def test_re_evaluate(self):
     a = array([1., 2., 3.])
     b = array([4., 5., 6.])
     c = array([7., 8., 9.])
     x = evaluate("2*a + 3*b*c")
     x = re_evaluate()
     assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))
 def test_re_evaluate_dict(self):
     a = array([1., 2., 3.])
     b = array([4., 5., 6.])
     c = array([7., 8., 9.])
     x = evaluate("2*a + 3*b*c", local_dict={'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
     x = re_evaluate()
     assert_array_equal(x, array([86., 124., 168.]))
Пример #3
 def action(inputs, **ignore):
     if all(
             isinstance(x, ak._v2.contents.NumpyArray)
             or not isinstance(x, ak._v2.contents.Content) for x in inputs):
         return (ak._v2.contents.NumpyArray(
             numexpr.re_evaluate(dict(zip(names, inputs)))), )
         return None
Пример #4
 def getfunction(inputs):
     if all(
             isinstance(x, ak.layout.NumpyArray)
             or not isinstance(x, ak.layout.Content) for x in inputs):
         return lambda: (ak.layout.NumpyArray(
             numexpr.re_evaluate(dict(zip(names, inputs)))), )
         return None
Пример #5
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        lum_key = self.key('luminosities')
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(lum_key, **kwargs)
        self._luminosities = kwargs[lum_key]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._radius_phot = kwargs[self.key('radiusphot')]
        self._temperature_phot = kwargs[self.key('temperaturephot')]
        xc = self.X_CONST  # noqa: F841
        fc = self.FLUX_CONST  # noqa: F841
        cc = self.C_CONST
        temperature_phot = self._temperature_phot

        # Some temp vars for speed.
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]
        Azp1 = u.Angstrom.cgs.scale / zp1
        czp1 = cc / zp1

        seds = []
        rest_wavs_dict = {}
        evaled = False

        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            if lum == 0.0:
                        len(self._sample_wavelengths[bi]) if bi >= 0 else 1))

            if bi >= 0:
                rest_wavs = rest_wavs_dict.setdefault(
                    bi, self._sample_wavelengths[bi] * Azp1)
                rest_wavs = np.array(  # noqa: F841
                    [czp1 / self._frequencies[li]])

            radius_phot = self._radius_phot[li]  # noqa: F841
            temperature_phot = self._temperature_phot[li]  # noqa: F841

            if not evaled:
                    ne.evaluate('fc * radius_phot**2 / rest_wavs**5 / '
                                'expm1(xc / rest_wavs / temperature_phot)'))
                evaled = True

            seds[-1][np.isnan(seds[-1])] = 0.0

        seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs)

        # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom.
        return {'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths, 'seds': seds}
Пример #6
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        Transform.process(self, **kwargs)
        self._kappa = kwargs[self.key('kappa')]
        self._mass = kwargs[self.key('mcsm')] * M_SUN_CGS
        self._R0 = kwargs[self.key('r0')] * AU_CGS  # AU to cm
        self._s = kwargs[self.key('s')]
        self._rho = kwargs[self.key('rho')]
        # scaling constant for CSM density profile
        self._q = self._rho * self._R0 ** self._s
        # outer radius of CSM shell
        self._Rcsm = (
            (3.0 - self._s) / (4.0 * np.pi * self._q) * self._mass +
            self._R0 ** (3.0 - self._s)) ** (1.0 / (3.0 - self._s))
        # radius of photosphere (should be within CSM)
        self._Rph = abs(
            (-2.0 * (1.0 - self._s) / (3.0 * self._kappa * self._q) +
             self._Rcsm ** (1.0 - self._s)) ** (1.0 / (1.0 - self._s)))
        self._tau_diff = (
            self._kappa * self._mass) / (13.8 * C_CGS * self._Rph) / DAY_CGS

        tbarg = self.MIN_EXP_ARG * self._tau_diff ** 2
        new_lum = np.zeros_like(self._times_to_process)
        evaled = False
        lum_cache = OrderedDict()
        min_te = min(self._dense_times_since_exp)
        for ti, te in enumerate(self._times_to_process):
            if te <= 0.0:
            if te in lum_cache:
                new_lum[ti] = lum_cache[te]
            te2 = te ** 2
            tb = max(np.sqrt(max(te2 - tbarg, 0.0)), min_te)
            int_times = np.linspace(tb, te, self.N_INT_TIMES)
            dt = int_times[1] - int_times[0]
            td = self._tau_diff  # noqa: F841

