Пример #1
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None):
    Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array:

    median(abs(a - median(a))) / c

    c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by


    a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        d = ma.median(a)
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c)
        d = ma.median(a, axis=axis)
        # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it?
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis)
            aswp = a
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #2
Файл: mad.py Проект: wiai/agpy
def bottleneck_MAD(arr, c=0.6745, axis=None):
    Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array:

    median(abs(a - median(a))) / c

    c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by


    from bottleneck import nanmedian
    import numpy as np

    if not arr.dtype.isnative:
        kind = str(arr.dtype.kind)
        sz = str(arr.dtype.itemsize)
        dt = '=' + kind + sz
        data = arr.astype(dt)
        data = arr

    if data.ndim == 1:
        d = nanmedian(data)
        m = nanmedian(ma.fabs(data - d) / c)
        d = nanmedian(data, axis=axis)
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = np.swapaxes(data, 0, axis)
            aswp = data
        m = nanmedian(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #3
Файл: mad.py Проект: wiai/agpy
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None):
    Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array:

    median(abs(a - median(a))) / c

    c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by


    a = ma.masked_where(a != a, a)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        d = ma.median(a)
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c)
        d = ma.median(a, axis=axis)
        # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it?
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = ma.swapaxes(a, 0, axis)
            aswp = a
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #4
Файл: mad.py Проект: Fade89/agpy
def bottleneck_MAD(arr, c=0.6745, axis=None):
    Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array:

    median(abs(a - median(a))) / c

    c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std; it is used by


    from bottleneck import nanmedian
    import numpy as np

    if not arr.dtype.isnative:
        kind = str(arr.dtype.kind)
        sz = str(arr.dtype.itemsize)
        dt = '=' + kind + sz
        data = arr.astype(dt)
        data = arr

    if data.ndim == 1:
        d = nanmedian(data)
        m = nanmedian(ma.fabs(data - d) / c)
        d = nanmedian(data, axis=axis)
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = np.swapaxes(data,0,axis)
            aswp = data
        m = nanmedian(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #5
def vec2comp(wdir, wspd, missing=MISSING):
    Convert direction and magnitude into U, V components

    wdir : number, array_like
        Angle in meteorological degrees
    wspd : number, array_like
        Magnitudes of wind vector (input units == output units)
    missing : number (optional)
        Optional missing parameter. If not given, assume default missing
        value from sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING

    u : number, array_like (same as input)
        U-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)
    v : number, array_like (same as input)
        V-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)

    if not QC(wdir) or not QC(wspd):
        return ma.masked, ma.masked

    wdir = ma.asanyarray(wdir).astype(np.float64)
    wspd = ma.asanyarray(wspd).astype(np.float64)
    assert wdir.shape == wspd.shape, 'wdir and wspd have different shapes'
    if wdir.shape:
        wdir[wdir == missing] = ma.masked
        wspd[wspd == missing] = ma.masked
        wdir[wspd.mask] = ma.masked
        wspd[wdir.mask] = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        u[np.fabs(u) < TOL] = 0.
        v[np.fabs(v) < TOL] = 0.
        if wdir == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        elif wspd == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        if ma.fabs(u) < TOL:
            u = 0.
        if ma.fabs(v) < TOL:
            v = 0.
    return u, v
Пример #6
def vec2comp(wdir, wspd, missing=MISSING):
    Convert direction and magnitude into U, V components

    wdir : number, array_like
        Angle in meteorological degrees
    wspd : number, array_like
        Magnitudes of wind vector (input units == output units)
    missing : number (optional)
        Optional missing parameter. If not given, assume default missing
        value from sharppy.sharptab.constants.MISSING

    u : number, array_like (same as input)
        U-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)
    v : number, array_like (same as input)
        V-component of the wind (units are the same as those of input speed)

    if not QC(wdir) or not QC(wspd):
        return ma.masked, ma.masked

    wdir = ma.asanyarray(wdir).astype(np.float64)
    wspd = ma.asanyarray(wspd).astype(np.float64)
    assert wdir.shape == wspd.shape, 'wdir and wspd have different shapes'
    if wdir.shape:
        wdir[wdir == missing] = ma.masked
        wspd[wspd == missing] = ma.masked
        wdir[wspd.mask] = ma.masked
        wspd[wdir.mask] = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        u[np.fabs(u) < TOL] = 0.
        v[np.fabs(v) < TOL] = 0.
        if wdir == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        elif wspd == missing:
            wdir = ma.masked
            wspd = ma.masked
        u, v = _vec2comp(wdir, wspd)
        if ma.fabs(u) < TOL:
            u = 0.
        if ma.fabs(v) < TOL:
            v = 0.
    return u, v
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None):

    a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        d = ma.median(a)
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c)
        d = ma.median(a, axis=axis)
        # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it?
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis)
            aswp = a
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #8
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None):

    a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        d = ma.median(a)
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c)
        d = ma.median(a, axis=axis)
        # I don't want the array to change so I have to copy it?
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis)
            aswp = a
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m
Пример #9
def MAD(a, c=0.6745, axis=None):
    Median Absolute Deviation along given axis of an array:
    median(abs(a - median(a))) / c
    c = 0.6745 is the constant to convert from MAD to std
    a = ma.masked_where(a!=a, a)
    if a.ndim == 1:
        d = ma.median(a)
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(a - d) / c)
        d = ma.median(a, axis=axis)
        if axis > 0:
            aswp = ma.swapaxes(a,0,axis)
            aswp = a
        m = ma.median(ma.fabs(aswp - d) / c, axis=0)

    return m