Пример #1
def apply_along_axis(func1d,axis,arr,*args):
    """ Execute func1d(arr[i],*args) where func1d takes 1-D arrays
        and arr is an N-d array.  i varies so as to apply the function
        along the given axis for each 1-d subarray in arr.
    arr = asarray(arr)
    nd = arr.ndim
    if axis < 0:
        axis += nd
    if (axis >= nd):
        raise ValueError("axis must be less than arr.ndim; axis=%d, rank=%d."
            % (axis,nd))
    ind = [0]*(nd-1)
    i = zeros(nd,'O')
    indlist = range(nd)
    i[axis] = slice(None,None)
    outshape = asarray(arr.shape).take(indlist)
    i.put(indlist, ind)
    res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
    #  if res is a number, then we have a smaller output array
    if isscalar(res):
        outarr = zeros(outshape,asarray(res).dtype)
        outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
        Ntot = product(outshape)
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= outshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
                ind[n-1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
            outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
            k += 1
        return outarr
        Ntot = product(outshape)
        holdshape = outshape
        outshape = list(arr.shape)
        outshape[axis] = len(res)
        outarr = zeros(outshape,asarray(res).dtype)
        outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= holdshape[n]) and (n > (1-nd)):
                ind[n-1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            i.put(indlist, ind)
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())],*args)
            outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
            k += 1
        return outarr
Пример #2
    def __train__(self, data, labels):
        l = labels.reshape((-1,1))
        self.__trainingData__ = data
        self.__trainingLabels__ = l
        N = len(l)
        H = zeros((N,N))
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(N):
                H[i,j] = self.__trainingLabels__[i]*self.__trainingLabels__[j]*self.__kernelFunc__(self.__trainingData__[i],self.__trainingData__[j])
        f = -1.0*ones(labels.shape)
        lb = zeros(labels.shape)
        ub = self.C * ones(labels.shape)
        Aeq = labels
        beq = 0.0
        suppressOut = True
        if suppressOut:
            devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w')
            oldstdout_fno = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())
            os.dup2(devnull.fileno(), 1)
        p = QP(matrix(H),f.tolist(),lb=lb.tolist(),ub=ub.tolist(),Aeq=Aeq.tolist(),beq=beq)
        r = p.solve('cvxopt_qp')
        if suppressOut:
            os.dup2(oldstdout_fno, 1)
        lim = 1e-4
        r.xf[where(abs(r.xf)<lim)] = 0
        self.__lambdas__ = r.xf
        nonzeroindexes = where(r.xf>lim)[0]
#        l1 = nonzeroindexes[0]
#        self.w0 = 1.0/labels[l1]-dot(self.w,data[l1])
        self.numSupportVectors = len(nonzeroindexes)
Пример #3
def polyint(p, m=1, k=None):
    """Return the mth analytical integral of the polynomial p.

    If k is None, then zero-valued constants of integration are used.
    otherwise, k should be a list of length m (or a scalar if m=1) to
    represent the constants of integration to use for each integration
    (starting with k[0])
    m = int(m)
    if m < 0:
        raise ValueError, "Order of integral must be positive (see polyder)"
    if k is None:
        k = NX.zeros(m, float)
    k = atleast_1d(k)
    if len(k) == 1 and m > 1:
        k = k[0]*NX.ones(m, float)
    if len(k) < m:
        raise ValueError, \
              "k must be a scalar or a rank-1 array of length 1 or >m."
    if m == 0:
        return p
        truepoly = isinstance(p, poly1d)
        p = NX.asarray(p)
        y = NX.zeros(len(p)+1, float)
        y[:-1] = p*1.0/NX.arange(len(p), 0, -1)
        y[-1] = k[0]
        val = polyint(y, m-1, k=k[1:])
        if truepoly:
            val = poly1d(val)
        return val
Пример #4
def polyadd(a1, a2):
    Find the sum of two polynomials.

    Returns the polynomial resulting from the sum of two input polynomials.
    Each input must be either a poly1d object or a 1D sequence of polynomial
    coefficients, from highest to lowest degree.

    a1, a2 : array_like or poly1d object
        Input polynomials.

    out : ndarray or poly1d object
        The sum of the inputs. If either input is a poly1d object, then the
        output is also a poly1d object. Otherwise, it is a 1D array of
        polynomial coefficients from highest to lowest degree.

    See Also
    poly1d : A one-dimensional polynomial class.
    poly, polyadd, polyder, polydiv, polyfit, polyint, polysub, polyval

    >>> np.polyadd([1, 2], [9, 5, 4])
    array([9, 6, 6])

    Using poly1d objects:

    >>> p1 = np.poly1d([1, 2])
    >>> p2 = np.poly1d([9, 5, 4])
    >>> print p1
    1 x + 2
    >>> print p2
    9 x + 5 x + 4
    >>> print np.polyadd(p1, p2)
    9 x + 6 x + 6

    truepoly = (isinstance(a1, poly1d) or isinstance(a2, poly1d))
    a1 = atleast_1d(a1)
    a2 = atleast_1d(a2)
    diff = len(a2) - len(a1)
    if diff == 0:
        val = a1 + a2
    elif diff > 0:
        zr = NX.zeros(diff, a1.dtype)
        val = NX.concatenate((zr, a1)) + a2
        zr = NX.zeros(abs(diff), a2.dtype)
        val = a1 + NX.concatenate((zr, a2))
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
Пример #5
def estimateGaussian(trainData, trainLabels):
    numClasses = max(trainLabels) + 1
    N = [0]* numClasses
    mu = [0.0] * numClasses
    Slist = [zeros((trainData.shape[1], trainData.shape[1]))] * numClasses
    pList = [0.0] * numClasses
    #calculate N, and sum x's for mu
    for x,t in izip(trainData, trainLabels):
        N[t] += 1
        mu[t] += x
    #normalize mu
    for i in range(numClasses):
        mu[i] = mu[i] / float(N[i])
    #calculate the class probabilities
    for i in range(numClasses):
        pList[i] = float(N[i]) / sum(N)
    #calculate S0 and S1
    for x,t in izip(trainData, trainLabels):
        Slist[t] += outer(x - mu[t], x - mu[t])
        except LinAlgError:
            Slist[t] += 0.1 * identity(Slist[t].shape[0], Float64)
    return (numClasses, N, mu, Slist, pList)
Пример #6
    def GetFlow(self):
        Calculating inlet flow (coefficients of the FFT  x(t)=A0+sum(2*Ck*exp(j*k*2*pi*f*t)))
        Timestep and period from SimulationContext are necessary.
            timestep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"

        t = arange(0.0,period+timestep,timestep).reshape((1,ceil(period/timestep+1.0)))
        Cc = self.f_coeff*1.0/2.0*1e-6
        Flow = zeros((1, ceil(period/timestep+1.0)))
        for freq in arange(0,ceil(period/timestep+1.0)):
            Flow[0, freq] = self.A0_v
            for k in arange(0,self.f_coeff.shape[0]):
                Flow[0, freq] = Flow[0, freq]+real(2.0*complex(Cc[k,0],Cc[k,1])*exp(1j*(k+1)*2.0*pi*t[0,freq]/period))
        self.Flow = Flow
        return Flow
Пример #7
    def myEnhance(self,img):
        self.img = img
        self.statx = zeros(256)
        print len(self.statx)
#        print len(self.img)
#        print img.shape()
#        for i in range(256):
#            self.statx[i]=self.statx.append(1)
#        np.histogram(self.img, bins=60)
#        for i in range(len(self.img)):
#            for j in range(len(self.img[i])):
##            print img[i]
##                if self.img[i][j]<100:
##                    self.img[i][j] = 0
##                else:
##                    self.img[i][j]=255
##                print self.img[i][j]
#                self.statx[self.img[i][j]] = self.statx[self.img[i][j]] + 1
#                pass
#        return self.statx
Пример #8
def createKernel(xList, yList, kernelFunct, *kernelFunctArgs):
    #remember, examples are rows, not columns
    k = zeros((len(xList), len(yList)))
    for i in range(len(xList)):
        for j in range(len(yList)):
            k[i,j] = kernelFunct(xList[i], yList[j], *kernelFunctArgs)
    return k
Пример #9
def calcN(classKernels, trainLabels):
    N = zeros((len(trainLabels), len(trainLabels)))
    for i, l in enumerate(unique(trainLabels)):
        numExamplesWithLabel = len(where(trainLabels == l)[0])
        Idiff = identity(numExamplesWithLabel, Float64) - (1.0 / numExamplesWithLabel) * ones(numExamplesWithLabel, Float64)
        firstDot = dot(classKernels[i], Idiff)
        labelTerm = dot(firstDot, transpose(classKernels[i]))
        N += labelTerm
    N = nan_to_num(N)
    #make N more numerically stable
    #if I had more time, I would train this parameter, but I don't
    additionToN = ((mean(diag(N)) + 1) / 100.0) * identity(N.shape[0], Float64) 
    N += additionToN
    #make sure N is invertable
    for i in range(1000):
        except LinAlgError:
            #doing this to make sure the maxtrix is invertable
            #large value supported by section titled
            #"numerical issues and regularization" in the paper
            N += additionToN

    return N
Пример #10
def triu(m, k=0):
    Upper triangle of an array.

    Return a copy of a matrix with the elements below the `k`-th diagonal

    Please refer to the documentation for `tril` for further details.

    See Also
    tril : lower triangle of an array

    >>> np.triu([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]], -1)
    array([[ 1,  2,  3],
           [ 4,  5,  6],
           [ 0,  8,  9],
           [ 0,  0, 12]])

    m = asanyarray(m)
    mask = tri(*m.shape[-2:], k=k-1, dtype=bool)

    return where(mask, zeros(1, m.dtype), m)
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, *shape):
     if len(shape) == 1 and isinstance(shape[0], tuple):
         shape = shape[0]
     x = as_strided(_nx.zeros(1), shape=shape,
     self._it = _nx.nditer(x, flags=['multi_index', 'zerosize_ok'],
Пример #12
def iscomplex(x):
    Returns a bool array, where True if input element is complex.

    What is tested is whether the input has a non-zero imaginary part, not if
    the input type is complex.

    x : array_like
        Input array.

    out : ndarray of bools
        Output array.