            int_lums = np.interp(  # noqa: F841
                int_times, self._dense_times_since_exp,

            if not evaled:
                int_arg = ne.evaluate('int_lums * int_times / td**2 * '
                                      'exp((int_times - te) / td)')
                evaled = True
                int_arg = ne.re_evaluate()

            int_arg[np.isnan(int_arg)] = 0.0
            lum_val = np.trapz(int_arg, dx=dt)
            lum_cache[te] = lum_val
            new_lum[ti] = lum_val
        return {self.dense_key('luminosities'): new_lum}
Пример #7
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        lum_key = self.key('luminosities')
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(lum_key, **kwargs)
        self._luminosities = kwargs[lum_key]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._radius_phot = kwargs[self.key('radiusphot')]
        self._temperature_phot = kwargs[self.key('temperaturephot')]
        xc = self.X_CONST  # noqa: F841
        fc = self.FLUX_CONST  # noqa: F841
        cc = self.C_CONST
        temperature_phot = self._temperature_phot
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]
        seds = []
        evaled = False
        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            radius_phot = self._radius_phot[li]  # noqa: F841
            temperature_phot = self._temperature_phot[li]  # noqa: F841
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            if lum == 0.0:
                if bi >= 0:
            if bi >= 0:
                rest_wavs = (self._sample_wavelengths[bi] *
                             u.Angstrom.cgs.scale / zp1)
                rest_wavs = [cc / (self._frequencies[li] * zp1)]  # noqa: F841

            if not evaled:
                sed = ne.evaluate('fc * radius_phot**2 / rest_wavs**5 / '
                                  'expm1(xc / rest_wavs / temperature_phot)')
                evaled = True
                sed = ne.re_evaluate()

            sed[np.isnan(sed)] = 0.0


        seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs)

        return {'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths, 'seds': seds}
Пример #8
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        raise NotImplementedError('`MultiBlackbody` is not yet functional.')
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs)
        self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._areas = kwargs[self.key('areas')]
        self._radius_phots = kwargs[self.key('radiusphots')]
        self._temperature_phots = kwargs[self.key('temperaturephots')]
        xc = self.X_CONST  # noqa: F841
        fc = self.FLUX_CONST  # noqa: F841
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]
        seds = []
        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            cur_band = self._bands[li]  # noqa: F841
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            rest_freqs = [
                x * zp1  # noqa: F841
                for x in self._sample_frequencies[bi]
            wav_arr = np.array(self._sample_wavelengths[bi])  # noqa: F841
            radius_phot = self._radius_phots[li]  # noqa: F841
            temperature_phot = self._temperature_phots[li]  # noqa: F841

            if li == 0:
                sed = ne.evaluate(
                    'fc * radius_phot**2 * rest_freqs**3 / '
                    '(exp(xc * rest_freqs / temperature_phot) - 1.0)')
                sed = ne.re_evaluate()

            sed = np.nan_to_num(sed)


        seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs)

        # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom.
        return {
            'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths,
            self.key('seds'): seds
Пример #9
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs)
        prt = self._printer
        self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs[self.key('resttexplosion')]
        self._times = kwargs[self.key('rest_times')]
        self._seds = kwargs.get(self.key('seds'))
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._sample_wavelengths = kwargs['sample_wavelengths']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')]
        self._line_wavelength = kwargs[self.key('line_wavelength')]
        self._line_width = kwargs[self.key('line_width')]
        self._line_time = kwargs[self.key('line_time')]
        self._line_duration = kwargs[self.key('line_duration')]
        self._line_amplitude = kwargs[self.key('line_amplitude')]
        lw = self._line_wavelength  # noqa: F841
        ls = self._line_width
        cc = self.C_CONST

        # Some temp vars for speed.
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]
        czp1A = cc / (zp1 * u.Angstrom.cgs.scale)

        amps = self._line_amplitude * np.array([
            np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - self._rest_t_explosion - self._line_time) /
                           self._line_duration)**2) for x in self._times

        if self._seds is None:
            raise ValueError(prt.message('line_sed'))

        seds = [x * (1.0 - amps[xi]) for xi, x in enumerate(self._seds)]
        amps *= self._luminosities / (ls * SQRT_2_PI)
        amps_dict = {}
        evaled = False

