def replace_var_with_array_in_block(vars, block, typemap, calltypes): new_block = [] for inst in block.body: if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign) and in vars: const_node = ir.Const(0, inst.loc) const_var = ir.Var(, mk_unique_var("$const_ind_0"), inst.loc) typemap[] = types.uintp const_assign = ir.Assign(const_node, const_var, inst.loc) new_block.append(const_assign) setitem_node = ir.SetItem(, const_var, inst.value, inst.loc) calltypes[setitem_node] = signature( types.none, types.npytypes.Array(typemap[], 1, "C"), types.intp, typemap[], ) new_block.append(setitem_node) continue elif isinstance(inst, parfor.Parfor): replace_var_with_array_internal(vars, {0: inst.init_block}, typemap, calltypes) replace_var_with_array_internal(vars, inst.loop_body, typemap, calltypes) new_block.append(inst) return new_block
def op_STORE_SUBSCR(self, inst, target, index, value): index = self.get(index) target = self.get(target) value = self.get(value) stmt = ir.SetItem(target=target, index=index, value=value, loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt)
def replace_return_with_setitem(self, blocks, index_vars, out_name): """ Find return statements in the IR and replace them with a SetItem call of the value "returned" by the kernel into the result array. Returns the block labels that contained return statements. """ ret_blocks = [] for label, block in blocks.items(): scope = block.scope loc = block.loc new_body = [] for stmt in block.body: if isinstance(stmt, ir.Return): ret_blocks.append(label) # If 1D array then avoid the tuple construction. if len(index_vars) == 1: rvar = ir.Var(scope, out_name, loc) ivar = ir.Var(scope, index_vars[0], loc) new_body.append(ir.SetItem(rvar, ivar, stmt.value, loc)) else: # Convert the string names of the index variables into # ir.Var's. var_index_vars = [] for one_var in index_vars: index_var = ir.Var(scope, one_var, loc) var_index_vars += [index_var] s_index_name = ir_utils.mk_unique_var("stencil_index") s_index_var = ir.Var(scope, s_index_name, loc) # Build a tuple from the index ir.Var's. tuple_call = ir.Expr.build_tuple(var_index_vars, loc) new_body.append(ir.Assign(tuple_call, s_index_var, loc)) rvar = ir.Var(scope, out_name, loc) # Write the return statements original value into # the array using the tuple index. si = ir.SetItem(rvar, s_index_var, stmt.value, loc) new_body.append(si) else: new_body.append(stmt) block.body = new_body return ret_blocks
def handle_border(slice_fn_ty, dim, scope, loc, slice_func_var, stmts, border_inds, border_tuple_items, other_arg, other_first): # Handle the border for start or end of the index range. # ---- Generate call to slice func. sig = self.typingctx.resolve_function_type( slice_fn_ty, (types.intp,) * 2, {}) si = border_inds[dim] assert(isinstance(si, (int, ir.Var))) si_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$border_ind"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.intp if isinstance(si, int): si_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(si, loc), si_var, loc) else: si_assign = ir.Assign(si, si_var, loc) stmts.append(si_assign) slice_callexpr = func=slice_func_var, args=(other_arg, si_var) if other_first else (si_var, other_arg), kws=(), loc=loc) self.calltypes[slice_callexpr] = sig # ---- Generate slice var border_slice_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$slice"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.slice2_type slice_assign = ir.Assign(slice_callexpr, border_slice_var, loc) stmts.append(slice_assign) border_tuple_items[dim] = border_slice_var border_ind_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var( "$border_index_tuple_var"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.containers.UniTuple( types.slice2_type, ndims) tuple_call = ir.Expr.build_tuple(border_tuple_items, loc) tuple_assign = ir.Assign(tuple_call, border_ind_var, loc) stmts.append(tuple_assign) setitem_call = ir.SetItem(out_arr, border_ind_var, zero_var, loc) self.calltypes[setitem_call] = signature( types.none, self.typemap[], self.typemap[], self.typemap[].dtype ) stmts.append(setitem_call)
def op_STORE_SLICE_3(self, inst, base, start, stop, value, slicevar, indexvar): base = self.get(base) start = self.get(start) stop = self.get(stop) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) index =, (start, stop), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt)
def test_setitem(self): a = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1) b = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1) c = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc2) d = ir.SetItem(self.var_d, self.var_b, self.var_c, self.loc1) e = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_d, self.var_c, self.loc1) f = ir.SetItem(self.var_a, self.var_b, self.var_d, self.loc1) self.check(a, same=[b, c], different=[d, e, f])
