Пример #1
    def typeof_pyval(cls, val):
        This is called from numba._dispatcher as a fallback if the native code
        cannot decide the type.
        if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray):
            # TODO complete dtype mapping
            dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype)
            ndim = val.ndim
            if ndim == 0:
                # is array scalar
                return numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype)
            layout = numpy_support.map_layout(val)
            aryty = types.Array(dtype, ndim, layout)
            return aryty

        # The following are handled in the C version for exact type match
        # So test these later
        elif isinstance(val, INT_TYPES):
            return types.int64

        elif isinstance(val, float):
            return types.float64

        elif isinstance(val, complex):
            return types.complex128

        elif numpy_support.is_arrayscalar(val):
            # Array scalar
            return numpy_support.from_dtype(numpy.dtype(type(val)))

        # Other object
            return types.pyobject
Пример #2
 def test_two_distinct_arrays(self):
     Test with two arrays of distinct record types
     pyfunc = get_two_arrays_distinct
     rec1 = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     rec2 = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype2)
     cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (rec1[:], rec2[:], types.intp))
     for i in range(self.refsample1d.size):
         pres = pyfunc(self.refsample1d, self.refsample1d2, i)
         cres = cfunc(self.nbsample1d, self.nbsample1d2, i)
Пример #3
    def test_two_distinct_records(self):
        Testing the use of two scalar records of differing type
        nbval1 = self.nbsample1d.copy()[0]
        nbval2 = self.refsample1d2.copy()[0]
        expected = nbval1['a'] + nbval2['f']

        nbrecord1 = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
        nbrecord2 = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype2)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(get_two_records_distinct, (nbrecord1, nbrecord2))

        got = cfunc(nbval1, nbval2)
        self.assertEqual(expected, got)
Пример #4
    def test_gufunc(self):
        datetime_t = from_dtype(np.dtype('datetime64[D]'))
        timedelta_t = from_dtype(np.dtype('timedelta64[D]'))

        @guvectorize([(datetime_t, datetime_t, timedelta_t[:])], '(),()->()',
        def timediff(start, end, out):
            out[0] = end - start

        arr1 = np.arange('2005-02', '2006-02', dtype='datetime64[D]')
        arr2 = arr1 + np.random.randint(0, 10000, arr1.size)

        delta = timediff(arr1, arr2)

        self.assertPreciseEqual(delta, arr2 - arr1)
Пример #5
    def test_record_args(self):
        Testing scalar record value as argument
        recval = self.sample1d.copy()[0]
        attrs = 'abc'
        valtypes = types.float64, types.int32, types.complex64
        values = 1.23, 123432, 132j
        old_refcnt = sys.getrefcount(recval)

        for attr, valtyp, val in zip(attrs, valtypes, values):
            expected = getattr(recval, attr)

            pyfunc = globals()['get_record_' + attr]
            nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [nbrecord, valtyp])
            cfunc = cres.entry_point

            got = cfunc(recval, val)
            self.assertEqual(expected, got)
            self.assertNotEqual(recval.a, got)
            del got, expected

        # Check for potential leaks (issue #441)
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(recval), old_refcnt)
Пример #6
def transpose(a, b=None):
    """Compute the transpose of 'a' and store it into 'b', if given,
    and return it. If 'b' is not given, allocate a new array
    and return that.

    This implements the algorithm documented in

    :param a: an `np.ndarray` or a `DeviceNDArrayBase` subclass. If already on
        the device its stream will be used to perform the transpose (and to copy
        `b` to the device if necessary).

    # prefer `a`'s stream if
    stream = getattr(a, 'stream', 0)

    if not b:
        cols, rows = a.shape
        strides = a.dtype.itemsize * cols, a.dtype.itemsize
        b = cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray(
            (rows, cols),


    tpb = driver.get_device().MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK
    # we need to factor available threads into x and y axis
    tile_width = int(math.pow(2, math.log(tpb, 2)/2))
    tile_height = int(tpb / tile_width)

    tile_shape=(tile_height, tile_width + 1)

    def kernel(input, output):

        tile = cuda.shared.array(shape=tile_shape, dtype=dt)

        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y
        x = by + tx
        y = bx + ty

        if by+ty < input.shape[0] and bx+tx < input.shape[1]:
            tile[ty, tx] = input[by+ty, bx+tx]
        if y < output.shape[0] and x < output.shape[1]:
            output[y, x] = tile[tx, ty]

    # one block per tile, plus one for remainders
    blocks = int(b.shape[0]/tile_height + 1), int(b.shape[1]/tile_width + 1)
    # one thread per tile element
    threads = tile_height, tile_width
    kernel[blocks, threads, stream](a, b)

    return b
Пример #7
    def test_usecase1(self):
        pyfunc = usecase1

        # This is an unaligned dtype
        mystruct_dt = np.dtype([('p', np.float64), ('row', np.float64),
                                ('col', np.float64)])
        mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)

