Пример #1
class TargetAcquisitionRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    Acquire a target.

    Recipe for the processing of target acquisition images.

    **Observing modes:**

        * Target acquisition


    # Requirements
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()

    # Products
    telescope_offset = Product(TelescopeOffset)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(telescope_offset=TelescopeOffset())
Пример #2
class DitherSkyRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Recipe to process data taken in dither sky mode.


    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()

    skyframe = Product(MasterIntensityFlat)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.debug('instrument %s, mode %s', rinput.obresult.instrument,
        _logger.info('starting sky reduction with dither')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_segmentation(rinput,

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        _logger.info('end sky reduction with dither')

        result = self.create_result(skyframe=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #3
class SkySpecRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Recipe to process data taken in spectral sky mode.


    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = reqs.MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = reqs.MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = reqs.MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = reqs.MasterSpectralFlatFieldRequirement()

    skyspec = Product(prods.SkySpectrum)

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting spectral sky reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        self.logger.info('end sky spectral reduction')

        result = self.create_result(skyspec=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #4
class MosaicRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    The effect of recording a series of stare images, with the same
    acquisition parameters, and taken by pointing to a number of
    sky positions, with separations of the order of the EMIR FOV.
    This command is designed to fully cover a given area on the
    sky, but can also be used to point to a number of sky positions
    on which acquisition is only made at the beginning. Supersky
    frame(s) can be built from the image series.

    **Observing modes:**

        * Mosaic images


    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    # FIXME: this parameter is optional
    sources = Parameter([], 'List of x, y coordinates to measure FWHM')

    frame = Product(DataFrameType)
    catalog = Product(SourcesCatalog)

    def run(self, ri):
        return self.create_result(frame=DataFrame(None),
Пример #5
class OffsetSpectraRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    Observing mode:
        Offset spectra beyond the slit

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    master_spectral_ff = Requirement(prods.MasterSpectralFlat,
                                     'Master spectral flatfield')
    st_calibration = Requirement(prods.SlitTransmissionCalibration,
                                 'Slit tranmision calibration')
    w_calibration = Requirement(prods.WavelengthCalibration,
                                'Wavelength calibration')
    lines = Parameter('lines', None,
                      'List of x-lambda pairs of line coordinates')

    spectra = Product(prods.Spectra)
    catalog = Product(prods.LinesCatalog)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(spectra=prods.Spectra(),
Пример #6
class ArcCalibrationRecipe(EmirRecipe):

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    lines_catalog = Requirement(LinesCatalog, "Catalog of lines")
    polynomial_degree = Parameter(2,
                                  'Polynomial degree of the arc calibration')

    polynomial_coeffs = Product(ArrayType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting arc calibration')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput, flow=flow)

        nslits = len(rinput.slits_catalog)
        coeff_table = numpy.zeros((nslits, rinput.polynomial_degree + 1))

        result = self.create_result(polynomial_coeffs=coeff_table)

        return result
Пример #7
class StareSpectraRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Process images in Stare spectra mode"""

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = reqs.MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = reqs.MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = reqs.MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = reqs.MasterSpectralFlatFieldRequirement()
    master_sky = reqs.SpectralSkyRequirement(optional=True)

    stare = Product(prods.DataFrameType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting stare spectra reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        # Update SEC to 0
        hdr['SEC'] = 0

        self.logger.info('end stare spectra reduction')
        result = self.create_result(stare=hdulist)
        return result
Пример #8
class SimpleSkyRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Recipe to process data taken in intensity flat-field mode.


    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()

    skyframe = Product(MasterIntensityFlat)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting sky reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        hdr = hdulist[0].header

        result = self.create_result(skyframe=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #9
class TestSkyCorrectRecipe(EmirRecipe):

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    master_sky = Requirement(MasterIntensityFlat, 'Master Sky calibration')

    frame = Product(DataFrameType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting simple sky reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        # Update SEC to 0
        hdr['SEC'] = 0

        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #10
class BiasRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    Recipe to process data taken in Bias image Mode.

    Bias images only appear in Simple Readout mode.

    **Observing modes:**

     * Bias Image (3.1)



     * A combined bias frame, with variance extension.
     * Statistics of the final image per channel (mean, median, variance)


    The list of images can be readly processed by
    combining them with a median algorithm.


    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()

    biasframe = Product(MasterBias)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting bias reduction')

        iinfo = gather_info_frames(rinput.obresult.frames)

        if iinfo:
            mode = iinfo[0]['readmode']
            if mode.lower() not in EMIR_BIAS_MODES:
                msg = 'readmode %s, is not a bias mode' % mode
                raise RecipeError(msg)

        flow = lambda x: x
        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        pdata = hdulist[0].data

        # update hdu header with
        # reduction keywords
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        hdr['CCDMEAN'] = pdata.mean()

        _logger.info('bias reduction ended')

        result = self.create_result(biasframe=DataFrame(hdulist))
        return result
Пример #11
class IntensityFlatRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Recipe to process data taken in intensity flat-field mode.

