Пример #1
def distRect_factory(nb_metric):
    """Can be passed a numba jit'd distance function and
    will return a jit'd function for computing all pairwise distances using that function"""
    @nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.float64[:, :], nb.int8[:, :], nb.int8[:, :],
                       nb.float64[:, :], nb.boolean),
    def nb_distRect(pwdist, rows, cols, substMat, symetric):
        n = rows.shape[0]
        m = cols.shape[0]
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(m):
                if not symetric:
                    pwdist[i, j] = nb_seq_similarity(rows[i, :],
                                                     cols[j, :],
                    if j <= i:
                        pwdist[i, j] = nb_seq_similarity(rows[i, :],
                                                         cols[j, :],
                        pwdist[j, i] = pwdist[i, j]
        return True

    return nb_distRect
Пример #2
    def test_call_extern_c_fn_twice(self):
        global memcmp
        memcmp = cffi_support.ExternCFunction('memcmp', 'int memcmp ( const uint8_t * ptr1, const uint8_t * ptr2, size_t num )')

        @udf(boolean(FunctionContext, StringVal, StringVal))
        def fn(context, a, b):
            c = memcmp(a.ptr, a.ptr, a.len) == 0
            d = memcmp(a.ptr, b.ptr, a.len) == 0
            return c or d
Пример #3
 def test_call_extern_c_fn_twice(self):
     global memcmp
     memcmp = cffi_support.ExternCFunction('memcmp', 'int memcmp ( const uint8_t * ptr1, const uint8_t * ptr2, size_t num )')
     @udf(boolean(FunctionContext, StringVal, StringVal))
     def fn(context, a, b):
         c = memcmp(a.ptr, a.ptr, a.len) == 0
         d = memcmp(a.ptr, b.ptr, a.len) == 0
         return c or d
Пример #4
def all_short_circuit_merges(MERGE=None):
    """Determine if all MERGE flags are can be skipped if data is None.
    This allows us to skip the data merge step if any of the contributing
    data is None.
    However, if any of the columns are True, then we must propagate all data
    if MERGE is None:
        return numba.boolean(DATA_DEFAULT & DATA_NANS_PROPAGATE)
    for M in MERGE:
        if not (M & DATA_NANS_PROPAGATE):
            return False
    return True
Пример #5
def distRect_factory(nb_metric): 
    """Can be passed a numba jit'd distance function and
    will return a jit'd function for computing all pairwise distances using that function"""
    @nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.float64[:,:], nb.int8[:,:], nb.int8[:,:], nb.float64[:,:], nb.boolean), nopython=True) 
    def nb_distRect(pwdist, rows, cols, substMat, symetric): 
        n = rows.shape[0] 
        m = cols.shape[0]
        for i in range(n): 
            for j in range(m): 
                if not symetric:
                    pwdist[i, j] = nb_seq_similarity(rows[i,:], cols[j,:], substMat=substMat, normed=False, asDistance=True)
                    if j<=i:
                        pwdist[i, j] = nb_seq_similarity(rows[i,:], cols[j,:], substMat=substMat, normed=False, asDistance=True)
                        pwdist[j, i] = pwdist[i, j]
        return True 
    return nb_distRect
Пример #6
class Methods:

    def apply(function, args, output):
        if len(args) == 3:
            if len(output) == 3:
                Methods._apply_f_3_3(function, *args, *output)
                raise NotImplementedError()
            raise NotImplementedError()

    @numba.njit(boolean(int64[:]), **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def first_element_is_zero(array):
        return array[0] == 0

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False, 'cache': False}})
    def _apply_f_3_3(function, arg0, arg1, arg2, output0, output1, output2):
        for i in range(output0.shape[0]):
            output0[i], output1[i], output2[i] = function(arg0[i], arg1[i], arg2[i])
Пример #7
    def inner(func):
        func_name = func.__name__
        sig = numba.boolean(
        jitfunc = numba.jit(func, nopython=True)

        @numba.cfunc(sig, nopython=True)
        def wrapper(i, j, x, t):  # pragma: no cover
            return jitfunc(i, j, x[0], t[0])

        out = core_ffi.new("GxB_SelectOp*")
            core_ffi.cast("GxB_select_function", wrapper.address),

        return SelectOp(func_name, out[0])
Пример #8
            if i + 1 < n_sites:
                    OP_C + i * SITE + s * SPIN,
                    OP_D + (i + 1) * SITE + s * SPIN, -1, -1
            h_values.append(0.5 * u)
                OP_C + i * SITE + s * SPIN, OP_C + i * SITE + (1 - s) * SPIN,
                OP_D + i * SITE + (1 - s) * SPIN, OP_D + i * SITE + s * SPIN
    return np.array(h_values, dtype=np.float64), np.array(h_terms,

@nb.njit(nb.boolean(nb.int32, nb.int32, nb.int32, nb.int32))
def qc_hamil_partition(i, j, k, l):
    if j == -1:
        return mrank == i % msize
    elif k == -1:
        if i <= j:
            return mrank == (j * (j + 1) // 2 + i) % msize
            return mrank == (i * (i + 1) // 2 + j) % msize
        x = np.array([i, j, k, l], dtype=np.int32)
        if x[1] == x[2]:
            return mrank == x[1] % msize
            i, j = x[0], x[1]
Пример #9
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import gym

@nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.i4[:, :], nb.i4, nb.i4))
def valid(board, x, y):
    board_size = board.shape[0]
    def _in_range(v):
        return (0 <= v) and (v < board_size)
    return _in_range(x) and _in_range(y)

@nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.i4[:, :], nb.i4, nb.i4))
def available(board, x, y):
    return valid(board, x, y) and board[x][y] == -1

# Or: @nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.i4[:, :], nb.types.UniTuple(nb.i4, 2), nb.i4))
# Or: @nb.jit(nb.boolean(nb.i4[:, :], nb.typeof((1, 1)), nb.i4))
@nb.jit('boolean(i4[:, :], UniTuple(i4, 2), i4)')
def check_win(board, pos, num_win):
    def _check_lines(pos, delta, player):
        x, y = pos
        dx, dy = delta

        count = 0
        while valid(board, x, y):
            if board[x][y] == player:
                x += dx
                y += dy
Пример #10

class Move:
    Represents a move from a square to a square and possibly the promotion
    piece type.

    def __init__(self, from_square, to_square, promotion):
        self.from_square = from_square
        self.to_square = to_square
        self.promotion = promotion

@njit(boolean(Move.class_type.instance_type, Move.class_type.instance_type))
def move_objects_equal(move1, move2):
    Checks if the two given move objects are equal.
    if move1.from_square == move2.from_square and move1.to_square == move2.to_square and move1.promotion == move2.promotion:
        return True
    return False

@njit(Move.class_type.instance_type(uint8, uint8))
def create_move(from_square, to_square):
    For use when not using promotions
    [power] -> distance weighting factor: 1/distance**[power]
    [copy] -> False: a bit faster, but modifies 'grid' and 'mask'
    assert grid.shape==mask.shape, 'grid and mask shape are different'
    border = np.zeros(shape=mask.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    if copy:
        #copy mask as well because if will be modified later:
        mask = mask.copy()
        grid = grid.copy()
    return _calc(grid, mask, border, kernel, power, maxIter)

@jit(boolean(boolean[:,:], boolean[:,:]), nopython=True)
def _createBorder(mask, border):
    #create a 1px-width-border around all mask=True values

    gx = mask.shape[0]
    gy = mask.shape[1]
    last_val = mask[0,0]
    val = last_val
    any_border = False
    for i in xrange(gx):
        for j in xrange(gy):
            val = mask[i,j]
            if val != last_val:
                if val:
                    border[i,j] = True
Пример #12
            np.sum(np.multiply(np.square(x_vals - mu_0), z_0_prob)) / n_0)
    if n_1 == 0.0:
        mu_1 = np.amax(x_vals)
        sigma_1 = 0.01
        mu_1 = np.sum(np.multiply(x_vals, z_1_prob)) / n_1
        sigma_1 = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.multiply(np.square(x_vals - mu_1), z_1_prob)) / n_1)

    pi_0 = n_0 / x_vals.size
    pi_1 = n_1 / x_vals.size

    return pi_0, pi_1, mu_0, mu_1, sigma_0, sigma_1

@jit(boolean(float64, float64, float64), nopython=True)
def isclose(a, b, error):
    return error > np.abs(a - b)

@jit(UniTuple(float64, 4)(float64[:], float64, float64, float64, float64,
                          float64, float64),
def em_algorithm_fixed_pi_numba(x_vals, pi_0, pi_1, mu_0, mu_1, sigma_0,
    mu_0_new, mu_1_new, sigma_0_new, sigma_1_new = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
    iteration = 0
    while not (isclose(mu_0, mu_0_new, .01) and isclose(mu_1, mu_1_new, .01)
               and isclose(sigma_0, sigma_0_new, .01)
               and isclose(sigma_1, sigma_1_new, .01) or iteration == 500):
        if iteration > 0:
Пример #13
                recB = max(arr1[irec1, 0], arr2[irec2, 0] - i)
                recE = min(arr1[irec1, 1], arr2[irec2, 1] - i)
                cor_rec[lagN + i] += recE - recB
            for irec2 in range(N2):
                if arr1[irec1, 0] >= arr2[irec2, 1] + i:
                if arr1[irec1, 1] <= arr2[irec2, 0] + i:
                recB = max(arr1[irec1, 0], arr2[irec2, 0] + i)
                recE = min(arr1[irec1, 1], arr2[irec2, 1] + i)
                cor_rec[lagN - i] += recE - recB
    cor_rec[lagN] /= 2
    return cor_rec

@jit(boolean(int32, float32, float32[:], float32), nopython=True)
def _CheckPrecNoise(lagN, dt, data, dist):
    """check precursory noise
    # trailing noise window
    Ndis = np.int32(np.floor((dist / 0.8 + 50.) / dt + 0.5))
    if Ndis > lagN:
        return False
    Nb = max(np.int32(lagN * 4 / 5), Ndis)
    noiseSum = np.float32(0.)
    noiseN = lagN - Nb + 1
    for i in range(noiseN):
        noiseSum += (data[i + lagN + Nb])**2
        noiseSum += (data[lagN - i - Nb])**2
    noiseSum = np.sqrt(noiseSum / (2 * (noiseN)))
    # precursory noise window
Пример #14
by Numba's JIT. The input 2D matrix with dimensions M x N expands to M x N*4.