        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (mystruct[:], mystruct[:]))
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        st1 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)
        st2 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)

        st1.p = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.row = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.col = np.arange(st1.size) + 1

        st2.p = np.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.row = np.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.col = np.arange(st2.size) + 1

        expect1 = st1.copy()
        expect2 = st2.copy()

        got1 = expect1.copy()
        got2 = expect2.copy()

        pyfunc(expect1, expect2)
        cfunc(got1, got2)

        self.assertTrue(np.all(expect1 == got1))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(expect2 == got2))
Пример #8
def _infer_series_dtype(S):
    if S.dtype == np.dtype('O'):
        # XXX assuming the whole column is strings if 1st val is string
        # TODO: handle NA as 1st value
        i = 0
        while i < len(S) and (S.iloc[i] is np.nan or S.iloc[i] is None):
            i += 1
        if i == len(S):
            raise ValueError(
                "object dtype infer out of bounds for {}".format(S.name))

        first_val = S.iloc[i]
        if isinstance(first_val, list):
            return _infer_series_list_dtype(S)
        elif isinstance(first_val, str):
            return string_type
            raise ValueError(
                "object dtype infer: data type for column {} not supported".format(S.name))
    elif isinstance(S.dtype, pandas.api.types.CategoricalDtype):
        return PDCategoricalDtype(S.dtype.categories)
    # regular numpy types
        return numpy_support.from_dtype(S.dtype)
    except NotImplementedError:
        raise ValueError("np dtype infer: data type for column {} not supported".format(S.name))
Пример #9
 def _numba_type_(self):
     Magic attribute expected by Numba to get the numba type that
     represents this object.
     dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(self.dtype)
     return types.Array(dtype, self.ndim, 'A')
Пример #10
def map_struct_to_record_dtype(cffi_type):
    """Convert a cffi type into a NumPy Record dtype
    fields = {
        'names': [],
        'formats': [],
        'offsets': [],
        'itemsize': ffi.sizeof(cffi_type),
    is_aligned = True
    for k, v in cffi_type.fields:
        # guard unsupport values
        if v.bitshift != -1:
            msg = "field {!r} has bitshift, this is not supported"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(k))
        if v.flags != 0:
            msg = "field {!r} has flags, this is not supported"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(k))
        if v.bitsize != -1:
            msg = "field {!r} has bitsize, this is not supported"
            raise ValueError(msg.format(k))
        dtype = numpy_support.as_dtype(map_type(v.type,
                                                use_record_dtype=True), )
        # Check alignment
        is_aligned &= (v.offset % dtype.alignment == 0)

    return numpy_support.from_dtype(np.dtype(fields, align=is_aligned))
Пример #11
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if (self.neighborhood is not None
                and len(self.neighborhood) != args[0].ndim):
            raise ValueError("{} dimensional neighborhood specified for {} "
                             "dimensional input array".format(
                                 len(self.neighborhood), args[0].ndim))

        if 'out' in kwargs:
            result = kwargs['out']
            rdtype = result.dtype
            rttype = numpy_support.from_dtype(rdtype)
            result_type = types.npytypes.Array(
                rttype, result.ndim, numpy_support.map_layout(result))
            array_types = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x) for x in args])
            array_types_full = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x)
                                      for x in args] + [result_type])
            result = None
            array_types = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x) for x in args])
            array_types_full = array_types

        if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
            print("__call__", array_types, args, kwargs)

        (real_ret, typemap, calltypes) = self.get_return_type(array_types)
        new_func = self._stencil_wrapper(result, None, real_ret, typemap,
                                         calltypes, *array_types_full)

        if result is None:
            return new_func.entry_point(*args)
            return new_func.entry_point(*(args + (result, )))
Пример #12
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if (self.neighborhood is not None and
            len(self.neighborhood) != args[0].ndim):
            raise ValueError("{} dimensional neighborhood specified for {} "
                             "dimensional input array".format(
                                len(self.neighborhood), args[0].ndim))

        if 'out' in kwargs:
            result = kwargs['out']
            rdtype = result.dtype
            rttype = numpy_support.from_dtype(rdtype)
            result_type = types.npytypes.Array(rttype, result.ndim,
            array_types = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x) for x in args])
            array_types_full = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x) for x in args] +
            result = None
            array_types = tuple([typing.typeof.typeof(x) for x in args])
            array_types_full = array_types

        if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT == 1:
            print("__call__", array_types, args, kwargs)

        (real_ret, typemap, calltypes) = self.get_return_type(array_types)
        new_func = self._stencil_wrapper(result, None, real_ret, typemap,
                                         calltypes, *array_types_full)

        if result is None:
            return new_func.entry_point(*args)
            return new_func.entry_point(*(args+(result,)))
Пример #13
    def test_structure_dtype_with_titles(self):
        # the following is the definition of int4 vector type from pyopencl
        vecint4 = np.dtype([(('x', 's0'), 'i4'), (('y', 's1'), 'i4'),
                            (('z', 's2'), 'i4'), (('w', 's3'), 'i4')])
        nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(vecint4)
        self.assertEqual(len(nbtype.fields), len(vecint4.fields))

        arr = np.zeros(10, dtype=vecint4)

