def _add_knob(k): _knob_tcl_name = 'preferences.{}'.format( if nuke.exists(_knob_tcl_name): k.setValue(pref[].value()) pref.removeKnob(pref[]) k.setFlag(nuke.ALWAYS_SAVE) pref.addKnob(k)
def create_write_product_node(): node = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) node_name = 'WriteProduct' node_inst = 1 while nuke.exists(node_name + str(node_inst)): node_inst += 1 node_name += str(node_inst) node.knob('name').setValue(node_name) node.knob('beforeRender').setValue( 'dpa.nuke.utils.create_product_before_render()') node.knob('afterFrameRender').setValue( 'dpa.nuke.utils.set_permissions_after_frame()') products_tab = nuke.Tab_Knob("Product") node.addKnob(products_tab) node.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_desc', 'description', "")) node.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_name', 'name', get_default_product_name())) node.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_ver_note', 'description', "")) # hide the file knob node.knob('file_type').setValue('exr') node.knob('product_ver_note').setVisible(False)
def import_all_gizmos(): session = ftrack_connect.session.get_shared_session() task = session.query('select from Task ' 'where id is "{0}"'.format( os.environ["FTRACK_TASKID"])).one() versions = session.query('AssetVersion where is "{0}" and' ' asset.type.short is "nuke_gizmo"'.format( task["parent"]["id"])) # Collect all components. components = [] for version in get_latest_versions(versions): components.extend(version["components"]) # Collect all new components new_components = [] for component in components: node_exists = nuke.exists( HelpFunctions.safeString(component["version"]["asset"]["name"]) + "_" + HelpFunctions.safeString(component["name"])) if not node_exists: new_components.append(component) progress_bar = ProgressBar() for progress in import_components(components): * 100) progress_bar.deleteLater()
def create_write_product_node(): node = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) node_name = 'WriteProduct' node_inst = 1 while nuke.exists(node_name + str(node_inst)): node_inst += 1 node_name += str(node_inst) node.knob('name').setValue(node_name) node.knob('beforeRender').setValue( 'dpa.nuke.utils.create_product_before_render()') node.knob('afterFrameRender').setValue( 'dpa.nuke.utils.set_permissions_after_frame()') products_tab = nuke.Tab_Knob("Product") node.addKnob(products_tab) node.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_desc', 'description', "")) node.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_name', 'name', get_default_product_name())) node.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('product_ver_note', 'description', "")) # hide the file knob node.knob('file_type').setValue('exr') node.knob('product_ver_note').setVisible(False)
def toggle(knob): """ "Inverts" some flags on the selected nodes. What this really does is set all of them to the same value, by finding the majority value and using the inverse of that.""" value = 0 n = nuke.selectedNodes() for i in n: try: val = i.knob(knob).value() if val: value += 1 else: value -= 1 except: pass status = value < 0 for i in n: if not nuke.exists("."+knob): continue knobbie = i.knob(knob) knobbie_str ="."+knob size = nuke.animation(knobbie_str, "size") if size is not None and int(size) > 0: knobbie.setKeyAt(nuke.frame()) knobbie.setValue(status) else: knobbie.setValue(status) nuke.modified(True)
def collect_dependencies(write_nodes, views, dependency_knobs=None): ''' For the given Write nodes, traverse up their hierarchy to query any nodes for dependency filepaths and return them. write_nodes: a list of Write nodes (their node names) for which to collect dependencies for. dependency_knobs: A dictionary of nuke node types (and their knob names) for which to query for dependency paths, e.g. {'Read':['file'], 'DeepRead':['file']} ''' dependency_knobs = dependency_knobs or {} deps = set() for node_name in write_nodes: if nuke.exists(node_name): write_node = nuke.toNode(node_name) for dep_node in get_node_dependencies(write_node): for knob_name in dependency_knobs.get(dep_node.Class(), []): knob = dep_node.knob(knob_name) if knob: raw_file_path = knob.value() if"%[Vv]", raw_file_path): for view in views: view_path = re.sub("%V", view, raw_file_path) view_path = re.sub("%v", view[0], view_path) deps.add(view_path) else: deps.add(raw_file_path) return sorted(deps)
