def save_px_df(self, id_suffix): """ Save up regions intensity pixel-wise, for best mask and corresponding pixel-wise ΔF/F image """ self.px_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ID', # recording ID 'stim', # stimulus number 'mask_region', # mask region (1 for master or down) 'int', # px intensity 'delta']) # px ΔF/F best_up_mask = self.up_diff_mask[self.best_up_mask_index] best_up_mask_prop = measure.regionprops(best_up_mask) # best_delta_img = self.peak_deltaF_series[self.best_up_mask_index] # best_img = self.stim_mean_series[self.best_up_mask_index] for stim_img_num in range(len(self.stim_mean_series)): stim_mean_img = self.stim_mean_series[stim_img_num] stim_deltaF_img = self.peak_deltaF_series[stim_img_num] for i in best_up_mask_prop: # calculate profiles for each up region best_up_mask_region = best_up_mask == i.label for px_int, px_delta in zip(ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(~best_up_mask_region, stim_mean_img)), ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(~best_up_mask_region, stim_deltaF_img))): point_series = pd.Series([f'{self.img_name}{id_suffix}', # recording ID stim_img_num+1, # stimulus number i.label, # mask region px_int, # px intensity px_delta], # px ΔF/F index=self.px_df.columns) self.px_df = self.px_df.append(point_series, ignore_index=True)'Recording profile data frame {self.px_df.shape} created') return self.px_df
def calcBBScore(self, field, attempt=-1): tm = self.ClasData[attempt] mean = tm['BBVpp'].mean() lothresh = mean * self.MeasSettings['MinVppFracMean'][0] hithresh = mean * self.MeasSettings['MaxVppFracMean'][0] dat = [] for r in range(0, len(self.meas_rows)): v = tm[tm['Row'] == r][field].values v_ma = ma.masked_outside(v, lothresh, hithresh) dat.append(v_ma) average = ma.masked_array((dat)).mean(axis=0) bb = ma.compressed(average) mask = average.mask scores = [] for c in self.Candidates: field = c + '_bbvpp' k = ma.compressed( ma.masked_array(self.bbvpp_kernels[field][0:len(average)], mask=mask)) # print('len(bb): ', len(bb), ' len(k): ', len(k)) score = np.corrcoef(bb, k)[0, 1] scores.append(score) self.BBScores = scores #self.nBB = ma.count(average) return dat, average, scores
def Fill2ThetaAzimuthMap(masks, TA, tam, image): 'Needs a doc string' Zlim = masks['Thresholds'][1] rings = masks['Rings'] arcs = masks['Arcs'] TA = np.dstack((ma.getdata(TA[1]), ma.getdata(TA[0]), ma.getdata(TA[2]))) #azimuth, 2-theta, dist tax, tay, tad = np.dsplit(TA, 3) #azimuth, 2-theta, dist**2/d0**2 for tth, thick in rings: tam = ma.mask_or( tam.flatten(), ma.getmask( ma.masked_inside(tay.flatten(), max(0.01, tth - thick / 2.), tth + thick / 2.))) for tth, azm, thick in arcs: tamt = ma.getmask( ma.masked_inside(tay.flatten(), max(0.01, tth - thick / 2.), tth + thick / 2.)) tama = ma.getmask(ma.masked_inside(tax.flatten(), azm[0], azm[1])) tam = ma.mask_or(tam.flatten(), tamt * tama) taz = ma.masked_outside(image.flatten(), int(Zlim[0]), Zlim[1]) tabs = np.ones_like(taz) tam = ma.mask_or(tam.flatten(), ma.getmask(taz)) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(), mask=tam)) #azimuth tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(), mask=tam)) #2-theta taz = ma.compressed(ma.array(taz.flatten(), mask=tam)) #intensity tad = ma.compressed(ma.array(tad.flatten(), mask=tam)) #dist**2/d0**2 tabs = ma.compressed(ma.array( tabs.flatten(), mask=tam)) #ones - later used for absorption corr. return tax, tay, taz, tad, tabs
def __init__(self, stampdata, disk, annulus, center, disk_radius, annulus_radii, empty = False): """ Constructor for a Button object Arguments: (np.ndarray) stampdata: the original stamp data (np.ndarray) disk: a boolean mask for the stampdata FALSE within the found chamber (np.ndarray) annulus: a boolean mask for the stampdata FALSE within the button annulus (local background) (tuple) center: chamber center coordinates, with respect to stampdata coord. system (int) disk_radius: button radius (tuple) annulus radii: inner and outer radii of the annulus (innerrad, outerrad) (bool) empty: flag for empty button Returns: None """ self.blankFlag = empty self.stampdata = stampdata # uint16 ndarray self.disk = disk # a mask self.disk_intensities = ma.compressed(self.get_disk()) self.annulus = annulus # a mask self.annulus_intensities = ma.compressed(self.get_annulus()) try: self.annulus_to_disk_ratio = len(self.annulus_intensities) / len(self.disk_intensities) except: warnings.warn('Annulus ratio could not be calculated.\nButton Intensities Are Of Length Zero.\ Annulus to disk ratio is NaN') self.annulus_to_disk_ratio = np.nan = center self.disk_radius = disk_radius self.annulus_radii = annulus_radii self.summary = self.summarize()
def set_gen3data(self, Apaths, Ppaths, Xdet, Zdet, omega, mask=None): = omega self.wbyv = omega/self.v self.amshape = mask.shape self.mask = mask for Apath, Ppath in zip(Apaths, Ppaths): # read the data Amp = Pha = # mask all data arrays Amp = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Amp, self.mask)) Pha = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Pha, self.mask)) try: Amps = np.vstack((Amps, Amp)) Phas = np.vstack((Phas, Pha)) except: Amps = Amp Phas = Pha self.Amps = Amps self.Phas = Phas # masked detector positions self.dIdx = np.arange(len(Xdet)) self.dIdx = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(self.dIdx.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Xdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Xdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Zdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Zdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask))
def calculateMeans(self, synMean, synMin, synMed, synMax, synMinCP): """ Calculate mean, median, minimum, maximum and percentiles of pressure values from synthetic events. :param synMean: `numpy.ndarray` :param synMin: `numpy.ndarray` :param synMed: `numpy.ndarray` :param synMax: `numpy.ndarray` :param synMinCP: `numpy.ndarray` """ synMean = ma.masked_values(synMean, -9999.) synMin = ma.masked_values(synMin, -9999.) synMed = ma.masked_values(synMed, -9999.) synMax = ma.masked_values(synMax, -9999.) self.synMean = ma.mean(synMean, axis=0) self.synMed = ma.mean(synMed, axis=0) self.synMin = ma.mean(synMin, axis=0) self.synMax = ma.mean(synMax, axis=0) self.synMeanUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=95, axis=0) self.synMeanLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=5, axis=0) self.synMinUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=95, axis=0) self.synMinLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=5, axis=0) self.synMinCPDist = np.mean(synMinCP, axis=0) self.synMinCPLower = percentile(synMinCP, per=5, axis=0) self.synMinCPUpper = percentile(synMinCP, per=95, axis=0) r = list(np.random.uniform(high=synMean.shape[0], size=3).astype(int)) self.synRandomMinima = synMean[r, :, :]