        def pyfunc(a):
            for i in range(a.size):
                j = i + 1
                a[i]['s0'] = j * 2
                a[i]['x'] += -1

                a[i]['s1'] = j * 3
                a[i]['y'] += -2

                a[i]['s2'] = j * 4
                a[i]['z'] += -3

                a[i]['s3'] = j * 5
                a[i]['w'] += -4

            return a

        expect = pyfunc(arr.copy())
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (nbtype[:],))
        got = cfunc(arr.copy())
        np.testing.assert_equal(expect, got)
Пример #14
 def _numba_type_(self):
     Magic attribute expected by Numba to get the numba type that
     represents this object.
     dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(self.dtype)
     return types.Array(dtype, self.ndim, 'A')
Пример #15
    def test_usecase1(self):
        pyfunc = usecase1

        # This is an unaligned dtype
        mystruct_dt = numpy.dtype([('p', numpy.float64),
                           ('row', numpy.float64),
                           ('col', numpy.float64)])
        mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)

        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (mystruct[:], mystruct[:]))
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        st1 = numpy.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)
        st2 = numpy.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)

        st1.p = numpy.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.row = numpy.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.col = numpy.arange(st1.size) + 1

        st2.p = numpy.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.row = numpy.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.col = numpy.arange(st2.size) + 1

        expect1 = st1.copy()
        expect2 = st2.copy()

        got1 = expect1.copy()
        got2 = expect2.copy()

        pyfunc(expect1, expect2)
        cfunc(got1, got2)

        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(expect1 == got1))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(expect2 == got2))
Пример #16
    def test_structure_dtype_with_titles(self):
        # the following is the definition of int4 vector type from pyopencl
        vecint4 = np.dtype([(('x', 's0'), 'i4'), (('y', 's1'), 'i4'),
                            (('z', 's2'), 'i4'), (('w', 's3'), 'i4')])
        nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(vecint4)
        self.assertEqual(len(nbtype.fields), len(vecint4.fields))

        arr = np.zeros(10, dtype=vecint4)

        def pyfunc(a):
            for i in range(a.size):
                j = i + 1
                a[i]['s0'] = j * 2
                a[i]['x'] += -1

                a[i]['s1'] = j * 3
                a[i]['y'] += -2

                a[i]['s2'] = j * 4
                a[i]['z'] += -3

                a[i]['s3'] = j * 5
                a[i]['w'] += -4

            return a

        expect = pyfunc(arr.copy())
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (nbtype[:],))
        got = cfunc(arr.copy())
        np.testing.assert_equal(expect, got)
Пример #17
    def test_multiple_args_records(self): 
        pyfunc = foobar

        mystruct_dt = np.dtype([('p', np.float64),
                           ('row', np.float64),
                           ('col', np.float64)])
        mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)

        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [mystruct[:], types.uint64, types.uint64],
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        st1 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)

        st1.p = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.row = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.col = np.arange(st1.size) + 1

        with self.assertRefCount(st1):
            test_fail_args = ((st1, -1, 1), (st1, 1, -1))

            for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
                with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                    cfunc(a, b, c)

            del test_fail_args, a, b, c
Пример #18
    def _evaluate(self):
        # Get argument values
        env = self.expr.env
        is_local = lambda x: x.startswith("__pd_eval_local_")
        call_args = [np.asarray(env.resolve(name, is_local(name)))
                     for name in self._args]
        # Get argument types
        call_types = tuple(from_dtype(a.dtype) for a in call_args)
        # Check if the expression has already been compiled
        cache_key = (self.target, str(self.expr), call_types)
        fn = self._func_cache.get(cache_key)
        if fn is None:
            # Not cached.  Compile new one

            # Stringify the eval tree and get arg names
            nameset = set()
            exprstr = _stringify_eval_op_tree(self.expr.terms, nameset)
            assert set(self._args) == nameset

            function_name = '__numba_pandas_eval_ufunc'
            fn = self._compile(exprstr, self._args, call_types, function_name)
            self._func_cache[cache_key] = fn

        # Execute
        return fn(*call_args)
Пример #19
    def test_multiple_args_records(self): 
        pyfunc = foobar

        mystruct_dt = np.dtype([('p', np.float64),
                           ('row', np.float64),
                           ('col', np.float64)])
        mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)

        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [mystruct[:], types.uint64, types.uint64],
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        st1 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)

        st1.p = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.row = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.col = np.arange(st1.size) + 1

        old_refcnt_st1 = sys.getrefcount(st1)

        test_fail_args = ((st1, -1, 1), (st1, 1, -1))

        # TypeError is for 2.6
        exc_type = OverflowError if sys.version_info >= (2, 7) else TypeError
        for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
            with self.assertRaises(exc_type):
                cfunc(a, b, c)

        del test_fail_args, a, b, c
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(st1), old_refcnt_st1)
Пример #20
    def resolve_value_type(self, val):
        Return the numba type of a Python value
        Return None if fail to type.
        tp = self.resolve_data_type(val)
        if tp is not None:
            return tp

        if isinstance(val, types.ExternalFunction):
            return val

        if isinstance(val, type) and issubclass(val, BaseException):
            return types.ExceptionType(val)

        if isinstance(val, numpy.dtype):
            tp = numpy_support.from_dtype(val)
            return types.DType(tp)

