Пример #1
def gridsize_expand(ndim):
    Return the absolute size (or shape) in threads of the entire grid of
    blocks. *ndim* should correspond to the number of dimensions declared when
    instantiating the kernel.

    Computation of the first integer is as follows::

        cuda.blockDim.x * cuda.gridDim.x

    and is similar for the other two indices, but using the ``y`` and ``z``
    if ndim == 1:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.1d"
        restype = types.int32
    elif ndim == 2:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.2d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
    elif ndim == 3:
        fname = "ptx.gridsize.3d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        raise ValueError('argument can only be 1, 2 or 3')

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp),
Пример #2
    def _test_compare(self, pyfunc):
        def eq(pyfunc, cfunc, args):
            self.assertIs(cfunc(*args), pyfunc(*args),
                          "mismatch for arguments %s" % (args, ))

        # Same-sized tuples
        argtypes = [
            types.Tuple((types.int64, types.float32)),
            types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
        for ta, tb in itertools.product(argtypes, argtypes):
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ta, tb))
            cfunc = cr.entry_point
            for args in [((4, 5), (4, 5)), ((4, 5), (4, 6)), ((4, 6), (4, 5)),
                         ((4, 5), (5, 4))]:
                eq(pyfunc, cfunc, args)
        # Different-sized tuples
        argtypes = [
            types.Tuple((types.int64, types.float32)),
            types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, tuple(argtypes))
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for args in [((4, 5), (4, 5, 6)), ((4, 5), (4, 4, 6)),
                     ((4, 5), (4, 6, 7))]:
            eq(pyfunc, cfunc, args)
Пример #3
def grid_expand(ndim):

    Return the absolute position of the current thread in the entire
    grid of blocks.  *ndim* should correspond to the number of dimensions
    declared when instantiating the kernel.  If *ndim* is 1, a single integer
    is returned.  If *ndim* is 2 or 3, a tuple of the given number of
    integers is returned.

    Computation of the first integer is as follows::

        cuda.threadIdx.x + cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x

    and is similar for the other two indices, but using the ``y`` and ``z``
    if ndim == 1:
        fname = "ptx.grid.1d"
        restype = types.int32
    elif ndim == 2:
        fname = "ptx.grid.2d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
    elif ndim == 3:
        fname = "ptx.grid.3d"
        restype = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3)
        raise ValueError('argument can only be 1, 2, 3')

    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, typing.signature(restype, types.intp),
Пример #4
def normalize_shape(shape):
    if isinstance(shape, types.UniTuple):
        if isinstance(shape.dtype, types.Integer):
            dimtype = types.intp if shape.dtype.signed else types.uintp
            return types.UniTuple(dimtype, len(shape))

    elif isinstance(shape, types.Tuple) and shape.count == 0:
        # Force (0 x intp) for consistency with other shapes
        return types.UniTuple(types.intp, 0)
Пример #5
    def test_index(self):
        pyfunc = tuple_index
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                              [types.UniTuple(types.int64, 3), types.int64])
        tup = (4, 3, 6)
        for i in range(len(tup)):
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup, i), tup[i])

        # test negative indexing
        for i in range(len(tup) + 1):
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup, -i), tup[-i])

        # oob indexes, +ve then -ve
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as raises:
            cr.entry_point(tup, len(tup))
        self.assertEqual("tuple index out of range", str(raises.exception))
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as raises:
            cr.entry_point(tup, -(len(tup) + 1))
        self.assertEqual("tuple index out of range", str(raises.exception))

        # Test empty tuple
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                              [types.UniTuple(types.int64, 0), types.int64])
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError) as raises:
            cr.entry_point((), 0)
        self.assertEqual("tuple index out of range", str(raises.exception))

        # test uintp indexing (because, e.g., parfor generates unsigned prange)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                              [types.UniTuple(types.int64, 3), types.uintp])
        for i in range(len(tup)):
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup, types.uintp(i)),

        # With a compile-time static index (the code generation path is different)
        pyfunc = tuple_index_static
        for typ in (
                types.UniTuple(types.int64, 4),
                    (types.int64, types.int32, types.int64, types.int32)),
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typ, ))
            tup = (4, 3, 42, 6)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup), pyfunc(tup))

        typ = types.UniTuple(types.int64, 1)
        with self.assertTypingError():
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typ, ))