def fill_from_netcdf(self, rec_num, netcdf): """ Used by handle_station to get the records from netcdf for comparing with the records from the database. """ netcdf = {} if not ma.getmask(self.ncdf_data_set["latitude"][rec_num]): netcdf["latitude"] = ma.compressed( self.ncdf_data_set["latitude"][rec_num])[0] else: netcdf["latitude"] = None if not ma.getmask(self.ncdf_data_set["longitude"][rec_num]): netcdf["longitude"] = ma.compressed( self.ncdf_data_set["longitude"][rec_num])[0] else: netcdf["longitude"] = None if not ma.getmask(self.ncdf_data_set["elevation"][rec_num]): netcdf["elevation"] = ma.compressed( self.ncdf_data_set["elevation"][rec_num])[0] else: netcdf["elevation"] = None # pylint: disable=no-member netcdf["description"] = str( nc.chartostring(self.ncdf_data_set["locationName"][rec_num])) netcdf["name"] = str( nc.chartostring(self.ncdf_data_set["stationName"][rec_num])) return netcdf
def mflag(arrayname, uvwbl, uvdata, flaglist): """ Return flagged uvdata """ Nant = 40 if arrayname == 'm1' else 60 Nbl = Nant * (Nant - 1) / 2 # logger.debug('Nbl is %d',Nbl) dout_mask = ma.masked_array(list( zip(uvwbl['u'], uvwbl['v'], uvwbl['w'], np.hstack((uvdata[0:Nbl], np.conj(uvdata[0:Nbl]))), np.ones(Nbl * 2))), dtype=ri.dtk) flagarr = mi.flagind(Nant, flaglist) flagarr = np.hstack((flagarr, flagarr + Nbl)) # flag (-u,-v) for ifl in flagarr: dout_mask[ifl] = ma.masked # Np = ma.count(dout_mask.dtype.names[0]) # logger.debug('Np is %d',Np) # logger.debug('dout shape is %d',dout.shape[0]) dout_flag = np.array(list( zip(ma.compressed(dout_mask['u']), ma.compressed(dout_mask['v']), ma.compressed(dout_mask['w']), ma.compressed(dout_mask['x']), ma.compressed(dout_mask['wgt']))), dtype=ri.dtk) return dout_flag
def spike_flag(data,masked,freq,percent): """ Flags out RFI spikes using a 11 bin filter Can be used with either time or freq percent is a percentage level cut (100 would be twice the 11 bin average) Needs to be applied to masked data. """ new_mask = np.zeros(len(data)) new_array = ma.array(data,mask=masked) new_comp = ma.compressed(new_array) freq_array = ma.array(freq,mask=masked) new_freq = ma.compressed(freq_array) for i in range(0,len(data)): if masked[i]==1.0: new_mask[i] = 1.0 for i in range(5,len(new_comp)-5): group = new_comp[i-5]+new_comp[i-4]+new_comp[i-3]+new_comp[i-2]+new_comp[i-1]+new_comp[i]+new_comp[i+1]+new_comp[i+2]+new_comp[i+3]+new_comp[i+4]+new_comp[i+5] mean_group = group/11. if new_comp[i]/mean_group>=(1+percent/100.): comp_freq = new_freq[i] for j in range(0,len(freq)): if freq[j]==comp_freq: index=j new_mask[index]= 1.0 elif new_comp[i]/mean_group<=1/(1+percent/100.): comp_freq = new_freq[i] for j in range(0,len(freq)): if freq[j]==comp_freq: index=j new_mask[index]= 1.0 return new_mask
def set_gen3data(self, Apath, Ppath, Xdet, Zdet, omega, mask_cutoff, toprowsmask=0, polygonmaskfile=None): = omega self.wbyv = omega/self.v # read the data self.Amp = self.Pha = self.amshape = self.Amp.shape # set the mask self.mask = np.ones_like(self.Amp, dtype='bool') self.mask[self.Amp > mask_cutoff*np.max(self.Amp)] = False # mask top rows if toprowsmask > 0: toprowsmask = toprowsmask -1 self.mask[0:toprowsmask,:] = True # mask all data arrays self.Amp = ma.compressed((ma.masked_array(self.Amp, self.mask))) self.Pha = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(self.Pha, self.mask)) # masked detector positions self.dIdx = np.arange(len(Xdet)) self.dIdx = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(self.dIdx.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Xdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Xdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Zdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Zdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask))
def plot_scatterplot(prefix, feature='asymmetry1', vmin=0, vmax=1, resolution=512, rows=4, cols=4, dotsize=10, figsize=(12, 10), upload=True, remote_folder = "01_18_Experiment", bucket=''): """ Plot scatterplot of trajectories in video with colors corresponding to features. Parameters ---------- prefix: string Prefix of file name to be plotted e.g. features_P1.csv prefix is P1. feature: string Feature to be plotted. See vmin: float64 Lower intensity bound for heatmap. vmax: float64 Upper intensity bound for heatmap. resolution: int Resolution of base image. Only needed to calculate bounds of image. rows: int Rows of base images used to build tiled image. cols: int Columns of base images used to build tiled images. upload: boolean True if you want to upload to s3. """ # Inputs # ---------- merged_ft = pd.read_csv('features_{}.csv'.format(prefix)) string = feature leveler = merged_ft[string] t_min = vmin t_max = vmax ires = resolution norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(t_min, t_max, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cm.viridis) zs = ma.masked_invalid(merged_ft[string]) zs = ma.masked_where(zs <= t_min, zs) zs = ma.masked_where(zs >= t_max, zs) to_mask = ma.getmask(zs) zs = ma.compressed(zs) xs = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(to_mask, merged_ft['X'].astype(int))) ys = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(to_mask, merged_ft['Y'].astype(int))) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=zs, s=dotsize) mapper.set_array(10) plt.colorbar(mapper) plt.xlim(0, ires*cols) plt.ylim(0, ires*rows) plt.axis('off') print('Plotted {} scatterplot successfully.'.format(prefix)) outfile = 'scatter_{}_{}.png'.format(feature, prefix) fig.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches='tight') if upload == True: aws.upload_s3(outfile, remote_folder+'/'+outfile, bucket_name=bucket)
def calculateMeans(self): self.synHist = ma.masked_values(self.synHist, -9999.) self.synHistMean = ma.mean(self.synHist, axis=0) self.medSynHist = ma.median(self.synHist, axis=0) self.synHistUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(self.synHist), per=95, axis=0) self.synHistLower = percentile(ma.compressed(self.synHist), per=5, axis=0)