            # Try to look up target specific typing information
            return self.get_global_type(val)
        except KeyError:

        return None
Пример #21
    def test_multiple_args_records(self): 
        pyfunc = foobar

        mystruct_dt = np.dtype([('p', np.float64),
                           ('row', np.float64),
                           ('col', np.float64)])
        mystruct = numpy_support.from_dtype(mystruct_dt)

        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [mystruct[:], types.uint64, types.uint64],
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        st1 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)
        st2 = np.recarray(3, dtype=mystruct_dt)

        st1.p = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.row = np.arange(st1.size) + 1
        st1.col = np.arange(st1.size) + 1

        st2.p = np.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.row = np.arange(st2.size) + 1
        st2.col = np.arange(st2.size) + 1

        test_fail_args = ((st1, -1, st2), (st1, st2, -1))
        # TypeError is for 2.6
        if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
                    cfunc(a, b, c) 
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                for a, b, c in test_fail_args:
                    cfunc(a, b, c) 
Пример #22
    def _test_shared(self, arr):
        # Use a kernel that copies via shared memory to check loading and
        # storing different dtypes with shared memory. All threads in a block
        # collaborate to load in values, then the output values are written
        # only by the first thread in the block after synchronization.

        nelem = len(arr)
        nthreads = 16
        nblocks = int(nelem / nthreads)
        dt = nps.from_dtype(arr.dtype)

        def use_sm_chunk_copy(x, y):
            sm = cuda.shared.array(nthreads, dtype=dt)

            tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
            bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
            bd = cuda.blockDim.x

            # Load this block's chunk into shared
            i = bx * bd + tx
            if i < len(x):
                sm[tx] = x[i]


            # One thread per block writes this block's chunk
            if tx == 0:
                for j in range(nthreads):
                    y[bd * bx + j] = sm[j]

        d_result = cuda.device_array_like(arr)
        use_sm_chunk_copy[nblocks, nthreads](arr, d_result)
        host_result = d_result.copy_to_host()
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(arr, host_result)
Пример #23
def transpose(a, b=None):
    """Compute the transpose of 'a' and store it into 'b', if given,
    and return it. If 'b' is not given, allocate a new array
    and return that.

    This implements the algorithm documented in

    :param a: an `np.ndarray` or a `DeviceNDArrayBase` subclass. If already on
        the device its stream will be used to perform the transpose (and to copy
        `b` to the device if necessary).

    # prefer `a`'s stream if
    stream = getattr(a, 'stream', 0)

    if not b:
        cols, rows = a.shape
        strides = a.dtype.itemsize * cols, a.dtype.itemsize
        b = cuda.cudadrv.devicearray.DeviceNDArray((rows, cols),

    dt = nps.from_dtype(a.dtype)

    tpb = driver.get_device().MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK
    # we need to factor available threads into x and y axis
    tile_width = int(math.pow(2, math.log(tpb, 2) / 2))
    tile_height = int(tpb / tile_width)

    tile_shape = (tile_height, tile_width + 1)

    def kernel(input, output):

        tile = cuda.shared.array(shape=tile_shape, dtype=dt)

        tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
        ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
        bx = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x
        by = cuda.blockIdx.y * cuda.blockDim.y
        x = by + tx
        y = bx + ty

        if by + ty < input.shape[0] and bx + tx < input.shape[1]:
            tile[ty, tx] = input[by + ty, bx + tx]
        if y < output.shape[0] and x < output.shape[1]:
            output[y, x] = tile[tx, ty]

    # one block per tile, plus one for remainders
    blocks = int(b.shape[0] / tile_height + 1), int(b.shape[1] / tile_width +
    # one thread per tile element
    threads = tile_height, tile_width
    kernel[blocks, threads, stream](a, b)

    return b
Пример #24
    def resolve_value_type(self, val):
        Return the numba type of a Python value
        Return None if fail to type.
        if val is True or val is False:
            return types.boolean

        elif isinstance(val, utils.INT_TYPES + (float,)):
            return self.get_number_type(val)

        elif val is None:
            return types.none

        elif isinstance(val, str):
            return types.string

        elif isinstance(val, complex):
            return types.complex128

        elif isinstance(val, tuple):
            tys = [self.resolve_value_type(v) for v in val]
            distinct_types = set(tys)
            if len(distinct_types) == 1:
                return types.UniTuple(tys[0], len(tys))
                return types.Tuple(tys)

        elif numpy_support.is_arrayscalar(val):
            return numpy_support.map_arrayscalar_type(val)

        elif numpy_support.is_array(val):
            ary = val
            dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(ary.dtype)
            # Force C contiguous
            return types.Array(dtype, ary.ndim, 'C')

        elif ctypes_utils.is_ctypes_funcptr(val):
            cfnptr = val
            return ctypes_utils.make_function_type(cfnptr)

        elif cffi_utils.SUPPORTED and cffi_utils.is_cffi_func(val):
            return cffi_utils.make_function_type(val)

        elif (cffi_utils.SUPPORTED and
                  isinstance(val, cffi_utils.ExternCFunction)):
            return val

        elif type(val) is type and issubclass(val, BaseException):
            return types.exception_type

