Пример #1
def dual_improved_omega(P_i, P_j):
    Implementation of the approximation of omega when using the improved fast covariance intersection algorithm for
    two tracks.

    Follows the formula given on slide 24 of: http://www.ftm.mw.tum.de/uploads/media/17_Seeliger.pdf
    :param P_i: The covariance matrix of track i as a 2D numpy-array
    :param P_j: The covariance matrix of track j as a 2D numpy-array
    :return: omega, the weighting of the track i (first parameter). j should be weighted (1-omega)
    # Calculate the inverse of both matrices first instead of doing this multiple times
    P_i_inv = inverse(P_i)
    P_j_inv = inverse(P_j)

    # Now, calculate w using these two matrices
    # Splitting this into two steps (the entire thing is a big division)
    # First step is calculate everything before the division
    # Second step is calculate everything after the division
    # The following lines describe the operations with +/-/* , the actual code uses numpy functions:
    #    w = det(P_i_inv + P_j_inv) - det(P_j_inv) + det(P_i_inv)
    #    w /= 2 * det(P_i_inv + P_j_inv)

    w = np.add(np.subtract(det(np.add(P_i_inv, P_j_inv)), det(P_j_inv)),
    w = np.divide(w, dot(2, det(np.add(P_i_inv, P_j_inv))))

    return w
Пример #2
def transf_indices(g_c, transformation, blocks, almost_zero = 10e-9):
    Finds the new blockstructure of G_loc using the unitary transformation u.
    transformation is a matrix over the cluster sites
    n_sites = len(transformation)
    sites = range(n_sites)
    g_block_structure = zeros([n_sites, n_sites], int)
    u = array(transformation)
    u_inv = inverse(u)
    blockdiag_len = list()
    _blockdiag_len = 0
    for s, b in g_c:
        for i, l, m in product(sites, sites, range(len(b.data[:,0,0]))):
            if abs(sum_list([sum_list([u[i, j] * b.data[m, j, k] * u_inv[k, l] for j in sites]) for k in sites])) > almost_zero:
                g_block_structure[i, l] = 1
    for i in sites:
        block_is_zero = True
        for j in range(i, n_sites, 1):
            for k in range(0, i + 1, 1):
                if i != j and (g_block_structure[i - k, j] != 0 or g_block_structure[j, i - k] != 0):
                    block_is_zero = False
        if block_is_zero:
            _blockdiag_len = 0
            _blockdiag_len += 1
    return [(str(i) + '-' + s, range(blockdiag_len[i] + 1)) for s in blocks for i in range(len(blockdiag_len))]
Пример #3
def Broyden_Method(x0,h=0.001,max_int=100):
    System_Value = Non_Linear_System(x0)
    System_Value = list(abs(i) for i in System_Value)
    erro_alvo = [0.00001,0.00001,0.00001]
    var_count = 0
    while(System_Value > erro_alvo and var_count < max_int):

    	F_x0 = numpy.array(Non_Linear_System(x0))
    	A0 = Jacobiano(x0,h)
    	Inv_A0 = inverse(A0) # Inversa da Matriz Jacobiana
    	x1 = x0 - Inv_A0@F_x0
    	F_x1 = numpy.array(Non_Linear_System(x1))
    	y1 = F_x1 - F_x0
    	s1 = x1 - x0
    	c1 = (s1@Inv_A0)@y1
    	Inv_A1 = Inv_A0 + (1/c1)*((s1-Inv_A0@y1)*(s1@Inv_A0))
    	x2 = x1 - Inv_A1@F_x1
    	x0 = x2

    	System_Value = Non_Linear_System(x0)
    	System_Value = list(abs(i) for i in System_Value)
    	var_count = var_count + 1
    xn = list(round(i,10) for i in x0)
    print("Número de Iterações: %.i" %var_count)
    return(print("Solução do Sistema Não Linear: ", xn))
Пример #4
 def cal_phi(self, Y_value, reduced_matrix):
     \mathcal{A}_i(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = 2(\sum_{l \in p_i} \theta_l)^2 \sum_{k=1}^{|L|}b_{k,i}^2
     \phi_{i}=\frac{\sqrt{\mathcal{A}_{i}(\boldsymbol{\theta})}}{\sum_{j=1}^{|L|} \sqrt{\mathcal{A}_{j}(\boldsymbol{\theta})}}
     assert isinstance(Y_value, list)
     # assert isinstance(reduced_matrix,np.array)
     # 求规约矩阵的逆矩阵
     inverse_matrix = inverse(reduced_matrix)
     A = []
     Phi = []
     for i in range(len(Y_value)):
         # 取出逆矩阵的列平方和
         sum_col = 0
         for k in range(len(inverse_matrix[:, i])):
             sum_col += inverse_matrix[:, i][k]**2
         value = 2 * (Y_value[i]**2) * sum_col
     # 计算 A 的平方根和
     sum_A = 0
     for i in range(len(A)):
         sum_A += np.sqrt(A[i])
     for i in range(len(Y_value)):
         Phi.append(np.sqrt(A[i]) / sum_A)
     # print("the sum of phi:",sum(Phi))
     return Phi
Пример #5
def llsq(vectors, flux):
    A = np.matrix(vectors).transpose()
    y = np.matrix(flux).transpose()
    At = A.transpose()
    coeffs = inverse(At * A) * At * y
    coeffs = np.array(0.0 - coeffs)
    return coeffs
Пример #6
 def CalcJacobian(self):
     Use crude numerical differences to approximate Jacobian
     return inverse
     jacobian = zeros((self.numberActive, self.numberActive), Float)
     for cont in self.activeControllers:
     self.errors = self.GetErrors()
     delta = 0.1
     for i in range(self.numberActive):
         self.flowsheet.InfoMessage('ContDerivCalc', (self.flowsheet.GetPath(), i))
         cont = self.activeControllers[i]
         jacobian[:,i] = (self.GetErrors() - self.errors)/delta
         self.jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
         raise Error.SimError('CouldNotInvertJacobian', self.flowsheet.GetPath())
    def inverse(self):
        "Returns the inverse of a rank-2 tensor."
	if self.rank == 2:
	    from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
	    return Tensor(inverse(self.array))
	    raise ValueError, 'Undefined operation'
Пример #8
    def KF_update(self, X_intermediate, P_intermediate, Z, H, R):
        X_intermediate: The *initially* predicted state based on previous state
        P_intermediate: The *initially* predicted covariance matrix of state X
        Z: The observed measurement
        H: Maps the observed measurement into the appropriate scale/units
        R: The measurement noise covariance matrix

        **LOCAL VARIABLES:**
        X_mean: the mean of the state, with corrected scale/units
        X_covar: the covariance of the state, with corrected scale/units
        K_gain: the Kalman Filter gain, which determines how much correction is needed

        X_final: the final *corrected/updated* predicted state at current timestep
        P_final: the final *corrected/updated* state covariance matrix
        (Note that these essentially become X_prior and P_prior when inputed into KF_predict_step for the next timestep.)

        X_mean = dot(H, X_intermediate)
        X_covar = dot(H, dot(P_intermediate, H.T))

        K_gain = dot(P_intermediate, dot(H.T, inverse(X_covar + R)))

        X_final = X_intermediate + dot(K_gain, (Z - X_mean))
        P_final = P_intermediate - dot(K_gain, dot(H, K_gain.T))
        return (X_final, P_final)
Пример #9
 def inverse(self):
     "Returns the inverse of a rank-2 tensor."
     if self.rank == 2:
         from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
         return Tensor(inverse(self.array))
         raise ValueError, 'Undefined operation'
Пример #10
 def solve_newton(self, x0=None, t=1., tol=.0001, max_iter=500):
     Estimate the parameters of the time dependent model given
         some observed time series. It is assumed that the first
         argument to the model is time while the remaining args
         are parameters
     :param x0: a starting point for the optimization
     :param t: newton step size multiplier
     :param tol: stopping criterion; tolerance on the norm of the gradient
     :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations to perform
     :return: Estimates of the parameters that would be input
         to the time dependent model
     if x0 is None:
         x0 = self.initial_guess()
     grad_norm = norm(self.objective.gradient(x0))
     x = array(x0, copy=True, dtype=datatype)
     k = 0
     while grad_norm > tol:
         h = self.objective.hessian(x)
         hinv = inverse(h)
         g = self.objective.gradient(x)
         grad_norm = norm(g)
         direction = array(matrix(hinv) * matrix(g)).squeeze()
         x -= t * direction
         k += 1
         if k >= max_iter:
     self.optimal_point = x
     self.optimal_value = self.objective.value(x)
Пример #11
def interpolation_rbf(xs, x, y, sigma):
    # get inverse of similarity matrix for x and get weights
    x = x.reshape(x.size, 1)
    y = y.reshape(y.size, 1)
    inv_sim_matrix = inverse(phi_sigma(distance_matrix(x, x), sigma))
    weights = np.dot(inv_sim_matrix, y)

    return weights
Пример #12
def g_c(g, transformation, transf_indices, blocks):
    u = array(transformation)
    u_inv = inverse(u)
    sites = range(len(u))
    g_c = BlockGf(name_block_generator = [(s, GfImFreq(indices = sites, mesh = g[transf_indices[0][0]].mesh)) for s in blocks], make_copies = False)
    for s, i, j in product(blocks, sites, sites):
        g_c[s][i, j] << sum_list([sum_list([u_inv[i, k] * _unblocked_g_transf(g, s, k, l, transf_indices) * u[l, j]  for k in sites]) for l in sites])
    return g_c
Пример #13
def is_generator_unique(Q):
    """Conservatively tests whether a transition rate matrix uniquely yields
    its transition probability matrix"""
    if not Q.shape[0] in (3, 4):
        raise NotImplementedError("Only Q of 3x3 or 4x4 supported")
    assert _is_Q_ok(Q), "Q must be a valid transition rate matrix"

    e, V = eigenvectors(Q)
    n = len(e)

