Пример #1
    def train_step_batch(self, epoch):
        D1 = ma.dot(self.vectors**2, self.weight_matrix)
        D2 = ma.dot(self.vectors, self.constant_matrix)
        Dist = D1 - D2

        best_nodes = ma.argmin(Dist, 0)
        distances = ma.min(Dist, 0)
        ##        print "q error:", ma.mean(ma.sqrt(distances + self.dist_cons)), self.radius(epoch)
        self.qerror.append(ma.mean(ma.sqrt(distances + self.dist_cons)))

        if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
            H = numpy.exp(-self.unit_distances / (2 * self.radius(epoch))) * (
                self.unit_distances <= self.radius(epoch))
        elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
            H = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances / self.radius(epoch))**2
            H = H * (H >= 0.0)
            H = 1.0 * (self.unit_distances <= self.radius(epoch))

        P = numpy.zeros((self.vectors.shape[0], self.data.shape[0]))

           list(range(len(best_nodes))))] = numpy.ones(len(best_nodes))

        S = ma.dot(H, ma.dot(P, self.data))

        A = ma.dot(H, ma.dot(P, ~self.data._mask))

        ##        nonzero = (range(epoch%2, len(self.vectors), 2), )
        nonzero = (numpy.array(sorted(set(ma.nonzero(A)[0]))), )

        self.vectors[nonzero] = S[nonzero] / A[nonzero]
Пример #2
    def train_step_sequential(self, epoch, indices=None):
        """A single step of sequential training algorithm.
        indices = range(len(self.data)) if indices is None else indices
        for ind in indices:
            x = self.data[ind]
            Dx = self.vectors - self.data[ind]
            Dist = ma.sum(Dx**2, 1)
            min_dist = ma.min(Dist)
            bmu = ma.argmin(Dist)

            iter = epoch * len(self.data) + ind

            if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
                h = numpy.exp(-self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2 /
                              (2 * self.radius_seq(iter)**2)) * (
                                  self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2 <=
            elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
                h = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances[:bmu] /
                h = h * (h >= 0.0)
                h = 1.0 * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <=
            h = h * self.alpha(iter)

            nonzero = ma.nonzero(h)
            h = h[nonzero]

            self.vectors[nonzero] = self.vectors[
                nonzero] - Dx[nonzero] * numpy.reshape(h, (len(h), 1))
Пример #3
    def train_step_batch(self, epoch):
        """A single step of batch training algorithm.
        D1 = ma.dot(self.vectors**2, self.weight_matrix)
        D2 = ma.dot(self.vectors, self.constant_matrix)
        Dist = D1 - D2

        best_nodes = ma.argmin(Dist, 0)
        distances = ma.min(Dist, 0)
##        print "q error:", ma.mean(ma.sqrt(distances + self.dist_cons)), self.radius(epoch)
        self.qerror.append(ma.mean(ma.sqrt(distances + self.dist_cons)))

        if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:        
            H = numpy.exp(-self.unit_distances**2/(2*self.radius(epoch)**2)) * (self.unit_distances**2 <= self.radius(epoch)**2)
        elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
            H = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances/self.radius(epoch))**2
            H = H * (H >= 0.0)
            H = 1.0*(self.unit_distances <= self.radius(epoch))

        P =  numpy.zeros((self.vectors.shape[0], self.data.shape[0]))
        P[(best_nodes, range(len(best_nodes)))] = numpy.ones(len(best_nodes))
        S = ma.dot(H, ma.dot(P, self.data))
        A = ma.dot(H, ma.dot(P, ~self.data._mask))

##        nonzero = (range(epoch%2, len(self.vectors), 2), )
        nonzero = (numpy.array(sorted(set(ma.nonzero(A)[0]))), )
        self.vectors[nonzero] = S[nonzero] / A[nonzero]
Пример #4
    def find_nearest(self, target_position, target_sublattice=None):
        """Return the index of the position nearest the target

        target_position : array_like
        target_sublattice : int
            Look for a specific sublattice site. By default any will do.


        >>> sites = Sites(([0, 1, 1.1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]), [0, 1, 0])
        >>> sites.find_nearest([1, 0, 0])
        >>> sites.find_nearest([1, 0, 0], target_sublattice=0)
        distances = self.distances(target_position)
        if target_sublattice is None:
            return np.argmin(distances)
            target_sublattice = self._translate_sublattice(target_sublattice)
            return ma.argmin(ma.array(distances, mask=(self.sublattices != target_sublattice)))
Пример #5
    def find_nearest(self, target_position, target_site_family=""):
        """Return the index of the position nearest the target

        target_position : array_like
        target_site_family : Optional[str]
            Look for a specific sublattice site. By default any will do.