    Recipe to process intensity flat-fields. The flat-on and
    flat-off images are combined (method?) separately and the subtracted
    to obtain a thermal subtracted flat-field.

    **Observing modes:**

     * Intensity Flat-Field


      * A master dark frame
      * Non linearity
      * A model of the detector.


     * TBD


     * A combined thermal subtracted flat field, normalized to median 1,
       with with variance extension and quality flag.


    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()

    flatframe = Product(MasterIntensityFlat)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting flat reduction')

        errors = True

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)
        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        mm = hdulist[0].data.mean()
        hdr['CCDMEAN'] = mm

        hdulist[0].data /= mm
        if errors:
            hdulist['variance'].data /= (mm * mm)

        result = self.create_result(flatframe=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #12
class CoaddRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Generic Coadd Recipe"""

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()

    result_coadd = Product(prods.DataFrameType)

    def build_recipe_input(cls, obsres, dal, pipeline='default'):
        return cls.build_recipe_input_gtc(obsres, dal, pipeline=pipeline)

    def build_recipe_input_gtc(cls, obsres, dal, pipeline='default'):
        cls.logger.debug('start recipe input builder')

        # This depends on the RecipeResult
        result_field = 'spec_abba'

        stareImagesIds = obsres.stareSpectraIds
        cls.logger.debug('Coadd images IDS %s: ', stareImagesIds)
        stareImages = []
        for subresId in stareImagesIds:
            subres = dal.getRecipeResult(subresId)

        newOR = numina.core.ObservationResult()
        newOR.frames = stareImages
        newRI = cls.create_input(obresult=newOR)
        cls.logger.debug('end recipe input builder')
        return newRI

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting coadd reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        nimages = len(rinput.obresult.frames)
        self.logger.info('we receive %d images', nimages)
        if nimages == 0:
            msg = 'Received %d images' % nimages
            raise numina.exceptions.RecipeError(msg)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(
            prolog="Process Generic Coadd"

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        # Update SEC to 0
        # hdr['SEC'] = 0

        result = self.create_result(spec_coadd_abba=hdulist)
        self.logger.info('end coadd reduction')
        return result
Пример #13
class CSUSpectraExtractionRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Extract spectra in image taken with the CSU configured"""

    # Recipe Requirements
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    master_sky = MasterSkyRequirement()
    nrows_side = Parameter(5, 'Number of rows to extract around the center')
    slits_positions = Requirement(ArrayType,
                                  'Positions and widths of the slits')

    # Recipe products
    frame = Product(DataFrameType)
    rss = Product(DataFrameType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting extraction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput, flow=flow)

        hdr = hdulist[0].header

        data1 = hdulist[0].data

        _logger.info('Create output images')
        rssdata = numpy.zeros(
            (rinput.slits_positions.shape[0], data1.shape[1]), dtype='float32')

        nrows = rinput.nrows_side
        # Loop over slits
        for idx, slit_coords in enumerate(rinput.slits_positions):

            x, y, ax, ay = slit_coords  # Coords in FITS coordinates

            ref_col = wc_to_pix(x - 1)
            ref_row = wc_to_pix(y - 1)

            _logger.info('Processing slit in column %i, row=%i', ref_col,

            # Simple extraction

            _logger.info('Extract %i rows around center', nrows)
            region = data1[ref_row - nrows:ref_row + nrows + 1, :]

            rssdata[idx, :] = region.mean(axis=0)

        hdurss = fits.PrimaryHDU(rssdata)

        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist, rss=hdurss)

        return result
Пример #14
class CoaddRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Generic Coadd Recipe"""

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()

    result_coadd = Result(prods.ProcessedMOS)

    def build_recipe_input(self, obsres, dal):
        if numina.ext.gtc.check_gtc():
            self.logger.debug('running in GTC environment')
            return self.build_recipe_input_gtc(obsres, dal)
            self.logger.debug('running outside of GTC environment')
            return super(CoaddRecipe, self).build_recipe_input(obsres, dal)

    def build_recipe_input_gtc(self, obsres, dal):
        self.logger.debug('start recipe input builder')

        # This depends on the RecipeResult
        result_field = 'reduced_mos_abba'

        stareImagesIds = obsres.stareSpectraIds
        self.logger.debug('Coadd images IDS %s: ', stareImagesIds)
        stareImages = []
        for subresId in stareImagesIds:
            subres = dal.getRecipeResult(subresId)

        newOR = numina.core.ObservationResult()
        newOR.frames = stareImages
        newRI = self.create_input(obresult=newOR)
        self.logger.debug('end recipe input builder')
        return newRI