    # Assert that the matrix is diagonalisable
    if not allclose(V.dot(diag(e)).dot(inverse(V)), Q):
        raise ArithmeticError("matrix not diagonalisable")

    # Find the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue
    PF_EV = argmin([norm(ones(n) / n - v / v.sum()) for v in V.T])
    # Don't mess with the P-F eigenvalue - it has a special job to do
    ix = list(range(0, PF_EV)) + list(range(PF_EV + 1, n))

    real_close = []
    expe = exp(e)
    for i, j in combinations(ix, 2):
        if isclose(e.real[i], e.real[j]):
            real_close.append((i, j))

        # Can't deal with non-primary roots yet
        if isclose(expe[i], expe[j]):
            raise NotImplementedError("non-primary root detected:\n" + repr(Q))

    # If the real parts of the eigenvalues are distinct, we're ok
    # For each candidate complex conjugate pair, check for equivalent Qs
    for i, j in real_close:
        s = zeros(n)
        s[i] = 1.0
        s[j] = -1.0
        gen = 2.0 * pi * complex(0.0, 1.0) * V.dot(diag(s)).dot(inverse(V))
        Qtest = Q + gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False
        Qtest = Q - gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False

    return True
Пример #14
def interpolate3DTransform(matrixList, indexList, percent):
    """ This function gets input of two list and a percent value.
Return value is a 4x4 matrix corresponding to percent% of the transformation.

matrixList: a list of 4x4 transformation matrix
indexList : a list of sorted index (positive float number)
percent   : a positive float number.
if only one matrix in the matrix list:
percent =   0.0  means no transformation (identity)
            1.0  means 100% of the transformation (returns mat)
            0.58 means 58% of translation and rotatetion 58% of rotation angle
            along the same rotation axis
percent can go above 1.0

If matrixList has more than one matrix:
matrixList=[M1,  M2,  M3]     #Attention: All M uses the same reference frame
indexList =[0.2, 0.5, 1.0]    #Attention: assume the list sorted ascendingly
p = 0.5 means apply M2
p = 0.8 means apply M3
p = 0.9 means apply M2 first, then apply 50% of M'.  M' is the transformation
                    from M2 to M3.   50% = (0.9-0.8) / (1.0-0.8)
                    M2 x M' = M3
                    -->  M2.inverse x M2 x M'= M2.inverse x M3 
                    -->  M'= M2.inverse x M
    listLen = len(matrixList)
    if listLen != len(indexList):
        raise ValueError("matrix list should have same length of index list")
    if listLen == 0:
        raise ValueError("no matrix found in the matrix list")

    offset = -1
    for i in range(listLen):
        if indexList[i] >= percent:
            offset = i

    prevMat = nextMat = N.identity(4,'f')
    if offset == -1:
        prevMat = matrixList[-1]
        p = percent/indexList[-1]
        return _interpolateMat(matrixList[-1], p)
    elif offset == 0:
        nextMat = matrixList[0]
        p = percent/indexList[0]
        return _interpolateMat(N.array(matrixList[0]), p)
        prevMat = matrixList[offset-1]
        nextMat = matrixList[offset]
        p = (percent-indexList[offset-1])/(
        from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse

        M = N.dot(inverse(prevMat), nextMat)
        Mat = _interpolateMat(M, p)
        return N.dot(prevMat, Mat)
Пример #15
def interpolate3DTransform(matrixList, indexList, percent):
    """ This function gets input of two list and a percent value.
Return value is a 4x4 matrix corresponding to percent% of the transformation.

matrixList: a list of 4x4 transformation matrix
indexList : a list of sorted index (positive float number)
percent   : a positive float number.
if only one matrix in the matrix list:
percent =   0.0  means no transformation (identity)
            1.0  means 100% of the transformation (returns mat)
            0.58 means 58% of translation and rotatetion 58% of rotation angle
            along the same rotation axis
percent can go above 1.0

If matrixList has more than one matrix:
matrixList=[M1,  M2,  M3]     #Attention: All M uses the same reference frame
indexList =[0.2, 0.5, 1.0]    #Attention: assume the list sorted ascendingly
p = 0.5 means apply M2
p = 0.8 means apply M3
p = 0.9 means apply M2 first, then apply 50% of M'.  M' is the transformation
                    from M2 to M3.   50% = (0.9-0.8) / (1.0-0.8)
                    M2 x M' = M3
                    -->  M2.inverse x M2 x M'= M2.inverse x M3 
                    -->  M'= M2.inverse x M
    listLen = len(matrixList)
    if listLen != len(indexList):
        raise ValueError("matrix list should have same length of index list")
    if listLen == 0:
        raise ValueError("no matrix found in the matrix list")

    offset = -1
    for i in range(listLen):
        if indexList[i] >= percent:
            offset = i

    prevMat = nextMat = N.identity(4, 'f')
    if offset == -1:
        prevMat = matrixList[-1]
        p = percent / indexList[-1]
        return _interpolateMat(matrixList[-1], p)
    elif offset == 0:
        nextMat = matrixList[0]
        p = percent / indexList[0]
        return _interpolateMat(N.array(matrixList[0]), p)
        prevMat = matrixList[offset - 1]
        nextMat = matrixList[offset]
        p = (percent - indexList[offset - 1]) / (indexList[offset] -
                                                 indexList[offset - 1])
        from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse

        M = N.dot(inverse(prevMat), nextMat)
        Mat = _interpolateMat(M, p)
        return N.dot(prevMat, Mat)
Пример #16
def is_generator_unique(Q):
    """Conservatively tests whether a transition rate matrix uniquely yields
    its transition probability matrix"""
    assert Q.shape[0] in (3, 4), 'Q must be 3x3 or 4x4'
    assert _is_Q_ok(Q), 'Q must be a valid transition rate matrix'

    e, V = eigenvectors(Q)
    n = len(e)

    # Assert that the matrix is diagonalisable
    if not allclose(V.dot(diag(e)).dot(inverse(V)), Q):
        raise ArithmeticError('matrix not diagonalisable')

    # Find the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue
    PF_EV = argmin([norm(ones(n)/n-v/v.sum()) for v in V.T])
    # Don't mess with the P-F eigenvalue - it has a special job to do
    ix = range(0,PF_EV) + range(PF_EV+1,n)

    real_close = []
    expe = exp(e)
    for i, j in combinations(ix, 2):
        if isclose(e.real[i], e.real[j]):
            real_close.append((i, j))

        # Can't deal with non-primary roots yet
        if isclose(expe[i], expe[j]):
            raise NotImplementedError('non-primary root detected:\n'+repr(Q))
    # If the real parts of the eigenvalues are distinct, we're ok
    # For each candidate complex conjugate pair, check for equivalent Qs 
    for i, j in real_close:
        s = zeros(n)
        s[i] = 1.
        s[j] = -1.
        gen = 2.*pi*complex(0.,1.)*V.dot(diag(s)).dot(inverse(V))
        Qtest = Q + gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False
        Qtest = Q - gen
        if _is_Q_ok(Qtest):
            return False

    return True
Пример #17
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Пример #18
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.x, self.y = data
        # Solving using the analytical solution
        self.x = np.concatenate((np.ones((self.x.shape[0], 1)), self.x),
        self.w = np.dot(inverse(np.dot(self.x.transpose, self.x)),
                        np.dot(self.x.transpose, self.y))

        #self.b = self.x[1,] # First row is just b
        # shouldn't it be like below?
        self.b = self.w[:1]
        self.w = self.w[1:]  # w is all but the first row.
Пример #20
def multivariate_normal_prob(x, cov, mean=None):
    """Returns multivariate normal probability density of vector x.
    Formula: http://www.riskglossary.com/link/joint_normal_distribution.htm
    if mean is None:
        mean = zeros(len(x))
    diff_row = x-mean
    diff_col = diff_row[:,NewAxis]
    numerator = exp(-0.5 * dot(dot(diff_row, inverse(cov)), diff_col))
    denominator = sqrt((2*pi)**(len(x)) * determinant(cov))
    return numerator/denominator
Пример #21
def multivariate_normal_prob(x, cov, mean=None):
    """Returns multivariate normal probability density of vector x.
    Formula: http://www.riskglossary.com/link/joint_normal_distribution.htm
    if mean is None:
        mean = zeros(len(x))
    diff_row = x - mean
    diff_col = diff_row[:, NewAxis]
    numerator = exp(-0.5 * dot(dot(diff_row, inverse(cov)), diff_col))
    denominator = sqrt((2 * pi)**(len(x)) * determinant(cov))
    return numerator / denominator
Пример #22
def dual_cov_intersection(P_i, P_j, x_i, x_j, omega_fct=dual_fast_omega):
    Implementation of the covariance intersection algorithm for two tracks, according to the formula given on slide 24
    of: http://www.ftm.mw.tum.de/uploads/media/17_Seeliger.pdf

    One parameter is a function to determine w/omega:
        In the basic CI algorithm, this is a convex optimization problem
        In the FCI/I-FCI algorithms, an approximate solution is calculated
    This omega_function should take two arguments: P_i and P_j (in that order). These parameters are the two covariance
    matrices of the tracks.