        >>> sites = Sites(([0, 1, 1.1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]), [0, 1, 0])
        >>> sites.find_nearest([1, 0, 0])
        >>> sites.find_nearest([1, 0, 0], target_site_family=0)
        distances = self.distances(target_position)
        if target_site_family == "":
            return np.argmin(distances)
            return ma.argmin(
                ma.array(distances, mask=(self.ids != target_site_family)))
Пример #6
    def train_step_sequential(self, epoch, indices=None):
        """A single step of sequential training algorithm.
        indices = range(len(self.data)) if indices == None else indices
        for ind in indices:
            x = self.data[ind]
            Dx = self.vectors - self.data[ind]
            Dist = ma.sum(Dx**2, 1)
            min_dist = ma.min(Dist)
            bmu = ma.argmin(Dist)

            iter = epoch*len(self.data)+ind

            if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
                h = numpy.exp(-self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2/(2*self.radius_seq(iter)**2)) * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2 <= self.radius_seq(iter)**2)
            elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
                h = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances[:bmu]/self.radius_seq(iter))**2
                h = h * (h >= 0.0)
                h = 1.0*(self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <= self.radius_seq(iter))
            h = h * self.alpha(iter)

            nonzero = ma.nonzero(h)
            h = h[nonzero]

            self.vectors[nonzero] = self.vectors[nonzero] - Dx[nonzero] * numpy.reshape(h, (len(h), 1))
Пример #7
    def train_step_sequential(self, epoch, indices=None):
        indices = list(range(len(self.data))) if indices == None else indices
        for ind in indices:
            x = self.data[ind]
            Dx = self.vectors - self.data[ind]
            Dist = ma.sum(Dx**2, 1)
            min_dist = ma.min(Dist)
            bmu = ma.argmin(Dist)

            if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
                h = numpy.exp(
                    -self.unit_distances[:, bmu] /
                    (2 * self.radius(epoch))) * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <=
            elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
                h = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances[:bmu] / self.radius(epoch))**2
                h = h * (h >= 0.0)
                h = 1.0 * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <= self.radius(epoch))
            h = h * self.alpha(epoch)

            nonzero = ma.nonzero(h)
            h = h[nonzero]

            self.vectors[nonzero] = self.vectors[
                nonzero] - Dx[nonzero] * numpy.reshape(h, (len(h), 1))
Пример #8
 def getBestMatchingNode(self, example):
     """ Return the best matching node
     example, c, w = orange.ExampleTable([example]).toNumpyMA()
     vectors = self.map.vectors()
     Dist = vectors - example
     bmu = ma.argmin(ma.sum(Dist**2, 1))
     return list(self.map)[bmu]
Пример #9
 def get_best_matching_node(self, instance):
     """Return the best matching node for a given data instance
     instance, c, w = Orange.data.Table([instance]).toNumpyMA()
     vectors = self.map.vectors()
     Dist = vectors - instance
     bmu = ma.argmin(ma.sum(Dist**2, 1))
     return list(self.map)[bmu]
Пример #10
 def get_best_matching_node(self, instance):
     """Return the best matching node for a given data instance
     instance, c, w = Orange.data.Table([instance]).toNumpyMA()
     vectors = self.map.vectors()
     Dist = vectors - instance
     bmu = ma.argmin(ma.sum(Dist**2, 1))
     return list(self.map)[bmu]
Пример #11
def clipdata(y, xm, x0, x1, minFlag=False):
    mx = ma.getdata(mask(xm, xm, x0, x1))
    my = ma.getdata(mask(y, xm, x0, x1))
    if minFlag:  # allow clipping from first minimum after the start time
        u = ma.argmin(mask(y, xm, x0, x1))
        mx = mx[u:-1]
        my = my[u:-1]
    return (mx, my)
Пример #12
def clipdata(y, xm, x0, x1, minFlag=False):
    mx = ma.getdata(mask(xm, xm, x0, x1))
    my = ma.getdata(mask(y, xm, x0, x1))
    if minFlag:  # allow clipping from first minimum after the start time
        u = ma.argmin(mask(y, xm, x0, x1))
        mx = mx[u:-1]
        my = my[u:-1]
    return (mx, my)
Пример #13
def _lhsmu(N, samples=None, corr=None, random_state=None, M=5):

    if random_state is None:
        random_state = np.random.RandomState()
    elif not isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState):
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state)

    if samples is None:
        samples = N

    I = M * samples

    rdpoints = random_state.uniform(size=(I, N))

    dist = spatial.distance.cdist(rdpoints, rdpoints, metric='euclidean')
    D_ij = ma.masked_array(dist, mask=np.identity(I))

    index_rm = np.zeros(I - samples, dtype=int)
    i = 0
    while i < I - samples:
        order = ma.sort(D_ij, axis=1)

        avg_dist = ma.mean(order[:, 0:2], axis=1)
        min_l = ma.argmin(avg_dist)