Dependencies: numpy, numba

@author: Dr. Pranay S. Yadav

# Import calls
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import ChaosFEX.chaotic_sampler as cs
from ChaosFEX.input_validator import validate

# Pure python func with typing to check inequality for compiling as numpy ufunc
@nb.vectorize([nb.boolean(nb.float64, nb.float64, nb.float64)])
def _compare(value1, value2, value3):
    This function calculates absolute distance (L1), checks whether it is
    less than epsilon and returns a corresponding boolean. It operates over
    scalar floats and is used by _compute_match_idx for speedy iteration.

    value1 : scalar, float64
        A single value from the feature matrix.
    value2 : scalar, float64
        A single element from the trajectory array.
    value3 : scalar, float64
        The value epsilon.
Пример #15
        records.stack = resize(records.stack, records.capacity)

    stack_top = records.stack[records.top]
    stack_top["parent"] = parent
    stack_top["depth"] = depth
    stack_top["is_left"] = is_left
    stack_top["impurity"] = impurity
    stack_top["start_train"] = start_train
    stack_top["end_train"] = end_train
    stack_top["start_valid"] = start_valid
    stack_top["end_valid"] = end_valid
    records.top += 1

def has_records(records):
    """Tests if the stack of records contain remaining records.

    records : Records
        A records dataclass containing the stack of node records

Пример #16
            accdFrac = (tset-pct) / denom
            accdCpn = accdFrac * couponAmounts[i]
            return accdCpn

    return 0.0
    print("t", tset)
    print("CPN TIMES", coupon_times)
    print("CPN AMNTS", couponAmounts)
    raise FinError("Failed to calculate accrued")


@njit(boolean(int64), fastmath=True, cache=True)
def is_leap_year(y: int):
    """ Test whether year y is a leap year - if so return True, else False """
    leap_year = ((y % 4 == 0) and (y % 100 != 0) or (y % 400 == 0))
    return leap_year


@njit(float64[:](float64[:], float64), fastmath=True, cache=True)
def scale(x: np.ndarray,
          factor: float):
    """ Scale all of the elements of an array by the same amount factor. """
    x_scale = np.empty(len(x))
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        x_scale[i] = x[i] * factor
Пример #17
default_radius = 2.

def random_from(pt, new_pt):
    # random - random is most likely to be 0 and falls off toward +-1
    angle = (random() - random()) * pi
    angle_to_origin = pi + atan2(pt[Y], pt[X])
    new_pt[X] = pt[X] + (new_pt[R] + pt[R]) * cos(angle_to_origin + angle)
    new_pt[Y] = pt[Y] + (new_pt[R] + pt[R]) * sin(angle_to_origin + angle)

margin = 0.01
max_tries = 10

@jit(boolean(int64, float64[:]))
def add_point(n, points):
    new_hit = True
    tries = 0
    while new_hit and tries < max_tries:
        tries += 1
        random_from(points[n - 1], points[n])

        new_hit = False
        for i in range(n):
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((points[i][:R] - points[n][:R])**2))
            if dist + margin < points[i][R] + points[n][R]:
                new_hit = True

    return tries < max_tries

    [power] -> distance weighting factor: 1/distance**[power]
    [copy] -> False: a bit faster, but modifies 'grid' and 'mask'
    assert grid.shape == mask.shape, 'grid and mask shape are different'

    border = np.zeros(shape=mask.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    if copy:
        # copy mask as well because if will be modified later:
        mask = mask.copy()
        grid = grid.copy()
    return _calc(grid, mask, border, kernel, power, maxIter)

@njit(boolean(boolean[:, :], boolean[:, :]))
def _createBorder(mask, border):
    # create a 1px-width-border around all mask=True values

    gx = mask.shape[0]
    gy = mask.shape[1]
    last_val = mask[0, 0]
    val = last_val
    any_border = False
    for i in range(gx):
        for j in range(gy):
            val = mask[i, j]
            if val != last_val:
                if val:
                    border[i, j] = True
Пример #19
class SpecialMethods:

    @numba.njit(int64(int64[:], int64[:], int64), **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def remove_zeros(data, idx, length) -> int:
        new_length = 0
        for i in range(length):
            if idx[i] == len(idx) or data[idx[i]] == 0:
                idx[i] = len(idx)
                new_length += 1
        return new_length

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:, :], float64[:, :], int64[:], int64, int64[:]))
    def flag_precipitated(cell_origin, position_in_cell, idx, length, healthy):
        for i in range(length):
            if cell_origin[i, -1] == 0 and position_in_cell[i, -1] < 0:
                idx[i] = len(idx)
                healthy[0] = 0