def _get_all_reads(self): if nuke.exists("root"): return nuke.allNodes(group=nuke.root(), filter='Read', recurseGroups=True) else: return []
def getUniqueName(name): regex_name = re.compile('(?P<name>.*?)(?P<number>[0-9]+)$') while nuke.exists(name): info = [match.groupdict() for match in regex_name.finditer(name)] if info: info = info[0] name = info['name'] + str(int(info['number']) + 1) return name
def getAvailableName(name="Untitled"): ''' Returns a node name starting with @name followed by a number, that doesn't exist already ''' i = 1 while True: available_name = name + str(i) if not nuke.exists(available_name): return available_name i += 1
def append_knob(node, knob): """Add @knob as @node's last knob. """ knob_name = u( node_name = u( if nuke.exists('{}.{}'.format(node_name, knob_name).encode('utf-8')): knob.setValue(node[knob_name.encode('utf-8')].value()) node.removeKnob(node[knob_name.encode('utf-8')]) node.addKnob(knob)
def node_exists(node): """ Check whether or not node exists. """ try: result = nuke.exists( return result except: return False
def _gizmo_to_group_update_ui(): n = nuke.thisNode() _temp_knob_name = 'wlf_gizmo_to_group' _has_temp_knob = nuke.exists( utf8('{}.{}'.format(u(, _temp_knob_name))) if _has_temp_knob: n = edit.gizmo_to_group(n) n.removeKnob(n[_temp_knob_name]) n.removeKnob(n['User'])
def _add_root_info(): """add info to root. """ artist = nuke.value('preferences.wlf_artist', '') if not artist: return if not nuke.exists('root.wlf'): n = nuke.Root() k = nuke.Tab_Knob('wlf', b'吾立方') k.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) n.addKnob(k) k = nuke.String_Knob('wlf_artist', b'制作人') k.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE) k.setValue(artist) n.addKnob(k) else: if nuke.exists('root.wlf_artist') and not nuke.value('root.wlf_artist', ''): nuke.knob('root.wlf_artist', artist)
def get_write_node_filepath(node_name): ''' For the given Write/Deepwrite node (name), return it's output filepath ("file" attr) If the node does not exist or it's not a write/deepwrite node, raise an exception ''' write_node_types = ["Write", "DeepWrite"] if not nuke.exists(node_name): raise Exception("Write node does not exist: %s", node_name) node = nuke.toNode(node_name) if node.Class() not in write_node_types: raise Exception("Node not of expected types: %s. Got: %s" % (write_node_types, node.Class())) return node.knob("file").value()
def nuke_node_exists(self): """ Return True or False whether or not nuke node exists. """ try: full_name = self.get_nuke_node_full_name() return nuke.exists(full_name) except: return False
def createAutowrite(): w = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False) count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('AutoWrite' + str(count)) w.knob('tile_color').setValue(8388607) t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Additional Parameters") w.addKnob(t) w.addKnob(nuke.Enumeration_Knob('outputType', 'Output Type', ['Comp', 'Precomp','LTComp','Matte'])) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('aov','Prefix','')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('descriptor','Suffix','')) w['file_type'].setValue('exr')
def get_write_node_filepath(node_name): ''' For the given Write/Deepwrite node (name), return it's output filepath ("file" attr) If the node does not exist or it's not a write/deepwrite node, raise an exception ''' write_node_types = ["Write", "DeepWrite"] if not nuke.exists(node_name): raise Exception("Write node does not exist: %s", node_name) node = nuke.toNode(node_name) if node.Class() not in write_node_types: raise Exception("Node not of expected types: %s. Got: %s" % (write_node_types, node.Class())) # Resolve the path of any TCL expressions, or relative path return resolve_knob_path(node.knob("file"))
def rename_all_nodes(): """Rename all nodes by them belonged backdrop node .""" for i in nuke.allNodes('BackdropNode'): _nodes = i.getNodes() j = i['label'].value().split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0] for k in _nodes: if k.Class() == 'Group' and not '_' in and not ( k['disable'].value()): name ='0123456789') k.setName(name + '_' + j + '_1', updateExpressions=True) elif not ('_' in or nuke.exists( + '.disable') or (k['disable'].value())): k.setName(k.Class() + '_' + j + '_1', updateExpressions=True)
