Пример #1
def STRW(x, om, OM, up):
    M = len(x)
    N = len(x[0])
    # 2d convolution:
    y = np.ndarray(shape=(M, N), dtype='complex')
    h = get_wavelet(om, OM, up, M, N)
    # temporal convolution:
    for m in range(M):
        X = fft(x[m])
        H = fft(h[m])
        Z = X*H

        z = ifft(Z)
        y[m] = z

    # spectral convolution
    x = y.transpose()
    h = h.transpose()
    y = y.transpose()
    for n in range(N):
        X = fft(x[n])
        H = fft(h[n])
        Z = X*H
        z = ifft(Z)
        y[n] = z

    y = y.transpose()

    return y
Пример #2
  def test_whitenize_with_decorator_size_4_without_fft_window(self, strategy):
    @strategy(size=4, hop=4)
    def whitenize(blk):
      return cexp(phase(blk) * 1j)

    sig = Stream(0, 3, 4, 0) # fft([0, 3, 4, 0]) is [7, -4.-3.j, 1, -4.+3.j]
                             # fft([4, 0, 0, 3]) is [7,  4.+3.j, 1,  4.-3.j]
    data4003 = ifft([1,  (4+3j)/5, 1,  (4-3j)/5]) # From block [4, 0, 0, 3]
    data0340 = ifft([1, (-4-3j)/5, 1, (-4+3j)/5]) # From block [0, 3, 4, 0]

    result = whitenize(sig) # No overlap-add window (default behavior)
    assert isinstance(result, Stream)

    expected = Stream(*data0340)
    assert almost_eq(result.take(64), expected.take(64))

    # Using a "triangle" as the overlap-add window
    wnd = [0.5, 1, 1, 0.5] # Normalized triangle
    new_result = whitenize(sig, ola_wnd=[1, 2, 2, 1])
    assert isinstance(result, Stream)
    new_expected = Stream(*data0340) * Stream(*wnd)
    assert almost_eq(new_result.take(64), new_expected.take(64))

    # With real overlap
    wnd_hop2 = [1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 1/3] # Normalized triangle for the new hop
    overlap_result = whitenize(sig, hop=2, ola_wnd=[1, 2, 2, 1])
    assert isinstance(result, Stream)
    overlap_expected = Stream(*data0340) * Stream(*wnd_hop2) \
                     + chain([0, 0], Stream(*data4003) * Stream(*wnd_hop2))
    assert almost_eq(overlap_result.take(64), overlap_expected.take(64))
Пример #3
    def f(A_t, A_w, dz=delta_z):
        f.w_exp = exp(-1j * delta_z/2 * w_op)
        if f.delta_z != dz:
            f.delta_z = dz
        ## Dispersion (I pass)
        f.A_w = A_w * f.w_exp
        f.A_t = ifft(f.A_w) / dt        
        ## Constant potential term
        f.A_t = f.A_t * f.t_exp

        ## Nonlinear operator as intensity dependency
        if nlin != 0:
            f.A_t *= exp(-1j * delta_z * nlin * absolute(f.A_t)**2)
        ## Additional nonlinear terms as a function t_nl_op(A(t),dt,z)
        if t_nl_op != None:
            f.A_t *= exp(-1j * delta_z * t_nl_op(f.A_t, dt, z0+delta_z/2) )

        ## Apodization
        if apod:
            f.A_t *= apod_array

        f.A_w = fft(f.A_t) * dt
        ## Dispersion (II pass)
        f.A_w *= f.w_exp
        f.A_t = ifft(f.A_w) / dt
        return f.A_t[:], f.A_w[:]
Пример #4
def DiffusiveFilter(sc,T,rho,c,L,dt=0.001,BW=0.7):
    # from numpy import linspace,zeros,vstack,array,dot,conj,pi
    # from scipy.signal import gausspulse
    # from numpy.fft import rfft,ifft


    Y[:,0] = Y[:,1]
    return t,vstack((x,y)),s,vstack((X,Y)),RT
def fwgn_model(fm,fs,N):
    N = int(N)
    Nfft = 2**max(3,nextpow2(2*fm/fs*N))
    Nifft = math.ceil(Nfft*fs/(2*fm))

    doppler_coeff = np.sqrt(doppler_filter(fm,Nfft))

    CGI, CGQ = fft(randn(Nfft)), fft(randn(Nfft))
    f_CGI = CGI * doppler_coeff
    f_CGQ = CGQ * doppler_coeff

    del CGI, CGQ, doppler_coeff

    tzeros = np.zeros(abs(Nifft-Nfft))
    filtered_CGI = np.hstack((f_CGI[:Nfft//2], tzeros, f_CGI[Nfft//2:]))
    filtered_CGQ = np.hstack((f_CGQ[:Nfft//2], tzeros, f_CGQ[Nfft//2:]))

    del tzeros, f_CGI, f_CGQ

    hI, hQ = ifft(filtered_CGI), ifft(filtered_CGQ)

    del filtered_CGI, filtered_CGQ

    rayEnvelope = np.abs(np.abs(hI) + 1j * hQ)
    rayRMS = math.sqrt(np.mean(rayEnvelope[:N]**2))

    # h_{I}(t) - jh_{Q}(t)
    # Here we have the phase shift of pi/2 when multiplying the imaginary
    # portion by -1j
    h = (np.real(hI[:N]) - 1j * np.real(hQ[:N]))/rayRMS

    return h
Пример #6
    def InvPotentialVorticity(self,field, length=None):

        if length is None:
            length = 2*pi;

        N = shape(field)[0];

        k = array(range(N),dtype=complex128);
        k = concatenate((range(0,N/2),range(-N/2,0)));
        k *= (2*pi)/length;

        [KX, KY] = meshgrid(k,k);

        """ We are trying to solve d_yy(eta) + d_xx(eta) - eta = p
        Therefore, in Fourier space, it will become
        (-(kx^2 + ky^2) - 1)etaHat = pHat
        delsq = -(KX*KX + KY*KY) - 1 ;
        delsq[0,0] = 1;

        tmp = fft(field,axis=0);
        tmp = fft(tmp,axis=1);

        tmp = tmp/delsq;

        tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=1);
        tmp = ifft(tmp,axis=0);

        return tmp.real;
Пример #7
def autocorr_fft(signal, axis = -1):
    """Return full autocorrelation along specified axis. Use fft
    for computation."""
    if N.ndim(signal) == 0:
        return signal
    elif signal.ndim == 1:
        n       = signal.shape[0]
        nfft    = int(2 ** nextpow2(2 * n - 1))
        lag     = n - 1
        a       = fft(signal, n = nfft, axis = -1)
        au      = ifft(a * N.conj(a), n = nfft, axis = -1)
        return N.require(N.concatenate((au[-lag:], au[:lag+1])), dtype = signal.dtype)
    elif signal.ndim == 2:
        n       = signal.shape[axis]
        lag     = n - 1
        nfft    = int(2 ** nextpow2(2 * n - 1))
        a       = fft(signal, n = nfft, axis = axis)
        au      = ifft(a * N.conj(a), n = nfft, axis = axis)
        if axis == 0:
            return N.require(N.concatenate( (au[-lag:], au[:lag+1]), axis = axis), \
                    dtype = signal.dtype)
            return N.require(N.concatenate( (au[:, -lag:], au[:, :lag+1]), 
                        axis = axis), dtype = signal.dtype)
        raise RuntimeError("rank >2 not supported yet")
    def magabs_cs():
        #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency, a.MagAbs[:, 0])
        #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency, a.MagAbs[:, 257])

        if 0:
            for n in range(len(a.yoko)):
                #b.line_plot("ifft", absolute(myifft))
            b.colormesh("filt", a.frequency, a.yoko, filt)
        if 1:
            for n in range(len(yok)):
                #b.line_plot("ifft", absolute(myifft))
            b.colormesh("filt", frq, yok, filt)
def error_test(vel, epsilon):
    sigma = 7.0
    tmax = 4 * L / vel
    dt = ((L / 2) / kmax) / 18
    psi[:] = exact(x, vel, 0.0, sigma)  # exp(-1.0*(x*x/16.0)+complex(0,vel)*x)
    psil[:] = exact(xl, vel, 0.0, sigma)
    m0 = sqrt(abs(psi[npoints / 4 : -npoints / 4] ** 2).sum())

    prop = exp(complex(0, -dt / 2.0) * k * k)
    propl = exp(complex(0, -dt / 2.0) * kl * kl)
    fil = tdpsf(npoints, dx, epsilon)

    nsteps = int(tmax / dt) + 1
    err = 0.0
    for i in range(nsteps):
        psi[:] = dft.ifft(prop * dft.fft(psi))  # Calculate TDPSF approximation

        psil[:] = dft.ifft(propl * dft.fft(psil))  # Calculate large box solution

        rem = abs(
            psil[npointsl / 2 - npoints / 4 : npointsl / 2 + npoints / 4]
            - psi[npoints / 2 - npoints / 4 : npoints / 2 + npoints / 4]

        local_err = sqrt((rem * rem).sum()) / m0
        if local_err > err:
            err = local_err
            # print str(v) +", " + str(i*dt) + ", " + str(err)
        # print "T="+str(i*dt) + ", M = " + str(sqrt(abs(psi*psi).sum()*dx)/m0)
    print "k = " + str(vel) + ", epsilon = " + str(epsilon) + ", err = " + str(err)
    return err
Пример #10
    def lms(self):
        global wf_ech, wf_ref
        M = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(self.M)))
        u = util.enframe(np.append(wf_ref, np.zeros(M)), 2 * M, M)
        d = util.enframe(wf_ech, M, 0)
        uf = nf.fft(u, 2 * M, 1)
        W = nf.fft(self.w, 2 * M)

        wf_ech = np.array([], np.complex128)

        for ii in range(0, u.shape[0]):
            mu_bar = (110 * np.exp(-(ii) / self.estep) + 1) * self.mu
            yfi = W * uf[ii, :]  # 1x2M
            yi = nf.ifft(yfi, 2 * M)  # 1x2M
            yi = yi[-M:]  # 1xM

            ei = d[ii, :] - yi  # 1xM
            efi = nf.fft(np.append(np.zeros(M), ei), 2 * M)  # 1x2M

            uefi = nf.ifft(np.conj(uf[ii, :]) * efi, 2 * M)
            uefi[-M:] = 0
            uei = nf.fft(uefi, 2 * M)

            W = W + 2 * mu_bar * uei
            wf_ech = np.append(wf_ech, ei)

        self.w = nf.ifft(W, 2 * M)
Пример #11
	def generateSweepIR(self):
		if NFFTsig != NFFTavg:
			raise Exception('NFFTsig != NFFTavg')
		for i in range(0,N):
		#	if max(imp[i,:])>maximum:
		#		maximum=max(imp[i,:])
		toSave=np.array(imp.transpose(), dtype=np.float32)
Пример #12
def FFT_Correlation(x,y):
    FFT-based correlation, much faster than numpy autocorr.
    x and y are row-based vectors of arbitrary lengths.
    This is a vectorized implementation of O(N*log(N)) flops.