def Fill2ThetaMap(data,TA,image): import as ma Zmin = data['Zmin'] Zmax = data['Zmax'] tax,tay = TA # 2-theta & yaxis taz = ma.masked_outside(image.flatten()-Zmin,0,Zmax-Zmin) tam = ma.getmask(taz) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(),mask=tam)) tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(),mask=tam)) taz = ma.compressed(ma.array(taz.flatten(),mask=tam)) del(tam) return tax,tay,taz
def Fill2ThetaMap(data, TA, image): import as ma Zmin = data['Zmin'] Zmax = data['Zmax'] tax, tay = TA # 2-theta & yaxis taz = ma.masked_outside(image.flatten() - Zmin, 0, Zmax - Zmin) tam = ma.getmask(taz) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(), mask=tam)) tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(), mask=tam)) taz = ma.compressed(ma.array(taz.flatten(), mask=tam)) del (tam) return tax, tay, taz
def aboveThreshold(data, threshold): if type(data) == list: new_data = [] for i in range(len(data)): dat = masked_where(abs(data[0]) < threshold, data[i]) dat = compressed(dat) new_data.append(dat) return new_data else: data = masked_where(abs(data) < threshold, data) data = compressed(data) return data
def azimuthalAverage(image, center=None, maskval=0): """ calculate the azimuthally averaged radial profile. image - 2D image center - [x,y] pixel coordinates used as the center. the default is None which then uses the center of the image (including fractional pixels). maskval - threshold value for including data in the profile """ # calculate the indices from the image y, x = np.indices(image.shape) # default to image center if no center given if not center: center = np.array([(x.max() - x.min()) / 2.0, (x.max() - x.min()) / 2.0]) r = np.hypot(x - center[0], y - center[1]) # get sorted radii and sort image accordingly ind = np.argsort(r.flat) i_sorted = image.flat[ind] # for FP data we need to at least mask out data at # 0 or less so the gaps get ignored. # also want to mask out area outside of aperture # so use given maskval to do that. i_ma = ma.masked_less_equal(i_sorted, maskval) mask = ma.getmask(i_ma) # remove masked data points from further analysis r_sorted = ma.compressed(ma.array(r.flat[ind], mask=mask)) i_mask = ma.compressed(i_ma) # get the integer part of the radii (bin size = 1) r_int = r_sorted.astype(int) # find all pixels that fall within each radial bin. deltar = r_int[1:] - r_int[:-1] # assumes all radii represented rind = np.where(deltar)[0] # location of changed radius nr_tot = rind[1:] - rind[:-1] # total number of points in radius bin # cumulative sum to figure out sums for each radius bin csim = ma.cumsum(i_mask, dtype=float) tbin = csim[rind[1:]] - csim[rind[:-1]] # calculate and return profile of mean within each bin radial_prof = tbin / nr_tot return radial_prof
def loessmin_diff((file1, file2, filex1, filex2, cutoff, toprowsmask, span)): from import read_frame from bopy.utils import mask2_maxcutoff from bopy.utils.rfuncs import loess2d d1 = read_frame(file1) d2 = read_frame(file2) dmask = mask2_maxcutoff(read_frame(filex1), read_frame(filex2), cutoff, toprowsmask=toprowsmask) d1 = loess2d(d1, span=span) d1 = np.min(ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(d1, mask=dmask))) d2 = loess2d(d2, span=span) d2 = np.min(ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(d2, mask=dmask))) return d1 - d2
def band2txt(band, outfile): '''Accepts numpy rasterand writes to specified text file on disk.''' if ma.isMaskedArray(band) is True: outraster = ma.compressed(band) else: outraster = band np.savetxt(outfile, outraster, fmt='%f')
def apply_new_mask(ifgs, mask_old, mask_new): """Apply a new mask to a collection of ifgs (or sources) that are stored as row vectors with an accompanying mask. Inputs: ifgs | r2 array | ifgs as row vectors mask_old | r2 array | mask to convert a row of ifg into a rank 2 masked array mask_new | r2 array | the new mask to be applied. Note that it must not unmask any pixels that are already masked. Returns: ifgs_new_mask | r2 array | as per ifgs, but with a new mask. History: 2020/06/26 | MEG | Written """ n_pixs_new = len(np.argwhere(mask_new == False)) ifgs_new_mask = np.zeros( (ifgs.shape[0], n_pixs_new) ) # initiate an array to store the modified sources as row vectors for ifg_n, ifg in enumerate(ifgs): # Loop through each source ifg_r2 = col_to_ma( ifg, mask_old ) # turn it from a row vector into a rank 2 masked array ifg_r2_new_mask = ma.array(ifg_r2, mask=mask_new) # apply the new mask ifgs_new_mask[ifg_n, :] = ma.compressed( ifg_r2_new_mask ) # convert to row vector and places in rank 2 array of modified sources return ifgs_new_mask
def bin_spike(x, l): """ l is the number of points used for comparison, thus l=2 means that each point will be compared only against the previous and following measurements. l=2 is is probably not a good choice, too small. Maybe use pstsd instead? Dummy way to avoid warnings when x[ini:fin] are all masked. Improve this in the future. """ assert x.ndim == 1, "I'm not ready to deal with multidimensional x" assert l%2 == 0, "l must be an even integer" N = len(x) bin = ma.masked_all(N) # bin_std = ma.masked_all(N) half_window = int(l/2) idx = (i for i in range(half_window, N - half_window) if np.isfinite(x[i])) for i in idx: ini = max(0, i - half_window) fin = min(N, i + half_window) # At least 3 valid points if ma.compressed(x[ini:fin]).size >= 3: bin[i] = x[i] - ma.median(x[ini:fin]) # bin_std[i] = (np.append(x[ini:i], x[i+1:fin+1])).std() bin[i] /= (np.append(x[ini:i], x[i+1:fin+1])).std() return bin
def umask_value_transform(self, params_dict): """Retrieves a netcdf value, checking for masking and retrieves the value as a float Args: params_dict (dict): named function parameters Returns: float: the corresponding value """ # Probably need more here.... try: key = None rec_num = params_dict["recNum"] for key in params_dict.keys(): if key != "recNum": break nc_value = self.ncdf_data_set[key][rec_num] if not ma.getmask(nc_value): value = ma.compressed(nc_value)[0] return float(value) else: return None except Exception as _e: # pylint:disable=broad-except logging.error( "%s umask_value_transform: Exception in named function umask_value_transform for key %s: error: %s", self.__class__.__name__, key, str(_e), ) return None
def band2txt(band, outfile): """Accepts numpy rasterand writes to specified text file on disk.""" if ma.isMaskedArray(band) is True: outraster = ma.compressed(band) else: outraster = band np.savetxt(outfile, outraster, fmt="%f")
