def __init__(self, contpts, contnorm, vertDup=0, firstDup=0): """ contpts : list of 3D coordinates of the control points describing the shape2D. contnorm : list of 3D vector specifying the normals at each vertex of the shape2D. vertDup : Flag specifying whether or not to duplicate each vertex and normal. firstDup : Flag specifying whether or not to duplicate the first first vertex. """ self.vertDup = vertDup self.firstDup = firstDup self.contpts = list(contpts) self.contnorm = list(contnorm) if vertDup: firstDupInd = 2 else: firstDupInd = 1 if firstDup: cont = self.contpts newcont = cont + cont[:firstDupInd] self.contpts = Numeric.array(newcont) contn = self.contnorm newcontn = contn + contn[:firstDupInd] self.contnorm = Numeric.array(newcontn) self.lenShape = len(self.contpts)
def test_getSliceArray(self): assert hasattr(UTisocontour, 'getSliceArray') isovar=0 timestep=0 axis='x' sliceNum=10 step=1 sh = (1,1, self.auC.NELEMENTS[0], self.auC.NELEMENTS[1], self.auC.NELEMENTS[2]) da = Numeric.zeros(sh).astype('f') da[0][0] = Numeric.array( Numeric.reshape( Numeric.swapaxes( self.auC.array, 0, 2), self.auC.NELEMENTS ) ).astype('f') daSmall = Numeric.array(da[:,:,::step,::step,::step]).astype('f') center = Numeric.array(self.auC.CENTER).astype('f') dim = Numeric.array(self.auC.NELEMENTS).astype('f') span = Numeric.array(self.auC.SPACING).astype('f') print("span:", span) orig = center - ((dim-1)/2)*span print("orig: ", orig) the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall, orig.astype('f'), (span*step,)*3 ) #the_data = UTisocontour.newDatasetRegFloat3D(daSmall) sld = UTisocontour.getSliceArray(the_data, isovar, timestep, axis, sliceNum) print('sld.shape' ,sld.shape) assert sld.shape == (61, 41)
def getFaces(self, faceDescr): ################################################################ # This function parses the face description and creates an array # of faces. # If the first line starts by a # then the 3 following are comments # lines # Comment #1: Comment + filename of the sphere set # Comment #2: Comment on content of comment #3 # Comment #3: Nb triangles, nb of spheres, triangulation density, # probe sphere radius. # vertInd1, vertInd2, vertInd3, Flag, FaceInd # # All the indices are 1 based !!! ################################################################ # faceComments are all the lines with a # in front and the line after if faceDescr[0][0]=='#': facesComments = faceDescr[:3] facesLines = faceDescr[3:] else: facesLines = faceDescr facesComments = [] facesInfo = map(lambda x: x.split(), facesLines) self.faces = Numeric.array(map(lambda x: [int(x[0])-1, int(x[1])-1, int(x[2])-1], facesInfo)).astype('i') self.facesProp = Numeric.array( map(lambda x: [int(x[3]), int(x[4])], facesInfo)).astype('i')
def getVert(self, vertDescr): ################################################################ # This function parses the vertices description and creates an array # of vertices. # Comment #1: Comment + filename of the sphere set # Comment #2: Comment on content of comment #3 # Comment #3: Nb triangles, nb of spheres, triangulation density, # probe sphere radius. # x y z nx ny nz fInd sphInd flag AtmName # # All the indices are 1 based !!! ################################################################ if vertDescr[0][0]=='#': vertComments = vertDescr[:3] vertLines = vertDescr[3:] else: vertComments = [] vertLines = vertDescr vertInfo = map(lambda x: x.split(), vertLines) self.vertices = Numeric.array( map(lambda x: [float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2])], vertInfo)).astype('f') self.normals = Numeric.array(map( lambda x: [float(x[3]), float(x[4]), float(x[5])], vertInfo) ).astype('f') self.vertProp = Numeric.array(map( lambda x: [int(x[6]), int(x[7]), int(x[8])], vertInfo)).astype('i')
def histogram(data, nbins, range = None): """ Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python """ data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float) if range is None: min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data) max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data) else: min, max = range data = Numeric.repeat(data, Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max), Numeric.greater_equal(data, min))) # end if bin_width = (max-min)/nbins data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int) histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal( Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1) histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data)) bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5) return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
def matrix_hsv_to_rgb(hMapArray,sMapArray,vMapArray): """ First matrix sets the Hue (Color). Second marix sets the Sauration (How much color) Third matrix sets the Value (How bright the pixel will be) The three input matrices should all be the same size, and have been normalized to 1. There should be no side-effects on the original input matrices. """ shape = hMapArray.shape rmat = array(hMapArray,Float) gmat = array(sMapArray,Float) bmat = array(vMapArray,Float) ## This code should never be seen. It means that calling code did ## not take the precaution of clipping the input matrices. if max(rmat.ravel()) > 1 or max(gmat.ravel()) > 1 or max(bmat.ravel()) > 1: param.Parameterized().warning('HSVBitmap inputs exceed 1. Clipping to 1.0') if max(rmat.ravel()) > 0: rmat = clip(rmat,0.0,1.0) if max(gmat.ravel()) > 0: gmat = clip(gmat,0.0,1.0) if max(bmat.ravel()) > 0: bmat = clip(bmat,0.0,1.0) # List comprehensions were not used because they were slower. for j in range(shape[0]): for i in range(shape[1]): rgb = hsv_to_rgb(rmat[j,i],gmat[j,i],bmat[j,i]) rmat[j,i] = rgb[0] gmat[j,i] = rgb[1] bmat[j,i] = rgb[2] return (rmat, gmat, bmat)
def firstDerivative(self): fstDeriveV = Numeric.array([ [-0.125, -0.25, -0.125], [ 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.125, 0.25, 0.125] ], 'f') self.redraw(filter=fstDeriveV) derivV = self.imageAsArray() if derivV is None: return None fstDeriveV = Numeric.array([ [ 0.125, 0.25, 0.125], [ 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0 ], [-0.125, -0.25, -0.125] ], 'f') self.redraw(filter=fstDeriveV) derivV += self.imageAsArray() fstDeriveH = Numeric.array([ [-0.125, 0.0, 0.125], [-0.25 , 0.0, 0.25 ], [-0.125, 0.0, 0.125] ], 'f') self.redraw(filter=fstDeriveH) derivH = self.imageAsArray() fstDeriveH = Numeric.array([ [ 0.125, 0.0, -0.125], [ 0.25 , 0.0, -0.25 ], [ 0.125, 0.0, -0.125] ], 'f') self.redraw(filter=fstDeriveH) derivH += self.imageAsArray() deriv = Numeric.fabs(derivH*0.5)+Numeric.fabs(derivV*0.5) return deriv.astype('B')
def setup_ligand(self, lig_lines): lig_coords = [] first_lig = False if not hasattr(self, 'lig_vdw_rad'): self.lig_vdw_rad = [] first_lig = True for ll in lig_lines: #THESE LINES START WITH 'DOCKED: ' so indices +8 if ll.find("HETATM")>-1 or ll.find("ATOM")>-1: lig_coords.append([float(ll[38:46]), float(ll[46:54]),float(ll[54:62])]) #lig_coords.append([float(ll[30:38]), float(ll[38:46]),float(ll[46:54])]) if first_lig: #indices +8 be_key = strip(ll[84:]) if be_key=='A': be_key = 'C' elif be_key=='OA': be_key = 'O' elif be_key=='NA': be_key = 'N' elif be_key=='SA': be_key = 'S' elif be_key=='HD': be_key = 'H' self.lig_vdw_rad.append(self.babel_elements[be_key]['vdw_rad']) self.lig_coords = lig_coords self.smallM = Numeric.array(lig_coords, 'f') #setup variables for ligand arrays if first_lig: self.lenK=len(lig_coords) self.keyRadii = Numeric.array(self.lig_vdw_rad, 'f') self.keyRadii.shape = (self.lenK,1) self.smallM.shape = (self.lenK,1,3)
