def simpleCurveWithAvoidPoint(start_range, goal_range, attractor_range, plot=False): # fig, ax = plt.subplots() start = unif(start_range[0], start_range[1]) goal = unif(goal_range[0], goal_range[1]) attractor_point = unif(attractor_range[0], attractor_range[1]) avoid_point = attractor_point + np.random.rand(2) * 0.05 distractor_1 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) distractor_2 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) ts = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) relevant_keypoints = np.array([start, attractor_point, goal]) all_features = np.array([start, avoid_point, attractor_point, distractor_1, distractor_2, goal]) spline = CubicSpline(ts, relevant_keypoints) true_xys = spline(np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) unif_xys = equally_space_curve(true_xys, 100) if plot: # noisy_xys = true_xys + np.random.randn(100, 2) * 0.02 #ax.scatter(true_xys[:, 0], true_xys[:, 1], alpha=0.4, label='squashed') # ax.scatter(noisy_xys[:, 0], noisy_xys[:, 1], alpha=0.25) plt.scatter(unif_xys[:, 0], unif_xys[:, 1], label='uniform', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(all_features[0:2, 0], all_features[0:2, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) # ax.scatter(avoid_point[0], avoid_point[1], s=30**2, alpha=0.3, c='r') # plt.add_artist(plt.Circle(avoid_point, radius=0.1, alpha=0.2, color='r')) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.tight_layout() return all_features, unif_xys
def movingSinWave(start_range, goal_range, attractor_range, plot=False): start = unif(start_range[0], start_range[1]) goal = unif(goal_range[0], goal_range[1]) attractor = unif(attractor_range[0], attractor_range[1]) distractor_1 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) distractor_2 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) ts = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) relevant_keypoints = np.array([start, attractor, goal]) spline = CubicSpline(ts, relevant_keypoints) true_xys = spline(np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) unif_xys = equally_space_curve(true_xys, 100) sin_noise = np.sin(2 * np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, len(unif_xys))) * 0.2 unif_xys[:, 1] += sin_noise unif_xys = equally_space_curve(unif_xys, 100) all_features = np.array([start, attractor, distractor_1, distractor_2, goal]) if plot: plt.scatter(unif_xys[:, 0], unif_xys[:, 1], label='uniform', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(all_features[0:2, 0], all_features[0:2, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) plt.scatter(all_features[-1, 0], all_features[-1, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.ylim(bottom=0, top=1) plt.tight_layout() return all_features, unif_xys
def simpleCurveWithTwoPatrols(start_range, goal_range, ar_1, ar_2, plot=False): start = unif(start_range[0], start_range[1]) goal = unif(goal_range[0], goal_range[1]) attractor_1 = unif(ar_1[0], ar_1[1]) attractor_2 = unif(ar_2[0], ar_2[1]) distractor_1 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) distractor_2 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) ts = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0]) relevant_keypoints = np.array([start, attractor_1, attractor_2, goal]) spline = CubicSpline(ts, relevant_keypoints) true_xys = spline(np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) unif_xys = equally_space_curve(true_xys, 100) patrol_1 = unif_xys[25] + unif([-0.05, 0.05], [-0.1, 0.1]) patrol_2 = unif_xys[75] + unif([0.05, -0.05], [0.1, -0.1]) all_features = np.array([start, patrol_1, patrol_2, attractor_1, attractor_2, distractor_1, distractor_2, goal]) if plot: plt.scatter(unif_xys[:, 0], unif_xys[:, 1], label='uniform', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(all_features[0:3, 0], all_features[0:3, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.tight_layout() return all_features, unif_xys
def agents_setup(self): ''' Create N agents, with random positions and starting headings. ''' N = int(self.density * self.height * self.width) for i in range(1, N + 1): x = self.width * self.random.random() if self.random.random() < 1 / 2: y = unif(0, self.height / 2) direction = False # -> else: y = unif(self.height / 2, self.height) direction = True # <- pos = np.array([x, y]) agent = Pedestrian(i, self, (x, y), direction), pos) self.schedule.add(agent)