                # Try to look up target specific typing information
                return self.get_global_type(val)
            except KeyError:

        return None
Пример #25
 def _compile(self, dtype):
     key = self._functor, dtype
     if key in self._cache:
         kernel = self._cache[key]
         kernel = _gpu_reduce_factory(self._functor, from_dtype(dtype))
         self._cache[key] = kernel
     return kernel
Пример #26
 def _test_rec_read(self, v, pyfunc, f):
     rec = self.sample1d.copy()[0]
     rec[f] = v
     arr = np.zeros(1, v.dtype)
     nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (nbrecord,))
     cfunc(rec, arr)
     np.testing.assert_equal(arr[0], v)
Пример #27
 def test_records(self):
     recordtype = np.dtype([('a', np.float64),
                            ('b', np.int32),
                            ('c', np.complex64),
                            ('d', (np.str, 5))])
     ty = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     self.check_pickling(types.Array(ty, 1, 'A'))
Пример #28
 def test_record_dtype_with_titles_roundtrip(self):
     recdtype = np.dtype([(("title a", 'a'), np.float), ('b', np.float)])
     nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(recdtype)
     self.assertTrue(nbtype.is_title('title a'))
     got = numpy_support.as_dtype(nbtype)
     self.assertTrue(got, recdtype)
Пример #29
 def check(dtype, fields, size, aligned):
     tp = numpy_support.from_dtype(dtype)
     self.assertIsInstance(tp, types.Record)
     # Only check for dtype equality, as the Numba type may be interned
     self.assertEqual(tp.dtype, dtype)
     self.assertEqual(tp.fields, fields)
     self.assertEqual(tp.size, size)
     self.assertEqual(tp.aligned, aligned)
Пример #30
 def _compile(self, dtype):
     key = self._functor, dtype
     if key in self._cache:
         kernel = self._cache[key]
         kernel = _gpu_reduce_factory(self._functor, from_dtype(dtype))
         self._cache[key] = kernel
     return kernel
Пример #31
def _typeof_ndarray(val, c):
        dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype)
    except NotImplementedError:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported array dtype: %s" % (val.dtype,))
    layout = numpy_support.map_layout(val)
    readonly = not val.flags.writeable
    return types.Array(dtype, val.ndim, layout, readonly=readonly)
Пример #32
 def test_record_dtype_with_titles_roundtrip(self):
     recdtype = np.dtype([(("title a", 'a'), np.float), ('b', np.float)])
     nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(recdtype)
     self.assertTrue(nbtype.is_title('title a'))
     got = numpy_support.as_dtype(nbtype)
     self.assertTrue(got, recdtype)
Пример #33
 def _test_rec_read(self, v, pyfunc, f):
     rec = self.sample1d.copy()[0]
     rec[f] = v
     arr = np.zeros(1, v.dtype)
     nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (nbrecord, ))
     cfunc(rec, arr)
     np.testing.assert_equal(arr[0], v)
Пример #34
 def check(dtype, fields, size, aligned):
     tp = numpy_support.from_dtype(dtype)
     self.assertIsInstance(tp, types.Record)
     # Only check for dtype equality, as the Numba type may be interned
     self.assertEqual(tp.dtype, dtype)
     self.assertEqual(tp.fields, fields)
     self.assertEqual(tp.size, size)
     self.assertEqual(tp.aligned, aligned)
Пример #35
def _typeof_ndarray(val, c):
        dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(val.dtype)
    except NotImplementedError:
    layout = numpy_support.map_layout(val)
    readonly = not val.flags.writeable
    return types.Array(dtype, val.ndim, layout, readonly=readonly)
Пример #36
def find_common_dtype_from_numpy_dtypes(array_types, scalar_types):
    """Used to find common numba dtype for a sequences of numba dtypes each representing some numpy dtype"""
    np_array_dtypes = [numpy_support.as_dtype(dtype) for dtype in array_types]
    np_scalar_dtypes = [numpy_support.as_dtype(dtype) for dtype in scalar_types]
    np_common_dtype = numpy.find_common_type(np_array_dtypes, np_scalar_dtypes)
    numba_common_dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(np_common_dtype)

    return numba_common_dtype
Пример #37
 def _test_get_two_equal(self, pyfunc):
     Test with two arrays of the same type
     rec = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (rec[:], rec[:], types.intp))
     for i in range(self.refsample1d.size):
         self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.refsample1d, self.refsample1d3, i),
                          cfunc(self.nbsample1d, self.nbsample1d3, i))
Пример #38
    def resolve_data_type(self, val):
        Return the numba type of a Python value representing data
        (e.g. a number or an array, but not more sophisticated types
         such as functions, etc.)

