Пример #1
    def __init__(self, attrs=None):
        old_attrs = attrs
        ## setup the environment for custom commands
        self.environment = attrs.get('environment')
        if self.environment != None:
            del old_attrs['environment']
            self.environment = dict()
        ## PYJS web extensions
        self.web_ext_modules = attrs.get('web_ext_modules')
        if self.web_ext_modules != None:
            del old_attrs['web_ext_modules']
        ## Sphinx documentation
        self.doc_modules = attrs.get('doc_modules')
        if self.doc_modules != None:
            del old_attrs['doc_modules']
        ## Py++ extensions
        self.pypp_ext_modules = attrs.get('pypp_ext_modules')
        if self.pypp_ext_modules != None:
            del old_attrs['pypp_ext_modules']
        ## Shared libraries
        self.sh_libraries = attrs.get('sh_libraries')
        if self.sh_libraries != None:
            del old_attrs['sh_libraries']
        ## ANTLR parser/lexers
        self.antlr_modules = attrs.get('antlr_modules')
        if self.antlr_modules != None:
            del old_attrs['antlr_modules']
        ## Native executables
        self.native_executables = attrs.get('native_executables')
        if self.native_executables != None:
            del old_attrs['native_executables']
        ## Data to install to 'share'
        self.data_dirs = attrs.get('data_dirs')
        if self.data_dirs != None:
            del old_attrs['data_dirs']
        ## Non-stock libraries to install to 'lib' or 'lib64'
        self.extra_install_libraries = attrs.get('extra_install_libraries')
        if self.extra_install_libraries != None:
            del old_attrs['extra_install_libraries']
        ## Non-stock python packages to co-install
        self.extra_install_modules = attrs.get('extra_install_modules')
        if self.extra_install_modules != None:
            del old_attrs['extra_install_modules']
        ## Boilerplate scripts to create
        self.create_scripts = attrs.get('create_scripts')
        if self.create_scripts != None:
            del old_attrs['create_scripts']
        ## SysDevel support modules
        self.devel_support = attrs.get('devel_support')
        if self.devel_support != None:
            del old_attrs['devel_support']
        ## Files to delete upon 'clean'
        self.generated_files = attrs.get('generated_files')
        if self.generated_files != None:
            del old_attrs['generated_files']
        ## Separate packages with their own setup.py
        self.subpackages = attrs.get('subpackages')
        if self.subpackages != None:
            del old_attrs['subpackages']
        ## Whether to quit if a subpackage build fails
        self.quit_on_error = attrs.get('quit_on_error')
        if self.quit_on_error != None:
            del old_attrs['quit_on_error']
            self.quit_on_error = True
        ## Enable parallel building
        self.parallel_build = attrs.get('parallel_build')
        if self.parallel_build != None:
            del old_attrs['parallel_build']
        ## Unit testing
        self.tests = attrs.get('tests')
        if self.tests != None:
            del old_attrs['tests']

        ## py2exe options
        self.ctypes_com_server = attrs.pop("ctypes_com_server", [])
        self.com_server = attrs.pop("com_server", [])
        self.service = attrs.pop("service", [])
        self.windows = attrs.pop("windows", [])
        self.console = attrs.pop("console", [])
        self.isapi = attrs.pop("isapi", [])
        self.zipfile = attrs.pop("zipfile", util.default_py2exe_library)

        oldDistribution.__init__(self, old_attrs)