Пример #1
def feature_rep_big(grid):
    For each cell:
      - The number of eligible channels
    For each cell-channel pair:
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 4 or less
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 3 or less
      - If the ch is eligible or not
    assert grid.ndim == 3
    frep = np.zeros((intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels * 3 + 1), dtype=int32)
    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            neighs3 = neighbors_np(3, r, c, countself)
            neighs4 = neighbors_np(4, r, c, countself)
            n_used3 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            n_used4 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            for i in range(len(neighs3)):
                n_used3 += grid[neighs3[i, 0], neighs3[i, 1]]
            for i in range(len(neighs4)):
                n_used4 += grid[neighs4[i, 0], neighs4[i, 1]]
            frep[r, c, :n_channels] = n_used3
            frep[r, c, n_channels:n_channels * 2] = n_used4
            elig = _eligible_map(grid, r, c)
            frep[r, c, n_channels * 2:n_channels * 3] = elig
            frep[r, c, -1] = np.sum(elig)
    return frep
Пример #2
def feature_reps_big2(grids):
    assert grids.ndim == 4
    freps = np.zeros(
        (len(grids), intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels * 5 + 1), dtype=int32)
    for i in range(len(grids)):
        freps[i] = feature_rep_big2(grids[i])
    return freps
Пример #3
def incremental_freps_big2(grid, frep, cell, ce_type, chs):
    Given a grid, its feature representation frep,
    and a set of actions specified by cell, event type and a list of channels,
    derive feature representations for the afterstates of grid
    r, c = cell
    neighs1o = neighbors_np(1, r, c, False)
    neighs2o = _neighs2o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[0, r, c]]
    neighs3o = _neighs3o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[1, r, c]]
    neighs4o = _neighs4o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[2, r, c]]
    neighs2 = neighbors_np(2, r, c, True)
    freps = np.zeros((len(chs), intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels * 5 + 1), dtype=int32)
    freps[:] = frep
    if ce_type == CEvent.END:
        n_used_neighs_diff = -1
        n_elig_self_diff = 1
        bflip = 1
        grid[cell][chs] = 0
        n_used_neighs_diff = 1
        n_elig_self_diff = -1
        bflip = 0
    for i in range(len(chs)):
        ch = chs[i]
        for j in range(len(neighs1o)):
            freps[i, neighs1o[j, 0], neighs1o[j, 1], ch] += n_used_neighs_diff
        for j in range(len(neighs2o)):
            freps[i, neighs2o[j, 0], neighs2o[j, 1],
                  n_channels + ch] += n_used_neighs_diff
        for j in range(len(neighs3o)):
            freps[i, neighs3o[j, 0], neighs3o[j, 1],
                  n_channels * 2 + ch] += n_used_neighs_diff
        for j in range(len(neighs4o)):
            freps[i, neighs4o[j, 0], neighs4o[j, 1],
                  n_channels * 3 + ch] += n_used_neighs_diff

        for j in range(len(neighs2)):
            r2, c2 = neighs2[j, 0], neighs2[j, 1]
            neighs = neighbors_np(2, r2, c2, False)
            not_eligible = grid[r2, c2, ch]
            for k in range(len(neighs)):
                not_eligible = not_eligible or grid[neighs[k, 0], neighs[k, 1], ch]
            if not not_eligible:
                # For END: ch is in use at 'cell', but will become eligible
                # For NEW: ch is eligible at given neighs2, but will be taken in use
                freps[i, neighs2[j, 0], neighs2[j, 1], n_channels * 4 + ch] = bflip
                freps[i, neighs2[j, 0], neighs2[j, 1], -1] += n_elig_self_diff
    if ce_type == CEvent.END:
        grid[cell][chs] = 1
    return freps
Пример #4
def get_dtype_size(typingctx, dtype=None):
    assert isinstance(dtype, types.DTypeSpec)

    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        num_bytes = context.get_abi_sizeof(context.get_data_type(dtype.dtype))
        return context.get_constant(types.intp, num_bytes)
    return types.intp(dtype), codegen
Пример #5
def feature_rep(grid):
    As in Singh(96)
    For each cell:
      - The number of eligible channels
    For each cell-channel pair:
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 4 or less
    assert grid.ndim == 3
    frep = np.zeros((intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels + 1), dtype=int32)
    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            neighs = neighbors_np(4, r, c, countself)
            n_used = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            for i in range(len(neighs)):
                n_used += grid[neighs[i, 0], neighs[i, 1]]
            frep[r, c, :-1] = n_used
            frep[r, c, -1] = np.sum(_eligible_map(grid, r, c))
    return frep
Пример #6
        def myintrin(typingctx, x, arr):
            if not isinstance(x, types.IntegerLiteral):
                raise errors.RequireLiteralValue(given_reason1)

            if arr.ndim != 1:
                raise ValueError(given_reason2)

            sig = types.intp(x, arr)

