def board_status(b): ''' Checks for a winner of the game. ''' board = np.array(b) for r in range(3): row = board[r] column = board[:,r] if np.all(row == user.X): return user.X if np.all(row == user.O): return user.O if np.all(column == user.X): return user.X if np.all(column == user.O): return user.O diagonal = np.diagonal(board) if np.all(diagonal == user.O): return user.O if np.all(diagonal == user.X): return user.X board_flip = np.fliplr(board) reverse_diagonal = np.diagonal(board_flip) if np.all(reverse_diagonal == user.O): return user.O if np.all(reverse_diagonal == user.X): return user.X return user.available
def calculate_energy(self): """ The full energy function involves calculation of all pairwise energy interactions. We sum across rows down columns separately """ energy = 0. for row in self.system: energy += -1 * np.sum( [self.coupling_constant * i * j for i,j in zip(row[:-1], row[1:])] ) energy += -1 * np.sum(self.external_field * row) if self.next_nearest: energy += -1 * np.sum( [self.coupling_constant * i * j for i,j in zip(row[:-2], row[2:])] ) for col in np.rollaxis(self.system, -1): energy += -1 * np.sum( [self.coupling_constant * i * j for i,j in zip(col[:-1], col[1:])] ) if self.next_nearest: energy += -1 * np.sum( [self.coupling_constant * i * j for i,j in zip(row[:-2], row[2:])] ) if self.next_nearest: #get diagnal elements diags=[] for i in range(-len(self.system),len(self.system)): diags.append(np.diagonal(self.system,i,0,1)) diags.append(np.diagonal(self.system,i,1,0)) for diag in diags: energy += -1 * np.sum( [self.coupling_constant * i * j for i,j in zip(diag[:-1], diag[1:])] ) return energy
def kl_Divergence(mean1, cov1, mean2, cov2): N = mean1.size #check length of the mean vectors if N != mean2.size: raise Exception("Mean sizes do not match!") #check that cov matrices have the same length as the mean if cov1.shape[0] != N or cov1.shape[1] != N: raise Exception("cov1 sizes do not equal mean length!") if cov2.shape[0] != N or cov2.shape[1] != N: raise Exception("cov2 sizes do not equal mean length!") #return Cholesky decompositions for covariance matrices chol1 = np.linalg.cholesky(cov1) chol2 = np.linalg.cholesky(cov2) #begin distance calculation ld1 = 2 * np.sum(np.log10(np.diagonal(chol1)), axis=0) ld2 = 2 * np.sum(np.log10(np.diagonal(chol2)), axis=0) #calculate det ldet = ld2 - ld1 #inverse from Cholesky decomposition S1i =, np.linalg.inv(chol1)) tr = np.sum(np.diagonal(, cov2)), axis=0) m2mm1 = np.subtract(mean2, mean1) #asNumeric equivalent in python... qf =,, m2mm1)) r = 0.5 * (ldet + tr + qf - N) return r
def __init__( self, data3d=None, # 3d-array, cell=None, # 3*3 array, vectors of cell grid_measure=None, # 3*3 array, vectors of grid increament delta_grid=None, # 1*3 array, (dx, dy, dz) cell_origin=None, # 1*3 array, (x0, y0, z0) inptype=None, # raw input, or file type 'cube'... inpfname=None, # ): ''' Dealing with types of input: ''' if inptype=='cube' and inpfname: self.cell_origin, self.grid_measure, self.data3d = read_cube(inpfname) else: sys.exit('Crewp:ScalarField: Input for ScalarField, not implemented.') ''' Case: get ``delta_grid`` from ``grid_measure`` matrix. ''' if (not hasattr(self, 'delta_grid')) and hasattr(self, 'grid_measure'): if np.count_nonzero(self.grid_measure - np.diag(np.diagonal(self.grid_measure))) != 0 : # test if grid_measure diagonal. sys.exit('Crewp:ScalarField: Non-Cartesian grid of ScalarField, not implemented.') else: self.delta_grid = np.diagonal(self.grid_measure) self.gridshape = self.data3d.shape
def plot(self, eta1, u1, v1, eta2=None, u2=None, v2=None): self.fig.add_subplot([0, 0]) self.sp_eta.set_data(eta1) self.fig.add_subplot([0, 1]) self.sp_u.set_data(u1) self.fig.add_subplot([0, 2]) self.sp_v.set_data(v1) self.fig.add_subplot([1, 0]) self.sp_radial1.set_ydata(eta1.ravel()); self.fig.add_subplot([1, 1]) self.sp_x_axis1.set_ydata(eta1[(self.ny+2)/2,:]) self.sp_y_axis1.set_ydata(eta1[:,(self.nx+2)/2]) self.fig.add_subplot([1, 2]) self.sp_x_diag1.set_ydata(np.diagonal(eta1, offset=-abs(self.nx-self.ny)/2)) self.sp_y_diag1.set_ydata(np.diagonal(eta1.T, offset=abs(self.nx-self.ny)/2)) if (eta2 is not None): self.fig.add_subplot([2, 0]) self.sp_radial2.set_ydata(eta2.ravel()); self.fig.add_subplot([2, 1]) self.sp_x_axis2.set_ydata(eta2[(self.ny+2)/2,:]) self.sp_y_axis2.set_ydata(eta2[:,(self.nx+2)/2]) self.fig.add_subplot([2, 2]) self.sp_x_diag2.set_ydata(np.diagonal(eta2, offset=-abs(self.nx-self.ny)/2)) self.sp_y_diag2.set_ydata(np.diagonal(eta2.T, offset=abs(self.nx-self.ny)/2)) plt.draw() time.sleep(0.001)
def main(): mu = np.array([[5], [6], [7], [8], ]) S = np.array([[3.01602775, 1.02746769, -3.60224613, -2.08792829], [1.02746769, 5.65146472, -3.98616664, 0.48723704], [-3.60224613, -3.98616664, 13.04508284, -1.59255406], [-2.08792829, 0.48723704, -1.59255406, 8.28742469], ]) mu_est, S_est = estimate(mu, S) print('mean estimation:', mu_est) print('S estimation:') print(S_est) print() print('mean % difference:', (np.diagonal(mu / mu_est) - 1) * 100) print('S % difference:') print(((S / S_est) - 1) * 100) print() mu_est, S_est = estimate_more(mu, S) print('mean estimation:', mu_est) print('S estimation:') print(S_est) print() print('mean % difference:', (np.diagonal(mu / mu_est) - 1) * 100) print('S % difference:') print(((S / S_est) - 1) * 100)
def compute_distances_no_loops(self, X): """ Compute the distance between each test point in X and each training point in self.X_train using no explicit loops. Input / Output: Same as compute_distances_two_loops """ num_test = X.shape[0] num_train = self.X_train.shape[0] dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train)) X1=X X2=self.X_train ######################################################################### # TODO: # # Compute the l2 distance between all test points and all training # # points without using any explicit loops, and store the result in # # dists. # # # # You should implement this function using only basic array operations; # # in particular you should not use functions from scipy. # # # # HINT: Try to formulate the l2 distance using matrix multiplication # # and two broadcast sums. # ######################################################################### X1X1Tdiag = np.array(np.diagonal(,X1.T)))[np.newaxis] X1X1T = np.tile(X1X1Tdiag.T,(1,num_train)) X2X2Tdiag = np.array(np.diagonal(,X2.T)))[np.newaxis] X2X2T = np.tile(X2X2Tdiag,(num_test,1)) X1X2T =,X2.T) dists = np.sqrt(X1X1T - 2*X1X2T + X2X2T) ######################################################################### # END OF YOUR CODE # ######################################################################### return dists
def partial_svd(transform, r=1, extra_rank=2, max_its = 1000, tol = 1e-8, initial=None, return_full = False, debug=False): """ Compute the partial SVD of the linear_transform X using the Mazumder/Hastie algorithm in (TODO: CITE) """ if isinstance(transform, np.ndarray): transform = linear_transform(transform) n = transform.output_shape[0] p = transform.input_shape[0] r =[r,p])) q = np.min([r + extra_rank, p]) if initial is not None: if initial.shape == (n,q): U = initial elif len(initial.shape) == 1: U = np.hstack([initial.reshape((initial.shape[0],1)), np.random.standard_normal((n,q-1))]) else: U = np.hstack([initial, np.random.standard_normal((n,q-initial.shape[1]))]) else: U = np.random.standard_normal((n,q)) if return_full: ind = np.arange(q) else: ind = np.arange(r) old_singular_values = np.zeros(r) change_ind = np.arange(r) itercount = 0 singular_rel_change = 1. while itercount < max_its and singular_rel_change > tol: if debug and itercount > 0: print itercount, singular_rel_change, np.sum(np.fabs(singular_values)>1e-12), np.fabs(singular_values[range(np.min([5,len(singular_values)]))]) V,_ = np.linalg.qr(transform.adjoint_map(U)) X_V = transform.linear_map(V) U,R = np.linalg.qr(X_V) singular_values = np.diagonal(R)[change_ind] singular_rel_change = np.linalg.norm(singular_values - old_singular_values)/np.linalg.norm(singular_values) old_singular_values = singular_values * 1. itercount += 1 singular_values = np.diagonal(R)[ind] nonzero = np.where(np.fabs(singular_values) > 1e-12)[0] if len(nonzero): return U[:,ind[nonzero]] * np.sign(singular_values[nonzero]), np.fabs(singular_values[nonzero]), V[:,ind[nonzero]].T else: return U[:,ind[0]], np.zeros((1,1)), V[:,ind[0]].T
def main(): sample='q' sm_bin='10.0_10.5' catalogue = 'sm_9.5_s0.2_sfr_c-0.75_250' #load in fiducial mock filepath = './' filename = 'sm_9.5_s0.2_sfr_c-0.8_Chinchilla_250_wp_fiducial_'+sample+'_'+sm_bin+'_cov.npy' cov = np.matrix(np.load(filepath+filename)) diag = np.diagonal(cov) filepath = cu.get_output_path() + 'analysis/central_quenching/observables/' filename = 'sm_9.5_s0.2_sfr_c-0.8_Chinchilla_250_wp_fiducial_'+sample+'_'+sm_bin+'.dat' data = rbins = np.array(data['r']) mu = np.array(data['wp']) #load in comparison mock plt.figure() plt.errorbar(rbins, mu, yerr=np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov)), color='black') plt.plot(rbins, wp, color='red') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') inv_cov = cov.I Y = np.matrix((wp-mu)) X = Y*inv_cov*Y.T print(X)
def MStep(self, posterior, data, mix_pi=None): if isinstance(data, DataSet): x = data.internalData elif hasattr(data, "__iter__"): x = data else: raise TypeError, "Unknown/Invalid input to MStep." post = posterior.sum() # sum of posteriors self.mean =, x) / post # centered input values (with new mus) centered = np.subtract(x, np.repeat([self.mean], len(x), axis=0)); # estimating correlation factor sigma = * posterior, centered)), centered) / post # sigma/covariance matrix diagsigma = np.diagflat(1.0 / np.diagonal(sigma)) # vector with diagonal entries of sigma matrix correlation =, np.multiply(sigma, sigma)), diagsigma) # correlation matrix with entries sigma_xy^2/(sigma^2_x * sigma^2_y) correlation = correlation - np.diagflat(np.diagonal(correlation)) # making diagonal entries = 0 # XXX - check this parents = self.maximunSpanningTree(correlation) # return maximun spanning tree from the correlation matrix self.parents = self.directTree(parents, 0) # by default direct tree from 0 # XXX note that computational time could be saved as these functions share same suficient statistics ConditionalGaussDistribution.MStep(self, posterior, data, mix_pi)
def gp_plot_prediction( predict_x, mean, variance=None ): """ Plot a gp's prediction using pylab including error bars if variance specified Error bars are 2 * standard_deviation as in `Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning`__ by Rasmussen and Williams. __ """ from pylab import plot, concatenate, fill if None != variance: # check variances are just about +ve - could signify a bug if not assert diagonal(variance).all() > -1e-10 data = [ (x, y, max(v, 0.0)) for x, y, v in zip(predict_x, mean.flat, diagonal(variance)) ] else: data = [ (x, y) for x, y in zip(predict_x, mean) ] data.sort(key=lambda d: d[0]) # sort on X axis predict_x = [d[0] for d in data] predict_y = asarray([d[1] for d in data]) plot(predict_x, predict_y, color='k', linestyle=':')
def getWorldSIP(self, position): u = position[0] - self.pixReference[0] v = position[1] - self.pixReference[1] fuvArray = numpy.zeros((4, 4)) fuvArray[0][0] = 1 fuvArray[0][1] = v fuvArray[0][2] = v * v fuvArray[0][3] = v * v * v fuvArray[1][0] = u fuvArray[1][1] = u * v fuvArray[1][2] = u * v * v fuvArray[2][0] = u * u fuvArray[2][1] = u * u * v fuvArray[3][0] = u * u * u uprime = numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(, fuvArray))) vprime = numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(, fuvArray))) # print "u': " + str(uprime) # print "v': " + str(vprime) u = u + uprime v = v + vprime CD = numpy.array(self.linearTransform) pixel = numpy.array((u, v)) world =, pixel) world = (world[0] + self.raDeg, world[1] + self.dec) return (world[0], world[1])
def getPixel(self, position): pixel = (0, 0) u = position[0] - self.raDeg v = position[1] - self.dec # print "Incoming", u, v world = numpy.array((u, v)) CD = numpy.array(self.linearTransform) invCD = numpy.linalg.inv(CD) pixel =, world) fuvArray = numpy.zeros((4, 4)) fuvArray[0][0] = 1 fuvArray[0][1] = v fuvArray[0][2] = v * v fuvArray[0][3] = v * v * v fuvArray[1][0] = u fuvArray[1][1] = u * v fuvArray[1][2] = u * v * v fuvArray[2][0] = u * u fuvArray[2][1] = u * u * v fuvArray[3][0] = u * u * u pixel[0] = pixel[0] + numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(, fuvArray))) pixel[1] = pixel[1] + numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(, fuvArray))) # print "Reference", self.pixReference, "offset", pixel pixel = pixel + self.pixReference return (pixel[0], pixel[1])
def distance_diagonal_law(matrix, positions=None): n = min(matrix.shape) if positions is None: return np.array([np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, j)) for j in range(n)]) else: contigs = positions_to_contigs(positions) def is_intra(i, j): return contigs[i] == contigs[j] max_intra_distance = max((len(contigs == u) for u in set(contigs))) intra_contacts = [] inter_contacts = [np.average(np.diagonal(matrix, j)) for j in range(max_intra_distance, n)] for j in range(max_intra_distance): D = np.diagonal(matrix, j) for i in range(len(D)): diagonal_intra = [] if is_intra(i, j): diagonal_intra.append(D[i]) # else: # diagonal_inter.append(D[i]) # inter_contacts.append(np.average(np.array(diagonal_inter))) intra_contacts.append(np.average(np.array(diagonal_intra))) intra_contacts.extend(inter_contacts) return [positions, np.array(intra_contacts)]