        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            if lum == 0.0:

            bind = czp1A / self._frequencies[li] if bi < 0 else bi

            if bind not in amps_dict:
                # Leave `rest_wavs` in Angstroms.
                if bi >= 0:
                    rest_wavs = self._sample_wavelengths[bi] / zp1
                    rest_wavs = np.array([bind])  # noqa: F841

                if not evaled:
                    amps_dict[bind] = ne.evaluate(
                        'exp(-0.5 * ((rest_wavs - lw) / ls) ** 2)')
                    evaled = True
                    amps_dict[bind] = ne.re_evaluate()

            seds[li] += amps[li] * amps_dict[bind]

            # seds[li][np.isnan(seds[li])] = 0.0

        # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom.
        return {
            'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths,
            self.key('seds'): seds
Пример #10
import numexpr as ne
import numpy as np
nrange = (2 ** np.arange(6, 24)).astype(int)

t_numpy = []
t_numexpr = []

for n in nrange:
    a = np.random.random(n)
    b = np.arange(n, dtype=np.double)
    c = np.random.random(n)
    c1 = ne.evaluate("a ** 2 + b ** 2 + 2 * a * b * c ", optimization='aggressive')

    t1 = %timeit -oq -n 10 a ** 2 + b ** 2 + 2 * a * b * c
    t2 = %timeit -oq -n 10 ne.re_evaluate()


%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn; seaborn.set()

plt.loglog(nrange, t_numpy, label='numpy')
plt.loglog(nrange, t_numexpr, label='numexpr')

plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.xlabel('Vectors size')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time (s)');
Пример #11
def hydrodynamic_model(Input):
    """ Iterates the friction coefficient and yields flow velocities.
    Computes the flow solution in the inlets and basin, and iterates the velocity scale
    until it matches that found in the hydrodynamic solution (given a certain tolerance).
    Solves the system :math:`\mathbf{A} \mathbf{\hat{u}} = \mathbf{f}`
    for the flow velocity amplitude :math:`\mathbf{\hat{u}}`. The forcing therm :math:`\mathbf{f}`
    consists of a tidal forcing, and matrix :math:`\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{A}_1 + \mathbf{A}_2 - \mathbf{A}_3`.
    The first term is associated with friction in the channel.
    The second with the sea impedance.
    The third term is associated with basin impedance.

        Input (Class): Class containing all data for the various geograpical elements.
            Consists of the Basin, OpenInlets, Ocean, and Pars classes.
        l2 (np.ndarray): 3d-array containing the L2-norm for the eigenfunctinos :math:`\phi_{m, n}(x, y)`.
        phij (np.ndarray): 3d-array containing the integrated eigenfunctions over all j inlets.

        returnObject (dict):
            uj (np.ndarray): flow velocity in the inlets.
            ub (float): flow velocity in the basin.
            mui2 (np.ndarray): frictional correction factor for the inlets.
            mub2 (complex): frictional correction factor.

    Basin = Input.Basin
    Inlets = Input.OpenInlets
    Ocean = Input.Ocean
    Pars = Input.Pars

    l2 = Basin.EigenFunctions.l2
    phij = Basin.EigenFunctions.phij

    A1 = np.zeros((Inlets.numinlets, Inlets.numinlets), dtype=complex)
    A2 = np.zeros((Inlets.numinlets, Inlets.numinlets), dtype=complex)
    A3 = np.zeros((Inlets.numinlets, Inlets.numinlets), dtype=complex)
    A = np.zeros((Inlets.numinlets, Inlets.numinlets), dtype=complex)

    A1c = 1j * Ocean.tidefreq * Inlets.lengths / g * np.eye(Inlets.numinlets)

    a_width = Inlets.widths[0, :]
    beta = Inlets.widths / a_width[:, np.newaxis]
    betap = (beta + 1) / 2 * (1 - np.eye(np.sum(Inlets.numinlets)))
    betam = (beta - 1) / 2
    alpha = (
        abs(np.transpose(Inlets.locations) - Inlets.locations) / a_width[:, np.newaxis]
    alpha[alpha == 0] = 1e-7  # Ensure that alpha**2 != 0
    if np.sum(Inlets.numinlets) > 1:
        A2 = (
            (Inlets.depths * Ocean.tidefreq * a_width[:, np.newaxis])
            / (2 * g * Ocean.depth)
            * (
                + (2j / np.pi)
                * (
                    (3 / 2 - eg) * beta
                    + betam ** 2
                    * np.log(
                        * a_width[:, np.newaxis]
                        / 2
                        * np.sqrt(alpha ** 2 - betam ** 2)
                    - betap ** 2
                    * np.log(
                        * a_width[:, np.newaxis]
                        / 2
                        * np.sqrt(alpha ** 2 - betap ** 2)
                    + alpha
                    * (
                        betam * np.log((alpha + betam) / (alpha - betam))
                        - betap * np.log((alpha + betap) / (alpha - betap))
                    + alpha ** 2
                    * np.log(
                        np.sqrt((alpha ** 2 - betam ** 2) / (alpha ** 2 - betap ** 2))
        A2self = (
            (Inlets.depths[0, :] * Ocean.tidefreq * Inlets.widths[0, :])
            / (2 * g * Ocean.depth)
            * (
                + 2j / np.pi * (3 / 2 - eg - np.log(Ocean.ko * Inlets.widths[0, :] / 2))