def dropAutoWrite(): """ Creates an automatic Write node (an "AutoWrite") which uses the name and path of the Nuke script that it's in to create it's own output path. Changes made to the script's name (such as versioning up) wil be reflected in the output path auto-magically with no user intervention. """ # Create the Write node that will become an AutoWrite w= nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False) # Rename it to AutoWrite # (Also, deal with the number problem) count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('AutoWrite' + str(count)) # Add the tab to hold the variables containing path fragments so we can have # a less messy file path. t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Path Fragments") USERNAME = os.environ["USERNAME"] w.addKnob(t) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('proj_root', 'Project Root', '[join [lrange [split [value] / ] 0 5 ] / ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('seq', 'Sequence', '[lrange [split [value] / ] 6 6 ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('episode', 'Episode Name', '[lrange [split [value] / ] 7 7 ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('shot', ' Shot Name', '[lrange [split [value] / ] 8 8 ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('script', 'Script Name', '[file rootname [file tail [value] ] ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('stripe', 'Stripe Name', '[join [lreplace [lreplace [split [file rootname [file tail [value]]] _] end end] 4 4] _]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('user', 'userName Name', '[getenv USERNAME]')) # Display the values of our path fragment knobs on the node in the DAG for # error-checking. # This can be turned off if it makes too much of a mess for your taste. feedback = """ Output Path: [value file] Project Root: [value proj_root] Sequence: [value seq] Episode Name: [value episode] Shot Name: [value shot] Script Name: [value script] Stripe Name: [value stripe] userName Name: [value user] """ w.knob('label').setValue(feedback) # Re-assemble the path fragments into a proper output path output_path = "[value proj_root]/[value seq]/[value episode]/[value shot]/nuke/[value user]/render/[value stripe]/[value stripe].%04d.jpeg" w.knob('file').fromScript(output_path)
def collect_dependencies(write_nodes, views, dependency_knobs=None): ''' For the given Write nodes, traverse up their hierarchy to query any nodes for dependency filepaths and return them. Note that a path value found in a node/knob may contain tcl expressions that this function will resolve, e.g. a path value of: "[python {nuke.script_directory()}]/[value seq]/[value shot]/cat.####.jpg" may resolve to: "/tmp/conductor/nuke/010/010_250/cat.%04d.jpg write_nodes: a list of Write nodes (their node names) for which to collect dependencies for. dependency_knobs: A dictionary of nuke node types (and their knob names) for which to query for dependency paths, e.g. {'Read':['file'], 'DeepRead':['file']} ''' dependency_knobs = dependency_knobs or {} deps = set() for node_name in write_nodes: if nuke.exists(node_name): write_node = nuke.toNode(node_name) for dep_node in get_node_dependencies(write_node): for knob_type in dependency_knobs.get(dep_node.Class(), []): knob = dep_node.knob(knob_type) if knob: # Handle OCIOCDLTransform: Skip node/knob if "read from file" is not enabled if dep_node.Class() == "OCIOCDLTransform": if not dep_node.knob("read_from_file").value(): logger.debug("Skipping %s", knob.fullyQualifiedName()) continue # Resolve TCL expressions and relative paths path = resolve_knob_path(knob) if"%[Vv]", path): for view in views: view_path = re.sub("%V", view, path) view_path = re.sub("%v", view[0], view_path) deps.add(view_path) else: deps.add(path) return sorted(deps)
def createAutowrite(): w = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False) count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('AutoWrite' + str(count)) w.knob('tile_color').setValue(8388607) t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Additional Parameters") w.addKnob(t) w.addKnob( nuke.Enumeration_Knob('outputType', 'Output Type', ['Comp', 'Precomp', 'LTComp', 'Matte'])) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('aov', 'Prefix', '')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('descriptor', 'Suffix', '')) w['file_type'].setValue('exr')