    lengthx = x.shape[0]
    lengthy = y.shape[0]

    x = np.reshape(x,(1,lengthx))
    y = np.reshape(y,(1,lengthy))

    length = np.array([lengthx, lengthy]).min()
    x = x[:length]
    y = y[:length]
    fftx = fft(x, 2 * length - 1, axis=1) #pad with zeros
    ffty = fft(y, 2 * length - 1, axis=1)

    corr_xy = fft.ifft(fftx * np.conjugate(ffty), axis=1)
    corr_xy = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_xy, axes=1)) #should be no imaginary part

    corr_yx = fft.ifft(ffty * np.conjugate(fftx), axis=1)
    corr_yx = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_yx, axes=1))

    corr = 0.5 * (corr_xy[:,length:] + corr_yx[:,length:]) / range(1,length)[::-1]
    return np.reshape(corr,corr.shape[1])
Пример #13
def _direct_fft_conv(log_pmf1, pmf1, fft1, log_pmf2, true_conv_len, fft_conv_len,
                     alpha, delta):
    if log_pmf2 is None:
        norms = np.linalg.norm(pmf1)**2
        fft_conv = fft1**2
        pmf2 = np.exp(log_pmf2)
        fft2 = fft.fft(pmf2, n = fft_conv_len)
        norms = np.linalg.norm(pmf1) * np.linalg.norm(pmf2)
        fft_conv = fft1 * fft2

    raw_conv = np.abs(fft.ifft(fft_conv)[:true_conv_len])
    error_level = utils.error_threshold_factor(fft_conv_len) * norms
    threshold = error_level * (alpha + 1)
    places_of_interest = raw_conv <= threshold

    if delta > error_level:
        ignore_level = delta - error_level

        conv_to_ignore = raw_conv < ignore_level
        raw_conv[conv_to_ignore] = 0.0
        places_of_interest &= ~conv_to_ignore

    log_conv = np.log(raw_conv)

    # the convolution is totally right, already: no need to consult
    # the support
    if not places_of_interest.any():
        return log_conv, []

    Q = 2 * len(log_pmf1) - 1 if log_pmf2 is None else len(log_pmf1) + len(log_pmf2) - 1

    support1 = log_pmf1 > NEG_INF
    if log_pmf2 is None:
        support2 = np.array([])
        support2 = log_pmf2 > NEG_INF
    if Q <= 2**42 and (not support1.all() or not support2.all()):
        # quickly compute the support; this is accurate given the
        # bound (if the vectors have no zeros, then the convolution
        # has no zeros, so we can skip this)
        fft_support1 = fft.fft(support1, n = fft_conv_len)
        if log_pmf2 is None:
            fft_support = fft_support1**2
            support2 = log_pmf2 > NEG_INF
            fft_support2 = fft.fft(support2, n = fft_conv_len)
            fft_support = fft_support1 * fft_support2

        raw_support = np.abs(fft.ifft(fft_support)[:true_conv_len])
        threshold = utils.error_threshold_factor(fft_conv_len) * 2 * Q
        zeros = raw_support <= threshold
        log_conv[zeros] = NEG_INF
        bad_places = np.where(~zeros & places_of_interest)[0]
        # can't/don't need to compute the support accurately.
        bad_places = np.where(places_of_interest)[0]

    return log_conv, bad_places
Пример #14
    def backward (self, f):

        from numpy import exp
        from numpy.fft import ifft

        f = ifft (fk, axis=1) 
        f *= exp (-1j*St*self.phase)
        return ifft (f, axis=0)
Пример #15
 def ifft_plot(self):
     p, pf=line(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind])), plotter="ifft_{}".format(self.name),
            plot_name="onres_{}".format(self.on_res_ind),label="i {}".format(self.on_res_ind), color="red")
     line(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.start_ind])), plotter=p, linewidth=1.0,
          plot_name="strt {}".format(self.start_ind), label="i {}".format(self.start_ind))
     line(absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.stop_ind])), plotter=p, linewidth=1.0,
          plot_name="stop {}".format(self.stop_ind), label="i {}".format(self.stop_ind))
     return p
Пример #16
def ifft_plot(self):
    Magcom=(self.Magcom.transpose()-self.Magcom[:, 0]).transpose()
    p, pf=line(absolute(fft.ifft(Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind])), plotter="ifft_{}".format(self.name),
           plot_name="onres_{}".format(self.on_res_ind),label="i {}".format(self.on_res_ind))
    line(absolute(fft.ifft(Magcom[:,self.start_ind])), plotter=p,
         plot_name="strt {}".format(self.start_ind), label="i {}".format(self.start_ind))
    line(absolute(fft.ifft(Magcom[:,self.stop_ind])), plotter=p,
         plot_name="stop {}".format(self.stop_ind), label="i {}".format(self.stop_ind))
Пример #17
def OFDM_tx(IQ_data, Nf, N, Np=0, cp=False, Ncp=0):
    IQ_data : +/-1, +/-3, etc complex QAM symbol sample inputs
    Nf : number of filled carriers, must be even and Nf < N
    N : total number of carriers; generally a power 2, e.g., 64, 1024, etc
    Np : Period of pilot code blocks; 0 <=> no pilots
    cp : False/True <=> bypass cp insertion entirely if False
    Ncp : the length of the cyclic prefix

    x_out : complex baseband OFDM waveform output after P/S and CP insertion

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> from sk_dsp_comm import digitalcom as dc
    >>> x1,b1,IQ_data1 = dc.QAM_bb(50000,1,'16qam')
    >>> x_out = dc.OFDM_tx(IQ_data1,32,64)
    >>> plt.psd(x_out,2**10,1);
    >>> plt.xlabel(r'Normalized Frequency ($\omega/(2\pi)=f/f_s$)')
    >>> plt.ylim([-40,0])
    >>> plt.xlim([-.5,.5])
    >>> plt.show()
    N_symb = len(IQ_data)
    N_OFDM = N_symb // Nf
    IQ_data = IQ_data[:N_OFDM * Nf]
    IQ_s2p = np.reshape(IQ_data, (N_OFDM, Nf))  # carrier symbols by column
    if Np > 0:
        IQ_s2p = mux_pilot_blocks(IQ_s2p, Np)
        N_OFDM = IQ_s2p.shape[0]
    if cp:
        x_out = np.zeros(N_OFDM * (N + Ncp), dtype=np.complex128)
        x_out = np.zeros(N_OFDM * N, dtype=np.complex128)
    for k in range(N_OFDM):
        buff = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128)
        for n in range(-Nf // 2, Nf // 2 + 1):
            if n == 0:  # Modulate carrier f = 0
                buff[0] = 0  # This can be a pilot carrier
            elif n > 0:  # Modulate carriers f = 1:Nf/2
                buff[n] = IQ_s2p[k, n - 1]
            else:  # Modulate carriers f = -Nf/2:-1
                buff[N + n] = IQ_s2p[k, Nf + n]
        if cp:
            # With cyclic prefix
            x_out_buff = fft.ifft(buff)
            x_out[k * (N + Ncp):(k + 1) * (N + Ncp)] = np.concatenate((x_out_buff[N - Ncp:],
            # No cyclic prefix included
            x_out[k * N:(k + 1) * N] = fft.ifft(buff)
    return x_out
Пример #18
def ComputeResponse(sc,T,rho,c,alpha,d):
    # from numpy import tan,pi,linspace,exp,zeros,hstack,vstack,array
    # from scipy.signal import gausspulse
    # from numpy.fft import rfft,ifft


    for i in range(len(rho)):














    return t,x,y
Пример #19
def D(uhat,kx,N,filt):
    Function that computes the non linear term for the Burgers
    equation given the spectra of the variable. The dealiasing cuts
    the half of the spectra.
    u = fft.ifft(uhat)
    dudx = fft.ifft(1.0j * kx * uhat)
    return fft.fft(u*dudx)*filt
def compute_solution():
    # frequency & start time
    f0 = f0_dominant_frequency
    t0 = t0_start_time

    # Size of the fourier transform
    N = 32*32*8
    T = T_length  # Length of the time signal
    t = linspace(0.,T,N)
    dt = t[1]-t[0]

    # source time function
    Rick = RickerF(t,t0,f0)
    # in frequency-domain
    Sf = f.fft(Rick)
    freq = f.fftfreq(N,d=dt)

    # plots figure
    fig = figure()
    ax = plot(freq[0:N/2],Sf[0:N/2],freq[0:N/2],abs(Sf[0:N/2]))

    c0 = 1500
    k0 = 2*pi*f0/c0
    a0 = 0.000002

    print 'Q =',1/(c0*a0)

    # Position of the receiver
    PosX = receiver_X

    # Modification of the spectrum to include linear attenuation
    attf = k0*freq/f0 - 4 * a0 * freq * log((freq+0.0000001)/f0)
    Sf_att = Sf * exp(-1j * attf * PosX) * exp(-a0 * 2 * pi * freq * PosX)

    # Spectrum of the non attenuated signal
    Sf_0 = Sf * exp(-1j * 2 * pi * freq/c0 * PosX)

    Sf_att_nan = nan_to_num(Sf_att)

    # plots figure
    title('Spectra with and without attenuation')

    # signal in time-domain
    Sig_attn = f.ifft(Sf_att_nan)

    # plots figure
    title('Snapshots with and without attenuation')
    def ifft_plot(self):
        pl=Plotter(fig_width=6, fig_height=4)

        line("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind])), label="On resonance")
        line("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,0])), label="Off resonance", color="red")
        pl.set_xlim(0, 100)
        pl.xlabel="Time (#)"
        pl.ylabel="Absolute Magnitude"
        return pl
Пример #22
    def helper(self, length):
        spectrum = np.random.random(length) + 1j * np.random.random(length)
        signal = fft.ifft(spectrum)
        signal_padded_incorrect = fft.ifft(spectrum, length * 2)
        signal_padded_correct = fft.ifft(fft.ifftpad(spectrum, length * 2))

        assert_array_almost_equal(signal, signal_padded_correct[::2])

        with assert_raises(AssertionError):
            assert_array_almost_equal(signal, signal_padded_incorrect[::2])
Пример #23
 def func(s):
     N   = len(s)
     Fs  = fft.fft(s, 2*N)
     a   = fft.ifft(Fs * conj(Fs))
     a[self.__Qr]  = 0; a[-self.__Qr] = 0 # see eq.33
     Fa     = fft.fft(a)
     Fa.imag  = 0
     s   = fft.ifft(sqrt(Fa) * \
             exp(1j * angle(Fs)))[:N] # see eq.23
     return s
Пример #24
def vectorCrossCorrelate(vec1,vec2,axis=-1,normalize=False):
        sy1 = vec1.shape[0]
        sy1 = 1
        sx1 = vec1.shape[1]
        sx1 = 1
        sy2 = vec2.shape[0]
        sy2 = 1
        sx2 = vec2.shape[1]
        sx2 = 1

    vec1 = (vec1 - np.mean(vec1))/np.std(vec1)
    vec2 = (vec2 - np.mean(vec2))/np.std(vec2)