        A2[np.eye(Inlets.numinlets) == 1] = A2self
        A2 = (
            (Inlets.depths[0, :] * Ocean.tidefreq * Inlets.widths[0, :])
            / (2 * g * Ocean.depth)
            * (
                + 2j / np.pi * (3 / 2 - eg - np.log(Ocean.ko * Inlets.widths[0, :] / 2))

    A3c = (
        / (g * 1j)
        * np.reshape(
                Inlets.widths[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
                * Inlets.depths[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
                * (phij[:, :, :, np.newaxis] * phij[:, :, np.newaxis, :])
                / (l2[:, :, :, np.newaxis] * Basin.depth)
            (-1, np.sum(Inlets.numinlets), np.sum(Inlets.numinlets)),
    cmnqc = (
        Inlets.widths[np.newaxis, :, :]
        * Inlets.depths[np.newaxis, :, :]
        * (phij[:, :, :])
        / (Basin.depth)
    ubc = cmnqc / np.sqrt(l2)
    kmn2 = np.reshape(
        Basin.EigenFunctions.kmn2[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], (-1, 1, 1)
    kb2 = Basin.kb ** 2

    uj = Inlets.uj
    ub = Basin.ub
    res = 42
    r = 1
    while res > 1e-10 and r < 50:
        rb = 8 / (3 * np.pi) * * ub
        rj = 8 / (3 * np.pi) * * uj
        mub2 = 1 - 1j * rb / (Ocean.tidefreq * Basin.depth)
        mui2 = 1 - 1j * rj / (Ocean.tidefreq * Inlets.depths)

        A1 = A1c * mui2
        if r == 1:
            A3 = mub2 * ne.evaluate("sum(A3c/(kmn2 - mub2*kb2), axis=0)")
            A3 = mub2 * ne.re_evaluate()

        A = A1 + A2 - A3
        B = -Ocean.tideamp * np.exp(1j * Ocean.wavenumber * Inlets.locations[0, :])
        sol = np.linalg.solve(A, B)

        if np.isnan(sol).any():
            print(alpha, beta, betap, betam)
            raise NameError("aiaiai")

        ubn = np.sqrt(
            / (Basin.area)
            * np.sum(
                * np.abs(
                    np.sum(ubc * sol[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], axis=2)
                    / (Basin.EigenFunctions.kmn2 - mub2 * Basin.kb ** 2)
                ** 2
        ires = np.abs(uj[0, :] - abs(sol))
        bres = np.abs(ub - ubn)
        res = np.max(np.r_[ires, bres])
        uj = (abs(abs(sol[np.newaxis, :])) + uj) / 2
        ub = (ub + abs(ubn)) / 2
        r = r + 1

    return uj, ub, mui2, mub2, sol[np.newaxis, :]
Пример #12
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs)
        self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._radius_phot = np.array(kwargs[self.key('radiusphot')])
        self._temperature_phot = np.array(kwargs[self.key('temperaturephot')])
        self._cutoff_wavelength = kwargs[self.key('cutoff_wavelength')]
        self._times = np.array(kwargs['rest_times'])
        xc = self.X_CONST  # noqa: F841
        fc = self.FLUX_CONST
        cc = self.C_CONST
        ac = ANG_CGS
        cwave_ac = self._cutoff_wavelength * ac
        cwave_ac2 = cwave_ac * cwave_ac
        cwave_ac3 = cwave_ac2 * cwave_ac  # noqa: F841
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]

        lt = len(self._times)

        seds = np.empty(lt, dtype=object)
        rp2 = self._radius_phot ** 2
        tp = self._temperature_phot

        evaled = False
        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            # tpi = tp[li]
            # rp2i = rp2[li]
            if lum == 0.0:
                seds[li] = np.zeros(
                    len(self._sample_wavelengths[bi]) if bi >= 0 else 1)
            if bi >= 0:
                rest_wavs = self._sample_wavelengths[bi] * ac / zp1
                rest_wavs = np.array([cc / (self._frequencies[li] * zp1)])