    This implementation follows the following naming:
    The two tracks are called i and j
    P is the final covariance matrix, P_i is the cov-matrix of track i
    x is the estimated result, x_i the tracking of track i
    w is the omega in the CI algorithm, i.e. the weighting of the two tracks based on their covariances.
        track i will be weighted w, while j will be weighted (1-w)
    :param P_i: The covariance matrix of track i as a 2D numpy-array
    :param P_j: The covariance matrix of track j as a 2D numpy-array
    :param x_i: The tracking estimation of track i as a 2D numpy-array
    :param x_j: The tracking estimation of track j as a 2D numpy-array
    :param omega_fct: Function that takes P_i and P_j as arguments and calculates w using this
    :return: (x, P, w) [estimation, covariance matrix estimation, omega used)
    # All code is provided twice:
    #   Commented and spaced is the readable version of the algorithm
    # The actual code is the same, but using numpy operations instead of +/-/*
    w = omega_fct(P_i, P_j)
    # print("using w = "+str(w))
    # Calculate P and P^(-1)=P_inv first
    #   P_inv = w * inverse(P_i) + (1-w)*inverse(P_j)
    P_inv = np.add(dot(w, inverse(P_i)), dot((1 - w), inverse(P_j)))
    P = inverse(P_inv)
    # Now, proceed by calculating x
    #   x = P * (w * inverse(P_i) * x_i + (1-w)*inverse(P_j)*x_j)
    x = dot(
        np.add(dot(dot(w, inverse(P_i)), x_i),
               dot(dot((1 - w), inverse(P_j)), x_j)))
    return x, P, w
Пример #23
    def Cmatrix(self):
         Calculate the C matrix
        self.C = []
        self.gamma = []
        self.f1001 = []
        self.f1010 = []
        S = getattr(self, "S")
        R11 = getattr(self, "R11")
        R12 = getattr(self, "R12")
        R21 = getattr(self, "R21")
        R22 = getattr(self, "R22")
        BETX = getattr(self, "BETX")
        BETY = getattr(self, "BETY")
        ALFX = getattr(self, "ALFX")
        ALFY = getattr(self, "ALFY")

        J = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([0, 1, -1, 0]), (2, 2))
        for j in range(0, len(S)):
            R = numpy.array([[R11[j], R12[j]], [R21[j], R22[j]]])

            C = matrixmultiply(-J, matrixmultiply(numpy.transpose(R), J))
            C = (1 / numpy.sqrt(1 + determinant(R))) * C

            g11 = 1 / numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = ALFX[j] / numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            g22 = numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            Ga = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([g11, g12, g21, g22]), (2, 2))

            g11 = 1 / numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = ALFY[j] / numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            g22 = numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            Gb = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([g11, g12, g21, g22]), (2, 2))
            C = matrixmultiply(Ga, matrixmultiply(C, inverse(Gb)))
            gamma = 1 - determinant(C)
            C = numpy.ravel(C)
            self.f1001.append(((C[0] + C[3]) * 1j + (C[1] - C[2])) / 4 / gamma)
                ((C[0] - C[3]) * 1j + (-C[1] - C[2])) / 4 / gamma)

        self.F1001R = numpy.array(self.f1001).real
        self.F1001I = numpy.array(self.f1001).imag
        self.F1010R = numpy.array(self.f1010).real
        self.F1010I = numpy.array(self.f1010).imag
        self.F1001W = numpy.sqrt(self.F1001R**2 + self.F1001I**2)
        self.F1010W = numpy.sqrt(self.F1010R**2 + self.F1010I**2)
        self.GAMMAC = numpy.array(self.gamma)
Пример #24
def g_transf(g, transformation, transf_indices, blocks):
    u = array(transformation)
    u_inv = inverse(u)
    g_transf = BlockGf(name_block_generator = [(ind, GfImFreq(indices = dict(transf_indices)[ind], mesh = g[blocks[0]].mesh)) for ind in dict(transf_indices).keys()], make_copies = False)
    for ss in blocks:
        i = 0
        for s in [transf_indices[ii][0] for ii in range(len(transf_indices))]:
            if ss in s:
                for ib in dict(transf_indices)[s]:
                    for jb in dict(transf_indices)[s]:
                        g_transf[s][ib, jb] << sum_list([sum_list([u[i + ib, k] * g[ss][k, l] * u_inv[l, i + jb] for k in range(len(u))]) for l in range(len(u))])
                i += 1
    return g_transf
    def Cmatrix(self):
         Calculate the C matrix
        self.C = []
        self.gamma = []
        self.f1001 = []
        self.f1010 = []
        S = getattr(self, "S")
        R11 = getattr(self, "R11")
        R12 = getattr(self, "R12")
        R21 = getattr(self, "R21")
        R22 = getattr(self, "R22")
        BETX = getattr(self, "BETX")
        BETY = getattr(self, "BETY")
        ALFX = getattr(self, "ALFX")
        ALFY = getattr(self, "ALFY")

        J = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([0, 1, -1, 0]), (2, 2))
        for j in range(0, len(S)):
            R = numpy.array([[R11[j], R12[j]], [R21[j], R22[j]]])
            C = matrixmultiply(-J, matrixmultiply(numpy.transpose(R), J))
            C = (1 / numpy.sqrt(1 + determinant(R))) * C

            g11 = 1 / numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = ALFX[j] / numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            g22 = numpy.sqrt(BETX[j])
            Ga = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([g11, g12, g21, g22]), (2, 2))

            g11 = 1 / numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = ALFY[j] / numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            g22 = numpy.sqrt(BETY[j])
            Gb = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([g11, g12, g21, g22]), (2, 2))
            C = matrixmultiply(Ga, matrixmultiply(C, inverse(Gb)))
            gamma = 1 - determinant(C)
            C = numpy.ravel(C)
            self.f1001.append(((C[0] + C[3]) * 1j + (C[1] - C[2])) / 4 / gamma)
            self.f1010.append(((C[0] - C[3]) * 1j + (-C[1] - C[2])) / 4 / gamma)

        self.F1001R = numpy.array(self.f1001).real
        self.F1001I = numpy.array(self.f1001).imag
        self.F1010R = numpy.array(self.f1010).real
        self.F1010I = numpy.array(self.f1010).imag
        self.F1001W = numpy.sqrt(self.F1001R ** 2 + self.F1001I ** 2)
        self.F1010W = numpy.sqrt(self.F1010R ** 2 + self.F1010I ** 2)
Пример #26
def frame_transform(f1, f2):

  from numpy import transpose, dot as matrix_multiply
  ft1 = transpose(f1)
  ft2 = transpose(f2)
  from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
  ft1_inv = inverse(ft1)
  r = matrix_multiply(ft2, ft1_inv)
  import chimera
  xf = chimera.Xform.xform(r[0][0], r[0][1], r[0][2],  0,
                           r[1][0], r[1][1], r[1][2],  0,
                           r[2][0], r[2][1], r[2][2],  0,
                           orthogonalize = True)
  return xf
Пример #27
 def calc_dNdX(J, dNdXi):
     Shape function derivatives w.r.t. spatial coordinates
     dN_I/dX_i = dN_I/dXi_j dXi_j/dX_i
     Note that the inverse Jacobian is defined as
     J'_ij = dXi_j/dX_i
     Jinv = inverse(J)
     dNdX = empty((4,2))
     for I,i in product(range(0,4), range(0,2)):
         dNdX[I,i] = 0
         for j in range(0,2):
             dNdX[I,i] += dNdXi[I,j] * Jinv[i,j]
     return dNdX
Пример #28
def g_c(g, transformation, transf_indices, blocks, blockstates):
    u = array(transformation)
    u_inv = inverse(u)
    g_c = BlockGf(name_block_generator = [(s, GfImFreq(indices = blockstates, mesh = g[transf_indices[0][0]].mesh)) for s in blocks], make_copies = False)
    initial_blockdim = len(blockstates)
    momenta = [transf_indices[i][0] for i  in range(len(transf_indices))]
    to_site = lambda initial_index: initial_index %int(initial_blockdim /2)
    to_nambu = lambda initial_index: initial_index /int(initial_blockdim /2)
    nambu_size = dict([(transf_indices[i][0], len(transf_indices[i][1])) for i  in range(len(transf_indices))])
    gf = lambda mom, i, j: g[mom][to_nambu(i), to_nambu(j)] if to_nambu(i)<nambu_size[mom] and to_nambu(j)<nambu_size[mom] else 0
    momentum_nr = dict([(momentum, i) for i, momentum in enumerate(momenta)])
    for i, j in product(blockstates, blockstates):
        g_c[blocks[0]][i, j] << sum_list([u_inv[to_site(i), momentum_nr[momentum]] * gf(momentum, i, j) * u[momentum_nr[momentum], to_site(j)]  for momentum in momenta])
    return g_c
Пример #29
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    if not allclose(P, innerproduct(evT * roots, evI)):
        raise ArithmeticError("eigendecomposition failed")
    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Пример #30
def logm(P):
    """Returns logarithm of a matrix.

