Пример #1
def black_tophat(input,
    """Multi-dimensional black tophat filter.

    Either a size or a footprint, or the structure must be provided. An
    output array can optionally be provided. The origin parameter
    controls the placement of the filter. The mode parameter
    determines how the array borders are handled, where cval is the
    value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
    tmp = grey_dilation(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode, cval,
    if isinstance(output, numarray.NumArray):
        grey_erosion(tmp, size, footprint, structure, output, mode, cval,
        del tmp
        return numarray.subtract(output, input, output)
        tmp = grey_erosion(tmp, size, footprint, structure, None, mode, cval,
        return tmp - input
Пример #2
def _stdev(data):
    n = len(data[:,0,0])
    s = num.zeros(data[0,:,:].shape, num.Float32)
    # First pass to get the mean.
    for j in range(n): s += data[j,:,:]
    ave = s/n
    var = num.zeros(s.shape, num.Float32)
    ep  = num.zeros(s.shape, num.Float32)
    for j in range(n):
        s = data[j,:,:]-ave
        num.add(ep, s, ep)
        p = s**2
        num.add(var, p, var)
    # Corrected two-pass formula.
    num.subtract(var, ep*ep/n, var)
    num.divide(var, (n-1), var)
    return num.sqrt(var)
Пример #3
def morphological_laplace(input, size = None, footprint = None,
                          structure = None, output = None, 
                          mode = "reflect", cval = 0.0, origin = 0):
    """Multi-dimensional morphological laplace.

    Either a size or a footprint, or the structure must be provided. An
    output array can optionally be provided. The origin parameter
    controls the placement of the filter. The mode parameter
    determines how the array borders are handled, where cval is the
    value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
    tmp1 = grey_dilation(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
                         cval, origin)
    if isinstance(output, numarray.NumArray):
        grey_erosion(input, size, footprint, structure, output, mode,
                     cval, origin)
        numarray.add(tmp1, output, output)
        del tmp1
        numarray.subtract(output, input, output)
        return numarray.subtract(output, input, output)
        tmp2 = grey_erosion(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
                            cval, origin)
        numarray.add(tmp1, tmp2, tmp2)
        del tmp1
        numarray.subtract(tmp2, input, tmp2)
        numarray.subtract(tmp2, input, tmp2)
        return tmp2
Пример #4
def white_tophat(input, size = None, footprint = None, structure = None,
                 output = None, mode = "reflect", cval = 0.0, origin = 0):
    """Multi-dimensional white tophat filter.

    Either a size or a footprint, or the structure must be provided. An
    output array can optionally be provided. The origin parameter
    controls the placement of the filter. The mode parameter
    determines how the array borders are handled, where cval is the
    value when mode is equal to 'constant'.
    tmp = grey_erosion(input, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
                       cval, origin)
    if isinstance(output, numarray.NumArray):
        grey_dilation(tmp, size, footprint, structure, output, mode, cval,
        del tmp
        return numarray.subtract(input, output, output)
        tmp = grey_dilation(tmp, size, footprint, structure, None, mode,
                            cval, origin)
        return input - tmp
Пример #5
def mad_combine(infileglob, outfilebase):
    # get list of files to operate on
    files = glob.glob(infileglob)
    # check more than one image exists
    if files < 2:
        print 'Less than two input files found!'
    print 'Operating on images',infileglob
    # get images
    images = _get_images(files)
    lenimages = len(images)
    print 'Found', lenimages, 'images'
    # get header of first image
    hdr = images[0][0].header
    # get ascard of first image
    hdrascard = hdr.ascard
    # get data from images into num (untidy tuple concatenation)
    data = num.zeros((lenimages,) + images[0][0].data.shape, num.Float32)
    for i in range(lenimages):
        data[i,:,:] = images[i][0].data
    # delete array
    del images
    # sort data
    print 'Sorting... (this may take a while, i.e an hour or so!)'
    #data_sorted = num.sort(data, axis=0)
    data_sorted = data  # for debugging
    # find standard deviation of lowest n - n_discard pixels
    print 'Calculating mad_low...'
    mad_low = _mad3(data_sorted[:-n_discard,:,:])
    # correct for bias to stddev
    num.multiply(mad_low, corr[`lenimages - n_discard` + ',' + `lenimages`], mad_low)
    # make median image
    print 'Calculating median...'
    if lenimages%2 != 0:  # then odd number of images
        m = (lenimages - 1) / 2
        median = data_sorted[m,:,:]
    else:                   # even number of images
        m = lenimages / 2
        median = (data_sorted[m,:,:] + data_sorted[m-1,:,:]) / 2
    # delete array
    del data_sorted
    # get ccd properties from header
    # these keywords are for FORS2
    # - they may need altering for other instruments

    gain = hdr['OUT1GAIN'] # N_{ADU} = gain * N_{e-}
    invgain = 1.0 / gain   # N_{e-} = invgain * N_{ADU}
    ron  = hdr['OUT1RON']  # read out noise in e- 
    # take only +ve values in median
    median_pos = num.choose(median < 0.0, (median, 0.0))
    # calculate sigma due to ccd noise for each pixel
    print 'Calculating noise_med...'
    noise_med = num.sqrt(median_pos * invgain + ron*ron) * gain
    # delete array
    del median_pos
    # find maximum of noise and mad_low
    # -> sigma to test pixels against to identify cosmics
    print 'Calculating sigma_test...'
    sigma_test = num.choose(noise_med < mad_low, (noise_med, mad_low))
    # delete arrays
    del mad_low, noise_med
    # calculate 'relative residual' for each pixel
    print 'Calculating rel_res...'
    rel_res = num.zeros(data.shape, num.Float32)
    res = num.zeros(data[0].shape, num.Float32)
    for i in range(lenimages):
        num.subtract(data[i,:,:], median, res)
        num.divide(res, sigma_test, rel_res[i,:,:])
    # delete arrays
    del sigma_test, res
    # now average over all pixels for which rel_res < sigma_limit
    # first count number included for each pixel
    # by testing to produce a boolean array, then summing over.
    print 'Calculating included...'
    included = num.zeros(rel_res[0].shape, num.Int16)
    included[:,:] = num.sum(rel_res <= sigma_limit)
    # put all discarded pixels to zero
    print 'Calculating combined...'
    pre_combine = num.choose(rel_res <= sigma_limit, (0.0,data))
    # delete array
    del rel_res
    # sum all pixels and divide by included to give mean
    combined = num.sum(pre_combine)
    # delete array
    del pre_combine
    num.divide(combined, included, combined)
    # Work out errors on this combined image
    # take only +ve values in combined
    mean_pos = num.choose(combined < 0.0, (combined, 0.0))
    # calculate sigma due to ccd noise for each pixel
    print 'Calculating noise_mean...'
    noise_mean = num.sqrt(mean_pos * invgain + ron*ron) * gain
    # delete array
    del mean_pos
    # create standard error image
    print 'Calculating error...'
    error = noise_mean / num.sqrt(included)
    # delete array
    del noise_mean
    # write all images to disk
    print 'Writing images to disk...'
    _write_images(combined, error, included,
                  hdrascard, outfilebase)