    See Also
    iscomplexobj : Return True if x is a complex type or an array of complex

    >>> np.iscomplex([1+1j, 1+0j, 4.5, 3, 2, 2j])
    array([ True, False, False, False, False,  True])

    ax = asanyarray(x)
    if issubclass(ax.dtype.type, _nx.complexfloating):
        return ax.imag != 0
    res = zeros(ax.shape, bool)
    return res[()]   # convert to scalar if needed
Пример #13
def fishersLinearDiscriminent(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels):
    numClasses = max(trainLabels) + 1
    N = [0] * numClasses
    m = [0] * numClasses
    for x,t in izip(trainData,trainLabels):
        m[t] += x
        N[t] += 1
    for i in range(numClasses):
        m[i] /= N[i]
    Sw = zeros((trainData.shape[1], trainData.shape[1]))
    for x,t in izip(trainData, trainLabels):
        Sw += outer(x-m[t], x-m[t])
    except LinAlgError:
        Sw += 0.1 * identity(Sw.shape[0], Float64)    
    w = dot(inv(Sw),(m[0] - m[1]))
    meanVect = (N[0]*m[0] + N[1]*m[1]) / sum(N)
    numCorrect = 0
    for x,t in izip(testData, testLabels):
        if dot(w, (x-meanVect)) > 0:
            if t == 1:
                numCorrect += 1
            if t == 0:
                numCorrect += 1
    return float(numCorrect) / float(len(testLabels))
Пример #14
def diag(v, k=0):
    """ returns a copy of the the k-th diagonal if v is a 2-d array
        or returns a 2-d array with v as the k-th diagonal if v is a
        1-d array.
    v = asarray(v)
    s = v.shape
    if len(s)==1:
        n = s[0]+abs(k)
        res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
        if (k>=0):
            i = arange(0,n-k)
            fi = i+k+i*n
            i = arange(0,n+k)
            fi = i+(i-k)*n
        res.flat[fi] = v
        return res
    elif len(s)==2:
        N1,N2 = s
        if k >= 0:
            M = min(N1,N2-k)
            i = arange(0,M)
            fi = i+k+i*N2
            M = min(N1+k,N2)
            i = arange(0,M)
            fi = i + (i-k)*N2
        return v.flat[fi]
        raise ValueError, "Input must be 1- or 2-d."
Пример #15
def diagflat(v,k=0):
    """Return a 2D array whose k'th diagonal is a flattened v and all other
    elements are zero.

      >>> diagflat([[1,2],[3,4]]])
      array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 2, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 3, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 4]])

      >>> diagflat([1,2], 1)
      array([[0, 1, 0],
             [0, 0, 2],
             [0, 0, 0]])
        wrap = v.__array_wrap__
    except AttributeError:
        wrap = None
    v = asarray(v).ravel()
    s = len(v)
    n = s + abs(k)
    res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
    if (k>=0):
        i = arange(0,n-k)
        fi = i+k+i*n
        i = arange(0,n+k)
        fi = i+(i-k)*n
    res.flat[fi] = v
    if not wrap:
        return res
    return wrap(res)
Пример #16
 def PlotWss(self, meshid, imagpath):
     This method plots Wss signal and returns peak wss.
         import matplotlib
         matplotlib.use('Agg') #switch to matplotlib.use('WXAgg') if you want to show and not save velocity profile.
         from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, legend, savefig, close, ylim
         sys.exit("PlotWss method requires matplotlib package (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net.\n")
     tplot = linspace(0, self.tPeriod, len(self.Tauplot))
     plot(tplot, self.Tauplot,'g-',linewidth = 3, label = 'WSS')
     minY = 0
     for w in self.Tauplot:
         if w < minY:
             minY = w
     if minY != 0:
         plot(tplot, zeros(len(self.Tauplot)),':',linewidth = 1)
     xlabel('Time ($s$)')
     ylabel('Wall shear stress ($dyne/cm^2$)')
     title ('Wss'+' peak:'+str(round(max(self.Tauplot),1))+' mean:'+str(round(mean(self.Tauplot),1))+' min:'+str(round(min(self.Tauplot),1)))    
     print "Wss, MeshId", meshid, self.Name, "=", str(round(max(self.Tauplot),1)), "$dyne/cm^2$"
     return (round(max(self.Tauplot),1))
Пример #17
def gmmEM(data, K, it,show=False,usekmeans=True):
    #data += finfo(float128).eps*100
    centroid = kmeans2(data, K)[0] if usekmeans else ((max(data) - min(data))*random_sample((K,data.shape[1])) + min(data))
    N = data.shape[0]
    gmm = GaussianMM(centroid)
    if show: gmm.draw(data)
    while it > 0:
        print it," iterations remaining"
        it = it - 1
        # e-step
        gausses = zeros((K, N), dtype = data.dtype)
        for k in range(0, K):
            gausses[k] = gmm.c[k]*mulnormpdf(data, gmm.mean[k], gmm.covm[k])
        sums = sum(gausses, axis=0)
        if count_nonzero(sums) != sums.size:
            raise "Divide by Zero"
        gausses /= sums
        # m step
        sg = sum(gausses, axis=1)
        if count_nonzero(sg) != sg.size:
            raise "Divide by Zero"
        gmm.c = ones(sg.shape) / N * sg
        for k in range(0, K):
            gmm.mean[k] = sum(data * gausses[k].reshape((-1,1)), axis=0) / sg[k]
            d = data - gmm.mean[k]
            d1 = d.transpose()*gausses[k]
        if show: gmm.draw(data)
    return gmm
Пример #18
def polysub(a1, a2):
    Returns difference from subtraction of two polynomials input as sequences.

    Returns difference of polynomials; `a1` - `a2`.  Input polynomials are
    represented as an array_like sequence of terms or a poly1d object.

    a1 : {array_like, poly1d}
        Minuend polynomial as sequence of terms.
    a2 : {array_like, poly1d}
        Subtrahend polynomial as sequence of terms.

    out : {ndarray, poly1d}
        Array representing the polynomial terms.

    See Also
    polyval, polydiv, polymul, polyadd

    .. math:: (2 x^2 + 10 x - 2) - (3 x^2 + 10 x -4) = (-x^2 + 2)

    >>> np.polysub([2, 10, -2], [3, 10, -4])
    array([-1,  0,  2])

    truepoly = (isinstance(a1, poly1d) or isinstance(a2, poly1d))
    a1 = atleast_1d(a1)
    a2 = atleast_1d(a2)
    diff = len(a2) - len(a1)
    if diff == 0:
        val = a1 - a2
    elif diff > 0:
        zr = NX.zeros(diff, a1.dtype)
        val = NX.concatenate((zr, a1)) - a2
        zr = NX.zeros(abs(diff), a2.dtype)
        val = a1 - NX.concatenate((zr, a2))
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
Пример #19
def mediff1d(array, to_end=None, to_begin=None):
    """Array difference with prefixed and/or appended value."""
    a = masked_array(array, copy=True)
    if a.ndim > 1:
    (d, m, n) = (a._data, a._mask, a.size-1)
    dd = d[1:]-d[:-1]
    if m is nomask:
        dm = nomask
        dm = m[1:]-m[:-1]
    if to_end is not None:
        to_end = asarray(to_end)
        nend = to_end.size
        if to_begin is not None:
            to_begin = asarray(to_begin)
            nbegin = to_begin.size
            r_data = numeric.empty((n+nend+nbegin,), dtype=a.dtype)
            r_mask = numeric.zeros((n+nend+nbegin,), dtype=bool_)
            r_data[:nbegin] = to_begin._data
            r_mask[:nbegin] = to_begin._mask
            r_data[nbegin:-nend] = dd
            r_mask[nbegin:-nend] = dm
            r_data = numeric.empty((n+nend,), dtype=a.dtype)
            r_mask = numeric.zeros((n+nend,), dtype=bool_)
            r_data[:-nend] = dd
            r_mask[:-nend] = dm
        r_data[-nend:] = to_end._data
        r_mask[-nend:] = to_end._mask
    elif to_begin is not None:
        to_begin = asarray(to_begin)
        nbegin = to_begin.size
        r_data = numeric.empty((n+nbegin,), dtype=a.dtype)
        r_mask = numeric.zeros((n+nbegin,), dtype=bool_)
        r_data[:nbegin] = to_begin._data
        r_mask[:nbegin] = to_begin._mask
        r_data[nbegin:] = dd
        r_mask[nbegin:] = dm
        r_data = dd
        r_mask = dm
    return masked_array(r_data, mask=r_mask)
Пример #20
def polysub(a1, a2):
    Difference (subtraction) of two polynomials.

    Given two polynomials `a1` and `a2`, returns ``a1 - a2``.
    `a1` and `a2` can be either array_like sequences of the polynomials'
    coefficients (including coefficients equal to zero), or `poly1d` objects.

    a1, a2 : array_like or poly1d
        Minuend and subtrahend polynomials, respectively.

    out : ndarray or poly1d
        Array or `poly1d` object of the difference polynomial's coefficients.

    See Also
    polyval, polydiv, polymul, polyadd

    .. math:: (2 x^2 + 10 x - 2) - (3 x^2 + 10 x -4) = (-x^2 + 2)

    >>> np.polysub([2, 10, -2], [3, 10, -4])
    array([-1,  0,  2])

    truepoly = (isinstance(a1, poly1d) or isinstance(a2, poly1d))
    a1 = atleast_1d(a1)
    a2 = atleast_1d(a2)
    diff = len(a2) - len(a1)
    if diff == 0:
        val = a1 - a2
    elif diff > 0:
        zr = NX.zeros(diff, a1.dtype)
        val = NX.concatenate((zr, a1)) - a2
        zr = NX.zeros(abs(diff), a2.dtype)
        val = a1 - NX.concatenate((zr, a2))
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
Пример #21
    def AssembleBoundaryConditions(self, simulationContext):
        This method assembles arrays of prescribed pressures
        self.DofMap = DofMap()

        # Searching for prescribed pressure output/input
        numberOfElements = 0
        for element in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            for dof in element.GetExternalPressureLocalDofs():
        if self.BoundaryConditions.OutsP is not None:
        if self.BoundaryConditions.InP is not None:

        # Setting Transmural Pressures for windkessel elements and wave propagation elements
        PrescribedPressures = zeros((numberOfElements,2))
        done = 0
        i = 0
        for element in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            for dof in element.GetExternalPressureLocalDofs():

                for el, elProps in self.BoundaryConditions.PressureOut.iteritems():
                    if element.Id == el.Id:
                        if done < len(self.BoundaryConditions.PressureOut):
                            value1 = self.DofMap.DofMap[(el.Id,el.GetLocalDof(int(elProps['node'])))]
                            value2 = elProps['value']
                            if value1 not in PrescribedPressures:
                                PrescribedPressures[i,0] = value1
                                PrescribedPressures[i,1] = value2

                if self.BoundaryConditions.InP is not None:
                    if element.Id == self.BoundaryConditions.elementIn.Id:
                        if done == 0:
                            value1 = self.DofMap.DofMap[(self.BoundaryConditions.elementIn.Id,self.BoundaryConditions.elementIn.GetLocalDof(int(self.BoundaryConditions.NodeIn)))]
                            value2 = self.BoundaryConditions.InP
                            PrescribedPressures[i,0] = value1
                            PrescribedPressures[i,1] = value2
                            done = 1

                value1 = self.DofMap.DofMap[(element.Id,dof)]
                value2 = self.BoundaryConditions.PressureValues[element.Id]
                PrescribedPressures[i,0] = value1
                PrescribedPressures[i,1] = value2

        for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            self.FlowDof[el.Id] = self.DofMap.DofMap[(el.Id,el.GetLocalDof(int(self.BoundaryConditions.NodeFlow[el.Id])))]
        self.PrescribedPressures = PrescribedPressures.astype(int32)
        return self.PrescribedPressures
Пример #22
def diagflat(v, k=0):
    Create a two-dimensional array with the flattened input as a diagonal.

    v : array_like
        Input data, which is flattened and set as the `k`-th
        diagonal of the output.
    k : int, optional
        Diagonal to set; 0, the default, corresponds to the "main" diagonal,
        a positive (negative) `k` giving the number of the diagonal above
        (below) the main.

    out : ndarray
        The 2-D output array.

