Пример #1
def C1(n):
    """ integral related to first order finite Larmor radius effect
    c1 = poly2cheb([0, 0, 0, 0, -1.5, 0, 2])
    c2 = nthpoly(2 * n)
    kernel = chebmul(c1, c2)
    cint = chebint(kernel)
    return chebval(1, cint)
Пример #2
def C0(n):
    """ integral related to zero'th order finite Larmor radius effect
    c1 = poly2cheb([0, 1, 0, -2])
    c2 = nthpoly(2 * n)
    kernel = chebmul(c1, c2)
    cint = chebint(kernel)
    return chebval(1, cint)
Пример #3
 def test_chebmul(self) :
     for i in range(5) :
         for j in range(5) :
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i,j)
             tgt = np.zeros(i + j + 1)
             tgt[i + j] += .5
             tgt[abs(i - j)] += .5
             res = cheb.chebmul([0]*i + [1], [0]*j + [1])
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
Пример #4
 def test_chebmul(self):
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(5):
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i, j)
             tgt = np.zeros(i + j + 1)
             tgt[i + j] += .5
             tgt[abs(i - j)] += .5
             res = cheb.chebmul([0]*i + [1], [0]*j + [1])
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
Пример #5
 def test_chebdiv(self) :
     for i in range(5) :
         for j in range(5) :
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i,j)
             ci = [0]*i + [1]
             cj = [0]*j + [1]
             tgt = cheb.chebadd(ci, cj)
             quo, rem = cheb.chebdiv(tgt, ci)
             res = cheb.chebadd(cheb.chebmul(quo, ci), rem)
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
Пример #6
 def test_chebdiv(self):
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(5):
             msg = "At i=%d, j=%d" % (i, j)
             ci = [0]*i + [1]
             cj = [0]*j + [1]
             tgt = cheb.chebadd(ci, cj)
             quo, rem = cheb.chebdiv(tgt, ci)
             res = cheb.chebadd(cheb.chebmul(quo, ci), rem)
             assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt), err_msg=msg)
Пример #7
def gegenbauerReconstruction(self, A, N):
    # np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
    entireA = np.hstack((A[1:][::-1], A))

    n = np.size(entireA)
    x = self.chebNodes(n=N)
    k = np.arange(-A.size + 1, A.size)

    xx, kk = np.meshgrid(x, k)
    M = np.exp(1j * kk * np.pi * xx).T

    fx = M.dot(entireA)

    cfx = self.chebTransform(fx)
    # gamma = 1

    # print(gamma)
    l = N
    # l = 4.5
    xx, NN = np.meshgrid(x, np.arange(N))
    gx = special.eval_gegenbauer(NN, l, xx)
    # print(gx)
    cgx = (self.chebTransform(gx.T)).T
    # print(cgx)
    wx = np.power(1 - x * x, l - 0.5)
    cwx = self.chebTransform(wx)
    cIx = []
    for i in range(gx.shape[0]):
        cIx.append(np_cheb.chebmul(cwx, cgx[i, :]))
        # print(cgx[i, :])
    cIx = np.asarray(cIx)
    I = []
    h = np.sqrt(np.pi) * special.eval_gegenbauer(np.arange(N), l, 1) * special.gamma(l + 0.5) / special.gamma(l) / (
            N + l)
    for it in cIx:
        I.append(np.real(self.integrate(it, cfx)))
    I /= h
    # print(np.array(I))
    # print(gx)
    plt.plot(x, (gx.T).dot(I))
Пример #8
def chebmul(c1, c2):
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebmul
    return chebmul(c1, c2)
Пример #9
def chebmul(c1, c2):
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebmul
    return chebmul(c1, c2)