    This method should work if the matrix is positive definite and
    roots, ev = eigenvectors(P)
    evI = inverse(ev.T)
    evT = ev
    if not allclose(P, innerproduct(evT * roots, evI)):
        raise ArithmeticError("eigendecomposition failed")

    log_roots = log(roots)
    return innerproduct(evT * log_roots, evI)
Пример #31
 def _get_diagonalized(self):
     """Gets diagonalization of self as u, v, w; caches values."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_diag_cache'):
         error_tolerance = 1e-4  #amount of error allowed in product
         eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eig(self._data)
         u = transpose(eigenvectors)
         v = eigenvalues
         w = inverse(u)
         #check that the diagonalization actually worked by multiplying
         #the results back together
         result = dot(dot(u,v),w)
         if abs(sum(ravel(result))) > error_tolerance:
             raise ValueError, "Diagonalization failed with erroneous result."
         self._diag_cache = u, v, w
     return self._diag_cache
Пример #32
 def _get_diagonalized(self):
     """Gets diagonalization of self as u, v, w; caches values."""
     if not hasattr(self, '_diag_cache'):
         error_tolerance = 1e-4  #amount of error allowed in product
         eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eig(self._data)
         u = transpose(eigenvectors)
         v = eigenvalues
         w = inverse(u)
         #check that the diagonalization actually worked by multiplying
         #the results back together
         result = dot(dot(u, v), w)
         if abs(sum(ravel(result))) > error_tolerance:
             raise ValueError, "Diagonalization failed with erroneous result."
         self._diag_cache = u, v, w
     return self._diag_cache
Пример #33
 def Solve(self, parent, uObj, numberOfEquations, max_num_iterations):
     self.converged = 0
     self.useNumericJac = 1
     x0 = uObj.GetMyVariableValues()
     x = x0
     # Set initial deltaX to 1.0 to ensure that convergence check works
     deltaX = ones(numberOfEquations, Float)
     idex = 0
         while idex < max_num_iterations:
             #for idex in range(max_num_iterations):
             stepX = parent.CalculateStep(x)
             if stepX == None: return 0
             rhs = parent.CalculateRHS(x)
             if self.useNumericJac == 1:
                 jacobian = parent.CalculateJacobian(x)
             elif self.useNumericJac == 0:
                     jacobian = parent.CalculateJacobian1(x)
             jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
             deltaX = dot(jacobian, stepX)
             #deltaX = self.GetSolutionSolver(numberOfEquations, jacobian, stepX)       # rhs)
             self.converged = self.CheckForConvergence(
                 numberOfEquations, rhs, stepX, deltaX)
             if idex == max_num_iterations - 1:  #show intermidiate results
                 if self.useNumericJac == 0:
                         parentPath = parent.GetPath()
                                            (parentPath, ))
                         return 2
                         return 0
                     self.useNumericJac = 0
                     x = x0
                     deltaX = zeros(numberOfEquations, Float)
                     idex = 0
             elif self.converged:
                 return 1
             parent.UpdateX(x, deltaX)
             idex = idex + 1
     except ArithmeticError, e:
         return 0
Пример #34
 def Solve(self, parent, uObj, numberOfEquations, max_num_iterations):
     self.converged = 0
     self.useNumericJac = 1
     x0 = uObj.GetMyVariableValues()
     x = x0
     # Set initial deltaX to 1.0 to ensure that convergence check works
     deltaX = ones(numberOfEquations, Float)
     idex =0
         while idex < max_num_iterations:
         #for idex in range(max_num_iterations):
             stepX = parent.CalculateStep(x)
             if stepX == None: return 0
             rhs = parent.CalculateRHS(x)
             if  self.useNumericJac == 1:
             elif self.useNumericJac == 0:
                 except: pass
             jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
             deltaX = dot(jacobian, stepX) 
             #deltaX = self.GetSolutionSolver(numberOfEquations, jacobian, stepX)       # rhs)
             self.converged = self.CheckForConvergence(numberOfEquations, rhs, stepX, deltaX)
             if idex == max_num_iterations-1:   #show intermidiate results
                 if self.useNumericJac == 0:
                         parentPath = parent.GetPath()
                         parent.InfoMessage('ShowIntermidiateResults', (parentPath,))
                         return 2
                         return 0
                     self.useNumericJac = 0
                     x = x0
                     deltaX = zeros(numberOfEquations, Float)
                     idex = 0
             elif self.converged: 
                 return 1
             parent.UpdateX(x, deltaX)
             idex = idex + 1
     except ArithmeticError, e:
         return 0       
Пример #35
def plot(data, index, target):
    one = np.ones((data.shape[0], 1), dtype=float)
    train = np.concatenate((one, data[:, [index]]), axis=1)
    alpha, beta = 1, 1
    I = np.identity(train.shape[1], dtype=float)
    cov = inverse(alpha * I + beta * (np.matmul(train.transpose(), train)))
    Mean = beta * np.matmul(cov, np.matmul(train.transpose(), target))
    slope = Mean[1][0]
    intercept = Mean[0][0]
    a, b, c, d = cov[0][0], cov[0][1], cov[1][0], cov[1][1]
    x = np.linspace(1, 1000, 500)
    plt.title('posterior predictive inferences')
    plt.plot(x, Standard(x, slope, intercept), color='g')
    plt.plot(x, pos_deviation(x, a, b, c, d, slope, intercept), color='r')
    plt.plot(x, neg_deviation(x, a, b, c, d, slope, intercept), color='r')
Пример #36
  def predict(self, u, z):
      # u = control_vector, 
      # z = measurement_vector 

      # Prediction step
      # Predicted State Estimate X_p = AX + Bu
      X_p = self.A*self.X+self.B*u
      # Predicted Probability Estimate V_p = ACA_t + W
      V_p = self.A*self.C*self.AT+self.W

      # Observation step
      IC = 1
      # Kalman Gain K
      K = V_p*self.HT*inverse(self.H*V_p*self.HT+self.Q)
      self.X = X_p + K * (z-self.H*X_p)
      self.C = V_p - K * self.H*V_p
      self.K = K
      self.V = V_p
Пример #37
 def set_hamiltonian(self, u_hubbard, mu, u_hubbard_non_loc, *args, **kwargs):
     transforms H_loc
     u_hubbard: Hubbard interaction
     mu: chemical potential that goes explicitly into the Hamiltonian (i.e. mu_DC)
     spinspace = range(2)
     dim = len(self.transf_mat)
     u = self.transf_mat
     u_inv = inverse(self.transf_mat)
     u_c = CoulombTensorHubbard(-u_hubbard, dim, spinspace)
     u_c_transf = u_c.transform(u)
     assert dot(u, u_inv).all() == identity(len(u)).all(), 'transformation not unitary'
     mu_matrices = [(mu - u_hubbard) * identity(dim), -mu * identity(dim)]
     self.hamiltonian = 0
     self.hamiltonian -= sum_list([sum_list([sum_list([self._unblocked_c_dag(s, i) * m_transform(mu_matrix, u, i, j) * self._unblocked_c(s, j) for j in range(dim)]) for i in range(dim)]) for s, mu_matrix in zip(spinspace, mu_matrices)])
     for i, j, k, l, s1, s2 in product(*[range(dim)]*4 + [spinspace]*2):
         self.hamiltonian += u_c_transf[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] * self._unblocked_c_dag(s1, i) * self._unblocked_c_dag(s2, j) * self._unblocked_c(s2, l) * self._unblocked_c(s1, k)
Пример #38
def Polynomial_Regression(k, input, target, test_data, y_test):
    #Create features to capture powers upto k
    phi = np.ones((input.shape[0], 1), dtype=float)
    for i in range(1, k + 1):
        phi = np.concatenate((phi, np.power(input, i)), axis=1)
    alpha, beta = 1, 1
    I = np.identity(k + 1, dtype=float)
    covar = inverse(alpha * I + beta * (np.matmul(phi.transpose(), phi)))
    mean = beta * np.matmul(covar, np.matmul(phi.transpose(), target))
    ans = []
    for i in range(test_data.shape[0]):
        sum = 0
        for j in range(k + 1):
            sum = sum + (math.pow(test_data[i][0], j)) * mean[j][0]
    ans = np.array(ans)
    ans = ans.transpose()
    deviation = Error(ans, y_test)
    return deviation
Пример #39
def problem5(x_end,t_change=.1,iters=1200,Q_scale=.1):
	b = 10E-4
	F = np.array(sparse.diags(np.array([[1,1,1-b,1-b],[t_change,t_change]]),[0,2]).todense())
	F_inv = la.inverse(F)
	u = np.zeros(4)
	g = 9.8
	u[-1] -= g*t_change
	Q = np.eye(4)*Q_scale
	x_old = x0
	x = []
	for i in xrange(iters):
		x_new = np.dot(F_inv,x_old) - np.dot(F_inv,u) - np.dot(F_inv,np.dot(la.cholesky(Q),np.random.normal(size=4)))
		x_old = x_new

	print np.array(x)