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64, float64[:, :], float64[:, :], float64[:], int64[:]),
                **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}}) # TODO: waits for https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/5279
    def coalescence(n, volume, idx, length, intensive, extensive, gamma, healthy):
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            if gamma[i] == 0:

            j = idx[i]
            k = idx[i + 1]

            if n[j] < n[k]:
                j, k = k, j
            g = min(gamma[i], n[j] // n[k])
            if g == 0:

            # note: extensive must be modified after intensive (as it is used as weights)
            new_n = n[j] - g * n[k]
            if new_n > 0:
                n[j] = new_n
                intensive[:, k] = (intensive[:, k] * volume[k] + intensive[:, j] * g * volume[j]) / (volume[k] + g * volume[j])
                extensive[:, k] += g * extensive[:, j]
            else:  # new_n == 0
                n[j] = n[k] // 2
                n[k] = n[k] - n[j]
                intensive[:, j] = (intensive[:, k] * volume[k] + intensive[:, j] * g * volume[j]) / (volume[k] + g * volume[j])
                intensive[:, k] = intensive[:, j]
                extensive[:, j] = g * extensive[:, j] + extensive[:, k]
                extensive[:, k] = extensive[:, j]
            if n[k] == 0 or n[j] == 0:
                healthy[0] = 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def sum_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = (data_in[idx[i]] + data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def distance_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = np.abs(data_in[idx[i]] - data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def max_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = max(data_in[idx[i]], data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    # TODO comment
    def compute_gamma(prob, rand):
        for i in prange(len(prob)):
            prob[i] *= -1.
            prob[i] += rand[i//2]
            prob[i] = -np.floor(prob[i])

    @numba.njit(boolean(int64[:]), **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def first_element_is_zero(arr):
        return arr[0] == 0

    #@numba.njit(**conf.JIT_FLAGS) # TODO: "np.dot() only supported on float and complex arrays"
    def cell_id(cell_id, cell_origin, strides):
        cell_id[:] = np.dot(strides, cell_origin.T)

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def find_pairs(cell_start, is_first_in_pair, cell_id, idx, sd_num):
        for i in prange(sd_num - 1):
            is_first_in_pair[i] = (
                cell_id[idx[i]] == cell_id[idx[i+1]] and
                (i - cell_start[cell_id[idx[i]]]) % 2 == 0

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def calculate_displacement(dim, scheme, displacement, courant, cell_origin, position_in_cell):
        length = displacement.shape[0]
        for droplet in prange(length):
            # Arakawa-C grid
            _l = (cell_origin[droplet, 0], cell_origin[droplet, 1])
            _r = (cell_origin[droplet, 0] + 1 * (dim == 0), cell_origin[droplet, 1] + 1 * (dim == 1))
            omega = position_in_cell[droplet, dim]
            displacement[droplet, dim] = scheme(omega, courant[_l], courant[_r])

    def moments(moment_0, moments, n, attr, cell_id, idx, length, specs_idx, specs_rank, min_x, max_x, x_id):
        moment_0[:] = 0
        moments[:, :] = 0
        for i in idx[:length]:
            if min_x < attr[x_id][i] < max_x:
                moment_0[cell_id[i]] += n[i]
                for k in range(specs_idx.shape[0]):
                    moments[k, cell_id[i]] += n[i] * attr[specs_idx[k], i] ** specs_rank[k]
        moments[:, :] /= moment_0

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def normalize(prob, cell_id, cell_start, norm_factor, dt_div_dv):
        n_cell = cell_start.shape[0]  # TODO: isn't it n_cell_plus_one?
        for i in range(n_cell - 1):
            sd_num = cell_start[i + 1] - cell_start[i]
            if sd_num < 2:
                norm_factor[i] = 0
                norm_factor[i] = dt_div_dv * sd_num * (sd_num - 1) / 2 / (sd_num // 2)
        for d in range(prob.shape[0]):
            prob[d] *= norm_factor[cell_id[d]]

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def apply_f_3_3(function, arg0, arg1, arg2, output0, output1, output2):
        for i in range(output0.shape[0]):
            output0[i], output1[i], output2[i] = function(arg0[i], arg1[i], arg2[i])

    def apply(function, args, output):
        if len(args) == 3:
            if len(output) == 3:
                SpecialMethods.apply_f_3_3(function, *args, *output)
                raise NotImplementedError()
            raise NotImplementedError()

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64, int64[:]), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def countsort_by_cell_id(new_idx, idx, cell_id, length, cell_start):
        cell_end = cell_start

        cell_end[:] = 0
        for i in range(length):
            cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]] += 1
        for i in range(1, len(cell_end)):  # TODO: if len(cell_end) != n_cell+1 silently does wrong thing...
            cell_end[i] += cell_end[i - 1]
        for i in range(length-1, -1, -1):
            cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]] -= 1
            new_idx[cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]]] = idx[i]