            # Apply absorption to SED only bluewards of cutoff wavelength
            ab = rest_wavs < cwave_ac  # noqa: F841
            tpi = tp[li]  # noqa: F841
            rp2i = rp2[li]  # noqa: F841

            if not evaled:
                # Absorbed blackbody: 0% transmission at 0 Angstroms 100% at
                # >3000 Angstroms.
                sed = ne.evaluate(
                    "where(ab, fc * (rp2i / cwave_ac / "
                    "rest_wavs ** 4) / expm1(xc / rest_wavs / tpi), "
                    "fc * (rp2i / rest_wavs ** 5) / "
                    "expm1(xc / rest_wavs / tpi))"
                evaled = True
                sed = ne.re_evaluate()

            sed[np.isnan(sed)] = 0.0
            seds[li] = sed

        uniq_times = np.unique(self._times)
        tsort = np.argsort(self._times)
        uniq_is = np.searchsorted(self._times, uniq_times, sorter=tsort)
        lu = len(uniq_times)

        norms = self._luminosities[
            uniq_is] / (fc / ac * rp2[uniq_is] * tp[uniq_is])

        rp2 = rp2[uniq_is].reshape(lu, 1)
        tp = tp[uniq_is].reshape(lu, 1)
        tp2 = tp * tp
        tp3 = tp2 * tp  # noqa: F841
        nxcs = self._nxcs  # noqa: F841

        f_blue_reds = ne.evaluate(
            "sum((exp(-nxcs / (cwave_ac * tp)) * ("
            "nxcs ** 2 + 2 * ("
            "nxcs * cwave_ac * tp + cwave_ac2 * tp2)) / ("
            "nxcs ** 3 * cwave_ac3)) + "
            "(6 * tp3 - exp(-nxcs / (cwave_ac * tp)) * ("
            "nxcs ** 3 + 3 * nxcs ** 2 * cwave_ac * tp + 6 * ("
            "nxcs * cwave_ac2 * tp2 + cwave_ac3 *"
            "tp3)) / cwave_ac3) / (nxcs ** 4), 1)"

        norms /= f_blue_reds

        # Apply renormalisation
        seds *= norms[np.searchsorted(uniq_times, self._times)]

        seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs)

        # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom.
        return {'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths,
                self.key('seds'): seds}
Пример #13
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs)
        self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs[self.key('resttexplosion')]
        self._times = kwargs[self.key('rest_times')]
        self._seds = kwargs[self.key('seds')]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._sample_wavelengths = kwargs['sample_wavelengths']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')]
        self._line_wavelength = kwargs[self.key('line_wavelength')]
        self._line_width = kwargs[self.key('line_width')]
        self._line_time = kwargs[self.key('line_time')]
        self._line_duration = kwargs[self.key('line_duration')]
        self._line_amplitude = kwargs[self.key('line_amplitude')]
        lw = self._line_wavelength
        ls = self._line_width
        cc = self.C_CONST
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]
        amps = [
            self._line_amplitude *
            np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - self._rest_t_explosion - self._line_time) /
                           self._line_duration)**2) for x in self._times

        seds = self._seds
        evaled = False
        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            if lum == 0.0:
                if bi >= 0:
            if bi >= 0:
                rest_wavs = (self._sample_wavelengths[bi] *
                             u.Angstrom.cgs.scale / zp1)
                rest_wavs = [cc / (self._frequencies[li] * zp1)]  # noqa: F841

            amp = lum * amps[li]

            if not evaled:
                sed = ne.evaluate(
                    'amp * exp(-0.5 * ((rest_wavs - lw) / ls) ** 2)')
                evaled = True
                sed = ne.re_evaluate()

            sed = np.nan_to_num(sed)

            norm = (lum + amp / zp1 * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.0) *
                    (1.0 + erf(lw / (np.sqrt(2.0) * ls)))) / lum

            seds[li] += sed
            seds[li] /= norm

        return {
            'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths,
            self.key('seds'): seds
Пример #14
h_resolution = 1000
iterations = 500
sub_pixel_sample = 2
record_history_length = 500

h_resolution *= sub_pixel_sample
v_resolution = int(h_resolution * (im_max - im_min) / (re_max - re_min))
initial_zs = (np.expand_dims(np.linspace(re_min, re_max, h_resolution), 0) +
              1j * np.expand_dims(np.linspace(im_min, im_max, v_resolution), 1)