        # test unpack, staticgetitem with imprecise type (issue #3895)
        pyfunc = tuple_unpack_static_getitem_err
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, ())
        msg = ("Cannot infer the type of variable 'c', have imprecise type: "
        self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
         ("meminfo", types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ("parent", types.pyobject),
         ("nitems", types.intp),
         ("itemsize", types.intp),
         ("data", types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ("shape", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
         ("strides", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
     super(ArrayModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Пример #7
    def test_iter_next(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = iter_next_usecase
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.UniTuple(types.int32, 3), ),
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc((1, 42, 5)), (1, 42))

        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.UniTuple(types.int32, 1), ),
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
            cfunc((1, ))
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
         ('meminfo', types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ('parent', types.pyobject),
         ('nitems', types.intp),
         ('itemsize', types.intp),
         ('data', types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
         ('strides', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
     super(ArrayModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Пример #9
 def test_add(self):
     pyfunc = add_usecase
     samples = [(types.Tuple(()), ()),
                (types.UniTuple(types.int32, 0), ()),
                (types.UniTuple(types.int32, 1), (42,)),
                (types.Tuple((types.int64, types.float32)), (3, 4.5)),
     for (ta, a), (tb, b) in itertools.product(samples, samples):
         cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ta, tb))
         expected = pyfunc(a, b)
         got = cr.entry_point(a, b)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected, msg=(ta, tb))
Пример #10
    def test_tuple_len(self):
        def impl(tup):
            if len(tup) == 3:
                if tup[2] == 2:
                    return 1
                return 0

        self.assert_prune(impl, (types.UniTuple(types.int64, 3), ),
                          [False, None], tuple([1, 2, 3]))
        self.assert_prune(impl, (types.UniTuple(types.int64, 2), ),
                          [True, 'both'], tuple([1, 2]))
Пример #11
    def test_conversions(self):
        check = self.check_conversion
        fromty = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 2)
        check(fromty, types.UniTuple(types.float32, 2), (4, 5))
        check(fromty, types.Tuple((types.float32, types.int16)), (4, 5))
        aty = types.UniTuple(types.int32, 0)
        bty = types.Tuple(())
        check(aty, bty, ())
        check(bty, aty, ())

        with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:
            check(fromty, types.Tuple((types.float32, )), (4, 5))
        msg = "No conversion from UniTuple(int32 x 2) to UniTuple(float32 x 1)"
        self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
Пример #12
 def load_map(self, path):
     """Загрузка карты, позиций спрайтов и стен, необходимой информации."""
     with open(path, encoding='utf-8', mode='r') as f:
         level = list(f.readlines())
         level = [list(map(int, list(i.strip('\n')))) for i in level]
     width = len(level[0]) * TILE
     height = len(level) * TILE
     conj_dict = {}
     world_map = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UniTuple(int32, 2),
     mini_map = set()
     collision_objects = []
     notes_spawn = []
     # notes_spawn = [(2, 2), (2, 2.2), (2, 2.4), (2, 2.6), (2, 2.8), (2, 3), (2, 3.2), (2, 3.4), (2, 1.8), ( 1, 3), (1, 4)]
     for j, row in enumerate(level):
         for i, char in enumerate(row):
             if char:
                 mini_map.add((i * MAP_TILE, j * MAP_TILE))
                     pygame.Rect(i * TILE, j * TILE, TILE, TILE))
                 world_map[(i * TILE, j * TILE)] = char
                 conj_dict[(i, j)] = self.find_new_nodes(
                     i, j, level, width, height)
                 if i != len(level[0]) - 1 and level[j][i + 1] in [2, 5]:
                     notes_spawn.append((i, j))
                     # pass
     return conj_dict, world_map, collision_objects, mini_map, notes_spawn, width, height
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
                ('indices', types.EphemeralArray(types.intp, ndim)),
                ('exhausted', types.EphemeralPointer(types.boolean)),
     super(NdIndexModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Пример #14
 def resolve_nonzero(self, ary, args, kws):
     assert not args
     assert not kws
     # 0-dim arrays return one result array
     ndim = max(ary.ndim, 1)
     retty = types.UniTuple(types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'), ndim)
     return signature(retty)
Пример #15
def local_array(shape, dtype):
    shape = _legalize_shape(shape)
    ndim = len(shape)
    fname = "ptx.lmem.alloc"
    restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, 'C')
    sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim), types.Any)
    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype))
Пример #16
def _gauss_impl(context, builder, sig, args, state):
    # The type for all computations (either float or double)
    ty = sig.return_type
    llty = context.get_data_type(ty)

    state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
    _random = {"py": random.random, "np": np.random.random}[state]

    ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, llty, name="result")

    gauss_ptr = get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
    has_gauss_ptr = get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
    has_gauss = cgutils.is_true(builder, builder.load(has_gauss_ptr))
    with builder.if_else(has_gauss) as (then, otherwise):
        with then:
            # if has_gauss: return it
            builder.store(builder.load(gauss_ptr), ret)
            builder.store(const_int(0), has_gauss_ptr)
        with otherwise:
            # if not has_gauss: compute a pair of numbers using the Box-Muller
            # transform; keep one and return the other
            pair = context.compile_internal(builder, _gauss_pair_impl(_random),
                                            signature(types.UniTuple(ty, 2)),

            first, second = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, pair, 2)
            builder.store(first, gauss_ptr)
            builder.store(second, ret)
            builder.store(const_int(1), has_gauss_ptr)

    mu, sigma = args
    return builder.fadd(mu, builder.fmul(sigma, builder.load(ret)))
Пример #17
def build_full_slice_tuple(tyctx, sz):
    """Creates a sz-tuple of full slices."""
    if not isinstance(sz, types.IntegerLiteral):
        raise errors.RequireLiteralValue(sz)

    size = int(sz.literal_value)
    tuple_type = types.UniTuple(dtype=types.slice2_type, count=size)
    sig = tuple_type(sz)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        def impl(length, empty_tuple):
            out = empty_tuple
            for i in range(length):
                out = tuple_setitem(out, i, slice(None, None))
            return out

        inner_argtypes = [types.intp, tuple_type]
        inner_sig = typing.signature(tuple_type, *inner_argtypes)
        ll_idx_type = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
        # Allocate an empty tuple
        empty_tuple = context.get_constant_undef(tuple_type)
        inner_args = [ll_idx_type(size), empty_tuple]

        res = context.compile_internal(builder, impl, inner_sig, inner_args)
        return res

    return sig, codegen
Пример #18
 def test_empty_tuples(self):
     # Empty tuple
     fe_args = [
         types.UniTuple(types.int16, 0),
         types.Tuple(()), types.int32
Пример #19
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        assert not kws

        if len(args) == 1:
            # 0-dim arrays return one result array
            ary = args[0]
            ndim = max(ary.ndim, 1)
            retty = types.UniTuple(types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'), ndim)
            return signature(retty, ary)