def mixing_constants(self, T, x): """ Compute Am, Bm, dAmdT and d2AmdT2, the "mixing constants" of the model and associated derivatives.""" Tcmat = self.Tcmat Pcmat = self.Pcmat Vcmat = self.Vcmat Omat = self.Omat C = 0.37464 + 1.54226*Omat - 0.26992*Omat**2.0 B = 0.07796*RGAS*(np.diagonal(Tcmat)/ np.diagonal(Pcmat)) A = (0.457236*((RGAS*Tcmat)**2.0)/Pcmat)*\ ((1.0 + C*(1.0 - np.sqrt(np.tensordot(T, 1./Tcmat, 0))))**2.0) Am = np.tensordot((A*x[:,:,:,:,None]*x[:,:,:,None,:]), np.ones(Tcmat.shape), 2) Bm = np.tensordot(x, B, 1) G = C*np.sqrt(np.tensordot(T, 1./Tcmat, axes=0))/( 1.0 + C*(1.0 - np.sqrt(np.tensordot(T, 1./Tcmat, axes=0)))) dAmdT = (-1./T)*(np.tensordot( G*A*x[:,:,:,None,:]*x[:,:,:,:,None], np.ones(Tcmat.shape), 2)) d2AmdT2 = 0.457236*(RGAS**2)/(2.0*T*np.sqrt(T))*\ np.tensordot( (C*(1.+C)*Tcmat*np.sqrt(Tcmat)/Pcmat)* x[:,:,:,None,:]*x[:,:,:,:,None], np.ones(Tcmat.shape), 2) return Am, Bm, dAmdT, d2AmdT2
def estimate(self, X, Y, shared): m = len(Y) d = len(X.T) # Split spam and no spam nspam = np.array([x[(Y==0.0).T[0]] for x in X.T]).T spam = np.array([x[(Y==1.0).T[0]] for x in X.T]).T p = [float(len(nspam))/float(len(X)), float(len(spam))/float(len(X))] # Estimate u0, u1 u0, u1 = nspam.mean(0), spam.mean(0) # Initialize covariance u = (u0, u1) if shared: cov = np.zeros((d,d)) else: cov = [np.zeros((d,d)), np.zeros((d,d))] # Estimate covariance for i in range(m): d = (X[i] - u[int(Y[i])]) if shared: cov +=[:,None],d[None,:]) else: cov[int(Y[i])] +=[:,None],d[None,:]) # Normalize covariance if shared: cov /= float(m) #print np.diagonal(cov) np.fill_diagonal(cov, np.diagonal(cov)+1e-5) #print np.diagonal(cov) else: cov = [c/float(m) for c in cov] [np.fill_diagonal(c, np.diagonal(c)+1e-5) for c in cov] # Print stats and return return u,cov,p
def __cal_shift_integrand(self, alpha=0, beta=0, gamma=0): """ calculate shift current integrand and store it in 'shift_integrand' all parameters in this function are in hamiltonian gauge :param alpha, beta, gamma: 0: x, 1: y, 2: z """ fermi_energy = self.fermi_energy nkpts = self.nkpts self.calculate('eigenvalue') self.calculate('A_h_ind', alpha) self.calculate('A_h_ind', beta) self.calculate('A_h_ind', gamma) self.calculate('A_h_ind_ind', beta, alpha) self.calculate('A_h_ind_ind', gamma, alpha) for i in range(nkpts): A_alpha = self.kpt_data['A_h_ind'][alpha][:, :, i] A_beta = self.kpt_data['A_h_ind'][beta][:, :, i] A_gamma = self.kpt_data['A_h_ind'][gamma][:, :, i] A_beta_alpha = self.kpt_data['A_h_ind_ind'][beta][alpha][:, :, i] A_gamma_alpha = self.kpt_data['A_h_ind_ind'][gamma][alpha][:, :, i] fermi = np.zeros(self.num_wann, dtype='float') fermi[self.kpt_data['eigenvalue'][:, i] > fermi_energy] = 0 fermi[self.kpt_data['eigenvalue'][:, i] < fermi_energy] = 1 fermi = fermi[:, None] - fermi[None, :] ki = np.diagonal(A_alpha)[:, None] - np.diagonal(A_alpha)[None, :] self.kpt_data['shift_integrand'][alpha][beta][gamma][:, :, i] = \ np.imag(fermi * (A_beta.T * (A_gamma_alpha - 1j * ki * A_gamma) + A_gamma.T * (A_beta_alpha - 1j * ki * A_beta)) ) / 2
def covariance_ci(covariance, fits, parnames, sigma=1, verbose=True): npars = fits.size out = np.zeros( (npars, 3) ) out[:,0] = fits out[:,1] = fits - sigma*np.sqrt( np.diagonal(covariance) ) out[:,2] = fits + sigma*np.sqrt( np.diagonal(covariance) ) if sigma==1: percent = '68%' if sigma==2: percent = '95%' if verbose: print 'covariance '+percent+' ci' hfmt = '%-12s %12s %12s %12s \n' s = hfmt % ('Param', 'Best-Fit', 'Lower Bound', 'Upper Bound') s += hfmt % ('-'*5, '-'*8, '-'*11, '-'*11) for name, val, lower, upper in zip(parnames, out[:,0], out[:,1], out[:,2]): s += '%-12s %12g ' % (name, val) s += '%12g ' % lower s += '%12g \n' % upper print s result={} for i in range(npars): result[parnames[i]]=out[i,[1,2]] return result
def UniformGamma(num_candidates, ranking_size, allow_repetitions): validDocs=ranking_size if not allow_repetitions: validDocs=min(ranking_size, num_candidates) gamma=numpy.empty((num_candidates*validDocs, num_candidates*validDocs), dtype=numpy.float64) if num_candidates==1: gamma.fill(1.0) else: #First set all the off-diagonal blocks if allow_repetitions: gamma.fill(1.0/(num_candidates*num_candidates)) else: gamma.fill(1.0/(num_candidates*(num_candidates-1))) #Correct the diagonal of each off-diagonal block: Pairwise=0 for p in range(1,validDocs): diag=numpy.diagonal(gamma, offset=p*num_candidates) diag.setflags(write=True) diag.fill(0) diag=numpy.diagonal(gamma, offset=-p*num_candidates) diag.setflags(write=True) diag.fill(0) #Now correct the diagonal blocks: Diagonal matrix with marginals = 1/m for j in range(validDocs): currentStart=j*num_candidates currentEnd=(j+1)*num_candidates gamma[currentStart:currentEnd, currentStart:currentEnd]=0 numpy.fill_diagonal(gamma, 1.0/num_candidates) gammaInv=scipy.linalg.pinv(gamma) return (num_candidates, gammaInv)
def init_amps(self, eris): time0 = time.clock(), time.time() nocc = self.nocc() nvir = self.nmo() - nocc nkpts = self.nkpts t1 = numpy.zeros((nkpts, nocc, nvir), dtype=numpy.complex128) t2 = numpy.zeros((nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nocc, nocc, nvir, nvir), dtype=numpy.complex128) woovv = numpy.empty((nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nocc, nocc, nvir, nvir), dtype=numpy.complex128) self.emp2 = 0 foo = eris.fock[:, :nocc, :nocc].copy() fvv = eris.fock[:, nocc:, nocc:].copy() eris_oovv = eris.oovv.copy() eia = numpy.zeros((nocc, nvir)) eijab = numpy.zeros((nocc, nocc, nvir, nvir)) kconserv = self.kconserv for ki in range(nkpts): for kj in range(nkpts): for ka in range(nkpts): kb = kconserv[ki, ka, kj] eia = np.diagonal(foo[ki]).reshape(-1, 1) - np.diagonal(fvv[ka]) ejb = np.diagonal(foo[kj]).reshape(-1, 1) - np.diagonal(fvv[kb]) eijab = lib.direct_sum("ia,jb->ijab", eia, ejb) woovv[ki, kj, ka] = 2 * eris_oovv[ki, kj, ka] - eris_oovv[ki, kj, kb].transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) t2[ki, kj, ka] = eris_oovv[ki, kj, ka] / eijab t2 = numpy.conj(t2) self.emp2 = numpy.einsum("pqrijab,pqrijab", t2, woovv).real self.emp2 /= nkpts, "Init t2, MP2 energy = %.15g", self.emp2) logger.timer(self, "init mp2", *time0) return self.emp2, t1, t2
def main(): parser = OptionParser(description='Fitting to a noisy data generated by a known function') parser.add_option("--npoints", type="int", help="number of data points") parser.add_option("--low", type="float", help="smallest data point") parser.add_option("--high", type="float", help="highest data point") parser.add_option("--sigma", type="float", help="std of noise") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() pl.figure(1,(7,6)) ax = pl.subplot(1,1,1) pl.connect('key_press_event', sigma = options.sigma Ls = np.append(np.linspace(options.low,options.high,options.npoints),46) nLs = np.linspace(min(Ls),max(Ls),100) Mis = HalfLog(Ls,.5,0.5) errs = np.random.normal(0,sigma, len(Mis)) Mis = Mis+errs pl.errorbar(Ls,Mis,errs,ls='',marker='s',color='b') print sigma/Mis coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(FreeLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0,1.0)) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix)) dof = len(Ls) - len(coeff) chisq = sum(((Mis-FreeLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1],coeff[2]))/sigma)**2) cdf = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq) print 'Free: a = %0.2f(%0.2f); b = %0.2f(%0.2f); c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f ' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],coeff[2],err[2],cdf) pl.plot(nLs,FreeLog(nLs,coeff[0],coeff[1],coeff[2]),label='Free',color='y') coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(ZeroLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0)) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix)) dof = len(Ls) - len(coeff) chisq = sum(((Mis-ZeroLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2) cdf = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq) print 'Zero: a = %0.2f(%0.2f); c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf) pl.plot(nLs,ZeroLog(nLs,coeff[0],coeff[1]),label='Zero',color='g') pl.tight_layout() coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(HalfLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0)) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix)) dof = len(Ls) - len(coeff) chisq = sum(((Mis-HalfLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2) cdf = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq) print 'Half: a = %0.2f(%0.2f); c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf) pl.plot(nLs,HalfLog(nLs,coeff[0],coeff[1]),label='Half',color='b') pl.tight_layout() coeff, var_matrix = curve_fit(OneLog,Ls,Mis,(1.0,1.0)) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(var_matrix)) dof = len(Ls) - len(coeff) chisq = sum(((Mis-OneLog(Ls,coeff[0],coeff[1]))/sigma)**2) cdf = special.chdtrc(dof,chisq) print 'Unity: a = %0.2f(%0.2f); c = %0.2f(%0.2f); p-value = %0.2f' %(coeff[0],err[0],coeff[1],err[1],cdf) pl.plot(nLs,OneLog(nLs,coeff[0],coeff[1]),label='Unity',color='r') pl.tight_layout() pl.legend()
def checkSquare(board, playerChar): otherPlayerChar = notPlayer(playerChar) lookupBoard = numpy.array(board) foundLocation = (INVALID, INVALID) # Rows and cols for i in range(0, BOARD_SIZE): #print(" Processing square index " + str(i)) rowSet = lookupBoard[i, :].tolist() foundIndex = checkSet(rowSet, otherPlayerChar) if (foundIndex != INVALID): foundLocation = (i, foundIndex) colSet = lookupBoard[:, i].tolist() foundIndex = checkSet(colSet, otherPlayerChar) if (foundIndex >= 0): foundLocation = (foundIndex, i) # Diagonals foundIndex = checkSet(numpy.diagonal(lookupBoard).tolist(), otherPlayerChar) if (foundIndex != INVALID): foundLocation = (foundIndex, foundIndex) foundIndex = checkSet(numpy.diagonal(lookupBoard[::-1]).tolist(), otherPlayerChar) if (foundIndex != INVALID): revFoundIndex = BOARD_SIZE - foundIndex - 1 foundLocation = (revFoundIndex, foundIndex) #print(foundLocation) return foundLocation
def compute_distances_no_loops(self, X): """ Compute the distance between each test point in X and each training point in self.X_train using no explicit loops. Input / Output: Same as compute_distances_two_loops """ num_test = X.shape[0] num_train = self.X_train.shape[0] dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train)) ######################################################################### # TODO: # # Compute the l2 distance between all test points and all training # # points without using any explicit loops, and store the result in # # dists. # # # # You should implement this function using only basic array operations; # # in particular you should not use functions from scipy. # # # # HINT: Try to formulate the l2 distance using matrix multiplication # # and two broadcast sums. # ######################################################################### dists = -2*, np.transpose(self.X_train)) assert(dists.shape == (num_test, num_train)) train_diags = np.diagonal(, np.transpose(self.X_train))) assert(train_diags.shape == (num_train,)) test_diags = np.diagonal(, np.transpose(X))) dists = dists + train_diags # broadcast sum #1 dists = np.transpose(np.transpose(dists) + test_diags) # broadcast sum #2 ######################################################################### # END OF YOUR CODE # ######################################################################### return np.sqrt(dists)
def plot_classifier(cal,trues,falses): x = np.linspace(-1,1,200) y = np.linspace(-1,1,200) (X,Y) = np.meshgrid(x,y) XY = np.dstack([X,Y]) Z = lr.evaluate_poly(cal,lr.dim2_deg4[:,None,None,:],XY) f = plt.figure() ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(True) ax.axis('equal') ax.contour(X,Y,Z,levels=np.linspace(np.min(Z),np.max(Z),20),colors='k') # adjust for the way the random samples were distributed adjustment = 1 if len(falses)>0: falses = np.diagonal(falses,axis1=1,axis2=2)[:,:2] - [adjustment]*2 ax.scatter(*falses.T,color='red') if len(trues)>0: trues = np.diagonal(trues,axis1=1,axis2=2)[:,:2] - [adjustment]*2 ax.scatter(*trues.T,color='green') return f
def test(): # feed = DataFeed("/mnt/e/data/algae_dataset", "/mnt/e/data/algae_patches", False) # feed = DataFeed("/mnt/e/data/algae_dataset_cells_only", "/mnt/e/data/algae_patches_cells_only", False, False) feed = EqualizedDataFeed("/mnt/e/data/algae_dataset_equal_batches", False) sess = tf.InteractiveSession() batch_size = 200 tile_size = (128,128) lr = 1e-3 eps = 1.0 a = 0.001 net = AlexNet(batch_size, tile_size, sess, lr, eps, a) saver = tf.train.Saver(net.train_vars) saver.restore(sess, "AlexNet_4ft_1mp_2fc_1softmax_random_symmetry_201611141618_best.ckpt") conf_mat = np.zeros((4,4)) for i in range(5): X,Y = feed.next_batch(batch_size) pred = net.forward(X).argmax(axis=1) targets = Y.argmax(axis=1) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): conf_mat[i,j] += ((pred==i)*(targets==j)).sum() print conf_mat print np.diagonal(conf_mat).sum()*1./(conf_mat.sum())
def MMD_Diff_Var(Kyy,Kzz,Kxy,Kxz): ''' Compute the variance of the difference statistic MMDXY-MMDXZ See Appendix for derivations ''' m = Kxy.shape[0]; n = Kyy.shape[0]; r = Kzz.shape[0]; Kyynd = Kyy-np.diag(np.diagonal(Kyy)); Kzznd = Kzz-np.diag(np.diagonal(Kzz)); u_yy=np.sum(Kyynd)*( 1./(n*(n-1)) ); u_zz=np.sum(Kzznd)*( 1./(r*(r-1)) ); u_xy=np.sum(Kxy)/(m*n); u_xz=np.sum(Kxz)/(m*r); #compute zeta1 t1=(1./n**3)*np.sum(**2; t2=(1./(n**2*m))*np.sum(**2; t3=(1./(n*m**2))*np.sum(**2; t4=(1./r**3)*np.sum(**2; t5=(1./(r*m**2))*np.sum(**2; t6=(1./(r**2*m))*np.sum(**2; t7=(1./(n**2*m))*np.sum(*u_xy; t8=(1./(n*m*r))*np.sum(*u_xy; t9=(1./(r**2*m))*np.sum(*u_xz; zeta1=(t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6-2.*(t7+t8+t9)); zeta2=(1/m/(m-1))*np.sum((Kyynd-Kzznd-Kxy.T-Kxy+Kxz+Kxz.T)**2)-(u_yy - 2.*u_xy - (u_zz-2.*u_xz))**2; data=dict({'t1':t1, 't2':t2, 't3':t3, 't4':t4, 't5':t5, 't6':t6, 't7':t7, 't8':t8, 't9':t9, 'zeta1':zeta1, 'zeta2':zeta2, }) #TODO more precise version for zeta2 # xx=(1/m^2)*sum(sum(Kxxnd.*Kxxnd))-u_xx^2; # yy=(1/n^2)*sum(sum(Kyynd.*Kyynd))-u_yy^2; #xy=(1/(n*m))*sum(sum(Kxy.*Kxy))-u_xy^2; #xxy=(1/(n*m^2))*sum(sum(Kxxnd*Kxy))-u_xx*u_xy; #yyx=(1/(n^2*m))*sum(sum(Kyynd*Kxy'))-u_yy*u_xy; #zeta2=(xx+yy+xy+xy-2*(xxy+xxy +yyx+yyx)) Var=(4.*(m-2)/(m*(m-1)))*zeta1; Var_z2=Var+(2./(m*(m-1)))*zeta2; return Var,Var_z2,data
