Пример #1
def barycenter_density(data, grid, upper, lower, vmin, dens = 0e0):
    ''' Recursively search for the initial seed on the densest regions of the sample.
        Uses numpy.histogramdd to divide multidimensional samples on regions. '''
    rng   = range(data.shape[1])
    # Number of division on each variable
    nbin = map(int,array([grid]*data.shape[1]))
    # Define the number of points (hist) and the limits (edges) on each region.
    hist, edges = histogramdd(data,bins=nbin,range=tuple(zip(lower, upper)))
    # Transform the limits into a paired list.
    limits = array([list(pairwise(edges[i])) for i in rng])
    # Find the indexes of the region limits that contains the max number of points.
    ind = unravel_index(argmax(hist), hist.shape) 
    # Define the zone containing the maximum number of points.
    zone = array([limits[i,j] for i, j in izip(rng, ind)])
    # Calculate density:
    density = amax(hist) / volume(zone)
    # Elements inside the zone:
    inside = filter(lambda x: x != None, \
                    imap(lambda i, y: boolist(i,y,zone), xrange(data.shape[0]), data))
    # If density keep growing and vmin not reached, the function works recursively.
    # Stops when any of thoses conditions are not satisfied anymore.
    if density > dens and aall(mad(data[inside]) > diagonal(vmin)):
       zone = zone.T
       return barycenter_density(data, grid, zone[1], zone[0], vmin, density)

       return inside
Пример #2
def G(N, f, X, ct, iS):
    ''' G parameter --> Transforms a X2 estimator to a Gaussian estimator '''

    #z2  = iR * asum( ( (X - ct) / (iS + TINY) )**2  )     # Z2 estimator
    # Mahalanobis distance estimator:
    X = X - ct
    z2 = asum( fabs( X * ravel( dot(iS, X ) ) ) )

    # G transformation:
    if aall(N*f > 100e0):
       return sqrt(2e0*z2) -  sqrt(2e0*f - 1e0) 

    elif aall(N*f >= 30e0) and aall(N*f <= 100e0):
       return ((z2/f)**(1e0/3) - (1e0 - (2e0/9)*f))/sqrt((2e0/9)*f)
    elif aall(N*f < 30e0):
       return 9e9
Пример #3
def pearson_r2(X):
    r2 = corrcoef(zip(*X))**2

    if aall(isnan(r2)) : 
       r2 = eye(X.shape[1])
       whereNaN = isnan(r2)
       r2[whereNaN] = 1e0

    return matrix(r2)
Пример #4
def Robust_r2(X, ct, dev):  
    ''' Shevlyakov 1997 - On a Robust Estimation of Correlation Coeficient'''
    X = (X - ct)/(dev + TINY)
    r2 = deque()
    for i in xrange(X.shape[1]):
        u  = median(fabs(X.T + X[:,i]), axis=1)**2
        v  = median(fabs(X.T - X[:,i]), axis=1)**2
        ri = (u - v)/(u + v)

    r2 = matrix(r2)

    if aall(isnan(r2)) : 
       r2 = matrix(eye(X.shape[1]))
       whereNaN = isnan(r2)
       r2[whereNaN] = 1e0

    return r2
Пример #5
def hyp_test(N, q1, f, key, x, ct, iS):
    ''' G hypothesis testing'''
    if aall(G(N, f, x, ct, iS) <= q1):
       #print(G(N, f, x, ct, iS))
       return key