#print problem5
Пример #40
def triangle_map(tri1, tri2):

    from numpy import zeros, subtract, dot as matrix_multiply, float

    f1 = zeros((3,3), float)
    f1[:,0], f1[:,1] = subtract(tri1[1], tri1[0]), subtract(tri1[2], tri1[0])
    f1[:,2] = cross_product(f1[:,0], f1[:,1])

    f2 = zeros((3,3), float)
    f2[:,0], f2[:,1] = subtract(tri2[1], tri2[0]), subtract(tri2[2], tri2[0])
    f2[:,2] = cross_product(f2[:,0], f2[:,1])
    from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
    f1inv = inverse(f1)

    tmap = zeros((3,4), float)
    tmap[:,:3] = matrix_multiply(f2, f1inv)
    tmap[:,3] = subtract(tri2[0], matrix_multiply(tmap[:,:3],tri1[0]))

    return tmap
Пример #41
    def Cmatrix(self):
         Calculate the C matrix
        self.C = []
        self.gamma = []
        self.f1001 = []
        self.f1010 = []
        J = reshape(array([0,1,-1,0]),(2,2))
        for j in range(0,len(self.S)):
            R = array([[self.R11[j],self.R12[j]],[self.R21[j],self.R22[j]]])
            #print R
            C = matrixmultiply(-J,matrixmultiply(transpose(R),J))
            C = (1/sqrt(1+determinant(R)))*C

            g11 = 1/sqrt(self.BETX[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = self.ALFX[j]/sqrt(self.BETX[j])
            g22 = sqrt(self.BETX[j])
            Ga = reshape(array([g11,g12,g21,g22]),(2,2))

            g11 = 1/sqrt(self.BETY[j])
            g12 = 0
            g21 = self.ALFY[j]/sqrt(self.BETY[j])
            g22 = sqrt(self.BETY[j])
            Gb = reshape(array([g11,g12,g21,g22]),(2,2))
            C = matrixmultiply(Ga, matrixmultiply(C, inverse(Gb)))
            C = ravel(C)
            self.f1001.append(((C[0]+C[3])*1j + (C[1]-C[2]))/4/gamma)
            self.f1010.append(((C[0]-C[3])*1j +(-C[1]-C[2]))/4/gamma)

Пример #42
def fitNewtonRaphson(x, y, theta=None, epochs=10):
    if theta is None:
        theta = np.zeros((1,3))

    x = np.concatenate((np.ones((x.shape[0], 1)), x), axis=1)
    x = np.asarray([x]).swapaxes(0, 1)
    y = np.asarray([y]).swapaxes(0, 1)
    errors = []

    for i in range(0, epochs):
        z = np.inner(theta, x).swapaxes(0, 1)
        a = sigmoid(z)

        errors.append((y - a).mean())

        grad = ((y-a) * x).sum(axis=0)
        hessian = -(a * (1 - a) * np.einsum('ikj,ijk->ijk', x, x)).sum(axis=0)
        theta = theta - np.dot(inverse(hessian), grad.T).T

    return theta, errors
Пример #43
def interpolate3DTransform1(matrixList, indexList, percent):
    # MS version that does not assume identity as fist matrix and does
    # not wrap around

    if percent <= indexList[0]:
        return matrixList[0]

    if percent >=indexList[-1]:
        return matrixList[-1]
    listLen = len(indexList)
    for i in range(listLen):
        if indexList[i] > percent:

    prevMat = matrixList[i-1]
    nextMat = matrixList[i]
    from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
    M = N.dot(inverse(prevMat), nextMat)
    p = (percent-indexList[i-1]) / (indexList[i]-indexList[i-1])
    Mat = _interpolateMat(M, p)
    return N.dot(prevMat, Mat)
Пример #44
def triangle_map(tri1, tri2):
    from numpy import zeros, subtract, dot as matrix_multiply, float, float64

    f1 = zeros((3, 3), float)
    f1[:, 0], f1[:, 1] = subtract(tri1[1], tri1[0]), subtract(tri1[2], tri1[0])
    f1[:, 2] = cross_product(f1[:, 0], f1[:, 1])

    f2 = zeros((3, 3), float)
    f2[:, 0], f2[:, 1] = subtract(tri2[1], tri2[0]), subtract(tri2[2], tri2[0])
    f2[:, 2] = cross_product(f2[:, 0], f2[:, 1])

    from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
    f1inv = inverse(f1)

    tmap = zeros((3, 4), float64)
    tmap[:, :3] = matrix_multiply(f2, f1inv)
    tmap[:, 3] = subtract(tri2[0], matrix_multiply(tmap[:, :3], tri1[0]))

    from chimerax.geometry import Place
    tf = Place(matrix=tmap)

    return tf
Пример #45
def interpolate3DTransform1(matrixList, indexList, percent):
    # MS version that does not assume identity as fist matrix and does
    # not wrap around

    if percent <= indexList[0]:
        return matrixList[0]

    if percent >= indexList[-1]:
        return matrixList[-1]

    listLen = len(indexList)
    for i in range(listLen):
        if indexList[i] > percent:

    prevMat = matrixList[i - 1]
    nextMat = matrixList[i]
    from numpy.linalg import inv as inverse
    M = N.dot(inverse(prevMat), nextMat)
    p = (percent - indexList[i - 1]) / (indexList[i] - indexList[i - 1])
    Mat = _interpolateMat(M, p)
    return N.dot(prevMat, Mat)
Пример #46
def g_transf(g, transformation, transf_indices, blocks):
    assert len(blocks) == 1, 'nambu permits up/down blockstructures, choose one block!'
    initial_blockdim = len(g[blocks[0]].data[0,:,:])
    momenta = [transf_indices[i][0] for i  in range(len(transf_indices))]
    nambu_blocksize_momentum = [len(transf_indices[i][1]) for i  in range(len(transf_indices))]
    to_site = lambda initial_index: initial_index % int(initial_blockdim /2)
    inds_map_block = dict()
    inds_map_block[0] = range(0, int(initial_blockdim /2))
    inds_map_block[1] = range(int(initial_blockdim /2), initial_blockdim)
    inds_map_diag = dict()
    inds_map_diag[0] = range(0, int(initial_blockdim /2))
    u = array(transformation)
    u_inv = inverse(u)
    g_transf = BlockGf(name_block_generator = [(ind, GfImFreq(indices = dict(transf_indices)[ind], mesh = g[blocks[0]].mesh)) for ind in dict(transf_indices).keys()], make_copies = False)
    assert len(u)*2==initial_blockdim, 'blockstates must be twice as large as the site-space'
    for momentum_nr, momentum in enumerate(momenta):
        if nambu_blocksize_momentum[momentum_nr] == 1:
            inds_map = inds_map_diag
            inds_map = inds_map_block
        for i_nambu, j_nambu in product(inds_map.keys(), inds_map.keys()):
            g_transf[momentum][i_nambu, j_nambu] << sum_list([sum_list([u[momentum_nr, to_site(i)] * g[blocks[0]][i, j] * u_inv[to_site(j), momentum_nr] for i in inds_map[i_nambu]]) for j in inds_map[j_nambu]])
    return g_transf
Пример #47
    def Ksol(self, X, U):
        P1 = np.eye(X.shape[1]).flatten()
        solver = ode(self.peqns).set_integrator('dopri5')
        k = 0
        soln = [P1]
        while solver.successful() and solver.t < t[-1]:
            k += 1
        # Convert the list to a numpy array.
        psoln = np.array(soln).reshape(time.shape[0],X.shape[1],X.shape[1])
        for tindex,t in np.ndenumerate(time):
        return K
Пример #48
def problem5(x_end, t_change=.1, iters=1200, Q_scale=.1):
    b = 10E-4
    F = np.array(
        sparse.diags(np.array([[1, 1, 1 - b, 1 - b], [t_change, t_change]]),
                     [0, 2]).todense())
    F_inv = la.inverse(F)
    u = np.zeros(4)
    g = 9.8
    u[-1] -= g * t_change
    Q = np.eye(4) * Q_scale
    x_old = x0
    x = []

    for i in xrange(iters):
        x_new = np.dot(F_inv, x_old) - np.dot(F_inv, u) - np.dot(
            F_inv, np.dot(la.cholesky(Q), np.random.normal(size=4)))
        x_old = x_new

    print np.array(x)

#print problem5
Пример #49
def matrixLinReg(dataFrame,xLabel,tLabel,order):
    df = dataFrame.copy() # copy dataframe so don't alter original dataset
    #need to add 1s to matrix for intercept calculations - can do in the data frame or in the matrix
    df['1s'] = 1 

    #note that 1s are at the start - will effect which item of matrix w is the intercept
    x = df.as_matrix(columns = ['1s'])
    t = df.as_matrix(columns = [tLabel])