def Set(self, check=1, redo=1, updateOwnGui=True, **kw): """set data for this object: check=1 : verify that all the keywords present can be handle by this func redo=1 : append self to viewer.objectsNeedingRedo updateOwnGui=True : allow to update owngui at the end this func """ if kw.has_key('materials') and kw['materials'] is not None: materials = Numeric.array((kw['materials']),'f') else: materials = Numeric.array(((0.,0.,1.,1.),),'f') redoFlags = apply( Triangle_strip.Set, (self, check, 0), kw ) nm = kw.get( 'normalStyle') # nm can be TUBE_NORM_FACET, TUBE_NORM_EDGE, TUBE_NORM_PATH_EDGE if nm: self.normalStyle = self.normalStyle & ~gle.TUBE_NORM_MASK self.normalStyle = self.normalStyle | nm gle.gleSetJoinStyle (self.normalStyle | self.joinStyle) ja = kw.get( 'joinStyle') # ja can be TUBE_JN_RAW, TUBE_JN_ANGLE, TUBE_JN_CUT, TUBE_JN_ROUND, # TUBE_JN_CAP if ja: self.joinStyle = self.joinStyle & ~gle.TUBE_JN_MASK self.joinStyle = self.joinStyle | ja gle.gleSetJoinStyle (self.normalStyle | self.joinStyle) return self.redoNow(redo, updateOwnGui, redoFlags)
def SetMaterial(self, values, prop=1, tagModified=True): """Set the materials WARNING: when back face colors are set, two sided lighting has to be enabled we set RGB values for all properties except for shininess and opacity If an alpha value are specified they will be ignored Since IndexedGeomDSPL requires alpha values for all properties we set them automatically to 1.0 for all properties except for diffuse. The alpha channel of the diffuse component will be set later in fixOpacity which should be called after all properties of the material have been updated. """ if tagModified: self._modified = True if prop is None: prop = self.diff elif type(prop) is types.StringType: prop = getattr(self, prop) assert prop in (0,1,2,3,4,5) values = array( values, 'f' ) if prop < self.shini: assert len(values.shape)==2 and values.shape[1] in [3,4] alpha = ones( (values.shape[0], 1), 'f' ) values = concatenate( (values[:,:3], alpha), 1 ) else: if len(values.shape) != 1: values = array([values], 'f' ) self.prop[prop] = values
def Set(self, check=1, redo=1, updateOwnGui=True, **kw): """set data for this object check=1 : verify that all the keywords present can be handle by this func redo=1 : append self to viewer.objectsNeedingRedo updateOwnGui=True : allow to update owngui at the end this func """ redoFlags = apply( GleExtrude.Set, (self, check, 0), kw) if kw.has_key('materials') and kw['materials'] is not None: materials = Numeric.array((kw['materials']),'f') else: materials = Numeric.array(((0.,0.,1.,1.),),'f') self.trace3D = kw.get('trace3D') if not self.trace3D: v,n,s = (None,None,None) redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag'] else: v,n,s = self.extrude() redoFlags |= self._redoFlags['redoDisplayListFlag'] if v is not None: kw['vertices']=v if n is not None: kw['vnormals']=n if s is not None: kw['stripBegin']=[0] + list( s[:,0] ) return self.redoNow(redo, updateOwnGui, redoFlags)
def extrude(self): """Virtual Method to do the extrusion along a 3D path with a 2D shape using the gle extrusion. We then get the geometry information using the extrusion method in Feedback mode. This will then be used to build a triangle strip.""" from gle import glec gle.gleSetJoinStyle ( self.normalStyle | self.joinStyle ) glec.gleFeedBack() contpts = Numeric.array(self.shape2D.contpts) contourPoints = contpts[:,:2] contnorm = Numeric.array(self.shape2D.contnorm) contourNormals = contnorm[:,:2] gle.gleExtrusion(contourPoints, contourNormals, self.contourUp, self.trace3D, self.materials[1028].prop[0][:,:3] ) glec.gleTextureMode(0) v,n,s = glec.gleGetTriangleMesh() vinv = Numeric.zeros( v.shape, 'd') vinv[::2] = v[1::2] vinv[1::2] = v[::2] ninv = Numeric.zeros( n.shape, 'd') ninv[::2] = n[1::2] ninv[1::2] = n[::2] return vinv, ninv, s
def _drawLegend(self,dc,graphics,rhsW,topH,legendBoxWH, legendSymExt, legendTextExt): """Draws legend symbols and text""" # top right hand corner of graph box is ref corner trhc= self.plotbox_origin+ (self.plotbox_size-[rhsW,topH])*[1,-1] legendLHS= .091* legendBoxWH[0] # border space between legend sym and graph box lineHeight= max(legendSymExt[1], legendTextExt[1]) * 1.1 #1.1 used as space between lines dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeLegend)) for i in range(len(graphics)): o = graphics[i] s= i*lineHeight if isinstance(o,PolyMarker): # draw marker with legend pnt= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0]/2., trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.) o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt])) elif isinstance(o,PolyLine): # draw line with legend pnt1= (trhc[0]+legendLHS, trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.) pnt2= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0], trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.) o.draw(dc, self.printerScale, coord= _Numeric.array([pnt1,pnt2])) else: raise TypeError, "object is neither PolyMarker or PolyLine instance" # draw legend txt pnt= (trhc[0]+legendLHS+legendSymExt[0], trhc[1]+s+lineHeight/2.-legendTextExt[1]/2) dc.DrawText(o.getLegend(),pnt[0],pnt[1]) dc.SetFont(self._getFont(self._fontSizeAxis)) # reset
def histogram(data, nbins, range = None): """ Create a histogram. Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python @param data: data list or array @type data: [any] @param nbins: number of bins @type nbins: int @param range: data range to create histogram from (min val, max val) @type range: (float, float) OR None @return: array (2 x len(data) ) with start of bin and witdh of bin. @rtype: array """ data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float) if range is None: min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data) max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data) else: min, max = range data = Numeric.repeat(data, Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max), Numeric.greater_equal(data, min))) bin_width = (max-min)/nbins data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int) histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal( Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1) histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data)) bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5) return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
def Map(values, colorMap, mini=None, maxi=None): """Get colors corresponding to values in a colormap""" values = Numeric.array(values) if len(values.shape)==2 and values.shape[1]==1: values.shape = ( values.shape[0], ) elif len(values.shape) > 1: print 'ERROR: values array has bad shape' return None cmap = Numeric.array(colorMap) if len(cmap.shape) !=2 or cmap.shape[1] not in (3,4): print 'ERROR: colorMap array has bad shape' return None if mini is None: mini = min(values) else: values = Numeric.maximum(values, mini) if maxi is None: maxi = max(values) else: values = Numeric.minimum(values, maxi) valrange = maxi-mini if valrange < 0.0001: ind = Numeric.ones( values.shape ) else: colrange = cmap.shape[0]-1 ind = ((values-mini) * colrange) / valrange col = Numeric.take(colorMap, ind.astype(viewerConst.IPRECISION)) return col
def __call__(self,fullmatrix,simple_sheet_name=None,complex_sheet_name=None,bins=frange(0,2.0,0.1,inclusive=True),**params): p=ParamOverrides(self,params) from import complexity if (topo.sim.objects().has_key(simple_sheet_name) and topo.sim.objects().has_key(complex_sheet_name)): v1s = complexity(fullmatrix[topo.sim[simple_sheet_name]]).flatten() v1c = complexity(fullmatrix[topo.sim[complex_sheet_name]]).flatten() #double the number of complex cells to reflect large width of layer 2/3 v1c = numpy.concatenate((array(v1c),array(v1c)),axis=1) pylab.figure() n = pylab.subplot(311) pylab.hist(v1s,bins) pylab.axis([0,2.0,0,4100]) n.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(3)) n = pylab.subplot(312) pylab.hist(v1c,bins) pylab.axis([0,2.0,0,4100]) n.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(3)) n = pylab.subplot(313) pylab.hist(numpy.concatenate((array(v1s),array(v1c)),axis=1),bins) pylab.axis([0,2.0,0,4100]) n.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(3)) self._generate_figure(p)