def reorder(self): self.Update_World() nspcs = len(self.allspcs) y = self.update_y_from_world() y[:]*=0 y[:]+=1 t = 0 drate_per_dspc = self.drate_per_dspc rate_const = self.rate_const rate_const[:] *= 0 rate_const[:] += 1 exec(self.fill_drate_exp) inmatrix = self.drate_per_dspc nonzero = inmatrix[:] != 0 density = nonzero.sum(0) + nonzero.sum(1) densityasc = density.argsort() neworder = np.concatenate([densityasc[::-1][::2][::-1], densityasc[::-1][1::2]]) from_left = nonzero.argmax(1) from_right = nonzero[:, ::-1].argmax(1) from_bottom = nonzero.argmax(0) from_top = nonzero[::-1].argmax(0) neworder = (from_bottom - from_top).argsort() neworder = (from_left - from_right).argsort() testmatrix = inmatrix[neworder][:, neworder].copy() """Returns ml and mu, the lower and upper band sizes of a.""" a = testmatrix nrows, ncols = a.shape ml = 0 for k in range(-nrows+1, 0): if np.diag(a, k).any(): ml = -k break mu = 0 for k in range(nrows-1, 0, -1): if np.diag(a, k).any(): mu = k break subd = ml; superd = mu self.allspcs = [self.allspcs[i] for i in neworder] del['y'] self.set_spcidx() self.set_dy_exp() self.set_rate_exp() = subd = superd return neworder, subd, superd drate_per_dspc = self.drate_per_dspc rate_const = self.rate_const drate_per_dspc = self.drate_per_dspc exec(self.fill_drate_exp) for d in range(subd, nspcs): assert((np.diagonal(drate_per_dspc, -d) == 0).all()) for d in range(superd, nspcs): assert((np.diagonal(drate_per_dspc, d) == 0).all()) return neworder, subd, superd
def plot_control(samples, degrees=True, filename=None): # get time from timestamp and sample time t = samples.bicycle.dt.mean() * samples.ts n = samples.x.shape[1] + 1 cols = 2 rows = math.ceil(n/cols) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, sharex=True) axes = np.ravel(axes) state_cost_weight = np.diagonal(samples.lqr.Q.mean(axis=0)) integral_cost_weight = np.diagonal(samples.lqr.Qi.mean(axis=0)) input_cost_weight = np.diagonal(samples.lqr.R.mean(axis=0)) for n in range(samples.x.shape[1]): ax = axes[n + 1] x_state = state_name[n] x_unit = unit(x_state, degrees) x = samples.x[:, n] r = hold_masked_values(samples.lqr.r[:, n]) q = samples.lqr.q[:, n] if degrees and '°' in x_unit: x = np.rad2deg(x) r = np.rad2deg(r) q = np.rad2deg(q) ax.set_xlabel('{} [{}]'.format('time', unit('time'))) ax.set_ylabel('{} [{}]'.format(x_state, x_unit)) ax.plot(t, x, color=state_color[2*n + 1], label='true (q{} = {:0.2g})'.format(n, state_cost_weight[n])) if integral_cost_weight[n]: ax.plot(t, r, color=state_color[2*n], label='reference (qi{} = {:0.2g})'.format( n, integral_cost_weight[n])) scale = np.around(np.min(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())) / np.max(np.abs(q)), decimals=3) ax.plot(t, q * scale, color=_grey_color(state_color[2*n + 1]), label='integral error * {:0.2g}'.format(scale)) ax.legend() ax = axes[0] ax.set_xlabel('{} [{}]'.format('time', unit('time'))) ax.set_ylabel('{} [{}]'.format('torque', unit('torque'))) ax.set_title('control signals') title_components = [] for n in range(samples.u.shape[1]): u = samples.u[:, n] if not u.any(): continue u_control = control_name[n] label = '{} (r{} = {:0.2g})'.format(u_control, n, input_cost_weight[n]) ax.plot(t, u, color=control_color[n], label=label) ax.legend() title = 'system control' _set_suptitle(fig, title, filename) return fig, axes
def main(): """ DO NOT TOUCH THIS FUNCTION. IT IS USED FOR COMPUTER EVALUATION OF YOUR CODE """ results = my_info() + "\t\t" results += np.array_str(np.diagonal(simple_EC_classifier())) + "\t\t" results += np.array_str(np.diagonal(KNN())) print results + "\n"
def main(): """ DO NOT TOUCH THIS FUNCTION. IT IS USED FOR COMPUTER EVALUATION OF YOUR CODE """ results = my_info() + '\t\t' results += np.array_str(np.diagonal(one_vs_all())) + '\t\t' results += np.array_str(np.diagonal(all_vs_all())) print results + '\t\t'
def psf_fit(data, fluxguess, spsf, psfctr, scale, shift, make="bpf", mask=None, weights=None, step=None, pos=None): """ Fits a supersampled PSF to a data image. The position is fitted at discrete postions while the stellar and sky fluxes are fitted with scipy's leastsq function. Parameters: ----------- data: 2D ndarray The science image we are trying to fit. fluxguess: 2-element tuple [flux, sky] Tuple giving the starting point to fit the total star flux and sky flux level. spsf: 2D ndarray The supersampled PSF image. psfctr: 2-element tuple [y, x] y, x-position of the center of the PSF. scale: scalar Ratio of the PSF and data pixel-scales. shift: 2-element tuple [yshift, xshift] Each element is a 1D array containing the shifts of the center of the PSF to the center of the image at which the fit will be evaluated. mask : ndarray Mask of bad pixel values, same shape as data. Good pixels have value 1; bad pixels have value 0, and will not be considered in the fit. weights: ndarray Weights for the minimization, for scientific data the weights should be 1/sqrt(variance). Same shape as data. step : scalar The initial step of the number of elements to jump when evaluating shift. pos : 2-element list The index of the elements in shift where to start the evaluation. Example: -------- >>> import psf_fit as pf >>> import sys, os, time >>> import numpy as np >>> sys.path.append('/home/esp01/events/wa008b-patricio/wa008bs41/lib/') >>> sys.path.append('/home/patricio/ast/esp01/convert/lib/python/gaussian/') >>> import manageevent as me >>> import pyfits as pyf >>> # Example #1: >>> # Using a Spitzer supplied PSF and make_psf_interp: >>> # Get a PSF and its center: >>> e = me.loadevent('/home/esp01/events/wa008b-patricio/wa008bs41/run/fgc/wa008bs41_ctr', load=['data','uncd','mask']) >>> sst_psf = np.copy(e.psfim) >>> psfctr = np.copy(e.psfctr) >>> # The scale factor: >>> scale = 5.0 >>> # Let's create an image to fit: >>> # The image size will be 21 by 21: >>> shape = np.array([21,21]) >>> # Define the position of the center of the PSF, and fluxes: >>> params = [1.75, 0.5, 5e4, 2e2] >>> # Make the image: >>> image, center = pf.make_psf_interp(sst_psf, shape, scale, params, psfctr) >>> # Add some noise: >>> noise = np.sqrt(image) * np.random.randn(21,21) >>> # The image to fit: >>> y = image + noise >>> var = np.abs(image) >>> # Let's say our prior guess lies whitin 1 pixel from the given position: >>> yguess = params[0] + 2*(np.random.rand()-0.5) >>> xguess = params[1] + 2*(np.random.rand()-0.5) >>> # Array of Y,X shifs around our guess where to search: >>> noffset = 201 >>> offsetrad = 1.0 # search within a 1 pixel radius: >>> offset = offsetrad * np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, noffset) >>> # The shifts are relative to the center of the image: >>> yshift = yguess + offset >>> xshift = xguess + offset >>> shift = (yshift, xshift) >>> # Starting point, guess for the fluxes: >>> fluxguess = (0.1e5, 80) >>> # Find the best fit: >>> pos, bestp, chisq = pf.psf_fit(y, fluxguess, sst_psf, psfctr, scale, shift, mask=None, weights=1/var, make='ipf') >>> # Best position: >>> print(pos) >>> # Best flux fit: >>> print(bestp) >>> # Example #2: >>> # Using a Tiny Tim supplied PSF and make_psf_binning: >>> # Get a PSF and its center: >>> ttpsf = pyf.getdata('/home/esp01/events/wa008b-patricio/Tiny_tim/irac4_5600K_100x.fits') >>> psfctr = np.asarray(np.shape(ttpsf))/2 >>> # The scale factor: >>> scale = 100 >>> # Create an image to fit: >>> shape = np.array([21,21]) >>> params = [1043, 915, 5e5, 200] >>> image, center = pf.make_psf_binning(ttpsf, shape, scale, params, psfctr) >>> # Add some noise: >>> noise = np.sqrt(image) * np.random.randn(21,21) >>> # The image to fit: >>> y = image + noise >>> var = np.abs(image) >>> # Let's say our guess is whitin 1 pixel from the given position: >>> yguess = params[0] + np.random.randint(-scale,scale) >>> xguess = params[1] + np.random.randint(-scale,scale) >>> # Array of Y,X shifs around our guess where to search: >>> offsetrad = 1.0 # search within a 1 pixel radius: >>> noffset = int(2*scale*offsetrad + 1) >>> offset = np.arange(noffset) - noffset/2 >>> # The shifts are relative to the position of the PSF: >>> yshift = yguess + offset >>> xshift = xguess + offset >>> shift = (yshift, xshift) >>> # Starting point, guess for the fluxes: >>> fluxguess = (1e4, 80) >>> # Find the best fit: >>> tini = time.time() >>> pos, bestp, chisq = pf.psf_fit(y, fluxguess, ttpsf, psfctr, scale, shift, mask=None, weights=1/var, make='bpf') >>> print(time.time()-tini) >>> # Best position: >>> print(pos) >>> # Best flux fit: >>> print(bestp) Modification History: --------------------- 2011-05-21 patricio Initial version. [email protected] 2011-05-27 patricio Include gradient parameter in leastsq. 2011-07-26 patricio Unified both make_psf. """ shape = np.shape(data) # Default mask: all good if mask is None: mask = np.ones(shape) # Default weights: no weighting if weights is None: weights = np.ones(shape) # Unpack shift y, x = shift # Lengths of the dependent varables: ny = len(y) nx = len(x) # Default initial step: if step is None: step = int(ny / 2) # Default initial position: if pos is None: pos = [int(ny / 2), int(nx / 2)] # Allocate space for subpsf in make_psf_bin outside the loop: ns = (np.asarray(shape, float) * scale).astype(int) subpsf = np.zeros(ns) # Define PSF constructor: if make == "ipf": maker = make_psf_interp # Discard values on the edge of the mask: j = 2 mask[0:j, :] = mask[:, 0:j] = mask[-j:, :] = mask[:, -j:] = 0 elif make == "bpf": maker = make_psf_binning else: print("Unacceptable PSF constructor. Must be 'ipf' or 'bpf'") return # Initialize a chi-square grid: chisq = -np.ones((ny, nx)) # goodratio = np.sum(mask)/np.size(mask) # print(goodratio) while (step > 0): # Calculate chisq in the surrounding: for shifty in np.arange(-1, 2): # y position to evaluate: posy = np.clip(pos[0] + shifty * step, 0, ny - 1) for shiftx in np.arange(-1, 2): # x position to evaluate: posx = np.clip(pos[1] + shiftx * step, 0, nx - 1) if chisq[posy, posx] == -1: # Make a psf model for given y,x position: model, center = maker( spsf, shape, scale, [int(y[posy]), int(x[posx]), int(1.0), int(0.0)], psfctr, subpsf) # Weighted, masked values: mmodel = model[np.where(mask)] mdata = data[np.where(mask)] mweights = weights[np.where(mask)] args = (mdata, mmodel, mweights) # The fitting: p, cov, info, msg, flag = so.leastsq(residuals, fluxguess, args, Dfun=gradient, full_output=True, col_deriv=1) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov)) # Chi-square per degree of freedom: cspdof = (np.sum((info['fvec'])**2.0) / (len(info["fvec"]) - len(fluxguess))) chisq[posy, posx] = cspdof # Is the current position the minimum chi-square? # Minimum chi-square position: mcp = np.where(chisq == np.amin(chisq[np.where(chisq >= 0)])) # If it is, then reduce the step size: if pos[0] == mcp[0][0] and pos[1] == mcp[1][0]: step = int(np.round(step / 2.0)) # If not, then move to the position of min. chi-square: else: pos[0] = mcp[0][0] pos[1] = mcp[1][0] # The best fitting parameters at the best position: model, center = maker( spsf, shape, scale, [int(y[pos[0]]), int(x[pos[1]]), 1, 0], psfctr, subpsf) # This is the fix I need to do: mmodel = model[np.where(mask)] mdata = data[np.where(mask)] mweights = weights[np.where(mask)] args = (mdata, mmodel, mweights) p, cov, info, msg, flag = so.leastsq(residuals, fluxguess, args, Dfun=gradient, full_output=True, col_deriv=1) err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov)) # Return the position of min chisq, the best parameters, and the chisq grid: return center, p, chisq