    #for loop to add higher order terms
    for i in range(1,order+1):
        xn = df[xLabel]**i
        x = np.insert(x,i,xn,axis=1)

    #matrix calculations needed
    xT = x.transpose()
    xTx = np.dot(xT,x)
    invxTx = inverse(xTx)
    w = np.dot(np.dot(invxTx,xT),t)

    return w
Пример #50
 def set_hamiltonian(self, u_hubbard, mu, u_hubbard_non_loc, blocks, *args, **kwargs):
     transforms H_loc
     express operators in site-basis by operators in new basis
     u: Hubbard interaction, can also be non-local(matrix-valued) within the cluster
     mu: chemical potential that goes explicitly into the Hamiltonian (i.e. mu_DC)
     dim = len(self.transf_mat)
     u = self.transf_mat
     u_inv = inverse(self.transf_mat)
     u_c = CoulombTensorHubbard(u_hubbard, dim, blocks)
     u_c_transf = u_c.transform(u)
     if u_hubbard_non_loc:
         u_c_nl = NNCoulombTensorHubbard(u_hubbard_non_loc, dim, blocks)
         u_c_nl_transf = u_c_nl.transform(u)
     assert dot(u, u_inv).all() == identity(len(u)).all(), 'transformation not unitary'
     sites = range(dim)
     mu_matrix = - mu * identity(dim)
     self.hamiltonian = sum_list([sum_list([sum_list([self._unblocked_c_dag(s, i) * m_transform(mu_matrix, u, i, j) * self._unblocked_c(s, j) for j in sites]) for i in sites]) for s in self.blocks])
     for i, j, k, l, s1, s2 in product(*[sites]*4 + [self.blocks]*2):
         self.hamiltonian += u_c_transf[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] * self._unblocked_c_dag(s1, i) * self._unblocked_c_dag(s2, j) *  self._unblocked_c(s2, l) * self._unblocked_c(s1, k)
     if u_hubbard_non_loc:
         for i, j, k, l, s1, s2 in product(*[sites]*4 + [self.blocks]*2):
             self.hamiltonian += u_c_nl_transf[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] * self._unblocked_c_dag(s1, i) * self._unblocked_c_dag(s2, j) *  self._unblocked_c(s2, l) * self._unblocked_c(s1, k)
Пример #51
def ACL(tree):
    """Returns a normalized dictionary of sequence weights {seq_id: weight}

    tree: a PhyloNode object

    The ACL method is named after Altschul, Carroll and Lipman, who published a 
    paper on sequence weighting in 1989.

    The ACL method is based on an idea of Felsenstein (1973). Imagine 
    electrical current flows from the root of the tree down the edges and 
    out the leaves. If the edge lengths are proportional to their electrical 
    resistances, current flowing out each leaf equals the leaf weight.

    The first step in the calculation of the weight vector is calculating a
    variance-covariance matrix. The variance of a leaf is proportional to the 
    distance from the root to that leaf. The covariance of two leaves is 
    proportional to the distance from the root to the last common ancestor 
    of the two leaves.

    The second step in the calculation results in a vector of weights. Suppose
    there are n leaves on the tree. Let i be the vector of size n, all of whose 
    elements are 1.0. The weight vector is calculated as:
    w = (inverse(M)*i)/(transpose(i)*inverse(M)*i)
    See Altschul 1989
    #clip branch lengths to avoid error due to negative or zero branch lengths
    #get a list of sequence IDs (in the order that the tree will be traversed)
    seqs = []
    for n in tree.tips():

    #initialize the variance-covariance matrix
    m = zeros([len(seqs),len(seqs)],Float64)

    #calculate (co)variances
    #variance of a node is defined as the distance from the root to the leaf
    #covariance of two nodes is defined as the distance from the root to the
    #last common ancestor of the two leaves. 
    for x in tree.tips():
        for y in tree.tips():
            idx_x = seqs.index(x.Name)
            idx_y = seqs.index(y.Name)
            if idx_x == idx_y:
                m[idx_x,idx_y] = x.distance(tree)
                lca = x.lastCommonAncestor(y)
                dist_lca_root = lca.distance(tree)
                m[idx_x,idx_y] = dist_lca_root
                m[idx_y,idx_x] = dist_lca_root

    #get the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix
    inv = inverse(m)
    #build vector i (vector or ones, length = # of leaves in the tree)
    i = ones(len(seqs),Float64)
    numerator = matrixmultiply(inv, i)
    denominator = matrixmultiply(matrixmultiply(transpose(i),inv),i)
    weight_vector = numerator/denominator

    #return a Weights object (is dict {seq_id: weight})
    return Weights(dict(list(zip(seqs,weight_vector))))
Пример #52
def SolveNonLinearEquations(parent, u, numMethSettings, lastConvX, lastX, lastJac, lastConvJac=None):

    #parent.InfoMessage('In:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
    #Load numerical method settings
    maxIter = numMethSettings.maxIter
    damp = numMethSettings.dampingFactor
    stayThreshold = numMethSettings.stayThreshold
    tolerance = numMethSettings.tolerance
    maxStep = numMethSettings.maxStep
    minimErr = numMethSettings.minimizeErr
    tryToRestart = numMethSettings.tryToRestart
    tryLastConverged = numMethSettings.tryLastConverged
    if hasattr(numMethSettings, 'solveMethod'):
        solveMethod = numMethSettings.solveMethod
        if hasattr(parent, 'CalculateJacobian'):
            solveMethod = NR
            solveMethod = SECANT
    if hasattr(numMethSettings, 'monitorConv'): monitorConv = numMethSettings.monitorConv
    else: monitorConv = False
    if hasattr(numMethSettings, 'freqJacMsg'): freqJacMsg = numMethSettings.freqJacMsg
    else: freqJacMsg = 10
    #Load stuff from the unknowns
    nuEquations = u.GetNumberOfUnknowns()
    x = u.GetValues()
    isFix = u.GetIsFixed()
    initx = u.GetInitValues()
    scaleFactors = u.GetScaleFactors()
    lowBounds = u.GetLowBounds()
    highBounds = u.GetHighBounds()
    #Init arrays
    jacobian = zeros((nuEquations, nuEquations), Float)
    deltaX = ones(nuEquations, Float) #Set initial deltaX to 1.0 to ensure that convergence check works
    rhs = zeros(nuEquations, Float)
    oldRhs = zeros(nuEquations, Float)

    #Init some vars
    iter = 0
    converged = False
    needsAFirstCalculation = True
    maxError = None
    parentPath = parent.GetPath()
    #Start from last vals? 
    if tryToRestart:
        if lastX and len(lastX) == nuEquations:
            #Should it really waste the time checking on the specs?
            for i in range(nuEquations):
                if not isFix[i]:
                    x[i] = lastX[i]
    #Use last converged?
    elif tryLastConverged:
        if lastConvX and len(lastConvX) == nuEquations:
                #Keep the specs:
                for i in range(nuEquations):
                    if isFix[i]:
                        lastConvX[i] = x[i]
                parent.CalculateRHS(lastConvX, oldRhs, isFix, initx)
                maxErr = max(abs(oldRhs))
                if maxErr < stayThreshold:
                    x = Numeric.array(lastConvX)
                    initx = Numeric.array(lastConvX)
                    rhs[:] = oldRhs[:]
                    needsAFirstCalculation = False
    #Lets do stuff for the first iteration
    if needsAFirstCalculation:
        #print 'FirstCalcIn:', time.asctime()
            parent.CalculateRHS(x, rhs, isFix, initx)
            #Check to see if the previous solution is better
            if not tryToRestart and maxError != None and maxError < max(abs(rhs)):
                x = Numeric.array(lastConvX)
                initx = Numeric.array(lastConvX)
                rhs[:] = oldRhs[:]  #OldRhs was used to store rhs for the last converged solution
            parent.InfoMessage('CouldNotInitialize', (parentPath,))
            return x, rhs, converged, jacobian
        converged = CheckForConvergence(rhs, scaleFactors, tolerance)
        if converged: 
            parent.InfoMessage('Converged', (parentPath, iter))
            return x, rhs, converged, lastConvJac
        #parent.InfoMessage('FirstJacobianIn:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
        doCrudeDiff = True
        parent.InfoMessage('TowerCalcJacobian', (parentPath,))
        if solveMethod == NR and hasattr(parent, 'CalculateJacobian'):
            parent.CalculateJacobian(x, jacobian, isFix, initx)
            jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
            doCrudeDiff = False
        elif solveMethod == BROYDEN:
            if tryToRestart and lastX and len(lastX) == nuEquations:
                if lastJac:
                    jacobian[:] = lastJac[:]
                    doCrudeDiff = False
            elif tryLastConverged and lastConvX and len(lastConvX) == nuEquations:
                if lastConvJac:
                    jacobian[:] = lastConvJac[:]
                    doCrudeDiff = False
            elif hasattr(parent, 'CalculateJacobian'):
                parent.CalculateJacobian(x, jacobian, isFix, initx)
                jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
                doCrudeDiff = False
        if doCrudeDiff:
            xForJac = array(x, Float)
            rhsForJac = array(rhs, Float)
            shift = 0.0001
            #Pass a message every x calculations, so the solver doesn't look dead
            distCnt = 0
            msgEvery = freqJacMsg
            for j in range(nuEquations):
                distCnt +=1
                if distCnt == msgEvery:
                    parent.InfoMessage('CalcDisturbance', (j+1, nuEquations, parentPath))
                    distCnt = 0   
                old = xForJac[j]
                xForJac[j] = xForJac[j] + shift * scaleFactors[j]
                parent.CalculateRHS(xForJac, rhsForJac, isFix, initx)
                jacobian[:, j] = (rhsForJac - rhs)/(shift * scaleFactors[j])
                xForJac[j] = old
            jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
        deltaX = -dot(jacobian, rhs) 
        #parent.InfoMessage('FirstJacobianOut:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
        parent.InfoMessage('CouldNotInvertJacobian', (parentPath,))
        return x, rhs, converged, jacobian