def applyStateOld(self, state): """ """ q = state.quaternion t = Numeric.array(state.translation) o = Numeric.array(state.origin) # center the coordinates ## self.resultCoords = (self.resultCoords - ## Numeric.array([o[0], o[1], o[2], 0.0])) # center the coordinates (node-by-node) def __center(node, o): node.coords = node.coords - o root = self.torTree.rootNode root.pre_traverse(__center, root, Numeric.array([o[0], o[1], o[2], 0.0])) # construct rootNode transformation matrix mtx = Transformation(t+o, q).getMatrix(transpose=1) # apply the torsions coords = self.applyAngList(state.torsions, mtx) # must "reset" each nodes coords def __uncenter(node, o): node.coords = node.coords + o root.pre_traverse(__uncenter, root, Numeric.array([o[0], o[1], o[2], 0.0])) return coords
def blurCoordsRadii(coords, radii, blobbyness=-0.1, res=0.5, weights=None, dims=None, padding = 0.0): """blur a set of coordinates with radii """ # Setup grid resX = resY = resZ = res if not dims: minb, maxb = blur.getBoundingBox(coords, radii, blobbyness, padding) Xdim = int(round( (maxb[0] - minb[0])/resX + 1)) Ydim = int(round( (maxb[1] - minb[1])/resY + 1)) Zdim = int(round( (maxb[2] - minb[2])/resZ + 1)) else: Xdim, Ydim, Zdim = dims print "Xdim = %d, Ydim =%d, Zdim = %d"%(Xdim, Ydim, Zdim) # Generate blur map volarr, origin, span = blur.generateBlurmap( coords, radii, [Xdim, Ydim, Zdim], blobbyness, weights=weights, padding=padding) # Take data from blur map volarr.shape = [Zdim, Ydim, Xdim] volarr = Numeric.transpose(volarr).astype('f') origin = Numeric.array(origin).astype('f') stepsize = Numeric.array(span).astype('f') arrayf = Numeric.reshape( Numeric.transpose(volarr), (1, 1)+tuple(volarr.shape) ) # Return data return arrayf, origin, stepsize
def __applyTorsion(self, node, parent_mtx): """Transform the subtree rooted at node. The new torsion angle must be pre-set. Children of the node are transformed recursively. """ # get rotation matrix for node # my_mtx = self.rotax(node) mtx = rotax( Numeric.array(node.a.coords), Numeric.array(node.b.coords), node.angle * self.rads_per_degree, transpose=1) # node_mtx =, mtx) node_mtx = self.mult4_3Mat(parent_mtx, mtx) # set-up for the transformation mm11 = node_mtx[0][0]; mm12 = node_mtx[0][1]; mm13 = node_mtx[0][2] mm21 = node_mtx[1][0]; mm22 = node_mtx[1][1]; mm23 = node_mtx[1][2] mm31 = node_mtx[2][0]; mm32 = node_mtx[2][1]; mm33 = node_mtx[2][2] mm41 = node_mtx[3][0]; mm42 = node_mtx[3][1]; mm43 = node_mtx[3][2] atomSet = node.atomSet # transform the coordinates for the node for i in node.atomRange: x,y,z = node.coords[i][:3] # get origin-subtracted originals c = atomSet[i].coords c[0] = x*mm11 + y*mm21 + z*mm31 + mm41 c[1] = x*mm12 + y*mm22 + z*mm32 + mm42 c[2] = x*mm13 + y*mm23 + z*mm33 + mm43 # recurse through children for child in node.children: self.__applyTorsion(child, node_mtx)
def GetConvertedArrayRepresentation(self, unitSystem): xType = self.parent.xMin.GetType().unitType unit = unitSystem.GetCurrentUnit(xType) if unit: x = array(map(unit.ConvertFromSim42, self.x)) self.xUnit = else: x = self.x self.xUnit = None yType = self.parent.yMin.GetType().unitType unit = unitSystem.GetCurrentUnit(yType) if unit: y = array(map(unit.ConvertFromSim42, self.y)) self.yUnit = else: y = self.y self.yUnit = None self.zUnits = [] zPropIdx = self.zPropIdx zType = self.parent.zTypes[zPropIdx] unit = unitSystem.GetCurrentUnit(zType) if unit: z = array(map(unit.ConvertFromSim42, self.z)) self.zUnits.append( else: z = self.z self.zUnits.append(None) self.convTable[1:,1:] = Numeric.reshape(z, (self.pointX, self.pointY)) self.convTable[0,1:] = y self.convTable[1:,0] = x return self.convTable
def setData(self, data,calib,config): try: if config["file"]: self._configure(config) x = Numeric.array(data[:,0]).astype(Numeric.Float) y = Numeric.array(data[:,1]).astype(Numeric.Float) xmin = float(config["min"]) xmax = float(config["max"]) self.mcafit.refreshWidgets() calib = Numeric.ravel(calib).tolist() kw = {} kw.update(config) kw['xmin'] = xmin kw['xmax'] = xmax kw['calibration'] = calib self.mcafit.setdata(x, y, **kw)# xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, calibration=calib) self.mcafit._energyAxis = False self.mcafit.toggleEnergyAxis() result = self._fit() #pyarch file name and directory pf = config["legend"].split(".") pd = pf[0].split("/") outfile = pd[-1] outdir = config['htmldir'] sourcename = config['legend'] report = McaAdvancedFit.QtMcaAdvancedFitReport.QtMcaAdvancedFitReport(None, outfile=outfile, outdir=outdir,fitresult=result, sourcename=sourcename, plotdict={'logy':False}, table=2) text = report.getText() report.writeReport(text=text) except: logging.getLogger().exception('McaSpectrumBrick: problem fitting %s %s %s' % (str(data),str(calib),str(config))) raise
def test_piecewiselinear(self): # Test as a procedure fn1_a1 = array([[0.5,0.0,0.99], [1.0,0.0,0.6]]) fn2_a1 = array([[1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0,0.0, 1.0]]) fn3_a2 = array([[0.1,0.0,0.7], [0.4,0.3,1.0]]) self.fn1(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn1_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.5,-1.0,0.99], [1.001,-0.001,0.6]]) self.fn2(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn2_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn3(self.a2) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(),fn3_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2)
def get_coordinates(universe, E, indices=None, atom_names=('CA',), residue_index_list=None, atom_index_list=None): from numpy.oldnumeric import array, take if indices is None: indices = range(len(E)) chain = universe.get_polymer() if atom_index_list is None: atom_index_list, index_map = compile_index_list(chain, atom_names, residue_index_list) l = [] for i in indices: chain.set_torsions(E.torsion_angles[i], 1) X = array(take(universe.X, atom_index_list)) l.append(X) return array(l)
def test_divisive_sum_normalize(self): # Test as a procedure fn1_a1 = self.a1/3.0 fn1_a2 = self.a2/27.0 fn2_a1 = (self.a1/3.0)*4.0 fn2_a2 = (self.a2/27.0)*4.0 self.fn1(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn1_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn1(self.a2) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(),fn1_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3,0.6,0.7], [0.8,0.4,0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0,-1.0,7.0], [4.0,3.0,11.0]]) self.fn2(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn2_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn2(self.a2) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(),fn2_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2)
def __init__(self, elements, nocheck = None): self.array = Numeric.array(elements) if nocheck is None: if not Numeric.logical_and.reduce( Numeric.equal(Numeric.array(self.array.shape), 3)): raise ValueError, 'Tensor must have length 3 along any axis' self.rank = len(self.array.shape)
def display(self): GL.glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) GL.glClear( GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glColor3f( 1.0,1.0,0.0) self.x = self.x + self.move_x self.y = self.y + self.move_y self.age = self.age + 1 which = Numeric.greater( self.age, MAX_AGE) self.x = Numeric.choose( which, (self.x, RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS))) selfy = Numeric.choose( which, (self.y, RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS))) self.age = Numeric.choose( which, (self.age, 0)) self.x = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater( self.x, 1.0), (self.x, self.x - 1.0)) self.y = Numeric.choose( Numeric.greater( self.y, 1.0), (self.y, self.y - 1.0)) x2 = RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS2) y2 = RandomArray.random( NUMDOTS2) v = Numeric.concatenate( (Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x, self.y])), Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x - 0.005, self.y + 0.005])), Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [self.x + 0.005, self.y - 0.005])), Numeric.transpose( Numeric.array( [x2, y2])))) #from opengltk.util import GLdouble #av = bufarray.readArray( v, GLdouble) #GL.glVertexPointer( 2, av) GL.glVertexPointer( 2, v) GL.glEnableClientState( GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) #glplus.DrawArrays( GL.POINTS, len( av)) from opengltk import glplus glplus.DrawArrays( GL.GL_POINTS, len( v)) #GL.glDisableClientState( GL.VERTEX_ARRAY) GL.glFlush() GLUT.glutSwapBuffers()