# Iterate raising to the power
zs = initial_zs
zs = ne.evaluate('initial_zs**zs')
for i in tqdm(range(iterations)):
    zs = ne.re_evaluate()

final_zs = np.copy(zs)

# Record periodicities
period = np.zeros_like(final_zs, dtype=np.int32)
for i in tqdm(range(record_history_length)):
    zs = ne.evaluate('initial_zs**zs')

    close = is_close(final_zs, zs, atol=1e-6)
    # If we've found a repeat for a point we've not previously
    # found a repeat for, record the period
    period[np.logical_and(period == 0, close)] = i + 1

# Image array, initially white
rgb = np.ones((h_resolution * v_resolution, 3)) * 255
Пример #15
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        """Process module."""
        kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs)
        self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')]
        self._bands = kwargs['all_bands']
        self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices']
        self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies']
        self._radius_phot = np.array(kwargs[self.key('radiusphot')])
        self._temperature_phot = np.array(kwargs[self.key('temperaturephot')])
        self._cutoff_wavelength = kwargs[self.key('cutoff_wavelength')]
        self._alpha = kwargs[self.key('alpha')]
        self._times = np.array(kwargs['rest_times'])
        xc = self.X_CONST  # noqa: F841
        fc = self.FLUX_CONST
        cc = self.C_CONST
        ac = ANG_CGS
        zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')]

        lt = len(self._times)
        seds = np.empty(lt, dtype=object)
        rp2 = self._radius_phot**2
        tp = self._temperature_phot

        evaled = False
        for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities):
            bi = self._band_indices[li]
            if lum == 0.0:
                seds[li] = np.zeros(
                    len(self._sample_wavelengths[bi]) if bi >= 0 else 1)
            if bi >= 0:
                rest_wavs = self._sample_wavelengths[bi] * ac / zp1
                rest_wavs = np.array([cc / (self._frequencies[li] * zp1)])

            #if float(tp[li]) <= float(9e9):
            cwave_ac = float(max(1, self._cutoff_wavelength)) * ac
            #    cwave_ac = float(1) * ac

            # Apply absorption to SED only bluewards of cutoff wavelength
            ab = rest_wavs < cwave_ac  # noqa: F841
            tpi = tp[li]  # noqa: F841
            rp2i = rp2[li]  # noqa: F841

            # Exponent of suppresion and rest wavelength should sum to 5
            sup_power = float(max(0, self._alpha))
            wavs_power = (5 - sup_power)

            if not evaled:
                # Absorbed blackbody: 0% transmission at 0 Angstroms 100% at
                # >3000 Angstroms.
                sed = ne.evaluate(
                    "where(ab, fc * (rp2i / cwave_ac ** sup_power/ "
                    "rest_wavs ** wavs_power) / expm1(xc / rest_wavs / tpi), "
                    "fc * (rp2i / rest_wavs ** 5) / "
                    "expm1(xc / rest_wavs / tpi))")

                evaled = True
                sed = ne.re_evaluate()

            sed[np.isnan(sed)] = 0.0
            seds[li] = sed

        uniq_times = np.unique(self._times)
        tsort = np.argsort(self._times)
        uniq_is = np.searchsorted(self._times, uniq_times, sorter=tsort)

        sample_wavelengths = np.linspace(100, 100000, 1000)
        STEF_CONST = (4.0 * pi * c.sigma_sb).cgs.value
        wavelength_list = np.ones(len(self._times)) * np.array(
            self._cutoff_wavelength).astype(float)  # * ac
        power_list = np.ones(len(self._times)) * np.array(
        wavelength_list[wavelength_list < 0] = 0
        power_list[power_list < 0] = 0

        norms = np.array([(R2 * STEF_CONST * T**4) / np.trapz(
            bbody(sample_wavelengths, T, R2, wave, power), sample_wavelengths)
                          for T, R2, wave, power in zip(
                              tp[uniq_is], rp2[uniq_is],
                              wavelength_list[uniq_is], power_list[uniq_is])])

        # Apply renormalisation
        seds *= norms[np.searchsorted(uniq_times, self._times)]
        seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs)

        # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom.
        return {
            'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths,
            self.key('seds'): seds,
            'luminosities_out': self._luminosities,
            'power_list': power_list,
            'wavelength_list': wavelength_list,
            'times_out': self._times