def main(options): Log.CreatePipeOutput(options) #VC.OptionsCheck(options) Log.PrintMainHeader(options) try: fdf = glob.glob(options.onlyTSdir + '/RUN.fdf') TSrun = True except: fdf = glob.glob(options.FCwildcard + '/RUN.fdf') # This should be made an input flag TSrun = False SCDM = Supercell_DynamicalMatrix(fdf, TSrun) # Write high-symmetry path WritePath(options.DestDir + '/symmetry-path', SCDM.Sym.path, options.steps) # Write mesh k1, k2, k3 = ast.literal_eval(options.mesh) rvec = 2 * N.pi * N.array([SCDM.Sym.b1, SCDM.Sym.b2, SCDM.Sym.b3]) import Inelastica.physics.mesh as Kmesh # Full mesh kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1, 2**k2, 2**k3, meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'], invsymmetry=False) WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),, rvec)) # Mesh reduced by inversion symmetry kmesh = Kmesh.kmesh(2**k1, 2**k2, 2**k3, meshtype=['LIN', 'LIN', 'LIN'], invsymmetry=True) WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/mesh_%ix%ix%i_invsym' % tuple(kmesh.Nk),, rvec)) # Evaluate electron k-points if options.kfile: # Prepare Hamiltonian etc in Gamma for whole supercell natoms = SIO.GetFDFlineWithDefault(fdf[0], 'NumberOfAtoms', int, -1, 'Error') SCDM.PrepareGradients(options.onlySdir, N.array([0., 0., 0.]), 1, natoms, AbsEref=False, atype=N.complex, TSrun=TSrun) SCDM.nao = SCDM.h0.shape[-1] SCDM.FirstOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[0][0] # First atom = 1 SCDM.LastOrb = SCDM.OrbIndx[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN - 1][1] # Last atom = Sym.NN SCDM.rednao = SCDM.LastOrb + 1 - SCDM.FirstOrb # Read kpoints kpts, dk, klabels, kticks = ReadKpoints(options.kfile) if klabels: # Only write ascii if labels exist WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/kpoints', kpts, klabels) # Prepare netcdf ncfn = options.DestDir + '/' ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w') # Grid ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(kpts)) ncf.createDimension('vector', 3) grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector')) grid[:] = kpts grid.units = '1/Angstrom' # Geometry ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN) xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector')) xyz[:] = xyz.units = 'Angstrom' pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector')) pbc.units = 'Angstrom' pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3] rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector')) rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)' rvec1[:] = rvec ncf.sync() # Loop over kpoints for i, k in enumerate(kpts): if i < 100: # Print only for the first 100 points ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=True, TSrun=TSrun) else: ev, evec = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=False, TSrun=TSrun) # otherwise something simple if i % 100 == 0: print '%i out of %i k-points computed' % (i, len(kpts)) if i == 0: ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin) ncf.createDimension('orbs', SCDM.rednao) if options.nbands and options.nbands < SCDM.rednao: nbands = options.nbands else: nbands = SCDM.rednao ncf.createDimension('bands', nbands) evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd', ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'bands')) evals.units = 'eV' evecsRe = ncf.createVariable( '', 'd', ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands')) evecsIm = ncf.createVariable( '', 'd', ('gridpts', 'nspin', 'orbs', 'bands')) # Check eigenvectors print 'SupercellPhonons: Checking eigenvectors at', k for j in range(SCDM.nspin): ev2 = N.diagonal([j]), SCDM.h0_k[j], evec[j])) print ' ... spin %i: Allclose=' % j, N.allclose(ev[j], ev2, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-3) ncf.sync() # Write to NetCDF evals[i, :] = ev[:, :nbands] evecsRe[i, :] = evec[:, :, :nbands].real evecsIm[i, :] = evec[:, :, :nbands].imag ncf.sync() # Include basis orbitals in netcdf file if SCDM.Sym.basis.NN == len(SCDM.OrbIndx): lasto = N.zeros(SCDM.Sym.basis.NN + 1, N.float) lasto[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN] = SCDM.OrbIndx[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN, 0] lasto[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN] = SCDM.OrbIndx[SCDM.Sym.basis.NN - 1, 1] + 1 else: lasto = SCDM.OrbIndx[:SCDM.Sym.basis.NN + 1, 0] orbbasis = SIO.BuildBasis(fdf[0], 1, SCDM.Sym.basis.NN, lasto) # Note that the above basis is for the geometry with an atom FC-moved in z. #print dir(orbbasis) #print # Hence, this is not the correct geometry of the basis atoms! center = ncf.createVariable('orbcenter', 'i', ('orbs', )) center[:] = N.array(orbbasis.ii - 1, dtype='int32') center.description = 'Atom index (counting from 0) of the orbital center' nn = ncf.createVariable('N', 'i', ('orbs', )) nn[:] = N.array(orbbasis.N, dtype='int32') ll = ncf.createVariable('L', 'i', ('orbs', )) ll[:] = N.array(orbbasis.L, dtype='int32') mm = ncf.createVariable('M', 'i', ('orbs', )) mm[:] = N.array(orbbasis.M, dtype='int32') # Cutoff radius and delta Rc = ncf.createVariable('Rc', 'd', ('orbs', )) Rc[:] = orbbasis.coff Rc.units = 'Angstrom' delta = ncf.createVariable('delta', 'd', ('orbs', )) delta[:] = delta.units = 'Angstrom' # Radial components of the orbitals ntb = len(orbbasis.orb[0]) ncf.createDimension('ntb', ntb) rii = ncf.createVariable('rii', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb')) rii[:] = N.outer(, N.arange(ntb)) rii.units = 'Angstrom' radialfct = ncf.createVariable('radialfct', 'd', ('orbs', 'ntb')) radialfct[:] = orbbasis.orb # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands? if options.sorting: for i in range(SCDM.nspin): evals[:, i, :] = SortBands(evals[:, i, :]) # Produce nice plots if labels exist if klabels: if SCDM.nspin == 1: PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.agr', dk, evals[:, 0, :], kticks) elif SCDM.nspin == 2: PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.UP.agr', dk, evals[:, 0, :], kticks) PlotElectronBands(options.DestDir + '/Electrons.DOWN.agr', dk, evals[:, 1, :], kticks) ncf.close() if TSrun: # only electronic calculation return SCDM.Sym.path # Compute phonon eigenvalues if options.qfile: SCDM.SymmetrizeFC(options.radius) SCDM.SetMasses() qpts, dq, qlabels, qticks = ReadKpoints(options.qfile) if qlabels: # Only write ascii if labels exist WriteKpoints(options.DestDir + '/qpoints', qpts, qlabels) # Prepare netcdf ncfn = options.DestDir + '/' ncf = NC4.Dataset(ncfn, 'w') # Grid ncf.createDimension('gridpts', len(qpts)) ncf.createDimension('vector', 3) grid = ncf.createVariable('grid', 'd', ('gridpts', 'vector')) grid[:] = qpts grid.units = '1/Angstrom' # Geometry ncf.createDimension('atoms', SCDM.Sym.basis.NN) xyz = ncf.createVariable('xyz', 'd', ('atoms', 'vector')) xyz[:] = xyz.units = 'Angstrom' pbc = ncf.createVariable('pbc', 'd', ('vector', 'vector')) pbc.units = 'Angstrom' pbc[:] = [SCDM.Sym.a1, SCDM.Sym.a2, SCDM.Sym.a3] rvec1 = ncf.createVariable('rvec', 'd', ('vector', 'vector')) rvec1.units = '1/Angstrom (incl. factor 2pi)' rvec1[:] = rvec ncf.sync() # Loop over q for i, q in enumerate(qpts): if i < 100: # Print only for the first 100 points hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True) else: hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=False) # otherwise something simple if i % 100 == 0: print '%i out of %i q-points computed' % (i, len(qpts)) if i == 0: ncf.createDimension('bands', len(hw)) ncf.createDimension('displ', len(hw)) evals = ncf.createVariable('eigenvalues', 'd', ('gridpts', 'bands')) evals.units = 'eV' evecsRe = ncf.createVariable('', 'd', ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ')) evecsIm = ncf.createVariable('', 'd', ('gridpts', 'bands', 'displ')) # Check eigenvectors print 'SupercellPhonons.Checking eigenvectors at', q tmp =, SCDM.FCtilde, N.transpose(U)) const = PC.hbar2SI * (1e20 / (PC.eV2Joule * PC.amu2kg))**0.5 hw2 = const * N.diagonal(tmp)**0.5 # Units in eV print ' ... Allclose=', N.allclose(hw, N.absolute(hw2), atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-3) ncf.sync() evals[i] = hw evecsRe[i] = U.real evecsIm[i] = U.imag ncf.sync() # Sort eigenvalues to connect crossing bands? if options.sorting: evals = SortBands(evals) # Produce nice plots if labels exist if qlabels: PlotPhononBands(options.DestDir + '/Phonons.agr', dq, N.array(evals[:]), qticks) ncf.close() # Compute e-ph couplings if options.kfile and options.qfile: SCDM.ReadGradients(AbsEref=False) ncf = NC4.Dataset(options.DestDir + '/', 'w') ncf.createDimension('kpts', len(kpts)) ncf.createDimension('qpts', len(qpts)) ncf.createDimension('modes', len(hw)) ncf.createDimension('nspin', SCDM.nspin) ncf.createDimension('bands', SCDM.rednao) ncf.createDimension('vector', 3) kgrid = ncf.createVariable('kpts', 'd', ('kpts', 'vector')) kgrid[:] = kpts qgrid = ncf.createVariable('qpts', 'd', ('qpts', 'vector')) qgrid[:] = qpts evalfkq = ncf.createVariable('evalfkq', 'd', ('kpts', 'qpts', 'nspin', 'bands')) # First (second) band index n (n') is the initial (final) state, i.e., # Mkq(k,q,mode,spin,n,n') := < n',k+q | dV_q(mode) | n,k > MkqAbs = ncf.createVariable( 'Mkqabs', 'd', ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands')) GkqAbs = ncf.createVariable( 'Gkqabs', 'd', ('kpts', 'qpts', 'modes', 'nspin', 'bands', 'bands')) ncf.sync() # Loop over k-points for i, k in enumerate(kpts): kpts[i] = k # Compute initial electronic states evi, eveci = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k, verbose=True) # Loop over q-points for j, q in enumerate(qpts): # Compute phonon modes hw, U = SCDM.ComputePhononModes_q(q, verbose=True) # Compute final electronic states evf, evecf = SCDM.ComputeElectronStates(k + q, verbose=True) evalfkq[i, j, :] = evf # Compute electron-phonon couplings m, g = SCDM.ComputeEPHcouplings_kq( k, q) # (modes,nspin,bands,bands) # Data to file # M (modes,spin,i,l) = m(modes,k,j) init(i,j) final(k,l) # 0 1 2 0,1 0 1 # ^-------^ # ^----------------------^ for ispin in range(SCDM.nspin): evecfd = MM.dagger(evecf[ispin]) # (bands,bands) M = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(m[:, ispin], eveci[ispin], axes=[2, 0]), evecfd, axes=[1, 1]) G = N.tensordot(N.tensordot(g[:, ispin], eveci[ispin], axes=[2, 0]), evecfd, axes=[1, 1]) MkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(M) GkqAbs[i, j, :, ispin] = N.absolute(G) ncf.sync() ncf.close() return SCDM.Sym.path
import numpy as np N = 4 M = 5 V = np.random.randint(low=-9, high=10, size=(N, M)) print("Матрица:\r\n{}\n".format(V)) a = np.diagonal(V, 1) a_sum = a.sum() print("Элементы которые выше главной диагонали: \n" + str(a) + "\nИх сумма = " + str(a_sum)) b = np.diagonal(V, -1) b_sum = b.sum() print("Элементы которые ниже главной диагонали: \n" + str(b) + "\nИх сумма = " + str(a_sum))
def coherence_f(pat_gData, lowcut, highcut, fs=400): n_sample=pat_gData.shape[0] #40 = 600s/15s L_segment=pat_gData.shape[1] n_channel=pat_gData.shape[2] n_segment=10 for m in range(0,n_sample): for channel in range(0,n_channel): y= pat_gData[m,:,channel] y_mean=sum(y)/len(y) y= y-y_mean # mean centralization y_sigma=0 if sum(y*y)>0: y_sigma=np.sqrt(sum(y*y)/len(y)) y= y/y_sigma # normalization pat_gData[m,:,channel]=y freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(L_segment, d=1./fs) # f_y, Sf_y = signal.periodogram(y, fs) # plt.semilogy(f_y,Sf_y) fl=np.fft.rfft(y) # yy=np.fft.irfft(fl) # print(yy-y) # f_y, Sf_y = signal.periodogram(yy, fs) # plt.semilogy(f_y,Sf_y) fl2=fl*(freq>=lowcut)*(freq<=highcut) # print(len(fl2)) # print(fl) # print(fl2) yy2=np.fft.irfft(fl2) # print(yy2) # f_y, Sf_y = signal.periodogram(yy2, fs) # plt.semilogy(f_y,Sf_y) # plt.savefig('bandpass_sf.png') # plt.close() freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(l_segment, d=1./fs) s_range= np.arange(len(freq)) freq_ = freq[(freq>=lowcut)*(freq<=highcut)] s_range_ = s_range[(freq>=lowcut)*(freq<=highcut)] for m in range(n_sample): for i in range(n_segment): pat_f=np.fft.rfft(pat_gData[m,i*l_segment:(i+1)*l_segment,:], axis=0) # fourier for one segement of a sample for s in s_range_: if s==s_range_[0]: x=np.outer(np.conjugate(pat_f[s,:]),pat_f[s,:]).flatten() else: x=np.c_[x,np.outer(np.conjugate(pat_f[s,:]),pat_f[s,:]).flatten()] if i==0: X=x else: X=X+x X=np.absolute(X/n_segment) for s in range(len(freq_)): y_=X[:,s].reshape(n_channel,n_channel) y=np.diagonal(y_) Y=np.outer(np.sqrt(y),np.sqrt(y)) z=np.divide(y_,Y) if s==0: XX=z else: XX=XX+z XX=XX/len(freq_) XX[np.isnan(XX)] = 0 w, v = np.linalg.eig(XX) #w = np.absolute(w) idx = w.argsort()[::-1] w = w[idx] v = v[:,idx] u = col_row_max(XX) XX = upper_right_triangle(XX) if m==0: c=XX W=w V=v[0] U=u else: c=np.c_[c,XX] W=np.c_[W,w] V=np.c_[V,v[0]] U=np.c_[U,u] dict_return={'corr_y': c.T, 'corr_max': U.T, 'e_values': W.T, 'e_vector': V.T } return dict_return
def dirichletAllocate(self): ########################### GIBBSSAMP oo = self signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) ooTR = oo.TR ook = oo.k ooN = oo.N runTO = oo.ITERS - 1 oo.allocateSmp(runTO + 1, Bsmpx=oo.doBsmpx) #oo.allocateSmp(oo.burn + oo.NMC) oo.x00 = _N.array(oo.smpx[:, 2]) oo.V00 = _N.zeros((ooTR, ook, ook)) _kfar.init(oo.N, oo.k, oo.TR) if oo.dohist: oo.loghist = _N.zeros(oo.Hbf.shape[0]) else: print("fixed hist is") print(oo.loghist) ARo = _N.zeros((ooTR, ooN + 1)) kpOws = _N.empty((ooTR, ooN + 1)) lv_f = _N.zeros((ooN + 1, ooN + 1)) lv_u = _N.zeros((ooTR, ooTR)) Bii = _N.zeros((ooN + 1, ooN + 1)) #alpC.reverse() # F_alfa_rep = alpR + alpC already in right order, no? Wims = _N.empty((ooTR, ooN + 1, ooN + 1)) Oms = _N.empty((ooTR, ooN + 1)) smWimOm = _N.zeros(ooN + 1) smWinOn = _N.zeros(ooTR) bConstPSTH = False D_f = _N.diag(_N.ones(oo.B.shape[0]) * oo.s2_a) # spline iD_f = _N.linalg.inv(D_f) D_u = _N.diag(_N.ones(oo.TR) * oo.s2_u) # This should iD_u = _N.linalg.inv(D_u) iD_u_u_u =, _N.ones(oo.TR) * oo.u_u) BDB =,, oo.B)) DB =, oo.B) BTua =, oo.u_a) it = 0 ############################### MCMC LOOP ######################## ### need pointer to, but reshaped for broadcasting to work ############################### MCMC LOOP ######################## oous_rs =, 1)) # done for broadcasting rules sd01 = _N.zeros((oo.nStates, oo.TR, oo.TR)) _N.fill_diagonal(sd01[0], oo.s[0]) _N.fill_diagonal(sd01[1], oo.s[1]) smpx01 = _N.zeros((oo.nStates, oo.TR, oo.N + 1)) zsmpx = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1)) # zsmpx created # PG zd = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.TR)) izd = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.TR)) ll = _N.zeros(oo.nStates) Bp = _N.empty((oo.nStates, oo.N + 1)) for m in range(ooTR): oo.f_V[m, 0] = oo.s2_x00 oo.f_V[m, 1] = oo.s2_x00 THR = _N.empty(oo.TR) dirArgs = _N.empty(oo.nStates) # dirichlet distribution args expT = _N.empty(ooN + 1) BaS =, oo.aS) alpR = oo.F_alfa_rep[0:oo.R] alpC = oo.F_alfa_rep[oo.R:] print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") print(oo.F_alfa_rep) print("*****************************") print(alpR) print(alpC) oo.nSMP_smpxC = 0 if oo.mcmcRunDir is None: oo.mcmcRunDir = "" elif (len(oo.mcmcRunDir) > 0) and (oo.mcmcRunDir[-1] != "/"): oo.mcmcRunDir += "/" # H shape 100 x 9 Hbf = oo.Hbf RHS = _N.empty((oo.histknots, 1)) cInds = _N.arange(oo.iHistKnotBeginFixed, oo.histknots) vInds = _N.arange(0, oo.iHistKnotBeginFixed) RHS[cInds, 0] = 0 Msts = [] for m in range(ooTR): Msts.append(_N.where(oo.y[m] == 1)[0]) HcM = _N.empty((len(vInds), len(vInds))) HbfExpd = _N.empty((oo.histknots, ooTR, oo.N + 1)) # HbfExpd is 11 x M x 1200 # find the