Пример #1
class HttpCredSSPAuth(AuthBase):

    def __init__(self, domain, username, password):
        self.credssp_regex = re.compile('(?:.*,)*\s*CredSSP\s*([^,]*),?', re.I)
        self.password_authenticator = PasswordAuthentication(domain, username, password)

        # Windows 2008 R2 and earlier are unable to negotiate TLS 1.2 by default so use TLS 1.0
        # TODO: provide an mechanism to enable TLS 1.2 which works with modern Windows servers
        self.tls_context = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
        # OpenSSL introduced a fix to CBC ciphers by adding empty fragments, but this breaks Microsoft's TLS 1.0
        # implementation. OpenSSL added a flag we need to use which ensures OpenSSL does not send empty fragments
        self.tls_context.set_options(0x00000800 | 0x00000200)
        self.tls_connection = None

    def _get_credssp_header(self, response):
        authenticate_header = response.headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
        if authenticate_header:
            match_obj = self.credssp_regex.search(authenticate_header)
            if match_obj and len(match_obj.groups()) > 0:
                encoded = match_obj.group(1)
                return base64.b64decode(encoded)
        return None

    def _set_credssp_header(request, value):
        request.headers['Authorization'] = "CredSSP {0}".format(base64.b64encode(value))
        return request

    def _get_rsa_public_key(cert):
        PyOpenSSL does not provide a public method to export the public key from a certificate as a properly formatted
        ASN.1 RSAPublicKey structure. There are 'hacks' which use dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, <public_key>),
        but this dumps the public key within a PrivateKeyInfo structure which is not suitable for a comparison. This
        approach uses the PyOpenSSL CFFI bindings to invoke the i2d_RSAPublicKey() which correctly extracts the key
        material in an ASN.1 RSAPublicKey structure.
        :param cert: The ASN.1 Encoded Certificate
        :return: The ASN.1 Encoded RSAPublicKey structure containing the supplied certificates public Key
        openssl_pkey = cert.get_pubkey()
        openssl_lib = _util.binding.lib
        ffi = _util.binding.ffi
        buf = ffi.new("unsigned char **")
        rsa = openssl_lib.EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(openssl_pkey._pkey)
        length = openssl_lib.i2d_RSAPublicKey(rsa, buf)
        public_key = ffi.buffer(buf[0], length)[:]
        ffi.gc(buf[0], openssl_lib.OPENSSL_free)
        return public_key

    def _credssp_processor(self, context):
        Implements a state machine
        http_response = (yield)
        credssp_context = self._get_credssp_header(http_response)

        if credssp_context is None:
            raise Exception('The remote host did not respond with a \'www-authenticate\' header containing '
                            '\'CredSSP\' as an available authentication mechanism')

        # 1. First, secure the channel with a TLS Handshake
        if not credssp_context:
            self.tls_connection = SSL.Connection(self.tls_context)
            while True:
                except SSL.WantReadError:
                    http_response = yield self._set_credssp_header(http_response.request, self.tls_connection.bio_read(4096))
                    credssp_context = self._get_credssp_header(http_response)
                    if credssp_context is None or not credssp_context:
                        raise Exception('The remote host rejected the CredSSP TLS handshake')

        # add logging to display the negotiated cipher (move to a function)
        openssl_lib = _util.binding.lib
        ffi = _util.binding.ffi
        cipher = openssl_lib.SSL_get_current_cipher(self.tls_connection._ssl)
        cipher_name = ffi.string( openssl_lib.SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher))
        log.debug("Negotiated TLS Cipher: %s", cipher_name)

        # 2. Send an TSRequest containing an NTLM Negotiate Request
        context_generator = context.initialize_security_context()
        negotiate_token = context_generator.send(None)
        log.debug("NTLM Type 1: %s", AsHex(negotiate_token))

        ts_request = TSRequest()
        ts_request['negoTokens'] = negotiate_token

        http_response = yield self._set_credssp_header(http_response.request, self.tls_connection.bio_read(4096))

        # Extract and decrypt the encoded TSRequest response struct from the Negotiate header
        authenticate_header = self._get_credssp_header(http_response)
        if not authenticate_header or authenticate_header is None:
            raise Exception("The remote host rejected the CredSSP negotiation token")

        # NTLM Challenge Response and Server Public Key Validation
        ts_request = TSRequest()
        challenge_token = ts_request['negoTokens']
        log.debug("NTLM Type 2: %s", AsHex(challenge_token))
        server_cert = self.tls_connection.get_peer_certificate()

        # not using channel bindings
        #certificate_digest = base64.b16decode(server_cert.digest('SHA256').replace(':', ''))
        ## channel_binding_structure = gss_channel_bindings_struct()
        ## channel_binding_structure['application_data'] = "tls-server-end-point:" + certificate_digest
        public_key = HttpCredSSPAuth._get_rsa_public_key(server_cert)
        # The _RSAPublicKey must be 'wrapped' using the negotiated GSSAPI mechanism and send to the server along with
        # the final SPNEGO token. This step of the CredSSP protocol is designed to thwart 'man-in-the-middle' attacks