            def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
            return sig, codegen
Пример #7
def incremental_freps(grid, frep, cell, ce_type, chs):
    Given a grid, its feature representation frep,
    and a set of actions specified by cell, event type and a list of channels,
    derive feature representations for the afterstates of grid
    r, c = cell  # The focal cell
    neighs4 = neighbors_np(4, r, c, countself)
    neighs2 = neighbors_np(2, r, c, True)
    freps = np.zeros((len(chs), intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels + 1), dtype=int32)
    freps[:] = frep
    if ce_type == CEvent.END:
        n_used_neighs_diff = -1
        n_elig_self_diff = 1
        grid[cell][chs] = 0
        n_used_neighs_diff = 1
        n_elig_self_diff = -1
    for i, ch in enumerate(chs):
        for j in range(len(neighs4)):
            freps[i, neighs4[j, 0], neighs4[j, 1], ch] += n_used_neighs_diff
        for j in range(len(neighs2)):
            r2, c2 = neighs2[j, 0], neighs2[j, 1]
            # The neighborhood of a neighbor of the focal cell
            neighs = neighbors_np(2, r2, c2, False)
            not_eligible = grid[r2, c2, ch]
            for k in range(len(neighs)):
                not_eligible = not_eligible or grid[neighs[k, 0], neighs[k, 1], ch]
            if not not_eligible:
                # For END: ch is in use at focal cell (since END event),
                # and is thus ineligible at (r2, c2),
                # but will become eligible (since this if-case triggered),
                # so increment by 1.
                # For NEW/HOFF: ch is eligible at focal cell,
                # but will be taken in use, thus if ch is currently eligible
                # at (r2, c2) then it will become ineligible and we subtract 1.
                freps[i, r2, c2, -1] += n_elig_self_diff
    if ce_type == CEvent.END:
        grid[cell][chs] = 1
    return freps
Пример #8
def feature_rep_big2(grid):
    For each cell:
      - The number of eligible channels
    For each cell-channel pair:
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 4
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 3
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 2
      - The number of times the ch is used by neighbors with dist 1
      - If the ch is eligible or not
    assert grid.ndim == 3
    frep = np.zeros((intp(rows), intp(cols), n_channels * 5 + 1), dtype=int32)
    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            neighs1o = neighbors_np(1, r, c, False)
            neighs2o = _neighs2o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[0, r, c]]
            neighs3o = _neighs3o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[1, r, c]]
            neighs4o = _neighs4o[r, c, :_n_neighs_o[2, r, c]]
            n_used1 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            n_used2 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            n_used3 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            n_used4 = np.zeros(n_channels, dtype=int32)
            for i in range(len(neighs1o)):
                n_used1 += grid[neighs1o[i, 0], neighs1o[i, 1]]
            for i in range(len(neighs2o)):
                n_used2 += grid[neighs2o[i, 0], neighs2o[i, 1]]
            for i in range(len(neighs3o)):
                n_used3 += grid[neighs3o[i, 0], neighs3o[i, 1]]
            for i in range(len(neighs4o)):
                n_used4 += grid[neighs4o[i, 0], neighs4o[i, 1]]
            frep[r, c, :n_channels] = n_used1
            frep[r, c, n_channels:n_channels * 2] = n_used2
            frep[r, c, n_channels * 2:n_channels * 3] = n_used3
            frep[r, c, n_channels * 3:n_channels * 4] = n_used4
            elig = _eligible_map(grid, r, c)
            frep[r, c, n_channels * 4:n_channels * 5] = elig
            frep[r, c, -1] = np.sum(elig)
    return frep
Пример #9
def _slice_span(typingctx, sliceobj):
    """Compute the span from the given slice object.
    sig = types.intp(sliceobj)

    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        [slicetype] = sig.args
        [sliceobj] = args
        slice = context.make_helper(builder, slicetype, sliceobj)
        result_size = slicing.get_slice_length(builder, slice)
        return result_size

    return sig, codegen
Пример #10
def _slice_span(typingctx, sliceobj):
    """Compute the span from the given slice object.
    sig = types.intp(sliceobj)

    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        [slicetype] = sig.args
        [sliceobj] = args
        slice = context.make_helper(builder, slicetype, sliceobj)
        result_size = slicing.get_slice_length(builder, slice)
        return result_size

    return sig, codegen
Пример #11
    def codegen(cgctx, builder, signature, args):
        lltupty = cgctx.get_value_type(tupty)
        # Create an empty int tuple.
        tup = cgutils.get_null_value(lltupty)

        # Get the shape list from the args and we don't need shape tuple.
        [in_shape, _] = args

        def array_indexer(a, i):
            return a[i]

        # loop to fill the tuple
        for i in range(nd):
            dataidx = cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, i)
            # compile and call array_indexer
            data = cgctx.compile_internal(builder, array_indexer,
                                          types.intp(shape_list, types.intp),
                                          [in_shape, dataidx])
            tup = builder.insert_value(tup, data, i)
        return tup
Пример #12
        r = numba_xgesv(
            kind,         # kind
            n,            # n
            nrhs,         # nhrs
            a.ctypes,     # a
            n,            # lda
            ipiv.ctypes,  # ipiv
            b.ctypes,     # b
            n             # ldb
        return r

    return _numba_linalg_solve_impl

@jit(types.intp(types.intp, types.intp), nopython=True, cache=True)
def comb_jit(N, k):
    Numba jitted function that computes N choose k. Return `0` if the
    outcome exceeds the maximum value of `np.intp` or if N < 0, k < 0,
    or k > N.

