Пример #1
    def _compute_coefs(self, xx, yy, p=None, var=1):
        x, y = np.atleast_1d(xx, yy)
        x = x.ravel()
        dx = np.diff(x)
        must_sort = (dx < 0).any()
        if must_sort:
            ind = x.argsort()
            x = x[ind]
            y = y[..., ind]
            dx = np.diff(x)

        n = len(x)

        # ndy = y.ndim
        szy = y.shape

        nd = prod(szy[:-1])
        ny = szy[-1]

        if n < 2:
            raise ValueError('There must be >=2 data points.')
        elif (dx <= 0).any():
            raise ValueError('Two consecutive values in x can not be equal.')
        elif n != ny:
            raise ValueError('x and y must have the same length.')

        dydx = np.diff(y) / dx

        if (n == 2):  # % straight line
            coefs = np.vstack([dydx.ravel(), y[0, :]])

            dx1 = 1. / dx
            D = sparse.spdiags(var * ones(n), 0, n, n)  # The variance

            u, p = self._compute_u(p, D, dydx, dx, dx1, n)
            dx1.shape = (n - 1, -1)
            dx.shape = (n - 1, -1)
            zrs = zeros(nd)
            if p < 1:
                # faster than yi-6*(1-p)*Q*u
                Qu = D * diff(vstack(
                    [zrs, diff(vstack([zrs, u, zrs]), axis=0) * dx1, zrs]),
                ai = (y - (6 * (1 - p) * Qu).T).T
                ai = y.reshape(n, -1)

            # The piecewise polynominals are written as
            # fi=ai+bi*(x-xi)+ci*(x-xi)^2+di*(x-xi)^3
            # where the derivatives in the knots according to Carl de Boor are:
            #    ddfi  = 6*p*[0;u] = 2*ci;
            #    dddfi = 2*diff([ci;0])./dx = 6*di;
            #    dfi   = diff(ai)./dx-(ci+di.*dx).*dx = bi;

            ci = np.vstack([zrs, 3 * p * u])
            di = (diff(vstack([ci, zrs]), axis=0) * dx1 / 3)
            bi = (diff(ai, axis=0) * dx1 - (ci + di * dx) * dx)
            ai = ai[:n - 1, ...]
            if nd > 1:
                di = di.T
                ci = ci.T
                ai = ai.T
            if not any(di):
                if not any(ci):
                    coefs = vstack([bi.ravel(), ai.ravel()])
                    coefs = vstack([ci.ravel(), bi.ravel(), ai.ravel()])
                coefs = vstack(

        return coefs, x
Пример #2
    def _compute_coefs(self, xx, yy, p=None, var=1):
        x, y = np.atleast_1d(xx, yy)
        x = x.ravel()
        dx = np.diff(x)
        must_sort = (dx < 0).any()
        if must_sort:
            ind = x.argsort()
            x = x[ind]
            y = y[..., ind]
            dx = np.diff(x)

        n = len(x)

        #ndy = y.ndim
        szy = y.shape

        nd = prod(szy[:-1])
        ny = szy[-1]

        if n < 2:
            raise ValueError('There must be >=2 data points.')
        elif (dx <= 0).any():
            raise ValueError('Two consecutive values in x can not be equal.')
        elif n != ny:
            raise ValueError('x and y must have the same length.')

        dydx = np.diff(y) / dx

        if (n == 2):  # % straight line
            coefs = np.vstack([dydx.ravel(), y[0, :]])

            dx1 = 1. / dx
            D = sp.spdiags(var * ones(n), 0, n, n)  # The variance

            u, p = self._compute_u(p, D, dydx, dx, dx1, n)
            dx1.shape = (n - 1, -1)
            dx.shape = (n - 1, -1)
            zrs = zeros(nd)
            if p < 1:
                # faster than yi-6*(1-p)*Q*u
                ai = (y - (6 * (1 - p) * D *
                                    diff(vstack([zrs, u, zrs]), axis=0) * dx1,
                                                          zrs]), axis=0)).T).T
                ai = y.reshape(n, -1)

            # The piecewise polynominals are written as
            # fi=ai+bi*(x-xi)+ci*(x-xi)^2+di*(x-xi)^3
            # where the derivatives in the knots according to Carl de Boor are:
            #    ddfi  = 6*p*[0;u] = 2*ci;
            #    dddfi = 2*diff([ci;0])./dx = 6*di;
            #    dfi   = diff(ai)./dx-(ci+di.*dx).*dx = bi;

            ci = np.vstack([zrs, 3 * p * u])
            di = (diff(vstack([ci, zrs]), axis=0) * dx1 / 3)
            bi = (diff(ai, axis=0) * dx1 - (ci + di * dx) * dx)
            ai = ai[:n - 1, ...]
            if nd > 1:
                di = di.T
                ci = ci.T
                ai = ai.T
            if not any(di):
                if not any(ci):
                    coefs = vstack([bi.ravel(), ai.ravel()])
                    coefs = vstack([ci.ravel(), bi.ravel(), ai.ravel()])
                coefs = vstack(
                    [di.ravel(), ci.ravel(), bi.ravel(), ai.ravel()])

        return coefs, x
Пример #3
feature_list = []
if options.features:
    print options.features
    feature_list = map(lambda s : int(s), options.features.split(','))
    print feature_list
if options.prefix:
    prefix = options.prefix
    #prefix = 'data/tallinn_201s_title_rdist_10000'
    X, y = load_data(prefix + '.train', feature_list=feature_list)
    #print y.shape
    #X, y = load_svmlight_file(prefix + '.train')
    testX, testY = load_data(prefix + '.test', feature_list=feature_list)
    X = vstack((X, testX))
    X = preprocessing.scale(X)
    print X

    #y = vstack((y, testY))
    #y = y + testY
    #y = y.transpose()
    #print y.shape, testY.shape
    y = hstack((y, testY))
    print y

if options.data:
    log('loading ' + str(options.data))
    X, y = load_data(options.data, feature_list=feature_list)
    if False:
        pos_start = 0