    if axis==-1:
        temp1 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1+sx2-1])
        temp2 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1+sx2-1])
        temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = vec1
        temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = vec2
        nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft2(fft2(temp1)*np.conj(fft2(temp2)))))
        if normalize:
            nxcval = nxcval/np.max(nxcval)
    elif axis==0:
        if not sx1==sx2:
            sys.exit('For axis 0 nxc, vec1.shape[0] must equal vec2.shape[0]')
            temp1 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1])
            temp2 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1])
            temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = vec1
            temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = vec2
            nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft(fft(temp1,axis=0)*np.conj(fft(temp2,axis=0)),axis=0),axes=(0,)))
            if normalize:
                nxcval = nxcval/np.max(nxcval)
    elif axis==1:
        if not sy1==sy2:
            sys.exit('For axis 1 nxc, vec1.shape[1] must equal vec2.shape[1]')
            temp1 = np.zeros([sy1,sx1+sx2-1])
            temp2 = np.zeros([sy1,sx1+sx2-1])
            temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = vec1
            temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = vec2
            nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft(fft(temp1,axis=1)*np.conj(fft(temp2,axis=1)),axis=1),axes=(1,)))
            if normalize:
                nxcval = nxcval/np.max(nxcval)

    return nxcval
Пример #25
def crossCorrelate(im1,im2,axis=-1,normalize=False):
        sy1 = im1.shape[0]
        sy1 = 1
        sx1 = im1.shape[1]
        sx1 = 1
        sy2 = im2.shape[0]
        sy2 = 1
        sx2 = im2.shape[1]
        sx2 = 1

    im1 = (im1 - np.mean(im1))/np.std(im1)
    im2 = (im2 - np.mean(im2))/np.std(im2)

    if axis==-1:
        temp1 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1+sx2-1])
        temp2 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1+sx2-1])
        temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = im1
        temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = im2
        nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft2(fft2(temp1)*np.conj(fft2(temp2)))))
        if normalize:
            nxcval = nxcval/(sx1*sy1)
    elif axis==0:
        if not sx1==sx2:
            sys.exit('For axis 0 nxc, im1.shape[0] must equal im2.shape[0]')
            temp1 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1])
            temp2 = np.zeros([sy1+sy2-1,sx1])
            temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = im1
            temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = im2
            nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft(fft(temp1,axis=0)*np.conj(fft(temp2,axis=0)),axis=0),axes=(0,)))
            if normalize:
                nxcval = nxcval/np.max(nxcval)
    elif axis==1:
        if not sy1==sy2:
            sys.exit('For axis 1 nxc, im1.shape[1] must equal im2.shape[1]')
            temp1 = np.zeros([sy1,sx1+sx2-1])
            temp2 = np.zeros([sy1,sx1+sx2-1])
            temp1[0:sy1,0:sx1] = im1
            temp2[0:sy2,0:sx2] = im2
            nxcval = np.real(fftshift(ifft(fft(temp1,axis=1)*np.conj(fft(temp2,axis=1)),axis=1),axes=(1,)))
            if normalize:
                nxcval = nxcval/np.max(nxcval)

    return nxcval
Пример #26
def bopm(k):
    Compute the option price for an option expiring in 'k' timesteps.
    # Obtain the leaf prices as a NumPy array and create the q vector
    leafValues = array(list(reversed(leaves(k))))
    q = array([p, 1-p] + [0] * (k - 1))

    # Compute the options price via the fast Fourier transform
    C = ifft(fft(leafValues) * ((k + 1) * exp(-r * dt) * ifft(q)) ** k)

    # Return the first component, which is the only important one
    return C[0]
def ifft_plot(self):
    pl=Plotter(fig_width=6, fig_height=4)

    line("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,self.on_res_ind])), label="On resonance")
    line("ifft_{}".format(self.name), absolute(fft.ifft(self.Magcom[:,0])), label="Off resonance", color="red")
    pl.set_xlim(0, 100)
    pl.xlabel="Time (#)"
    pl.ylabel="Absolute Magnitude"
    return pl
        #d.savefig("/Users/thomasaref/Dropbox/Current stuff/Linneaus180416/", "trans_ifft.pdf")
Пример #28
    def f2_solve(self, rhs, y, t, dt, f2, **kwargs):
        n = y.shape[0]

        z = fft.fft(rhs)
        invop = 1.0 / (1.0 - self.nu*dt*self.laplacian)
        z = invop * z

        y[:] = np.real(fft.ifft(z))

        op = self.nu * self.laplacian
        z = op * z

        f2[:] = np.real(fft.ifft(z))
Пример #29
def ceps(frame, fft_N = -1, kind = 'cmplx'):
	if fft_N == -1:
		fft_N = 1 << int(np.log2(len(frame)) + 1)

	fft_frame = fft.fft(frame, fft_N)
	angle_frame = np.angle(fft_frame) # We will return the angle as well.

	if kind == 'cmplx':
		ceps_frame = fft.ifft(np.log10(fft_frame), fft_N)
		ceps_frame = fft.ifft(np.log10(abs(fft_frame)), fft_N)
	return ceps_frame, fft_frame, angle_frame
Пример #30
 def make_unitary(self):
     fft_val = fft(self.v)
     fft_imag = fft_val.imag
     fft_real = fft_val.real
     fft_norms = np.sqrt(fft_imag**2 + fft_real**2)
     fft_unit = fft_val / fft_norms
     self.v = (ifft(fft_unit)).real
Пример #31
def filter(dat,
    '''looks for peaks in fourier image
    erases all but the first one
    subtracts polynomial fit first (of degree pol_deg)
    init_wid: width of initial (low freq) peak to be preserved (auto-estimated if zero)
    in FFT: freq=(2*pi)*max(fft)/(t_max-t_min)*n_bin_time/n_bin_freq
    (the last ratio is usually 1. - FFT returns array of the same number of samples)
    global sele, foure
    from numpy import array, arange, polyfit, polyval, real, convolve, ones, argmax, abs, iterable
    from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
    if not iterable(xb): xb = base
    if xb != None:
        if sub_band != None:
            amin, amax = get_ids(xb, sub_band)
            ib = xb[amin:amax]
            ae = dat[amin:amax]
            print('selecting bins %i:%i' % (amin, amax))
            ib = xb
            ae = dat
        ib = arange(len(dat))
        ae = dat
    ids = polyfit(ib, ae, pol_deg)
    scal = ae.mean()
    be = ae - polyval(ids, ib)
    foure = fft(be / scal)
    re = abs(foure)
    if min_ampl < 0: return re
    if min_ampl == 0:
        min_ampl = re.mean() * 5.
        print('setting peak lower limit to %.2f' % min_ampl)
    if do_ints:
        import extra
        reg = extra.ints(
            re, -min_ampl,
            min_wid=min_wid)  # intervals of Four. spec. above min_ampl
        print('found %i intervals [%i bins] - sample length %.1f' %
              (len(reg), sum([a[1] - a[0] for a in reg]), (ib[-1] - ib[0])))
        if rep == 'ints': return reg
        if clean:
            if len(reg) < 2:
                print('no frequency cleaned (max. %.2f)' % re[10:-10].max())
                if rep == None: return ae
            if reg[0][0] <= 1:
                del reg[0]
                del reg[-1]
        for r in reg:
            if clean:
                if enlarg >= 0: foure[r[0] - enlarg:r[1] + enlarg] = 0j
                else:  # tracing
                    if enlarg <= -2:  # from top
                        cent = r[0] + argmax(re[r[0]:r[1]])
                        r = (cent, cent)
                    for i in range(r[0], 0, -1):
                        if re[i] < re[i - 1]: break
                    for j in range(r[1], len(re)):
                        if re[j] > re[j - 1]: break
                    r = (i, j)
                    foure[r[0]:r[1]] = 0j
            wei = re[r[0]:r[1]].sum()
            cent = (arange(r[0], r[1]) *
                    re[r[0]:r[1]]).sum() / wei  #barycenter
            if rep != None:
                if weight: rep.append([2 * pi * cent / (ib[-1] - ib[0]), wei])
                else: rep.append(2 * pi * cent / (ib[-1] - ib[0]))
            if 2 * r[1] < len(ae):
                print('%i bins cent %.2f [%.2f] max %.2f' %
                      (r[1] - r[0], cent, 2 * pi * cent /
                       (ib[-1] - ib[0]), re[r[0]:r[1]].max()))
        if enlarg < -2:
            reg2 = extra.ints(re, -min_ampl, min_wid=min_wid)
            print('found %i extra peaks' % len(reg2))
            reg += reg2
            if rep != None:
                for r in reg2:
                    wei = re[r[0]:r[1]].sum()
                    cent = (arange(r[0], r[1]) *
                            re[r[0]:r[1]]).sum() / wei  #barycenter
                    if weight:
                        rep.append([2 * pi * cent / (ib[-1] - ib[0]), wei])
                        rep.append(2 * pi * cent / (ib[-1] - ib[0]))
        #if resid:
        sele = real(foure) > min_ampl
        if init_wid == 0:
            init_wid = list(sele).index(False)  # where ends initial peak
        sele[:init_wid] = False
        sele[-init_wid:] = False
        isum = sum(sele)
        if isum == 0:
            print('no frequency cleaned')
            return ae
        if enlarg > 0:
            sele = convolve(sele, ones(2 * enlarg + 1), 'same') > 0
            print('cleaning %i (prev %i) tim. bins' % (sum(sele), isum))
        foure[sele] = 0j
    if rep != None:
        return rep
    ge = ifft(foure) * scal
    return real(ge) + polyval(ids, ib)
Пример #32
def ift(x, axis=[-1]):
    return ifftshift(ifft(ifftshift(x, axes=axis), axis=axis[0]), axes=axis)
Пример #33
def my_run_simulation(self, initial_run=False, update_plots=True):
    Runs the simulation.

        self(PyBERT): Reference to an instance of the *PyBERT* class.
        initial_run(Bool): If True, don't update the eye diagrams, since
            they haven't been created, yet. (Optional; default = False.)
        update_plots(Bool): If True, update the plots, after simulation
            completes. This option can be used by larger scripts, which
            import *pybert*, in order to avoid graphical back-end
            conflicts and speed up this function's execution time.
            (Optional; default = True.)

    num_sweeps = self.num_sweeps
    sweep_num  = self.sweep_num

    start_time = clock()
    self.status = 'Running channel...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)

    self.run_count += 1  # Force regeneration of bit stream.