    N : scalar(int)

    k : scalar(int)

    val : scalar(int)
Пример #13
        r = numba_xgesv(
            kind,  # kind
            n,  # n
            nrhs,  # nhrs
            a.ctypes,  # a
            n,  # lda
            ipiv.ctypes,  # ipiv
            b.ctypes,  # b
            n  # ldb
        return r

    return _numba_linalg_solve_impl

@jit(types.intp(types.intp, types.intp), nopython=True, cache=True)
def comb_jit(N, k):
    Numba jitted function that computes N choose k. Return `0` if the
    outcome exceeds the maximum value of `np.intp` or if N < 0, k < 0,
    or k > N.

    N : scalar(int)

    k : scalar(int)

    val : scalar(int)
Пример #14
    return builder.bitcast(val.operands[0], lir.IntType(8).as_pointer())

# tslib_so = inspect.getfile(pd._libs.tslib)
# tslib_cdll = ctypes.CDLL(tslib_so)
# func_parse_iso = tslib_cdll.parse_iso_8601_datetime
# func_parse_iso.restype = ctypes.c_int32
# func_parse_iso.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]
# func_dts_to_dt = tslib_cdll.pandas_datetimestruct_to_datetime
# func_dts_to_dt.restype = ctypes.c_int64
# func_dts_to_dt.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p]

sig = types.intp(
    types.voidptr,             # C str
    types.intp,             # len(str)
    types.voidptr,          # struct ptr
    types.voidptr,  # int ptr
    types.voidptr,  # int ptr
parse_iso_8601_datetime = types.ExternalFunction("parse_iso_8601_datetime", sig)
sig = types.intp(
    types.intp,             # fr magic number
    types.voidptr,          # struct ptr
    types.voidptr,  # out int ptr
convert_datetimestruct_to_datetime = types.ExternalFunction("convert_datetimestruct_to_datetime", sig)

@numba.njit(locals={'arg1': numba.int32, 'arg3': numba.int32, 'arg4': numba.int32})
def parse_datetime_str(str):
    arg0 = hpat.str_ext.unicode_to_char_ptr(str)
Пример #15

def init_set_string():
    return set()

def init_set_overload():
    return lambda: _init_set_string()

add_set_string = types.ExternalFunction("insert_set_string",
                                        types.void(set_string_type, types.voidptr))

len_set_string = types.ExternalFunction("len_set_string",

num_total_chars_set_string = types.ExternalFunction("num_total_chars_set_string",

# TODO: box set(string)

@generated_jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def build_set(A):
    if is_str_arr_typ(A):
        return _build_str_set_impl
        return lambda A: set(A)

Пример #16

def init_set_string():
    return set()

def init_set_overload():
    return lambda: _init_set_string()

add_set_string = types.ExternalFunction(
    "insert_set_string", types.void(set_string_type, types.voidptr))

len_set_string = types.ExternalFunction("len_set_string",

num_total_chars_set_string = types.ExternalFunction(
    "num_total_chars_set_string", types.intp(set_string_type))

# TODO: box set(string)

@generated_jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
def build_set(A):
    if is_str_arr_typ(A):
        return _build_str_set_impl
        return lambda A: set(A)

Пример #17
def adaptor(tyctx, thing, another):
    # This function creates a call specialisation on "less" based on the
    # type of "thing" and its literal value

    # resolve to function type
    sig = types.intp(thing, another)
    fnty = tyctx.resolve_value_type(less)

    def codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
        ty = sig.args[0]
        # trigger resolution to get a "custom_hash" impl based on the call type
        # "ty" and its literal value
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        lsig = fnty.get_call_type(tyctx, (ty, ty), {})
        resolved = cgctx.get_function(fnty, lsig)

        # close over resolved function, this is to deal with python scoping
        def resolved_codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
            return resolved(builder, args)

        # A python function "wrapper" is made for the `@cfunc` arg, this calls
        # the jitted function "wrappee", which will be compiled as part of the
        # compilation chain for the cfunc. In turn the wrappee jitted function
        # has an intrinsic call which is holding reference to the resolved type
        # specialised custom_hash call above.
        def dispatcher(_ityctx, _a, _b):
            return types.int8(thing, another), resolved_codegen

        def deref(_ityctx, _x):
            # to deref the void * passed. TODO: nrt awareness
            catchthing = thing
            sig = catchthing(_x)

            def codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
                toty = cgctx.get_value_type(sig.return_type).as_pointer()
                addressable = builder.bitcast(args[0], toty)
                zero_intpt = cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                vref = builder.gep(addressable, [zero_intpt], inbounds=True)

                return builder.load(vref)

            return sig, codegen

        def wrappee(ap, bp):
            a = deref(ap)
            b = deref(bp)
            return dispatcher(a, b)

        def wrapper(a, b):
            return wrappee(a, b)

        callback = cfunc(types.int8(types.voidptr, types.voidptr))(wrapper)

        # bake in address as a int const
        address = callback.address
        return cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, address)

    return sig, codegen