def test_divisive_length_normalize(self): # Test as a procedure eucl_norm_a1 = sqrt(0.3**2+0.6**2+0.7**2+0.8**2+0.4**2+0.2**2) # eucl_norm_a2 = sqrt(307) fn1_a1 = self.a1/eucl_norm_a1 fn1_a2 = self.a2/sqrt(307) fn2_a1 = (self.a1/eucl_norm_a1)*4.0 fn2_a2 = (self.a2/sqrt(307))*4.0 self.fn1(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn1_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn1(self.a2) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(),fn1_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3,0.6,0.7], [0.8,0.4,0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0,-1.0,7.0], [4.0,3.0,11.0], [2.0,5.0,9.0]]) self.fn2(self.a1) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(),fn2_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn2(self.a2) for item1,item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(),fn2_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2)
def mouseMove(self, event): # simple trackball, only works inside cirle # creates an XY rotation defined by pts intersecting the spheres xc = event.x - self.xm yc = self.ym - event.y # compute the intersection point between xc2 = xc*xc yc2 = yc*yc z2 = self.r2-xc2-yc2 if z2 < 0: lInvMag = 1./math.sqrt(xc2 + yc2) xc *= lInvMag * (self.r) yc *= lInvMag * (self.r) z2 = 0 # compute rotation angle a = self.lastPt3D b = (xc, yc, math.sqrt(z2)) ang = math.acos((a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+a[2]*b[2])/self.r2) if self.mode=='XY': #compute rotation axis rotaxis = Numeric.array( (a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1], a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2], a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0] ), 'f' ) elif self.mode=='X': rotaxis = Numeric.array( (1.,0.,0.), 'f') elif self.mode=='Y': rotaxis = Numeric.array( (0.,1.,0.), 'f') elif self.mode=='Z': rotaxis = Numeric.array( (0.,0.,1.), 'f') mat = rotax( self.zeros, rotaxis, ang ) self.lastPt3D = b self.updateVector(mat)
def __init__(self, results, master=None, mini=None, maxi=None, cmap=None, cmap_name='cmap', ramp=None, npixels=10): assert isinstance(results, type(Numeric.array(range(4)))) assert len(results.shape)==2 # a copy of the input array is used self.results = Numeric.array(results[:]) self.results = results self.master = master #for a Numeric array, self.x_number = results.shape[0] #number of rows self.y_number = results.shape[1] #number of columns self.results = results self.npixels = npixels if mini is None: mini=min(results.ravel()) else: for x in xrange(self.x_number): for y in xrange(self.y_number): if self.results[x][y]<mini: self.results[x][y]=mini = mini if maxi is None: maxi=max(results.ravel()) else: for x in xrange(self.x_number): for y in xrange(self.y_number): if self.results[x][y]>maxi: self.results[x][y]=maxi self.maxi = maxi self.cmap = cmap if cmap is None: if ramp is None: ramp = RedWhiteRamp() self.cmap = ColorMap(cmap_name, mini=mini, maxi=maxi, ramp=ramp)
def read_data(filename, function): """Read data from an ASCII file.""" import string result = [] assert type(filename) == types.StringType assert function in (None, float, int) print "reading", filename f = open(filename, "r") while 1: line = f.readline(); if not len(line): break if function: datum = map(function, string.split(line)) result.append(list(datum)) else: result.append(line) f.close() if function == float: ar = Numeric.array(result).astype(viewerConst.FPRECISION) elif function == int: ar = Numeric.array(result).astype(viewerConst.IPRECISION) else: ar = result return ar
def _apcorr(self,detector,filter): """Calculate the aperture corrections for this dataset for the given detector and filter. This is a factor to be added to the magnitudes calculated above array [m]. This "apcor" is to be in magnitudes and apcor must be <= 0. This new magnitude or array of magnitudes is then written into the file and presented to BPZ as the magnitude to use, as indicated in the multicolor.columns file. Function returns a numeric array of aperture corrections. The fiducial radius specified herein is specified in Bugzilla bug #2708, as are the other specifications for this method. """ apcorr = [] apcorrArray = None irad_fiducial = 14 aperFiles = { "WFC" : os.path.join(self.aperData,"newWFC_0803.ee_new_csky.dat"), #by xingxing "HRC" : os.path.join(self.aperData,"newHRC_0803.ee_new_csky.dat"), "UVIS" : os.path.join(self.aperData,"newUVIS_0803.ee_new_csky.dat"), "IR" : os.path.join(self.aperData,"newIR_0803.ee_new_csky.dat" ) } try: aperDataFile = aperFiles[detector] except KeyError: raise KeyError,"No known aperture data for detector, "+detector # now get the filter aperture data for the indicated detector. # raise a filterError if the lookup fails. #pdb.set_trace() aperCatalog = open(aperDataFile).readlines() selectSet = pUtil.makeHeaderDict(aperCatalog) colName = "EE_"+filter try: aperIndex = selectSet[colName]-1 except KeyError: raise fUtil.filterError,"No aperture data for filter "+filter aperData = tableio.get_data(aperDataFile,aperIndex) # the aperData contains the encircled energy as a function of radius in # pixels. Conveniently, the pixel radius = index + 1 of the value we # want from the array for that radius. eeFiducial = aperData[irad_fiducial -1] for irad in self.iradList: if irad > irad_fiducial: apcorr.append(0) continue # irad1, irad2 are the adjacent integers of the radius of the object. # used to do a linear interpolation on the encircled energy curve. irad1 = int(irad) irad2 = irad1 + 1 iradFrac = irad - irad1 ee_irad1 = aperData[irad1-1] ee_irad2 = aperData[irad2-1] k = (ee_irad2 - ee_irad1) ee_irad = k*iradFrac + ee_irad1 apcorr.append(min(0,+2.5*math.log10(ee_irad/eeFiducial))) apcorrArray = Numeric.array(apcorr) return apcorrArray
def test_vertical_oddimage_evensheet__horizontal_evenimage_evensheet(self): """ Test vertical positioning for even sheet, odd image and horizontal positioning for even image, even sheet. """ image_array = array([[ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 255., 0., ], [ 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., ], [ 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ]], Float) image = FileImage(filename=resolve_path('tests/testimage.pgm'), xdensity=8, ydensity=8, bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5), output_fns=[]) ps = image.pattern_sampler ps.size_normalization = 'original' ps.whole_pattern_output_fns = [] assert_array_almost_equal(image_array, image())
def standardDeviation(data): data = Numeric.array(data) return Numeric.sqrt(variance(data))