def interpolate_time_iso(self, params_dict): """ Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= delta_minutes """ try: _time = None time_obs = params_dict["timeObs"] delta_minutes = / 60 if not ma.getmask(time_obs): _time = int(ma.compressed(time_obs)[0]) else: return "" _time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_time) _time = _time.replace( second=0, microsecond=0, minute=0, hour=_time.hour) + timedelta(hours=_time.minute // delta_minutes) # convert this iso return str(_time.isoformat()) except Exception as _e: # pylint:disable=broad-except logging.error( "%s handle_data: Exception in named function interpolate_time_iso: error: %s", self.__class__.__name__, str(_e), )
def interpolate_time(self, params_dict): """ Rounds to nearest hour by adding a timedelta hour if minute >= delta (from the template) """ try: _thistime = None _time_obs = params_dict["timeObs"] if not ma.getmask(_time_obs): _thistime = int(ma.compressed(_time_obs)[0]) else: return "" # if I get here process the _thistime delta_minutes = / 60 _ret_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_thistime) _ret_time = _ret_time.replace( second=0, microsecond=0, minute=0, hour=_ret_time.hour) + timedelta(hours=_ret_time.minute // delta_minutes) return calendar.timegm(_ret_time.timetuple()) except Exception as _e: # pylint:disable=broad-except logging.error( "%s handle_data: Exception in named function interpolate_time: error: %s", self.__class__.__name__, str(_e), )
def EdgeFinder(image,data): '''this makes list of all x,y where I>edgeMin suitable for an ellipse search? Not currently used but might be useful in future? ''' import as ma Nx,Ny = data['size'] pixelSize = data['pixelSize'] edgemin = data['edgemin'] scalex = pixelSize[0]/1000. scaley = pixelSize[1]/1000. tay,tax = np.mgrid[0:Nx,0:Ny] tax = np.asfarray(tax*scalex,dtype=np.float32) tay = np.asfarray(tay*scaley,dtype=np.float32) tam = ma.getmask(ma.masked_less(image.flatten(),edgemin)) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(),mask=tam)) tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(),mask=tam)) return zip(tax,tay)
def EdgeFinder(image, data): '''this makes list of all x,y where I>edgeMin suitable for an ellipse search? Not currently used but might be useful in future? ''' import as ma Nx, Ny = data['size'] pixelSize = data['pixelSize'] edgemin = data['edgemin'] scalex = pixelSize[0] / 1000. scaley = pixelSize[1] / 1000. tay, tax = np.mgrid[0:Nx, 0:Ny] tax = np.asfarray(tax * scalex, dtype=np.float32) tay = np.asfarray(tay * scaley, dtype=np.float32) tam = ma.getmask(ma.masked_less(image.flatten(), edgemin)) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(), mask=tam)) tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(), mask=tam)) return zip(tax, tay)
def set_features(self): cluster_size = constant_cluster_size([self.varname]) N = ma.compressed([self.varname]).size cluster_fraction = cluster_size / N self.features = {'constant_cluster_size': cluster_size, 'constant_cluster_fraction': cluster_fraction, }
def check_def_visible(ph_def, mask_def, ph_topo, ph_turb, snr_threshold=2.0, debugging_plot=False): """A function to check if a (synthetic) deformation pattern is still visible over synthetic topo correlated and turbulent atmospheres. Inputs: ph_def | r2 array | deformation phase mask_def | rank 2 array of ints | maks showing where the deformation is - 1s where deforming ph_topo | r2 array | topo correlated APS ph_turb | r2 array | turbulent APS snr_threshold | float | sets the level at which deformation is not considered visible over topo and turb APS bigger = more likely to accept, smaller = less (if 0, will never accept) debugging_plot | boolean | if True, a figure is produced to help interepret the correct SNR. Could give problems with dependencies. Returns: viable | boolean | True if SNR value is acceptable. snr | float | SNR History: 2019/MM/DD | MEG | Written as part of 2019/11/06 | MEG | Extracted from sctipt and placed in 2020/08/19 | MEG | WIP """ import numpy as np import as ma ph_def = ma.array(ph_def, mask=(1 - mask_def)) ph_atm = ma.array((ph_turb + ph_topo), mask=(1 - mask_def)) snr = np.var(ma.compressed(ph_def)) / np.var(ma.compressed(ph_atm)) if snr > snr_threshold: viable = True else: viable = False # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from small_plot_functions import create_universal_cmap # cmap, vmin, vmax = create_universal_cmap([ph_def, ph_atm]) # f, axes = plt.subplots(1,2) # f.suptitle(f"SNR: {snr}") # axes[0].imshow(ph_def, vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = cmap) # axes[1].imshow(ph_atm, vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = cmap) return viable, snr
def trim_loop(loop, N=20, Verbose=True, Use_Dip=True): f = f1 = ma.array(loop.freq) z = z1 = ma.array(loop.z) #Estimate Resonance frequency using minimum Dip or max adjacent distance if Use_Dip: zr_mag_est = np.abs(z).min() zr_est_index = np.where(np.abs(z) == zr_mag_est)[0][0] else: z_adjacent_distance = np.abs(z[:-1] - z[1:]) zr_est_index = np.argmax(z_adjacent_distance) zr_mag_est = z[zr_est_index] # estimate max transmission mag using max valuse of abs(z) z_max_mag = np.abs(z).max() #Depth of resonance in dB depth_est = 20.0 * np.log10(zr_mag_est / z_max_mag) #Magnitude of resonance dip at half max res_half_max_mag = (z_max_mag + zr_mag_est) / 2 #find the indices of the closest points to this magnitude along the loop, one below zr_mag_est and one above zr_mag_est a = np.square(np.abs(z[:zr_est_index + 1]) - res_half_max_mag) lower_index = np.argmin(a) a = np.square(np.abs(z[zr_est_index:]) - res_half_max_mag) upper_index = np.argmin(a) + zr_est_index #estimate the FWHM bandwidth of the resonance f_upper_FWHM = f[upper_index] f_lower_FWHM = f[lower_index] FWHM_est = np.abs(f_upper_FWHM - f_lower_FWHM) fr_est = f[zr_est_index] #Bandwidth Cut: cut data that is more than N * FWHM_est away from zr_mag_est z = z2 = ma.masked_where( (f > fr_est + N * FWHM_est) | (fr_est - N * FWHM_est > f), z) f = f2 = ma.array(f, mask=z.mask) loop.z = ma.compressed(z) loop.freq = ma.compressed(f) if Verbose: print( 'Bandwidth cut:\n\t{1} points outside of fr_est +/- {0}*FWHM_est removed, {2} remaining data points' .format(N, *_points_removed(z1, z2)))
def gain_calc(data,masked,gsm,K0): """ Calculates the gain using least squares for a single frequency. Inputs: data - single freq array of data gsm - similar single freq array of gsm data masked - mask for data K0 - preliminary guess for gain """ fK = lambda K,d,g: K*d-g d0_array = ma.array(data,mask=masked) d0 = ma.compressed(d0_array) g0_array = ma.array(gsm,mask=masked) g0 = ma.compressed(g0_array) Kf = opt.leastsq(fK,K0,args=(d0,g0),maxfev=100000) return Kf[0]