mean. For the HISTORY TERM for i in range(oo.histknots): for m in range(oo.TR): sts = Msts[m] HbfExpd[i, m, 0:sts[0]] = 0 for iss in range(len(sts) - 1): t0 = sts[iss] t1 = sts[iss + 1] HbfExpd[i, m, t0 + 1:t1 + 1] = Hbf[0:t1 - t0, i] HbfExpd[i, m, sts[-1] + 1:] = 0, oo.aS, out=BaS) if oo.hS is None: oo.hS = _N.zeros(oo.histknots), oo.hS, out=oo.loghist) oo.stitch_Hist(ARo, oo.loghist, Msts) K = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k)) # kalman gain iterBLOCKS = oo.ITERS // oo.peek smpx_tmp = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k)) ## ORDER OF SAMPLING ## f_xx, f_V ## BINARY state ## DA: PG, kpOws ## history, build ARo ## psth ## offset ## DA: latent state ## AR coefficients ## q2 oo.gau_var = _N.array( #iterBLOCKS = 1 #oo.peek = 1 for itrB in range(iterBLOCKS): it = itrB * oo.peek if it > 0: print("it: %(it)d mnStd %(mnstd).3f m %(m).3f" % { "it": itrB * oo.peek, "mnstd": oo.mnStds[it - 1], "m": oo.m[0] }) #tttA = _tm.time() if interrupted: break for it in range(itrB * oo.peek, (itrB + 1) * oo.peek): lowsts = _N.where(oo.Z[:, 0] == 1) #print "lowsts %s" % str(lowsts) t1 = _tm.time() oo.f_x[:, 0] = oo.x00 if it == 0: for m in range(ooTR): oo.f_V[m, 0] = oo.s2_x00 else: oo.f_V[:, 0] = _N.mean(oo.f_V[:, 1:], axis=1) t2 = _tm.time() t3 = _tm.time() ###### PG generate for m in range(ooTR): lw.rpg_devroye(oo.rn, oo.smpx[m, 2:, 0] +[m] + BaS + ARo[m] + oo.knownSig[m],[m]) ###### devryoe #oo.smpx[m, 2:, 0] +[m] + BaS + ARo[m] + oo.knownSig[m],[m]) ###### devryoe #lw.rpg_devroye(oo.rn, zsmpx[m] +[m] + BaS + ARo[m] + oo.knownSig[m],[m]) ###### devryoe ####TRD change _N.divide(,, out=kpOws) if oo.dohist: O = kpOws - oo.smpx[..., 2:, 0] - (ooTR, 1)) - BaS - oo.knownSig #O = kpOws - zsmpx -, 1)) - BaS - oo.knownSig for ii in range(len(vInds)): #print("i %d" % i) #print(_N.sum(HbfExpd[i])) i = vInds[ii] for jj in range(len(vInds)): j = vInds[jj] #print("j %d" % j) #print(_N.sum(HbfExpd[j])) HcM[ii, jj] = _N.sum( * HbfExpd[i] * HbfExpd[j]) RHS[ii, 0] = _N.sum( * HbfExpd[i] * O) for cj in cInds: RHS[ii, 0] -= _N.sum( * HbfExpd[i] * HbfExpd[cj]) * RHS[cj, 0] # print HbfExpd # print HcM # print RHS[vInds] vm = _N.linalg.solve(HcM, RHS[vInds]) Cov = _N.linalg.inv(HcM) cfs = _N.random.multivariate_normal(vm[:, 0], Cov, size=1) RHS[vInds, 0] = cfs[0] oo.smp_hS[:, it] = RHS[:, 0] #RHS[2:6, 0] = vm[:, 0] #print HcM #vv =, RHS) #print vv.shape #print oo.loghist.shape, RHS[:, 0], out=oo.loghist) oo.smp_hist[:, it] = oo.loghist oo.stitch_Hist(ARo, oo.loghist, Msts) ######## PSTH sample Do PSTH after we generate zs if oo.bpsth: Oms = kpOws - oo.smpx[..., 2:, 0] - ARo - oous_rs - oo.knownSig #Oms = kpOws - zsmpx - ARo - oous_rs - oo.knownSig _N.einsum("mn,mn->n",, Oms, out=smWimOm) # sum over ilv_f = _N.diag(_N.sum(, axis=0)) _N.fill_diagonal(lv_f, 1. / _N.diagonal(ilv_f)) lm_f =, smWimOm) # nondiag of 1./Bi are inf # now sample iVAR =,, oo.B.T)) + iD_f VAR = _N.linalg.inv(iVAR) # knots x knots #iBDBW = _N.linalg.inv(BDB + lv_f) # BDB not diag #Mn = oo.u_a +,, lm_f - BTua)) Mn = oo.u_a + DB, _N.linalg.solve(BDB + lv_f, lm_f - BTua)) oo.aS = _N.random.multivariate_normal(Mn, VAR, size=1)[0, :] oo.smp_aS[it, :] = oo.aS #iBDBW = _N.linalg.inv(BDB + lv_f) # BDB not diag #Mn = oo.u_a +,, lm_f - BTua)) #oo.aS = _N.random.multivariate_normal(Mn, VAR, size=1)[0, :] #oo.smp_aS[it, :] = oo.aS else: oo.aS[:] = 0, oo.aS, out=BaS) ######## per trial offset sample #Ons = kpOws - zsmpx - ARo - BaS - oo.knownSig Ons = kpOws - oo.smpx[..., 2:, 0] - ARo - BaS - oo.knownSig # solve for the mean of the distribution H = _N.ones((oo.TR - 1, oo.TR - 1)) * _N.sum([0]) uRHS = _N.empty(oo.TR - 1) for dd in range(1, oo.TR): H[dd - 1, dd - 1] += _N.sum([dd]) uRHS[dd - 1] = _N.sum([dd] * Ons[dd] -[0] * Ons[0]) MM = _N.linalg.solve(H, uRHS) Cov = _N.linalg.inv(H)[1:] = _N.random.multivariate_normal(MM, Cov, size=1)[0] = -_N.sum([1:]) oo.smp_u[:, it] = t4 = _tm.time() #### Sample latent state oo.gau_obs = kpOws - BaS - ARo - oous_rs - oo.knownSig #oo.gau_obs =, kpOws - BaS - ARo - oous_rs - oo.knownSig) #oo.copyParams(oo.F0, oo.q2) # (MxM) (MxN) = (MxN) (Rv is MxN), izd), 1. /, out=oo.gau_var) oo.gau_var = 1 / t5 = _tm.time() _kfar.armdl_FFBS_1itrMP(oo.gau_obs, oo.gau_var, oo.Fs, _N.linalg.inv(oo.Fs), oo.q2, oo.Ns, oo.ks, oo.f_x, oo.f_V, oo.p_x, oo.p_V, smpx_tmp, K) oo.smpx[:, 2:] = smpx_tmp oo.smpx[:, 1, 0:ook - 1] = oo.smpx[:, 2, 1:] oo.smpx[:, 0, 0:ook - 2] = oo.smpx[:, 2, 2:] if oo.doBsmpx and (it % oo.BsmpxSkp == 0): oo.Bsmpx[:, it // oo.BsmpxSkp, 2:] = oo.smpx[:, 2:, 0] stds = _N.std(oo.smpx[:, 2:, 0], axis=1) oo.mnStds[it] = _N.mean(stds, axis=0) ### _arcfs.ARcfSmpl(ooN + 1, ook, oo.AR2lims, oo.smpx[:, 1:, 0:ook], oo.smpx[:, 0:, 0:ook - 1], oo.q2, oo.R, oo.Cs, oo.Cn, alpR, alpC, oo.TR, prior=oo.use_prior, accepts=8, aro=oo.ARord, sig_ph0L=oo.sig_ph0L, sig_ph0H=oo.sig_ph0H) oo.F_alfa_rep = alpR + alpC # new constructed prt, rank, f, amp = ampAngRep(oo.F_alfa_rep, f_order=True) #ut, wt = FilteredTimeseries(ooN+1, ook, oo.smpx[:, 1:, 0:ook], oo.smpx[:, :, 0:ook-1], oo.q2, oo.R, oo.Cs, oo.Cn, alpR, alpC, oo.TR) #ranks[it] = rank oo.allalfas[it] = oo.F_alfa_rep for m in range(ooTR): #oo.wts[m, it, :, :] = wt[m, :, :, 0] #oo.uts[m, it, :, :] = ut[m, :, :, 0] if not oo.bFixF: oo.amps[it, :] = amp oo.fs[it, :] = f oo.F0 = (-1 * _Npp.polyfromroots(oo.F_alfa_rep)[::-1].real)[1:] for tr in range(oo.TR): oo.Fs[tr, 0] = oo.F0[:] #print "len(lwsts) %(l)d len(hists) %(h)d" % {"l" : len(lwsts), "h" : len(hists)} # sts2chg = hists # #if (it > oo.startZ) and oo.doS and len(sts2chg) > 0: # if oo.doS and len(sts2chg) > 0: # AL = 0.5*_N.sum(oo.smpx[sts2chg, 2:, 0]*oo.smpx[sts2chg, 2:, 0]*[sts2chg]) # BRL = kpOws[sts2chg] - BaS - oous_rs[sts2chg] - ARo[sts2chg] - oo.knownSig[sts2chg] # BL = _N.sum([sts2chg]*BRL*oo.smpx[sts2chg, 2:, 0]) # UL = BL / (2*AL) # #sgL= 1/_N.sqrt(2*AL) # sg2= 1./(2*AL) # q2_pr = 0.0025 # 0.05**2 # u_pr = 1. # U = (u_pr * sg2 + UL * q2_pr) / (sg2 + q2_pr) # sg= _N.sqrt((sg2*q2_pr) / (sg2 + q2_pr)) # #print "U %(U).4f UL %(UL).4f s %(s).3f" % {"U" : U, "s" : sg, "UL" : UL} # if _N.isnan(U): # print("U is nan UL %.4f" % UL) # print("U is nan AL %.4f" % AL) # print("U is nan BL %.4f" % BL) # print("U is nan BaS ") # print("hists") # print(hists) # print("lwsts") # print(lwsts) # oo.s[1] = 1#U + sg*_N.random.randn() # _N.fill_diagonal(sd01[0], oo.s[0]) # _N.fill_diagonal(sd01[1], oo.s[1]) # #print oo.s[1] # oo.smp_ss[it] = oo.s[1] oo.a2 = oo.a_q2 + 0.5 * (ooTR * ooN + 2) # N + 1 - 1 BB2 = oo.B_q2 for m in range(ooTR): # set x00 #oo.x00[m] = oo.smpx[m, 2]*0.1 oo.x00[m] = oo.smpx[m, 2] * 0.1 ##################### sample q2 rsd_stp = oo.smpx[m, 3:, 0] - oo.smpx[m, 2:-1], oo.F0).T BB2 += 0.5 *, rsd_stp.T) oo.q2[:] = _ss.invgamma.rvs(oo.a2, scale=BB2) oo.smp_q2[:, it] = oo.q2 t7 = _tm.time()
def accuracy(C): ''' Compute accuracy given Numpy array confusion matrix C. Returns a floating point value ''' return sum(np.diagonal(C)) / sum(sum(C))
def get_cbnepath(params, rpath, wpath): S, T, beta, sigma, chi_n_vec, b_ellip, mu, l_tilde, bvec1, b_ss, n_ss, TPI_tol, EulDiff = params cpath = np.zeros((S, T + S - 2)) bpath = np.append(bvec1.reshape((S - 1, 1)), np.zeros((S - 1, T + S - 3)), axis=1) npath = np.zeros((S, T + S - 2)) EulErrPath_inter = np.zeros((S - 1, T + S - 2)) EulErrPath_intra = np.zeros((S, T + S - 2)) # Solve the incomplete remaining lifetime decisions of agents alive # in period t=1 but not born in period t=1 # cpath[S - 1, 0] = ((1 + rpath[0]) * bvec1[S - 2] +\ # wpath[0] * nvec[S - 1]) # get the labor saving decision for the oldest agent b_last = bpath[-1, 0] w0 = wpath[0] r0 = rpath[0] n_err_last_params = (sigma, chi_n_vec, b_ellip, mu, l_tilde) n_last = opt.fsolve(n_err_last, x0=n_ss[-1], args=(n_err_last_params, b_last, w0, r0), xtol=TPI_tol) # print(n_last) cpath[S - 1, 0] = w0 * n_last + (1 + r0) * b_last npath[-1, 0] = n_last print(cpath[-1, 0], w0, n_last, r0, b_last) pl_params = (S, beta, sigma, chi_n_vec, b_ellip, mu, l_tilde, TPI_tol, EulDiff) for p in range(2, S): b_guess = np.diagonal(bpath[S - p:, :p - 1]) n_guess = np.append([n_ss[S - p]], np.diagonal(npath[S - p + 1:, :p - 1])) # n_guess = 0.5 * n_ss[S - p: ] + 0.5 # n_guess = n_ss[S - p:] # print(n_guess) bveclf, nveclf, cveclf, b_err_veclf, n_err_veclf = paths_life( pl_params, S - p + 1, bvec1[S - p - 1], rpath[:p], wpath[:p], b_guess, n_guess) # print(len(wpath[:p]), len(nveclf), len(bveclf)) # Insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist donut) # into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices DiagMaskb = np.eye(p - 1, dtype=bool) DiagMaskc = np.eye(p, dtype=bool) bpath[S - p:, 1:p] = DiagMaskb * bveclf + bpath[S - p:, 1:p] cpath[S - p:, :p] = DiagMaskc * cveclf + cpath[S - p:, :p] # print(cpath[-1, 0]) npath[S - p:, :p] = DiagMaskc * nveclf + npath[S - p:, :p] EulErrPath_inter[S - p:, 1:p] = (DiagMaskb * b_err_veclf + EulErrPath_inter[S - p:, 1:p]) EulErrPath_intra[S - p:, :p] = (DiagMaskc * n_err_veclf + EulErrPath_intra[S - p, :p]) # Solve for complete lifetime decisions of agents born in periods # 1 to T and insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist # donut) into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices DiagMaskb = np.eye(S - 1, dtype=bool) DiagMaskc = np.eye(S, dtype=bool) for t in range(1, T): # Go from periods 1 to T-1 b_guess = np.diagonal(bpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 2]) if t == 1: n_guess = np.append(n_ss[0], np.diagonal(npath[1:, t - 1:t + S - 2])) else: n_guess = np.diagonal(npath[:, t - 2:t + S - 2]) bveclf, nveclf, cveclf, b_err_veclf, n_err_veclf = paths_life( pl_params, 1, 0, rpath[t - 1:t + S - 1], wpath[t - 1:t + S - 1], b_guess, n_guess) # Insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist donut) # into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices bpath[:, t:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskb * bveclf + bpath[:, t:t + S - 1]) cpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskc * cveclf + cpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1]) npath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskc * nveclf + npath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1]) EulErrPath_inter[:, t:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskb * b_err_veclf + EulErrPath_inter[:, t:t + S - 1]) EulErrPath_intra[:, t - 1:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskc * n_err_veclf + EulErrPath_intra[:, t - 1:t + S - 1]) return cpath, bpath, npath, EulErrPath_inter, EulErrPath_intra
def evaluateclassifier(features, class_names, n_exp, classifier_name, Params, parameterMode, perTrain=0.90): ''' ARGUMENTS: features: a list ([numOfClasses x 1]) whose elements containt numpy matrices of features. each matrix features[i] of class i is [n_samples x numOfDimensions] class_names: list of class names (strings) n_exp: number of cross-validation experiments classifier_name: svm or knn or randomforest Params: list of classifier parameters (for parameter tuning during cross-validation) parameterMode: 0: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall classification ACCURACY 1: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall f1 MEASURE RETURNS: bestParam: the value of the input parameter that optimizes the selected performance measure ''' # feature normalization: (features_norm, MEAN, STD) = normalizeFeatures(features) #features_norm = features; n_classes = len(features) ac_all = [] f1_all = [] precision_classes_all = [] recall_classes_all = [] f1_classes_all = [] cms_all = [] # compute total number of samples: n_samples_total = 0 for f in features: n_samples_total += f.shape[0] if n_samples_total > 1000 and n_exp > 50: n_exp = 50 print( "Number of training experiments changed to 50 due to high number of samples" ) if n_samples_total > 2000 and n_exp > 10: n_exp = 10 print( "Number of training experiments changed to 10 due to high number of samples" ) for Ci, C in enumerate(Params): # for each param value cm = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes)) for e in range(n_exp): # for each cross-validation iteration: print("Param = {0:.5f} - classifier Evaluation " "Experiment {1:d} of {2:d}".format(C, e + 1, n_exp)) # split features: f_train, f_test = randSplitFeatures(features_norm, perTrain) # train multi-class svms: if classifier_name == "svm": classifier = trainSVM(f_train, C) elif classifier_name == "svm_rbf": classifier = trainSVM_RBF(f_train, C) elif classifier_name == "knn": classifier = trainKNN(f_train, C) elif classifier_name == "randomforest": classifier = trainRandomForest(f_train, C) elif classifier_name == "gradientboosting": classifier = trainGradientBoosting(f_train, C) elif classifier_name == "extratrees": classifier = trainExtraTrees(f_train, C) cmt = numpy.zeros((n_classes, n_classes)) for c1 in range(n_classes): n_test_samples = len(f_test[c1]) res = numpy.zeros((n_test_samples, 1)) for ss in range(n_test_samples): [res[ss], _] = classifierWrapper(classifier, classifier_name, f_test[c1][ss]) for c2 in range(n_classes): cmt[c1][c2] = float(len(numpy.nonzero(res == c2)[0])) cm = cm + cmt cm = cm + 0.0000000010 rec = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], )) pre = numpy.zeros((cm.shape[0], )) for ci in range(cm.shape[0]): rec[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[ci, :]) pre[ci] = cm[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(cm[:, ci]) precision_classes_all.append(pre) recall_classes_all.append(rec) f1 = 2 * rec * pre / (rec + pre) f1_classes_all.append(f1) ac_all.append(numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(cm)) / numpy.sum(cm)) cms_all.append(cm) f1_all.append(numpy.mean(f1)) print("\t\t, end=" "") for i, c in enumerate(class_names): if i == len(class_names) - 1: print("{0:s}\t\t".format(c), end="") else: print("{0:s}\t\t\t".format(c), end="") print("OVERALL") print("\tC", end="") for c in class_names: print("\tPRE\tREC\tf1", end="") print("\t{0:s}\t{1:s}".format("ACC", "f1")) best_ac_ind = numpy.argmax(ac_all) best_f1_ind = numpy.argmax(f1_all) for i in range(len(precision_classes_all)): print("\t{0:.3f}".format(Params[i]), end="") for c in range(len(precision_classes_all[i])): print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format( 100.0 * precision_classes_all[i][c], 100.0 * recall_classes_all[i][c], 100.0 * f1_classes_all[i][c]), end="") print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100.0 * ac_all[i], 100.0 * f1_all[i]), end="") if i == best_f1_ind: print("\t best f1", end="") if i == best_ac_ind: print("\t best Acc", end="") print("") if parameterMode == 0: # keep parameters that maximize overall classification accuracy: print("Confusion Matrix:") printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_ac_ind], class_names) return Params[best_ac_ind] elif parameterMode == 1: # keep parameters that maximize overall f1 measure: print("Confusion Matrix:") printConfusionMatrix(cms_all[best_f1_ind], class_names) return Params[best_f1_ind]
