Пример #1
    def test_nt_helpers(self):
        # Trivial validation that the helpers do not break, and support both
        # unicode and bytes (UTF-8) paths

        drive, path = ntpath.splitdrive(sys.executable)
        drive = drive.rstrip(ntpath.sep) + ntpath.sep
        self.assertEqual(drive, nt._getvolumepathname(sys.executable))

        cap, free = nt._getdiskusage(sys.exec_prefix)
        self.assertGreater(cap, 0)
        self.assertGreater(free, 0)
        b_cap, b_free = nt._getdiskusage(sys.exec_prefix.encode())
        # Free space may change, so only test the capacity is equal
        self.assertEqual(b_cap, cap)
        self.assertGreater(b_free, 0)

        for path in [sys.prefix, sys.executable]:
            final_path = nt._getfinalpathname(path)
            self.assertIsInstance(final_path, str)
            self.assertGreater(len(final_path), 0)

            b_final_path = nt._getfinalpathname(path.encode())
            self.assertIsInstance(b_final_path, bytes)
            self.assertGreater(len(b_final_path), 0)
Пример #2
    def test_nt_helpers(self):
        # Trivial validation that the helpers do not break, and support both
        # unicode and bytes (UTF-8) paths

        drive, path = ntpath.splitdrive(sys.executable)
        drive = drive.rstrip(ntpath.sep) + ntpath.sep
        self.assertEqual(drive, nt._getvolumepathname(sys.executable))

        cap, free = nt._getdiskusage(sys.exec_prefix)
        self.assertGreater(cap, 0)
        self.assertGreater(free, 0)
        b_cap, b_free = nt._getdiskusage(sys.exec_prefix.encode())
        # Free space may change, so only test the capacity is equal
        self.assertEqual(b_cap, cap)
        self.assertGreater(b_free, 0)

        for path in [sys.prefix, sys.executable]:
            final_path = nt._getfinalpathname(path)
            self.assertIsInstance(final_path, str)
            self.assertGreater(len(final_path), 0)

            b_final_path = nt._getfinalpathname(path.encode())
            self.assertIsInstance(b_final_path, bytes)
            self.assertGreater(len(b_final_path), 0)
Пример #3
def ismount(path):
    """Test whether a path is a mount point (a drive root, the root of a
    share, or a mounted volume)"""
    seps = _get_bothseps(path)
    path = abspath(path)
    root, rest = splitdrive(path)
    if root and root[0] in seps:
        return (not rest) or (rest in seps)
    if rest in seps:
        return True

    if _getvolumepathname:
        return path.rstrip(seps) == _getvolumepathname(path).rstrip(seps)
        return False
Пример #4
def ismount(path):
    """Test whether a path is a mount point (a drive root, the root of a
    share, or a mounted volume)"""
    seps = _get_bothseps(path)
    path = abspath(path)
    root, rest = splitdrive(path)
    if root and root[0] in seps:
        return (not rest) or (rest in seps)
    if rest in seps:
        return True

    if _getvolumepathname:
        return path.rstrip(seps) == _getvolumepathname(path).rstrip(seps)
        return False