def createCanvas(self, master, wheelPad=6): bw = self.borderWidth = wheelPad # distance between wheel and raise cd = { 'width': self.width + bw, 'height': self.height + bw, 'relief': 'raised', 'borderwidth': 3 } for k, w in self.canvasCfg.items(): cd[k] = w self.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas(self, cd) cbdw = int(self.canvas.cget('borderwidth')) bd = self.borderWidth + cbdw + 1 # +1 for pixel0 that is not drawn height = self.height - bw width = self.width - bw cp = self.canvas.create_polygon self.outline1 = cp(bd, bd, bd, height + cbdw, width + cbdw, height + cbdw, width + cbdw, bd, bd, bd, width=1, outline='gray60', fill='gray85') ul = bd + 1 # upper left pixel l = (width + cbdw - 1) - (bd + 1) # length of the inner box cl25 = 2. * l / 25. cl = self.canvas.create_line self.outline2 = cl(ul + int(cl25), ul, ul, ul, ul, height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray20') self.outline3 = cl(ul + int(cl25), ul, ul + int(3 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline4 = cl(ul + int(cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(3 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline5 = cl(ul + int(5 * cl25), ul, ul + int(7.5 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='white') self.outline4 = cl(ul + int(5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(7.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='white') self.outline6 = cl(ul + int(9.5 * cl25), ul, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), ul, width=1, fill='gray60') self.outline7 = cl(ul + int(9.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray60') re = ul + l self.outline8 = cl(ul + int(11.5 * cl25), ul, re, ul, re, height + cbdw - 1, ul + int(11.5 * cl25), height + cbdw - 1, width=1, fill='gray20') # corners of the box where the lines have to be drawn self.innerbox = (ul + 1, ul + 1, re - 1, height + cbdw - 1) self.circlePtsAngles = [] inc = 2 * math.pi / float(self.nblines) for i in range(self.nblines): self.circlePtsAngles.append(i * inc) self.circlePtsAngles = Numeric.array(self.circlePtsAngles, 'f') self.linesIds = [] self.shLinesIds = [] # this table should depend on the number of lines # currently it is of length 15 (self.nblines/2) # It should be resized automatically to self.nblines/2 self.shadowLinesOptions = [ (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width (2, 'gray30', 1), (2, 'gray30', 1), (0, 'gray30', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 2), (-1, 'white', 1), (-1, 'white', 1), (0, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), (-2, 'gray30', 1), (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width (0, 'black', 1), # offset, color, width ] for i in range(self.nblines): self.linesIds.append(cl(0, 0, 0, 0, width=1, fill='black')) self.shLinesIds.append(cl(0, 0, 0, 0)) wlabCfg = {'padx': 0, 'pady': 0} wlabCfg.update(self.wheelLabCfg) self.valueLabel = apply(Tkinter.Label, (self.master, ), wlabCfg) self.drawLines() self.canvas.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) self.toggleWidgetLabel(self.showLabel)
for xyz in t.frames: result_xyz.append(xyz.astype('f')) for fname in t.frameNames: result_frameNames.append(fname) T.flushPrint('#') print " Done" result = Trajectory() result.ref = result_ref result.ref.disconnect() if 'pdb' in o: result.ref.pdbCode = o['pdb'] result.frames = N.array(result_xyz, 'f') result.frameNames = result_frameNames del result_xyz ## too much memory required for this ## result = trajLst[0].concat( *trajLst[1:] ) T.flushPrint("Converting to EnsembleTraj...") result = traj2ensemble(result, len(inLst)) T.flushPrint("Done\nDumping ensemble traj to " + o['o']) T.dump(result, T.absfile(o['o']))
def nextComplex(self): """ Take list of lines, extract all Hex info about one complex (Solution number, hex energy,..) also extract 16 numbers of the transformation matrix and put them into 4 by 4 numeric array. @return: Complex created from the output from Hex @rtype: Complex """ ## get set of lines describing next complex: lines = self._nextBlock() if lines == None: ## EOF return None ## skip incomplete records if len(lines) < 13: lines = self._nextBlock() ## fill info dictionary i = {} matrix = None for l in lines: try: ## labels has to be in the same order as in hex.out m = if m != None: m = m.groups() if m[0] == 'Orientation': i['hex_clst'] = int(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Solution': i['soln'] = int(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'ReceptorModel': if self.forceModel: i['model1'] = self.forceModel[0] else: i['model1'] = int(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'LigandModel': if self.forceModel: i['model2'] = self.forceModel[1] else: i['model2'] = int(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Bumps': if int(m[1]) != -1: i['bumps'] = int(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'ReferenceRMS': i['rms'] = float(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Vshape': if float(m[1]) != 0.0: i['hex_Vshape'] = float(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Vclash': if float(m[1]) != 0.0: i['hex_Vclash'] = float(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Etotal': i['hex_etotal'] = float(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'Eshape': i['hex_eshape'] = float(m[1]) elif m[0] == 'LigandMatrix': ## get all numbers of matrix as list of strings strings = self.ex_matrix.findall(l) ## convert that to list of floats numbers = [] for each in strings: numbers += [float(each)] ## convert that to list of lists of 4 floats each matrix = [] for j in range(0, 4): matrix.append(numbers[4 * j:4 * (j + 1)]) ## create 4 by 4 Numeric array from 4 by 4 list matrix = Numeric.array(matrix, Numeric.Float32) except AttributeError: print "HexParser.nextComplex(): ", t.lastError() ## Create new complex taking PCR models from dictionary c = Complex(self.rec_models[i['model1']], self.lig_models[i['model2']], matrix, i) return c
def applyTranslation(self, t=(0., 0., 0.)): """Translate by (x, y, z) """ translation = Numeric.array([t[0], t[1], t[2], 0.0]) self.resultCoords = self.resultCoords + translation return self.getResultCoords()
def test_fit_shortest(self): """ Test that the shorter dimension is made to fit 1.0, while the other is scaled by the same factor. """ ### 15 units represent 1.0 in sheet coordinates. image_array = array([[ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 34., 68., 68., 68., 102., 102., 102., 136., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., ], [ 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., ], [ 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., ], [ 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ]]) image = FileImage(filename=resolve_path('tests/testimage.pgm'), xdensity=15, ydensity=15, output_fns=[], bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5)) ps = image.pattern_sampler ps.size_normalization = 'fit_shortest' ps.whole_pattern_output_fns = [] assert_array_almost_equal(image_array, image())
def test_stretch_to_fit(self): """ Test that both image dimensions are made to fit 1.0. """ ### 8 units represent 1.0 in sheet coordinates. image_array = array([[ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 0., 0., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 0., 0., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 255., 0., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 255., 255., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 34., 68., 102., 136., 255., 255., 255., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 0., 255., 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ]]) image = FileImage(filename=resolve_path('tests/testimage.pgm'), xdensity=8, ydensity=8, output_fns=[], bounds=BoundingBox(radius=1.0)) ps = image.pattern_sampler ps.size_normalization = 'stretch_to_fit' ps.whole_pattern_output_fns = [] assert_array_almost_equal(image_array, image())
def A(a): return Numeric.array(a, Numeric.Float)