        This function can return None to if it cannot decide.
        if val is True or val is False:
            return types.boolean

        # Under 2.x, we must guard against numpy scalars (np.intXY
        # subclasses Python int but get_number_type() wouldn't infer the
        # right bit width -- perhaps it should?).
        elif (not isinstance(val, numpy.number)
              and isinstance(val, utils.INT_TYPES + (float,))):
            return self.get_number_type(val)

        elif val is None:
            return types.none

        elif isinstance(val, str):
            return types.string

        elif isinstance(val, complex):
            return types.complex128

        elif isinstance(val, tuple):
            tys = [self.resolve_value_type(v) for v in val]
            distinct_types = set(tys)
            if len(distinct_types) == 1:
                return types.UniTuple(tys[0], len(tys))
                return types.Tuple(tys)

                return numpy_support.map_arrayscalar_type(val)
            except NotImplementedError:

        if numpy_support.is_array(val):
            ary = val
                dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(ary.dtype)
            except NotImplementedError:

            if ary.flags.c_contiguous:
                layout = 'C'
            elif ary.flags.f_contiguous:
                layout = 'F'
                layout = 'A'
            return types.Array(dtype, ary.ndim, layout)

Пример #39
    def resolve_data_type(self, val):
        Return the numba type of a Python value representing data
        (e.g. a number or an array, but not more sophisticated types
         such as functions, etc.)

        This function can return None to if it cannot decide.
        if val is True or val is False:
            return types.boolean

        # Under 2.x, we must guard against numpy scalars (np.intXY
        # subclasses Python int but get_number_type() wouldn't infer the
        # right bit width -- perhaps it should?).
        elif (not isinstance(val, numpy.number)
              and isinstance(val, utils.INT_TYPES + (float, ))):
            return self.get_number_type(val)

        elif val is None:
            return types.none

        elif isinstance(val, str):
            return types.string

        elif isinstance(val, complex):
            return types.complex128

        elif isinstance(val, tuple):
            tys = [self.resolve_value_type(v) for v in val]
            distinct_types = set(tys)
            if len(distinct_types) == 1:
                return types.UniTuple(tys[0], len(tys))
                return types.Tuple(tys)

                return numpy_support.map_arrayscalar_type(val)
            except NotImplementedError:

        if numpy_support.is_array(val):
            ary = val
                dtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(ary.dtype)
            except NotImplementedError:

            if ary.flags.c_contiguous:
                layout = 'C'
            elif ary.flags.f_contiguous:
                layout = 'F'
                layout = 'A'
            return types.Array(dtype, ary.ndim, layout)

Пример #40
    def binary_ufunc_test(self, ufunc_name, x_operands=None, y_operands=None,

        ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase']
        arraytypes = [types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C'),
                      types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'),
                      types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C'),
                      types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')]

        if x_operands == None:
            x_operands = [np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i4'),
                          np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i8'),
                          np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f4'),
                          np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f8')]

        if y_operands == None:
            y_operands = [np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i4'),
                          np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i8'),
                          np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f4'),
                          np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f8')]

        for arraytype, x_operand, y_operand in zip(arraytypes,
            pyfunc = ufunc

            numpy_ufunc = getattr(np, ufunc_name)
            result_dtype = numpy_ufunc(x_operand, y_operand).dtype

            result_arraytype = types.Array(from_dtype(result_dtype),
                                           arraytype.ndim, arraytype.layout)

            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, arraytype,
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            result = np.zeros(x_operand.size, dtype=result_dtype)
            cfunc(x_operand, y_operand, result)
            expected = np.zeros(x_operand.size, dtype=result_dtype)
            ufunc(x_operand, y_operand, expected)

            # Need special checks if NaNs are in results
            if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any():
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected)))
                if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all():
                    if result_dtype.kind == 'f':
                        self.assertTrue((result[np.invert(np.isnan(result))] ==
                if result_dtype.kind == 'f':
                    self.assertTrue(np.allclose(result, expected))
                    self.assertTrue((result == expected).all())
Пример #41
 def _test_get_two_equal(self, pyfunc):
     Test with two arrays of the same type
     rec = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (rec[:], rec[:], types.intp))
     for i in range(self.refsample1d.size):
         self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.refsample1d, self.refsample1d3, i),
                           cfunc(self.nbsample1d, self.nbsample1d3, i))
Пример #42
    def _compile(cls, dtype):
        nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(dtype)

        def gpu_unique_k(arr, k, out, outsz_ptr):
            Note: run with small blocks.
            tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
            blksz = cuda.blockDim.x
            base = 0

            # shared memory
            vset_size = 0
            sm_mem_size = MAX_FAST_UNIQUE_K
            vset = cuda.shared.array(sm_mem_size, dtype=nbtype)
            share_vset_size = cuda.shared.array(1, dtype=int32)
            share_loaded = cuda.shared.array(sm_mem_size, dtype=nbtype)
            sm_mem_size = min(k, sm_mem_size)

            while vset_size < sm_mem_size and base < arr.size:
                pos = base + tid
                valid_load = min(blksz, arr.size - base)
                # load
                if tid < valid_load:
                    share_loaded[tid] = arr[pos]
                # wait for load to complete
                # thread-0 inserts
                if tid == 0:
                    for i in range(valid_load):
                        val = share_loaded[i]
                        new_size = gpu_unique_set_insert(vset, vset_size, val)
                        if new_size >= 0:
                            vset_size = new_size
                            vset_size = sm_mem_size + 1
                    share_vset_size[0] = vset_size
                # wait until the insert is done
                vset_size = share_vset_size[0]
                # increment
                base += blksz