def peak_finder(arr, smoothing=5, ddy_thresh=-300, dy0_thresh=5): array = medfilt(arr, smoothing) x = arange(len(array)) kernel = [4, 0, -4] dY = convolve(array, kernel, 'same') ddy = convolve(dY, kernel, 'same') falloff = -15000*exp(-0.003*x) #This has to be worked on masked_array = ma.masked_where(logical_or(ddy>falloff+ddy_thresh, abs(dY) > dy0_thresh) , arr) x_masked = ma.array(x, mask=masked_array.mask) return ma.compressed(x_masked)
def custom_mad_func(array_like, criteria=2.5, **kwargs): """This function performs a mad calculation on array of data Returns the median of MAD data""" if kwargs: criteria = kwargs['criteria'] ul = kwargs['ul'] ll = kwargs['ll'] else: ul = 58 ll = 0.001 # prescreen burst data for outliers array_like = ma.compressed(ma.masked_outside(array_like, ll, ul)) MAD = smc.mad(array_like) k = (MAD * criteria) M = np.nanmedian(array_like) high = M + k low = M - k b = ma.masked_outside(array_like, high, low) c = ma.compressed(b) return np.nanmedian(c)
def test(self): self.flags = {} x = ma.compressed([self.varname]) flag = np.zeros([self.varname].shape, dtype='i1') if (x.size > 1) and (np.allclose(x, np.ones_like(x) * x[0])): flag[:] = self.flag_bad else: flag[:] = self.flag_good flag[ma.getmaskarray([self.varname])] = 9 self.flags['stuck_value'] = flag
def predict(self, X): # Handle missing values X = ma.masked_invalid(X) mask = X.mask dX = ma.compressed(X).reshape(-1, 1) dZ = self.model.predict(dX) Z = np.array([np.nan for i in range(X.shape[0])]) Z[~mask] = dZ Z = ma.masked_invalid(Z) return Z * self.step
def predict(self, X): # Handle missing values X = ma.masked_invalid(X) mask = X.mask dX = ma.compressed(X).reshape(-1, 1) dZ = self.model.predict(dX) Z = np.array([np.nan for i in xrange(X.shape[0])]) Z[~mask] = dZ Z = ma.masked_invalid(Z) return Z * self.step
def gfit3(xi, yi): """ relies on masking , use pyspeckit """ # not sure if we need this, or try x = xi x = ma.compressed(xi) y = ma.compressed(yi) sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum( data=y, xarr=x, error=None, header=h, ) sp.plotter() sp.specfit(fittype='gaussian') sp.specfit.plot_fit() # sp.baseline() print(x) print(y) # fake a return array return yi
def peak_finder(arr, smoothing=5, ddy_thresh=-300, dy0_thresh=5): array = medfilt(arr, smoothing) x = arange(len(array)) kernel = [4, 0, -4] dY = convolve(array, kernel, 'same') ddy = convolve(dY, kernel, 'same') falloff = -15000 * exp(-0.003 * x) #This has to be worked on masked_array = ma.masked_where( logical_or(ddy > falloff + ddy_thresh, abs(dY) > dy0_thresh), arr) x_masked = ma.array(x, mask=masked_array.mask) return ma.compressed(x_masked)
def Intensity(L, graph=False): """ Finds the intensity value for a masked array L. graph plots the results of the watershed segmentation on top of the raw image. Need to do work to generate a zero-gradient analysis instead of watershed segmentation. """ Ny, Nx = L.shape threshold = abs(min(ma.compressed(L))) / 2. RawData = ma.filled(L, 0) # plt.imshow(RawData) # Filtered = gaussian_filter(RawData, 1) # plt.imshow(-Filtered, cmap = # data_max = peak_local_max(Filtered, indices=False, min_distance=2, threshold_abs=threshold) DataIndices = peak_local_max(Filtered, indices=True, min_distance=2, threshold_abs=threshold) markers = ndi.label(data_max)[0] # plt.imshow(markers) # Regions = watershed(-Filtered, markers, mask=np.logical_not(L.mask)) Intensities = [] if len(np.unique(Regions)) == 2: return DataIndices[0], 0 if graph: plt.figure() plt.imshow(, cmap='gray_r', interpolation='nearest') plt.imshow(ma.MaskedArray(Regions, mask=L.mask), cmap='cubehelix_r', interpolation='nearest', alpha=0.3, vmin=0) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.xlim(20, Nx - 20) plt.ylim(20, Ny - 20) plt.title('Intensity') plt.savefig('IntensityExample.png', format='png', dpi=300) plt.close() for J in np.unique(Regions)[1:]: Med = ma.masked_array(L, Regions != J) Intensities.append(np.sum(Med)) Intensity, Index = zip( *sorted(zip(Intensities, range(1, len(np.unique(Regions)))))) return DataIndices[Index[-1] - 1], Intensity[-2] / Intensity[-1]
def Fill2ThetaAzimuthMap(masks,TA,tam,image): 'Needs a doc string' Zlim = masks['Thresholds'][1] rings = masks['Rings'] arcs = masks['Arcs'] TA = np.dstack((ma.getdata(TA[1]),ma.getdata(TA[0]),ma.getdata(TA[2]))) #azimuth, 2-theta, dist tax,tay,tad = np.dsplit(TA,3) #azimuth, 2-theta, dist**2/d0**2 for tth,thick in rings: tam = ma.mask_or(tam.flatten(),ma.getmask(ma.masked_inside(tay.flatten(),max(0.01,tth-thick/2.),tth+thick/2.))) for tth,azm,thick in arcs: tamt = ma.getmask(ma.masked_inside(tay.flatten(),max(0.01,tth-thick/2.),tth+thick/2.)) tama = ma.getmask(ma.masked_inside(tax.flatten(),azm[0],azm[1])) tam = ma.mask_or(tam.flatten(),tamt*tama) taz = ma.masked_outside(image.flatten(),int(Zlim[0]),Zlim[1]) tabs = np.ones_like(taz) tam = ma.mask_or(tam.flatten(),ma.getmask(taz)) tax = ma.compressed(ma.array(tax.flatten(),mask=tam)) #azimuth tay = ma.compressed(ma.array(tay.flatten(),mask=tam)) #2-theta taz = ma.compressed(ma.array(taz.flatten(),mask=tam)) #intensity tad = ma.compressed(ma.array(tad.flatten(),mask=tam)) #dist**2/d0**2 tabs = ma.compressed(ma.array(tabs.flatten(),mask=tam)) #ones - later used for absorption corr. return tax,tay,taz,tad,tabs
def calcTBScore(self, attempt=-1): field1 = 'BottomThick' field2 = 'TBVpp' tm = self.ClasData[attempt] loBTthresh = self.MeasSettings['MinBotThickNs'][0] / 1000 hiBTthresh = self.MeasSettings['MaxBotThickNs'][0] / 1000 loVppthresh = self.MeasSettings['MinTBVppInclusionThreshold'][0] hiVppthresh = self.MeasSettings['MaxTBVppInclusionThreshold'][0] botthick = [] # alld = [] for r in range(0, len(self.meas_rows)): bt = tm[tm['Row'] == r][field1].values bt_ma = ma.masked_outside(bt, loBTthresh, hiBTthresh) tbvpp = tm[tm['Row'] == r][field2].values tbvpp_ma = ma.masked_outside(tbvpp, loVppthresh, hiVppthresh) thismask = ma.mask_or(bt_ma.mask, tbvpp_ma.mask) bt = ma.masked_array(bt, mask=thismask) # thisd = [bt_ma,tbvpp_ma] # alld.append(thisd) botthick.append(bt) # return botthick,alld average = ma.masked_array((botthick)).mean(axis=0) thickness = ma.compressed(average) self.nTB = len(thickness) # if self.nTB == 0 : # return mask = average.mask scores = [] for c in self.Candidates: field = c + '_tofdelta' k = ma.compressed( ma.masked_array(self.tof_kernels[field][0:len(average)], mask=mask)) # print('len(bb): ', len(bb), ' len(k): ', len(k)) score = np.corrcoef(thickness, k)[0, 1] scores.append(score) #self.TBScores = scores #self.nTB = ma.count(average) return botthick, average, scores