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64, int64[:], int64[:, :]), parallel=True)
    def countsort_by_cell_id_parallel(new_idx, idx, cell_id, length, cell_start, cell_start_p):
        cell_end_thread = cell_start_p

        thread_num = cell_end_thread.shape[0]
        for t in prange(thread_num):
            cell_end_thread[t, :] = 0
            for i in range(t * length // thread_num,
                           (t + 1) * length // thread_num if t < thread_num - 1 else length):
                cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]] += 1

        cell_start[:] = np.sum(cell_end_thread, axis=0)
        for i in range(1, len(cell_start)):  # TODO: if len(cell_end) != n_cell+1 silently does wrong thing...
            cell_start[i] += cell_start[i - 1]

        tmp = cell_end_thread[0, :]
        tmp[:] = cell_end_thread[thread_num - 1, :]
        cell_end_thread[thread_num - 1, :] = cell_start[:]
        for t in range(thread_num - 2, -1, -1):
            cell_start[:] = cell_end_thread[t + 1, :] - tmp[:]
            tmp[:] = cell_end_thread[t, :]
            cell_end_thread[t, :] = cell_start[:]

        for t in prange(thread_num):
            for i in range((t + 1) * length // thread_num - 1 if t < thread_num - 1 else length - 1,
                           t * length // thread_num - 1,
                cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]] -= 1
                new_idx[cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]]] = idx[i]

        cell_start[:] = cell_end_thread[0, :]

    def condensation(
            n_cell, cell_start_arg,
            v, particle_temperatures, n, vdry, idx, rhod, thd, qv, dv, prhod, pthd, pqv, kappa,
            rtol_x, rtol_thd, dt, substeps, cell_order
        n_threads = min(numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS, n_cell)
            solver, n_threads, n_cell, cell_start_arg,
            v, particle_temperatures, n, vdry, idx, rhod, thd, qv, dv, prhod, pthd, pqv, kappa,
            rtol_x, rtol_thd, dt, substeps, cell_order

    def _condensation(
            solver, n_threads, n_cell, cell_start_arg,
            v, particle_temperatures, n, vdry, idx, rhod, thd, qv, dv, prhod, pthd, pqv, kappa,
            rtol_x, rtol_thd, dt, substeps, cell_order
        for thread_id in numba.prange(n_threads):
            for i in range(thread_id, n_cell, n_threads):  # TODO: at least show that it is not slower :)
                cell_id = cell_order[i]

                cell_start = cell_start_arg[cell_id]
                cell_end = cell_start_arg[cell_id + 1]
                n_sd_in_cell = cell_end - cell_start
                if n_sd_in_cell == 0:

                dthd_dt = (pthd[cell_id] - thd[cell_id]) / dt
                dqv_dt = (pqv[cell_id] - qv[cell_id]) / dt
                md_new = prhod[cell_id] * dv
                md_old = rhod[cell_id] * dv
                md_mean = (md_new + md_old) / 2
                rhod_mean = (prhod[cell_id] + rhod[cell_id]) / 2

                qv_new, thd_new, substeps_hint = solver(
                    v, particle_temperatures, n, vdry,
                    idx[cell_start:cell_end],  # TODO
                    kappa, thd[cell_id], qv[cell_id], dthd_dt, dqv_dt, md_mean, rhod_mean,
                    rtol_x, rtol_thd, dt, substeps[cell_id]

                substeps[cell_id] = substeps_hint

                pqv[cell_id] = qv_new
                pthd[cell_id] = thd_new
Пример #20
                    is_left_value = is_left(poly[k], poly[k + 1], point)
                    if is_left_value >= 0:  # P left of  edge
                        wn += 1  # have  a valid up intersect

            else:  # start y > P[1] (no test needed)
                if poly[k + 1][1] <= point[1]:  # a downward crossing
                    is_left_value = is_left(poly[k], poly[k + 1], point)
                    if is_left_value <= 0:  # P right of  edge
                        wn -= 1  # have  a valid down intersect

            out[i] = wn

    return out

@njit(nb.boolean(nb.double, nb.double, nb.double[:, :]))
def point_inside_polygon(x, y, poly):
    n = len(poly)
    # determine if a point is inside a given polygon or not
    # Polygon is a list of (x,y) pairs.
    p1x = 0.0
    p1y = 0.0
    p2x = 0.0
    p2y = 0.0
    xinters = 0.0
    plx = 0.0
    ply = 0.0
    idx = 0
    inside = False

    # p1x, p1y = poly[0]
Пример #21
    elif issubclass(type(data), sp_sparse.spmatrix):
        data = data.data
    elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        data = data.to_numpy()
        raise TypeError("data type not understood")

    n = len(data)
    inds = np.random.permutation(n)[:20]
    check = data.flat[inds]
    return ~np.any(_is_not_count(check))

def _is_not_count(d):
    return d < 0 or d % 1 != 0

def _get_batch_mask_protein_data(adata: anndata.AnnData,
                                 protein_expression_obsm_key: str,
                                 batch_key: str):
Пример #22
from numba import double, boolean
from numba.decorators import jit