def Solver(self, model, case): xm = case.Prop["x"] T = case.Prop["T"] P = case.Prop["P"] Ac = model["PR_A"] b_i = model["PR_B"] W_i = model["OMEGA"] TC_i = model["TC"] case.Prop["MolWt"] = sum(xm * model["MoleWt"]) fwi = [] for Wii in W_i: if Wii < 0.5: fwi.append(0.37464 + 1.54226 * Wii - 0.26992 * power(Wii, 2)) else: fwi.append(0.3796 + 1.4850 * Wii - 0.1644 * power(Wii, 2) + 0.01666 * power(Wii, 3)) fwi = array(fwi) Tr_i = T / TC_i AlphaT = power((1 + fwi * (1 - sqrt(Tr_i))), 2) a_i = Ac * AlphaT A_i = (a_i * P) / pow(R * T, 2) B_i = (b_i * P) / (R * T) Zl_i = self.EOS.ZL(A_i, B_i) Zv_i = self.EOS.ZG(A_i, B_i) CoeFugo_v = self.FugaP(Zv_i, A_i, B_i) CoeFugo_l = self.FugaP(Zl_i, A_i, B_i) yf = xm xf = xm for i in range(3): A_vi = MixingRules.MolarK2(yf, A_i, k=0.0) A_li = MixingRules.MolarK2(xf, A_i, k=0.0) B_v = MixingRules.Molar(yf, B_i) A_v = MixingRules.MolarK(yf, A_i, k=0.0) B_l = MixingRules.Molar(xf, B_i) A_l = MixingRules.MolarK(xf, A_i, k=0.0) Z_v = self.EOS.ZG(A_v, B_v) Z_l = self.EOS.ZL(A_l, B_l) CoeFugM_v = self.FugaM(Z_v, A_vi, B_i, A_v, B_v) CoeFugM_l = self.FugaM(Z_l, A_li, B_i, A_l, B_l) fi = P * CoeFugM_v * yf ki = CoeFugM_l / CoeFugM_v #print xm FrVap, xf, yf = Flash(ki, xm) Z = FrVap * Z_v + (1 - FrVap) * Z_l case.Prop["Z"] = Z case.Prop["Zl"] = Z_l case.Prop["Zv"] = Z_v case.Prop["Ki"] = ki case.Prop["FracVap"] = FrVap case.Prop["CoefPureLiq"] = CoeFugo_l case.Prop["CoefPureVap"] = CoeFugo_v case.Prop["CoefMixVLiq"] = CoeFugM_l case.Prop["CoefMixVap"] = CoeFugM_v case.Prop["xf"] = xf case.Prop["yf"] = yf
def P(self,T,m): logP = m["ANT_A"]-(m["ANT_B"]/ ( T + m["ANT_C"] )) for i in range(len(logP)): if logP[i]<-36: logP[i]= -18.420680743952367 return array( exp( logP )*self.Factor)
# Author: Michel F. SANNER # # Copyright: M. Sanner TSRI 2000 # ############################################################################# # # $Header: /opt/cvs/python/packages/share1.5/DejaVu/,v 1.4 2007/07/24 17:30:42 vareille Exp $ # # $Id:,v 1.4 2007/07/24 17:30:42 vareille Exp $ # from numpy.oldnumeric import array # 2 jitter points _jitter2 = array(((0.246490, 0.249999), (-0.246490, -0.249999)), 'f') # 3 jitter points _jitter3 = array( ((-0.373411, -0.250550), (0.256263, 0.368119), (0.117148, -0.117570)), 'f') # 4 jitter points _jitter4 = array(((-0.208147, 0.353730), (0.203849, -0.353780), (-0.292626, -0.149945), (0.296924, 0.149994)), 'f') # 8 jitter points _jitter8 = array( ((-0.334818, 0.435331), (0.286438, -0.393495), (0.459462, 0.141540), (-0.414498, -0.192829), (-0.183790, 0.082102), (-0.079263, -0.317383), (0.102254, 0.299133), (0.164216, -0.054399)), 'f')
def T(self,P,m): return array( m["ANT_B"] / (m["ANT_A"] - log(P/self.Factor)) - m["ANT_C"])
def __init__(self, lines, MOL2FLAG): # # Given the atoms, this routine tells you everything you want to know about # the ligand # # # Store the atoms # if MOL2FLAG == False: self.atoms = {} import string for line in lines: split = string.split(line) name = split[0] self.atoms[name] = { 'coords': Numeric.array( [float(split[1]), float(split[2]), float(split[3])]) } self.atoms[name]['bonds'] = [] # # Get the likely types from names # trivial_types = ['N', 'O', 'C', 'H'] for atom in self.atoms.keys(): if atom[0] in trivial_types: if atom[0] != 'H': # Get rid of all the hydrogens self.atoms[atom]['type'] = atom[0] self.atoms[atom]['sybylType'] = 'Unknown' # # Get the bonds # First approximation: Anything closer than 2.0 A is bonded # self.dists = {} for atom1 in self.atoms.keys(): self.dists[atom1] = {} for atom2 in self.atoms.keys(): if atom1 == atom2: continue # # Calculate the distance # self.dists[atom1][atom2] = length( self.atoms[atom1]['coords'] - self.atoms[atom2]['coords']) if self.dists[atom1][atom2] < 2.0: self.atoms[atom1]['bonds'].append(atom2) # # Count number of bonds to non-H atoms and guess atom type # bond_lengths = {'C-C': [1.5, 0.2]} # # Get the torsion angles # atoms = self.atoms.keys() atoms.sort() for atom in atoms: self.atoms[atom]['torsions'] = self.get_torsions(atom) # # Produce the definition lines # self.lines = self.create_deflines() # # Now we try to guess the atom types # self.guess_atom_types() else: # # We have a mol2 file # LIG = lines self.atoms = {} for line in lines: name = # self.atoms[name] = name self.atoms[name] = { 'coords': Numeric.array( [float(line.x), float(line.y), float(line.z)]) } self.atoms[name]['sybylType'] = line.sybylType # # we don't have this information when coming from PDB! self.atoms[name]['lBondedAtoms'] = line.lBondedAtoms self.atoms[name]['lBonds'] = line.lBonds ###PC # one bond is lost! self.atoms[name]['bonds'] = [] for BBonds in line.lBondedAtoms: #line.lBonds: self.atoms[name]['bonds'].append( ###PC # save the atomname & id self.atoms[name]['atomname'] = name self.atoms[name]['serial'] = line.serial # # USEFUL information # bonded heavy atoms self.atoms[name]['nbhvy'] = len([ x for x in self.atoms[name]['lBondedAtoms'] if x.sybylType != "H" ]) # number of bonds (including hydrogens) self.atoms[name]['nbds'] = len(self.atoms[name]['lBonds']) # number of bonded hydrogens self.atoms[name]['nbhyd'] = self.atoms[name][ 'nbds'] - self.atoms[name]['nbhvy'] # element self.atoms[name]['ele'] = self.atoms[name]['sybylType'].split( '.')[0] # # Get the torsion angles # atoms = self.atoms.keys() atoms.sort() for atom in atoms: self.atoms[atom]['torsions'] = self.get_torsions(atom) self.lines = self.create_deflines() # # we have the sybylType in self.atoms!!! return
def clear(self): #TODO make with clear x = Numeric.array([0]).astype(Numeric.Float) y = Numeric.array([0]).astype(Numeric.Float) self.mcafit_widget.setdata(x, y)
def average(data): data = Numeric.array(data) return Numeric.add.reduce(data)/len(data)
def test_fit_longest(self): """ Check that the longer image dimension is made to fit the default dimension of 1.0, while the other is scaled the same. """ ### Twice the default BoundingBox dimensions, image size of 2.0. ### In this case, 8 units represent 1.0 in sheet coordinates. image_array = array([[ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 0., 0., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 0., 0., 34., 34., 68., 68., 102., 102., 136., 136., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., 255., ], [ 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., ], [ 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., ], [ 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., 0., 0., 255., 255., ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ], [ 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, 96.59090909, ]], Float) image = FileImage(filename=resolve_path('tests/testimage.pgm'), xdensity=8, ydensity=8, size=2.0, output_fns=[], bounds=BoundingBox(radius=1.0)) ps = image.pattern_sampler ps.size_normalization = 'fit_longest' ps.whole_pattern_output_fns = [] assert_array_almost_equal(image_array, image())
filetype = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] if verbose: print "filetype=", filetype writer = None if filetype == '.pdbqt': writer = PdbqtWriter() elif filetype == '.pdbq': writer = PdbqWriter() elif filetype == '.pdbqs': writer = PdbqsWriter() elif filetype == '.pdb': writer = PdbWriter() else: print 'Sorry! Unable to write this filetype->', filetype center = Numeric.add.reduce(mol.allAtoms.coords) / len(mol.allAtoms) crds = Numeric.array(mol.allAtoms.coords) center = Numeric.add.reduce(crds) / len(mol.allAtoms) crds = crds - center crds = crds.tolist() mol.allAtoms.updateCoords(crds) lenCoords = len(crds) #rotate the atoms here if axis is not None and angle is not None: rot = (float(angle) * 3.14159 / 180.) % (2 * Numeric.pi) x = Numeric.array([0., 0., 0.]) y = Numeric.array(map(float, axis.split(','))) matrix = rotax(x, y, rot) _ones = Numeric.ones(lenCoords, 'f') _ones.shape = (lenCoords, 1) mov_coords = Numeric.concatenate((crds, _ones), 1) newcoords =, matrix)