    # Pull class variables into local storage, performing unit conversion where necessary.
    t               = self.t
    t_ns            = self.t_ns
    f               = self.f
    w               = self.w
    bits            = self.bits
    symbols         = self.symbols
    ffe             = self.ffe
    nbits           = self.nbits
    nui             = self.nui
    bit_rate        = self.bit_rate * 1.e9
    eye_bits        = self.eye_bits
    eye_uis         = self.eye_uis
    nspb            = self.nspb
    nspui           = self.nspui
    rn              = self.rn
    pn_mag          = self.pn_mag
    pn_freq         = self.pn_freq * 1.e6
    Vod             = self.vod
    Rs              = self.rs
    Cs              = self.cout * 1.e-12
    RL              = self.rin
    CL              = self.cac * 1.e-6
    Cp              = self.cin * 1.e-12
    R0              = self.R0
    w0              = self.w0
    Rdc             = self.Rdc
    Z0              = self.Z0
    v0              = self.v0 * 3.e8
    Theta0          = self.Theta0
    l_ch            = self.l_ch
    pattern_len     = self.pattern_len
    rx_bw           = self.rx_bw * 1.e9
    peak_freq       = self.peak_freq * 1.e9
    peak_mag        = self.peak_mag
    ctle_offset     = self.ctle_offset
    ctle_mode       = self.ctle_mode
    delta_t         = self.delta_t * 1.e-12
    alpha           = self.alpha
    ui              = self.ui
    n_taps          = self.n_taps
    gain            = self.gain
    n_ave           = self.n_ave
    decision_scaler = self.decision_scaler
    n_lock_ave      = self.n_lock_ave
    rel_lock_tol    = self.rel_lock_tol
    lock_sustain    = self.lock_sustain
    bandwidth       = self.sum_bw * 1.e9
    rel_thresh      = self.thresh
    mod_type        = self.mod_type[0]

        # Calculate misc. values.
        fs         = bit_rate * nspb
        Ts         = t[1]
        ts         = Ts

        # Generate the ideal over-sampled signal.
        # Duo-binary is problematic, in that it requires convolution with the ideal duobinary
        # impulse response, in order to produce the proper ideal signal.
        x = repeat(symbols, nspui)
        self.x = x
        if(mod_type == 1):  # Handle duo-binary case.
            duob_h = array(([0.5] + [0.] * (nspui - 1)) * 2)
            x = convolve(x, duob_h)[:len(t)]
        self.ideal_signal = x

        # Find the ideal crossing times, for subsequent jitter analysis of transmitted signal.
        ideal_xings = find_crossings(t, x, decision_scaler, min_delay=(ui / 2.), mod_type=mod_type)
        self.ideal_xings = ideal_xings

        # Calculate the channel output.
        # Note: We're not using 'self.ideal_signal', because we rely on the system response to
        #       create the duobinary waveform. We only create it explicitly, above,
        #       so that we'll have an ideal reference for comparison.
        chnl_h   = self.calc_chnl_h()
        chnl_out = convolve(self.x, chnl_h)[:len(x)]

        self.channel_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - start_time)
        split_time        = clock()
        self.status       = 'Running Tx...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: channel'

    self.chnl_out    = chnl_out
    self.chnl_out_H  = fft(chnl_out)

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the Tx.
            # Note: Within the PyBERT computational environment, we use normalized impulse responses,
            #       which have units of (V/ts), where 'ts' is the sample interval. However, IBIS-AMI models expect
            #       units of (V/s). So, we have to scale accordingly, as we transit the boundary between these two worlds.
            tx_cfg = self._tx_cfg  # Grab the 'AMIParamConfigurator' instance for this model.
            # Get the model invoked and initialized, except for 'channel_response', which
            # we need to do several different ways, in order to gather all the data we need.
            tx_param_dict = tx_cfg.input_ami_params
            tx_model_init = AMIModelInitializer(tx_param_dict)
            tx_model_init.sample_interval = ts  # Must be set, before 'channel_response'!
            tx_model_init.channel_response = [1. / ts] + [0.] * (len(chnl_h) - 1)  # Start with a delta function, to capture the model's impulse response.
            tx_model_init.bit_time = ui
            tx_model = AMIModel(self.tx_dll_file)
            self.log("Tx IBIS-AMI model initialization results:\nInput parameters: {}\nOutput parameters: {}\nMessage: {}".format(
                tx_model.ami_params_in, tx_model.ami_params_out, tx_model.msg))
            if(tx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'Init_Returns_Impulse'])):
                tx_h = array(tx_model.initOut) * ts
            elif(not tx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'GetWave_Exists'])):
                error("ERROR: Both 'Init_Returns_Impulse' and 'GetWave_Exists' are False!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nThis condition is supposed to be caught sooner in the flow.")
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
            elif(not self.tx_use_getwave):
                error("ERROR: You have elected not to use GetWave for a model, which does not return an impulse response!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nPlease, select 'Use GetWave' and try again.", 'PyBERT Alert')
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
                # For GetWave, use a step to extract the model's native properties.
                # Position the input edge at the center of the vector, in
                # order to minimize high frequency artifactual energy
                # introduced by frequency domain processing in some models.
                half_len = len(chnl_h) // 2
                tx_s = tx_model.getWave(array([0.] * half_len + [1.] * half_len))
                # Shift the result back to the correct location, extending the last sample.
                tx_s = pad(tx_s[half_len:], (0, half_len), 'edge')
                tx_h = diff(concatenate((array([0.0]), tx_s)))  # Without the leading 0, we miss the pre-tap.
                tx_out = tx_model.getWave(self.x)
            else:  # Init()-only.
                tx_s = tx_h.cumsum()
                tx_out = convolve(tx_h, self.x)[:len(self.x)]
            # - Generate the ideal, post-preemphasis signal.
            # To consider: use 'scipy.interp()'. This is what Mark does, in order to induce jitter in the Tx output.
            ffe_out           = convolve(symbols, ffe)[:len(symbols)]
            self.rel_power    = mean(ffe_out ** 2)                    # Store the relative average power dissipated in the Tx.
            tx_out            = repeat(ffe_out, nspui)                # oversampled output

            # - Calculate the responses.
            # - (The Tx is unique in that the calculated responses aren't used to form the output.
            #    This is partly due to the out of order nature in which we combine the Tx and channel,
            #    and partly due to the fact that we're adding noise to the Tx output.)
            tx_h   = array(sum([[x] + list(zeros(nspui - 1)) for x in ffe], []))  # Using sum to concatenate.
            tx_s   = tx_h.cumsum()

        temp   = tx_h.copy()
        tx_H   = fft(temp)
        tx_H  *= tx_s[-1] / abs(tx_H[0])

        # - Generate the uncorrelated periodic noise. (Assume capacitive coupling.)
        #   - Generate the ideal rectangular aggressor waveform.
        pn_period          = 1. / pn_freq
        pn_samps           = int(pn_period / Ts + 0.5)
        pn                 = zeros(pn_samps)
        pn[pn_samps // 2:] = pn_mag
        pn                 = resize(pn, len(tx_out))
        #   - High pass filter it. (Simulating capacitive coupling.)
        (b, a) = iirfilter(2, gFc/(fs/2), btype='highpass')
        pn     = lfilter(b, a, pn)[:len(pn)]

        # - Add the uncorrelated periodic and random noise to the Tx output.
        tx_out += pn
        tx_out += normal(scale=rn, size=(len(tx_out),))

        # - Convolve w/ channel.
        tx_out_h   = convolve(tx_h, chnl_h)[:len(chnl_h)]
        temp       = tx_out_h.copy()
        tx_out_H   = fft(temp)
        rx_in      = convolve(tx_out, chnl_h)[:len(tx_out)]

        self.tx_s      = tx_s
        self.tx_out    = tx_out
        self.rx_in     = rx_in
        self.tx_out_s  = tx_out_h.cumsum()
        self.tx_out_p  = self.tx_out_s[nspui:] - self.tx_out_s[:-nspui] 
        self.tx_H      = tx_H
        self.tx_h      = tx_h
        self.tx_out_H  = tx_out_H
        self.tx_out_h  = tx_out_h

        self.tx_perf   = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time     = clock()
        self.status    = 'Running CTLE...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: Tx'

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the CTLE.
            rx_cfg = self._rx_cfg  # Grab the 'AMIParamConfigurator' instance for this model.
            # Get the model invoked and initialized, except for 'channel_response', which
            # we need to do several different ways, in order to gather all the data we need.
            rx_param_dict = rx_cfg.input_ami_params
            rx_model_init = AMIModelInitializer(rx_param_dict)
            rx_model_init.sample_interval = ts  # Must be set, before 'channel_response'!
            rx_model_init.channel_response = tx_out_h / ts
            rx_model_init.bit_time = ui
            rx_model = AMIModel(self.rx_dll_file)
            self.log("Rx IBIS-AMI model initialization results:\nInput parameters: {}\nMessage: {}\nOutput parameters: {}".format(
                rx_model.ami_params_in, rx_model.msg, rx_model.ami_params_out))
            if(rx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'Init_Returns_Impulse'])):
                ctle_out_h = array(rx_model.initOut) * ts
            elif(not rx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'GetWave_Exists'])):
                error("ERROR: Both 'Init_Returns_Impulse' and 'GetWave_Exists' are False!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nThis condition is supposed to be caught sooner in the flow.")
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
            elif(not self.rx_use_getwave):
                error("ERROR: You have elected not to use GetWave for a model, which does not return an impulse response!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nPlease, select 'Use GetWave' and try again.", 'PyBERT Alert')
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
                    ctle_out, clock_times = rx_model.getWave(rx_in, 32)
                    ctle_out, clock_times = rx_model.getWave(rx_in, len(rx_in))

                ctle_H = fft(ctle_out * signal.hann(len(ctle_out))) / fft(rx_in * signal.hann(len(rx_in)))
                ctle_h = real(ifft(ctle_H)[:len(chnl_h)])
                ctle_out_h = convolve(ctle_h, tx_out_h)[:len(chnl_h)]
            else:  # Init() only.
                ctle_out_h_padded = pad(ctle_out_h, (nspb, len(rx_in) - nspb - len(ctle_out_h)),
                        'linear_ramp', end_values=(0., 0.))
                tx_out_h_padded = pad(tx_out_h, (nspb, len(rx_in) - nspb - len(tx_out_h)),
                        'linear_ramp', end_values=(0., 0.))
                ctle_H = fft(ctle_out_h_padded) / fft(tx_out_h_padded)
                ctle_h = real(ifft(ctle_H)[:len(chnl_h)])
                ctle_out = convolve(rx_in, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out)]
            ctle_s = ctle_h.cumsum()
                ctle_h           = import_channel(self.ctle_file, ts)
                if(max(abs(ctle_h)) < 100.):          # step response?
                    ctle_h       = diff(ctle_h)       # impulse response is derivative of step response.
                    ctle_h      *= ts                 # Normalize to (V/sample)
                ctle_H           = fft(ctle_h)
                ctle_H          *= sum(ctle_h) / ctle_H[0]
                w_dummy, ctle_H = make_ctle(rx_bw, peak_freq, peak_mag, w, ctle_mode, ctle_offset)
                ctle_h          = real(ifft(ctle_H))[:len(chnl_h)]
                ctle_h         *= abs(ctle_H[0]) / sum(ctle_h)
            ctle_out        = convolve(rx_in, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out)]
            ctle_out       -= mean(ctle_out)             # Force zero mean.
            if(self.ctle_mode == 'AGC'):                 # Automatic gain control engaged?
                ctle_out   *= 2. * decision_scaler / ctle_out.ptp()
            ctle_s = ctle_h.cumsum()
            ctle_out_h      = convolve(tx_out_h, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out_h)]
        self.ctle_s     = ctle_s
        ctle_out_h_main_lobe = where(ctle_out_h >= max(ctle_out_h) / 2.)[0]
            conv_dly_ix = ctle_out_h_main_lobe[0]
            conv_dly_ix = self.chnl_dly / Ts
        conv_dly        = t[conv_dly_ix]
        ctle_out_s      = ctle_out_h.cumsum()
        temp            = ctle_out_h.copy()
        ctle_out_H      = fft(temp)
        # - Store local variables to class instance.
        self.ctle_out_s = ctle_out_s
        # Consider changing this; it could be sensitive to insufficient "front porch" in the CTLE output step response.
        self.ctle_out_p = self.ctle_out_s[nspui:] - self.ctle_out_s[:-nspui] 
        self.ctle_H     = ctle_H
        self.ctle_h     = ctle_h
        self.ctle_out_H = ctle_out_H
        self.ctle_out_h = ctle_out_h
        self.ctle_out   = ctle_out
        self.conv_dly   = conv_dly
        self.conv_dly_ix = conv_dly_ix

        self.ctle_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time      = clock()
        self.status     = 'Running DFE/CDR...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: Rx'

