Пример #1
def load_cache():
    if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE):
        with open(CACHE_FILE, 'rb') as f:
                cache = pickle.load(f)
            except Exception:
                cache = {}
        cache = {}
    return cache
Пример #2
def read_array(fp, allow_pickle=False, pickle_kwargs=None):
    Read an array from an NPY file.

    fp : file_like object
        If this is not a real file object, then this may take extra memory
        and time.
    allow_pickle : bool, optional
        Whether to allow writing pickled data. Default: False

        .. versionchanged:: 1.16.3
            Made default False in response to CVE-2019-6446.

    pickle_kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to pickle.load. These are only
        useful when loading object arrays saved on Python 2 when using
        Python 3.

    array : ndarray
        The array from the data on disk.

        If the data is invalid, or allow_pickle=False and the file contains
        an object array.

    version = read_magic(fp)
    shape, fortran_order, dtype = _read_array_header(fp, version)
    if len(shape) == 0:
        count = 1
        count = numpy.multiply.reduce(shape, dtype=numpy.int64)

    # Now read the actual data.
    if dtype.hasobject:
        # The array contained Python objects. We need to unpickle the data.
        if not allow_pickle:
            raise ValueError("Object arrays cannot be loaded when "
        if pickle_kwargs is None:
            pickle_kwargs = {}
            array = pickle.load(fp, **pickle_kwargs)
        except UnicodeError as err:
            if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
                # Friendlier error message
                raise UnicodeError("Unpickling a python object failed: %r\n"
                                   "You may need to pass the encoding= option "
                                   "to numpy.load" % (err, ))
        if isfileobj(fp):
            # We can use the fast fromfile() function.
            array = numpy.fromfile(fp, dtype=dtype, count=count)
            # This is not a real file. We have to read it the
            # memory-intensive way.
            # crc32 module fails on reads greater than 2 ** 32 bytes,
            # breaking large reads from gzip streams. Chunk reads to
            # BUFFER_SIZE bytes to avoid issue and reduce memory overhead
            # of the read. In non-chunked case count < max_read_count, so
            # only one read is performed.

            # Use np.ndarray instead of np.empty since the latter does
            # not correctly instantiate zero-width string dtypes; see
            # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/6430
            array = numpy.ndarray(count, dtype=dtype)

            if dtype.itemsize > 0:
                # If dtype.itemsize == 0 then there's nothing more to read
                max_read_count = BUFFER_SIZE // min(BUFFER_SIZE,

                for i in range(0, count, max_read_count):
                    read_count = min(max_read_count, count - i)
                    read_size = int(read_count * dtype.itemsize)
                    data = _read_bytes(fp, read_size, "array data")
                    array[i:i + read_count] = numpy.frombuffer(
                        data, dtype=dtype, count=read_count)

        if fortran_order:
            array.shape = shape[::-1]
            array = array.transpose()
            array.shape = shape

    return array
Пример #3
def read_array(fp, allow_pickle=False, pickle_kwargs=None):
    Read an array from an NPY file.

    fp : file_like object
        If this is not a real file object, then this may take extra memory
        and time.
    allow_pickle : bool, optional
        Whether to allow writing pickled data. Default: False

        .. versionchanged:: 1.16.3
            Made default False in response to CVE-2019-6446.

    pickle_kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to pickle.load. These are only
        useful when loading object arrays saved on Python 2 when using
        Python 3.

    array : ndarray
        The array from the data on disk.

        If the data is invalid, or allow_pickle=False and the file contains
        an object array.

    version = read_magic(fp)
    shape, fortran_order, dtype = _read_array_header(fp, version)
    if len(shape) == 0:
        count = 1
        count = numpy.multiply.reduce(shape, dtype=numpy.int64)

    # Now read the actual data.
    if dtype.hasobject:
        # The array contained Python objects. We need to unpickle the data.
        if not allow_pickle:
            raise ValueError("Object arrays cannot be loaded when "
        if pickle_kwargs is None:
            pickle_kwargs = {}
            array = pickle.load(fp, **pickle_kwargs)
        except UnicodeError as err:
            if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
                # Friendlier error message
                raise UnicodeError("Unpickling a python object failed: %r\n"
                                   "You may need to pass the encoding= option "
                                   "to numpy.load" % (err,))
        if isfileobj(fp):
            # We can use the fast fromfile() function.
            array = numpy.fromfile(fp, dtype=dtype, count=count)
            # This is not a real file. We have to read it the
            # memory-intensive way.
            # crc32 module fails on reads greater than 2 ** 32 bytes,
            # breaking large reads from gzip streams. Chunk reads to
            # BUFFER_SIZE bytes to avoid issue and reduce memory overhead
            # of the read. In non-chunked case count < max_read_count, so
            # only one read is performed.

            # Use np.ndarray instead of np.empty since the latter does
            # not correctly instantiate zero-width string dtypes; see
            # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/6430
            array = numpy.ndarray(count, dtype=dtype)

            if dtype.itemsize > 0:
                # If dtype.itemsize == 0 then there's nothing more to read
                max_read_count = BUFFER_SIZE // min(BUFFER_SIZE, dtype.itemsize)

                for i in range(0, count, max_read_count):
                    read_count = min(max_read_count, count - i)
                    read_size = int(read_count * dtype.itemsize)
                    data = _read_bytes(fp, read_size, "array data")
                    array[i:i+read_count] = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype,

        if fortran_order:
            array.shape = shape[::-1]
            array = array.transpose()
            array.shape = shape

    return array