def op_STORE_SLICE_0(self, inst, base, value, slicevar, indexvar, nonevar): base = self.get(base) slicegv = ir.Global("slice", slice, loc=self.loc), name=slicevar) nonegv = ir.Const(None, loc=self.loc), name=nonevar) none = self.get(nonevar) index =, (none, none), (), loc=self.loc), name=indexvar) stmt = ir.SetItem(base, self.get(indexvar), self.get(value), loc=self.loc) self.current_block.append(stmt)
def setitem(self, obj, index, val) -> ir.SetItem: """Makes a setitem call Parameters ---------- obj : ir.Var the object being indexed index : ir.Var the index val : ir.Var the value to be stored Returns ------- res : ir.SetItem """ loc = self._loc tm = self._typemap setitem = ir.SetItem(obj, index, val, loc=loc) self._lowerer.fndesc.calltypes[setitem] = signature( types.none, tm[], tm[], tm[]) self._lowerer.lower_inst(setitem) return setitem
def _mk_stencil_parfor(self, label, in_args, out_arr, stencil_ir, index_offsets, target, return_type, stencil_func, arg_to_arr_dict): """ Converts a set of stencil kernel blocks to a parfor. """ gen_nodes = [] stencil_blocks = stencil_ir.blocks if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("_mk_stencil_parfor", label, in_args, out_arr, index_offsets, return_type, stencil_func, stencil_blocks) ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) in_arr = in_args[0] # run copy propagate to replace in_args copies (e.g. a = A) in_arr_typ = self.typemap[] in_cps, out_cps = ir_utils.copy_propagate(stencil_blocks, self.typemap) name_var_table = ir_utils.get_name_var_table(stencil_blocks) ir_utils.apply_copy_propagate(stencil_blocks, in_cps, name_var_table, self.typemap, self.calltypes) if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after copy_propagate") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) ir_utils.remove_dead(stencil_blocks, self.func_ir.arg_names, stencil_ir, self.typemap) if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after removing dead code") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) # create parfor vars ndims = self.typemap[].ndim scope = in_arr.scope loc = in_arr.loc parfor_vars = [] for i in range(ndims): parfor_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$parfor_index_var"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.intp parfor_vars.append(parfor_var) start_lengths, end_lengths = self._replace_stencil_accesses( stencil_ir, parfor_vars, in_args, index_offsets, stencil_func, arg_to_arr_dict) if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after replace stencil accesses") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) # create parfor loop nests loopnests = [] equiv_set = self.array_analysis.get_equiv_set(label) in_arr_dim_sizes = equiv_set.get_shape(in_arr) assert ndims == len(in_arr_dim_sizes) for i in range(ndims): last_ind = self._get_stencil_last_ind(in_arr_dim_sizes[i], end_lengths[i], gen_nodes, scope, loc) start_ind = self._get_stencil_start_ind(start_lengths[i], gen_nodes, scope, loc) # start from stencil size to avoid invalid array access loopnests.append( numba.parfors.parfor.LoopNest(parfor_vars[i], start_ind, last_ind, 1)) # We have to guarantee that the exit block has maximum label and that # there's only one exit block for the parfor body. # So, all return statements will change to jump to the parfor exit block. parfor_body_exit_label = max(stencil_blocks.keys()) + 1 stencil_blocks[parfor_body_exit_label] = ir.Block(scope, loc) exit_value_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$parfor_exit_value"), loc) self.typemap[] = return_type.dtype # create parfor index var for_replacing_ret = [] if ndims == 1: parfor_ind_var = parfor_vars[0] else: parfor_ind_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$parfor_index_tuple_var"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.containers.UniTuple( types.intp, ndims) tuple_call = ir.Expr.build_tuple(parfor_vars, loc) tuple_assign = ir.Assign(tuple_call, parfor_ind_var, loc) for_replacing_ret.append(tuple_assign) if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after creating parfor index var") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) # empty init block init_block = ir.Block(scope, loc) if out_arr is None: in_arr_typ = self.typemap[] shape_name = ir_utils.mk_unique_var("in_arr_shape") shape_var = ir.Var(scope, shape_name, loc) shape_getattr = ir.Expr.getattr(in_arr, "shape", loc) self.typemap[shape_name] = types.containers.UniTuple( types.intp, in_arr_typ.ndim) init_block.body.extend([ir.Assign(shape_getattr, shape_var, loc)]) zero_name = ir_utils.mk_unique_var("zero_val") zero_var = ir.Var(scope, zero_name, loc) if "cval" in stencil_func.options: cval = stencil_func.options["cval"] # TODO: Loosen this restriction to adhere to casting rules. if return_type.dtype != typing.typeof.typeof(cval): raise ValueError( "cval type does not match stencil return type.") temp2 = return_type.dtype(cval) else: temp2 = return_type.dtype(0) full_const = ir.Const(temp2, loc) self.typemap[zero_name] = return_type.dtype init_block.body.extend([ir.Assign(full_const, zero_var, loc)]) so_name = ir_utils.mk_unique_var("stencil_output") out_arr = ir.Var(scope, so_name, loc) self.typemap[] = numba.core.types.npytypes.Array( return_type.dtype, in_arr_typ.ndim, in_arr_typ.layout) dtype_g_np_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_g_var"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.misc.Module(np) dtype_g_np = ir.Global('np', np, loc) dtype_g_np_assign = ir.Assign(dtype_g_np, dtype_g_np_var, loc) init_block.body.append(dtype_g_np_assign) dtype_np_attr_call = ir.Expr.getattr(dtype_g_np_var,, loc) dtype_attr_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_attr_attr"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.functions.NumberClass( return_type.dtype) dtype_attr_assign = ir.Assign(dtype_np_attr_call, dtype_attr_var, loc) init_block.body.append(dtype_attr_assign) stmts = ir_utils.gen_np_call("full", np.full, out_arr, [shape_var, zero_var, dtype_attr_var], self.typingctx, self.typemap, self.calltypes) equiv_set.insert_equiv(out_arr, in_arr_dim_sizes) init_block.body.extend(stmts) else: # out is present if "cval" in stencil_func.options: # do out[:] = cval cval = stencil_func.options["cval"] # TODO: Loosen this restriction to adhere to casting rules. cval_ty = typing.typeof.typeof(cval) if not self.typingctx.can_convert(cval_ty, return_type.dtype): msg = "cval type does not match stencil return type." raise ValueError(msg) # get slice ref slice_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$py_g_var"), loc) slice_fn_ty = self.typingctx.resolve_value_type(slice) self.typemap[] = slice_fn_ty slice_g = ir.Global('slice', slice, loc) slice_assigned = ir.Assign(slice_g, slice_var, loc) init_block.body.append(slice_assigned) sig = self.typingctx.resolve_function_type( slice_fn_ty, (types.none, ) * 2, {}) callexpr =, args=(), kws=(), loc=loc) self.calltypes[callexpr] = sig slice_inst_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$slice_inst"), loc) self.typemap[] = types.slice2_type slice_assign = ir.Assign(callexpr, slice_inst_var, loc) init_block.body.append(slice_assign) # get const val for cval cval_const_val = ir.Const(return_type.dtype(cval), loc) cval_const_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$cval_const"), loc) self.typemap[] = return_type.dtype cval_const_assign = ir.Assign(cval_const_val, cval_const_var, loc) init_block.body.append(cval_const_assign) # do setitem on `out` array setitemexpr = ir.StaticSetItem(out_arr, slice(None, None), slice_inst_var, cval_const_var, loc) init_block.body.append(setitemexpr) sig = signature(types.none, self.typemap[], self.typemap[], self.typemap[].dtype) self.calltypes[setitemexpr] = sig self.replace_return_with_setitem(stencil_blocks, exit_value_var, parfor_body_exit_label) if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after replacing return") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) setitem_call = ir.SetItem(out_arr, parfor_ind_var, exit_value_var, loc) self.calltypes[setitem_call] = signature( types.none, self.typemap[], self.typemap[], self.typemap[].dtype) stencil_blocks[parfor_body_exit_label].body.extend(for_replacing_ret) stencil_blocks[parfor_body_exit_label].body.append(setitem_call) # simplify CFG of parfor body (exit block could be simplified often) # add dummy return to enable CFG dummy_loc = ir.Loc("stencilparfor_dummy", -1) ret_const_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$cval_const"), dummy_loc) cval_const_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(0, loc=dummy_loc), ret_const_var, dummy_loc) stencil_blocks[parfor_body_exit_label].body.append(cval_const_assign) stencil_blocks[parfor_body_exit_label].body.append( ir.Return(ret_const_var, dummy_loc), ) stencil_blocks = ir_utils.simplify_CFG(stencil_blocks) stencil_blocks[max(stencil_blocks.keys())].body.pop() if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1: print("stencil_blocks after adding SetItem") ir_utils.dump_blocks(stencil_blocks) pattern = ('stencil', [start_lengths, end_lengths]) parfor = numba.parfors.parfor.Parfor(loopnests, init_block, stencil_blocks, loc, parfor_ind_var, equiv_set, pattern, self.flags) gen_nodes.append(parfor) gen_nodes.append(ir.Assign(out_arr, target, loc)) return gen_nodes