            # output
            if vset_size <= sm_mem_size:
                for i in range(tid, vset_size, blksz):
                    out[i] = vset[i]
                if tid == 0:
                    outsz_ptr[0] = vset_size
                outsz_ptr[0] = -1

        # cache
        cls._cached_kernels[dtype] = gpu_unique_k
        return gpu_unique_k
Пример #43
    def _compile(cls, dtype):
        nbtype = numpy_support.from_dtype(dtype)

        def gpu_unique_k(arr, k, out, outsz_ptr):
            Note: run with small blocks.
            tid = cuda.threadIdx.x
            blksz = cuda.blockDim.x
            base = 0

            # shared memory
            vset_size = 0
            sm_mem_size = MAX_FAST_UNIQUE_K
            vset = cuda.shared.array(sm_mem_size, dtype=nbtype)
            share_vset_size = cuda.shared.array(1, dtype=int32)
            share_loaded = cuda.shared.array(sm_mem_size, dtype=nbtype)
            sm_mem_size = min(k, sm_mem_size)

            while vset_size < sm_mem_size and base < arr.size:
                pos = base + tid
                valid_load = min(blksz, arr.size - base)
                # load
                if tid < valid_load:
                    share_loaded[tid] = arr[pos]
                # wait for load to complete
                # thread-0 inserts
                if tid == 0:
                    for i in range(valid_load):
                        val = share_loaded[i]
                        new_size = gpu_unique_set_insert(vset, vset_size, val)
                        if new_size >= 0:
                            vset_size = new_size
                            vset_size = sm_mem_size + 1
                    share_vset_size[0] = vset_size
                # wait until the insert is done
                vset_size = share_vset_size[0]
                # increment
                base += blksz

            # output
            if vset_size <= sm_mem_size:
                for i in range(tid, vset_size, blksz):
                    out[i] = vset[i]
                if tid == 0:
                    outsz_ptr[0] = vset_size
                outsz_ptr[0] = -1

        # cache
        cls._cached_kernels[dtype] = gpu_unique_k
        return gpu_unique_k
Пример #44
    def _check_device_record(self, reference, rec):
        self.assertEqual(rec.shape, tuple())
        self.assertEqual(rec.strides, tuple())
        self.assertEqual(rec.dtype, reference.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(rec.alloc_size, reference.dtype.itemsize)
        self.assertNotEqual(rec.device_ctypes_pointer, ctypes.c_void_p(0))

        numba_type = numpy_support.from_dtype(reference.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(rec._numba_type_, numba_type)
Пример #45
    def _check_device_record(self, reference, rec):
        self.assertEqual(rec.shape, tuple())
        self.assertEqual(rec.strides, tuple())
        self.assertEqual(rec.dtype, reference.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(rec.alloc_size, reference.dtype.itemsize)
        self.assertNotEqual(rec.device_ctypes_pointer, ctypes.c_void_p(0))

        numba_type = numpy_support.from_dtype(reference.dtype)
        self.assertEqual(rec._numba_type_, numba_type)
Пример #46
    def _type_and_size(self, dary, size):
        nbtype = from_dtype(dary.dtype)

        if size is None:
            # Use the array size if the `size` is not defined
            size = dary.size

        if size > dary.size:
            raise ValueError("size > array.size")

        return nbtype, size
Пример #47
    def _type_and_size(self, dary, size):
        nbtype = from_dtype(dary.dtype)

        if size is None:
            # Use the array size if the `size` is not defined
            size = dary.size

        if size > dary.size:
            raise ValueError("size > array.size")

        return nbtype, size
Пример #48
 def test_from_dtype(self):
     rec = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
     self.assertEqual(rec.typeof('a'), types.float64)
     self.assertEqual(rec.typeof('b'), types.int16)
     self.assertEqual(rec.typeof('c'), types.complex64)
     self.assertEqual(rec.typeof('d'), types.UnicodeCharSeq(5))
     self.assertEqual(rec.offset('a'), recordtype.fields['a'][1])
     self.assertEqual(rec.offset('b'), recordtype.fields['b'][1])
     self.assertEqual(rec.offset('c'), recordtype.fields['c'][1])
     self.assertEqual(rec.offset('d'), recordtype.fields['d'][1])
     self.assertEqual(recordtype.itemsize, rec.size)
Пример #49
def typeof_type(val, c):
    Type various specific Python types.
    if issubclass(val, BaseException):
        return types.ExceptionClass(val)
    if issubclass(val, tuple) and hasattr(val, "_asdict"):
        return types.NamedTupleClass(val)