        elif len(args) == 3:
            cond, x, y = args
            retdty = from_dtype(
                np.promote_types(as_dtype(getattr(args[1], 'dtype', args[1])),
                                 as_dtype(getattr(args[2], 'dtype', args[2]))))
            if isinstance(cond, types.Array):
                # array where()
                if isinstance(x, types.Array) and isinstance(y, types.Array):
                    if (cond.ndim == x.ndim == y.ndim):
                        if x.layout == y.layout == cond.layout:
                            retty = types.Array(retdty, x.ndim, x.layout)
                            retty = types.Array(retdty, x.ndim, 'C')
                        return signature(retty, *args)
                    # x and y both scalar
                    retty = types.Array(retdty, cond.ndim, cond.layout)
                    return signature(retty, *args)
                # scalar where()
                if not isinstance(x, types.Array):
                    retty = types.Array(retdty, 0, 'C')
                    return signature(retty, *args)
Пример #20
 def test_1d_slicing_set_tuple(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
     Tuple to 1d slice assignment
                                                       2), (8, -42))
Пример #21
 def blocked_doors(self):
     blocked_doors = Dict.empty(key_type=types.UniTuple(int32, 2), value_type=int32)
     for obj in self.list_of_objects:
         if obj.flag in {'door_h', 'door_v'} and obj.blocked:
             i, j = mapping(obj.x, obj.y)
             blocked_doors[(i, j)] = 0
     return blocked_doors
Пример #22
 def test_in(self):
     pyfunc = in_usecase
     cr = compile_isolated(
         pyfunc, [types.int64, types.UniTuple(types.int64, 3)])
     tup = (4, 1, 5)
     for i in range(5):
         self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(i, tup), pyfunc(i, tup))
Пример #23
    def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
        array_types = fe_type.arrays
        ndim = fe_type.ndim
        shape_len = ndim if fe_type.need_shaped_indexing else 1
        members = [
            ('exhausted', types.EphemeralPointer(types.boolean)),
            ('arrays', types.Tuple(array_types)),
            # The iterator's main shape and indices
            ('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, shape_len)),
            ('indices', types.EphemeralArray(types.intp, shape_len)),
        # Indexing state for the various sub-iterators
        # XXX use a tuple instead?
        for i, sub in enumerate(fe_type.indexers):
            kind, start_dim, end_dim, _ = sub
            member_name = 'index%d' % i
            if kind == 'flat':
                # A single index into the flattened array
                    (member_name, types.EphemeralPointer(types.intp)))
            elif kind in ('scalar', 'indexed', '0d'):
                # Nothing required
                assert 0
        # Slots holding values of the scalar args
        # XXX use a tuple instead?
        for i, ty in enumerate(fe_type.arrays):
            if not isinstance(ty, types.Array):
                member_name = 'scalar%d' % i
                members.append((member_name, types.EphemeralPointer(ty)))

        super(NdIter, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Пример #24
 def test_len(self):
     pyfunc = len_usecase
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                           [types.Tuple((types.int64, types.float32))])
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point((4, 5)), 2)
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.UniTuple(types.int64, 3)])
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point((4, 5, 6)), 3)
Пример #25
 def test_tuples(self):
     v = (1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(typeof(v), types.UniTuple(types.intp, 2))
     v = (1, (2.0, 3))
         types.Tuple((types.intp, types.Tuple(
             (types.float64, types.intp)))))
Пример #26
 def _check_in(self, pyfunc, flags):
     dtype = types.int64
     cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (dtype, types.UniTuple(dtype, 3)),
     cfunc = cres.entry_point
     for i in (3, 4, 5, 6, 42):
         tup = (3, 42, 5)
         self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(i, tup), cfunc(i, tup))
Пример #27
def shared_array(shape, dtype):
    shape = _legalize_shape(shape)
    ndim = len(shape)
    fname = "hsail.smem.alloc"
    restype = types.Array(dtype, ndim, "C")
    sig = typing.signature(restype, types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim),
    return ir.Intrinsic(fname, sig, args=(shape, dtype))
Пример #28
 def check_ndindex(self, flags=no_pyobj_flags):
     pyfunc = gen_ndindex
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.UniTuple(types.intp, 2), ),
     shape = (2, 3)
     pygen = pyfunc(shape)
     cgen = cr.entry_point(shape)
     self.check_generator(pygen, cgen)
Пример #29
 def check_slice(self, pyfunc):
     tup = (4, 5, 6, 7)
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [types.UniTuple(types.int64, 4)])
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup), pyfunc(tup))
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [
         types.Tuple((types.int64, types.int32, types.int64, types.int32))
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(tup), pyfunc(tup))
Пример #30
 def test_optional_tuple(self):
     # Unify to optional tuple
     aty = types.none
     bty = types.UniTuple(i32, 2)
     self.assert_unify(aty, bty, types.Optional(types.UniTuple(i32, 2)))
     aty = types.Optional(types.UniTuple(i16, 2))
     bty = types.UniTuple(i32, 2)
     self.assert_unify(aty, bty, types.Optional(types.UniTuple(i32, 2)))
     # Unify to tuple of optionals
     aty = types.Tuple((types.none, i32))
     bty = types.Tuple((i16, types.none))
     self.assert_unify(aty, bty, types.Tuple((types.Optional(i16),
     aty = types.Tuple((types.Optional(i32), i64))
     bty = types.Tuple((i16, types.Optional(i8)))
     self.assert_unify(aty, bty, types.Tuple((types.Optional(i32),