Пример #1
        def _getsetitem_gen(getset):
            _dunder_meth = "__%s__" % getset
            op = getattr(operator, getset)

            class GetSetItem(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    instance = args[0]
                    if (
                        isinstance(instance, types.ClassInstanceType)
                        and _dunder_meth in instance.jitmethods
                        meth = instance.jitmethods[_dunder_meth]
                        disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)
                        sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                        return sig

            # lower both {g,s}etitem and __{g,s}etitem__ to catch the calls
            # from python and numba
                (types.ClassInstanceType, _dunder_meth),
                op, types.ClassInstanceType, types.VarArg(types.Any)
Пример #2
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        Type the intrinsic by the arguments.
        from numba.core.extending_hardware import resolve_dispatcher_from_str
        from numba.core.imputils import builtin_registry

        cache_key = self.context, args, tuple(kws.items())
        hwstr = self.metadata.get('hardware', 'cpu')
        disp = resolve_dispatcher_from_str(hwstr)
        tgtctx = disp.targetdescr.target_context
        # This is all workarounds...
        # The issue is that whilst targets shouldn't care about which registry
        # in which to register lowering implementations, the CUDA target
        # "borrows" implementations from the CPU from specific registries. This
        # means that if some impl is defined via @intrinsic, e.g. numba.*unsafe
        # modules, _AND_ CUDA also makes use of the same impl, then it's
        # required that the registry in use is one that CUDA borrows from. This
        # leads to the following expression where by the CPU builtin_registry is
        # used if it is in the target context as a known registry (i.e. the
        # target installed it) and if it is not then it is assumed that the
        # registries for the target are unbound to any other target and so it's
        # fine to use any of them as a place to put lowering impls.
        # NOTE: This will need subsequently fixing again when targets use solely
        # the extension APIs to describe their implementation. The issue will be
        # that the builtin_registry should contain _just_ the stack allocated
        # implementations and low level target invariant things and should not
        # be modified further. It should be acceptable to remove the `then`
        # branch and just keep the `else`.

        # In case the target has swapped, e.g. cuda borrowing cpu, refresh to
        # populate.
        if builtin_registry in tgtctx._registries:
            reg = builtin_registry
            # Pick a registry in which to install intrinsics
            registries = iter(tgtctx._registries)
            reg = next(registries)
        lower_builtin = reg.lower
            return self._impl_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
        result = self._definition_func(self.context, *args, **kws)
        if result is None:
        [sig, imp] = result
        pysig = utils.pysignature(self._definition_func)
        # omit context argument from user function
        parameters = list(pysig.parameters.values())[1:]
        sig = sig.replace(pysig=pysig.replace(parameters=parameters))
        self._impl_cache[cache_key] = sig
        self._overload_cache[sig.args] = imp
        # register the lowering
        lower_builtin(imp, *sig.args)(imp)
        return sig
Пример #3
def impl_ldexp():
    ldexp_cpu = gen_codegen('ldexp')
    ldexp_gpu = gen_codegen('__nv_ldexp')

    ldexpf_cpu = gen_codegen('ldexpf')
    ldexpf_gpu = gen_codegen('__nv_ldexpf')

    lower_builtin(math.ldexp, float64,
                  int32)(dispatch_codegen(ldexp_cpu, ldexp_gpu))
    lower_builtin(math.ldexp, float32,
                  int32)(dispatch_codegen(ldexpf_cpu, ldexpf_gpu))
Пример #4
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        Type the intrinsic by the arguments.
        from numba.core.imputils import lower_builtin

        cache_key = self.context, args, tuple(kws.items())
            return self._impl_cache[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
            result = self._definition_func(self.context, *args, **kws)
            if result is None:
            [sig, imp] = result
            pysig = utils.pysignature(self._definition_func)
            # omit context argument from user function
            parameters = list(pysig.parameters.values())[1:]
            sig = sig.replace(pysig=pysig.replace(parameters=parameters))
            self._impl_cache[cache_key] = sig
            self._overload_cache[sig.args] = imp
            # register the lowering
            lower_builtin(imp, *sig.args)(imp)
            return sig
Пример #5
def _implement_bitwise_operators():
    for ty in (types.Boolean, types.Integer):
        lower_builtin(operator.and_, ty, ty)(int_and_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.iand, ty, ty)(int_and_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.or_, ty, ty)(int_or_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ior, ty, ty)(int_or_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.xor, ty, ty)(int_xor_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ixor, ty, ty)(int_xor_impl)

        lower_builtin(operator.invert, ty)(int_invert_impl)
Пример #6
def _implement_integer_operators():
    ty = types.Integer

    lower_builtin(operator.add, ty, ty)(int_add_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.iadd, ty, ty)(int_add_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.sub, ty, ty)(int_sub_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.isub, ty, ty)(int_sub_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.mul, ty, ty)(int_mul_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.imul, ty, ty)(int_mul_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.eq, ty, ty)(int_eq_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.ne, ty, ty)(int_ne_impl)

    lower_builtin(operator.lshift, ty, ty)(int_shl_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.ilshift, ty, ty)(int_shl_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.rshift, ty, ty)(int_shr_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.irshift, ty, ty)(int_shr_impl)