@jit(boolean(double[:], double[:], double))
def dist_sq_lt(u, v, b):
    Does a partial distance search to see if dist(u, v)**2<b, for l2 distances.
    d = 0
    for x in range(u.size):
        d += (u[x] - v[x])**2
        if d>=b:
            return False
    return True
Пример #23
from sys import argv
from math import sqrt, trunc
from numpy import zeros, sum, ndarray
import time

from numba import jit, float32, boolean, int32, float64, int64

compile_start = time.time()

def check_prime(num):
    has_divisor = False

    if (num == 2):
        return True
    #Check 2 specially
    if num % 2 == 0:
        # Don't need to check any further - return right now
        return False
    for i in range(3, trunc(sqrt(num)) + 1, 2):
        if num % i == 0:
            has_divisor = True
            # Don't need to check any further - at least one divisor exists
    #Either we found a divisor, or there are none
    return not has_divisor

compile_end = time.time()
print("Compilation of check_prime took {} seconds".format(compile_end -
Пример #24
    return isfinite(_sum(asarray(arr)))

def _is_crescent(arr):
    i = 0
    while i < arr.shape[0] - 1:
        if arr[i] > arr[i + 1]:
            return False
        i += 1
    return True

if _NUMBA:
    signature = jit(
    _is_crescent = signature(_is_crescent)

def _is_all_equal(arr):
    arr = arr.ravel()
    v = arr[0]
    i = 1
Пример #25
import numba
import numpy as np

    # error: Any? not callable
    numba.boolean(numba.int64[:]),  # type: ignore[misc]
def is_monotonic_increasing(bounds: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    """Check if int64 values are monotonically increasing."""
    n = len(bounds)
    if n < 2:
        return True
    prev = bounds[0]
    for i in range(1, n):
        cur = bounds[i]
        if cur < prev:
            return False
        prev = cur
    return True
Пример #26
    """Positions of the center of mass, left- and right shoulders.

        agents (ndarray):
            Numpy array of datatype ``dtype=agent_type_three_circle``.
    for agent, m in zip(agents, mask):
        if not m:
        tangent = rotate270(unit_vector(agent['orientation']))
        offset = tangent * agent['r_ts']
        agent['position_ls'][:] = agent['position'] - offset
        agent['position_rs'][:] = agent['position'] + offset

@numba.jit([boolean(typeof(agent_type_circular)[:], float64[:], float64)],
def overlapping_circles(agents, x, r):
    """Test if two circles are overlapping.

        x: Position of agent that is tested
        r: Radius of agent that is tested

    for agent in agents:
Пример #27
        records.capacity *= 2
        records.stack = resize(records.stack, records.capacity)

    stack_top = records.stack[records.top]
    stack_top["parent"] = parent
    stack_top["depth"] = depth
    stack_top["is_left"] = is_left
    stack_top["impurity"] = impurity
    stack_top["start_train"] = start_train
    stack_top["end_train"] = end_train
    stack_top["start_valid"] = start_valid
    stack_top["end_valid"] = end_valid
    records.top += 1

@jit(boolean(RecordsType), nopython=True, nogil=True)
def has_records(records):
    """Tests if the stack of records contain remaining records.

    records : Records
        A records dataclass containing the stack of node records

    output : bool
        Returns True if there are remaining records in the stack, False otherwise
    return records.top <= 0
Пример #28
Created at 12.03.2020

import numba
import numpy as np


f_i = 0
f_j = f_i + 1
f_d = f_j + 1

@numba.njit([numba.boolean(numba.float64), numba.boolean(numba.int64)])
def _is_integral(n):
    return int(n * 2.) % 2 == 0

def at_1d(focus, arr, i, _):
    return arr[focus[f_i] + i]

def at_2d_axis0(focus, arr, i, j):
    return arr[focus[f_i] + i, focus[f_j] + j]

def at_2d_axis1(focus, arr, i, j):
Пример #29
    z = sgn(np.dot(i_cells,j_genes.T))
    inv_z = 1.0-z
    #compute the loglikelihood of the expression data
    p_x = np.sum(np.multiply(z,prob_matrix_a) + np.multiply(inv_z,prob_matrix_b))

    z_total = np.sum(z ,0) * (1.0/(i_cells.shape[0]))
    p_y = sum([trunc_norm_logpdf(z_total[index],y[index],sigma_y) for index in range(y.size)])

    return p_x+y_scale*p_y

def opt_jk_numba_single(i_cells:np.ndarray,j_genes:np.ndarray,j:int,k:int,
                   prob_matrix_a:np.ndarray, prob_matrix_b:np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray,
                   sigma_y:float,  y_scale: float, z_arr:np.ndarray, z_count: np.ndarray):

    denom = i_cells.shape[0]
    val = j_genes[j,k]
    z = sgn(z_count[:, j])
    x_stay_log_likelihood = np.sum(np.multiply(z, prob_matrix_a[:, j])) + \
                            np.sum(np.multiply(1.0 - z, prob_matrix_b[:, j]))
    if val == 0.0:
        #case of changing 0 to 1

        changed_z_count = i_cells[:, k] + z_count[:, j]
        num_changed =  np.sum(np.logical_and(z_count[:, j] == 0.0, changed_z_count == 1.0))
Пример #30
# Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Deephaven Data Labs and Patent Pending
import unittest

from numba import vectorize, int64, boolean, short

from test_helper import start_jvm

from deephaven import empty_table
from deephaven.html import to_html

@vectorize([boolean(int64, int64)])
def vectorized_func(x, y):
    return x % 2 > y % 5