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting coadd reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        nimages = len(rinput.obresult.frames)
        self.logger.info('we receive %d images', nimages)
        if nimages == 0:
            msg = 'Received %d images' % nimages
            raise numina.exceptions.RecipeError(msg)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(
            rinput, flow, method=combine.mean, prolog="Process Generic Coadd")

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        # Update SEC to 0
        # hdr['SEC'] = 0

        result = self.create_result(spec_coadd_abba=hdulist)
        self.logger.info('end coadd reduction')
        return result
Пример #15
class DarkRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Recipe to process data taken in Dark current image Mode.

    Recipe to process dark images. The dark images will be combined
    using the median.
    They do have to be of the same exposure time t.

    **Observing mode:**

     * Dark current Image (3.2)



     * A combined dark frame, with variance extension.

    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()

    darkframe = Product(MasterDark)

    def run(self, rinput):

        _logger.info('starting dark reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        iinfo = gather_info_frames(rinput.obresult.frames)
        ref_exptime = 0.0
        for el in iinfo[1:]:
            if abs(el['texp'] - ref_exptime) > 1e-4:
                _logger.error('image with wrong exposure time')
                raise RecipeError('image with wrong exposure time')

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        pdata = hdulist[0].data

        # update hdu header with
        # reduction keywords

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        hdr['CCDMEAN'] = pdata.mean()

        _logger.info('dark reduction ended')
        result = self.create_result(darkframe=hdulist)
        return result
Пример #16
class CoaddABBARecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Process images in ABBA mode"""

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement(query_opts=qmod.ResultOf(
        'STARE_SPECTRA.stare', node='children', id_field="stareSpectraIds"))

    spec_coadd_abba = Result(prods.ProcessedMOS)

    def build_recipe_input(self, obsres, dal):
        if numina.ext.gtc.check_gtc():
            self.logger.debug('running in GTC environment')
            return self.build_recipe_input_gtc(obsres, dal)
            self.logger.debug('running outside of GTC environment')
            return super(CoaddABBARecipe, self).build_recipe_input(obsres, dal)

    def build_recipe_input_gtc(self, obsres, dal):
        self.logger.debug('start recipe input builder')
        stareImagesIds = obsres.stareSpectraIds
        self.logger.debug('ABBA images IDS %s: ', stareImagesIds)
        stareImages = []
        for subresId in stareImagesIds:
            subres = dal.getRecipeResult(subresId)

        newOR = numina.core.ObservationResult()
        newOR.frames = stareImages
        newRI = self.create_input(obresult=newOR)
        self.logger.debug('end recipe input builder')
        return newRI

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting spectroscopy ABBA coadd reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        nimages = len(rinput.obresult.frames)
        self.logger.info('we receive %d images', nimages)
        if nimages == 0:
            msg = 'Received %d images' % nimages
            raise numina.exceptions.RecipeError(msg)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(
            rinput, flow, method=combine.mean, prolog="Process Coadd ABBA")

        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        # Update SEC to 0
        # hdr['SEC'] = 0

        result = self.create_result(spec_coadd_abba=hdulist)
        self.logger.info('end spectroscopy ABBA coadd reduction')
        return result
Пример #17
class SpectralFlatRecipe(EmirRecipe):

    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()

    flatframe = Product(MasterSpectralFlat)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(flatframe=MasterSpectralFlat())
Пример #18
class StareImageBaseRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    """Process images in Stare Image Mode"""

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = reqs.MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = reqs.MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = reqs.MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = reqs.MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    master_sky = reqs.MasterSkyRequirement(optional=True)

    frame = Product(DataFrameType)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(StareImageBaseRecipe, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if False:
            self.query_options['master_sky'] = Ignore()

    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting stare image reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(
        hdr = hdulist[0].header

        if rinput.master_bpm:
            hdul_bpm = rinput.master_bpm.open()
            hdu_bpm = generate_bpm_hdu(hdul_bpm[0])
            hdu_bpm = generate_empty_bpm_hdu(hdulist[0])

        # Append the BPM to the result
        self.logger.info('end stare image reduction')
        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist)

        return result

    def set_base_headers(self, hdr):
        """Set metadata in FITS headers."""
        hdr = super(StareImageBaseRecipe, self).set_base_headers(hdr)
        # Update SEC to 0
        hdr['SEC'] = 0
        return hdr
Пример #19
class DTUFlexureRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * DTU Flexure compensation

