Пример #1
    'n_samples': 20,
    'n_exact_depths': 3,
    'n_gl': 20,  # number of glaciations
    'bottom_depth_m': 10,
    'alt': 220,  # surface elevation, assumed constant, m
    'lat': 44.544,
    'rho': 2.67,  # g/cm2
    # define max allowable parameter values to normalize to
    'max_dz_m': 15,  # max m of rock eroded each glaciation
    'min_dz_m': 0.01,  # m
    't_gl': 15000,
    't_int': 85000,
    't_postgl': 15500,
    80,  # postglacial shielding correction (for snow/till cover)
    'nuclide': nuclide.Be10Qtz(),

    # define our parameters for the Neighborhood Algorithm
    'ns': 50,  # number of samples each iteration
    'nr': 25,  # number of voronoi cells that we explore in each iteration
    'ensemble_size': 10000,
    #    'n_best':         200,
    'interp_pts': 500,
    'tol_reduced_chi2': 2,

con['n_params'] = con['n_exact_depths'] + 1
con['dof'] = con['n_samples'] - con['n_params']
con['bottom_depth'] = con['bottom_depth_m'] * 100 * con['rho']
con['max_dz'] = con['max_dz_m'] * 100 * con['rho']
con['min_dz'] = con['min_dz_m'] * 100 * con['rho']
Пример #2
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import numpy.random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cosmogenic import util

import nuclide
import sim

n = nuclide.Be10Qtz()

# get the data from the simulation loaded into memory
concs = np.genfromtxt('concs.txt')
errors = np.genfromtxt('errors.txt')
models = np.genfromtxt('models.txt')
conc_true = np.genfromtxt('conc_true.txt')
conc_meas = np.genfromtxt('conc_meas.txt')
conc_meas_err = n.measurement_error(conc_meas)
ms = np.genfromtxt('ms.txt')
misfits = np.genfromtxt('misfits.txt')
constraints = util.unpickle('constraints.dat')
con = constraints
p = util.unpickle('production_rate.dat')
dof = con['n_gl']

# denormalize the models
ms *= con['max_dz'] / con['rho'] / 100.0

dz_true_m = con['dz_true_m']
# get data for plotting a depth vs time curve
Пример #3
""" Plot production ratio of Al26 and Be10 """

import numpy as np
import pylab

import nuclide
import production

def plot_production_ratio(n1, n2, max_depth_gcm2, npts=200):
    """ Plot the production ratio of two nuclides with depth """
    z = np.linspace(start=0, stop=max_depth_gcm2, num=npts)
    alt = 0
    lat = 75
    p1 = production.P_tot(z, alt, lat, n1)
    p2 = production.P_tot(z, alt, lat, n2)

    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(p1 / p2, z)
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Depth (g/cm^2)')
    return (fig, ax)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plot_production_ratio(nuclide.Al26Qtz(), nuclide.Be10Qtz(), 10680.0)