Пример #1
def rdoublegauss(mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, ratio, size=None):
    """random variable from double gaussian"""
    r1 = ratio / (1. + ratio)
    r2 = 1 - r1
    R = np.asarray(np.random.random(size))

    Rshape = R.shape
    R = np.atleast1d(R)

    mask1 = (R < r1)
    mask2 = ~mask1
    N1 = mask1.sum()
    N2 = R.size - N1

    R[mask1] = norm(mu1, sigma1).rvs(N1)
    R[mask2] = norm(mu2, sigma2).rvs(N2)

    return R.reshape(Rshape)
Пример #2
def rdoublegauss(mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, ratio, size=None):
    """random variable from double gaussian"""
    r1 = ratio / (1. + ratio)
    r2 = 1 - r1
    R = np.asarray(np.random.random(size))

    Rshape = R.shape
    R = np.atleast1d(R)

    mask1 = (R < r1)
    mask2 = ~mask1
    N1 = mask1.sum()
    N2 = R.size - N1

    R[mask1] = norm(mu1, sigma1).rvs(N1)
    R[mask2] = norm(mu2, sigma2).rvs(N2)

    return R.reshape(Rshape)
Пример #3
def plot_source_positions(ra, dec, lst, flux, latitude):
    Plot the positions of sources in azimuth and altitude above horizon at a 
    given LST. Each source is plotted with a circle with size proptional to 
    ra, dec : array_like
        RA and Dec locations of sources.
    lst : float
        LST of the observation, in radians.
    flux : array_like
        Flux of each source.
    latitude : float
        Latitude of the array, in radians.
    ax : matplotlib.Axes
        Plot object.
    # Get azimuth and zenith angle
    az, za = source_az_za(np.atleast1d(lst), ra, dec, 
    # Plot locations of sources with circle sizes that depend on flux
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    plt.scatter(az*180./np.pi, (0.5*np.pi - za)*180./np.pi, s=0.5*flux, alpha=0.3)
    plt.plot(az*180./np.pi, (0.5*np.pi - za)*180./np.pi, 'bx', alpha=0.3)
    # Below-horizon shading
    plt.fill_between([-90., 270.], [-90., -90.], [0., 0.], color='k', alpha=0.3)
    plt.ylim(-90., 90.)
    plt.xlim(-90., 270.)
    plt.gcf().set_size_inches((14., 7.))
    return ax
Пример #4
def _rgb_to_lab(rgbs):
    rgbs, n_dim = _check_color_dim(rgbs)
    # convert RGB->XYZ
    xyz = rgbs[:, :3].copy()  # a misnomer for now but will end up being XYZ
    over = xyz > 0.04045
    xyz[over] = ((xyz[over] + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
    xyz[~over] /= 12.92
    xyz = np.dot(xyz, _rgb2xyz_norm)
    over = xyz > 0.008856
    xyz[over] = xyz[over] ** (1. / 3.)
    xyz[~over] = 7.787 * xyz[~over] + 0.13793103448275862

    # Convert XYZ->LAB
    L = (116. * xyz[:, 1]) - 16
    a = 500 * (xyz[:, 0] - xyz[:, 1])
    b = 200 * (xyz[:, 1] - xyz[:, 2])
    labs = [L, a, b]
    # Append alpha if necessary
    if n_dim == 4:
        labs.append(np.atleast1d(rgbs[:, 3]))
    labs = np.array(labs, order='F').T  # Becomes 'C' order b/c of .T
    return labs
Пример #5
def _rgb_to_lab(rgbs):
    rgbs, n_dim = _check_color_dim(rgbs)
    # convert RGB->XYZ
    xyz = rgbs[:, :3].copy()  # a misnomer for now but will end up being XYZ
    over = xyz > 0.04045
    xyz[over] = ((xyz[over] + 0.055) / 1.055)**2.4
    xyz[~over] /= 12.92
    xyz = np.dot(xyz, _rgb2xyz_norm)
    over = xyz > 0.008856
    xyz[over] = xyz[over]**(1. / 3.)
    xyz[~over] = 7.787 * xyz[~over] + 0.13793103448275862

    # Convert XYZ->LAB
    L = (116. * xyz[:, 1]) - 16
    a = 500 * (xyz[:, 0] - xyz[:, 1])
    b = 200 * (xyz[:, 1] - xyz[:, 2])
    labs = [L, a, b]
    # Append alpha if necessary
    if n_dim == 4:
        labs.append(np.atleast1d(rgbs[:, 3]))
    labs = np.array(labs, order='F').T  # Becomes 'C' order b/c of .T
    return labs
Пример #6
def create_test_array(N=5,
    Create a fake stack of images of stars
    (no cosmics injected, no jitter, Gaussian PDF).

    N : int
        The number of images.
    xsize : int
        The number of columns.
    ysize : int
        The number of rows.
    nstars : int
        The number of stars to include (defaults to be \propto to image area)
    single : bool
        Should this be just a single star in the center, or should it be many?
    drift : float
        The distance stars will drift per image, in pixels.

    image_stack : array
        a simulated image of stars, with shape (N, ysize, xsize)

    # seed the random number generator (if None, will be truly random)

    # create images of x, y, and an empty one to fill with stars
    x1d = np.arange(0, xsize)
    y1d = np.arange(0, ysize)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x1d, y1d)
    stars = np.zeros_like(x)

    # create N random position for stars
    if single:
        nstars = 1
        sx = np.atleast1d(np.random.normal(xsize / 2.0, 1))
        sy = np.atleast1d(np.random.normal(ysize / 2.0, 1))
        if nstars is None:
            nstars = np.minimum(int(xsize * ysize / 4), 1000)
        sx = np.random.uniform(0, xsize, nstars)
        sy = np.random.uniform(0, ysize, nstars)

    # set some background level
    bg = 30

    # create a semi-reasonable magnitude distribution for stars
    if single:
        topmag = 5
        topmag = 10

    # create fluxes for the star(s)
    sf = 10000 * 10**(-0.4 * np.random.triangular(0, topmag, topmag, nstars))

    # define the cartoon PSF for the stars
    sigma = 1.0

    # define a simple 2D Gaussian to represent the stars
    def gauss(x, y, x0, y0):
        return np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2) / sigma**2)

    # either calculate one image at a time (with drift)
    if drift != 0.0:

        # create a stack of empty model images
        model = np.ones([N, ysize, xsize])

        # define some random direction in which stars will (linearly) drift
        theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)

        # loop over the images
        for i in tqdm(range(N)):
            # make up a nudge for this
            xnudge, ynudge = np.cos(theta) * i * drift, np.sin(
                theta) * i * drift

            # calculate a single fixed image of perfect (Gaussian) stars (at this nudge)
            stars = (sf * gauss(x[:, :, np.newaxis],
                                y[:, :, np.newaxis],
                                x0=sx + xnudge,
                                y0=sy + ynudge)).sum(2)

            model[i, :, :] = bg + stars
    # or calculate all the images at once
        # calculate a single fixed image of perfect (Gaussian) stars
        stars = (sf * gauss(
            x[:, :, np.newaxis], y[:, :, np.newaxis], x0=sx, y0=sy)).sum(2)

        # reshape that model into a cube
        model = (bg + stars)[np.newaxis, :, :] * np.ones(N).reshape((N, 1, 1))

    # add some Poisson noise to the cube of image
    image = np.random.normal(model, np.sqrt(model))

    return image