    maxStep = None
    errHistory = []
    currMaxErr = max(abs(rhs))
    while iter <= maxIter:
        iter += 1
        oldRhs[:] = rhs[:]
        stepLength = 1.0*damp
        currx = Numeric.array(x)
        maxErr = currMaxErr
        #Make sure the step is not too large
        if maxStep != None:
            for i in range(len(deltaX)):
                if deltaX[i]/scaleFactors[i] > maxStep:
                    deltaX[i] = maxStep*scaleFactors[i]
                elif deltaX[i]/scaleFactors[i] < -maxStep:
                    deltaX[i] = -maxStep*scaleFactors[i]
        cntHere = 0
        #Loop until max error (max rhs) decreases
        while 1:
            actualDeltaX = stepLength*deltaX
            x = UpdateX(currx, actualDeltaX, lowBounds, highBounds)
            if hasattr(parent, 'SanityCheck'):
                parent.SanityCheck(x, initx)
                parent.CalculateRHS(x, rhs, isFix, initx)
                converged = CheckForConvergence(rhs, scaleFactors, tolerance)
                if converged: 
                    parent.InfoMessage('Converged', (parentPath, iter))
                    #parent.InfoMessage('Out:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
                    return x, rhs, converged, jacobian
                currMaxErr = max(abs(rhs))
                if minimErr and currMaxErr > maxErr:
                    stepLength *= 0.25
                    cntHere += 1

                stepLength *= 0.25
            if stepLength < 0.0000001:
                parent.InfoMessage('CouldNotConverge', (parentPath, iter))
                return x, rhs, False, jacobian
        parent.InfoMessage('EqnBasedUOpError', (parentPath, iter, currMaxErr))
        if monitorConv:
            #Monitor if it is not converging and it is just wasting time
            if cntHere > 4 and currMaxErr > 1000.0*tolerance:
                #It needed to reduce the error 7 times more than 4 times in a row.
                #Indicator there could be something wrong
                if len(errHistory) > 4:
                    parent.InfoMessage('NotConverging', (parentPath,))
                    return x, rhs, converged, jacobian
                errHistory = []
            #parent.InfoMessage('JacobianIn:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
            parent.InfoMessage('TowerCalcJacobian', (parentPath,))
            if solveMethod == NR and hasattr(parent, 'CalculateJacobian'):
                jacobian = zeros((nuEquations, nuEquations), Float)
                parent.CalculateJacobian(x, jacobian, isFix, initx)
                jacobian = inverse(jacobian) 
            elif solveMethod == BROYDEN:
                xLastBr = array(x)
                rhsLastBr = array(rhs)
                usedBr = True
                dF = rhs - oldRhs 
                dotdxB = dot(actualDeltaX, jacobian)
                denom = dot(dotdxB, dF)
                if not abs(denom) < TINYESTVALUE:
                    jacobian = jacobian + outerproduct((actualDeltaX - dot(jacobian, dF)), dotdxB)/denom

            else: #Do Secant
                xForJac = array(x, Float)
                rhsForJac = array(rhs, Float)
                shift = 0.0001
                #Pass a message every x calculations, so the solver doesn't look dead
                distCnt = 0
                msgEvery = freqJacMsg
                for j in range(nuEquations):
                    distCnt +=1
                    if distCnt == msgEvery:
                        parent.InfoMessage('CalcDisturbance', (j+1, nuEquations, parentPath))
                        distCnt = 0
                    old = xForJac[j]
                    xForJac[j] = xForJac[j] + shift * scaleFactors[j]
                    parent.CalculateRHS(xForJac, rhsForJac, isFix, initx)
                    jacobian[:, j] = (rhsForJac - rhs)/(shift * scaleFactors[j])
                    xForJac[j] = old
                jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
            deltaX = -dot(jacobian, rhs)
            #parent.InfoMessage('JacobianOut:', (time.asctime(), time.time()))
            parent.InfoMessage('CouldNotInvertJacobian', (parentPath,))
    parent.InfoMessage('CouldNotConverge', (parentPath, iter))
    return x, rhs, converged, jacobian
Пример #53
def EulerImplicit(parent, yInit, odeSettings, yMin=None, yMax=None, yScale=None):
    """Integrate with Euler explicit"""
    MAXTRY = 40
    #Settings for implicit iteration
    #Default are fairly loose settings
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'maxIter'): maxIter = odeSettings.maxIter
    else: maxIter = 15
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'dampingFactor'): damping = odeSettings.dampingFactor
    else: damping = 1.0
    damping = 1.0
    if hasattr(odeSettings, 'tolerance'): tol = odeSettings.tolerance
    else: tol = 1.0E-3
    h = odeSettings.step
    xEnd = odeSettings.end
    xInit = odeSettings.init
    CalcDerivativesMethod = parent.CalculateDerivatives
    Validate = None
    if hasattr(parent, 'ValidateStepResults'): Validate = parent.ValidateStepResults
    nuEquations = len(yInit)
    jacobian = zeros((nuEquations, nuEquations), Float)
    #Did scale values came in?
    autoScale = False
    if yScale == None:
        autoScale = True
    #Iterate along the whole distance
    h = Numeric.sign(xEnd-xInit) * abs(h) #Make sure the sign of h makes sense
    hBase = h                             #Original value of h
    hNext = h                             #Initialize hNext as h
    hMin = TINYESTVALUE                   #Always positive
    x = xInit
    y = array(yInit)
    stepCnt = 0
    converged = False
    loadResults = True
    path = parent.GetPath()
    xNextStore = xInit
    while stepCnt < LARGEVALITER and ((x-xEnd)*(xEnd-xInit) < 0.0):
        stepCnt += 1
        #Calculate derivatives right where we are 
        parent.InfoMessage('CalculatingStep', (stepCnt, path, x, xInit, xEnd))
        if ( hBase > 0.0 and x >= xNextStore ) or ( hBase < 0.0 and x <= xNextStore ): 
            loadResults = True
            xNextStore += hBase
            loadResults = False
        if yMin != None and min(y-yMin) < 0.0:
            #See if it is a round off problem.
            if hasattr(parent, 'RoundValues'):
                y = parent.RoundValues(y, yMin, yMax, yScale)
        dy_dx = CalcDerivativesMethod(x, y, loadResults) 
        #Set h as the estimated next h
        h = hNext
        #Make sure it won't go over
        if (x + h - xEnd) *  (x + h - xInit) > 0.0: h = xEnd - x
        #Scale values
        if autoScale: 
            C = ones(len(y), Float)
            yScale = Numeric.maximum(C, absolute(y))
        #Iterate until a proper step size is found
        innerCnt = 0
        ySave = array(y, Float)
        #The implicit algorithm implies that the derivatives are evaluated at h
        #but sometimes it is necessary to evaluate the derivatives at h-epsilon
        #to avoid convergence problems.
        #In this case hEval = h-epsilon
        hEval = h
        doImplicit = 1
        while innerCnt <= MAXTRY:
            innerCnt += 1
                #Initial guess of yNext as explicit Euler
                yNext = ySave + h*dy_dx
                #Make sure it is
                yNext = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNext, h)
                yNext = Numeric.clip(yNext, yMin, yMax)
                #Iterate in the implicit step with quasi Newton Raphson
                #with approximate Jacobian
                iter = 0
                convImplicit = False
                while iter < maxIter:
                    iter += 1
                    yNextNew = ySave + h*CalcDerivativesMethod(x + hEval, yNext)
                    yNextNew = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNextNew, h)
                    #if Validate: yNextNew = Validate(x+h, yNextNew)
                    rhs = yNextNew - yNext
                    rhs /= yScale
                    if max(Numeric.absolute(rhs)) < tol:
                        convImplicit = True
                        y = Numeric.clip(yNextNew, yMin, yMax)
                    #Calculate Jacobian with crude differentials
                    yNextForJac = array(yNext, Float)
                    rhsForJac = array(rhs, Float)
                    shift = 0.0001
                    shift = shift * yScale
                    for j in xrange(nuEquations):
                        old = yNextForJac[j]
                        yNextForJac[j] = yNextForJac[j] + shift[j]
                        yNextNewForJac = ySave + h*CalcDerivativesMethod(x+hEval, yNextForJac)
                        rhsForJac = (yNextNewForJac - yNextForJac) / yScale
                        for k in xrange(nuEquations):
                            jacobian[k][j] = (rhsForJac[k] - rhs[k])/(shift[j])
                        yNextForJac[j] = old
                    #Invert Jacobian and get the new estimate for y
                    jacobian = inverse(jacobian)
                    deltaX = -dot(jacobian, rhs)*damping
                    yNext = UpdateX(yNext, deltaX)
                    yNext = parent.StepToBoundaries(x+h, yNext, h)
                    yNext = Numeric.clip(yNext, yMin, yMax)
                if convImplicit:
                    if h >= 0.0: hNext = min(hBase, h*4.0)
                    else: hNext = max(hBase, h*4.0)
                    y = yNext
                    #Reduce the step
                    h *= 0.25
                    if abs(h) <= hMin:
                        raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
                #Reduce the step
                h *= 0.25
                if abs(h) <= hMin:
                    raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
        if not convImplicit:
            raise SimError('StepSizeTooSmall', (path, h))
        x += h
        ##Decide if we keep on iterating####################################################
        if ((x-xEnd)*(xEnd-xInit) >= 0.0):
            #Calculate derivatives yet again just so final results are loaded.
            #Not the best way to do things but good enough for now
            loadResults = True
            dy_dx = CalcDerivativesMethod(xEnd, y, loadResults)
            converged = True
    if not converged:
        parent.InfoMessage('ODEMaxSteps', (stepCnt, path))
    return converged
    def _compute_rectification_homographies(self):
        This method a C++ to Python translation of 
        void doppia::CpuPreprocessor::compute_rectification_homographies(...)