    See Also
    diag : MATLAB work-alike for 1-D and 2-D arrays.
    diagonal : Return specified diagonals.
    trace : Sum along diagonals.

    >>> np.diagflat([[1,2], [3,4]])
    array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
           [0, 2, 0, 0],
           [0, 0, 3, 0],
           [0, 0, 0, 4]])

    >>> np.diagflat([1,2], 1)
    array([[0, 1, 0],
           [0, 0, 2],
           [0, 0, 0]])

        wrap = v.__array_wrap__
    except AttributeError:
        wrap = None
    v = asarray(v).ravel()
    s = len(v)
    n = s + abs(k)
    res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
    if (k >= 0):
        i = arange(0,n-k)
        fi = i+k+i*n
        i = arange(0,n+k)
        fi = i+(i-k)*n
    res.flat[fi] = v
    if not wrap:
        return res
    return wrap(res)
Пример #23
def polysub(a1, a2):
    """Subtracts two polynomials represented as sequences
    truepoly = (isinstance(a1, poly1d) or isinstance(a2, poly1d))
    a1 = atleast_1d(a1)
    a2 = atleast_1d(a2)
    diff = len(a2) - len(a1)
    if diff == 0:
        val = a1 - a2
    elif diff > 0:
        zr = NX.zeros(diff, a1.dtype)
        val = NX.concatenate((zr, a1)) - a2
        zr = NX.zeros(abs(diff), a2.dtype)
        val = a1 - NX.concatenate((zr, a2))
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
Пример #24
def diag(v, k=0):
    Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.

    v : array_like
        If `v` is a 2-dimensional array, return a copy of
        its `k`-th diagonal. If `v` is a 1-dimensional array,
        return a 2-dimensional array with `v` on the `k`-th diagonal.
    k : int, optional
        Diagonal in question.  The defaults is 0.

    >>> x = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
    >>> x
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [3, 4, 5],
           [6, 7, 8]])

    >>> np.diag(x)
    array([0, 4, 8])

    >>> np.diag(np.diag(x))
    array([[0, 0, 0],
           [0, 4, 0],
           [0, 0, 8]])

    v = asarray(v)
    s = v.shape
    if len(s)==1:
        n = s[0]+abs(k)
        res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
        if (k>=0):
            i = arange(0,n-k)
            fi = i+k+i*n
            i = arange(0,n+k)
            fi = i+(i-k)*n
        res.flat[fi] = v
        return res
    elif len(s)==2:
        N1,N2 = s
        if k >= 0:
            M = min(N1,N2-k)
            i = arange(0,M)
            fi = i+k+i*N2
            M = min(N1+k,N2)
            i = arange(0,M)
            fi = i + (i-k)*N2
        return v.flat[fi]
        raise ValueError, "Input must be 1- or 2-d."
Пример #25
 def __setitem__(self, key, val):
     ind = self.order - key
     if key < 0:
         raise ValueError("Does not support negative powers.")
     if key > self.order:
         zr = NX.zeros(key-self.order, self.coeffs.dtype)
         self._coeffs = NX.concatenate((zr, self.coeffs))
         ind = 0
     self._coeffs[ind] = val
Пример #26
def polydiv(u, v):
    Returns the quotient and remainder of polynomial division.

    The input arrays specify the polynomial terms in turn with a length equal
    to the polynomial degree plus 1.

    u : {array_like, poly1d}
        Dividend polynomial.
    v : {array_like, poly1d}
        Divisor polynomial.

    q : ndarray
        Polynomial terms of quotient.
    r : ndarray
        Remainder of polynomial division.

    See Also
    poly, polyadd, polyder, polydiv, polyfit, polyint, polymul, polysub,

    .. math:: \\frac{3x^2 + 5x + 2}{2x + 1} = 1.5x + 1.75, remainder 0.25

    >>> x = np.array([3.0, 5.0, 2.0])
    >>> y = np.array([2.0, 1.0])
    >>> np.polydiv(x, y)
    >>> (array([ 1.5 ,  1.75]), array([ 0.25]))

    truepoly = (isinstance(u, poly1d) or isinstance(u, poly1d))
    u = atleast_1d(u) + 0.0
    v = atleast_1d(v) + 0.0
    # w has the common type
    w = u[0] + v[0]
    m = len(u) - 1
    n = len(v) - 1
    scale = 1. / v[0]
    q = NX.zeros((max(m - n + 1, 1),), w.dtype)
    r = u.copy()
    for k in range(0, m-n+1):
        d = scale * r[k]
        q[k] = d
        r[k:k+n+1] -= d*v
    while NX.allclose(r[0], 0, rtol=1e-14) and (r.shape[-1] > 1):
        r = r[1:]
    if truepoly:
        return poly1d(q), poly1d(r)
    return q, r
Пример #27
def eye(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=float, order='C'):
    Return a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

    N : int
      Number of rows in the output.
    M : int, optional
      Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`.
    k : int, optional
      Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal,
      a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value
      to a lower diagonal.
    dtype : data-type, optional
      Data-type of the returned array.
    order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Whether the output should be stored in row-major (C-style) or
        column-major (Fortran-style) order in memory.

        .. versionadded:: 1.14.0

    I : ndarray of shape (N,M)
      An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th
      diagonal, whose values are equal to one.

    See Also
    identity : (almost) equivalent function
    diag : diagonal 2-D array from a 1-D array specified by the user.

    >>> np.eye(2, dtype=int)
    array([[1, 0],
           [0, 1]])
    >>> np.eye(3, k=1)
    array([[ 0.,  1.,  0.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  1.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.]])

    if M is None:
        M = N
    m = zeros((N, M), dtype=dtype, order=order)
    if k >= M:
        return m
    if k >= 0:
        i = k
        i = (-k) * M
    m[:M-k].flat[i::M+1] = 1
    return m
Пример #28
def iscomplex(x):
    """Return a boolean array where elements are True if that element
    is complex (has non-zero imaginary part).

    For scalars, return a boolean.
    ax = asanyarray(x)
    if issubclass(ax.dtype.type, _nx.complexfloating):
        return ax.imag != 0
    res = zeros(ax.shape, bool)
    return +res  # convet to array-scalar if needed
Пример #29
 def __setitem__(self, key, val):
     ind = self.order - key
     if key < 0:
         raise ValueError, "Does not support negative powers."
     if key > self.order:
         zr = NX.zeros(key-self.order, self.coeffs.dtype)
         self.__dict__['coeffs'] = NX.concatenate((zr, self.coeffs))
         self.__dict__['order'] = key
         ind = 0
     self.__dict__['coeffs'][ind] = val
Пример #30
 def prepare(self):
     figure(figsize=(18, 10))
     if self.distribution is not None:
         self.P = zeros((len(self.Xs), len(self.Ys)))
         for i in range(len(self.Xs)):
             for j in range(len(self.Ys)):
                 x = array([[self.Xs[i], self.Ys[j]]])
                 self.P[j, i] = self.distribution.log_pdf(x)
         self.P = exp(self.P)
Пример #31
def main():
#intitialize counters
    njetsSel =0.
    cTotPhotons = 0.
    cRealSieie = 0.
    cFakeSieie = 0.
    cHoverE = 0.
    cNeuIso = 0.
    cREALCHIso = 0.
    cFAKECHIso = 0. 
    cFakePhoIso = 0.
    cRealPhoIso =0.
    cPhoID = 0.
    cPhoEta = 0.
    cNFake =0.
    cNReal =0.
    cSieieRealTest = 0.
    cSieieFakeTest = 0.
    cPixelSeed = 0.

#incremental countsers
    iHoverE = 0.
    iNeuIso = 0.
    iFakeCHIso = 0.
    iRealCHIso = 0.
    iPhoIso = 0.
    iRealPhoIso =0.
    iPhoID = 0.
    iRealSieie = 0.
    iFakeSieie = 0.
   # iPixelSeed = 0.
    cJets = 0.
    cJetEta = 0.
    cJetID = 0.
    cHLT = 0.
    cDRCut= 0.
    cFakeRej = 0.
    cRealRej =0.
    cMu =0.
    cEle = 0.
    cPhoEta = 0.
    cNFRPhotons = 0.
    cBarrel = 0.
    rejReal = 0.
    # Keep time
    sw = ROOT.TStopwatch()

    # For DeltaR cut
    minDeltaRij = 100.
    nJetsTot = 0.

    # Load input TTrees into TChain
   # eosDir = "/eos/cms/store/user/mandrews/"
   # ggInStr = "%s/DATA/ggSKIMS/DoubleEG_Run2016%s_ReminiAOD_HLTDiPho3018M90_SKIM*.root"%(eosDir,runEra)
    eosDir = "/eos/cms/store/group/phys_smp/ggNtuples/13TeV/data/V08_00_26_04"
    ggInStr = "root://cmseos.fnal.gov//store/group/lpcsusystealth/ggNtuple_leppho/FebReminiAOD/skim-DoubleEG_FebReminiAOD.root"
    ggIn = ROOT.TChain("ggNtuplizer/EventTree")
    #InputList = "/afs/cern.ch/user/t/tmudholk/public/research/stealth/from_michael/STEALTH/inputFiles_2016%s.txt"%(runEra)
   # with open(InputList,'r') as f:
   #     for ijt in f:
   #         ggInStr = ijt.strip('\n')
   #         ggIn.Add(ggInStr)
    eosDir = "/eos/uscms/store/user/lpcsusystealth"
    nEvts = ggIn.GetEntries()
    print " >> Input file(s):",ggInStr
    print " >> nEvts:",nEvts