def diagonal_err(self, cov=[]): return np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))
def next_move_by_policy(board_state, winning_length, side, expert=True): from datetime import datetime random.seed( if len(list(available_moves(board_state))) == len(board_state[0]) * len( board_state[0]): move = [ random.randint( math.floor(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1, math.ceil(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) + 1), random.randint( math.floor(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1, math.ceil(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) + 1) ] return move elif len(list(available_moves( board_state))) == len(board_state[0]) * len(board_state[0]) - 1: while True: move = [ random.randint( math.floor(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1, math.ceil(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) + 1), random.randint( math.floor(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) - 1, math.ceil(float((len(board_state[0]) - 1) / 2.0)) + 1) ] if tuple(move) in list(available_moves(board_state)): return move original_state = np.copy(board_state) board_state = board_state[0, :, :, 0] board_width = len(board_state) board_height = len(board_state[0]) new_length = 0 new_length_b = 0 new_position = [] new_position_b = [] # check rows for x in range(board_width): max_length, position = _possible_move(board_state[x, :], winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move(board_state[x, :], winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append([x, position]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append([x, position]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() new_position_b.append([x, position_b]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append([x, position_b]) # check columns for y in range(board_height): max_length, position = _possible_move(board_state[:, y], winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move(board_state[:, y], winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append([position, y]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append([position, y]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() new_position_b.append([position_b, y]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append([position_b, y]) # Check diagonals for d in range(0, (board_height - winning_length + 1)): max_length, position = _possible_move(np.diagonal(board_state, d), winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move(np.diagonal(board_state, d), winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append([position, position + d]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append([position, position + d]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() new_position_b.append([position_b, position_b + d]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append([position_b, position_b + d]) for d in range(1, (board_height - winning_length + 1)): max_length, position = _possible_move(np.diagonal(board_state, -d), winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move(np.diagonal(board_state, -d), winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append([position + d, position]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append([position + d, position]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() new_position_b.append([position_b + d, position_b]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append([position_b + d, position_b]) for d in range(0, (board_height - winning_length + 1)): max_length, position = _possible_move( np.diagonal(np.fliplr(board_state), d), winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move( np.diagonal(np.fliplr(board_state), d), winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append( [position, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position - d]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append( [position, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position - d]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() # print(np.diagonal(np.fliplr(board_state), d)) # print('max_length_b', max_length_b, 'position_b', position_b) new_position_b.append( [position_b, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position_b - d]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append( [position_b, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position_b - d]) for d in range(1, (board_height - winning_length + 1)): max_length, position = _possible_move( np.diagonal(np.fliplr(board_state), -d), winning_length, side) max_length_b, position_b = _possible_move( np.diagonal(np.fliplr(board_state), -d), winning_length, -side) if max_length > new_length: new_length = max_length new_position.clear() new_position.append( [position + d, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position]) elif max_length == new_length: new_position.append( [position + d, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position]) if max_length_b > new_length_b: new_length_b = max_length_b new_position_b.clear() new_position_b.append( [position_b + d, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position_b]) elif max_length_b == new_length_b: new_position_b.append( [position_b + d, len(board_state[0]) - 1 - position_b]) if new_length == winning_length - 1: return random.choice(new_position) if expert: if new_length_b >= winning_length - 2: return random.choice(new_position_b) if new_length != 0: return random.choice(new_position) else: if new_length_b != 0: return random.choice(new_position_b) else: return random.choice(list(available_moves(original_state)))
def silhouette_samples(X, labels, *, metric='euclidean', **kwds): """Compute the Silhouette Coefficient for each sample. The Silhouette Coefficient is a measure of how well samples are clustered with samples that are similar to themselves. Clustering models with a high Silhouette Coefficient are said to be dense, where samples in the same cluster are similar to each other, and well separated, where samples in different clusters are not very similar to each other. The Silhouette Coefficient is calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance (``a``) and the mean nearest-cluster distance (``b``) for each sample. The Silhouette Coefficient for a sample is ``(b - a) / max(a, b)``. Note that Silhouette Coefficient is only defined if number of labels is 2 <= n_labels <= n_samples - 1. This function returns the Silhouette Coefficient for each sample. The best value is 1 and the worst value is -1. Values near 0 indicate overlapping clusters. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <silhouette_coefficient>`. Parameters ---------- X : array [n_samples_a, n_samples_a] if metric == "precomputed", or, \ [n_samples_a, n_features] otherwise Array of pairwise distances between samples, or a feature array. labels : array, shape = [n_samples] label values for each sample metric : string, or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options allowed by :func:`sklearn.metrics.pairwise.pairwise_distances`. If X is the distance array itself, use "precomputed" as the metric. Precomputed distance matrices must have 0 along the diagonal. `**kwds` : optional keyword parameters Any further parameters are passed directly to the distance function. If using a ``scipy.spatial.distance`` metric, the parameters are still metric dependent. See the scipy docs for usage examples. Returns ------- silhouette : array, shape = [n_samples] Silhouette Coefficient for each samples. References ---------- .. [1] `Peter J. Rousseeuw (1987). "Silhouettes: a Graphical Aid to the Interpretation and Validation of Cluster Analysis". Computational and Applied Mathematics 20: 53-65. <>`_ .. [2] `Wikipedia entry on the Silhouette Coefficient <>`_ """ X, labels = check_X_y(X, labels, accept_sparse=['csc', 'csr']) # Check for non-zero diagonal entries in precomputed distance matrix if metric == 'precomputed': atol = np.finfo(X.dtype).eps * 100 if np.any(np.abs(np.diagonal(X)) > atol): raise ValueError( 'The precomputed distance matrix contains non-zero ' 'elements on the diagonal. Use np.fill_diagonal(X, 0).') le = LabelEncoder() labels = le.fit_transform(labels) n_samples = len(labels) label_freqs = np.bincount(labels) check_number_of_labels(len(le.classes_), n_samples) kwds['metric'] = metric reduce_func = functools.partial(_silhouette_reduce, labels=labels, label_freqs=label_freqs) results = zip( *pairwise_distances_chunked(X, reduce_func=reduce_func, **kwds)) intra_clust_dists, inter_clust_dists = results intra_clust_dists = np.concatenate(intra_clust_dists) inter_clust_dists = np.concatenate(inter_clust_dists) denom = (label_freqs - 1).take(labels, mode='clip') with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): intra_clust_dists /= denom sil_samples = inter_clust_dists - intra_clust_dists with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): sil_samples /= np.maximum(intra_clust_dists, inter_clust_dists) # nan values are for clusters of size 1, and should be 0 return np.nan_to_num(sil_samples)
def evaluateClassifier(features, ClassNames, nExp, ClassifierName, Params, parameterMode, perTrain=0.90): ''' ARGUMENTS: features: a list ([numOfClasses x 1]) whose elements containt numpy matrices of features. each matrix features[i] of class i is [numOfSamples x numOfDimensions] ClassNames: list of class names (strings) nExp: number of cross-validation experiments ClassifierName: svm or knn or randomforest Params: list of classifier parameters (for parameter tuning during cross-validation) parameterMode: 0: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall classification ACCURACY 1: choose parameters that lead to maximum overall F1 MEASURE RETURNS: bestParam: the value of the input parameter that optimizes the selected performance measure ''' # feature normalization: (featuresNorm, MEAN, STD) = normalizeFeatures(features) #featuresNorm = features; nClasses = len(features) CAll = [] acAll = [] F1All = [] PrecisionClassesAll = [] RecallClassesAll = [] ClassesAll = [] F1ClassesAll = [] CMsAll = [] # compute total number of samples: nSamplesTotal = 0 for f in features: nSamplesTotal += f.shape[0] if nSamplesTotal > 1000 and nExp > 50: nExp = 50 print( "Number of training experiments changed to 50 due to high number of samples" ) if nSamplesTotal > 2000 and nExp > 10: nExp = 10 print( "Number of training experiments changed to 10 due to high number of samples" ) for Ci, C in enumerate(Params): # for each param value CM = numpy.zeros((nClasses, nClasses)) for e in range(nExp): # for each cross-validation iteration: print( "Param = {0:.5f} - Classifier Evaluation Experiment {1:d} of {2:d}" .format(C, e + 1, nExp)) # split features: featuresTrain, featuresTest = randSplitFeatures( featuresNorm, perTrain) # train multi-class svms: if ClassifierName == "svm": Classifier = trainSVM(featuresTrain, C) elif ClassifierName == "svm_rbf": Classifier = trainSVM_RBF(featuresTrain, C) elif ClassifierName == "knn": Classifier = trainKNN(featuresTrain, C) elif ClassifierName == "randomforest": Classifier = trainRandomForest(featuresTrain, C) elif ClassifierName == "gradientboosting": Classifier = trainGradientBoosting(featuresTrain, C) elif ClassifierName == "extratrees": Classifier = trainExtraTrees(featuresTrain, C) CMt = numpy.zeros((nClasses, nClasses)) for c1 in range(nClasses): #Results = Classifier.pred(featuresTest[c1]) nTestSamples = len(featuresTest[c1]) Results = numpy.zeros((nTestSamples, 1)) for ss in range(nTestSamples): [Results[ss], _] = classifierWrapper(Classifier, ClassifierName, featuresTest[c1][ss]) for c2 in range(nClasses): CMt[c1][c2] = float(len(numpy.nonzero(Results == c2)[0])) CM = CM + CMt CM = CM + 0.0000000010 Rec = numpy.zeros((CM.shape[0], )) Pre = numpy.zeros((CM.shape[0], )) for ci in range(CM.shape[0]): Rec[ci] = CM[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(CM[ci, :]) Pre[ci] = CM[ci, ci] / numpy.sum(CM[:, ci]) PrecisionClassesAll.append(Pre) RecallClassesAll.append(Rec) F1 = 2 * Rec * Pre / (Rec + Pre) F1ClassesAll.append(F1) acAll.append(numpy.sum(numpy.diagonal(CM)) / numpy.sum(CM)) CMsAll.append(CM) F1All.append(numpy.mean(F1)) # print "{0:6.4f}{1:6.4f}{2:6.1f}{3:6.1f}".format(nu, g, 100.0*acAll[-1], 100.0*F1All[-1]) print("\t\t, end=" "") for i, c in enumerate(ClassNames): if i == len(ClassNames) - 1: print("{0:s}\t\t".format(c), end="") else: print("{0:s}\t\t\t".format(c), end="") print("OVERALL") print("\tC", end="") for c in ClassNames: print("\tPRE\tREC\tF1", end="") print("\t{0:s}\t{1:s}".format("ACC", "F1")) bestAcInd = numpy.argmax(acAll) bestF1Ind = numpy.argmax(F1All) for i in range(len(PrecisionClassesAll)): print("\t{0:.3f}".format(Params[i]), end="") for c in range(len(PrecisionClassesAll[i])): print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}\t{2:.1f}".format( 100.0 * PrecisionClassesAll[i][c], 100.0 * RecallClassesAll[i][c], 100.0 * F1ClassesAll[i][c]), end="") print("\t{0:.1f}\t{1:.1f}".format(100.0 * acAll[i], 100.0 * F1All[i]), end="") if i == bestF1Ind: print("\t best F1", end="") if i == bestAcInd: print("\t best Acc", end="") print("") if parameterMode == 0: # keep parameters that maximize overall classification accuracy: print("Confusion Matrix:") printConfusionMatrix(CMsAll[bestAcInd], ClassNames) return Params[bestAcInd] elif parameterMode == 1: # keep parameters that maximize overall F1 measure: print("Confusion Matrix:") printConfusionMatrix(CMsAll[bestF1Ind], ClassNames) return Params[bestF1Ind]