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    calibration = Product(DTUFlexureCalibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=DTUFlexureCalibration())
Пример #20
class AstrometricCalibrationRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * Astrometric calibration

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    calibration = Product(DataFrameType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=None)
Пример #21
class RotationCenterRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * Centre of rotation

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    calibration = Product(PointingOriginCalibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=PointingOriginCalibration())
Пример #22
class SpectralCharacterizationRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * Spectral characterization

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    calibration = Product(WavelengthCalibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=WavelengthCalibration())
Пример #23
class DTU_Z_CalibrationRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * DTU Z calibration
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    dtu_range = Parameter([], 'DTU range: begin, end and step')

    calibration = Product(DTU_Z_Calibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=DTU_Z_Calibration())
Пример #24
class SpectroPhotometricCalibrationRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * Spectrophotometric calibration

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    sphot = Parameter([], 'Information about standard stars')

    calibration = Product(SpectroPhotometricCalibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=SpectroPhotometricCalibration())
Пример #25
class FocalPlaneCalibrationRecipe(EmirRecipe):


    **Observing modes:**

        * Lateral color

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()

    calibration = Product(PointingOriginCalibration)

    def run(self, rinput):
        return self.create_result(calibration=PointingOriginCalibration())
Пример #26
class NBImageRecipeInput(RecipeInput):
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    extinction = Parameter(0.0, 'Mean atmospheric extinction')
    sources = Parameter(
        [], 'List of x, y coordinates to measure FWHM', optional=True)
    offsets = Offsets_Requirement()
    sky_images = Parameter(5, 'Images used to estimate the background'
                           ' before and after current image')
    sky_images_sep_time = SkyImageSepTime_Requirement()
    check_photometry_levels = Parameter(
        [0.5, 0.8], 'Levels to check the flux of the objects')
    check_photometry_actions = Parameter(
        ['warn', 'warn', 'default'], 'Actions to take on images')
Пример #27
class TestBiasCorrectRecipe(EmirRecipe):

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    frame = Product(DataFrameType)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting simple bias reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)
        hdu = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput, flow, method=median)
        hdr = hdu.header
        hdr['NUMRNAM'] = (self.__class__.__name__, 'Numina recipe name')
        hdr['NUMRVER'] = (self.__version__, 'Numina recipe version')
        hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])

        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist)
        return result
Пример #28
class SimpleBiasRecipe(EmirRecipe):
    Recipe to process data taken in SimpleBias image Mode.

    Bias images only appear in Simple Readout mode.


     * A combined bias frame, with variance extension.


    The list of images can be readly processed by combining them
    with a median algorithm.

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    biasframe = Product(MasterBias)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting simple bias reduction')

        flow = lambda x: x
        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,

        # update hdu header with
        # reduction keywords
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        hdr['IMGTYP'] = ('BIAS', 'Image type')
        hdr['NUMTYP'] = ('MASTER_BIAS', 'Data product type')
        hdr['NUMRNAM'] = (self.__class__.__name__, 'Numina recipe name')
        hdr['NUMRVER'] = (self.__version__, 'Numina recipe version')

        _logger.info('simple bias reduction ended')

        # qc is QC.UNKNOWN
        result = self.create_result(biasframe=DataFrame(hdulist))
        return result
Пример #29
class TestFlatCorrectRecipe(EmirRecipe):

    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = reqs.MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = reqs.MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = reqs.MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = reqs.MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()

    frame = Result(prods.ProcessedImage)

    def run(self, rinput):
        _logger.info('starting simple flat reduction')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)
        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput,
        hdr = hdulist[0].header
        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist)

        return result
Пример #30
class MicroditheredImageRecipeInput(RecipeInput):
    obresult = ObservationResultRequirement()
    master_bpm = MasterBadPixelMaskRequirement()
    master_bias = MasterBiasRequirement()
    master_dark = MasterDarkRequirement()
    master_flat = MasterIntensityFlatFieldRequirement()
    extinction = Parameter(0.0, 'Mean atmospheric extinction')
    sources = Parameter([],
                        'List of x, y coordinates to measure FWHM',
    offsets = Offsets_Requirement()
    iterations = Parameter(4, 'Iterations of the recipe')
    sky_images = Parameter(
        5, 'Images used to estimate the background before '
        'and after current image')
    sky_images_sep_time = SkyImageSepTime_Requirement()
    check_photometry_levels = Parameter(
        [0.5, 0.8], 'Levels to check the flux of the objects')
    check_photometry_actions = Parameter(['warn', 'warn', 'default'],
                                         'Actions to take on images')
    subpixelization = Parameter(4, 'Number of subdivisions in each pixel side')
    window = Parameter([], 'Region of interesting data', optional=True)