        D_ij[min_l, :] = ma.masked
        D_ij[:, min_l] = ma.masked

        index_rm[i] = min_l
        i += 1

    rdpoints = np.delete(rdpoints, index_rm, axis=0)

    if (corr is not None):
        #check if covariance matrix is valid
        assert type(corr) == np.ndarray
        assert corr.ndim == 2
        assert corr.shape[0] == corr.shape[1]
        assert corr.shape[0] == N

        norm_u = stats.norm().ppf(rdpoints)
        L = linalg.cholesky(corr, lower=True)

        norm_u = np.matmul(norm_u, L)

        H = stats.norm().cdf(norm_u)
        H = np.zeros_like(rdpoints, dtype=float)
        rank = np.argsort(rdpoints, axis=0)

        for l in range(samples):
            low = float(l) / samples
            high = float(l + 1) / samples

            l_pos = rank == l
            H[l_pos] = random_state.uniform(low, high, size=N)
    return H
Пример #14
def crossmatch(cat0, cat1, threshold=1., racol0='ra', deccol0='dec', racol1='ra', deccol1='dec', right_join=False):
    dra = cat0[racol0] - cat1[racol1][:, newaxis]
    ddec = cat0[deccol0] - cat1[deccol1][:, newaxis]
    sep = np.sqrt(dra**2 + ddec**2) * 3600.
    matches = np.min(sep, axis=1) < threshold
    inds = np.argmin(sep, axis=1)
    out = Table(cat0[inds], masked=True)
    if right_join:
        for col in out.colnames:
            out[col].mask = ~matches
        cat1 = cat1.copy()
        out = out[matches]
        cat1 = cat1[matches]
    return out, cat1
Пример #15
def computeEdgeDistances(uvframe):
    Create a 2D matrix @edgedists as a companion to @uvframe,
    containing for each pixel a distance to the nearest edge (more precisely,
    the nearest 0-valued pixel).

    We compute @edgedists in a floodfill fashion spreading from zero-areas
    to the middle of one-areas iteratively, with distances approximated
    on the pixel grid.

    We return a tuple (edgedists, edgedirs), where edgedirs contains information
    about the relative offset of the nearest edge piece.
    # edgedists is a masked array, with only already computed values unmasked;
    # at first, uvframe == 0 already are computed (as zeros)
    edgedists = ma.array(numpy.zeros(uvframe.shape, dtype = numpy.float), mask = (uvframe > 0))
    edgedirs = ma.array(numpy.zeros(uvframe.shape, dtype = (numpy.float, 2)), mask = [[[j,j] for j in i] for i in uvframe > 0])
    #print edgedists
    #print edgedirs

    flood_spread = scipy.ndimage.morphology.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)
    neighbor_ofs = [[-1,-1],[-1,0],[-1,1], [0,-1],[0,0],[0,1],  [1,-1],[1,0],[1,1]]
    s2 = math.sqrt(2)
    neighbor_dist = [s2,1,s2, 1,0,1, s2,1,s2]

    while ma.getmaskarray(edgedists).any():
        # scan masked area for any elements that have unmasked neighbors
        done_mask = numpy.invert(ma.getmaskarray(edgedists))
        todo_mask = done_mask ^ scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(done_mask, flood_spread)
        for i in numpy.transpose(numpy.nonzero(todo_mask)):
            neighbor_val = ma.array([
                    edge_dist_if_within(edgedists, i + ofs) + dist
                        for ofs, dist in zip(neighbor_ofs, neighbor_dist)
            nearestnei = ma.argmin(neighbor_val)

            # We assert that this update never affects value other fields
            # visited later in this iteration of floodfill
            edgedists[tuple(i)] = neighbor_val[nearestnei]

            nearestneicoord = i + neighbor_ofs[nearestnei]
            #print "-", nearestneicoord, edgedirs[tuple(nearestneicoord)]
            edgedirs[tuple(i)] = edgedirs[tuple(nearestneicoord)] + tuple(neighbor_ofs[nearestnei])
            #print "+", i, edgedirs[tuple(i)]

    return (edgedists.data, edgedirs.data)
Пример #16
    def _select_pivot(self):
        Selects pivot around which we would like to perform optimization.