def population_vector_correlation(stack_0, stack_1, **kwargs): """Calculates the bin-wise correlation between two stacks of rate maps Each stack corresponds to a separate Task, or trial. Each layer is the ratemap for a single cell from that Task. The same units should be given in the same order in each stack. Take a single column through the stack (i.e. 1 single bin/location in arena, with a firing rate for each cell), from each stack In the original MatLab implementation, three output modes were supported * 1D: (`numYbins`) - iterate over `i` 1) Take a 2D slice from each stack - all cells at all `X` positions at a single `Y` position `i` 2) Reshape from 2D to 1D 3) Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two 1D arrays 4) The value of `pv_corr_1d[i]` is the Pearson correlation coefficient arising from `Y` position `i` * 2D (`numXbins` x `numYbins`) - iterate over `i` 1) Take a 2D slice from each stack - all cells at all `X` positions at a single `Y` position `i` 2) Calculate the 2D array (`numXbins` x `numYbins`) where the `[j,k]`th value is the Pearson correlation coefficient between all observations at the `j`'th `X` location in `stack_left` and the `k`'th location in `stack_right` 3) The `i`'th row of `pv_corr_2d` is the DIAGONAL of the correlation matrix i.e. where `j==k` i.e. the correlation of the the SAME location in each stack for all observations (`numCells`) * 3D (`numXbins` x `numYbins` x iteration(=`numYbins`)) Same as 2D BUT take the whole correlation matrix, not the diagonal i.e. the full [j,k] correlatio between all X locations A note on correlation in Numpy vs Matlab Matlab's `corr(a, b)` function returns the correlation of ab Numpy's `corrcoef` function returns the normalised covariance matrix, which is: aa ab ba aa The normalised covariance matrix *should* be hermitian, but due to floating point accuracy, this is not actually guaranteed the MatLab function can be reproduced by taking either [0, 1] or [1,0] of the normalised covariance matrix. If `a`, `b` are 2D matricies, then they should have shape `(num_variables, num_observations)` In the case of this function, where the iterator is over the `Y` values of the rate map, that means: `(x_bins, num_cells)` Parameters ---------- stack_0: 3D array -or- list of 2D arrays stack_1: 3D array -or- list of 2D arrays `stack_x[i]` should return the `i`'th ratemap. This corresponds to a constructor like: `np.zeros(num_layers, y_bins, x_bins)` Alternatively, a list or tuple of 2D arrays may be supplied: `stack_x` = (`ratemap_0`, `ratemap_1`, `ratemap_2`, ...) row_major: bool Direction of iteration. If `True`, then each row is iterated over in turn and correlation is calculated per row. If `False`, then each column is iterated over in turn, and correlation is calculated per column. Default True (same behavior as in BNT) Returns ------- (p1, p2, p3) p1: np.ndarray (1D, iterator x 1) Array of Pearson correlation coefficients. i'th value is given by the correlation of the i'th flattened slice of stack_0 to the i'th flattened slice of stack_1 p2: np.ndarray (2D, iterator x non-iterator) i'th row is the diagonal of the correlation matrix, i.e. the correlation of the same location (location i) in each stack, i.e. where j==k p3: np.ndarray(3D, iterator x non-iterator x non-iterator) i'th array is the entire correlation matrix, rather than just the diagonal Notes -------- BNT.+analyses.populationVectorCorrelation Copyright (C) 2019 by Simon Ball """ debug = kwargs.get("debug", False) row_major = kwargs.get("row_major", True) # Perform input validation and ensure we have a pair of 3D arrays stack_0, stack_1 = _handle_both_inputs(stack_0, stack_1) # _handle_ has ensured that both arrays meet the shape/type requirements # Hardcode iterating over Y for now. num_cells, y_bins, x_bins = stack_0.shape if row_major: iterator = y_bins non_iterator = x_bins else: iterator = x_bins non_iterator = y_bins if debug: print(f"Number of ratemaps: {num_cells}") print(f"Ratemap dimensions: {y_bins} x {x_bins}") print(f"Iterating over axis length {iterator} (row_major is {row_major})") p1 = np.zeros(iterator) p2 = np.zeros((iterator, non_iterator)) p3 = np.zeros((iterator, non_iterator, non_iterator)) for i in range(iterator): if row_major: left = stack_0[:, i, :].transpose() right = stack_1[:, i, :].transpose() else: left = stack_0[:, :, i].transpose() right = stack_1[:, :, i].transpose() # 1D # Reshape 2D array to a 1D array correlation_value = np.corrcoef(left.flatten(), right.flatten())[0,1] p1[i] = correlation_value # 2D, 3D correlation_matrix = np.corrcoef(left, right)[0:non_iterator, non_iterator:] p2[i, :] = np.diagonal(correlation_matrix) p3[i, :, :] = correlation_matrix return (p1, p2, p3)
ext = 0.2236 theta_hat = differential_evolution(Sidious, bnds1) ##The answer to the first part of the problem set theta_hat theta_hat = np.matrix( [1, theta_hat.x[0], theta_hat.x[1], theta_hat.x[2], theta_hat.x[3]]) deriv = np.diff(theta_hat) #We can take these steps seeing that putting the itdenty matrix in between #this two matricies will do nothing...# sd = np.diagonal(, deriv)) sd ##I now do the same for table III ##First we redefine theta theta = alpha_k, rho, psi, sigma_z, phi0 ##theta_hat_2 = differential_evolution(Vitiate,bnds2) theta_hat_2 = differential_evolution(Qfunk2, bnds2) theta_hat_2 = np.matrix([ 1, 1, theta_hat_2.x[0], theta_hat_2.x[1], theta_hat_2.x[2], theta_hat_2.x[3] ])
def update_gradients_KL(self, variational_posterior): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # breakpoint 1 # print("Updating Gradients") # print (self.variational_wi) # if self.stop<1: # return # self.stop-=1 # dL: # variational_posterior.mean.gradient -= variational_posterior.mean # variational_posterior.variance.gradient -= (1. - (1. / (variational_posterior.variance))) * 0.5 self.px_mu.gradient = 0 self.px_lmatrix.gradient = 0 self.variational_wi.gradient = 0 # print self.variational_wi #self.variational_wi -= self.variational_wi.max(axis = 0)[None,:] # self.variational_wi = self.variational_wi/(self.variational_wi).sum(axis=0) mu = variational_posterior.mean S = variational_posterior.variance cov_inv = np.zeros((self.px_lmatrix.shape)) cov_k = np.zeros((self.px_lmatrix.shape)) ###################################################### for k in range(self.px_lmatrix.shape[0]): cov_inv[k, :, :] = np.linalg.inv(self.px_lmatrix[k, :, :]) np.linalg.inv(self.px_lmatrix[k, :, :])) cov_k[k, :, :] =[k, :, :], self.px_lmatrix[k, :, :].T) ####################################################### # variational_wets = self.variational_wi # wets = self.wi # wi_max = self.variational_wi - self.variational_wi.max(axis = 0)# # variational_wets = np.exp(wi_max)/ np.exp(wi_max).sum(axis = 0) variational_wets = np.exp(self.variational_wi) / np.exp( self.variational_wi).sum(axis=0) wets = np.exp(self.wi) / np.exp(self.wi).sum(axis=0) mu_minus = self.px_mu[:, np.newaxis, :] - mu[np.newaxis, :, :] sigma_mu = np.zeros((mu_minus.shape)) sigma2_S = np.zeros((mu_minus.shape[0], mu_minus.shape[1], mu_minus.shape[2], mu_minus.shape[2])) sigma_S = np.zeros((sigma2_S.shape)) sigma_S_sigma = np.zeros((sigma2_S.shape)) mu_sigma_mu = np.zeros((mu_minus.shape[0], mu_minus.shape[1])) sigma_diag = np.diagonal(cov_inv.T) # sigma_inv1 = np.linalg.inv(self.px_var) #equal to cov_inv for k in range(mu_minus.shape[0]): for i in range(mu_minus.shape[1]): sigma_mu[k, i, :] =[k, :, :], mu_minus[k, i, :]) sigma_S[k, i, :, :] =[k, :, :], np.diag(S[i, :])) sigma2_S[k, i, :, :] =[i, :]), np.matrix(cov_inv[k, :, :])**2) sigma_S_sigma[k, i, :, :] =[k, i, :][:, None], sigma_mu[k, i, :][None, :]) mu_sigma_mu[k, i] =[k, i, :][None, :], sigma_mu[k, i, :][:, None]) variational_posterior.mean.gradient += ( variational_wets[:, :, np.newaxis] * sigma_mu).sum(axis=0) variational_posterior.variance.gradient += 0.5 * ( 1. / S - (variational_wets[:, :, np.newaxis] * sigma_diag[:, np.newaxis, :]).sum(axis=0)) self.px_mu.gradient -= (variational_wets[:, :, np.newaxis] * sigma_mu).sum(axis=1) # self.px_var.gradient -= 0.5 * (variational_wets[:,:,np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * ((np.linalg.inv(self.px_var))[:,np.newaxis, :,:] - sigma2_S # - sigma_S_sigma) ).sum(axis=1) dL_dcov = 0.5 * (variational_wets[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * (cov_inv[:, np.newaxis, :, :] - sigma2_S - sigma_S_sigma)).sum(axis=1) dL_dlmatrix = np.zeros((dL_dcov.shape)) for k in range(mu_minus.shape[0]): dL_dlmatrix[k, :, :] = 2 *[k, :, :], self.px_lmatrix[k, :, :]) self.px_lmatrix.gradient -= dL_dlmatrix # print self.px_lmatrix # print 'test' # print dL_dlmatrix dL_dw = np.zeros((self.variational_wi.shape)) ew = np.exp(self.variational_wi) # ew = np.exp(wi_max) sumew = ew.sum(axis=0) dL_dq = ((0.5 * (np.log(np.linalg.det(cov_k))[:, np.newaxis] + (sigma_S).sum(axis=2).sum(axis=2) + mu_sigma_mu) - (np.log(wets / variational_wets) - 1))) dq_dwi = ((sumew - ew) * ew) / (sumew**2) for i in range(mu_minus.shape[1]): dq_dw = np.diag(dq_dwi[:, i]) for j in range(mu_minus.shape[0]): for k in range(mu_minus.shape[0]): if j != k: dq_dw[j, k] = -ew[j, i] * ew[k, i] / (sumew[i]**2) dL_dw[:, i] =, dL_dq[:, i]) self.variational_wi.gradient -= dL_dw
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm=None, labels=None, cmap="Blues", ax=None, fontsize=12, cbar=False, title=None, y_true=None, y_pred=None, **kwargs): r""" cm : a square matrix of raw count kwargs : arguments for `odin.visual.plot_heatmap` """ # TODO: new style for confusion matrix (using small and big dot) if cm is None: assert y_true is not None and y_pred is not None, \ "Provide either cm explicitly or y_true and y_pred together" from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) assert cm.shape[0] == cm.shape[1], \ "Plot confusion matrix only applied for squared matrix" if labels is None: labels = ['#%d' % i for i in range(max(cm.shape))] # calculate F1 N_row = np.sum(cm, axis=-1) N_col = np.sum(cm, axis=0) TP = np.diagonal(cm) FP = N_col - TP FN = N_row - TP precision = TP / (TP + FP) recall = TP / (TP + FN) F1 = 2 / (1 / precision + 1 / recall) F1[np.isnan(F1)] = 0. F1_mean = np.mean(F1) # column normalize nb_classes = cm.shape[0] cm = cm.astype('float32') / np.sum(cm, axis=1, keepdims=True) # generate annotation annotation = np.empty(shape=(nb_classes, nb_classes), dtype=object) for i, j in itertools.product(range(nb_classes), range(nb_classes)): if i == j: # diagonal text = '%.2f\nF1:%.2f' % (cm[i, j], F1[i]) else: text = '%.2f' % cm[i, j] annotation[i, j] = text # plotting return plot_heatmap(\ data=cm, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels, xlabel="Prediction", ylabel="True", cmap=cmap, ax=ax, fontsize=fontsize, cbar=cbar, cbar_title="Accuracy", annotation=annotation, text_colors=dict(diag='magenta', other='black', minrow='red'), title='%s(F1: %.3f)' % ('' if title is None else str(title), F1_mean), **kwargs)