        assert self.stereo_calibration.IsInitialized()    
        # rectification: http://profs.sci.univr.it/~fusiello/demo/rect/

        # in this function 1 refers to left and 2 refers to right
        left_camera_calibration = self.stereo_calibration.left_camera
        right_camera_calibration = self.stereo_calibration.right_camera
        K1 = left_camera_calibration.internal_parameters
        K1 = camera_internal_parameters_to_array(K1)
        R1 = left_camera_calibration.pose.rotation
        R1 = rotation_to_array(R1)

        K2 = right_camera_calibration.internal_parameters
        K2 = camera_internal_parameters_to_array(K2)                    
        R2 = right_camera_calibration.pose.rotation
        R2 = rotation_to_array(R2)

        # optical centers (unchanged)
        # focal_center1 and focal_center2 are Vector3f
        focal_center1 = get_focal_point(left_camera_calibration.pose)
        focal_center2 = get_focal_point(right_camera_calibration.pose)

        # Q1 and Q2 are Matrix3f 
        Q1 = inverse(K1 * R1)
        Q2 = inverse(K2 * R2)
        # new x axis (direction of the baseline)
        v1 = normalize(focal_center2 - focal_center1) # Normalise by dividing through by the magnitude.
        v1 = v1.transpose()
        # new y axes (old y)
        #v2 = (R1.row(1) + R2.row(1))*0.5
        v2 = (R1[1,:] +  R2[1,:])*0.5
        v2 = normalize(v2)
        # new z axes (orthogonal to baseline and y)        
        v3 = cross(v1,v2)
        v3 = normalize(v3)
        v2 = cross(v3,v1)
        v2 = normalize(v2)
        # new extrinsic parameters
        R1[0, :] = v1 # R1.row(0)
        R1[1, :] = v2
        R1[2, :] = v3
        K1 = (K1 + K2) * 0.5
        K2 = K1
        # Q1new and Q2new are Matrix3f
        Q1new = K1 * R1
        Q2new = K1 * R1
        Q1new = inverse(Q1new * Q1)
        Q2new = inverse(Q2new * Q2)

        # do centering
        # FIXME why 5 iterations ?
        for i in range(5):
            # new intrinsic parameters (arbitrary)
            K1 = (K1 + K2) * 0.5
            K2 = K1
            K1[0,2] += (Q1new[0, 2] + Q2new[0, 2]) / 4
            K2[0,2] += (Q1new[0, 2] + Q2new[0, 2]) / 4
            Q1new = K1 * R1
            Q2new = K2 * R1
            Q1new = inverse(Q1new * Q1)
            Q2new = inverse(Q2new * Q2)
        use_terrible_hack = True
        #use_terrible_hack = False
        if use_terrible_hack:
            print("!"*10 + "USING 30 pixels offset in _compute_rectification_homographies" + "!"*50)
            x_offset = 30
            Q1new[0, 2] += x_offset # [pixels]
            Q2new[0, 2] -= x_offset # [pixels]

        # left, right rectified MetricCamera(K, radial_distortion_parameters, R, t)
        #metric_camera1_rectified.set(K1, zeros< double >(3), R1, -R1.transpose() * focal_center1)
        #metric_camera2_rectified.set(K2, zeros< double >(3), R1, -R1.transpose() * focal_center2)
        self.left_rectification_homography = Q1new
        self.right_rectification_homography = Q2new
        self.left_rectification_inverse_homography = inverse(self.left_rectification_homography)
        self.right_rectification_inverse_homography = inverse(self.right_rectification_homography)
        self.left_K_rectified = K1
        self.right_K_rectified = K2
Пример #55
def reference_rect(I, R=None, f=None, c=None, k=None, alpha=None, KK_new=None):
    # original version, translated from MATLAB. superseded by above


    I is image

    optional arguments:

    R is 3x3 rotation (of affine transformation) matrix, defaults to eye(3)
    f is focal length (horizontal and vertical), defaults to (1,1)
    c is image center (horizontal and vertical), defaults to (0,0)
    k is nonlinear parameters, defaults to (0,0,0,0,0)
    I = nx.asarray(I)
    if R is None:
        R = nx.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        R = nx.asarray(R)
    if f is None:
        f = (1, 1)
        f = nx.asarray(f)
    if c is None:
        c = (0, 0)
        c = nx.asarray(c)
    if k is None:
        k = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        k = nx.asarray(k)
    if KK_new is None:
        KK_new = nx.array([[f[0], 0, c[0]], [0, f[1], c[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
        KK_new = nx.asarray(KK_new)
    if alpha is None:
        alpha = 0

    # Note: R is the motion of the points in space
    # So: X2 = R*X where X: coord in the old reference frame, X2: coord in the new ref frame.

    nr, nc = I.shape  # must be 2D (grayscale) image

    # put I in matlab uni-dimensional index format
    I = I.copy()
    I = nx.transpose(I).copy()

    Irec = 255.0 * nx.ones((nr * nc, ))

    mx, my = nx.meshgrid(nx.arange(nc), nx.arange(nr))
    px = nx.reshape(mx, (nc * nr, ))
    py = nx.reshape(my, (nc * nr, ))

    ##    A = linalg.inverse(KK_new)
    ##    b = nx.array( [px,
    ##                   py,
    ##                   nx.ones(px.shape)])
    rays = nx.dot(linalg.inverse(KK_new), nx.array([px, py,
    # print 'rays',rays

    # Rotation: (or affine transformation):
    rays2 = nx.dot(nx.transpose(R), rays)
    # print 'rays2',rays2

    x = nx.array([rays2[0, :] / rays2[2, :], rays2[1, :] / rays2[2, ]])
    # print 'x',x

    # Add distortion
    xd = apply_distortion(x, k)
    # print 'xd',xd

    # Reconvert in pixels:

    px2 = f[0] * (xd[0, :] + alpha * xd[1, :]) + c[0]
    py2 = f[1] * xd[1, :] + c[1]
    # print 'px2',px2
    # print 'py2',py2

    # Interpolate between the closest pixels:

    px_0 = nx.floor(px2)

    py_0 = nx.floor(py2)
    if 0:
        py_1 = py_0 + 1

    tmpA = nx.where((px_0 >= 0) & (px_0 <= (nc - 2)) & (py_0 >= 0)
                    & (py_0 <= (nr - 2)))
    if type(tmpA) == tuple:
        # numarray behavior
        good_points = tmpA[0]
        # numpy behavior
        good_points = tmpA

    px2 = px2[good_points]
    py2 = py2[good_points]
    px_0 = px_0[good_points]
    py_0 = py_0[good_points]

    alpha_x = px2 - px_0
    # print 'alpha_x',alpha_x
    alpha_y = py2 - py_0

    a1 = (1 - alpha_y) * (1 - alpha_x)
    a2 = (1 - alpha_y) * alpha_x
    a3 = alpha_y * (1 - alpha_x)
    a4 = alpha_y * alpha_x

    # print 'a2',a2

    ind_lu = (px_0 * nr + py_0).astype(nx.Int)

    ind_ru = ((px_0 + 1) * nr + py_0).astype(nx.Int)
    ind_ld = (px_0 * nr + (py_0 + 1)).astype(nx.Int)
    ind_rd = ((px_0 + 1) * nr + (py_0 + 1)).astype(nx.Int)

    ind_new = ((px[good_points]) * nr + py[good_points]).astype(nx.Int)

    Ir = nx.ravel(I)
    Irec[ind_new] = (a1 * Ir[ind_lu] + a2 * Ir[ind_ru] + a3 * Ir[ind_ld] +
                     a4 * Ir[ind_rd])

    # convert matlab unidimensional format into numarray format
    Irec = nx.reshape(Irec, (nc, nr))
    Irec = nx.transpose(Irec)

    return Irec