def create_read_sub_node(): node = nuke.createNode('Read', inpanel=True) node_name = 'ReadSub' node_inst = 1 while nuke.exists(node_name + str(node_inst)): node_inst += 1 node_name += str(node_inst) node.knob('name').setValue(node_name) sub_tab = nuke.Tab_Knob("Sub") # make sure the product reprs are cached populate_sub_cache(refresh=False) repr_str_list = [DEFAULT_REPR_STR] repr_str_list.extend(sorted(PRODUCT_REPR_STR_TO_PATH.keys())) product_repr_select = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'product_repr_select', 'subscription', repr_str_list, ) product_seq_select = nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'product_seq_select', 'files', [], ) nuke.callbacks.addKnobChanged(read_sub_knob_changed, nodeClass='Read', node=node) node.addKnob(sub_tab) node.addKnob(product_repr_select) node.addKnob(product_seq_select) # make the tab pop to front node['Sub'].setFlag(0) read_sub_knob_changed(node=node, knob=node.knob('product_repr_select'))
def stuffShuffleSimple(): read_node = nuke.selectedNodes('Read') sel0 = read_node[0] chnls = sel0.channels() lys = list(set([ech.split('.')[0] for ech in chnls])) lys.sort() p=nuke.Panel('Merge Selected Cameras and Create Channels') for layer in lys: p.addBooleanCheckBox(layer, False) if not print("Nothing selected") return None foundLy = [ea for ea in lys if p.value(ea) ] foundLy.sort() for ea_rd in read_node: px,py = ea_rd.xpos() -130,ea_rd.ypos() + 135 ea_rd.setSelected(False) h_bias = 140 v_bias = 40 pos_index = len(foundLy) bd_nm_str = "{}_channles".format( bd = None if nuke.exists(bd_nm_str): bd = nuke.toNode(bd_nm_str) else: bd = nukescripts.autoBackdrop() bd.knob('name').setValue("{}_channles".format( bd.setXpos(px-25) bd.setYpos(py - 25) bd.knob('bdwidth').setValue(420) bd.selectNodes() exist_shfs = len(nuke.selectedNodes("Shuffle")) for i in range(pos_index): shuf_1=nuke.nodes.Shuffle() shuf_1['in'].setValue(foundLy[i]) shuf_1.setInput(0,ea_rd) shuf_1['hide_input'].setValue(True) shuf_1.setName("{}_".format(foundLy[i])) #shuf_1.knob('label').setValue("ExShf_{}_{}".format(,foundLy[i])) shuf_1.setXYpos(px + h_bias*((i+exist_shfs)%3),py + v_bias*((i+exist_shfs)/3)) shuf_1.setSelected(True) sel_shf_nm = len(nuke.selectedNodes("Shuffle")) newH = 38 + ((sel_shf_nm-1)/3 + 1)*40 bd.knob('bdheight').setValue(newH) for ea in nuke.selectedNodes(): ea.setSelected(False)
def getReadFromWrite(): #WriteNodes = [node for node in nuke.selectedNodes() if node.Class()=='Write'] count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 for node in nuke.selectedNodes(): #rfirst = int(node['first'].value()) #rlast = int(node['last'].value()) readNode = nuke.createNode('Read') readNode['file'].setValue(node['file'].getValue()) readNode['xpos'].setValue(node['xpos'].getValue()) readNode['ypos'].setValue(node['ypos'].getValue() + 100) rfirst = nuke.root().knob('first_frame').value() rlast = nuke.root().knob('last_frame').value() readNode['first'].setValue(rfirst) readNode['last'].setValue(rlast) #readNode.knob('name').setValue('AutoRead' + str(count)) #readNode.knob('reload').execute()
def pv2_emitterListRefresh(knob, workingNode, workingNodeName): import nuke #get existing values existingValues = workingNode['pv2_emitterList'].values() currentValue = workingNode['pv2_emitterList'].value() #get all connected emittersScene = workingNode.input(1) notAttached = [] notAttachedExists = [] #make sure something is connected if emittersScene : #check it's a scene if emittersScene.Class() == 'Scene': #get all attached nodes allAttachedObjs = emittersScene.dependencies() allAttached = [] for each in allAttachedObjs: allAttached.append( #get entries that arent connected and. . for i in existingValues : if i not in allAttached: notAttached.append(i) #..confirm they still exist (skip 'None') for j in notAttached : if nuke.exists(j) == True: notAttachedExists.append(i) #add all existing entries together and sort for each in allAttached: notAttachedExists.append(each) notAttachedExists.sort() notAttachedExists.insert(0, "None") #repopulate list workingNode['pv2_emitterList'].setValues(notAttachedExists)