@vectorize([short(int64, int64)])
def vectorized_func_wrong_return_type(x, y):
    return x % 2 > y % 5

class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_wrong_return_type(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            t = empty_table(10).view(formulas=["I=ii", "J=(ii * 2)"])\
                .where("vectorized_func_wrong_return_type(I, J)")

    def test_filter(self):
Пример #31
        bank_col = pdf_wupdates.bank.values
        table_col = pdf_wupdates.table.values
        row_col = pdf_wupdates.row.values

        (banks, tables, rows) = _get_geo_cols(brn_idx, wupdate_col, brn_col,
                                              bank_col, table_col, row_col)

        return _accept(self.filt, brn.pc, brn.tgt, brn.indirect, brn.uncond,
                       banks, tables, rows)

# Accept or reject a branch based on the filter
# Note that this being a standalone function is noticeably faster than being a member of the BranchFilter class because
# of jitclass performance limitations.
@numba.jit(numba.boolean(BranchFilter.class_type.instance_type, numba.uint64,
                         numba.uint64, numba.boolean, numba.boolean,
                         numba.int32[:], numba.int32[:], numba.int32[:]),
def _accept(self, pc, target, indirect, uncond, banks, tables, rows):
    if self._no_filtering:  # early out
        return True

    # Filtering on banks,tables,rows works by finding any one weight update that matches all the filter criteria.
    # i.e.: at least 1 single index across `banks`, `tables`, and `rows` columns must match all filter criteria.
    # Note: assuming banks,rows,tables all the same length because they should be.
    j = 0
    while j < len(tables):
        if len(self.incl_banks) > 0:
            i = 0
Пример #32
shortMonthNames = [
    'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT',
    'NOV', 'DEC'
longMonthNames = [

monthDaysNotLeapYear = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
monthDaysLeapYear = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]


@njit(boolean(int64), fastmath=True, cache=True)
def isLeapYear(y: int):
    ''' Test whether year y is a leap year - if so return True, else False '''
    leapYear = ((y % 4 == 0) and (y % 100 != 0) or (y % 400 == 0))
    return leapYear


def parse_date(dateStr, dateFormat):
    dt_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(dateStr, dateFormat)
    return dt_obj.day, dt_obj.month, dt_obj.year

Пример #33
class SpecialMethods:

    @numba.njit(int64(int64[:], int64[:], int64), **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def remove_zeros(data, idx, length) -> int:
        new_length = 0
        for i in range(length):
            if data[idx[i]] == 0:
                idx[i] = len(idx)
                new_length += 1
        return new_length

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64, float64[:, :], float64[:, :], float64[:], int64[:]),
    def coalescence(n, idx, length, intensive, extensive, gamma, healthy):
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            if gamma[i] == 0:

            j = idx[i]
            k = idx[i + 1]

            if n[j] < n[k]:
                j, k = k, j
            g = min(gamma[i], n[j] // n[k])
            if g == 0:

            new_n = n[j] - g * n[k]
            if new_n > 0:
                n[j] = new_n
                extensive[:, k] += g * extensive[:, j]
            else:  # new_n == 0
                n[j] = n[k] // 2
                n[k] = n[k] - n[j]
                extensive[:, j] = g * extensive[:, j] + extensive[:, k]
                extensive[:, k] = extensive[:, j]
            if n[k] == 0 or n[j] == 0:
                healthy[0] = 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def sum_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = (data_in[idx[i]] + data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def distance_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = np.abs(data_in[idx[i]] - data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    @numba.njit(void(float64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def max_pair(data_out, data_in, is_first_in_pair, idx, length):
        # note: silently assumes that data_out is not permuted (i.e. not part of state)
        for i in prange(length - 1):
            data_out[i] = max(data_in[idx[i]], data_in[idx[i + 1]]) if is_first_in_pair[i] else 0

    # TODO comment
    def compute_gamma(prob, rand):
        for i in prange(len(prob)):
            prob[i] *= -1.
            prob[i] += rand[i//2]
            prob[i] = -np.floor(prob[i])

    @numba.njit(boolean(int64[:]), **{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def first_element_is_zero(arr):
        return arr[0] == 0

    #@numba.njit(**conf.JIT_FLAGS) # TODO: "np.dot() only supported on float and complex arrays"
    def cell_id(cell_id, cell_origin, strides):
        cell_id[:] = np.dot(strides, cell_origin.T)

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def find_pairs(cell_start, is_first_in_pair, cell_id, idx, sd_num):
        for i in prange(sd_num - 1):
            is_first_in_pair[i] = (
                cell_id[idx[i]] == cell_id[idx[i+1]] and
                (i - cell_start[cell_id[idx[i]]]) % 2 == 0