def r3_to_r2(phUnw): """ Given a rank3 of ifgs, convert it to rank2 and a mask. Works with either masked arrays or just arrays. Inputs: phUnw | rank 3 array | n_ifgs x height x width returns: r2_data['ifgs'] | rank 2 array | ifgs as row vectors r2_data['mask'] | rank 2 array History: 2020/06/09 | MEG | Written """ import numpy as np import as ma if ma.isMaskedArray(phUnw): n_pixels = len( ma.compressed(phUnw[0, ]) ) # if it's a masked array, get the number of non-masked pixels mask = ma.getmask(phUnw)[ 0, ] # get the mask, which is assumed to be constant through time else: n_pixels = len(np.ravel(phUnw[ 0, ])) # or if a normal numpy array, just get the number of pixels mask = np.zeros(phUnw[0, ].shape) # or make a blank mask r2_ifgs = np.zeros( (phUnw.shape[0], n_pixels)) # initiate to store ifgs as rows in for ifg_n, ifg in enumerate(phUnw): if ma.isMaskedArray(phUnw): r2_ifgs[ifg_n, ] = ma.compressed( ifg) # non masked pixels into row vectors else: r2_ifgs[ifg_n, ] = np.ravel( ifg) # or all just pixles into row vectors r2_data = { 'ifgs': r2_ifgs, # make into a dictionary. 'mask': mask } return r2_data
def calculateMeans(self, synMean, synMin, synMed, synMax, synMinCP): synMean = ma.masked_values(synMean, -9999.) synMin = ma.masked_values(synMin, -9999.) synMed = ma.masked_values(synMed, -9999.) synMax = ma.masked_values(synMax, -9999.) self.synMean = ma.mean(synMean, axis=0) self.synMed = ma.mean(synMed, axis=0) self.synMin = ma.mean(synMin, axis=0) self.synMax = ma.mean(synMax, axis=0) self.synMeanUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=95, axis=0) self.synMeanLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMean), per=5, axis=0) self.synMinUpper = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=95, axis=0) self.synMinLower = percentile(ma.compressed(synMin), per=5, axis=0) self.synMinCPDist = np.mean(synMinCP, axis=0) self.synMinCPLower = percentile(synMinCP, per=5, axis=0) self.synMinCPUpper = percentile(synMinCP, per=95, axis=0) r = list(np.random.uniform(high=synMean.shape[0], size=3).astype(int)) self.synRandomMinima = synMean[r, :, :]
def unmask_track(track): """Removes empty frames from inpute trajectory datset. Parameters ---------- track : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame At a minimum, must contain a Frame, Track_ID, X, Y, MSDs, and Gauss column. Returns ------- comp_track : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Similar to track, but has all masked components removed. """ xpos = ma.masked_invalid(track['X']) msds = ma.masked_invalid(track['MSDs']) x_mask = ma.getmask(xpos) msd_mask = ma.getmask(msds) comp_frame = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(msd_mask, track['Frame'])) compid = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(msd_mask, track['Track_ID'])) comp_x = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(x_mask, track['X'])) comp_y = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(x_mask, track['Y'])) comp_msd = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(msd_mask, track['MSDs'])) comp_gauss = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(msd_mask, track['Gauss'])) comp_qual = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(x_mask, track['Quality'])) comp_snr = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(x_mask, track['SN_Ratio'])) comp_meani = ma.compressed(ma.masked_where(x_mask, track['Mean_Intensity'])) data1 = { 'Frame': comp_frame, 'Track_ID': compid, 'X': comp_x, 'Y': comp_y, 'MSDs': comp_msd, 'Gauss': comp_gauss, 'Quality': comp_qual, 'SN_Ratio': comp_snr, 'Mean_Intensity': comp_meani } comp_track = pd.DataFrame(data=data1) return comp_track
def rebin(data,masked,freq,binscale): """ Rebins data to coarser frequency resolution. Assumes that the input is the data after flagging, mask, corresponding freq array and a binscale (number of bins to merge). Output is rebinned data with corresponding freq, mask arrays. """ if binscale > 1: new_data = np.zeros(len(data)/binscale) new_mask = np.zeros(len(data)/binscale) new_freq = np.zeros(len(data)/binscale) f=0 for f in range(0, len(new_data)-1): if len(masked[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale])==sum(masked[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale]): new_data[f] = 1.0 else: test_data = ma.array(data[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale],mask=masked[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale]) test_data_con = ma.compressed(test_data) new_data[f] = ma.mean(test_data_con) if sum(masked[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale])>=binscale/2.: new_mask[f] = 1.0 new_freq[f] = ma.mean(freq[f*binscale:(f+1)*binscale]) if len(masked[(f+1)*binscale:-1])==sum(masked[(f+1)*binscale:-1]): new_data[-1] = 1.0 else: test_data = ma.array(data[(f+1)*binscale:-1],mask=masked[(f+1)*binscale:-1]) test_data_con = ma.compressed(test_data) new_data[-1] = ma.mean(test_data_con) if sum(masked[(f+1)*binscale:-1])>=1.: new_mask[-1] = 1.0 new_freq[-1] = ma.mean(freq[(f+1)*binscale:-1]) elif binscale == 1: new_data = data new_mask = masked new_freq = freq return new_data,new_mask,new_freq
def rat_fore(data,masked,freq,minf,maxf,n,m): """ Calculates a rational function fit for the data. Inputs: data - single frequency dependent spectrum masked - corresponding mask freq - corresponding frequency array minf, maxf - min and max freq if want to truncate range n - index of numerator polynomial fitting m - index of denominator polynomial fitting (4>= n,m >=1) Output: dfit - polynomial fit spectrum fit_params - parameters for the fit """ data_array = ma.array(data,mask=masked) data_comp = ma.compressed(data_array) freq_array = ma.array(freq,mask=masked) freq_comp = ma.compressed(freq_array) min_ind = 0 max_ind = -1 if minf>freq_comp[0]: min_ind = np.where(freq_comp<=minf)[0][-1] if maxf<freq_comp[-1]: max_ind = np.where(freq_comp<=maxf)[0][-1] mid_ind = min_ind+(max_ind-min_ind)/2 log_data = np.log10(data_comp[min_ind:max_ind]) log_freq = np.log10(freq_comp[min_ind:max_ind]/freq_comp[mid_ind]) p0 = np.ones(n+m+2) fitfunc = rational_fit(n,m) errfunc = lambda p,x,y: fitfunc(p,x)-y pf,success = opt.leastsq(errfunc,p0[:],args=(log_freq,log_data)) dfit = 10**(fitfunc(pf,np.log10(freq/freq_comp[mid_ind]))) return dfit,pf