def dropAutoWrite(): """ Creates an automatic Write node (an "AutoWrite") which uses the name and path of the Nuke script that it's in to create it's own output path. Changes made to the script's name (such as versioning up) wil be reflected in the output path auto-magically with no user intervention. """ # Create the Write node that will become an AutoWrite w= nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False) # Rename it to AutoWrite # (Also, deal with the number problem) count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('AutoWrite' + str(count)) # Add the tab to hold the variables containing path fragments so we can have # a less messy file path. t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Path Fragments") w.addKnob(t) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('proj_root', 'Project Root', '[join [lrange [split [value] / ] 0 4 ] / ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('seq', 'Sequence', '[lrange [split [value] / ] 5 5 ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('shot', 'Shot Name', '[lrange [split [value] / ] 6 6 ]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('script', 'Script Name', '[file rootname [file tail [value] ] ]')) # Display the values of our path fragment knobs on the node in the DAG for # error-checking. # This can be turned off if it makes too much of a mess for your taste. feedback = """ Output Path: [value file] Project Root: [value proj_root] Sequence: [value seq] Shot Name: [value shot] Script Name: [value script] """ w.knob('label').setValue(feedback) # Re-assemble the path fragments into a proper output path output_path = "[value proj_root]/[value seq]/[value shot]/comps/[value script]/[value input.width]x[value input.height]/[value script].%04d.dpx" w.knob('file').fromScript(output_path)
def dropAutoWrite(): """ Creates an automatic Write node (an "AutoWrite") which uses the name and path of the Nuke script that it's in to create it's own output path. Changes made to the script's name (such as versioning up) wil be reflected in the output path auto-magically with no user intervention. """ # Create the Write node that will become an AutoWrite w = nuke.createNode("Write", inpanel=False) # Rename it to AutoWrite # (Also, deal with the number problem) count = 1 while nuke.exists("AutoWrite" + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob("name").setValue("AutoWrite" + str(count)) # Add the tab to hold the variables containing path fragments so we can have # a less messy file path. t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Path Fragments") w.addKnob(t) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob("proj_root", "Project Root", "[join [lrange [split [value] / ] 0 4 ] / ]")) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob("seq", "Sequence", "[lrange [split [value] / ] 5 5 ]")) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob("shot", "Shot Name", "[lrange [split [value] / ] 6 6 ]")) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob("script", "Script Name", "[file rootname [file tail [value] ] ]")) # Display the values of our path fragment knobs on the node in the DAG for # error-checking. # This can be turned off if it makes too much of a mess for your taste. feedback = """ Output Path: [value file] Project Root: [value proj_root] Sequence: [value seq] Shot Name: [value shot] Script Name: [value script] """ w.knob("label").setValue(feedback) # Re-assemble the path fragments into a proper output path output_path = "[value proj_root]/[value seq]/[value shot]/comps/[value script]/[value input.width]x[value input.height]/[value script].%04d.dpx" w.knob("file").fromScript(output_path)
def setSwitchRoute(): """ Hook into addBeforeRender of Write nodes. Sets the "state" of Swicthes across the DAG before rendering. """ try: route = nuke.thisNode()['switchroute'].value() nodename = nuke.thisNode().name() if route: ss = route.split(" ") for s in zip(ss[0::2],ss[1::2]): switchname = s[0] which = int(s[1]) print "%s | %s -> %i" % (nodename, switchname, which) if nuke.exists(switchname): nuke.toNode(switchname)['which'].setValue(which) else: print "%s switch does not exists!" % name except NameError: pass
def photoshopWrite(): w = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) count = 1 while nuke.exists('photoshopWrite' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('photoshopWrite' + str(count)) t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Photoshop Write") w.addKnob(t) feedback = """ [value dirName] """ w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('fileName', 'fileName', '[string trimright [string trimright [file tail [value]] .nk] _thread0]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('dirName', 'dirName', os.path.join(jeevesStatic.jobsRoot, os.getenv('JOB'), 'vfx', 'adobe', 'photoshop', 'from_nuke', ).replace('\\', '/'))) output_path = "[value dirName]/[value fileName]/[value fileName].%04d.tiff" w.knob('file').fromScript(output_path) w.knob('colorspace').setValue('srgb') w.knob('file_type').setValue('tiff') w.knob('datatype').setValue('16')