    if issubclass(val, np.generic):
        return types.NumberClass(numpy_support.from_dtype(val))
Пример #50
def typeof_type(val, c):
    Type various specific Python types.
    if issubclass(val, BaseException):
        return types.ExceptionClass(val)
    if issubclass(val, tuple) and hasattr(val, "_asdict"):
        return types.NamedTupleClass(val)

    if issubclass(val, np.generic):
        return types.NumberClass(numpy_support.from_dtype(val))
Пример #51
 def test_array_1d_record(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
     pyfunc = record_iter_usecase
     item_type = numpy_support.from_dtype(record_dtype)
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Array(item_type, 1, 'A'),),
     cfunc = cr.entry_point
     arr = np.recarray(3, dtype=record_dtype)
     for i in range(3):
         arr[i].a = float(i * 2)
         arr[i].b = i + 2
     got = pyfunc(arr)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), got)
Пример #52
 def test_array_1d_record(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
     pyfunc = record_iter_usecase
     item_type = numpy_support.from_dtype(record_dtype)
     cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Array(item_type, 1, 'A'),),
     cfunc = cr.entry_point
     arr = np.recarray(3, dtype=record_dtype)
     for i in range(3):
         arr[i].a = float(i * 2)
         arr[i].b = i + 2
     got = pyfunc(arr)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), got)
Пример #53
    def _test_set_equal(self, pyfunc, value, valuetype):
        rec = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordtype)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (rec[:], types.intp, valuetype))

        for i in range(self.refsample1d.size):
            expect = self.refsample1d.copy()
            pyfunc(expect, i, value)

            got = self.nbsample1d.copy()
            cfunc(got, i, value)

            # Match the entire array to ensure no memory corruption
            np.testing.assert_equal(expect, got)
Пример #54
    def test_ufunc(self):
        datetime_t = from_dtype(np.dtype('datetime64[D]'))

        @vectorize([(datetime_t, datetime_t)], target='cuda')
        def timediff(start, end):
            return end - start

        arr1 = np.arange('2005-02', '2006-02', dtype='datetime64[D]')
        arr2 = arr1 + np.random.randint(0, 10000, arr1.size)

        delta = timediff(arr1, arr2)

        self.assertPreciseEqual(delta, arr2 - arr1)
Пример #55
    def unary_ufunc_test(self,

        ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase']

        arraytypes = [
            types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C'),
            types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'),
            types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C'),
            types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')

        if operands == None:
            operands = [
                np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i4'),
                np.arange(-10, 10, dtype='i8'),
                np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f4'),
                np.arange(-1, 1, 0.1, dtype='f8')

        for arraytype, operand in zip(arraytypes, operands):
            pyfunc = ufunc

            numpy_ufunc = getattr(np, ufunc_name)
            result_dtype = numpy_ufunc(operand).dtype
            result_arraytype = types.Array(from_dtype(result_dtype),
                                           arraytype.ndim, arraytype.layout)

            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, result_arraytype),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            result = np.zeros(operand.size, dtype=result_dtype)
            cfunc(operand, result)
            expected = np.zeros(operand.size, dtype=result_dtype)
            ufunc(operand, expected)

            # Need special checks if NaNs are in results
            if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any():
                    np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected)))
                if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all():
                    np.all(result == expected)
                    or np.allclose(result, expected))
Пример #56
    def test_record_read_2d_array(self):
        Test reading from a 2D array within a structured type
        rec = self.samplerec2darr.copy()
        rec['j'][:] = np.asarray([5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
                                 np.float32).reshape(3, 2)

        nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordwith2darray)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(record_read_2d_array, (nbrecord, ))
        arr = np.zeros((3, 2), dtype=rec['j'].dtype)
        cfunc(rec, arr)

        np.testing.assert_equal(rec['j'], arr)
Пример #57
    def test_record_read_1d_array(self):
        Test reading from a 1D array within a structured type
        rec = self.samplerec1darr.copy()
        rec['h'][0] = 4.0
        rec['h'][1] = 5.0

        nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordwitharray)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(record_read_array, (nbrecord, ))
        arr = np.zeros(2, dtype=rec['h'].dtype)
        cfunc(rec, arr)

        np.testing.assert_equal(rec['h'], arr)
Пример #58
    def test_record_write_array(self):
        Testing writing to a 1D array within a structured type
        nbval = np.recarray(1, dtype=recordwitharray)
        nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordwitharray)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(record_write_array, (nbrecord, ))

        expected = np.recarray(1, dtype=recordwitharray)
        expected[0].g = 2
        expected[0].h[0] = 3.0
        expected[0].h[1] = 4.0
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, nbval)
Пример #59
    def test_record_write_2d_array(self):
        Test writing to a 2D array within a structured type
        nbval = np.recarray(1, dtype=recordwith2darray)
        nbrecord = numpy_support.from_dtype(recordwith2darray)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(record_write_2d_array, (nbrecord, ))

        expected = np.recarray(1, dtype=recordwith2darray)
        expected[0].i = 3
        expected[0].j[:] = np.asarray([5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0],
                                      np.float32).reshape(3, 2)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, nbval)