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the DFE.
            dfe = DFE(n_taps, gain, delta_t, alpha, ui, nspui, decision_scaler, mod_type,
                        n_ave=n_ave, n_lock_ave=n_lock_ave, rel_lock_tol=rel_lock_tol, lock_sustain=lock_sustain,
                        bandwidth=bandwidth, ideal=self.sum_ideal)
            dfe = DFE(n_taps,   0., delta_t, alpha, ui, nspui, decision_scaler, mod_type,
                        n_ave=n_ave, n_lock_ave=n_lock_ave, rel_lock_tol=rel_lock_tol, lock_sustain=lock_sustain,
                        bandwidth=bandwidth, ideal=True)
        (dfe_out, tap_weights, ui_ests, clocks, lockeds, clock_times, bits_out) = dfe.run(t, ctle_out)
        bits_out = array(bits_out)
        auto_corr       = 1. * correlate(bits_out[(nbits - eye_bits):], bits[(nbits - eye_bits):], mode='same') \
                            / sum(bits[(nbits - eye_bits):])
        auto_corr       = auto_corr[len(auto_corr) // 2 :]
        self.auto_corr  = auto_corr
        bit_dly         = where(auto_corr == max(auto_corr))[0][0]
        bits_ref        = bits[(nbits - eye_bits) :]
        bits_tst        = bits_out[(nbits + bit_dly - eye_bits) :]
        if(len(bits_ref) > len(bits_tst)):
            bits_ref = bits_ref[: len(bits_tst)]
        elif(len(bits_tst) > len(bits_ref)):
            bits_tst = bits_tst[: len(bits_ref)]
        bit_errs        = where(bits_tst ^ bits_ref)[0]
        self.bit_errs   = len(bit_errs)

        dfe_h          = array([1.] + list(zeros(nspb - 1)) + sum([[-x] + list(zeros(nspb - 1)) for x in tap_weights[-1]], []))
        temp           = dfe_h.copy()
        dfe_H          = fft(temp)
        self.dfe_s     = dfe_h.cumsum()
        dfe_out_H      = ctle_out_H * dfe_H
        dfe_out_h      = convolve(ctle_out_h, dfe_h)[:len(ctle_out_h)]
        dfe_out_s      = dfe_out_h.cumsum()
        self.dfe_out_p = dfe_out_s - pad(dfe_out_s[:-nspui], (nspui,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
        self.dfe_H     = dfe_H
        self.dfe_h     = dfe_h
        self.dfe_out_H = dfe_out_H
        self.dfe_out_h = dfe_out_h
        self.dfe_out_s = dfe_out_s
        self.dfe_out   = dfe_out

        self.dfe_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time     = clock()
        self.status    = 'Analyzing jitter...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: DFE'

    # Save local variables to class instance for state preservation, performing unit conversion where necessary.
    self.adaptation  = tap_weights
    self.ui_ests     = array(ui_ests) * 1.e12 # (ps)
    self.clocks      = clocks
    self.lockeds     = lockeds
    self.clock_times = clock_times

    # Analyze the jitter.
    self.thresh_tx              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_tx          = array([])
    self.jitter_tx              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_tx     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_tx = array([])
    self.thresh_ctle              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_ctle          = array([])
    self.jitter_ctle              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_ctle     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_ctle = array([])
    self.thresh_dfe              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_dfe          = array([])
    self.jitter_dfe              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_dfe     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_dfe = array([])
    self.f_MHz_dfe               = array([])
    self.jitter_rejection_ratio  = array([])

        if(mod_type == 1):  # Handle duo-binary case.
            pattern_len *= 2        # Because, the XOR pre-coding can invert every other pattern rep.
        if(mod_type == 2):  # Handle PAM-4 case.
            if(pattern_len % 2):
                pattern_len *= 2    # Because, the bits are taken in pairs, to form the symbols.

        # - channel output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, chnl_out, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.t_jitter                 = t_jitter
        self.isi_chnl                 = isi
        self.dcd_chnl                 = dcd
        self.pj_chnl                  = pj
        self.rj_chnl                  = rj
        self.thresh_chnl              = thresh
        self.jitter_chnl              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_chnl          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_bins              = bin_centers
        self.jitter_spectrum_chnl     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_chnl = jitter_ind_spectrum
        self.f_MHz                    = array(spectrum_freqs) * 1.e-6

        # - Tx output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, rx_in, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_tx                 = isi
        self.dcd_tx                 = dcd
        self.pj_tx                  = pj
        self.rj_tx                  = rj
        self.thresh_tx              = thresh
        self.jitter_tx              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_tx          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_tx     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_tx = jitter_ind_spectrum

        # - CTLE output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, ctle_out, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_ctle                 = isi
        self.dcd_ctle                 = dcd
        self.pj_ctle                  = pj
        self.rj_ctle                  = rj
        self.thresh_ctle              = thresh
        self.jitter_ctle              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_ctle          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_ctle     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_ctle = jitter_ind_spectrum

        # - DFE output
        ignore_until  = (nui - eye_uis) * ui + 0.75 * ui  # 0.5 was causing an occasional misalignment.
        ideal_xings   = array(filter(lambda x: x > ignore_until, list(ideal_xings)))
        min_delay     = ignore_until + conv_dly
        actual_xings  = find_crossings(t, dfe_out, decision_scaler, min_delay=min_delay,
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, eye_uis, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_dfe                 = isi
        self.dcd_dfe                 = dcd
        self.pj_dfe                  = pj
        self.rj_dfe                  = rj
        self.thresh_dfe              = thresh
        self.jitter_dfe              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_dfe          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_dfe     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_dfe = jitter_ind_spectrum
        self.f_MHz_dfe               = array(spectrum_freqs) * 1.e-6
        skip_factor                  = nbits / eye_bits
        ctle_spec                    = self.jitter_spectrum_ctle
        dfe_spec                     = self.jitter_spectrum_dfe
        self.jitter_rejection_ratio  = zeros(len(dfe_spec))

        self.jitter_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        self.total_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - start_time)
        split_time       = clock()
        self.status      = 'Updating plots...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: jitter'
        # raise

    # Update plots.
            if(not initial_run):

        self.plotting_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        self.status = 'Ready.'
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: plotting'
Пример #34
def update_g(F, G, C):
    F_rev = fft(ifft(F)[::-1])
    G_k1 = (C / (G * F)) * F_rev * G
    return ifft(G_k1)
Пример #35
y2 = 4 / 3 * np.pi * np.sin(3 * x)
y3 = 4 / 5 * np.pi * np.sin(5 * x)
# 叠加1000条线
n = 1000
y = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    y += 4 / (2 * i - 1) * np.pi * np.sin((2 * i - 1) * x)
mp.plot(x, y1, label='y1', alpha=0.2)
mp.plot(x, y2, label='y2', alpha=0.2)
mp.plot(x, y3, label='y3', alpha=0.2)
mp.plot(x, y, label='y')
# 针对合成的方波傅里叶变换
import numpy.fft as nf
complex_ary = nf.fft(y)
y_ = nf.ifft(complex_ary).real  # 合成波
mp.plot(x, y_, label='y_', color='red', linewidth=7, alpha=0.2)
# 绘制频域图像    频率/能量图像
# 通过采样数量与采样周期获取fft的频率数组
freqs = nf.fftfreq(y_.size, x[1] - x[0])
pows = np.abs(complex_ary)  # 复数的模->能量
mp.plot(freqs[freqs > 0], pows[freqs > 0], color='orangered', label='Freqency')
Пример #36
def der_fft(u, expconsts, n):
    # n is the number of derivatives to take
    return ifft((expconsts**n) * fft(u))
Пример #37
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
import wavio

t = np.linspace(0, 5, 44100 * 5)
x = 2 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 400 * t) + np.sin(2 * np.pi * 10000 * t) + np.sin(
    2 * np.pi * 16000 * t)

f = np.linspace(0, 22050, len(x) // 2)
X = fft(x, len(x))[:len(x) // 2]
print(ifft(X, len(x)).real)
# cls = wavio.read("sine4003000.wav")
# print(x)
# print("WIDTH ={}".format(cls.sampwidth))
# print(cls.data[:, 0])

wavio.write("eds.wav", data=x.astype(np.int32), rate=44100, sampwidth=4)
data = wavio.read("eds.wav")
# projection_size_padded = max(64, int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * radon_image.shape[0]))))
# #projection_size_padded = 1024
# pad_width = ((0, projection_size_padded - radon_image.shape[0]), (0, 0))
# img = np.pad(radon_image, pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=0)

# Construct the Fourier filter
projection_size = radon_image.shape[0]
f = fftfreq(projection_size).reshape(-1, 1)  # digital frequency
omega = 2 * np.pi * f  # angular frequency
fourier_filter = 2 * np.abs(f)  # ramp filter

# Apply filter in Fourier domain
# projection = fft(radon_image, axis=0) * fourier_filter
# radon_filtered = np.real(ifft(projection, axis=0))

time_filter = np.fft.fftshift(ifft(fourier_filter, axis=0).real)

sig = radon_image[:, 0]

fourier_res = ifft(fft(sig) * fourier_filter[:, 0]).real
time_res = np.convolve(np.concatenate([sig, sig]),
                       np.flipud(time_filter[:, 0]), 'same')

first_half_projection_size = projection_size // 2
time_res_best = np.fft.fftshift(
    time_res[first_half_projection_size:(first_half_projection_size +

plt.plot(fourier_res - time_res_best)
Пример #39
def ift(F, ax=-1):
    f = fftshift(ifft(fftshift(F), axis=ax))

    return f
Пример #40
def process_group(group, config, metadata):
    # Create folder, if necessary
    if not os.path.exists(debugFolder):
        logging.debug("Created folder " + debugFolder +
                      " for debug output files")

    # Format data into single [cha RO PE] array
    data = [acquisition.data for acquisition in group]
    data = np.stack(data, axis=-1)

    logging.debug("Raw data is size %s" % (data.shape, ))
    np.save(debugFolder + "/" + "raw.npy", data)