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def calculate_displacement(dim, scheme, displacement, courant, cell_origin, position_in_cell):
        length = displacement.shape[0]
        for droplet in prange(length):
            # Arakawa-C grid
            _l = (cell_origin[droplet, 0], cell_origin[droplet, 1])
            _r = (cell_origin[droplet, 0] + 1 * (dim == 0), cell_origin[droplet, 1] + 1 * (dim == 1))
            omega = position_in_cell[droplet, dim]
            displacement[droplet, dim] = scheme(omega, courant[_l], courant[_r])

    def moments(moment_0, moments, n, attr, cell_id, idx, length, specs_idx, specs_rank, min_x, max_x, x_id):
        moment_0[:] = 0
        moments[:, :] = 0
        for i in idx[:length]:
            if min_x < attr[x_id][i] < max_x:
                moment_0[cell_id[i]] += n[i]
                for k in range(specs_idx.shape[0]):
                    moments[k, cell_id[i]] += n[i] * attr[specs_idx[k], i] ** specs_rank[k]
        moments[:, :] /= moment_0  # TODO: should we divide or not...

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def normalize(prob, cell_id, cell_start, norm_factor, dt_div_dv):
        n_cell = cell_start.shape[0]  # TODO: isn't it n_cell_plus_one?
        for i in range(n_cell - 1):
            sd_num = cell_start[i + 1] - cell_start[i]
            if sd_num < 2:
                norm_factor[i] = 0
                norm_factor[i] = dt_div_dv * sd_num * (sd_num - 1) / 2 / (sd_num // 2)
        for d in range(prob.shape[0]):
            prob[d] *= norm_factor[cell_id[d]]

    @numba.njit(**{**conf.JIT_FLAGS, **{'parallel': False}})
    def apply_f_3_3(function, arg0, arg1, arg2, output0, output1, output2):
        for i in range(output0.shape[0]):
            output0[i], output1[i], output2[i] = function(arg0[i], arg1[i], arg2[i])

    def apply(function, args, output):
        if len(args) == 3:
            if len(output) == 3:
                SpecialMethods.apply_f_3_3(function, *args, *output)
                raise NotImplementedError()
            raise NotImplementedError()

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64, int64[:]), **conf.JIT_FLAGS)
    def countsort_by_cell_id(new_idx, idx, cell_id, length, cell_start):
        cell_end = cell_start

        cell_end[:] = 0
        for i in range(length):
            cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]] += 1
        for i in range(1, len(cell_end)):  # TODO: if len(cell_end) != n_cell+1 silently does wrong thing...
            cell_end[i] += cell_end[i - 1]
        for i in range(length-1, -1, -1):
            cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]] -= 1
            new_idx[cell_end[cell_id[idx[i]]]] = idx[i]

    @numba.njit(void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:], int64, int64[:], int64[:, :]), parallel=True)
    def countsort_by_cell_id_parallel(new_idx, idx, cell_id, length, cell_start, cell_start_p):
        cell_end_thread = cell_start_p

        thread_num = cell_end_thread.shape[0]
        for t in prange(thread_num):
            cell_end_thread[t, :] = 0
            for i in range(t * length // thread_num,
                           (t + 1) * length // thread_num if t < thread_num - 1 else length):
                cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]] += 1

        cell_start[:] = np.sum(cell_end_thread, axis=0)
        for i in range(1, len(cell_start)):  # TODO: if len(cell_end) != n_cell+1 silently does wrong thing...
            cell_start[i] += cell_start[i - 1]

        tmp = cell_end_thread[0, :]
        tmp[:] = cell_end_thread[thread_num - 1, :]
        cell_end_thread[thread_num - 1, :] = cell_start[:]
        for t in range(thread_num - 2, -1, -1):
            cell_start[:] = cell_end_thread[t + 1, :] - tmp[:]
            tmp[:] = cell_end_thread[t, :]
            cell_end_thread[t, :] = cell_start[:]

        for t in prange(thread_num):
            for i in range((t + 1) * length // thread_num - 1 if t < thread_num - 1 else length - 1,
                           t * length // thread_num - 1,
                cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]] -= 1
                new_idx[cell_end_thread[t, cell_id[idx[i]]]] = idx[i]

        cell_start[:] = cell_end_thread[0, :]
Пример #34
    2285^2 + 20^3
    2223^2 + 66^3
    1810^2 + 125^3
    1197^2 + 156^3

    Find the sum of the five smallest such palindromic numbers.

import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from time import time
from numba import jit, vectorize, boolean, uint64

def is_palindrome(n):
    rev = 0
    a = n
    while a > 0:
        r = a % 10
        rev = (rev * 10) + r
        a = (a - r) // 10
    return n == rev

def solve():
    A = 3 * (10**4)
    B = 10**3
    numbers_a = np.arange(A, dtype="uint64")
Пример #35
import time
import numba as nb
import math
import primes

        locals={'i': nb.int32, 'upper': nb.int32})
def isPrime(n):
    i = 2
    upper = int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1
    while i < upper:
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
        i += 1
    return True

n0 = 30000
n1 = 500000

t0 = time.perf_counter()

# Numba function:
a = [p for p in range(1, n1) if isPrime(p)]

t1 = time.perf_counter()

# Cython function:
b = [p for p in range(1, n1) if primes.isPrime(p)]