    # Initialize output file as empty clone
    eosOut = "/eos/user/n/nbower/Stealth/Ntuples/FakeReal/Jan20/2f"
    outFileStr = "%s/CutReminiAOD_Run2016%s_sel%s_evts_HT%d_evt%sto%s_%sf_%sr.root"%(eosOut,runEra,args.sel,HTcut_,iEventStart,iEventEnd,nFake,nReal) 
    outFile = ROOT.TFile(outFileStr, "RECREATE")
    outDir = outFile.mkdir("ggNtuplizer")
    ggOut = ggIn.CloneTree(0) 
    print " >> Output file:",outFileStr

    # Initialize output branches 
    nJets_  = np.zeros(1, dtype=int)
    evtST_  = np.zeros(1, dtype=float)
    b_nJets = ggOut.Branch("b_nJets", nJets_, "b_nJets/I")
    b_evtST = ggOut.Branch("b_evtST", evtST_, "b_evtST/D")


    # Event range to process
    iEvtStart = iEventStart
    iEvtEnd   = iEventEnd
 #   iEvtEnd   = 1000000
    print " >> Processing entries: [",iEvtStart,"->",iEvtEnd,")"
    nTested= 0.
    nAcc = 0
    for jEvt in range(iEvtStart,iEvtEnd):

        # Initialize event
        if jEvt > nEvts:
        treeStatus = ggIn.LoadTree(jEvt)
        if treeStatus < 0:
        evtStatus = ggIn.GetEntry(jEvt)
        if evtStatus <= 0:
        if jEvt % 100000 == 0:
            print " .. Processing entry",jEvt

        evtST = 0.
        # Photon selection
        if ggIn.HLTPho>>14&1 == False: # HLT_Diphoton30_18_R9Id_OR_IsoCaloId_AND_HE_R9Id_Mass90
        phoIdx  = [] # for DeltaR check: keep a list of photon indices passing photon selection
        nPhotons = 0.
        nFakepho = 0.
        chIso = 0.
        neuIso = 0.
        phoIso = 0.
        HoverE= 0.
        Sieie = 0.
        R9 = 0.
        passesFakeSieie = True
        passesFakechIso = True
        passesFakeEither = True
        LeadPho = True

############################Photon Selection###################################

        for i in range(ggIn.nPho):
            if abs(ggIn.phoEta[i]) > 1.442:
                cPhoEta +=1.
            HoverE = ggIn.phoHoverE[i]
            Sieie =  ggIn.phoSigmaIEtaIEtaFull5x5[i]
            R9 = ggIn.phoR9[i]
##########################Iso correction##############################                                                                                                                        
            if abs(ggIn.phoEta[i]) < 1.0:
                chIso = max(ggIn.phoPFChIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.0360, 0.)
                neuIso =  max(ggIn.phoPFNeuIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.0597, 0.)
                phoIso = max(ggIn.phoPFPhoIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.1210, 0.)
                chIso = max(ggIn.phoPFChIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.0377, 0.)
                neuIso =  max(ggIn.phoPFNeuIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.0807, 0.)
                phoIso = max(ggIn.phoPFPhoIso[i] - ggIn.rho*.1107, 0.)
#I'm trying a new implimentation of the photon specific curs because I'm not confident in my understanding of 
#python's implimentation of booleans so lets give this a whirl, its fairly similar to tanmay's implimentation
########################Fake specific cuts################################
            if Sieie > .01022 and Sieie < .015:
                passesFakeSieie = True
                passesFakeSieie = False
            if (chIso > .441 and chIso < 15.):
                passesFakechIso = True
                passesFakechIso = False
            if passesFakechIso or passesFakeSieie:
            else :

####################Fake Photon Selection ##############                                                                                                                                                                
            if      (   ggIn.phoEt[i] > PhoEtAll
                    and neuIso < 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2
                    and phoIso < 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])                                                                                     
                    and HoverE < .0396
                    and passesFakeEither== True
                    and ggIn.phohasPixelSeed[i] == 0  
                    and R9 < 1.0
                if LeadPho == True and ggIn.phoEt[i] < PhoEtLead:
                    LeadPho = False
                LeadPho = False
                evtST += ggIn.phoEt[i]

####################Real Photon Selection ##############                                                                   
            if (ggIn.phoEt[i] > PhoEtAll
                    and ((ggIn.phoIDbit[i] >> 1) & 1) == 1                                                                    
                    and ggIn.phoEleVeto[i] == True                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                if LeadPho == True and ggIn.phoEt[i] <PhoEtLead:
                    LeadPho = False
                evtST += ggIn.phoEt[i]
                rejReal += 1
            if ggIn.phoEleVeto[i] == False:
            if abs(ggIn.phoEta[i]) < 1.442:
                if ggIn.phoIDbit[i]>>1&1 == 1 and Sieie== .01022:
                    cSieieRealTest +=1
                if not ggIn.phoIDbit[i]>>1&1 == 1:
                    if Sieie== .01022:
                if HoverE >.0306:
                if Sieie >.01022:
                if neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2:
                    cNeuIso +=1.

          ##########Reversed counters#########

                if phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]):
                if phoIso < 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or phoIso<15:
                    cFakePhoIso += 1.
                if chIso <.441:
                if chIso<.441 or chIso> 15.:
                    cFAKECHIso +=1
                if ggIn.phoEt[i]> PhoEtAll:

#######################incremental counters######################
                if HoverE >.0306:
                    iHoverE +=1.
                if neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iNeuIso +=1.
                if phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iPhoIso +=1.
                                           ############## Fake##########
                if passesFakeEither== False or phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE> .0306:
                    iFakeSieie +=1.
                if ggIn.phoEt[i] < PhoEtAll or passesFakeEither== False or phoIso < 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iFakePhoEtAll +=1.
                if ggIn.phohasPixelSeed[i] != 0 or ggIn.phoEt[i] <= PhoEtAll or passesFakeEither== False or phoIso >= 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iFakePixelSeed += 1.
                if ggIn.phohasPixelSeed[i] != 0 or ggIn.phoEt[i] >= PhoEtAll or passesFakeEither== False or phoIso >= 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306 or R9>=1.0:
                    iR9 += 1.

                if Sieie > .01022 or phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iRealSieie +=1.
                if (chIso > .441) or Sieie > .01022 or phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iRealCHIso +=1
                if ggIn.phoEt[i] < PhoEtAll or (chIso > .441) or Sieie > .01022 or phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE >.0306:
                    iRealPhoEtAll +=1.
                if ggIn.phoEleVeto[i] == False or ggIn.phoEt[i] < PhoEtAll or (chIso > .441) or Sieie > .01022 or phoIso > 2.571+0.0047*float(ggIn.phoEt[i]) or neuIso > 2.725+0.0148*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])+0.000017*float(ggIn.phoEt[i])**2 or HoverE>.0306:
                    iRealPhoEle += 1.

        if nFakepho!=nFake:  
        if nReal!=nPhotons:
        if nPhotons != nReal or nFakepho != nFake:

        if nPhotons != nReal or nFakepho != nFake:
        # Jet selection
        nJets = 0
        nJetsDR = 0
        evtHT = 0
        for i in range(ggIn.nJet):
            if (ggIn.jetPt[i] > 30.0
                    and abs(ggIn.jetEta[i]) < 2.4          
                if not (ggIn.jetPFLooseId[i] != False and ggIn.jetPUID[i] > 0.61 and ggIn.jetID[i] == 6):
                    cJetID +=1
            if not (ggIn.jetPt[i] > 30.0
                    and abs(ggIn.jetEta[i]) < 2.4
                    and ggIn.jetPFLooseId[i] != False # for some reason == True doesnt work
                    and ggIn.jetPUID[i] > 0.62 # formerly jetPUidFullDiscriminant
                    and ggIn.jetID[i] == 6 # loose:2, tight:6
            nJets += 1.
            evtHT += ggIn.jetPt[i] # Add jet pT to HT (even though not sure if it's photon)
            # DeltaR check: ensure this jet is well-separated from any of the good photons
            # To avoid double-counting, only add jet pT to ST if we're sure its not a photon 
            minDeltaRij = 100.
            for j in phoIdx: # loop over "good" photon indices
                dR = np.hypot(ggIn.phoEta[j]-ggIn.jetEta[i],ggIn.phoPhi[j]-ggIn.jetPhi[i]) #DeltaR(pho[j],jet[i])
                if dR < minDeltaRij: 
                    minDeltaRij = dR
            if minDeltaRij < minDeltaRcut_:
            nJetsDR += 1 # nJets passing the DeltaR check
            evtST += ggIn.jetPt[i]

        nJetsTot += nJetsDR
        if evtHT < HTcut_:
#            continue
        # Electron veto
        nEle = 0
        for i in range(ggIn.nEle):
            if not (ggIn.elePt[i] > 15.0
                    and ggIn.eleIDbit[i]>>3&1 == True # >>0:veto, >>1:loose, >>2:medium, >>3:tight
                    and abs(ggIn.eleEta[i]) < 2.5
                    and abs(ggIn.eleDz[i]) < 0.1
                    and ggIn.elePFPUIso[i] < 0.1
            nEle += 1.
        if nEle != 0:

        # Muon veto
        nMu = 0
        for i in range(ggIn.nMu):
            if not (ggIn.muPt[i] > 15.0
                    and ggIn.muPFPUIso[i] < 0.12
                    and ggIn.muIDbit[i]>>2&1 == True # >>0:loose, >>1:med, >>2:tight, >>3:soft, >>4:highpt
            nMu += 1
        if nMu != 0:
        if nPhotons != nReal or nFakepho != nFake:
        if nMu != 0:
        if nEle != 0:
        # Photon selection                                                                                                                       
        # MET selection
        if ggIn.pfMET > 15.:
            evtST += ggIn.pfMET
        # Write this evt to output tree
        evtST_[0] = evtST
        nJets_[0] = nJetsDR
        nAcc += 1.
        if nJetsDR >=2:
            njetsSel +=1