    # Remove readout oversampling
    data = fft.ifft(data, axis=1)
    data = np.delete(
        data, np.arange(int(data.shape[1] * 1 / 4),
                        int(data.shape[1] * 3 / 4)), 1)
    data = fft.fft(data, axis=1)

    logging.debug("Raw data is size after readout oversampling removal %s" %
                  (data.shape, ))
    np.save(debugFolder + "/" + "rawNoOS.npy", data)

    # Fourier Transform
    data = fft.fftshift(data, axes=(1, 2))
    data = fft.ifft2(data, axes=(1, 2))
    data = fft.ifftshift(data, axes=(1, 2))

    # Sum of squares coil combination
    data = np.abs(data)
    data = np.square(data)
    data = np.sum(data, axis=0)
    data = np.sqrt(data)

    logging.debug("Image data is size %s" % (data.shape, ))
    np.save(debugFolder + "/" + "img.npy", data)

    # Normalize and convert to int16
    data *= 32767 / data.max()
    data = np.around(data)
    data = data.astype(np.int16)

    # Remove readout oversampling
    offset = int(
        (data.shape[0] - metadata.encoding[0].reconSpace.matrixSize.x) / 2)
    data = data[offset:offset +
                metadata.encoding[0].reconSpace.matrixSize.x, :]

    # Remove phase oversampling
    offset = int(
        (data.shape[1] - metadata.encoding[0].reconSpace.matrixSize.y) / 2)
    data = data[:,
                offset:offset + metadata.encoding[0].reconSpace.matrixSize.y]

    logging.debug("Image without oversampling is size %s" % (data.shape, ))
    np.save(debugFolder + "/" + "imgCrop.npy", data)

    # Format as ISMRMRD image data
    image = ismrmrd.Image.from_array(data, acquisition=group[0])
    image.image_index = 1

    # Set field of view
    image.field_of_view = (

    # Set ISMRMRD Meta Attributes
    meta = ismrmrd.Meta({
        'DataRole': 'Image',
        'ImageProcessingHistory': ['FIRE', 'PYTHON'],
        'WindowCenter': '16384',
        'WindowWidth': '32768'

    # Add image orientation directions to MetaAttributes if not already present
    if meta.get('ImageRowDir') is None:
        meta['ImageRowDir'] = [

    if meta.get('ImageColumnDir') is None:
        meta['ImageColumnDir'] = [

    xml = meta.serialize()
    logging.debug("Image MetaAttributes: %s", xml)
    logging.debug("Image data has %d elements", image.data.size)

    image.attribute_string = xml
    return image
Пример #41
def ls_grad(loss_grad, ndim, order, sigma):
    vec = make_vec(order, ndim)
    coef = (-1)**order * sigma
    denom = 1 + coef * fft(vec)
    return (lambda x: np.squeeze(np.real(ifft(fft(loss_grad(x)) / denom))))
Пример #42
from numpy.fft import ifft

def printResult(arr):
    assert len(arr) == 16
    for i in xrange(16):
        i2 = (i % 4) * 4 + (i / 4)
        x = arr[i2]
        # numpy ifft scales values by 1/n, but our library
        # scales it by 1/sqrt(n)
        print int(round(x.real * 4)), int(round(x.imag * 4))

#printResult(ifft([0,64,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]))

arr = []
for i in xrange(16):
    re = i * 6
    im = i * 7
    arr.append(re + 1j * im)

Пример #43
def deltaphiqqdiff(img1,
    ''' A delta phi difference correlation. This one returns a:
        q1,q2,dphi matrix where each element is <(I(q1,phi)-I(q2,phi+dphi))^2>_phi
        img1, img2 : used for the correlations (set to equal if same image)
            this is a 2nd moment calc so you need two quantities
        mask : the mask for the data set
        It uses the binning scheme only in one step. It transforms the image to
            a qphi square grid. It then uses FFT's to transform to a qphi correlation.
    if (x0 is None):
        x0 = img1.shape[1] / 2
    if (y0 is None):
        y0 = img1.shape[0] / 2
    if (mask is None):
        mask = np.ones(IMG.shape)
    if (noqs is None):
        noqs = 800
    if (nophis is None):
        nophis = 360

    #   0. get pixellist and relevant data
    pxlst = np.where(mask.ravel() == 1)
    data1 = img1.ravel()[pxlst]
    data2 = img2.ravel()[pxlst]

    #   1. Make coord system and grab selected pixels
    QS, PHIS = mkpolar(img1, x0=x0, y0=y0)
    qs, phis = QS.ravel()[pxlst], PHIS.ravel()[pxlst]

    #   2.  make the lists for selection
    qlist_m1 = linplist(np.min(qs), np.max(qs), noqs)
    philist_m1 = linplist(np.min(phis), np.max(phis), nophis)

    #   3.  partition according to the lists, 2D here, make bin id 1 dimensional
    qid, pid, pselect = partition2D(qlist_m1, philist_m1, qs, phis)
    bid = (qid * nophis + pid).astype(int)

    # the sqphi here
    sq1 = np.zeros((noqs, nophis))
    sq2 = np.zeros((noqs, nophis))
    sq_qs = np.zeros((noqs, nophis))
    sq_phis = np.zeros((noqs, nophis))
    sqmask = np.zeros((noqs, nophis))

    maxid = np.max(bid)
    sq1.ravel()[:maxid + 1] = partition_avg(data1[pselect], bid)
    sq2.ravel()[:maxid + 1] = partition_avg(data2[pselect], bid)
    sq_qs.ravel()[:maxid + 1] = partition_avg(qs[pselect], bid)
    sq_phis.ravel()[:maxid + 1] = partition_avg(phis[pselect], bid)
    sqmask.ravel()[:maxid + 1] = partition_avg(pselect * 0 + 1, bid)

    sq_qs = np.sum(sq_qs, axis=1) / np.sum(sqmask, axis=1)
    sq_phis = np.sum(sq_phis, axis=1) / np.sum(sqmask, axis=1)

    sqcphitot = np.zeros((noqs, noqs, nophis))
    tx = np.arange(noqs)
    ty = np.arange(noqs)
    TX, TY = np.meshgrid(tx, ty)

    # perform convolution
    for i in np.arange(-noqs + 1, noqs):
        if (PF is True):
            print("Iterating over slice {} of {}".format(
                noqs + i, 2 * noqs + 1))
        # grab the slice in q
        w = np.where(TX - TY == i)
        rngbeg = np.maximum(i, 0)
        rngend = np.minimum(noqs, noqs + i)
        sq1tmp = np.roll(sq1, i, axis=0)[rngbeg:rngend, :]
        sq2tmp = sq2[rngbeg:rngend]
        sqmask1 = np.roll(sqmask, i, axis=0)[rngbeg:rngend, :]
        sqmask2 = sqmask[rngbeg:rngend, :]
        sqcphi = ifft(fft(sq2tmp, axis=1) * np.conj(fft(sq1tmp, axis=1)),
        sqcphimask = ifft(fft(sqmask1, axis=1) * np.conj(fft(sqmask2, axis=1)),
        sqcphi /= sqcphimask
        sqcphitot[w[0], w[1], :] = sqcphi

    return sq_qs, sq_phis, sqcphitot
Пример #44
def dedekind(freqs,
    a linear delay filter that suppresses modes within rectangular windows in delay space listed in list "patch_c"
    by a factor of "filter_factor"
        freqs, numpy float array of frequency values
        flags, numpy bool (or int) array of flags
        filter_factor, float, factor by which to suppress modes specified in patch_c and patch_w
        patch_c,  a list of window centers for delay values (floats) to filter.
        patch_w,  a list of window widths for delay values (floats) to filter.
        weights, string, use "WTL" to filter regions specified in patch_c and patch_w or "I" to do not filtering (just a straight fft)
        renormalize, EXPERIMENTAL bool, try to restore filtered regions after FT.
        zero_flags, bool, if true, set values in flagged frequency channels to zero, even if not filtering.
        output_domain, string, specify "frequency" or "delay"
        taper, string, specify the multiplicative tapering function to apply before filtering.
        cache, optional dictionary to store precomputed filter matrices. Default, use dictionary in this namespace.
        if output_domain == 'delay',
            returns delays, output where output is the filtered delay transformed data set.
        if output_domain == 'frequency'
            returns frequencies, output where output is the filtered frequency domain data set.
        linear_filter(x, y, f, 1e-6, patch_c = [0.], patch_w = 100e-9) will filter out modes (including flagged sidelobes) within a window
        centered at delay = 0. ns with width of 200 ns (region between -100 and 100 ns).
    nf = len(freqs)
    taper = signal.windows.get_window(taper, nf)
    taper /= np.sqrt((taper * taper).mean())
    taper_mat = np.diag(taper)
    if weights == 'I':
        wmat = np.identity(nf)
        if zero_flags:
            wmat[:, flags] = 0.
            wmat[flags, :] = 0.
    elif weights == 'WTL':
        wmat = linear_filter_matrix(nf=len(freqs),
                                    df=freqs[1] - freqs[0],
    output = ydata
    output = np.dot(wmat, output)
    output = fft.fft(output * taper)
    #if renormalize:
    #    igrid,jgrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-nf/2,nf/2),np.arange(-nf/2,nf/2))
    #    fftmat = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*igrid*jgrid/nf)
    #    mmat = np.dot(fftmat,np.dot(wmat,np.conj(fftmat).T))
    #    mmat_inv = np.linalg.pinv(mmat)
    #    mmat_inv = np.identity(nf)

    if output_domain == 'frequency':
        output = fft.ifft(output) / taper
        x = freqs
        x = np.arange(-nf / 2, nf / 2) / ((freqs[1] - freqs[0]) * nf)
        output = fft.fftshift(output)
    return x, output
Пример #45
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from convolution import revnp
from parameters import *

# Parameter Adjustments
M = 3  #numberoftimesteps
dt, df, u, d, q = get_binomial_parameters(M)

# Array Generation for Stock Prices
mu = np.arange(M + 1)
mu = np.resize(mu, (M + 1, M + 1))
md = np.transpose(mu)
mu = u**(mu - md)
md = d**md
S = S0 * mu * md

# Valuation by fft
CT = np.maximum(S[:, -1] - K, 0)
qv = np.zeros(M + 1, dtype=np.float)
qv[0] = q
qv[1] = 1 - q
C0_a = fft(math.exp(-r * T) * ifft(CT) * ((M + 1) * ifft(revnp(qv)))**M)
C0_b = fft(math.exp(-r * T) * ifft(CT) * fft(qv)**M)
C0_c = ifft(math.exp(-r * T) * fft(CT) * fft(revnp(qv))**M)

print("Value of European option is %8.3f" % np.real(C0_a[0]))
print("Value of European option is %8.3f" % np.real(C0_b[0]))
print("Value of European option is %8.3f" % np.real(C0_c[0]))
Пример #46
def multisine(f1=0,
    """Random periodic excitation

    Generates R realizations of a zero-mean random phase multisine with
    specified rms(amplitude). Random phase multisine signal is a periodic
    random signal with a user-controlled amplitude spectrum and a random phase
    spectrum drawn from a uniform distribution. If an integer number of periods
    is measured, the amplitude spectrum is perfectly realized, unlike classical
    Gaussian noise. Another advantage is that the periodic nature can help help
    separate signal from noise.

