Пример #1
    def test_equality(self):
        self.assertEqual(types.int32, types.int32)
        self.assertEqual(types.uint32, types.uint32)
        self.assertEqual(types.complex64, types.complex64)
        self.assertEqual(types.float32, types.float32)
        # Different signedness
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int32, types.uint32)
        # Different width
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.int32)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.float64, types.float32)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.complex128)
        # Different domain
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.float64)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.uint64, types.float64)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.float64)
        # Same arguments but different return types
        get_pointer = None
        sig_a = typing.signature(types.intp, types.intp)
        sig_b = typing.signature(types.voidptr, types.intp)
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_b, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
        # Different call convention
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a,
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
        # Different get_pointer
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=object())
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)

        # Different template classes bearing the same name
        class DummyTemplate(object):
            key = "foo"

        a = types.BoundFunction(DummyTemplate, types.int32)

        class DummyTemplate(object):
            key = "bar"

        b = types.BoundFunction(DummyTemplate, types.int32)
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)

        # Different dtypes
        self.assertNotEqual(types.DType(types.int32), types.DType(types.int64))

        # CPointer with same addrspace

        # CPointer with different addrspace
        self.assertNotEqual(types.CPointer(types.float32, 0),
                            types.CPointer(types.float32, 1))
Пример #2
    def generic_resolve(self, instance, attr):
        if attr in instance.struct:
            # It's a struct field => the type is well-known
            return instance.struct[attr]

        elif attr in instance.jitmethods:
            # It's a jitted method => typeinfer it
            meth = instance.jitmethods[attr]
            disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)

            class MethodTemplate(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                key = (self.key, attr)

                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    args = (instance, ) + tuple(args)
                    sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                    return sig.as_method()

            return types.BoundFunction(MethodTemplate, instance)

        elif attr in instance.jitprops:
            # It's a jitted property => typeinfer its getter
            impdct = instance.jitprops[attr]
            getter = impdct['get']
            disp_type = types.Dispatcher(getter)
            sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, (instance, ), {})
            return sig.return_type
Пример #3
    def _resolve(self, typ, attr):
        if self._attr != attr:
            return None

        if isinstance(typ, types.TypeRef):
            assert typ == self.key
            assert isinstance(typ, self.key)

        class MethodTemplate(AbstractTemplate):
            key = (self.key, attr)
            _inline = self._inline
            _overload_func = staticmethod(self._overload_func)
            _inline_overloads = self._inline_overloads
            prefer_literal = self.prefer_literal

            def generic(_, args, kws):
                args = (typ,) + tuple(args)
                fnty = self._get_function_type(self.context, typ)
                sig = self._get_signature(self.context, fnty, args, kws)
                sig = sig.replace(pysig=utils.pysignature(self._overload_func))
                for template in fnty.templates:
                if sig is not None:
                    return sig.as_method()

        return types.BoundFunction(MethodTemplate, typ)
Пример #4
    def generic_resolve(self, instance, attr):
        if attr in instance.struct:
            # It's a struct field => the type is well-known
            return instance.struct[attr]

        elif attr in instance.jit_methods:
            # It's a jitted method => typeinfer it
            meth = instance.jit_methods[attr]
            disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)

            class MethodTemplate(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                key = (self.key, attr)

                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    args = (instance, ) + tuple(args)
                    sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                    return sig.as_method()

            return types.BoundFunction(MethodTemplate, instance)

        elif attr in instance.jit_static_methods:
            # It's a jitted method => typeinfer it
            meth = instance.jit_static_methods[attr]
            disp_type = types.Dispatcher(meth)

            class StaticMethodTemplate(templates.AbstractTemplate):
                key = (self.key, attr)

                def generic(self, args, kws):
                    # Don't add instance as the first argument for a static
                    # method.
                    sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, args, kws)
                    # sig itself does not include ClassInstanceType as it's
                    # first argument, so instead of calling sig.as_method()
                    # we insert the recvr. This is equivalent to
                    # sig.replace(args=(instance,) + sig.args).as_method().
                    return sig.replace(recvr=instance)

            return types.BoundFunction(StaticMethodTemplate, instance)

        elif attr in instance.jit_props:
            # It's a jitted property => typeinfer its getter
            impdct = instance.jit_props[attr]
            getter = impdct['get']
            disp_type = types.Dispatcher(getter)
            sig = disp_type.get_call_type(self.context, (instance, ), {})
            return sig.return_type
Пример #5
        def attribute_resolver(self, ty):
            class MethodTemplate(AbstractTemplate):
                key = template_key

                def generic(_, args, kws):
                    sig = method_resolver(self, ty, args, kws)
                    if sig is not None and sig.recvr is None:
                        sig = sig.replace(recvr=ty)
                    return sig

            return types.BoundFunction(MethodTemplate, ty)
Пример #6
    def _resolve(self, typ, attr):
        if self._attr != attr:
            return None

        assert isinstance(typ, self.key)

        class MethodTemplate(AbstractTemplate):
            key = self.key  # this line is changed for __call__
            _inline = self._inline
            _overload_func = staticmethod(self._overload_func)
            _inline_overloads = self._inline_overloads

            def generic(_, args, kws):
                args = (typ, ) + tuple(args)
                fnty = self._get_function_type(self.context, typ)
                sig = self._get_signature(self.context, fnty, args, kws)
                sig = sig.replace(pysig=numba.extending.utils.pysignature(
                for template in fnty.templates:
                if sig is not None:
                    return sig.as_method()

        return types.BoundFunction(MethodTemplate, typ)
Пример #7
 def resolve_sync(self, mod):
     return types.BoundFunction(Cuda_grid_group_sync, grid_group)
Пример #8
 def resolve_from_buffer(self, ffi):
     return types.BoundFunction(FFI_from_buffer, types.ffi)
Пример #9
 def array_attribute_attachment(self, ary):
     return types.BoundFunction(temp_class, ary)