def test_divisive_lp_normalize(self): ### JCALERT! As already said above; this method does not work as a procedure ### because of a problem when using x *= factor instead of x = x * factor ### it is not understood why because it does work fine in all others transferfn? ### Therefore it is only tested as a function # Test as a function eucl_norm_a1 = sqrt(0.3**2 + 0.6**2 + 0.7**2 + 0.8**2 + 0.4**2 + 0.2**2) fn1_a1 = self.a1 / eucl_norm_a1 fn1_a2 = self.a2 / sqrt(307) l3norm_a1 = pow(0.3**3 + 0.6**3 + 0.7**3 + 0.8**3 + 0.4**3 + 0.2**3, 1.0 / 3.0) l3norm_a2 = pow( 2.0 + 7.0**3 + 4.0**3 + 3.0**3 + 11.0**3 + 2.0**3 + 5.0**3 + 9.0**3, 1.0 / 3.0) fn2_a1 = self.a1 / l3norm_a1 fn2_a2 = self.a2 / l3norm_a2 self.fn1(self.a1) self.fn1(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn1_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn1_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0, -1.0, 7.0], [4.0, 3.0, -11.0], [2.0, 5.0, 9.0]]) self.fn2(self.a1) self.fn2(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn2_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn2_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0, -1.0, 7.0], [4.0, 3.0, -11.0], [2.0, 5.0, 9.0]]) l4norm_a1 = pow( 0.3**4.0 + 0.6**4.0 + 0.7**4.0 + 0.8**4.0 + 0.4**4.0 + 0.2**4.0, 1.0 / 4.0) l4norm_a2 = pow( 1.0**4.0 + 1.0**4.0 + 7.0**4.0 + 4.0**4.0 + 3.0**4.0 + 11.0**4.0 + 2.0**4.0 + 5.0**4.0 + 9.0**4.0, 1.0 / 4.0) fn3_a1 = (self.a1 / l4norm_a1) * 2.0 fn3_a2 = (self.a2 / l4norm_a2) * 2.0 self.fn3(self.a1) self.fn3(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn3_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn3_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) # The rest of this procedure might be redundant (already covered above) self.a1 = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0, -1.0, 7.0], [4.0, 3.0, -11.0], [2.0, 5.0, 9.0]]) self.fn1(self.a1) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn1_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn1(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn1_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0, -1.0, 7.0], [4.0, 3.0, -11.0], [2.0, 5.0, 9.0]]) self.fn2(self.a1) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn2_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn2(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn2_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.a1 = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.a2 = array([[1.0, -1.0, 7.0], [4.0, 3.0, -11.0], [2.0, 5.0, 9.0]]) self.fn3(self.a1) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a1.ravel(), fn3_a1.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2) self.fn3(self.a2) for item1, item2 in zip(self.a2.ravel(), fn3_a2.ravel()): self.assertAlmostEqual(item1, item2)
def Draw(self): for i in xrange(len(self.vertexSet)): if len(self.radii) == 1: rad = self.radii[0] else: rad = self.radii[i] if len(self.angles) == 1: ang = self.angles[0] else: ang = self.angles[i] vx, vy, vz = norm = self.vertexSet.normals.array[i] if self.vectors is None: # get orthogonal vector dx, dy, dz = fabs(vx), fabs(vy), fabs(vz) mini = min([dx, dy, dz]) if mini == dx: nov = 1. / sqrt(vz * vz + vy * vy) ovx = 0. ovy = -vz * nov ovz = vy * nov elif mini == dy: nov = 1. / sqrt(vz * vz + vx * vx) ovx = -vz * nov ovy = 0. ovz = vx * nov else: nov = 1. / sqrt(vy * vy + vx * vx) ovx = -vy * nov ovy = vx * nov ovz = 0. vec = [ovx, ovy, ovz] elif len(self.vectors) == 1: vec = self.vectors[0] else: vec = self.vectors[i] angRad = ang * pi * 0.00555555555556 nsegments = int(ang / self.degreesPerSegment) + 1 d = angRad / nsegments # increment a = 0 # starting angle GL.glNormal3fv(norm.astype('f')) GL.glPushName(i) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) if self.materials[ GL.GL_FRONT].binding[0] == viewerConst.PER_VERTEX: col = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop[0] GL.glColor4fv(col[i]) center = Numeric.array(self.vertexSet.vertices.array[i]) vec = Numeric.array(vec).astype('f') #vec = vec/sqrt(Numeric.sum(vec*vec)) vec2 = Numeric.zeros(3, 'f') vec2[0] = vec[1] * norm[2] - vec[2] * norm[1] vec2[1] = vec[2] * norm[0] - vec[0] * norm[2] vec2[2] = vec[0] * norm[1] - vec[1] * norm[0] GL.glVertex3fv(center) for j in range(nsegments + 1): p = center + cos(a) * vec * rad + sin(a) * vec2 * rad GL.glVertex3fv(p.astype('f')) a = a + d GL.glEnd() GL.glPopName() return 1
def setUp(self): self.a = array([[0.3, 0.6, 0.7], [0.8, 0.4, 0.2]]) self.hme = HomeostaticMaxEnt()
def variance(data): data = Numeric.array(data) return Numeric.add.reduce( (data - average(data, axis=0))**2) / (len(data) - 1)
def rigidFit(self, mobileCoords): """ the rigidFit method computes the necessary transformation matrices to superimpose the list of mobileCoords onto the list of referenceCoords, and stores the resulting matrices (rot, trans) <- rigidFit(mobileCoords) Rigid body fit. Finds transformation (rot,trans) such that r.m.s dist(x,rot*y+trans) --> min ! mobileCoords: cartesian coordinates of mobile structure (3,n) (input) rot : rotation matrix (3,3) (output) trans : translation vector (3) (output) status: 0 if OK, 1 if singular problem (n<3 ...) Method: W.Kabsch, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32,922-923 W.Kabsch, Acta Cryst. (1978). A34,827-828 """ if self.refCoords is None: raise RuntimeError(" no reference coordinates specified") refCoords = self.refCoords if len(refCoords) != len(mobileCoords): raise RuntimeError("input vector length mismatch") refCoords = Numeric.array(refCoords) mobileCoords = Numeric.array(mobileCoords) # # 1. Compute centroids: refCentroid = Numeric.sum(refCoords) / len(refCoords) mobileCentroid = Numeric.sum(mobileCoords) / len(mobileCoords) # # 2. Wolfgang Kabsch's method for rotation matrix rot: rot = Numeric.identity(3).astype('f') # LOOK how to modify that code. for i in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): rot[j][i] = Numeric.sum( (refCoords[:, i] - refCentroid[i]) * (mobileCoords[:, j] - mobileCentroid[j])) rotTransposed = Numeric.transpose(rot) e =, rotTransposed) evals, evecs = LinearAlgebra.eigenvectors(e) ev = Numeric.identity(3).astype('d') # set ev[0] to be the evec or the largest eigenvalue # and ev[1] to be the evec or the second largest eigenvalue eigenValues = list(evals) discard = eigenValues.index(min(eigenValues)) i = j = 0 while i < 3: if i == discard: i = i + 1 continue ev[j] = evecs[i] j = j + 1 i = i + 1 evecs = ev evecs[2][0] = evecs[0][1] * evecs[1][2] - evecs[0][2] * evecs[1][1] evecs[2][1] = evecs[0][2] * evecs[1][0] - evecs[0][0] * evecs[1][2] evecs[2][2] = evecs[0][0] * evecs[1][1] - evecs[0][1] * evecs[1][0] b =, rot) norm = math.sqrt(b[0][0] * b[0][0] + b[0][1] * b[0][1] + b[0][2] * b[0][2]) if math.fabs(norm) < 1.0e-20: return -1, -1 b[0] = b[0] / norm norm = math.sqrt(b[1][0] * b[1][0] + b[1][1] * b[1][1] + b[1][2] * b[1][2]) if math.fabs(norm) < 1.0e-20: return -1, -1 b[1] = b[1] / norm # vvmult(b[0],b[1],b[2]) b[2][0] = b[0][1] * b[1][2] - b[0][2] * b[1][1] b[2][1] = b[0][2] * b[1][0] - b[0][0] * b[1][2] b[2][2] = b[0][0] * b[1][1] - b[0][1] * b[1][0] # mtrans3(e) e = evecs tempo = e[0][1] e[0][1] = e[1][0] e[1][0] = tempo tempo = e[0][2] e[0][2] = e[2][0] e[2][0] = tempo tempo = e[1][2] e[1][2] = e[2][1] e[2][1] = tempo # mmmult3(b,e,rot) rot[0][0] = b[0][0] * e[0][0] + b[1][0] * e[0][1] + b[2][0] * e[0][2] rot[0][1] = b[0][1] * e[0][0] + b[1][1] * e[0][1] + b[2][1] * e[0][2] rot[0][2] = b[0][2] * e[0][0] + b[1][2] * e[0][1] + b[2][2] * e[0][2] rot[1][0] = b[0][0] * e[1][0] + b[1][0] * e[1][1] + b[2][0] * e[1][2] rot[1][1] = b[0][1] * e[1][0] + b[1][1] * e[1][1] + b[2][1] * e[1][2] rot[1][2] = b[0][2] * e[1][0] + b[1][2] * e[1][1] + b[2][2] * e[1][2] rot[2][0] = b[0][0] * e[2][0] + b[1][0] * e[2][1] + b[2][0] * e[2][2] rot[2][1] = b[0][1] * e[2][0] + b[1][1] * e[2][1] + b[2][1] * e[2][2] rot[2][2] = b[0][2] * e[2][0] + b[1][2] * e[2][1] + b[2][2] * e[2][2] # # Compute translation vector trans: # mvmult3(rot,cy,cy); trans3 = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): trans3[i] = mobileCentroid[0]*rot[0][i] + mobileCentroid[1]*rot[1][i] + \ mobileCentroid[2]*rot[2][i] #bcopy(t3,cy,sizeof(t3)); #vvdiff(cx,cy,trans); trans = (refCentroid[0] - trans3[0], refCentroid[1] - trans3[1], refCentroid[2] - trans3[2]) # # That's it... self.rotationMatrix = rot self.translationMatrix = trans self.superimposed = 1