def vuelos(numero): muestra = [] for _ in range(numero): Y = np.array([g + unif(-e, e) for e, g in zip(perturbacion, goal)]) vuelo, acciones = simulador(Y, Ze, 30, 800, jac=jac_f) for estado, accion in zip(vuelo, acciones): nuevo_estado = funcion(estado) muestra.append(np.concatenate((accion, nuevo_estado), axis=None)) matriz = np.reshape(muestra, (799 * numero, 22)) with open('tablaaaaaaa.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerows(muestra)
def unevenSpeeds(start_range, goal_range, attractor_range, plot=False): start = unif(start_range[0], start_range[1]) goal = unif(goal_range[0], goal_range[1]) attractor = unif(attractor_range[0], attractor_range[1]) distractor_1 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) distractor_2 = unif([0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]) ts = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]) relevant_keypoints = np.array([start, attractor, goal]) spline = CubicSpline(ts, relevant_keypoints) true_xys = spline(np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) unif_xys = equally_space_curve(true_xys, 100) uneven_xys = np.concatenate(( equally_space_curve(unif_xys[0:30], 40), equally_space_curve(unif_xys[30:70], 20), equally_space_curve(unif_xys[70:], 40) )) # print("Diffs: ", np.linalg.norm(uneven_xys[:-1] - uneven_xys[1:], axis=1)) # unif_xys = equally_space_curve(unif_xys, 100) all_features = np.array([start, attractor, distractor_1, distractor_2, goal]) if plot: # plt.scatter(unif_xys[:, 0], unif_xys[:, 1], label='uniform', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(uneven_xys[:, 0], uneven_xys[:, 1], label='uniform', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(all_features[0:2, 0], all_features[0:2, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) plt.scatter(all_features[-1, 0], all_features[-1, 1], marker='x', c='r', s=40*2) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.ylim(bottom=0, top=1) plt.tight_layout() return all_features, uneven_xys
def randomize(xyz, missingness, extraness, random_extraness, stddev): to_return = [] xyz = np.array(xyz) to_return.append(np.random.normal(xyz, stddev)) # Extraness if np.random.binomial(1, 1 - extraness) == 0: for x in range(np.random.poisson(1)): to_return.append(np.random.normal(xyz, stddev)) # Random Extraness if np.random.binomial(1, 1 - random_extraness) == 0: for x in range(np.random.poisson(1)): to_return.append( np.array([ unif(low=x_range[0], high=x_range[1]), unif(low=y_range[0], high=y_range[1]), unif(low=z_range[0], high=z_range[1]) ])) # Missingness to_return = [] if (np.random.binomial(1, 1 - missingness) == 0) else to_return return np.array(to_return)
def data(self): """[summary] Raises: ValueError -- [if number of variable is less than 3, insuffieint to test MMI] Returns: [np array] -- [n_sample by n_variables matrix] """ if self.n_variables < 2 or self.n_samples < 1: raise ValueError else: x = unif(self.low, self.high, self.n_samples * (self.n_variables - 1)).reshape( self.n_samples, self.n_variables - 1) x = np.append(x, np.remainder(np.sum(x, axis=1), 1)[:, None], axis=1) return x
demo_dir = "demos/splines2D-{}".format(t_stamp()) os.mkdir(demo_dir) os.mkdir(demo_dir + "/train") os.mkdir(demo_dir + "/val") ts = np.array([0.0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Training Data for i in range(70): start = unif([0.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.1]) goal = unif([0.9, 0.9], [1.0, 1.0]) c1 = unif([0.5, 0.05], [0.65, 0.25]) c2 = unif([0.05, 0.5], [0.25, 0.65]) distractor_1 = unif([0.3, 0.3], [0.7, 0.7]) relevant_keypoints = np.array([start, c1, c2, goal]) all_keypoints = np.array([start, c1, c2, distractor_1, goal]) spline = CubicSpline(ts, relevant_keypoints) true_xys = spline(np.linspace(0, 1, 100)) unif_xys = equally_space_curve(spline, 100) # noisy_xys = true_xys + np.random.randn(100, 2) * 0.02 #ax.scatter(true_xys[:, 0], true_xys[:, 1], alpha=0.4, label='squashed') # ax.scatter(noisy_xys[:, 0], noisy_xys[:, 1], alpha=0.25)
def reset(self): x = self.width / 2 + unif(-2.5, 2.5) y = self.height / 2 + unif(-2.5, 2.5) phi = unif(0, 2 * pi) return np.array([x, y, phi])
def reset(self): self.i = 0 self.state = np.array( [max(0, g + unif(-e, e)) for e, g in zip(self.p, self.goal)]) return self.state