def _get_bounds(item_list, wrapped_coords=False): """ Return a tuple containing the first and secound bound in the list. * For 0 values it returns (None, None). * For 1 value it returns that value twice * For 2 values it returns those (low, high) for unwrapped co-ordinates or in the order given for wrapped * For Multiple values unwrapped, this returns min and max * For Multiple values wrapped co-ordinates, this returns the value around the largest gap in values :param list item_list: List of comparable data items :param wrapped_coords: is this a coordinate which wraps at 360 back to 0, e.g. longitude :return: Tuple of (first bound, second bound for values in the list) """ items = ma.compressed(item_list) if len(items) < 1: return None, None if len(items) == 1: return items[0], items[0] if wrapped_coords: if len(items) is 2: first_bound_index = 0 second_bound_index = 1 else: # find the largest angle between closest points and exclude # this from the bounding box ensuring that this includes going # across the zero line items = sorted(items) first_bound_index = 0 second_bound_index = len(items) - 1 max_diff = (items[first_bound_index] - items[second_bound_index]) % 360 for i in range(1, len(items)): diff = (items[i] - items[i-1]) % 360 if diff > max_diff: max_diff = diff first_bound_index = i second_bound_index = i-1 first_bound = items[first_bound_index] second_bound = items[second_bound_index] else: first_bound = min(items) second_bound = max(items) return float(first_bound), float(second_bound)
def set_gen3data(self, Apath, Ppath, Xdet, Zdet, omega, mask=None): = omega self.wbyv = omega/self.v # read the data self.Amp = self.Pha = self.amshape = self.Amp.shape # set the mask self.mask = mask # mask all data arrays self.Amp = ma.compressed((ma.masked_array(self.Amp, self.mask))) self.Pha = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(self.Pha, self.mask)) # masked detector positions self.dIdx = np.arange(len(Xdet)) self.dIdx = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(self.dIdx.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Xdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Xdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask)) self.Zdet = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(Zdet.reshape(self.amshape), self.mask))
def poly_fore(data,masked,freq,minf,maxf,n,std): """ Calculates a polynomial fit for data. Inputs: data - single frequency dependent spectrum masked - corresponding mask freq - corresponding frequency array minf, maxf - min and max freq if want to truncate range n - index of polynomial fitting std - 1/weights, set to ones if not needed. Output: dfit - polynomial fit spectrum fit_params - parameters for the fit """ data_array = ma.array(data,mask=masked) data_comp = ma.compressed(data_array) freq_array = ma.array(freq,mask=masked) freq_comp = ma.compressed(freq_array) std_comp = ma.compressed(ma.array(std, mask=masked)) min_ind = 0 max_ind = -1 if minf>freq_comp[0]: min_ind = np.where(freq_comp<=minf)[0][-1] if maxf<freq_comp[-1]: max_ind = np.where(freq_comp<=maxf)[0][-1] mid_ind = min_ind+(max_ind-min_ind)/2 log_data = np.log10(data_comp[min_ind:max_ind]) log_freq = np.log10(freq_comp[min_ind:max_ind]/freq_comp[mid_ind]) weights = 1/std_comp[min_ind:max_ind] fit_params = poly.polyfit(log_freq,log_data,n,w=weights) dfit = 10**(poly.polyval(np.log10(freq/freq_comp[mid_ind]),fit_params)) return dfit, fit_params
def rasterHistogram(raster_matrix): '''Accepts matrix and generates histogram''' # Line above is function docstring # Flatten 2d-matrix flat_raster = ma.compressed(raster_matrix) # Setup the plot (see fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,11)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Plot histogram ax.hist(flat_raster, 10, normed=0, histtype='bar', align='mid') # Show the plot on screen
def correct(self, y): """Correct the state distribution, given the measurement vector.""" # Get the y-mask mask = ma.getmaskarray(y) = active = ~mask if np.all(mask): return self.x, self.Px # Remove inactive outputs y = ma.compressed(y) R = self.model.R()[np.ix_(active, active)] def h_fun(x): return self.model.h(self.k, x)[..., active] # Perform unscented transform h, Ph = self.__ut.transform(self.x, self.Px, h_fun) Pxh = self.__ut.crosscov() # Factorize covariance self.__chol = DifferentiableCholesky() Py = Ph + R PyC = self.__chol(Py) PyCI = np.linalg.inv(PyC) PyI = np.einsum('...ik,...jk', PyCI, PyCI) # Perform correction e = y - h K = np.einsum('...ik,...kj', Pxh, PyI) x_corr = self.x + np.einsum('...ij,...j', K, e) Px_corr = self.Px - np.einsum('...ik,...jl,...kl', K, K, Py) # Save and return the correction data self.prev_x = self.x self.prev_Px = self.Px self.e = e self.x = x_corr self.Px = Px_corr self.Pxh = Pxh self.Py = Py self.PyI = PyI self.PyC = PyC self.PyCI = PyCI self.K = K return x_corr, Px_corr
def pixel_value_list(self, image): """ Produce two arrays, the first is a list of the binned pixel values and the second is the number of pixels at that value Input: masked numpy array of the image Output: Two lists of histogram data on the image. ([bins],[values]) """ # Compress the array into a list of pixel values compressed = ma.compressed(image) # Find highest pixel value max_val = np.amax(compressed) # Make a histogram of the compressed list result = np.histogram(compressed, bins=max_val, normed=True) #print result[0] #print result[1] return result
def get_toast_phi_loesssmooth((dfile, mfile, span, rpath, rfile)): """ Reads phi files, smooths and then returns the unmasked pixels In addition, performs normalization on the target files, if rfile is not None Args: dfile - data file mfile - mask file span - span parameter for LOESS rpath - the path to ref files (None if not for target phase normalization) rfile - reference data file """ d = np.load(dfile) m = np.load(mfile) if rfile is not None: from bopy.gen3pp.gen3pp_utils import phase_normalization r = np.load(os.path.join(rpath, rfile)) d = phase_normalization(d, r, m) d = loess2d(d, span) d = ma.compressed(ma.masked_array(d, mask=m)) return -d # -d because toast phase decreases with r