            (i, j): i - row, j - column
        # col - most positive value in objective row
        col = np.argmax(self.c) 
        masked_column = ma.MaskedArray(self.tableau[:, col], self.tableau[:, col] <= 0)
        if masked_column.count() == 0:
            raise UnboundedProblem()
        ratios = self.b / masked_column
        # we naively choose the first minimum ratio
        min_idx = ma.argmin(ratios)
        return (min_idx, col)
Пример #17
def corr_proba(r, ndata, ndataset=2, dof=False):
    """Probability of rejecting correlations

    - **r**: Correlation coefficient
    - **ndata**: Number of records use for correlations
    - **ndataset**, optional:  Number of datasets (1 for autocorrelations, else 2) [default: 2]

    .. todo::

        This must be rewritten using :mod:`scipy.stats`
    # TODO: use scipy for betai and _gamma?
    from genutil.salstat import betai,_gammaln

    # Basic tests
    ndata = MA.masked_equal(ndata,0,copy=0)
    r = MV2.masked_where(MA.equal(MA.absolute(r),1.),r,copy=0)

    # Degree of freedom
    if dof:
        df = ndata
        df = ndata-2-ndataset

    # Advanced test: prevent extreme values by locally decreasing the dof
    reduc = N.ones(r.shape)
    z = None
    while z is None or MA.count(MA.masked_greater(z,-600.)):
        if z is not None:
            imax = MA.argmin(z.ravel())
            reduc.flat[imax] += 1
        dfr = df/reduc
        t = r*MV2.sqrt(dfr/((1.0-r)* (1.0+r)))
        a = 0.5*dfr
        b = 0.5
        x = df/(dfr+t**2)
        z = _gammaln(a+b)-_gammaln(a)-_gammaln(b)+a*MA.log(x)+b*MA.log(1.0-x)

    # Perfom the test and format the variable
    prob = MV2.masked_array(betai(a,b,x),axes=r.getAxisList())*100
    prob.id = 'corr_proba' ; prob.name = prob.id
    prob.long_name = 'Probability of rejection'
    prob.units = '%'

    return prob
Пример #18
def corr_proba(r, ndata, ndataset=2, dof=False):
    """Probability of rejecting correlations

    - **r**: Correlation coefficient
    - **ndata**: Number of records use for correlations
    - **ndataset**, optional:  Number of datasets (1 for autocorrelations, else 2) [default: 2]

    .. todo::

        This must be rewritten using :mod:`scipy.stats`

    # Basic tests
    ndata = MA.masked_equal(ndata,0,copy=0)
    r = MV2.masked_where(MA.equal(MA.absolute(r),1.),r,copy=0)

    # Degree of freedom
    if dof:
        df = ndata
        df = ndata-2-ndataset

    # Advanced test: prevent extreme values by locally decreasing the dof
    reduc = N.ones(r.shape)
    z = None
    while z is None or MA.count(MA.masked_greater(z,-600.)):
        if z is not None:
            imax = MA.argmin(z.ravel())
            reduc.flat[imax] += 1
        dfr = df/reduc
        t = r*MV2.sqrt(dfr/((1.0-r)* (1.0+r)))
        a = 0.5*dfr
        b = 0.5
        x = df/(dfr+t**2)
        z = _gammaln(a+b)-_gammaln(a)-_gammaln(b)+a*MA.log(x)+b*MA.log(1.0-x)

    # Perfom the test and format the variable
    prob = MV2.masked_array(betai(a,b,x),axes=r.getAxisList())*100
    prob.id = 'corr_proba' ; prob.name = prob.id
    prob.long_name = 'Probability of rejection'
    prob.units = '%'

    return prob
Пример #19
    def _read(self):
        """ Read the file."""
        xml = ET.parse(self.filename).getroot()
        self.xml = xml

        # There might be several power curves for different air density
        data_sets = []
        densities = []
        for pt in xml.findall('PerformanceTable'):

        # Looking for the density closest to normal atmospheric conditions: 1.225
        id = argmin(abs(array(densities) - 1.225))
        self.density = densities[id]
        a = data_sets[id]

        ## Sorting with respect of wind speed
        self.data = a[np.argsort(a[:, 0]), :]
        self.rotor_diameter = float(xml.get('RotorDiameter'))
        self.hub_height = float(xml.findall('SuggestedHeights/Height')[0].text)
        self.manufacturer = xml.get('ManufacturerName')
Пример #20
    def _read(self):
        """ Read the file."""
        xml = ET.parse(self.filename).getroot()
        self.xml = xml

        # There might be several power curves for different air density
        data_sets = []
        densities = []
        for pt in xml.findall("PerformanceTable"):

        # Looking for the density closest to normal atmospheric conditions: 1.225
        id = argmin(abs(array(densities) - 1.225))
        self.density = densities[id]
        a = data_sets[id]