    ##### EVENT SELECTION END #####
   # cBarrel = cTotPhotons - cPhoEta-cLeadEt#number of photon candidates within the barrel with Et passing the leading cut)
    totalFakeCut = cBarrel-cLeadEt-cNFake
    totalRealCut = cBarrel-cLeadEt-cNReal
    efHoverE = cHoverE/cBarrel*100
    efSieieReal = cRealSieie/cBarrel*100
    efNeuIso = cNeuIso/cBarrel*100
    efRealPhoIso = cRealPhoIso/cBarrel*100
    efFakeSieie = cFakeSieie/cBarrel*100
    with open('/afs/cern.ch/user/n/nbower/public/CMU/Stealth_SUSY/ST_plotting/CMSSW_8_0_24/src/STEALTH_PLAY/FakeReal/Selection_Outputs/Jan20/2f/Menglei2016%s_evt%sto%s_%sf_%sr.txt'%(runEra,iEvtStart,iEvtEnd,nFake,nReal),'w') as f:
        f.write(" Total Events in Era = " + str(nEvts)+"\n")
        f.write( " >> nAccepted evts:"+str(nAcc)+"/"+str(iEvtEnd-iEvtStart)+"("+str(100.*nAcc/(iEvtEnd-iEvtStart))+"% )"+"\n")
        f.write( " >> nJetsTot:"+str(nJetsTot)+"\n")
        f.write( " >> Real time:"+str(sw.RealTime()/60.)+"minutes"+"\n")
        f.write( " >> CPU time: "+str(sw.CpuTime() /60.)+"minutes"+"\n")
        f.write( "========================CounterResults==========================="+"\n")
        f.write( "####Photon Cut Effieciency#####"+"\n")
        f.write("LeadEt Cut = " + str(cLeadEt/(cBarrel)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("failing ID " +str(cPhoID)+"\n")
        f.write( "Total Photon candidates = " +str(cTotPhotons)+"\n")
       # f.write( "Barrel Efficiency = " +str(efBar) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "-Efficiency within Barel-"+"\n")
        f.write( "***REAL CUTS***"+"\n")
        f.write( "Photon ID = " + str(cPhoID/cBarrel*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "HoverE = " + str(efHoverE)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "SieieREAL = " + str(efSieieReal)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Real Charged Hadron Iso = "+  str(cREALCHIso/cBarrel*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Fake Charged Hadron Iso = "+  str(cFAKECHIso/cBarrel*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Neutral Hadron Iso = " +str (efNeuIso)+ "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Pho Iso = "+ str(efRealPhoIso)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho Et General cut (25 GeV) = " + str (cPhoEtAll/(cBarrel)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho Electron Veto " + str(cPhoEle)+ " || " + str(cPhoEle/cBarrel*100)+ "%"+"\n") 
        f.write( "***Fake Cuts***"+"\n")
        f.write("SieieFAKE = " +  str(cFakeSieie/cBarrel*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Pho Iso Fake = "+ str(cFakePhoIso/cBarrel*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "####Total number of Fake/ Real(passing efficiency)####"+"\n")
        f.write("Fake Photons = "+ str(cNFake)+"|| Passing Efficiency = " + str(cNFake/(cBarrel)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Real Photons = "+ str(cNReal)+"|| Passing Efficiency = " + str(cNReal/(cBarrel)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "========================Incremental Counter Results==========================="+"\n")
        f.write( "-Efficiency within Barel-"+"\n")
        f.write( "***REAL CUTS***"+"\n")
        f.write( "HoverE = " + str(iHoverE/rejReal*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Neutral Hadron Iso = " +str (iNeuIso/rejReal*100)+ "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Pho Iso = "+ str(iPhoIso/rejReal*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Sieie = " +  str(iRealSieie/rejReal*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Charge Hadron Iso = " + str(iRealCHIso/rejReal*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho ET all = " + str (iRealPhoEtAll/rejReal*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho Electron Veto = " + str(iRealPhoEle/rejReal*100)+ "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "***FAKE CUTS***"+"\n")
        f.write( "HoverE = " + str(iHoverE/rejFake*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Neutral Hadron Iso = " +str (iNeuIso/rejFake*100)+ "%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Pho Iso = "+ str(iPhoIso/rejFake*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Sieie = " +  str(iFakeSieie/rejFake*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("Charge Hadron Iso = " + str(iFakeCHIso/rejFake*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho ET all = " + str (iFakePhoEtAll/rejFake*100) + "%"+"\n")
        f.write("Pho Pixel Veto = " + str(iFakePixelSeed/rejFake*100)+ "%"+"\n")
        f.write("R9 = " + str(iR9/rejFake*100)+ "%"+"\n")

        f.write( "===========Event Rejection=========="+"\n")
        f.write ( "HLT Eficiency=" + str(cHLT/nTested*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Rejection due to combined number of fake and Real = "+ str(cNFRPhotons/(nTested-cHLT)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write("HT<60GeV cut = " +str(cHT/(nTested-cNFRPhotons)*100)+"%" +"\n")
        f.write( "Muon Rejection = " + str(cMu/(nTested-cHLT-cNFRPhotons-cHT)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write( "Electron Rejection = " + str (cEle/(nTested-cHLT-cHT-cNFRPhotons)*100)+"%"+"\n")
        f.write('=================Jet Selection=============\n')
        f.write('events passing jet selection = ' + str(njetsSel/nTested*100)+"%/n")
        f.write('Total Jet candidates '+ str(cJets)+'\n')
        f.write("Passing Cuts = " + str(cJetID/cJets*100)+"% \n") 
Пример #32
 def __init__(self, *shape):
     if len(shape) == 1 and isinstance(shape[0], tuple):
         shape = shape[0]
     x = as_strided(_nx.zeros(1), shape=shape, strides=_nx.zeros_like(shape))
     self._it = _nx.nditer(x, flags=['multi_index', 'zerosize_ok'],
Пример #33
def polyadd(a1, a2):
    Find the sum of two polynomials.

    .. note::
       This forms part of the old polynomial API. Since version 1.4, the
       new polynomial API defined in `numpy.polynomial` is preferred.
       A summary of the differences can be found in the
       :doc:`transition guide </reference/routines.polynomials>`.

    Returns the polynomial resulting from the sum of two input polynomials.
    Each input must be either a poly1d object or a 1D sequence of polynomial
    coefficients, from highest to lowest degree.

    a1, a2 : array_like or poly1d object
        Input polynomials.

    out : ndarray or poly1d object
        The sum of the inputs. If either input is a poly1d object, then the
        output is also a poly1d object. Otherwise, it is a 1D array of
        polynomial coefficients from highest to lowest degree.

    See Also
    poly1d : A one-dimensional polynomial class.
    poly, polyadd, polyder, polydiv, polyfit, polyint, polysub, polyval

    >>> np.polyadd([1, 2], [9, 5, 4])
    array([9, 6, 6])

    Using poly1d objects:

    >>> p1 = np.poly1d([1, 2])
    >>> p2 = np.poly1d([9, 5, 4])
    >>> print(p1)
    1 x + 2
    >>> print(p2)
    9 x + 5 x + 4
    >>> print(np.polyadd(p1, p2))
    9 x + 6 x + 6

    truepoly = (isinstance(a1, poly1d) or isinstance(a2, poly1d))
    a1 = atleast_1d(a1)
    a2 = atleast_1d(a2)
    diff = len(a2) - len(a1)
    if diff == 0:
        val = a1 + a2
    elif diff > 0:
        zr = NX.zeros(diff, a1.dtype)
        val = NX.concatenate((zr, a1)) + a2
        zr = NX.zeros(abs(diff), a2.dtype)
        val = a1 + NX.concatenate((zr, a2))
    if truepoly:
        val = poly1d(val)
    return val
Пример #34
def roots(p):
    Return the roots of a polynomial with coefficients given in p.

    The values in the rank-1 array `p` are coefficients of a polynomial.
    If the length of `p` is n+1 then the polynomial is described by::

      p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]

    p : array_like
        Rank-1 array of polynomial coefficients.

    out : ndarray
        An array containing the roots of the polynomial.

        When `p` cannot be converted to a rank-1 array.

    See also
    poly : Find the coefficients of a polynomial with a given sequence
           of roots.
    polyval : Compute polynomial values.
    polyfit : Least squares polynomial fit.
    poly1d : A one-dimensional polynomial class.

    The algorithm relies on computing the eigenvalues of the
    companion matrix [1]_.

    .. [1] R. A. Horn & C. R. Johnson, *Matrix Analysis*.  Cambridge, UK:
        Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 146-7.

    >>> coeff = [3.2, 2, 1]
    >>> np.roots(coeff)
    array([-0.3125+0.46351241j, -0.3125-0.46351241j])

    # If input is scalar, this makes it an array
    p = atleast_1d(p)
    if p.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("Input must be a rank-1 array.")

    # find non-zero array entries
    non_zero = NX.nonzero(NX.ravel(p))[0]

    # Return an empty array if polynomial is all zeros
    if len(non_zero) == 0:
        return NX.array([])

    # find the number of trailing zeros -- this is the number of roots at 0.
    trailing_zeros = len(p) - non_zero[-1] - 1

    # strip leading and trailing zeros
    p = p[int(non_zero[0]):int(non_zero[-1])+1]

    # casting: if incoming array isn't floating point, make it floating point.
    if not issubclass(p.dtype.type, (NX.floating, NX.complexfloating)):
        p = p.astype(float)

    N = len(p)
    if N > 1:
        # build companion matrix and find its eigenvalues (the roots)
        A = diag(NX.ones((N-2,), p.dtype), -1)
        A[0,:] = -p[1:] / p[0]
        roots = eigvals(A)
        roots = NX.array([])

    # tack any zeros onto the back of the array
    roots = hstack((roots, NX.zeros(trailing_zeros, roots.dtype)))
    return roots
Пример #35
len_strategy = 5

print "Nr Agents: ",nr_agent," nr bit strategy",len_strategy," for ",max_steps_sim," time steps"

lista_divisori = []
for i in range(2,nr_agent):
    if nr_agent%i==0:

payoff_list = [-1.0, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]
div = 0

res_matrix = zeros((len(lista_divisori),len(payoff_list)),float)
res_matrix_b = zeros((len(lista_divisori),len(payoff_list)),float)

while div < len(lista_divisori):
    group_size = lista_divisori[div]
    pay_ind = 0
    while pay_ind < len(payoff_list):
	payoff = payoff_list[pay_ind]

	result = 0.0
	res_b = 0.0
	result,res_b = simulation.perform_sim(nr_agent, group_size, payoff,nr_simulation,len_strategy,max_steps_sim)
	print "Nr agents ",nr_agent," group size ",group_size," payoff ",payoff," RESULT: ",result," breaking ",res_b
	res_matrix[div][pay_ind] = result
	res_matrix_b[div][pay_ind] = res_b
Пример #36
def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs):
    Apply a function to 1-D slices along the given axis.

    Execute `func1d(a, *args)` where `func1d` operates on 1-D arrays and `a`
    is a 1-D slice of `arr` along `axis`.

    func1d : function
        This function should accept 1-D arrays. It is applied to 1-D
        slices of `arr` along the specified axis.
    axis : integer
        Axis along which `arr` is sliced.
    arr : ndarray
        Input array.
    args : any
        Additional arguments to `func1d`.
    kwargs : any
        Additional named arguments to `func1d`.

        .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    apply_along_axis : ndarray
        The output array. The shape of `outarr` is identical to the shape of
        `arr`, except along the `axis` dimension. This axis is removed, and
        replaced with new dimensions equal to the shape of the return value
        of `func1d`. So if `func1d` returns a scalar `outarr` will have one
        fewer dimensions than `arr`.

