#  centre 0.00000 -0.3000 0.0000
	#  threshold 10.0000
	#threshold d 	Specifies the threshold distance for a standin.
	#transform 	m00 m01 m02 m03
	#m10 m11 m12 m13
	#m20 m21 m22 m23
	#m30 m31 m32 m33
	#Loads the matrix m into the segment rest matrix. Ignores any previous transformations to the rest matrix.
	#translate x y z 	Specifies a translation of segment rest space.
	iconTranslate = [ 0, 0 ]
	# bind_pose x y z Offset to be applied when keying actions
	# dof rx ry rz tx ty tz Degrees of freedom limited to specified channels
	tokens = []
	for line in fileHandle:
		tokens = line.strip().split()
		if not line[0].isspace():
		if tokens:
			if tokens[0] == "axis":
				axis = [ ("X" == tokens[1]), ("Y" == tokens[1]), ("Z" == tokens[1]) ]
			elif tokens[0] == "bone_rotate":
				bone_rotate = (float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]))
			elif tokens[0] == "centre":
				centre = [ float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]) ]
			elif tokens[0] == "length":
				length = tokens[1]
			elif tokens[0] == "order":
				# THEORY: maya and massive's rotation orders are reversed, if massive
				# says xyz, we have to use zyx in Maya
				translateOrder = []
				rotateOrder = []
				for i in range( 1, len(tokens) ):
					enum = AgentSpec.channel2Enum[tokens[i]]
					if AgentSpec.isRotateEnum( enum ):
						rotateOrder.append( enum )
						translateOrder.append( enum )
				joint.order = translateOrder
				joint.order.extend( rotateOrder )
			elif tokens[0] == "parent":
				joint.parent = tokens[1]
			elif tokens[0] == "primitive":
				primitive = tokens[1]
			elif tokens[0] == "radius":
				radius = tokens[1]
			elif tokens[0] == "rotate":
				rotate = [ float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]) ]
			elif tokens[0] == "scale":
				scale = [ float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]) ]
			elif tokens[0] == "size":
				size = [ float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]) ]
			elif tokens[0] == "translate":
				if len(tokens) == 3:
					iconTranslate = [ float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]) ]
					joint.translate = (float(tokens[1]), float(tokens[2]), float(tokens[3]))
			elif tokens[0] == "transform":
				# Read the next 4 lines, tokenize them, cast them to 
				# float, and append them to the transform list
				for i in range(4):
					joint.transform.extend([ float(tok) for tok in fileHandle.next().strip().split() ])
			elif tokens[0] == "dof":
				# Since dof was specified only the named channels are free
				joint.dof = [ False ] * 6
				for channel in tokens[1:]:
					joint.dof[AgentSpec.channel2Enum[channel]] = True
			elif tokens[0] == "scale_var":
				joint.scaleVar = tokens[1]	
			elif tokens[0] == "bind_pose":
				# It seems like these values have to be subtracted from the
				# bind pose before the action is applied
				joint.actionOffset = [ -float(tokens[1]), -float(tokens[2]), -float(tokens[3]) ]
				joint.leftovers += line
	if "box" == primitive:
		joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Box(joint)
		joint.primitive.size = size
	elif "tube" == primitive:
		joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Tube(joint)
		joint.primitive.rotate = bone_rotate
		joint.primitive.radius = radius
		joint.primitive.length = length
	elif "sphere" == primitive:
		joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Sphere(joint)
		joint.primitive.radius = radius
	elif "disc" == primitive:
		joint.primitive = AgentSpec.Disc(joint)
		joint.primitive.radius = radius
		joint.primitive.length = length
	joint.primitive.axis = axis
	joint.primitive.centre = centre
	# Maps the Massive joint name to the joint object (for example
	# so that the AMCReader can get the degrees of freedom of a given
	# joint)
	agentSpec.joints[joint.name] = joint
	# stores the order that the segments were encountered
	# we have to preserve this order when building the Maya
	# representation
	agentSpec.jointData.append( joint )
	return line
Пример #15
    def _loadSim(self, animType, frameStep):
        '''Load the simulation data for this MayaAgent. It will either be
		   loaded as anim curves or through the msvSimLoader node.'''
        if eAnimType.curves == animType:
            # Create Anim Curves
            simData = self.simData()

            for jointSim in simData.joints():
                mayaJoint = self.mayaJoint(jointSim.name())

                for channelName in jointSim.channelNames():
                    channelEnum = AgentSpec.channel2Enum[channelName]
                    if mayaJoint.isChannelFree(channelEnum):
                        times = range(
                            jointSim.startFrame() + jointSim.numFrames(),
                        channelAttr = "%s.%s" % (mayaJoint.name, channelName)
                        [animCurve] = mc.listConnections(channelAttr,

                        offset = mayaJoint.channelOffsets[channelEnum]
                        channels = [
                            offset + jointSim.sample(channelName, i)
                            for i in times

                        MayaUtil.setMultiAttr("%s.ktv" % animCurve, channels,
            # Create msvSimLoader Nodes
            simDir = self._sim.simDir
            simType = self._sim.simType.strip('.')
            agentType = self.agentSpec().agentType
            instance = self.id()

            simLoader = mc.createNode("msvSimLoader",
                                      name="msvSimLoader%d" % instance)
            mc.setAttr("%s.simDir" % simLoader, simDir, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.simType" % simLoader, simType, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.agentType" % simLoader, agentType, type="string")
            mc.setAttr("%s.instance" % simLoader, instance)
            mc.connectAttr("time1.outTime", "%s.time" % simLoader)

            i = 0
            for mayaJoint in self.mayaJoints.values():
                joint = mayaJoint.joint()
                mc.setAttr("%s.joints[%d]" % (simLoader, i),

                j = 0
                numTranslateChannels = 0
                # Use the joint's degrees-of-freedom and channel order to
                # determine which channels are present and which
                # transformations they correspond to
                for channel in joint.order:
                    if not joint.dof[channel]:

                    src = ""
                    offset = ""
                    if AgentSpec.isRotateEnum(channel):
                        src = "%s.output[%d].rotate[%d]" % (simLoader, i, (
                            j - numTranslateChannels))
                        offset = "%s.offsets[%d].rotateOffset[%d]" % (
                            simLoader, i, (j - numTranslateChannels))
                        src = "%s.output[%d].translate[%d]" % (simLoader, i, j)
                        offset = "%s.offsets[%d].translateOffset[%d]" % (
                            simLoader, i, j)
                        numTranslateChannels += 1
                    dst = "%s.%s" % (mayaJoint.name,

                    mc.setAttr(offset, mayaJoint.channelOffsets[channel])
                    mc.connectAttr(src, dst)
                    j += 1

                i += 1