        ## Sorting with respect of wind speed
        self.data = a[np.argsort(a[:, 0]), :]
        self.rotor_diameter = float(xml.get("RotorDiameter"))
        self.hub_height = float(xml.findall("SuggestedHeights/Height")[0].text)
        self.manufacturer = xml.get("ManufacturerName")
Пример #21
def crossmatch(cat0,
    dra = cat0[racol0] - cat1[racol1][:, newaxis]
    ddec = cat0[deccol0] - cat1[deccol1][:, newaxis]
    sep = np.sqrt(dra**2 + ddec**2) * 3600.
    matches = np.min(sep, axis=1) < threshold
    inds = np.argmin(sep, axis=1)
    out = Table(cat0[inds], masked=True)
    if right_join:
        for col in out.colnames:
            out[col].mask = ~matches
        cat1 = cat1.copy()
        out = out[matches]
        cat1 = cat1[matches]
    return out, cat1
Пример #22
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh = 0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xt = x.view(numpy.ndarray) # strip Metaarray stuff -much faster!
    v = y.view(numpy.ndarray)
    xm = ma.masked_outside(xt, x0, x1).T
    ym = ma.array(v, mask = ma.getmask(xm))
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = ma.mean(ym)
        r2 = ma.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p': # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std': # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var': # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum': # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym) # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom': # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym) # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)/(ma.max(xm)-ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency': # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        slope = numpy.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win)/20) # look over small ranges
        for k in win: # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k-st, k+st) # get tb array
            newa = numpy.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = numpy.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1) # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = numpy.append(slope, ppars[0]) # keep track of max slope
        r1 = numpy.amax(slope)
        r2 = numpy.argmax(slope)
    return(r1, r2)
Пример #23
    def __init__(self, bcfiles, mmfiles, agglvl, metricname):
        self.nm = len(bcfiles)
        self.metricname = metricname

        with nc(bcfiles[0]) as f:
            self.aggs = f.variables[agglvl][:]
            self.aggunits = f.variables[agglvl].units
            self.agglongname = f.variables[agglvl].long_name
            self.dt = f.variables['dt'].long_name.split(', ')
            self.mp = f.variables['mp'].long_name.split(', ')
            self.cr = f.variables['cr'].long_name.split(', ')
        naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr = len(self.aggs), len(self.dt), len(self.mp), len(

        with nc(mmfiles[0]) as f:
            self.metricunits = f.variables[metricname].units

        self.models = [0] * self.nm
        self.scens = array([])
        self.tmin = inf
        self.tmax = -inf
        for i in range(self.nm):
            self.models[i] = basename(bcfiles[i]).split('_')[0]  # model names

            with nc(mmfiles[i]) as f:  # scenarios
                scens = f.variables['scen'].long_name.split(', ')
                self.scens = unique(list(self.scens) + scens)

            with nc(bcfiles[i]) as f:  # time
                time = f.variables['time'][:]
                time_units = f.variables['time'].units
                time += int(findall(r'\d+', time_units)[0])
                self.tmin = min(self.tmin, time[0])
                self.tmax = max(self.tmax, time[-1])

        self.time = arange(self.tmin, self.tmax + 1)
        ntime = len(self.time)

        self.metrics = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.yield_detr = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ntime, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.yield_retr = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ntime, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.top_scens = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr))

        for i in range(self.nm):
            with nc(mmfiles[i]) as f:
                metric = f.variables[metricname][:, :, :, :, :, 0]
                metric = masked_where(metric < 0,
                                      metric)  # mask negative values
                scens = f.variables['scen'].long_name.split(', ')
                scenidx = argmin(self.__cost(metric), axis=1)

            with nc(bcfiles[i]) as f:
                time = f.variables['time'][:]
                time_units = f.variables['time'].units
                time += int(findall(r'\d+', time_units)[0])
                ydt = f.variables['yield_detrend'][:]
                yrt = f.variables['yield_retrend'][:]

                inrange = logical_and(self.time >= time[0],
                                      self.time <= time[-1])

                for a in range(naggs):
                    for d, m, c in product(range(ndt), range(nmp), range(ncr)):
                        si = scenidx[a, d, m, c]
                        self.metrics[i, a, d, m, c] = metric[a, si, d, m, c]
                        self.yield_detr[i, a, inrange, d, m, c] = ydt[a, :, si,
                                                                      d, m, c]
                        self.yield_retr[i, a, inrange, d, m, c] = yrt[a, :, si,
                                                                      d, m, c]
                        self.top_scens[i, a, d, m, c] = where(
                            self.scens == scens[si])[0][0] + 1
Пример #24
def get_fit(theta, height):
        Fitting the local theta profile with three lines