    The amplitude spectrum is flat between f1 and f2.

    f1 : float, optional
        Starting frequency in Hz. Default 0 Hz
    f2 : float, optional
        Ending frequency in Hz. Default 0.9* `nyquist frequency`
    N : int, optional
        Number of points per period. default = 1024
    fs : float, optional
        Sample frequency. Default fs=N
    P  : int, optional
        Number of periods. default = 1
    R  : int, optional
        Number of realizations. default = 1
    lines : array_like or str: {'full', 'odd', 'oddrandom'}, optional
        For characterization of NLs, only selected lines are excited.
    rms : float, optional
        rms(amplitude) of the generated signals. default = 1. Note that since
        the signal is zero-mean, the std and rms is equal.
    ngroup : int, optional
        In case of ftype = oddrandom, 1 out of ngroup odd lines is discarded.

    u: RxNP record of the generated signals
    lines: excited frequency lines -> 1 = dc, 2 = fs/N
    freq: frequency vector

    Generate two realizations of a full multisine with 1000 samples and
    excitation up to one third of the Nyquist frequency.
    The two realizations have the same amplitude spectrum, but different phase
    realizations (uniformly distributed between [-π,π))
    >>> N = 1000  # One thousand samples
    >>> kind = 'full'  # Full multisine
    >>> f2 = round(N//6)  # Excitation up to one sixth of the sample frequency
    >>> R = 2   # Two phase realizations
    >>> u, lines, freq = multisine(f2=f2,N=N,lines=kind,R=R)

    Generate a random odd multisine where the excited odd lines are split in
    groups of three consecutive lines and where one line is randomly chosen in
    each group to be a detection line (i.e. without excitation)
    >>> kind = 'oddrandom'
    >>> u1,lines, freq = multisine(f2=f2,N=N,lines=kind,R=1,ngroup=3)
    Generate another phase realization of this multisine with the same excited
    lines and detection lines
    >>> u2,*_ = multisine(N=N,lines=lines,R=1)

    J.Schoukens, M. Vaes, and R. Pintelon:
    Linear System Identification in a Nonlinear Setting:
    Nonparametric Analysis of the Nonlinear Distortions and Their Impact on the
    Best Linear Approximation. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.09587.pdf

    if fs is None:
        fs = N
    if f2 is None:
        f2 = np.floor(0.9 * N / 2)
    if not fs >= 2 * f2:
        raise AssertionError(f"fs should be {fs} >= {2*f2}")
    if not N >= 2 * f2:
        raise AssertionError('N should be higher than Nyquist freq, '
                             'N >= 2*f2. N={}, f2={}'.format(N, f2))

    VALID_LINES = {'full', 'odd', 'oddrandom'}
    if isinstance(lines, str) and lines.lower() in VALID_LINES:
        lines = lines.lower()
        # frequency resolution
        f0 = fs / N
        # lines selection - select which frequencies to excite
        lines_min = np.ceil(f1 / f0).astype('int')
        lines_max = np.floor(f2 / f0).astype('int')
        _lines = np.arange(lines_min, lines_max, dtype=int)
    elif isinstance(lines, (np.ndarray, list)):  # user specified lines
        _lines = np.array(lines)
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid lines-type. Should be one of {VALID_LINES}"
                         f" or array of frequency lines. Is {lines}")

    # remove dc
    if _lines[0] == 0:
        _lines = _lines[1:]

    if isinstance(lines, str):
        if lines == 'full':
            pass  # do nothing
        elif lines == 'odd':
            # remove even lines
            if np.remainder(_lines[0], 2):  # lines[0] is even
                _lines = _lines[::2]
                _lines = _lines[1::2]
        elif lines == 'oddrandom':
            if np.remainder(_lines[0], 2):
                _lines = _lines[::2]
                _lines = _lines[1::2]
            # remove 1 out of ngroup lines
            nlines = len(_lines)
            nremove = np.floor(nlines / ngroup).astype('int')
            idx = np.random.randint(ngroup, size=nremove)
            idx = idx + ngroup * np.arange(nremove)
            _lines = np.delete(_lines, idx)

    nlines = len(_lines)
    # multisine generation - frequency domain implementation
    U = np.zeros((R, N), dtype=complex)
    # excite the selected frequencies
    U[:, _lines] = np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.random.rand(R, nlines))

    u = 2 * np.real(ifft(U, axis=1))  # go to time domain
    u = rms * u / np.std(u[0])  # rescale to obtain desired rms/std

    # Because the ifft is for [0,2*pi[, there is no need to remove any point
    # when the generated signal is repeated.
    u = np.tile(u, (1, P))  # generate P periods
    freq = np.arange(N) / N * fs

    return u, _lines, freq
Пример #47
def pcal_delay(ifile, ntones, dbg, qwerty, write, mode_filtration):
    global ph

    if mode_filtration == 'true':
        new_ph = pcal_phaseresponse(ifile, ntones, 'false', mode_filtration)
        ph = new_ph

    li = []

    if dbg == 'true':
        f, axar = plt.subplots(2)

    time = np.linspace((1 / counter), 1, counter)

    ampls = []
    xlist = []

    if dbg == 'true':
        axar[0].set_xlabel(u'время, мкс')
        axar[0].set_ylabel(u'амплитуда, усл.ед.')

    for j in range(acc_periods):
        ph1 = abs(fft.ifft(ph[(j * counter):(j * counter + counter)]))

        if dbg == 'true':
            axar[0].plot(time, ph1)

        number = max(izip(ph1, count()))[1]
        j0 = number

        res = (np.asarray(ph).real)[(j * counter):(j * counter + counter)]
        ims = (np.asarray(ph).imag)[(j * counter):(j * counter + counter)]

        if j == 0:
            j1 = ("%.7f" % (((j0 * 1e-6) / 512) * 1e6))
            print '\nThe time delay is about', j1, 'microseconds \n'
            print 'Starting the calculation...'

        tau_min = j0 - 1
        tau_max = j0 + 1
        delta_tau = 0.1
        while delta_tau >= 5e-5:
            tau = tau_min

            tau_list = []
            cj = []

            while tau <= tau_max:
                im, re = Fraq_FFT(file_read(ifile), res, ims, tau, 1)

                cj.append(complex(re, im))

                tau = tau + delta_tau

            cj = abs(np.asarray(cj))

            number = max(izip(cj, count()))[1]
            tau = tau_list[number]
            tau_min = tau - delta_tau * 2
            tau_max = tau + delta_tau * 2

            if delta_tau == 1e-4:
                delta_tau = delta_tau / 2
                delta_tau = delta_tau / 10

        tau = tau / 512
        tau = float("%.7f" % (tau))

        sys.stdout.write(' accumulation periods have been processed...' +
                         ('\r%d' % (j + 1) + '/' + str(acc_periods)))


        if dbg == 'true':
            xlist.append(j * 0.5)



            axar[1].plot(xlist, np.asarray(li) * 1e6, 'o')
            axar[1].set_xlabel(u'время, с')
            axar[1].set_ylabel(u'задержка, пс')

    tau = "%.7f" % (np.mean(li))

    print '\nAnd the clarified time delay is', tau, 'microseconds'

    if dbg == 'true':
        if qwerty == '0':
        elif qwerty == '1':

    if write == 'true':
        name = ifile + '_delays.txt'
        f = open(name, 'w')
        for k in range(len(li)):

    return li
Пример #48
def der_hil(u0, expconsts, k, n):
    #n is the number of derivatives to take; n=1 is a first derivative
    return ifft(-1j * np.sign(k) * expconsts**n * fft(u0))
Пример #49
g_k = np.concatenate((g, np.zeros(f.shape[0] - g.shape[0])))
F, G_k = fft(f), fft(g_k)

# observations
C = (F * G_k) + 0.0 * fft(np.random.rand(*F.shape))
F_k = F + 0.0 * np.random.rand(*F.shape)
for k in range(int(max_its)):
    G_k1 = update_g(F_k, G_k, C)
    F_k1 = update_f(F_k, G_k, C)
    print("MSE_f = {}".format(norm(F - F_k) / norm(F)))
    #print("MSE_g = {}".format(norm(G - G_k) / norm(G)))

    F_k = F_k1
    G_k = G_k1

c, f_k, g_k = ifft(C), ifft(ifft(F_k)), ifft(G_k)

plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.plot(t, f, label='Ground truth')
plt.plot(t, ifft(C), label='Observations')

plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.plot(t, np.abs(f_k), label='Estimation')

plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.plot(g, label='Ground truth')
Пример #50
def freqSDoF(M, C, K, F, dT):
	force_DFT = fft(F)
	freq = 2.0*pi*fftfreq(len(F),dT)
	Hw = 1/(-M*freq**2+C*freq*1j+K)
	response_DFT = Hw*force_DFT
	return real(ifft(response_DFT)),real(ifft((0+freq*1j)*response_DFT)),real(ifft((0+freq*1j)**2*response_DFT))
Пример #51
#Window length
nw = 30
n = len(y)
t = (np.arange(0, 2 * nw) - (nw)) / nw / 2
w = np.exp(-np.power(t, 2) * 18)

w = np.concatenate([w[nw:], np.zeros(n + nw * 2), w[:nw]])
W = toeplitz(w)
W = W[:n, :n] / np.linalg.norm(w)

# Sparse Time-Frequency representation
f, u = sparseTF(y, W, epsilon, gamma, verbose=True, cgIter=cgIter)

# Signal reconstruction from TF domain
yrec = np.real(np.sum(W * ifft(f, axis=0), keepdims=True, axis=1))

fig, (ax, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7, 8))

t = np.arange(n)

fmin = 0
nyqn = n // 2

ax.plot(t, y, 'k', lw=1)
ax.set_title('Signal', fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlim(0, n)

ax1.imshow(abs(f[nyqn + 1:, :]),
Пример #52
        # dydx3 = derivative(f, x, dx=dx, order=3)
        # dydx5 = derivative(f, x, dx=dx, order=5)
        # dydx7 = derivative(f, x, dx=dx, order=7)

        from numpy import gradient

        grad = gradient(y, x)

        from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, ifftshift, fftshift, fftfreq

        N = int((np.abs(xleft) + np.abs(xright)) / dx)
        if N != x.size:
            raise ValueError("N != x.size")
        nu = fftfreq(N, dx)
        kx = 1j * 2 * np.pi * nu
        grad_fft = ifft(kx * fft(y)).real

        if SHIFT_GRID:
            x -= x0
        ax.plot(x, y, label='y=f(x)')
        # ax.plot(x, dydx3, '-*', label='y=f\'(x) order=3 scipy')
        # ax.plot(x, dydx5, '-*', label='y=f\'(x) order=5 scipy')
        # ax.plot(x, dydx7, '-*', label='y=f\'(x) order=7 scipy')
        ax.plot(x, grad, '-', label='y=f\'(x) numpy')
        ax.plot(x, grad_fft, '-', label='y=f\'(x) fft')
        # ax.text(xleft, a-.65, f"A = {a}\nx0 = {x0}\nw = {wx}")
    # 2-мерный график
    if MODE == 2:
        ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
Пример #53
def update_f(F, G, C):
    G_rev = fft(ifft(G)[::-1])
    F_k1 = (C / (F * G)) * G_rev * F
    return ifft(F_k1)
Пример #54
 def whiten(self, string):
     str_fft = fft(string, axis=1)
     spectrum = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.absolute(str_fft)**2))
     return np.absolute(ifft(str_fft * (1. / spectrum), axis=1))
Пример #55
def minimum_phase(h, method='homomorphic', n_fft=None):
    """Convert a linear-phase FIR filter to minimum phase

    h : array
        Linear-phase FIR filter coefficients.
    method : {'hilbert', 'homomorphic'}
        The method to use:

            'homomorphic' (default)
                This method [4]_ [5]_ works best with filters with an
                odd number of taps, and the resulting minimum phase filter
                will have a magnitude response that approximates the square
                root of the the original filter's magnitude response.