    See Also
    apply_over_axes : Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes.

    >>> def my_func(a):
    ...     \"\"\"Average first and last element of a 1-D array\"\"\"
    ...     return (a[0] + a[-1]) * 0.5
    >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 0, b)
    array([ 4.,  5.,  6.])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 1, b)
    array([ 2.,  5.,  8.])

    For a function that returns a 1D array, the number of dimensions in
    `outarr` is the same as `arr`.

    >>> b = np.array([[8,1,7], [4,3,9], [5,2,6]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(sorted, 1, b)
    array([[1, 7, 8],
           [3, 4, 9],
           [2, 5, 6]])

    For a function that returns a higher dimensional array, those dimensions
    are inserted in place of the `axis` dimension.

    >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(np.diag, -1, b)
    array([[[1, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 3]],

           [[4, 0, 0],
            [0, 5, 0],
            [0, 0, 6]],

           [[7, 0, 0],
            [0, 8, 0],
            [0, 0, 9]]])
    # handle negative axes
    arr = asanyarray(arr)
    nd = arr.ndim
    if not (-nd <= axis < nd):
        raise IndexError('axis {0} out of bounds [-{1}, {1})'.format(axis, nd))
    if axis < 0:
        axis += nd

    # arr, with the iteration axis at the end
    in_dims = list(range(nd))
    inarr_view = transpose(arr, in_dims[:axis] + in_dims[axis+1:] + [axis])

    # compute indices for the iteration axes
    inds = ndindex(inarr_view.shape[:-1])

    # invoke the function on the first item
    ind0 = next(inds)
    res = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind0], *args, **kwargs))

    # build a buffer for storing evaluations of func1d.
    # remove the requested axis, and add the new ones on the end.
    # laid out so that each write is contiguous.
    # for a tuple index inds, buff[inds] = func1d(inarr_view[inds])
    buff = zeros(inarr_view.shape[:-1] + res.shape, res.dtype)

    # permutation of axes such that out = buff.transpose(buff_permute)
    buff_dims = list(range(buff.ndim))
    buff_permute = (
        buff_dims[0 : axis] +
        buff_dims[buff.ndim-res.ndim : buff.ndim] +
        buff_dims[axis : buff.ndim-res.ndim]

    # matrices have a nasty __array_prepare__ and __array_wrap__
    if not isinstance(res, matrix):
        buff = res.__array_prepare__(buff)

    # save the first result, then compute and save all remaining results
    buff[ind0] = res
    for ind in inds:
        buff[ind] = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind], *args, **kwargs))

    if not isinstance(res, matrix):
        # wrap the array, to preserve subclasses
        buff = res.__array_wrap__(buff)

        # finally, rotate the inserted axes back to where they belong
        return transpose(buff, buff_permute)

        # matrices have to be transposed first, because they collapse dimensions!
        out_arr = transpose(buff, buff_permute)
        return res.__array_wrap__(out_arr)
def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args, **kwargs):
    Apply a function to 1-D slices along the given axis.

    Execute `func1d(a, *args)` where `func1d` operates on 1-D arrays and `a`
    is a 1-D slice of `arr` along `axis`.

    This is equivalent to (but faster than) the following use of `ndindex` and
    `s_`, which sets each of ``ii``, ``jj``, and ``kk`` to a tuple of indices::

        Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:]
        for ii in ndindex(Ni):
            for kk in ndindex(Nk):
                f = func1d(arr[ii + s_[:,] + kk])
                Nj = f.shape
                for jj in ndindex(Nj):
                    out[ii + jj + kk] = f[jj]

    Equivalently, eliminating the inner loop, this can be expressed as::

        Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:]
        for ii in ndindex(Ni):
            for kk in ndindex(Nk):
                out[ii + s_[...,] + kk] = func1d(arr[ii + s_[:,] + kk])

    func1d : function (M,) -> (Nj...)
        This function should accept 1-D arrays. It is applied to 1-D
        slices of `arr` along the specified axis.
    axis : integer
        Axis along which `arr` is sliced.
    arr : ndarray (Ni..., M, Nk...)
        Input array.
    args : any
        Additional arguments to `func1d`.
    kwargs : any
        Additional named arguments to `func1d`.

        .. versionadded:: 1.9.0

    out : ndarray  (Ni..., Nj..., Nk...)
        The output array. The shape of `out` is identical to the shape of
        `arr`, except along the `axis` dimension. This axis is removed, and
        replaced with new dimensions equal to the shape of the return value
        of `func1d`. So if `func1d` returns a scalar `out` will have one
        fewer dimensions than `arr`.

    See Also
    apply_over_axes : Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes.

    >>> def my_func(a):
    ...     \"\"\"Average first and last element of a 1-D array\"\"\"
    ...     return (a[0] + a[-1]) * 0.5
    >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 0, b)
    array([ 4.,  5.,  6.])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 1, b)
    array([ 2.,  5.,  8.])

    For a function that returns a 1D array, the number of dimensions in
    `outarr` is the same as `arr`.

    >>> b = np.array([[8,1,7], [4,3,9], [5,2,6]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(sorted, 1, b)
    array([[1, 7, 8],
           [3, 4, 9],
           [2, 5, 6]])

    For a function that returns a higher dimensional array, those dimensions
    are inserted in place of the `axis` dimension.

    >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(np.diag, -1, b)
    array([[[1, 0, 0],
            [0, 2, 0],
            [0, 0, 3]],
           [[4, 0, 0],
            [0, 5, 0],
            [0, 0, 6]],
           [[7, 0, 0],
            [0, 8, 0],
            [0, 0, 9]]])
    # handle negative axes
    arr = asanyarray(arr)
    nd = arr.ndim
    axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, nd)

    # arr, with the iteration axis at the end
    in_dims = list(range(nd))
    inarr_view = transpose(arr, in_dims[:axis] + in_dims[axis + 1:] + [axis])

    # compute indices for the iteration axes, and append a trailing ellipsis to
    # prevent 0d arrays decaying to scalars, which fixes gh-8642
    inds = ndindex(inarr_view.shape[:-1])
    inds = (ind + (Ellipsis, ) for ind in inds)

    # invoke the function on the first item
        ind0 = next(inds)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot apply_along_axis when any iteration dimensions are 0')
    res = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind0], *args, **kwargs))

    # build a buffer for storing evaluations of func1d.
    # remove the requested axis, and add the new ones on the end.
    # laid out so that each write is contiguous.
    # for a tuple index inds, buff[inds] = func1d(inarr_view[inds])
    buff = zeros(inarr_view.shape[:-1] + res.shape, res.dtype)

    # permutation of axes such that out = buff.transpose(buff_permute)
    buff_dims = list(range(buff.ndim))
    buff_permute = (buff_dims[0:axis] +
                    buff_dims[buff.ndim - res.ndim:buff.ndim] +
                    buff_dims[axis:buff.ndim - res.ndim])

    # matrices have a nasty __array_prepare__ and __array_wrap__
    if not isinstance(res, matrix):
        buff = res.__array_prepare__(buff)

    # save the first result, then compute and save all remaining results
    buff[ind0] = res
    for ind in inds:
        buff[ind] = asanyarray(func1d(inarr_view[ind], *args, **kwargs))

    if not isinstance(res, matrix):
        # wrap the array, to preserve subclasses
        buff = res.__array_wrap__(buff)

        # finally, rotate the inserted axes back to where they belong
        return transpose(buff, buff_permute)

        # matrices have to be transposed first, because they collapse dimensions!
        out_arr = transpose(buff, buff_permute)
        return res.__array_wrap__(out_arr)
Пример #38
def histogramdd(sample, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None):
    """histogramdd(sample, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None)

    Return the N-dimensional histogram of the sample.


        sample : sequence or array
            A sequence containing N arrays or an NxM array. Input data.

        bins : sequence or scalar
            A sequence of edge arrays, a sequence of bin counts, or a scalar
            which is the bin count for all dimensions. Default is 10.

        range : sequence
            A sequence of lower and upper bin edges. Default is [min, max].

        normed : boolean
            If False, return the number of samples in each bin, if True,
            returns the density.

        weights : array
            Array of weights.  The weights are normed only if normed is True.
            Should the sum of the weights not equal N, the total bin count will
            not be equal to the number of samples.


        hist : array
            Histogram array.

        edges : list
            List of arrays defining the lower bin edges.




        >>> x = random.randn(100,3)
        >>> hist3d, edges = histogramdd(x, bins = (5, 6, 7))


        # Sample is an ND-array.
        N, D = sample.shape
    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
        # Sample is a sequence of 1D arrays.
        sample = atleast_2d(sample).T
        N, D = sample.shape

    nbin = empty(D, int)
    edges = D*[None]
    dedges = D*[None]
    if weights is not None:
        weights = asarray(weights)

        M = len(bins)
        if M != D:
            raise AttributeError, 'The dimension of bins must be a equal to the dimension of the sample x.'
    except TypeError:
        bins = D*[bins]

    # Select range for each dimension
    # Used only if number of bins is given.
    if range is None:
        smin = atleast_1d(array(sample.min(0), float))
        smax = atleast_1d(array(sample.max(0), float))
        smin = zeros(D)
        smax = zeros(D)
        for i in arange(D):
            smin[i], smax[i] = range[i]

    # Make sure the bins have a finite width.
    for i in arange(len(smin)):
        if smin[i] == smax[i]:
            smin[i] = smin[i] - .5
            smax[i] = smax[i] + .5

    # Create edge arrays
    for i in arange(D):
        if isscalar(bins[i]):
            nbin[i] = bins[i] + 2 # +2 for outlier bins
            edges[i] = linspace(smin[i], smax[i], nbin[i]-1)
            edges[i] = asarray(bins[i], float)
            nbin[i] = len(edges[i])+1  # +1 for outlier bins
        dedges[i] = diff(edges[i])

    nbin =  asarray(nbin)

    # Compute the bin number each sample falls into.
    Ncount = {}
    for i in arange(D):
        Ncount[i] = digitize(sample[:,i], edges[i])

    # Using digitize, values that fall on an edge are put in the right bin.
    # For the rightmost bin, we want values equal to the right
    # edge to be counted in the last bin, and not as an outlier.
    outliers = zeros(N, int)
    for i in arange(D):
        # Rounding precision
        decimal = int(-log10(dedges[i].min())) +6
        # Find which points are on the rightmost edge.
        on_edge = where(around(sample[:,i], decimal) == around(edges[i][-1], decimal))[0]
        # Shift these points one bin to the left.
        Ncount[i][on_edge] -= 1

    # Flattened histogram matrix (1D)
    hist = zeros(nbin.prod(), float)

    # Compute the sample indices in the flattened histogram matrix.
    ni = nbin.argsort()
    shape = []
    xy = zeros(N, int)
    for i in arange(0, D-1):
        xy += Ncount[ni[i]] * nbin[ni[i+1:]].prod()
    xy += Ncount[ni[-1]]

    # Compute the number of repetitions in xy and assign it to the flattened histmat.
    if len(xy) == 0:
        return zeros(nbin-2, int), edges

    flatcount = bincount(xy, weights)
    a = arange(len(flatcount))
    hist[a] = flatcount

    # Shape into a proper matrix
    hist = hist.reshape(sort(nbin))
    for i in arange(nbin.size):
        j = ni[i]
        hist = hist.swapaxes(i,j)
        ni[i],ni[j] = ni[j],ni[i]

    # Remove outliers (indices 0 and -1 for each dimension).
    core = D*[slice(1,-1)]
    hist = hist[core]

    # Normalize if normed is True
    if normed:
        s = hist.sum()
        for i in arange(D):
            shape = ones(D, int)
            shape[i] = nbin[i]-2
            hist = hist / dedges[i].reshape(shape)
        hist /= s

    return hist, edges
Пример #39
def polydiv(u, v):
    Returns the quotient and remainder of polynomial division.