def outputWrite(): w = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) count = 1 while nuke.exists('Jeeves_Write' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('Jeeves_Write' + str(count)) t = nuke.Tab_Knob("Output Write") w.addKnob(t) feedback = """ [value dirName] """ w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('fileName', 'fileName', '[string trimright [string trimright [file tail [value]] .nk] _thread0]')) w.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('dirName', 'dirName', os.path.join(jeeves_core.jobsRoot, os.getenv('JOB'), 'vfx', 'nuke', os.getenv('SHOT'), 'plates', 'output' ).replace('\\', '/'))) w.addKnob(nuke.Enumeration_Knob('renderType', 'render_dir', ['slapcomp', 'cleanup', 'prerender', 'matte', 'final'])) output_path = "[value dirName]/[value renderType]/[value fileName]/[value fileName].%04d.dpx" w.knob('file').fromScript(output_path) w.knob('colorspace').setValue('linear') w.knob('file_type').setValue('dpx') w.knob('datatype').setValue('10')
def run(): file_open = nuke.Root().name() x = core.locate.find() job = x.job shot = x.shot user = x.user script = x.version w = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) count = 1 while nuke.exists('RAW_Write_' + str(count)): count += 1 w.knob('name').setValue('RAW_Write_' + str(count)) t = nuke.Tab_Knob("RAW Write") w.addKnob(t) feedback = """ [value dirName] """ w.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob( 'fileName', 'fileName', '[string trimright [string trimright [file tail [value]] .nk] _thread0]' )) w.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob( 'dirName', 'dirName', os.path.join(core.jobsRoot, job, 'vfx', 'nuke', shot, 'plates', 'output').replace('\\', '/'))) w.addKnob( nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'renderType', 'render_dir', ['slapcomp', 'cleanup', 'prerender', 'matte', 'final'])) output_path = "[value dirName]/[value renderType]/[value fileName]/[value fileName].%04d.dpx" w.knob('file').fromScript(output_path) # w.knob('colorspace').setValue('linear') w.knob('raw').setValue(1) w.knob('file_type').setValue('dpx') w.knob('datatype').setValue('10')
def alembic_rename(): """ Renames read geo nodes based off transform node name """ # counter to use when we encounter nodes that have the name we want to use, avoids name clashes count = 1 # ReadGeo2 is the class type, to check class select a node, and run nuke.selectedNode().Class() # Loop through all ReadGeo nodes in scene for node in nuke.allNodes('ReadGeo2'): # get the scene view values scene_view = node['scene_view'] # this will return a list with the hierarchy as the first element and the # path as 'root/geo/shape', for example: # ['/root/mp_Mtn/mp_Mtn_Shape'] full_hierarchy = scene_view.getAllItems() # parse string for the transform name, do this by splitting string at forward slash node_name = full_hierarchy[0].split("/")[-2] # check if node name exists, if it does append a number to avoid name clash if nuke.exists(node_name): node_name = node_name + "_" + str(count) count += 1 # set name node['name'].setValue(node_name)
def checkNodeConnections(originalNode, lastNodeInSequence): global nodeConnectionSet global tmp global tupleTmp #Make sure that the node you are searching to exists otherwise the test will pass incorrectly if nuke.exists(lastNodeInSequence): node = nuke.toNode(originalNode) #Check downstream node of the current selected node for downStreamNode in node.dependent(): if lastNodeInSequence in tmp.append( tupleTmp = tuple(tmp) nodeConnectionSet.add(tupleTmp) tmp = [] else: tmp.append( #Recurse through nodes checkNodeConnections(, lastNodeInSequence) return nodeConnectionSet else: nuke.tprint('The %s node does not exist, there is either a problem with the code or something is wrong with the build' % (lastNodeInSequence)) sys.exit(1) print 'node error'