    fitvals = np.zeros_like(theta)
    RSS = np.empty((290, 290)) + np.nan
    print RSS[0, 0]
    for j in range(290):
        if j > 2:
            for k in range(290):
                if k > j + 1 and k < 289:
                    b_1 = (
                        np.sum(np.multiply(height[:j], theta[:j])) - 1 / j * np.sum(height[:j]) * np.sum(theta[:j])
                    ) / (np.sum(height[:j] ** 2) - 1 / j * np.sum(height[:j]) ** 2)
                    a_1 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[:j], theta[:j])) / np.sum(height[:j]) - b_1 * np.sum(
                        height[:j] ** 2
                    ) / np.sum(height[:j])

                    b_2 = (np.sum(theta[j:k]) - (k - j) * (a_1 + b_1 * height[j])) / (
                        np.sum(height[j:k]) - (k - j) * height[j]

                    a_2 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[j:k], theta[j:k])) / np.sum(height[j:k]) - b_2 * np.sum(
                        height[j:k] ** 2
                    ) / np.sum(height[j:k])

                    b_3 = (np.sum(theta[k:290]) - (290 - k) * (a_2 + b_2 * height[k])) / (
                        np.sum(height[k:290]) - (290 - k) * height[k]
                    a_3 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[k:290], theta[k:290])) / np.sum(height[k:290]) - b_3 * np.sum(
                        height[k:290] ** 2
                    ) / np.sum(height[k:290])

                    RSS[j, k] = (
                        np.sum(np.add(theta[2:j], -(a_1 + b_1 * height[2:j])) ** 2)
                        + np.sum(np.add(theta[j:k], -(a_2 + b_2 * height[j:k])) ** 2)
                        + np.sum(np.add(theta[k:290], -(a_3 + b_3 * height[k:290])) ** 2)

    RSS = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(RSS), RSS)
    [j, k] = np.unravel_index(ma.argmin(RSS), RSS.shape)

    b_1 = (np.sum(np.multiply(height[:j], theta[:j])) - 1 / j * np.sum(height[:j] * np.sum(theta[:j]))) / (
        np.sum(height[:j] ** 2) - 1 / j * np.sum(height[2:j]) ** 2
    a_1 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[:j], theta[:j])) / np.sum(height[:j]) - b_1 * np.sum(height[:j] ** 2) / np.sum(

    b_2 = (np.sum(theta[j:k]) - (k - j) * (a_1 + b_1 * height[j])) / (np.sum(height[j:k]) - (k - j) * height[j])
    a_2 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[j:k], theta[j:k])) / np.sum(height[j:k]) - b_2 * np.sum(height[j:k] ** 2) / np.sum(

    b_3 = (np.sum(theta[k:290]) - (290 - k) * (a_2 + b_2 * height[k])) / (np.sum(height[k:290]) - (290 - k) * height[k])
    a_3 = np.sum(np.multiply(height[k:290], theta[k:290])) / np.sum(height[k:290]) - b_3 * np.sum(
        height[k:290] ** 2
    ) / np.sum(height[k:290])

    fitvals[:j] = b_1 * height[:j] + a_1
    fitvals[j:k] = b_2 * height[j:k] + a_2
    fitvals[k:290] = b_3 * height[k:290] + a_3

    return fitvals, RSS, j, k
Пример #25
def Galaxy_Data(galaxy_ID):

    galaxy_ID : string


    physical properties & data of the galaxy

    plate, IFU = galaxy_ID.split('-')
    # Obtain redshift
    for i in range(len(DTable2)):
        if DTable2['MaNGA_plate'][i] == int(plate) and DTable2['MaNGA_IFU'][i] == int(IFU):
            redshift = z[i]
            velocity = redshift * c
            distance = (velocity / H_0) * 1E3 #kpc
            scale = 0.5 * (distance) / 206265
    # Obtain inclination
    incl = 0
    for i in range(len(DTable1)):
        if DTable1['MaNGA_plate'][i] == int(plate) and DTable1['MaNGA_IFU'][i] == int(IFU):
            incl = np.arccos(rat[i])
    # Obtain phi
    ph = 0
    for i in range(len(DTable1)):
        if DTable1['MaNGA_plate'][i] == int(plate) and DTable1['MaNGA_IFU'][i] == int(IFU):
            ph = phi[i] * np.pi / 180

    # Obtaining Data Cubes, Inverse Variances, and Masks
    #cube = fits.open('manga-' + galaxy_ID + '-MAPS-HYB10-GAU-MILESHC.fits.gz')
    cube = fits.open(VEL_MAP_FOLDER + plate + '/' + IFU + '/manga-' +
                     galaxy_ID + '-MAPS-HYB10-GAU-MILESHC.fits.gz')

    r_band = cube['SPX_MFLUX'].data
    Ha_vel = cube['EMLINE_GVEL'].data[18]
    Ha_vel_ivar = cube['EMLINE_GVEL_IVAR'].data[18]
    Ha_vel_mask = cube['EMLINE_GVEL_MASK'].data[18]

    vmasked = ma.array(Ha_vel, mask=Ha_vel_mask)
    ivar_masked = ma.array(Ha_vel_ivar, mask=Ha_vel_mask)

    gshape = vmasked.shape

    # Finding the center
    center_guess = np.unravel_index(ma.argmin(np.abs(vmasked), axis=None),
    x_center_guess = center_guess[0]
    y_center_guess = center_guess[1]