                This method [1]_ is designed to be used with equiripple
                filters (e.g., from `remez`) with unity or zero gain

    n_fft : int
        The number of points to use for the FFT. Should be at least a
        few times larger than the signal length (see Notes).

    h_minimum : array
        The minimum-phase version of the filter, with length
        ``(length(h) + 1) // 2``.

    See Also

    Both the Hilbert [1]_ or homomorphic [4]_ [5]_ methods require selection
    of an FFT length to estimate the complex cepstrum of the filter.

    In the case of the Hilbert method, the deviation from the ideal
    spectrum ``epsilon`` is related to the number of stopband zeros
    ``n_stop`` and FFT length ``n_fft`` as::

        epsilon = 2. * n_stop / n_fft

    For example, with 100 stopband zeros and a FFT length of 2048,
    ``epsilon = 0.0976``. If we conservatively assume that the number of
    stopband zeros is one less than the filter length, we can take the FFT
    length to be the next power of 2 that satisfies ``epsilon=0.01`` as::

        n_fft = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(2 * (len(h) - 1) / 0.01)))

    This gives reasonable results for both the Hilbert and homomorphic
    methods, and gives the value used when ``n_fft=None``.

    Alternative implementations exist for creating minimum-phase filters,
    including zero inversion [2]_ and spectral factorization [3]_ [4]_.
    For more information, see:


    Create an optimal linear-phase filter, then convert it to minimum phase:

    >>> from scipy.signal import remez, minimum_phase, freqz, group_delay
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> freq = [0, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0]
    >>> desired = [1, 0]
    >>> h_linear = remez(151, freq, desired, fs=2.)

    Convert it to minimum phase:

    >>> h_min_hom = minimum_phase(h_linear, method='homomorphic')
    >>> h_min_hil = minimum_phase(h_linear, method='hilbert')

    Compare the three filters:

    >>> fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(4, 8))
    >>> for h, style, color in zip((h_linear, h_min_hom, h_min_hil),
    ...                            ('-', '-', '--'), ('k', 'r', 'c')):
    ...     w, H = freqz(h)
    ...     w, gd = group_delay((h, 1))
    ...     w /= np.pi
    ...     axs[0].plot(h, color=color, linestyle=style)
    ...     axs[1].plot(w, np.abs(H), color=color, linestyle=style)
    ...     axs[2].plot(w, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H)), color=color, linestyle=style)
    ...     axs[3].plot(w, gd, color=color, linestyle=style)
    >>> for ax in axs:
    ...     ax.grid(True, color='0.5')
    ...     ax.fill_between(freq[1:3], *ax.get_ylim(), color='#ffeeaa', zorder=1)
    >>> axs[0].set(xlim=[0, len(h_linear) - 1], ylabel='Amplitude', xlabel='Samples')
    >>> axs[1].legend(['Linear', 'Min-Hom', 'Min-Hil'], title='Phase')
    >>> for ax, ylim in zip(axs[1:], ([0, 1.1], [-150, 10], [-60, 60])):
    ...     ax.set(xlim=[0, 1], ylim=ylim, xlabel='Frequency')
    >>> axs[1].set(ylabel='Magnitude')
    >>> axs[2].set(ylabel='Magnitude (dB)')
    >>> axs[3].set(ylabel='Group delay')
    >>> plt.tight_layout()

    .. [1] N. Damera-Venkata and B. L. Evans, "Optimal design of real and
           complex minimum phase digital FIR filters," Acoustics, Speech,
           and Signal Processing, 1999. Proceedings., 1999 IEEE International
           Conference on, Phoenix, AZ, 1999, pp. 1145-1148 vol.3.
    .. [2] X. Chen and T. W. Parks, "Design of optimal minimum phase FIR
           filters by direct factorization," Signal Processing,
           vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 369-383, Jun. 1986.
    .. [3] T. Saramaki, "Finite Impulse Response Filter Design," in
           Handbook for Digital Signal Processing, chapter 4,
           New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1993.
    .. [4] J. S. Lim, Advanced Topics in Signal Processing.
           Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1988.
    .. [5] A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, and J. R. Buck,
           "Discrete-Time Signal Processing," 2nd edition.
           Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1999.
    """  # noqa
    h = np.asarray(h)
    if np.iscomplexobj(h):
        raise ValueError('Complex filters not supported')
    if h.ndim != 1 or h.size <= 2:
        raise ValueError('h must be 1-D and at least 2 samples long')
    n_half = len(h) // 2
    if not np.allclose(h[-n_half:][::-1], h[:n_half]):
            'h does not appear to by symmetric, conversion may '
            'fail', RuntimeWarning)
    if not isinstance(method, str) or method not in \
            ('homomorphic', 'hilbert',):
        raise ValueError('method must be "homomorphic" or "hilbert", got %r' %
                         (method, ))
    if n_fft is None:
        n_fft = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(2 * (len(h) - 1) / 0.01)))
    n_fft = int(n_fft)
    if n_fft < len(h):
        raise ValueError('n_fft must be at least len(h)==%s' % len(h))
    if method == 'hilbert':
        w = np.arange(n_fft) * (2 * np.pi / n_fft * n_half)
        H = np.real(fft(h, n_fft) * np.exp(1j * w))
        dp = max(H) - 1
        ds = 0 - min(H)
        S = 4. / (np.sqrt(1 + dp + ds) + np.sqrt(1 - dp + ds))**2
        H += ds
        H *= S
        H = np.sqrt(H, out=H)
        H += 1e-10  # ensure that the log does not explode
        h_minimum = _dhtm(H)
    else:  # method == 'homomorphic'
        # zero-pad; calculate the DFT
        h_temp = np.abs(fft(h, n_fft))
        # take 0.25*log(|H|**2) = 0.5*log(|H|)
        h_temp += 1e-7 * h_temp[h_temp > 0].min()  # don't let log blow up
        np.log(h_temp, out=h_temp)
        h_temp *= 0.5
        # IDFT
        h_temp = ifft(h_temp).real
        # multiply pointwise by the homomorphic filter
        # lmin[n] = 2u[n] - d[n]
        win = np.zeros(n_fft)
        win[0] = 1
        stop = (len(h) + 1) // 2
        win[1:stop] = 2
        if len(h) % 2:
            win[stop] = 1
        h_temp *= win
        h_temp = ifft(np.exp(fft(h_temp)))
        h_minimum = h_temp.real
    n_out = n_half + len(h) % 2
    return h_minimum[:n_out]
Пример #56
def apply_taper(complex_array, taper):
    # Use fft for vis -> lag and ifft for lag -> vis
    return ifft(fft(complex_array, axis=1)*(fftshift(taper)[newaxis,:,newaxis]),axis=1)
Пример #57
def pattern_1d(N_sim=1024,
    This function geometrical stripe pattern in 1D. The rest is similar to the stripe pattern 
    generation in 2D.
        *N_sim: array size of the simulated patch (use only even integers).
        *FOV: field of view (mm).
        *N_mri: array size of the MR image.
        *omega: frequency in cycles/mm.
        *phi: phase in deg.
        *theta: rotation angle in deg.
        *rect_shape (boolean): rectangular or sine pattern.
        *beta: maximal BOLD response corresponding to neural response of 1.
        *fwhm_bold: BOLD point-spread width in mm.
        *fwhm_noise: measurement noise of BOLD response.
        *a_mask: left side length of mask.
        *b_mask: right side length of mask.
        *pattern_img: neural map.
        *y_img: BOLD response with measurement noise.
        *ymri_img: sampled MRI signal.
        *F_bold_fft: BOLD filter in spatial frequency representation.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 07-01-2019     
    Last modified: 07-01-2019
    # add path of the executed script to the interpreter's search path
    import sys

    import numpy as np
    from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
    from lib.simulation.get_white import get_white_1d
    from lib.simulation.filter_bold import filter_bold_1d
    from lib.simulation.mask_pattern import mask_pattern_1d

    # generate geometrical pattern
    x = np.linspace(0, FOV, N_sim)

    # convert phase from deg to rad
    phi = np.radians(phi)

    pattern_img = np.cos(2 * np.pi * omega * x + phi)

    # generate rect or sine pattern
    if rect_shape:
        pattern_img[pattern_img > 0] = 1
        pattern_img[pattern_img != 1] = -1

    # BOLD response
    F_bold_fft = filter_bold_1d(N_sim, FOV, fwhm_bold, beta)
    y_img = np.real(ifft(fft(pattern_img) * F_bold_fft))

    # add measurement noise
    noise_img = get_white_1d(N_sim, 0,
                             fwhm_noise / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))))
    y_img = noise_img + y_img

    # voxel sampling
    y_fft = fft(y_img)

    k_sample = np.round(N_mri / 2).astype(int)

    ymri_fft = np.zeros(N_mri, dtype=complex)

    ymri_fft[:k_sample] = y_fft[:k_sample]
    ymri_fft[-1:-k_sample - 1:-1] = y_fft[-1:-k_sample - 1:-1]

    ymri_img = np.real(ifft(ymri_fft))

    # mask voxel sampling
    ymri_img = ymri_img * mask_pattern_1d(len(ymri_img), a_mask, b_mask)

    return pattern_img, y_img, ymri_img, F_bold_fft
def rhs_advection1D_periodic(self, q):
    c = self.advection_speed
    K = self.geom.K[0]
    qhat = fft(q)
    qhat_x = K * qhat * (1j)
    return -c * np.real(ifft(qhat_x))
y = 75 * np.sin(omg * 250 * t) + 100 * np.sin(omg * 5 * t) + 15 * np.cos(
    omg * 10 * t) + 50 * np.cos(omg * 400 * t)
plt.plot(t, y)

freqs = fftfreq(N)
mask = freqs > 0
fft_vals = np.asarray(fft(y))
actual_fft = 2.0 * np.abs(fft_vals / N)
FFT = actual_fft




f = np.arange(0, 1000)

def step(f):
    low_filter = np.zeros(len(f))
    ind = np.where((f > 75) & (f < 350))
    low_filter[ind] = 1
    ind2 = np.where((f > 650) & (f < 925))
    low_filter[ind2] = 1
    return low_filter

Пример #60
def window_ifft(Magcom, window):
    """windows the data before applying an ifft"""
    return fft.ifft(Magcom * window)