def match_binning(gsm_time,freq,time,data,mask): """ Process for matching the time binning of two datasets. Initially designed to match signal data to gsm datasets. Assumes that GSM data has coarser resolution. Inputs: gsm_time - time that is being matched to. freq - frequency array (only need length) time - original time array of data data - original data array mask - original mask array outputs are new data and mask array """ stack_time = gsm_time stack_data = np.zeros((len(stack_time),len(freq))) stack_mask = np.zeros((len(stack_time),len(freq))) for i in range(0,len(stack_time)): sub_data = np.zeros((len(time),len(freq))) sub_mask = np.zeros((len(time),len(freq))) num_mean = 0. for j in range(0,len(time)): if abs(stack_time[i]-time[j])<=(stack_time[1]-stack_time[0])/2.: sub_data[num_mean] = data[j] sub_mask[num_mean] = mask[j] num_mean = num_mean+1. sub_data = sub_data[0:num_mean] sub_mask = sub_mask[0:num_mean] if num_mean>=1.0: for f in range(0,len(freq)): if sum(sub_mask[:,f])==len(sub_mask[:,f]): stack_data[i,f]=0.0 stack_mask[i,f]=1.0 else: single_data = ma.array(sub_data[:,f],mask=sub_mask[:,f]) single_comp = ma.compressed(single_data) stack_data[i,f] = ma.mean(single_comp) return stack_data, stack_mask
def correct(self, y): """Correct the state distribution, given the measurement vector.""" # Get the y-mask mask = ma.getmaskarray(y) = active = ~mask if np.all(mask): return self.x, self.Px # Remove inactive outputs y = ma.compressed(y) R = self.model.R()[np.ix_(active, active)] # Evaluate the model functions h = self.model.h(self.k, self.x)[..., active] dh_dx = self.model.dh_dx(self.k, self.x)[..., active] # Calculate the covariances and gain Pxh = np.einsum('...ij,...jz', self.Px, dh_dx) Ph = np.einsum('...iy,...iz', dh_dx, Pxh) Py = Ph + R PyI = np.linalg.inv(Py) K = np.einsum('...ik,...kj', Pxh, PyI) # Perform correction e = y - h x_corr = self.x + np.einsum('...ij,...j', K, e) Px_corr = self.Px - np.einsum('...ik,...jl,...kl', K, K, Py) # Save and return the correction data self.prev_x = self.x self.prev_Px = self.Px self.e = e self.x = x_corr self.Px = Px_corr self.Pxh = Pxh self.Py = Py self.PyI = PyI self.K = K return x_corr, Px_corr
def mask(x, xm, x0, x1): if numpy.ndim(xm) != 1: print "utility.mask(): array to used to derive mask must be 1D" return(numpy.array([])) xmask = ma.masked_outside(xm, x0, x1) tmask =ma.getmask(xmask) if numpy.ndim(x) == 1: xnew = ma.array(x, mask=tmask) return(xnew.compressed()) if numpy.ndim(x) == 2: for i in range(0, numpy.shape(x)[0]): xnew= ma.array(x[i,:], mask=tmask) xcmp = ma.compressed(xnew) if i == 0: print ma.shape(xcmp)[0] print numpy.shape(x)[0] xout = numpy.zeros((numpy.shape(x)[0], ma.shape(xcmp)[0])) xout[i,:] = xcmp return(xout) else: print "Utility.Mask: dimensions of input arrays are not acceptable" return(numpy.array([]))
def timerebin(data,masked): """ Rebins chunk of time data to single dataset Assumes that the input is a two dimensional array with corresponding mask Output is single dataset with corresponding mask """ new_data = np.zeros(len(data[0])) new_mask = np.zeros(len(data[0])) data = ma.array(data) masked = ma.array(masked) for f in range(0,len(data[0])): if sum(masked[:,f])==len(masked[:,f]): new_data[f] = 1.0 else: masked_data = ma.array(data[:,f],mask=masked[:,f]) compressed_data = ma.compressed(masked_data) new_data[f] = ma.mean(compressed_data) if sum(masked[:,f])>=len(data[0])/2.: new_mask[f] = 1.0 return new_data,new_mask
def time_mean(data,mask): """ Calculates time mean for a 2 d array (1st ind time, 2nd ind freq). """ mean_data = np.zeros(len(data[0])) mean_mask = np.zeros(len(data[0])) data = ma.array(data) mask = ma.array(mask) num_time = len(mask) num_freq = len(mask[0]) mod_mask = np.zeros((num_time,num_freq)) int = 0 for i in range(0,num_time): single_mask = mask[i] if sum(single_mask)>=len(single_mask)/2.: new_mask = np.ones(len(single_mask)) else: new_mask = np.zeros(len(single_mask)) mod_mask[int] = new_mask int +=1 mod_mask = ma.array(mod_mask) int2 = 0 for i in range(0,num_freq): single_mask = mod_mask[:,i] bad_num = sum(single_mask) if num_time<=bad_num: mean_data[int2] = 0.0 mean_mask[int2] = 1.0 else: single = ma.array(data[:,i],mask=single_mask) single_comp = ma.compressed(single) mean_data[int2]= ma.mean(single_comp) mean_mask[int2] = 0.0 int2+=1 return mean_data,mean_mask
new_maskb = fc.timeflag(sortdatab[:,i],sortmaskb[:,i],sorttimeb,2.5,timescale) sortmaskb[:,i] = new_maskb percent_masked = 100.*sum(sortmask)/(len(sortmask)*len(sortmask[0])) print 'Percentage of Masked Data from Frequency and Time Masking',percent_masked percent_maskedb = 100.*sum(sortmaskb)/(len(sortmaskb)*len(sortmask[0])) print 'Percentage of Masked Data from Frequency and Time Masking part2',percent_maskedb mean_data =[] for i in range(0,len(freq)): if sum(sortmask[:,i])==len(sortmask[:,i]): mean_data.append(0.0) else: single_data = ma.array(sortdata[:,i],mask=sortmask[:,i]) single_comp = ma.compressed(single_data) single_mean = ma.mean(single_comp) mean_data.append(single_mean) mean_datab =[] for i in range(0,len(freq)): if sum(sortmaskb[:,i])==len(sortmaskb[:,i]): mean_datab.append(0.0) else: single_data = ma.array(sortdatab[:,i],mask=sortmaskb[:,i]) single_comp = ma.compressed(single_data) single_mean = ma.mean(single_comp) mean_datab.append(single_mean) mean_data = array(mean_data) mean_mask = zeros(len(mean_data))
for i in range(fmin,fmax+1): single_data = lim_stack[:,i] Kt_cal[:,i-fmin] = Kt[i]*single_data Kdgsm_cal[:,i-fmin] = K_dgsm[i]*single_data single_mask = lim_mask[:,i] data_mask[:,i-fmin] = single_mask savetxt(outdir+'June_'+date_ind+'_Kdgsm_full_time_series.txt',Kdgsm_cal,delimiter=' ') savetxt(outdir+'June_'+date_ind+'_Kt_full_time_series.txt',Kt_cal,delimiter=' ') savetxt(outdir+'June_'+date_ind+'_mask_full_time_series.txt',data_mask,delimiter=' ') f70 = where(freq<=70.)[0][-1] single_data = lim_stack[:,f70] single_mask = lim_mask[:,f70] pylab.scatter(ma.compressed(ma.array(lim_time,mask=single_mask)),ma.compressed(ma.array(single_data*K_dgsm[f70],mask=single_mask)),c='g',edgecolor='g',s=5,label='Calibrated time series') pylab.xlim(0,24) pylab.ylim(0,6000) pylab.xlabel('Local Sidereal Time (Hours)') pylab.ylabel('Temperature (Kelvin)') pylab.grid() pylab.title('Time Dependence at 70 MHz') pylab.savefig(outdir+'June_'+date_ind+'_Kdgsm_time_series',dpi=300) pylab.clf() pylab.scatter(ma.compressed(ma.array(lim_time,mask=single_mask)),ma.compressed(ma.array(single_data*Kt[f70],mask=single_mask)),c='g',edgecolor='g',s=5) pylab.xlim(0,24) pylab.ylim(0,6000) pylab.xlabel('Local Sidereal Time (Hours)') pylab.ylabel('Temperature (Kelvin)') pylab.grid()