    #return scale, incl, ph, r_band, Ha_vel, Ha_vel_ivar, Ha_vel_mask, vmasked, gshape, x_center_guess, y_center_guess
    return r_band, Ha_vel, Ha_vel_ivar, Ha_vel_mask, vmasked, ivar_masked, gshape, x_center_guess, y_center_guess
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, bcfiles, mmfiles, agglvl, metricname):
        self.nm = len(bcfiles)
        self.metricname = metricname

        with nc(bcfiles[0]) as f:
            self.aggs        = f.variables[agglvl][:]
            self.aggunits    = f.variables[agglvl].units
            self.agglongname = f.variables[agglvl].long_name
            self.dt          = f.variables['dt'].long_name.split(', ')
            self.mp          = f.variables['mp'].long_name.split(', ')
            self.cr          = f.variables['cr'].long_name.split(', ')
        naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr = len(self.aggs), len(self.dt), len(self.mp), len(self.cr)

        with nc(mmfiles[0]) as f:
            self.metricunits = f.variables[metricname].units

        self.models = [0] * self.nm
        self.scens  = array([])
        self.tmin   = inf
        self.tmax   = -inf
        for i in range(self.nm):
            self.models[i] = basename(bcfiles[i]).split('_')[0] # model names

            with nc(mmfiles[i]) as f: # scenarios
                scens      = f.variables['scen'].long_name.split(', ')
                self.scens = unique(list(self.scens) + scens)

            with nc(bcfiles[i]) as f: # time
                time        = f.variables['time'][:]
                time_units  = f.variables['time'].units
                time       += int(findall(r'\d+', time_units)[0])
                self.tmin = min(self.tmin, time[0])
                self.tmax = max(self.tmax, time[-1])

        self.time = arange(self.tmin, self.tmax + 1)
        ntime     = len(self.time)

        self.metrics    = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.yield_detr = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ntime, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.yield_retr = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ntime, ndt, nmp, ncr))
        self.top_scens  = makeMasked((self.nm, naggs, ndt, nmp, ncr))

        for i in range(self.nm):
            with nc(mmfiles[i]) as f:
                metric  = f.variables[metricname][:, :, :, :, :, 0]
                metric  = masked_where(metric < 0, metric) # mask negative values
                scens   = f.variables['scen'].long_name.split(', ')
                scenidx = argmin(self.__cost(metric), axis = 1)

            with nc(bcfiles[i]) as f:
                time        = f.variables['time'][:]
                time_units  = f.variables['time'].units
                time       += int(findall(r'\d+', time_units)[0])
                ydt         = f.variables['yield_detrend'][:]
                yrt         = f.variables['yield_retrend'][:]

                inrange = logical_and(self.time >= time[0], self.time <= time[-1])

                for a in range(naggs):
                    for d, m, c in product(range(ndt), range(nmp), range(ncr)):
                        si = scenidx[a, d, m, c]
                        self.metrics[i, a, d, m, c]             = metric[a, si, d, m, c]
                        self.yield_detr[i, a, inrange, d, m, c] = ydt[a, :, si, d, m, c]
                        self.yield_retr[i, a, inrange, d, m, c] = yrt[a, :, si, d, m, c]
                        self.top_scens[i, a, d, m, c]           = where(self.scens == scens[si])[0][0] + 1
Пример #27
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)  # .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask=ma.getmask(xm))  # .compressed()
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'minormax':
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p':  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std':  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var':  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum':  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom':  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency':  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == '1090':  #measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1 * r1
        y90 = 0.9 * r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        return (0, 0)
        slope = np.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = np.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = np.polyfit(
                x[tb], ym[tb],
                1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = np.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.amax(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Пример #28