        # Build and encrypt the response to the server
        ts_request = TSRequest()
        type3= context_generator.send(challenge_token)
        log.debug("NTLM Type 3: %s", AsHex(type3))
        ts_request['negoTokens'] = type3
        public_key_encrypted, signature = context.wrap_message(public_key)
        ts_request['pubKeyAuth'] = signature + public_key_encrypted

        enc_type3 = self.tls_connection.bio_read(8192)
        http_response = yield self._set_credssp_header(http_response.request, enc_type3)

        # TLS decrypt the response, then ASN decode and check the error code
        auth_response = self._get_credssp_header(http_response)
        if not auth_response or auth_response is None:
            raise Exception("The remote host rejected the challenge response")

        ts_request = TSRequest()
        # TODO: determine how to validate server certificate here
        #a = ts_request['pubKeyAuth']
        # print ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in a)

        # 4. Send the Credentials to be delegated, these are encrypted with both NTLM v2 and then by TLS
        tsp = TSPasswordCreds()
        tsp['domain'] = self.password_authenticator.get_domain()
        tsp['username'] = self.password_authenticator.get_username()
        tsp['password'] = self.password_authenticator.get_password()

        tsc = TSCredentials()
        tsc['type'] = 1
        tsc['credentials'] = tsp.getData()

        ts_request = TSRequest()
        encrypted, signature = context.wrap_message(tsc.getData())
        ts_request['authInfo'] = signature + encrypted

        token = self.tls_connection.bio_read(8192)

        http_response.request.body = self.body
        http_response = yield self._set_credssp_header(self._encrypt(http_response.request, self.tls_connection), token)

        if http_response.status_code == 401:
            raise Exception('Authentication Failed')
        #does the server need to respond with a final credssp header, probably not.
        #if we arrive here something probably went wrong?
        #if self._get_credssp_header(http_response) is None:
        #        raise Exception('Authentication Failed')

    def _encrypt(request, context):
        body = '--Encrypted Boundary\r\n'
        body += '\tContent-Type: application/HTTP-CredSSP-session-encrypted\r\n' 
        body += '\tOriginalContent: type=application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8;Length=' + str(len(request.body)) + '\r\n'
        body += '--Encrypted Boundary\r\n'
        body += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n'
        # CredSSP uses the initial TLS context for encryption
        body += struct.pack('<i', 16)
        body += context.bio_read(8192)
        body += '--Encrypted Boundary--\r\n'
        request.body = body
        request.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(body))
        request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/encrypted;'
        request.headers['Content-Type'] += 'protocol="application/HTTP-CredSSP-session-encrypted";'
        request.headers['Content-Type'] += 'boundary="Encrypted Boundary"'
        return request

    def _decrypt(response, context):
        # TODO: there is some extra validation to sanitise the incoming response here
        mime_parts = response.content.split('--Encrypted Boundary')
        length = int(mime_parts[1].split(';Length=')[1].strip())
        parts = mime_parts[2].split("application/octet-stream")
        payload = parts[1][2:]
        # The first 4 bytes of the response indicate the length of the signature. When using CredSSP the signature
        # is not computed or sent, we simply validate this is 0x10
        signature_length = struct.unpack('<i', payload[:4])[0]
        tls_text = payload[4:]

        #if len(tls_text) != length:
        #    raise Exception("extracted length not equal to expected length")

        plaintext = context.recv(8192)
        return plaintext

    def handle_401(self, response, **kwargs):
        self.context = NtlmContext(self.password_authenticator, session_security='encrypt')
        credssp_processor = self._credssp_processor(self.context)

        while response.status_code == 401:
            # This is required
            client_request = credssp_processor.send(response)
            response = response.connection.send(client_request, **kwargs)

        return response

    def handle_response(self, response, **kwargs):
        #if self.pos is not None:
            # Rewind the file position indicator of the body to where
            # it was to resend the request.
        #    response.request.body.seek(self.pos)
        if response.status_code == 401:
            response = self.handle_401(response, **kwargs)
            log.debug("handle_response(): returning {0}".format(response))
            # TODO: check the response header to see if the response is encrypted first
        if response.status_code == 200:
            logging.debug("decrypting body")
            message = self._decrypt(response, self.tls_connection)
            response._content = message
        return response

    def __call__(self, request):
        request.headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"

        # TODO: implement support for unencrypted requests
        request.register_hook('response', self.handle_response)

        # We should not send any content to the target host until we have established a security context through the
        # 'handle_response' hook, so we stash the original request body and remove it from the current request
        if self.context is None:
            self.body = str(request.body)
            request.body = ""
            request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8"
            request.headers['Content-Length'] = 0
            logging.debug("encrypting body")
            self._encrypt(request, self.tls_connection)

        return request
Пример #2
 def test_get_username(self):
     authentication = PasswordAuthentication('asgard', 'odin', 'yggdrasill')
     self.assertEqual(authentication.get_username(), 'odin')