Пример #1
def count_change(
    requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
    nations: t.Collection[str],
    start: datetime.date,
    end: datetime.date,
) -> t.Tuple[t.Mapping[str, int], t.Iterable[str]]:
    """For each nation provided, retrieves the number of issues
    they have answered between the two dates.

    The returned mapping contains .clean_format version of nation names.

    starting = {}
    ending = {}

    invalid = []

    # Get the starting number of issues
    for nation in requester.dumpManager().nations(date=start):
        # Check if either normal or clean name was provided
        if nation.name in nations or nsapi.clean_format(
                nation.name) in nations:
            starting[nsapi.clean_format(nation.name)] = nation.issuesAnswered

    # Get the ending number of issues
    for nation in requester.dumpManager().nations(date=end):
        # Check if either normal or clean name was provided
        if nation.name in nations or nsapi.clean_format(
                nation.name) in nations:
            ending[nsapi.clean_format(nation.name)] = nation.issuesAnswered

    # Check/make sure both starting/ending have all the nations
    # (e.g. differences may occur when a nation ceased to exist, was founded, etc)

    # If a nation didnt exist on the start date, it started with 0 answered.
    # If a nation didnt exist on the end date, it must have CTE
    # there is not really an easy way of finding the ending number of issues answered,
    # so we cant really calculate.
    for nationName in nations:
        if nationName not in starting:
            starting[nationName] = 0
        if nationName not in ending:
            # track the invalid nations

    # Calculate the difference between end and start for each nation in
    # starting, which should have identical keys to ending so it doesnt matter
    # which one we iterate through
    # Standardize nation name formatting
    delta = {
        ending[nationName] - starting[nationName]
        for nationName in starting

    return delta, invalid
Пример #2
def low_endorsements(requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
                     region: str,
                     count: int = 20) -> Collection[str]:
    Finds nations with low endorsements.

    Searches the nation dump for WA nations in the specified region
    with less endorsements than the given count.

    filtered = []

    # Squash casing on region
    lower_region = region.lower()

    # Search for matching nations
    for nation in requester.dumpManager().nations():
        if (
                # Compare regions, case insensitive
                nation.region.lower() == lower_region
                # Check that in WA
                and nation.WAStatus.startswith("WA")
                # Check that endorsements are under the specified level
                and len(nation.endorsements) <= count):
            # Save to return at end of search

    return filtered
Пример #3
def founder_endings(
    requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
    since: t.Optional[int] = None,
    before: t.Optional[int] = None,
    referenceDate: datetime.date = None,
) -> t.Iterable[Ending]:
    """Returns the founder endings in the given timestamp frame.

    `before` defaults to now,
    and `since` defaults to 24 hours ago.

    Uses the given referenceDate to retrive a region dump to cross-reference
    with endings with region founders (defaults to most recent dump).

    endings = retrieve_endings(requester, since, before)
    # convert endings to nation: region map
    endingRegions = {
        nsapi.clean_format(ending.nation): ending.region
        for ending in endings

    # cross reference with region dump
    founderEndings = (
        ) for region in requester.dumpManager().regions(date=referenceDate)
        if nsapi.clean_format(region.founder) in endingRegions.keys())

    return founderEndings
Пример #4
def unendorsed_nations(
    requester: nsapi.NSRequester, endorser: str
) -> Tuple[str, Iterable[str]]:
    """Finds all WA members of the nation's region who have not been endorsed
    Returns a tuple containing the region, and a iterable of unendorsed nations

    # Collect region
    region = requester.nation(endorser).shard("region")

    # Load downloaded nation file
    # Pack into conversion generator to simplify transformations
    nationDump = requester.dumpManager().nations()

    # Pull all nations in the region that are WA members
    # Use generator because we dont need to generate a list that is never used
    logging.info("Collecting %s WA Members", region)
    waMembers = [
        for nation in nationDump
        if nation.region == region and nation.WAStatus.startswith("WA")

    # Pull nations who are not endorsed
    logging.info("Collecting WA members who have not been endorsed")
    nonendorsed = [
        # Save name string, converting to lowercase, underscore format
        for nation in waMembers
        # Check if unendorsed by checking endorsements
        if endorser not in nation.endorsements

    return (region, nonendorsed)
Пример #5
def factbook_searcher(
        requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
        *keywords: str,
        populationMinimum: int = 0) -> Sequence[nsapi.RegionStandard]:
    """Returns Region's which have at least one of the given keywords in their WFE (.factbook)"""
    return [
        # Maps from XML to RegionStandard, should be single pass since its a generator wrapping
        for region in requester.dumpManager().regions()
        # Probably not the most efficient (probably O(n^2))
        if any(
            keyword in region.factbook
            for keyword in keywords) and region.numnations > populationMinimum
Пример #6
def named_cards(
    requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
    cards: Iterable[nsapi.CardIdentifier],
) -> Mapping[int, str]:
    """Maps each CardIdentifier to the nation name,
    using the card dumps. Returns a mapping from id to name
    cardMap = {card.id: "" for card in cards}
    for standard in itertools.chain(
        if standard.id in cardMap:
            cardMap[standard.id] = standard.name
    return cardMap
Пример #7
def find_rarities(requester: nsapi.NSRequester, rarity: str) -> None:
    """Searches both card dumps for cards of the specified rarity
    and saves the id/season to a file of the same name"""

    # Goes through each dump, grabbing any CardStandard that has the right rarity
    # store season with it, since the CardStandard does not have season
    cards = []
    for card in requester.dumpManager().cards(season="1"):
        if card.rarity == rarity:
            cards.append((card, "1"))
    for card in requester.dumpManager().cards(season="2"):
        if card.rarity == rarity:
            cards.append((card, "2"))

    # Dump everything as strings so its easier to use
    with open(resolve_path(rarity), "w") as file:
                "cardid": str(card.id),
                "season": season,
                "name": card.name
            } for card, season in cards],
Пример #8
def get_nations_by_region(
    requester: nsapi.NSRequester, regions: t.Iterable[str]
) -> t.Mapping[str, t.Iterable[str]]:
    """Returns an mapping from region to all residents of that region.

    regionSet = set(nsapi.clean_format(string) for string in regions)

    output: t.Dict[str, t.List[str]] = {}

    for region in requester.dumpManager().regions():
        if nsapi.clean_format(region.name) in regionSet:
            output[nsapi.clean_format(region.name)] = [
                nsapi.clean_format(name) for name in region.nations

    return output
Пример #9
def collect(requester: nsapi.NSRequester,
            region: str) -> t.Mapping[str, t.Iterable[str]]:
    """Compiles the endorsees of every WA nation in the region."""

    # Cross-reference region nations and WA members
    region_nations = set(requester.region(region).nations())
    wa_nations = set(requester.wa().shard("members").split(","))
    members = region_nations & wa_nations

    # A dict mapping each WA member of this region to the nations they endorse
    endorsees: t.Dict[str, t.List[str]] = {member: [] for member in members}

    # Parse nation dump
    for nation in requester.dumpManager().nations():
        # Search for nations that are WA in this region
        if nation in members:
            for endorser in nation.endorsements:

    return endorsees