def makeprogress(removeOnly): # make writable global nodestolink global loopbegin for i in nodesinbd: # get Loop_Begin if i.knob('loopbegin'): loopbegin = i i['selected'].setValue(False) # remove original iterationKnob if i.knob(iterationKnob): i.removeKnob(i[iterationKnob]) # if 'parent.' should be removed from expressions in backdrop in the main graph if n['removeexprparent'].value(): # for each node in the backdrop for selNode in nodesinbd: # list each knob for k in selNode.knobs().keys(): # get expression count in knob exprList = selNode[k].getValue() if not (type(exprList) == type([])): exprList = [exprList] count = len(exprList) for c in xrange(count): # for each knob with an expression at index c if selNode[k].hasExpression(c): oExpression = selNode[k].animation(c).expression() # new expression placeholder nExpression = oExpression nExpression = nExpression.replace('parent.', '') # set new expression at index c selNode[k].setExpression(nExpression, c) # on first iteration, print expression relinks if not (oExpression == nExpression): print '' print SetLoopPrint + 'Removed \'.parent\' in expression for ' + ) + '.' + k + '[' + str(c) + '], from/to:' print SetLoopPrint + '-' print SetLoopPrint + oExpression print SetLoopPrint + nExpression print '' # make new knobs if n['relinkextinputs'].value(): for node in nodesinbd: if != for i in xrange(0, node.inputs()): try: if (node.input(i) not in nodesinbd) and (nuke.exists( node.input(i).name())): # make tab if not node.knob(customtabname): node.addKnob( nuke.Tab_Knob(customtabname, customtabname)) # make knob node.addKnob(nuke.String_Knob(nodename_input)) # set knob value node[nodename_input].setValue( node.input(i).name() + ' ' + str(i)) nodestolink.append(node.input(i).name()) except: pass task = nuke.ProgressTask("SetLoop") if n['relinkextexpressions'].value(): for eachN in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=False): allnodesinmaingraph.append( for i in xrange(0, 2): if i == 0: task.setProgress(1) task.setMessage("removing old loop") if not removeOnly: if n['relinkextexpressions'].value(): # add each node in the main graph that's not in bd, nor is it called or for h in allnodesinmaingraph: if (nuke.toNode(h) not in nodesinbd) and ( h != thisnode) and (h != nodesoutsidebd.append(h) if n['addIterationKnob'].value(): for i in nuke.selectedNodes(): if not i.knob(iterationKnob): if not i.knob(customtabname): # make sure we're working in the custom tab i.addKnob( nuke.Tab_Knob(customtabname, customtabname)) if not i.knob(iterationKnob): i.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob(iterationKnob)) i.knob(iterationKnob).setExpression( + '.offset') for selectednode in nuke.selectedNodes(): for i in xrange(0, selectednode.inputs()): try: if selectednode.input( i).name() == if not selectednode.knob( customtabname ) and not selectednode == n: # make sure we're working in the custom tab selectednode.addKnob( nuke.Tab_Knob( customtabname, customtabname)) selectednode.addKnob( nuke.Int_Knob(connectedtofirst)) # set value of knob on node that's connected to Loop_Begin to the input it is connected with selectednode[connectedtofirst].setValue(i) except: pass # set new clipboard nuke.nodeCopy('%clipboard%') else: # remove all inputs from EndLoop for j in xrange(0, n.inputs()): n.setInput(j, None) # reconnect to StartLoop n.setInput(0, loopbegin) # get all variable inputs for k in xrange(1, n.inputs()): # and remove them n.setInput(k, None) # dive into group n.begin() # delete previous contents for j in nuke.allNodes(): nuke.delete(j) if removeOnly: inp = nuke.nodes.Input() outp = nuke.nodes.Output() outp.setInput(0, inp) elif i == 1: if not removeOnly: task.setProgress(50) task.setMessage("creating new loop") setloop() break if task.isCancelled(): nuke.message('Looping cancelled!') task.setProgress(100) break time.sleep(.5) # store the newest baked method n['method_storage'].setValue(loopmethod) # update the knobs in the UI updateKnobs() # set label n['label'].setValue('iteration: [value scroll]')
def create_AutoWrite(): try: # this just test the file test = os.path.basename( nuke.root().name()).split('_v')[1].split('.nk')[0] #creates a unique write node name AutoWrite = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=True) count = 1 while nuke.exists('AutoWrite_' + str(count)): count += 1 AutoWrite.knob('name').setValue('AutoWrite_' + str(count)) AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Text_Knob('AutoWrite_test', '', "AutoWrite")) # Create AutoWrite Tab for settings AW_Settings = nuke.Tab_Knob('Auto Write Settings') AutoWrite.addKnob(AW_Settings) # Create AutoWrite UI AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.File_Knob( 'AW_userCompPath', 'Render Dir : ', )) AutoWrite['AW_userCompPath'].setValue("SET