    The input arrays are the coefficients (including any coefficients
    equal to zero) of the "numerator" (dividend) and "denominator"
    (divisor) polynomials, respectively.

    u : array_like or poly1d
        Dividend polynomial's coefficients.

    v : array_like or poly1d
        Divisor polynomial's coefficients.

    q : ndarray
        Coefficients, including those equal to zero, of the quotient.
    r : ndarray
        Coefficients, including those equal to zero, of the remainder.

    See Also
    poly, polyadd, polyder, polydiv, polyfit, polyint, polymul, polysub,

    Both `u` and `v` must be 0-d or 1-d (ndim = 0 or 1), but `u.ndim` need
    not equal `v.ndim`. In other words, all four possible combinations -
    ``u.ndim = v.ndim = 0``, ``u.ndim = v.ndim = 1``,
    ``u.ndim = 1, v.ndim = 0``, and ``u.ndim = 0, v.ndim = 1`` - work.

    .. math:: \\frac{3x^2 + 5x + 2}{2x + 1} = 1.5x + 1.75, remainder 0.25

    >>> x = np.array([3.0, 5.0, 2.0])
    >>> y = np.array([2.0, 1.0])
    >>> np.polydiv(x, y)
    (array([ 1.5 ,  1.75]), array([ 0.25]))

    truepoly = (isinstance(u, poly1d) or isinstance(u, poly1d))
    u = atleast_1d(u) + 0.0
    v = atleast_1d(v) + 0.0
    # w has the common type
    w = u[0] + v[0]
    m = len(u) - 1
    n = len(v) - 1
    scale = 1. / v[0]
    q = NX.zeros((max(m - n + 1, 1),), w.dtype)
    r = u.astype(w.dtype)
    for k in range(0, m-n+1):
        d = scale * r[k]
        q[k] = d
        r[k:k+n+1] -= d*v
    while NX.allclose(r[0], 0, rtol=1e-14) and (r.shape[-1] > 1):
        r = r[1:]
    if truepoly:
        return poly1d(q), poly1d(r)
    return q, r
Пример #40
def gradient(f, *varargs):
    """Calculate the gradient of an N-dimensional scalar function.

    Uses central differences on the interior and first differences on boundaries
    to give the same shape.


      f -- An N-dimensional array giving samples of a scalar function

      varargs -- 0, 1, or N scalars giving the sample distances in each direction


      N arrays of the same shape as f giving the derivative of f with respect
      to each dimension.

    N = len(f.shape)  # number of dimensions
    n = len(varargs)
    if n == 0:
        dx = [1.0]*N
    elif n == 1:
        dx = [varargs[0]]*N
    elif n == N:
        dx = list(varargs)
        raise SyntaxError, "invalid number of arguments"

    # use central differences on interior and first differences on endpoints

    outvals = []

    # create slice objects --- initially all are [:, :, ..., :]
    slice1 = [slice(None)]*N
    slice2 = [slice(None)]*N
    slice3 = [slice(None)]*N

    otype = f.dtype.char
    if otype not in ['f', 'd', 'F', 'D']:
        otype = 'd'

    for axis in range(N):
        # select out appropriate parts for this dimension
        out = zeros(f.shape, f.dtype.char)
        slice1[axis] = slice(1, -1)
        slice2[axis] = slice(2, None)
        slice3[axis] = slice(None, -2)
        # 1D equivalent -- out[1:-1] = (f[2:] - f[:-2])/2.0
        out[slice1] = (f[slice2] - f[slice3])/2.0
        slice1[axis] = 0
        slice2[axis] = 1
        slice3[axis] = 0
        # 1D equivalent -- out[0] = (f[1] - f[0])
        out[slice1] = (f[slice2] - f[slice3])
        slice1[axis] = -1
        slice2[axis] = -1
        slice3[axis] = -2
        # 1D equivalent -- out[-1] = (f[-1] - f[-2])
        out[slice1] = (f[slice2] - f[slice3])

        # divide by step size
        outvals.append(out / dx[axis])

        # reset the slice object in this dimension to ":"
        slice1[axis] = slice(None)
        slice2[axis] = slice(None)
        slice3[axis] = slice(None)

    if N == 1:
        return outvals[0]
        return outvals
Пример #41
def diag(v, k=0):
    Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.

    v : array_like
        If `v` is a 2-D array, return a copy of its `k`-th diagonal.
        If `v` is a 1-D array, return a 2-D array with `v` on the `k`-th
    k : int, optional
        Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use `k>0` for diagonals
        above the main diagonal, and `k<0` for diagonals below the main

    out : ndarray
        The extracted diagonal or constructed diagonal array.

    See Also
    diagonal : Return specified diagonals.
    diagflat : Create a 2-D array with the flattened input as a diagonal.
    trace : Sum along diagonals.
    triu : Upper triangle of an array.
    tril : Lower triange of an array.

    >>> x = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
    >>> x
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [3, 4, 5],
           [6, 7, 8]])

    >>> np.diag(x)
    array([0, 4, 8])
    >>> np.diag(x, k=1)
    array([1, 5])
    >>> np.diag(x, k=-1)
    array([3, 7])

    >>> np.diag(np.diag(x))
    array([[0, 0, 0],
           [0, 4, 0],
           [0, 0, 8]])

    v = asarray(v)
    s = v.shape
    if len(s) == 1:
        n = s[0]+abs(k)
        res = zeros((n,n), v.dtype)
        if k >= 0:
            i = k
            i = (-k) * n
        res[:n-k].flat[i::n+1] = v
        return res
    elif len(s) == 2:
        if k >= s[1]:
            return empty(0, dtype=v.dtype)
        if v.flags.f_contiguous:
            # faster slicing
            v, k, s = v.T, -k, s[::-1]
        if k >= 0:
            i = k
            i = (-k) * s[1]
        return v[:s[1]-k].flat[i::s[1]+1]
        raise ValueError("Input must be 1- or 2-d.")
Пример #42
def polyint(p, m=1, k=None):
    Return an antiderivative (indefinite integral) of a polynomial.

    The returned order `m` antiderivative `P` of polynomial `p` satisfies
    :math:`\\frac{d^m}{dx^m}P(x) = p(x)` and is defined up to `m - 1`
    integration constants `k`. The constants determine the low-order
    polynomial part

    .. math:: \\frac{k_{m-1}}{0!} x^0 + \\ldots + \\frac{k_0}{(m-1)!}x^{m-1}

    of `P` so that :math:`P^{(j)}(0) = k_{m-j-1}`.

    p : array_like or poly1d
        Polynomial to differentiate.
        A sequence is interpreted as polynomial coefficients, see `poly1d`.
    m : int, optional
        Order of the antiderivative. (Default: 1)
    k : list of `m` scalars or scalar, optional
        Integration constants. They are given in the order of integration:
        those corresponding to highest-order terms come first.

        If ``None`` (default), all constants are assumed to be zero.
        If `m = 1`, a single scalar can be given instead of a list.

    See Also
    polyder : derivative of a polynomial
    poly1d.integ : equivalent method

    The defining property of the antiderivative:

    >>> p = np.poly1d([1,1,1])
    >>> P = np.polyint(p)
    >>> P
    poly1d([ 0.33333333,  0.5       ,  1.        ,  0.        ])
    >>> np.polyder(P) == p

    The integration constants default to zero, but can be specified:

    >>> P = np.polyint(p, 3)
    >>> P(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P)(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P, 2)(0)
    >>> P = np.polyint(p, 3, k=[6,5,3])
    >>> P
    poly1d([ 0.01666667,  0.04166667,  0.16666667,  3. ,  5. ,  3. ])

    Note that 3 = 6 / 2!, and that the constants are given in the order of
    integrations. Constant of the highest-order polynomial term comes first:

    >>> np.polyder(P, 2)(0)
    >>> np.polyder(P, 1)(0)
    >>> P(0)

    m = int(m)
    if m < 0:
        raise ValueError("Order of integral must be positive (see polyder)")
    if k is None:
        k = NX.zeros(m, float)
    k = atleast_1d(k)
    if len(k) == 1 and m > 1:
        k = k[0]*NX.ones(m, float)
    if len(k) < m:
        raise ValueError(
              "k must be a scalar or a rank-1 array of length 1 or >m.")

    truepoly = isinstance(p, poly1d)
    p = NX.asarray(p)
    if m == 0:
        if truepoly:
            return poly1d(p)
        return p
        # Note: this must work also with object and integer arrays
        y = NX.concatenate((p.__truediv__(NX.arange(len(p), 0, -1)), [k[0]]))
        val = polyint(y, m - 1, k=k[1:])
        if truepoly:
            return poly1d(val)
        return val
Пример #43
    def Solve(self):
        This method builds System Matrix and gets Solution
        if self.SimulationContext.Id != self.NetworkMesh.Id:
            raise self.SimulationContext.XMLIdError()
            self.TimeStep = self.SimulationContext.Context['timestep']
            self.SquareTimeStep = self.TimeStep*self.TimeStep
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set timestep in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Period = self.SimulationContext.Context['period']
            self.TimeStepFreq = int(self.Period/self.TimeStep)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set period in Simulation Context XML File"
            self.Cycles = self.SimulationContext.Context['cycles']
            self.NumberOfIncrements = (self.Cycles*self.TimeStepFreq)
        except KeyError:
            print "Error, Please set cycles number in Simulation Context XML File"

        history = []
        assembler = Assembler()
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':None,'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

        self.PrescribedPressures = assembler.AssembleBoundaryConditions(self.SimulationContext)

        self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix = \
        assembler.AssembleInit(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator)

        self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
        self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