    lower_builtin(operator.neg, ty)(int_negate_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.pos, ty)(int_positive_impl)

    lower_builtin(operator.pow, ty, ty)(int_power_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.ipow, ty, ty)(int_power_impl)
    lower_builtin(pow, ty, ty)(int_power_impl)

    for ty in types.unsigned_domain:
        lower_builtin(operator.lt, ty, ty)(int_ult_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.le, ty, ty)(int_ule_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.gt, ty, ty)(int_ugt_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ge, ty, ty)(int_uge_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.pow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ipow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(pow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(abs, ty)(uint_abs_impl)

    lower_builtin(operator.lt, types.IntegerLiteral,
    lower_builtin(operator.gt, types.IntegerLiteral,
    lower_builtin(operator.le, types.IntegerLiteral,
    lower_builtin(operator.ge, types.IntegerLiteral,
    for ty in types.signed_domain:
        lower_builtin(operator.lt, ty, ty)(int_slt_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.le, ty, ty)(int_sle_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.gt, ty, ty)(int_sgt_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ge, ty, ty)(int_sge_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.pow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(operator.ipow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(pow, types.Float, ty)(int_power_impl)
        lower_builtin(abs, ty)(int_abs_impl)
Пример #7
def bool_negate_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [typ] = sig.args
    [val] = args
    res = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type)
    res = builder.neg(res)
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)

def bool_unary_positive_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [typ] = sig.args
    [val] = args
    res = context.cast(builder, val, typ, sig.return_type)
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)

lower_builtin(operator.eq, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_eq_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.ne, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ne_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.lt, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ult_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.le, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ule_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.gt, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_ugt_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.ge, types.boolean, types.boolean)(int_uge_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.neg, types.boolean)(bool_negate_impl)
lower_builtin(operator.pos, types.boolean)(bool_unary_positive_impl)

def _implement_integer_operators():
    ty = types.Integer

    lower_builtin(operator.add, ty, ty)(int_add_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.iadd, ty, ty)(int_add_impl)
    lower_builtin(operator.sub, ty, ty)(int_sub_impl)
Пример #8
types.Literal.ctor_map[bool] = BooleanLiteral

@lower_cast(BooleanLiteral, types.boolean)
def literal_bool_cast(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
    lit = context.get_constant_generic(
    return context.cast(builder, lit, fromty.literal_type, toty)

lower_builtin(operator.eq, BooleanLiteral,
lower_builtin(operator.ne, BooleanLiteral,

@lower_builtin(bool, BooleanLiteral)
def bool_as_bool(context, builder, sig, args):
    [val] = args
    return val

def get_constant(func_ir, var, default=NOT_CONSTANT):
    def_node = guard(get_definition, func_ir, var)
    if def_node is None:
        return default
    if isinstance(def_node, ir.Const):
Пример #9
timedelta_eq_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_comparison_impl(
    '==', cgutils.false_bit)
timedelta_ne_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_comparison_impl(
    '!=', cgutils.true_bit)
timedelta_lt_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('<')
timedelta_le_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('<=')
timedelta_gt_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('>')
timedelta_ge_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('>=')

for op_, func in [(operator.eq, timedelta_eq_timedelta_impl),
                  (operator.ne, timedelta_ne_timedelta_impl),
                  (operator.lt, timedelta_lt_timedelta_impl),
                  (operator.le, timedelta_le_timedelta_impl),
                  (operator.gt, timedelta_gt_timedelta_impl),
                  (operator.ge, timedelta_ge_timedelta_impl)]:
    lower_builtin(op_, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)(func)

# Arithmetic on datetime64

def is_leap_year(builder, year_val):
    Return a predicate indicating whether *year_val* (offset by 1970) is a
    leap year.
    actual_year = builder.add(year_val, Constant(DATETIME64, 1970))
    multiple_of_4 = cgutils.is_null(
        builder, builder.and_(actual_year, Constant(DATETIME64, 3)))
    not_multiple_of_100 = cgutils.is_not_null(
        builder, builder.srem(actual_year, Constant(DATETIME64, 100)))
    multiple_of_400 = cgutils.is_null(
Пример #10
    # Make sure None is on the right
    if lty == types.none:
        lty, rty = rty, lty
        lval, rval = rval, lval

    opt_type = lty
    opt_val = lval

    opt = context.make_helper(builder, opt_type, opt_val)
    res = builder.not_(cgutils.as_bool_bit(builder, opt.valid))
    return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)

# None is/not None
lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.none, types.none)(always_return_true_impl)

# Optional is None
lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.Optional, types.none)(optional_is_none)
lower_builtin(operator.is_, types.none, types.Optional)(optional_is_none)

def optional_getattr(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
    Optional.__getattr__ => redirect to the wrapped type.
    inner_type = typ.type
    val = context.cast(builder, value, typ, inner_type)
    imp = context.get_getattr(inner_type, attr)
    return imp(context, builder, inner_type, val, attr)
Пример #11
def impl_binary(fname, key, typ):
    cpu = gen_codegen(fname)
    gpu = gen_codegen(f"__nv_{fname}")
    lower_builtin(key, typ, typ)(dispatch_codegen(cpu, gpu))