YOUR RENDER FOLDER HERE") # Show Output AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob('AW_show_output', 'OUTPUT: ', '')) AutoWrite['AW_show_output'].setEnabled(False) # Script name AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob('AW_autoScriptName', 'Script name : ', '')) AutoWrite['AW_autoScriptName'].setEnabled(False) # Version number AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob('AW_autoVersion', 'Version : ', '')) AutoWrite['AW_autoVersion'].setEnabled(False) # Additional Information AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.EvalString_Knob('AW_userInfo', 'Info : ', '')) AutoWrite['AW_userInfo'].setValue("Info") # Auto Padding AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Int_Knob('AW_userPadding', 'Padding # :')) AutoWrite['AW_userPadding'].setValue(4) # Auto Naming AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Boolean_Knob('AW_autoName', 'Auto Name?')) AutoWrite['AW_autoName'].setEnabled(False) AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Text_Knob('auto_divider01', '', '')) # Formating Options AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.EvalString_Knob('AW_userFormat', 'Format : ', '')) AutoWrite['AW_userFormat'].setValue( 'Path/Script/Version/Script_Info_Version') AutoWrite['AW_userFormat'].setFlag(nuke.ENDLINE) AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Text_Knob('auto_divider02', '', '')) AutoWrite_FormatOptions = [ "/", "_", "Path", "Script", "Version", "Info", "Date" ] for Options in AutoWrite_FormatOptions: AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob( "Options_" + Options, Options, 'MOTools.updateformat_AutoWrite("' + Options + '")')) AutoWrite.addKnob(nuke.Text_Knob('auto_divider03', '', '')) # Add user info AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.Text_Knob( 'data', '', infoScript + " | " + infoContact + " | " + __version__)) AutoWrite.addKnob( nuke.PyScript_Knob( "help", "?", 'nukescripts.start ("")' )) # Auto set file_type AutoWrite['file_type'].setValue('exr') return except IndexError: nuke.message( "ERROR: Version naming\nex: myfile_v001.nk\n Node will be deleted") nuke.delete(AutoWrite) return except: return
def ComExists(read_node): return nuke.exists(read_node['name'].getValue + '_BG')
def __init__(self, nodeType='read'): 'Creates a custom NIM Read/Write node' if nodeType.lower() in ['write']: nodeType = 'Write' nodeName = 'NIM_WriteNode' elif nodeType.lower() in ['read']: nodeType = 'Read' nodeName = 'NIM_ReadNode''\nCreating %s node\n' % nodeType) # Create node : node = nuke.createNode(nodeType) count = 1 # Get unique node name : while nuke.exists('%s_%03d' % (nodeName, count)): count += 1 node.knob('name').setValue('%s_%03d' % (nodeName, count)) # Create a Tab : tab = nuke.Tab_Knob('NIM') node.addKnob(tab) self.nim = {} # Initialize the main dictionary : self.elements = ['job', 'show', 'shot', 'task', 'base', 'ver'] for elem in self.elements: elemDict = {} elemDict['name'] = '' elemDict['ID'] = None elemDict['IDs'] = [] elemDict['list'] = [] elemDict['input'] = None self.nim[elem] = elemDict # Add custom knobs : self.nim['job']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'job_input', 'Job:', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) self.nim['show']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'show_input', 'Show:', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) self.nim['shot']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'shot_input', 'Shot:', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) self.nim['task']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'task_input', 'Task:', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) self.nim['base']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'base_input', 'Basename:', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) self.nim['ver']['input']=nuke.Enumeration_Knob( 'ver_input', 'Version', \ ['xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] ) # Add knobs to tab : for knob in [self.nim['job']['input'], self.nim['show']['input'], self.nim['shot']['input'], self.nim['task']['input'], \ self.nim['base']['input'], self.nim['ver']['input']] : node.addKnob(knob) self.elem_populate('job') self.elem_populate('show') self.elem_populate('shot') self.elem_populate('task') self.elem_populate('base') self.elem_populate('ver') # Hook up knobs : nuke.addKnobChanged(self.knob_changed) return