        NumberOfGlobalDofs = assembler.GetNumberOfGlobalDofs()          # number of dofs
        self.UnknownPressures = arange(0,NumberOfGlobalDofs).reshape(NumberOfGlobalDofs,1)          # unknown pressures
        self.UnknownPressures = delete(self.UnknownPressures, s_[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]], axis=0)
        PressuresMatrix = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs, self.NumberOfIncrements))
        self.p = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.pt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ptt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddp = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.ddpt = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfe = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.dfet = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.fit = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        self.sumv = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        sumvbk = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
        nonLinear = False
        for el in self.NetworkMesh.Elements:
            if el.IsNonLinear() == True:
                nonLinear = True

        while self.IncrementNumber<=self.NumberOfIncrements:
            icc = (self.IncrementNumber%self.TimeStepFreq)
            if icc == 0:
                icc = self.TimeStepFreq

            #for flow in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
            for el in self.BoundaryConditions.elementFlow:
              if self.steady == True:
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetSteadyFlow(el, self.TimeStep,icc*self.TimeStep)
                  self.Flow = assembler.BoundaryConditions.GetTimeFlow(el, icc*self.TimeStep)
              self.fe[assembler.FlowDof[el.Id]]= self.Flow

            CoeffRelax = 0.9
            nltol = self.nltol
            self.pi = None
            pI = None
            sumvbk[:,:] = self.sumv[:,:]
            counter = 0
            while True:
                #Build the algebric equation system for the increment
                SystemMatrix = (2.0/self.TimeStep)*self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix + self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix + (self.TimeStep/2.0)*self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix    #system matrix
                RightVector = self.fe + (2.0/self.TimeStep)*dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.pt)) + dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dpt)) - dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))-(self.TimeStep/2.0)*dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.pt)) # right hand side vector
                #The reduced (partioned) system of equations is generated.
                RightVector[:,:] = RightVector[:,:] - dot(SystemMatrix[:,self.PrescribedPressures[:,0]],self.PrescribedPressures[:,1:])
                SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[:,s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]]]
                if SystemMatrix.shape[0]> 0.0:
                    SystemMatrix = SystemMatrix[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                RightVector = RightVector[s_[self.UnknownPressures[:,0]],:]
                #Unknown nodal point values are solved from this system.
                #  Prescribed nodal values are inserted in the solution vector.
                Solution = solve(SystemMatrix,RightVector) # solutions, unknown pressures
                self.p[self.UnknownPressures,0] = Solution[:,:]
                self.p[self.PrescribedPressures[:,0],0] = self.PrescribedPressures[:,1]
                #Calculating derivatives.
                #Calculating internal nodal flow values.
                self.dp = dot((2.0/self.TimeStep),(self.p-self.pt)) - self.dpt
                self.ddp = dot((4.0/self.SquareTimeStep),(self.p-self.pt)) - dot((4.0/self.TimeStep),self.dpt) -self.ddpt
                self.sumv = sumvbk + dot((self.TimeStep/2.0),(self.pt+self.p))
                self.fi = dot(self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.dp)) + dot(self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.p)) + dot(self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix,(self.sumv))
                if not nonLinear :

                if self.pi is None:
                    self.pi = zeros((NumberOfGlobalDofs,1))
                    self.pi[:,:] = self.pt[:,:]
                pI = CoeffRelax * self.p + self.pi * (1.0-CoeffRelax)
                self.p[:,:] = pI[:,:]
                den = norm(self.pi,Inf)
                if den < 1e-12:
                    den = 1.0
                nlerr = norm(self.p-self.pi,Inf) / den

                info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history}

                assembler.Assemble(self.SimulationContext, self.Evaluator, self.LinearZeroOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearFirstOrderGlobalMatrix, self.LinearSecondOrderGlobalMatrix)
                self.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.ZeroOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.FirstOrderGlobalMatrix
                self.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix = assembler.SecondOrderGlobalMatrix

                #Dynamic nonlinear relaxing coefficient
                if counter == 100:
                    print "relaxing..."
                    print nlerr, nltol, CoeffRelax
                    counter = 0
                    self.pi[:,:] = None
                    self.sumv[:,:] = sumvbk[:,:]
                    CoeffRelax *= 0.6
                    nltol *= 0.95
                if nlerr < nltol:
                    nltol = self.nltol
                    counter = 0
                self.pi[:,:] = self.p[:,:]

            self.ptt[:,:] = self.pt[:,:]
            self.pt[:,:] = self.p[:,:]
            self.dpt[:,:] = self.dp[:,:]
            self.ddpt[:,:] = self.ddp[:,:]
            self.fet[:,:] = self.fe[:,:]
            self.fit[:,:] = self.fi[:,:]
            PressuresMatrix[:,(self.IncrementNumber-1)] = self.p[:,0]
            history = history[:3]

            if self.steady == True:
                self.MinimumIncrementNumber = 0.01* self.NumberOfIncrements
                if norm(self.fi-self.fe,Inf)<self.convergence and self.IncrementNumber > self.MinimumIncrementNumber:
                    self.IncrementNumber = self.NumberOfIncrements

            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.05*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->5%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.25*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->25%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.5*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->50%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.70*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->70%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.90*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->90%"
            if self.IncrementNumber==ceil(0.99*self.NumberOfIncrements):
                print "->99%"

            self.IncrementNumber = self.IncrementNumber+1
            self.EndIncrementTime = self.EndIncrementTime + self.TimeStep    # increment
        info = {'dofmap':assembler.DofMap,'solution':[self.p, self.pt, self.ptt],'incrementNumber':self.IncrementNumber,'history':history,'allSolution':PressuresMatrix}
        self.Solutions = PressuresMatrix
        return PressuresMatrix
Пример #44
 def mapNeighborhood(self, ngbhdAllowed):
     ngbhd = zeros(len(ngbhdAllowed), int)
     for i in arange(len(ngbhdAllowed)):
         ngbhd[i] = self.mapAllowedToAll(ngbhdAllowed[i], self.lbdAllowed)
     return ngbhd
Пример #45
def diag(v, k=0):
    Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.

    See the more detailed documentation for ``numpy.diagonal`` if you use this
    function to extract a diagonal and wish to write to the resulting array;
    whether it returns a copy or a view depends on what version of numpy you
    are using.

    v : array_like
        If `v` is a 2-D array, return a copy of its `k`-th diagonal.
        If `v` is a 1-D array, return a 2-D array with `v` on the `k`-th
    k : int, optional
        Diagonal in question. The default is 0. Use `k>0` for diagonals
        above the main diagonal, and `k<0` for diagonals below the main

    out : ndarray
        The extracted diagonal or constructed diagonal array.

    See Also
    diagonal : Return specified diagonals.
    diagflat : Create a 2-D array with the flattened input as a diagonal.
    trace : Sum along diagonals.
    triu : Upper triangle of an array.
    tril : Lower triangle of an array.

    >>> x = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
    >>> x
    array([[0, 1, 2],
           [3, 4, 5],
           [6, 7, 8]])

    >>> np.diag(x)
    array([0, 4, 8])
    >>> np.diag(x, k=1)
    array([1, 5])
    >>> np.diag(x, k=-1)
    array([3, 7])

    >>> np.diag(np.diag(x))
    array([[0, 0, 0],
           [0, 4, 0],
           [0, 0, 8]])

    v = asanyarray(v)
    s = v.shape
    if len(s) == 1:
        n = s[0] + abs(k)
        res = zeros((n, n), v.dtype)
        if k >= 0:
            i = k
            i = (-k) * n
        res[:n - k].flat[i::n + 1] = v
        return res
    elif len(s) == 2:
        return diagonal(v, k)
        raise ValueError("Input must be 1- or 2-d.")
Пример #46
 def myEnhance(self, img):
     self.img = img
     self.statx = zeros(256)
     print len(self.statx)
Пример #47
def apply_along_axis(func1d, axis, arr, *args):
    Apply a function to 1-D slices along the given axis.

    Execute `func1d(a, *args)` where `func1d` operates on 1-D arrays and `a`
    is a 1-D slice of `arr` along `axis`.

    func1d : function
        This function should accept 1-D arrays. It is applied to 1-D
        slices of `arr` along the specified axis.
    axis : integer
        Axis along which `arr` is sliced.
    arr : ndarray
        Input array.
    args : any
        Additional arguments to `func1d`.

    apply_along_axis : ndarray
        The output array. The shape of `outarr` is identical to the shape of
        `arr`, except along the `axis` dimension, where the length of `outarr`
        is equal to the size of the return value of `func1d`.  If `func1d`
        returns a scalar `outarr` will have one fewer dimensions than `arr`.

    See Also
    apply_over_axes : Apply a function repeatedly over multiple axes.

    >>> def my_func(a):
    ...     \"\"\"Average first and last element of a 1-D array\"\"\"
    ...     return (a[0] + a[-1]) * 0.5
    >>> b = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 0, b)
    array([ 4.,  5.,  6.])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(my_func, 1, b)
    array([ 2.,  5.,  8.])

    For a function that doesn't return a scalar, the number of dimensions in
    `outarr` is the same as `arr`.

    >>> b = np.array([[8,1,7], [4,3,9], [5,2,6]])
    >>> np.apply_along_axis(sorted, 1, b)
    array([[1, 7, 8],
           [3, 4, 9],
           [2, 5, 6]])

    arr = asarray(arr)
    nd = arr.ndim
    if axis < 0:
        axis += nd
    if (axis >= nd):
        raise ValueError("axis must be less than arr.ndim; axis=%d, rank=%d." %
                         (axis, nd))
    ind = [0] * (nd - 1)
    i = zeros(nd, 'O')
    indlist = list(range(nd))
    i[axis] = slice(None, None)
    outshape = asarray(arr.shape).take(indlist)
    i.put(indlist, ind)
    res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())], *args)
    #  if res is a number, then we have a smaller output array
    if isscalar(res):
        outarr = zeros(outshape, asarray(res).dtype)
        outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
        Ntot = product(outshape)
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= outshape[n]) and (n > (1 - nd)):
                ind[n - 1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            i.put(indlist, ind)
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())], *args)
            outarr[tuple(ind)] = res
            k += 1
        return outarr
        Ntot = product(outshape)
        holdshape = outshape
        outshape = list(arr.shape)
        outshape[axis] = len(res)
        outarr = zeros(outshape, asarray(res).dtype)
        outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
        k = 1
        while k < Ntot:
            # increment the index
            ind[-1] += 1
            n = -1
            while (ind[n] >= holdshape[n]) and (n > (1 - nd)):
                ind[n - 1] += 1
                ind[n] = 0
                n -= 1
            i.put(indlist, ind)
            res = func1d(arr[tuple(i.tolist())], *args)
            outarr[tuple(i.tolist())] = res
            k += 1
        return outarr