Пример #1
    def op_MAKE_FUNCTION(
        self, inst, name, code, closure, annotations, kwdefaults, defaults, res
        if annotations is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "op_MAKE_FUNCTION with annotations is not implemented"
        if kwdefaults is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "op_MAKE_FUNCTION with kwdefaults is not implemented"
        if defaults:
            if isinstance(defaults, tuple):
                defaults = tuple([self.get(name) for name in defaults])
                defaults = self.get(defaults)

        assume_code_const = self.definitions[code][0]
        if not isinstance(assume_code_const, ir.Const):
            msg = (
                "Unsupported use of closure. "
                "Probably caused by complex control-flow constructs; "
                "e.g. try-except"
            raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg, loc=self.loc)
        fcode = assume_code_const.value
        if name:
            name = self.get(name)
        if closure:
            closure = self.get(closure)
        expr = ir.Expr.make_function(name, fcode, closure, defaults, self.loc)
        self.store(expr, res)
Пример #2
 def _break_constant(self, const, loc):
     Break down constant exception.
     if isinstance(const, tuple):  # it's a tuple(exception class, args)
         if not self._is_exception_type(const[0]):
             msg = "Encountered unsupported exception constant %r"
             raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg % (const[0], ), loc)
         return const[0], tuple(const[1])
     elif self._is_exception_type(const):
         return const, None
         if isinstance(const, str):
             msg = ("Directly raising a string constant as an exception is "
                    "not supported.")
             msg = "Encountered unsupported constant type used for exception"
         raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg, loc)
Пример #3
def _getargs(fn_sig):
    Returns list of positional and keyword argument names in order.
    params = fn_sig.parameters
    args = []
    for k, v in params.items():
            msg = "%s argument type unsupported in jitclass" % v.kind
            raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg)
    return args
Пример #4
def exception_match(typingctx, exc_value, exc_class):
    """Basically do ``isinstance(exc_value, exc_class)`` for exception objects.
    Used in ``except Exception:`` syntax.
    # Check for our limitation
    if exc_class.exc_class is not Exception:
        msg = "Exception matching is limited to {}"
        raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg.format(Exception))

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        # Intentionally always True.
        return cgutils.true_bit

    restype = types.boolean
    return restype(exc_value, exc_class), codegen
Пример #5
def unpack_single_tuple(tyctx, tup):
    """This exists to handle the situation y = (*x,), the interpreter injects a
    call to it in the case of a single value unpack. It's not possible at
    interpreting time to differentiate between an unpack on a variable sized
    container e.g. list and a fixed one, e.g. tuple. This function handles the
    situation should it arise.
    # See issue #6534
    if not isinstance(tup, types.BaseTuple):
        msg = (f"Only tuples are supported when unpacking a single item, "
               f"got type: {tup}")
        raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg)

    sig = tup(tup)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        return args[0]  # there's only one tuple and it's a simple pass through

    return sig, codegen
Пример #6
 def match(self, func_ir, block, typemap, calltypes):
     self.prints = prints = {}
     self.block = block
     # Find all assignments with a right-hand print() call
     for inst in block.find_insts(ir.Assign):
         if isinstance(inst.value, ir.Expr) and inst.value.op == "call":
             expr = inst.value
                 callee = func_ir.infer_constant(expr.func)
             except errors.ConstantInferenceError:
             if callee is print:
                 if expr.kws:
                     # Only positional args are supported
                     msg = (
                         "Numba's print() function implementation does not "
                         "support keyword arguments.")
                     raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg, inst.loc)
                 prints[inst] = expr
     return len(prints) > 0
Пример #7
 def _legalize_exception_vars(self):
     """Search for unsupported use of exception variables.
     Note, they cannot be stored into user variable.
     # Build a set of exception variables
     excvars = self._exception_vars.copy()
     # Propagate the exception variables to LHS of assignment
     for varname, defnvars in self.definitions.items():
         for v in defnvars:
             if isinstance(v, ir.Var):
                 k = v.name
                 if k in excvars:
     # Filter out the user variables.
     uservar = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("$"), excvars))
     if uservar:
         # Complain about the first user-variable storing an exception
         first = uservar[0]
         loc = self.current_scope.get(first).loc
         msg = "Exception object cannot be stored into variable ({})."
         raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg.format(first), loc=loc)
Пример #8
    def get_call_type(self, context, args, kws):
        from numba.core.target_extension import (target_registry,

        prefer_lit = [True, False]    # old behavior preferring literal
        prefer_not = [False, True]    # new behavior preferring non-literal
        failures = _ResolutionFailures(context, self, args, kws,

        # get the current target target
        target_hw = get_local_target(context)

        # fish out templates that are specific to the target if a target is
        # specified
        DEFAULT_TARGET = 'generic'
        usable = []
        for ix, temp_cls in enumerate(self.templates):
            # ? Need to do something about this next line
            hw = temp_cls.metadata.get('target', DEFAULT_TARGET)
            if hw is not None:
                hw_clazz = target_registry[hw]
                if target_hw.inherits_from(hw_clazz):
                    usable.append((temp_cls, hw_clazz, ix))

        # sort templates based on target specificity
        def key(x):
            return target_hw.__mro__.index(x[1])
        order = [x[0] for x in sorted(usable, key=key)]

        if not order:
            msg = (f"Function resolution cannot find any matches for function"
                   f" '{self.key[0]}' for the current target: '{target_hw}'.")
            raise errors.UnsupportedError(msg)

        self._depth += 1

        for temp_cls in order:
            temp = temp_cls(context)
            # The template can override the default and prefer literal args
            choice = prefer_lit if temp.prefer_literal else prefer_not
            for uselit in choice:
                    if uselit:
                        sig = temp.apply(args, kws)
                        nolitargs = tuple([_unlit_non_poison(a) for a in args])
                        nolitkws = {k: _unlit_non_poison(v)
                                    for k, v in kws.items()}
                        sig = temp.apply(nolitargs, nolitkws)
                except Exception as e:
                    sig = None
                    failures.add_error(temp, False, e, uselit)
                    if sig is not None:
                        self._impl_keys[sig.args] = temp.get_impl_key(sig)
                        self._depth -= 1
                        return sig
                        registered_sigs = getattr(temp, 'cases', None)
                        if registered_sigs is not None:
                            msg = "No match for registered cases:\n%s"
                            msg = msg % '\n'.join(" * {}".format(x) for x in
                            msg = 'No match.'
                        failures.add_error(temp, True, msg, uselit)