def asIndexedPolygons(self, run=1, quality=None, centers=None, radii=None, **kw): if __debug__: if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName() """implement the sphere as an icosaedre. run=0 returns 1 if this geom can be represented as an IndexedPolygon and None if not. run=1 returns the IndexedPolygon object. """ #print "Spheres.asIndexedPolygons", quality if run == 0: return 1 # yes, I can be represented as IndexedPolygons if quality in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: quality = quality elif quality < 0 and self.quality in [2, 3, 4, 5]: quality = self.quality - 2 else: quality = self.quality - 1 # get centers if centers is None: centers = self.vertexSet.vertices.array # get radii if radii is None: if self.oneRadius == viewerConst.NO: radii = self.vertexSet.radii.array else: radii = Numeric.ones(centers.shape[0]) * self.radius # create template sphere S = TriangulateIcosByEdgeCenterPoint(quality=quality) tmpltVertices = S.getVertices(quality=quality) tmpltFaces = S.getFaces(quality=quality) tmpltNormals = S.getVNormals(quality=quality) # these lists will store the data for the new spheres vertices = [] faces = [] normals = [] # loop over spheres for i in range(len(centers)): vert = Numeric.array(tmpltVertices[:]) * radii[i] + centers[i] vertices.extend(list(vert)) fac = Numeric.array(tmpltFaces[:]) + i * len(tmpltVertices) faces.extend(list(fac)) norm = Numeric.array(tmpltNormals[:]) normals.extend(list(norm)) sphGeom = IndexedPolygons("sph", vertices=Numeric.array(vertices), faces=faces, vnormals=Numeric.array(normals), visible=1, invertNormals=self.invertNormals) # copy Spheres materials into sphGeom matF = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT] matB = self.materials[GL.GL_BACK] sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].binding = matF.binding[:] sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop = matF.prop[:] sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_BACK].binding = matB.binding[:] sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_BACK].prop = matB.prop[:] if sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].binding[1] == viewerConst.PER_VERTEX: newprop = [] index = 0 cnt = 0 for i in range(len(vertices)): newprop.append(sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop[1][index]) cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt == len(tmpltVertices): index = index + 1 cnt = 0 sphGeom.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop[1] = newprop #print "Spheres.asIndexedPolygons out", quality return sphGeom
def dist(c1, c2): d = Numeric.array(c2) - Numeric.array(c1) ans = math.sqrt(Numeric.sum(d * d)) return round(ans, 3)
import sys sys.path.append("/Users/jonathanxavier/Developer/sim42") from numpy.oldnumeric import power, array from import lagrange ##kk= xx = array([ 0.021816, 0.614, 0.13974, 0.076043, 0.015103, 0.026015, 0.028254, 0.079035 ]) yy = array([ 0.012954, 0.8885, 0.069839, 0.01834, 0.002254, 0.0031603, 0.0018852, 0.0030934 ]) z = [0.0139, 0.8592, 0.0773, 0.0245, 0.0036, 0.0056, 0.0047, 0.0112] ki = yy / xx #array([ 5.85789009,2.99441671,1.58239488,0.88726921,0.51283227]) zi = z #[0.05,0.15,0.25,0.20,0.35] F1 = sum(ki * zi) - 1 F2 = 2 * sum((ki - 1) * zi / (1 + ki)) F = F2 / (F2 - F1) F3 = 2 * sum(zi / (1 + ki)) F4 = sum(zi / ki) - 1 fra = (F4 - 0.5 * F4) / (F3 - F4) print F1, F2, F, F3, F4, fra fr = 0.4 xx = array([ 0.021816, 0.614, 0.13974, 0.076043, 0.015103, 0.026015, 0.028254, 0.079035 ]) yy = array([ 0.012954, 0.8885, 0.069839, 0.01834, 0.002254, 0.0031603, 0.0018852,
def cast(self, data): try: data = Numeric.array(data) return True, data except: return False, data
def V(*v): return Numeric.array(v, Numeric.Float)
def Draw(self): if __debug__: if hasattr(DejaVu, 'functionName'): DejaVu.functionName() """Draw function of the geom return status 0 or 1 If you want fast rendering, you need to set self.templateDSPL using MakeTemplate. """ #print "Spheres.Draw", assert self.templateDSPL is not None currentcontext = self.viewer.currentCamera._w, 'contexttag') if currentcontext != self.templateDSPL[1]: import traceback traceback.print_stack() warnings.warn( """draw failed because the current context is the wrong one""") #print "currentcontext != self.templateDSPL[1]", currentcontext, self.templateDSPL[1] return 0 centers = self.vertexSet.vertices.array if len(centers) == 0: return 0 # handle overall binding of material if self.inheritMaterial: fp = None fpProp = None bp = None else: mat = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT] fpProp = [] for propInd in range(4): b, p = mat.GetProperty(propInd) fpProp.append(p) fpProp.append(mat.prop[4]) fp = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT] #colorFront = Numeric.array(self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop[1], copy=1) colorFront = Numeric.array(fpProp[1], copy=1) if self.frontAndBack: bp = None face = GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK else: bp = self.materials[GL.GL_BACK] face = GL.GL_FRONT if fp: for m in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): if fp.binding[m] == viewerConst.OVERALL: glMaterialWithCheck(face, viewerConst.propConst[m], fpProp[m][0]) if fp.binding[1] == viewerConst.OVERALL: GL.glColor4fv(colorFront[0]) if fp: for m in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): if fp.binding[m] != viewerConst.OVERALL: glMaterialWithCheck(face, viewerConst.propConst[m], fpProp[m][0]) if fp.binding[1] != viewerConst.OVERALL: GL.glColor4fv(colorFront[0]) if bp: for m in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): if bp.binding[m] != viewerConst.OVERALL: glMaterialWithCheck(GL.GL_BACK, viewerConst.propConst[m], bp.prop[m][0]) #print #if fp: print fp.prop[1], fp.binding #else: print if self.fastSpheres: #print "self.fastSpheres", self.fastSpheres if self.oneRadius == viewerConst.NO: radii = self.vertexSet.radii.array #FIXME: quick fix because can be called from base class Set # method after centers have been set BUT before radii have been # set if len(self.vertexSet.vertices) != len(radii): return 0 else: radii = Numeric.ones(centers.shape[0]) * self.radius radii.shape = (-1, 1) coords = Numeric.concatenate((centers, radii), 1) ## if not self.inheritMaterial: ## mat = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT] ## fpProp = [] ## for propInd in range(4): ## b, p = mat.GetProperty(propInd) ## fpProp.append(p) ## fpProp.append(mat.prop[4]) ## #fpProp = self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop[:5] ## else: ## fpProp = None #print 'FUGU OVERWRITE COLOR', fpProp #import numpy #GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT, numpy.array((.6,.6,.6,1), 'f')) #GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, numpy.array((1.,1.,1.,1), 'f')) #GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_SPECULAR, numpy.array((.4,.4,.4,1), 'f')) #GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_EMISSION, numpy.array((0,0,0,1), 'f')) #GL.glMaterialf(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_SHININESS, 1.) status = glDrawSphereSet( self.templateDSPL[0], coords.astype('f'), fpProp, #self.materials[GL.GL_FRONT].prop, highlight=self.highlight, ) #print "Spheres, status: ", status return status else: resetMaterialMemory() #print "SLOW Spheres" if self.oneRadius == viewerConst.NO: radii = self.vertexSet.radii.array else: radii = Numeric.ones(centers.shape[0]) * self.radius if len(self.vertexSet.vertices) != len(radii): return 0 for i in xrange(centers.shape[0]): GL.glPushName(i) GL.glPushMatrix() GL.glTranslatef(float(centers[i][0]), float(centers[i][1]), float(centers[i][2])) if not self.oneRadius: GL.glScalef(float(radii[i]), float(radii[i]), float(radii[i])) else: GL.glScalef(float(self.radius), float(self.radius), float(self.radius)) #print '#%d'%self.templateDSPL[0], "glCallList Spheres0" if fp: for m in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4): if fp.binding[m] != viewerConst.OVERALL: glMaterialWithCheck(face, viewerConst.propConst[m], fp.prop[m][0], geom=self) GL.glCallList(self.templateDSPL[0]) GL.glPopMatrix() GL.glPopName() return 1