#adj.mask = ma.nomask

#adj.mask = maskarr

while not clustered:
    semiclustered = maskarr.all()

    if not semiclustered:
        short = ma.argmin(adj)
        A = int(short//num_ungrp)
        B = int(short%num_ungrp)
        first = np.maximum(A,B)
        second = np.minimum(A,B)
        temp = []
        for i in clus_ind[A]:
        for i in clus_ind[B]:

        combined = []
Пример #29
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)  # .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask=ma.getmask(xm))  # .compressed()
    if mode == "mean":
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == "max" or mode == "maximum":
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == "min" or mode == "minimum":
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == "minormax":
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == "median":
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "p2p":  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "std":  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "var":  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "cumsum":  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "anom":  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "sum":
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "area" or mode == "charge":
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "latency":  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == "1090":  # measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1 * r1
        y90 = 0.9 * r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == "count":
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == "maxslope":
        return (0, 0)
        slope = np.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = np.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = np.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = np.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.amax(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Пример #30
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0, slopewin=1.0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xm = ma.masked_outside(x, x0, x1)# .compressed()
    ym = ma.array(y, mask = ma.getmask(xm))# .compressed()
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = np.mean(ym)
        r2 = np.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'minormax':
        r1p = ma.max(ym)
        r1n = ma.min(ym)
        if ma.abs(r1p) > ma.abs(r1n):
            r1 = r1p
            r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]

            r1 = r1n
            r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]

    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p': # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std': # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var': # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum': # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym) # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom': # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym) # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)/(ma.max(xm)-ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency': # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == '1090': #measure 10-90% time, also returns max
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
        y10 = 0.1*r1
        y90 = 0.9*r1
        sm1 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y10)
        sm9 = ma.nonzero(ym >= y90)
        r1 = xm[sm9] - xm[sm1]

    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        slope = []
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        dt = x[1]-x[0]
        st = int(slopewin/dt) # use slopewin duration window for fit.
        print('st: ', st)
        for k, w in enumerate(win): # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k-st, k+st) # get tb array
            ppars = np.polyfit(x[tb], ym[tb], 1) # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope.append(ppars[0]) # keep track of max slope
        r1 = np.max(slope)
        r2 = np.argmax(slope)
    return(r1, r2)
Пример #31
def measure(mode, x, y, x0, x1, thresh=0):
    """ return the a measure of y in the window x0 to x1
    xt = x.view(numpy.ndarray)  # strip Metaarray stuff -much faster!
    v = y.view(numpy.ndarray)

    xm = ma.masked_outside(xt, x0, x1).T
    ym = ma.array(v, mask=ma.getmask(xm))
    if mode == 'mean':
        r1 = ma.mean(ym)
        r2 = ma.std(ym)
    if mode == 'max' or mode == 'maximum':
        r1 = ma.max(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmax(ym)]
    if mode == 'min' or mode == 'minimum':
        r1 = ma.min(ym)
        r2 = xm[ma.argmin(ym)]
    if mode == 'median':
        r1 = ma.median(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'p2p':  # peak to peak
        r1 = ma.ptp(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'std':  # standard deviation
        r1 = ma.std(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'var':  # variance
        r1 = ma.var(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'cumsum':  # cumulative sum
        r1 = ma.cumsum(ym)  # Note: returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'anom':  # anomalies = difference from averge
        r1 = ma.anom(ym)  # returns an array
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'sum':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'area' or mode == 'charge':
        r1 = ma.sum(ym) / (ma.max(xm) - ma.min(xm))
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'latency':  # return first point that is > threshold
        sm = ma.nonzero(ym > thresh)
        r1 = -1  # use this to indicate no event detected
        r2 = 0
        if ma.count(sm) > 0:
            r1 = sm[0][0]
            r2 = len(sm[0])
    if mode == 'count':
        r1 = ma.count(ym)
        r2 = 0
    if mode == 'maxslope':
        return (0, 0)
        slope = numpy.array([])
        win = ma.flatnotmasked_contiguous(ym)
        st = int(len(win) / 20)  # look over small ranges
        for k in win:  # move through the slope measurementwindow
            tb = range(k - st, k + st)  # get tb array
            newa = numpy.array(self.dat[i][j, thisaxis, tb])
            ppars = numpy.polyfit(
                x[tb], ym[tb],
                1)  # do a linear fit - smooths the slope measures
            slope = numpy.append(slope, ppars[0])  # keep track of max slope
        r1 = numpy.amax(slope)
        r2 = numpy.argmax(slope)
    return (r1, r2)
Пример #32
ax[1].tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=14)

#we stack up the separate instruments
tstack = ma.vstack([tmabrite, tmaastep, tmabring])
astack = ma.vstack([amabrite, amaastep, amabring])
estack = ma.vstack([emabrite, emaastep, emabring])

# now find which instrument has the smallest error and make an array from that

min_amp_ind = ma.argmin(estack, axis=0)

# pull out the lowest values

min_amp = astack[min_amp_ind, np.arange(min_amp_ind.size)]
min_tim = tstack[min_amp_ind, np.arange(min_amp_ind.size)]
min_err = estack[min_amp_ind, np.arange(min_amp_ind.size)]