def olf_bulb_10(Nmitral, H_in, W_in, P_odor_in, dam): # Nmitral = 10 #number of mitral cells Ngranule = np.copy(Nmitral) #number of granule cells pg. 383 of Li/Hop Ndim = Nmitral + Ngranule #total number of cells t_inh = 25 # time when inhalation starts t_exh = 205 #time when exhalation starts finalt = 395 # end time of the cycle #y = zeros(ndim,1); Sx = 1.43 #Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2 are parameters for the activation functions Sx2 = 0.143 Sy = 2.86 #These are given in Li/Hopfield pg 382, slightly diff in her thesis Sy2 = 0.286 th = 1 #threshold for the activation function tau_exh = 33.3333 #Exhale time constant, pg. 382 of Li/Hop exh_rate = 1 / tau_exh alpha = .15 #decay rate for the neurons #Li/Hop have it as 1/7 or .142 on pg 383 P_odor0 = np.zeros(Nmitral) #odor pattern, no odor H0 = H_in #weight matrix: to mitral from granule W0 = W_in #weights: to granule from mitral Ib = np.ones((Nmitral, 1)) * .243 #initial external input to mitral cells Ic = np.ones( (Ngranule, 1)) * .1 #initial input to granule cells, these values are #given on pg 382 of Li/Hop signalflag = 1 # 0 for linear output, 1 for activation function noise = np.zeros((Ndim, 1)) #noise in inputs noiselevel = .00143 noisewidth = 7 #noise correlation time, given pg 383 Li/Hop as 9, but 7 in thesis lastnoise = np.zeros((Ndim, 1)) #initial time of last noise pule #****************************************************************************** #CALCULATE FIXED POINTS #Calculating equilibrium value with no input rest0 = np.zeros((Ndim, 1)) restequi = fsolve(lambda x: equi(x,Ndim,Nmitral,Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2,th,alpha,\ t_inh,H0,W0,P_odor0,Ib,Ic,dam),rest0) #about 20 ms to run this np.random.seed(seed=23) #init0 = restequi+np.random.rand(Ndim)*.00143 #initial conditions plus some noise #for no odor input init0 = restequi + np.random.rand( Ndim) * .00143 #initial conditions plus some noise #for no odor input np.random.seed() #Now calculate equilibrium value with odor input lastnoise = lastnoise + t_inh - noisewidth #initialize lastnoise value #But what is it for? to have some #kind of correlation in the noise #find eigenvalues of A to see if input produces oscillating signal xequi = fsolve(lambda x: equi(x,Ndim,Nmitral,Sx,Sx2,Sy,Sy2,th,alpha,\ t_inh,H0,W0,P_odor_in,Ib,Ic,dam),rest0) #equilibrium values with some input, about 20 ms to run #****************************************************************************** #CALCULATE A AND DETERMINE EXISTENCE OF OSCILLATIONS diffgy = celldiff(xequi[Nmitral:], Sy, Sy2, th) diffgx = celldiff(xequi[0:Nmitral], Sx, Sx2, th) H1 =, diffgy) W1 =, diffgx) #intermediate step in constructing A A =, W1) #Construct A dA, vA = lin.eig(A) #about 20 ms to run this #Find eigenvalues of A diff = (1j) * (dA)**.5 - alpha #criteria for a growing oscillation negsum = -(1j) * (dA)**.5 - alpha #Same diff_re = np.real(diff) #Take the real part negsum_re = np.real(negsum) #do an argmax to return the eigenvalue that will cause the fastest growing oscillations #Then do a spectrograph to track the growth of the associated freq through time indices = np.where( diff_re > 0) #Find the indices where the criteria is met indices2 = np.where(negsum_re > 0) #eigenvalues that could lead to growing oscillations # candidates = np.append(np.real((dA[indices])**.5),np.real((dA[indices2])**.5)) largest = np.argmax(diff_re) check = np.size(indices) check2 = np.size(indices2) if check == 0 and check2 == 0: # print("No Odor Recognized") dominant_freq = 0 else: dominant_freq = np.real((dA[largest])**.5) / ( 2 * np.pi) #find frequency of the dominant mode #Divide by 2pi to get to cycles/ms # print("Odor detected. Eigenvalues:",dA[indices],dA[indices2],\ # "\nEigenvectors:",vA[indices],vA[indices2],\ # "\nDominant Frequency:",dominant_freq) #************************************************************************* #SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS TO GET INPUT AND OUTPUTS AS FN'S OF t #differential equation to solve teval = np.r_[0:finalt] #solve the differential equation sol = solve_ivp(lambda t,y: diffeq(t,y,Nmitral,Ngranule,Ndim,lastnoise,\ noise,noisewidth,noiselevel, t_inh,t_exh,exh_rate,alpha,Sy,\ Sy2,Sx,Sx2,th,H0,W0,P_odor_in,Ic,Ib,dam),\ [0,395],init0,t_eval = teval,method = 'RK45') t = sol.t y = sol.y y = np.transpose(y) yout = np.copy(y) #convert signal into output signal given by the activation fn if signalflag == 1: for i in np.arange(np.size(t)): yout[i, :Nmitral] = cellout(y[i, :Nmitral], Sx, Sx2, th) yout[i, Nmitral:] = cellout(y[i, Nmitral:], Sy, Sy2, th) #solve diffeq for P_odor = 0 #first, reinitialize lastnoise & noise noise = np.zeros((Ndim, 1)) lastnoise = np.zeros((Ndim, 1)) lastnoise = lastnoise + t_inh - noisewidth sol0 = sol = solve_ivp(lambda t,y: diffeq(t,y,Nmitral,Ngranule,Ndim,lastnoise,\ noise,noisewidth,noiselevel, t_inh,t_exh,exh_rate,alpha,Sy,\ Sy2,Sx,Sx2,th,H0,W0,P_odor0,Ic,Ib,dam),\ [0,395],init0,t_eval = teval,method = 'RK45') y0 = sol0.y y0 = np.transpose(y0) y0out = np.copy(y0) #convert signal into output signal given by the activation fn if signalflag == 1: for i in np.arange(np.size(t)): y0out[i, :Nmitral] = cellout(y0[i, :Nmitral], Sx, Sx2, th) y0out[i, Nmitral:] = cellout(y0[i, Nmitral:], Sy, Sy2, th) #***************************************************************************** #SIGNAL PROCESSING #Filtering the signal - O_mean: Lowpass fitered signal, under 20 Hz #S_h: Highpass filtered signal, over 20 Hz fs = 1 / (.001 * (t[1] - t[0])) #sampling freq, converting from ms to sec f_c = 15 / fs # Cutoff freq at 20 Hz, written as a ratio of fc to sample freq flter = np.sinc(2 * f_c * (t - (finalt - 1) / 2)) * np.blackman(finalt) #creating the #windowed sinc filter #centered at the middle #of the time data flter = flter / np.sum(flter) #normalize hpflter = -np.copy(flter) hpflter[int( (finalt - 1) / 2)] += 1 #convert the LP filter into a HP filter Sh = np.zeros(np.shape(yout)) Sl = np.copy(Sh) Sl0 = np.copy(Sh) Sbp = np.copy(Sh) for i in np.arange(Ndim): Sh[:, i] = np.convolve(yout[:, i], hpflter, mode='same') Sl[:, i] = np.convolve(yout[:, i], flter, mode='same') Sl0[:, i] = np.convolve(y0out[:, i], flter, mode='same') #find the oscillation period Tosc (Tosc must be greater than 5 ms to exclude noise) Tosc0 = np.zeros(np.size(np.arange(5, 50))) for i in np.arange(5, 50): Sh_shifted = np.roll(Sh, i, axis=0) Tosc0[i - 5] = np.sum( np.diagonal([:, :Nmitral]), Sh_shifted[:, :Nmitral]))) #That is, do the correlation matrix (time correlation), take the diagonal to #get the autocorrelations, and find the max Tosc = np.argmax(Tosc0) Tosc = Tosc + 5 f_c2 = 1000 * ( 1.3 / Tosc) / fs #Filter out components with frequencies higher than this #to get rid of noise effects in cross-correlation #times 1000 to get units right flter2 = np.sinc(2 * f_c2 * (t - (finalt - 1) / 2)) * np.blackman(finalt) flter2 = flter2 / np.sum(flter2) for i in np.arange(Ndim): Sbp[:, i] = np.convolve(Sh[:, i], flter2, mode='same') #CALCULATE THE DISTANCE MEASURES #calculate phase via cross-correlation with each cell phase = np.zeros(Nmitral) for i in np.arange(1, Nmitral): crosscor = signal.correlate(Sbp[:, 0], Sbp[:, i]) tdiff = np.argmax(crosscor) - (finalt - 1) phase[i] = tdiff / Tosc * 2 * np.pi #Problem with the method below is that it will only give values from 0 to pi #for i in np.arange(1,Nmitral): # phase[i]=np.arccos([:,0],Sbp[:,i])/(lin.norm(Sbp[:,0])*lin.norm(Sbp[:,i]))) OsciAmp = np.zeros(Nmitral) Oosci = np.copy(OsciAmp) * 0j Omean = np.zeros(Nmitral) for i in np.arange(Nmitral): OsciAmp[i] = np.sqrt( np.sum(Sh[125:250, i]**2) / np.size(Sh[125:250, i])) Oosci[i] = OsciAmp[i] * np.exp(1j * phase[i]) Omean[i] = np.average(Sl[:, i] - Sl0[:, i]) Omean = np.maximum(Omean, 0) Ooscibar = np.sqrt( Oosci, np.conjugate(Oosci))) / Nmitral #can't just square b/c it's complex Omeanbar = np.sqrt(, Omean)) / Nmitral maxlam = np.max(np.abs(np.imag(np.sqrt(dA)))) return yout, y0out, Sh, t, OsciAmp, Omean, Oosci, Omeanbar, Ooscibar, dominant_freq, maxlam
# extract y: y = gpa1['colGPA'] # extract X & add a column of ones: X = pd.DataFrame({'const': 1, 'hsGPA': gpa1['hsGPA'], 'ACT': gpa1['ACT']}) # alternative with patsy: y2, X2 = pt.dmatrices('colGPA ~ hsGPA + ACT', data=gpa1, return_type='dataframe') # display first rows of X: print(f'X.head(): \n{X.head()}\n') # parameter estimates: X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y).reshape(n, 1) # creates a row vector b = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ y print(f'b: \n{b}\n') # residuals, estimated variance of u and SER: u_hat = y - X @ b sigsq_hat = (u_hat.T @ u_hat) / (n - k - 1) SER = np.sqrt(sigsq_hat) print(f'SER: {SER}\n') # estimated variance of the parameter estimators and SE: Vbeta_hat = sigsq_hat * np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) se = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Vbeta_hat)) print(f'se: {se}\n')
# The uncertainty bounds are +/- 3 standard deviations based on our uncertainty (covariance). ################################################################################################ error_fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3) error_fig.suptitle('Error Plots') num_gt = gt.p.shape[0] p_est_euler = [] p_cov_euler_std = [] # Convert estimated quaternions to euler angles for i in range(len(q_est)): qc = Quaternion(*q_est[i, :]) p_est_euler.append(qc.to_euler()) # First-order approximation of RPY covariance J = rpy_jacobian_axis_angle(qc.to_axis_angle()) p_cov_euler_std.append(np.sqrt(np.diagonal(J @ p_cov[i, 6:, 6:] @ J.T))) p_est_euler = np.array(p_est_euler) p_cov_euler_std = np.array(p_cov_euler_std) # Get uncertainty estimates from P matrix p_cov_std = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(p_cov[:, :6, :6], axis1=1, axis2=2)) titles = ['Easting', 'Northing', 'Up', 'Roll', 'Pitch', 'Yaw'] for i in range(3): ax[0, i].plot(range(num_gt), gt.p[:, i] - p_est[:num_gt, i]) ax[0, i].plot(range(num_gt), 3 * p_cov_std[:num_gt, i], 'r--') ax[0, i].plot(range(num_gt), -3 * p_cov_std[:num_gt, i], 'r--') ax[0, i].set_title(titles[i]) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('Meters')
def state_vector_plots(x_act=None, act=None, x_calc=None, calc=None, x_data=None, data=None, covar=None): """Plot the state vectors and compare them to the data. This would mainly be used to see the results of the fit. Each set of parameters is optional, but if one y parameter is included, its corresponding x parameter must also be present. For instance, if `calc` is provided, then `x_calc` must also be provided. Parameters ---------- x_act : array-like, optional x values of the actual state vector act : array-like, optional actual state vector x_calc : array-like, optional x values of calculated state vector calc : array-like, optional the calculated state vector x_data : array-like, optional x values of the data data : array-like, optional measured data points covar : array-like, optional the covariance matrix of the fit Returns ------- figure The state vector plots """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2) fig.set_figheight(15) fig.set_figwidth(15) blue = sns.xkcd_rgb['denim blue'] red = sns.xkcd_rgb['crimson'] purple = sns.xkcd_rgb['amethyst'] if x_act is not None and act is not None: ax[0, 0].plot(x_act, act[:, 0], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) ax[1, 0].plot(x_act, act[:, 1], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) ax[2, 0].plot(x_act, act[:, 2], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) ax[0, 1].plot(x_act, act[:, 3], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) ax[1, 1].plot(x_act, act[:, 4], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) ax[2, 1].plot(x_act, act[:, 5], color=blue, label='Actual', zorder=2) if calc is not None and x_calc is not None: ax[0, 0].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 0], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) ax[1, 0].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 1], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) ax[2, 0].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 2], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) ax[0, 1].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 3], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) ax[1, 1].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 4], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) ax[2, 1].plot(x_calc, calc[:, 5], color=purple, label='Calculated', zorder=3) if data is not None and x_data is not None: ax[0, 0].plot(x_data, data[:, 0], '.', markersize=4, color=red, label='Data', zorder=1, alpha=0.5) ax[1, 0].plot(x_data, data[:, 1], '.', markersize=4, color=red, label='Data', zorder=1, alpha=0.5) ax[2, 0].plot(x_data, data[:, 2], '.', markersize=4, color=red, label='Data', zorder=1, alpha=0.5) if covar is not None: ubd = calc + numpy.sqrt(numpy.diagonal(covar, axis1=1, axis2=2)) lbd = calc - numpy.sqrt(numpy.diagonal(covar, axis1=1, axis2=2)) ax[0, 0].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 0], lbd[:, 0], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[1, 0].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 1], lbd[:, 1], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[2, 0].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 2], lbd[:, 2], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[0, 1].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 3], lbd[:, 3], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[1, 1].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 4], lbd[:, 4], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[2, 1].fill_between(x_calc, ubd[:, 5], lbd[:, 5], color=purple, alpha=0.3, zorder=0) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('x [m]') ax[0, 0].legend(loc='best') ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('y [m]') ax[1, 0].legend(loc='best') ax[2, 0].set_ylabel('z [m]') ax[2, 0].legend(loc='best') ax[0, 1].set_ylabel('px [MeV/c]') ax[0, 1].legend(loc='best') ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('py [MeV/c]') ax[1, 1].legend(loc='best') ax[2, 1].set_ylabel('pz [MeV/c]') ax[2, 1].legend(loc='best') return fig
def _calc_ast_cov(self, indxs, filters, return_all=False): """ The NxN-dimensional covariance matrix and N-dimensional bias vector are calculated from M independent ASTs computed for N bands Parameters ---------- indxs : index array giving the ASTs assocaited with a single model SED filters : base filter names in the AST file Keywords -------- return_all : True/False Returns ------- if return_all = False (cov_mat, bias, compls) else (cov_mat, bias, stddevs, corr_mat, diffs, ifluxes, compls) cov_mat : NxN dim numpy array covariance matrix in flux units bias : N dim numpy vector vector of the biases in each filter stddevs : N dim numpy vector vector of standard deviations in each filter corr_mat : NxN dim numpy array correlation matrix diffs : KxN dim numpy vector raw flux differences for N filters and K AST instances ifluxes : N dim numpy vector input fluxes of the AST in each filter compl : float AST completeness for this model """ # set the asts for this star using the input index array asts =[indxs] # now check that the source was recovered in at least 1 band # this replicates how the observed catalog is created n_asts = len(asts) gtindxs = np.full((n_asts), 1) for k in range(n_asts): cgood = 0 for cfilter in filters: if asts[cfilter + '_VEGA'][k] < 90: cgood = cgood + 1 gtindxs[k] = cgood indxs, = np.where(gtindxs > 0) n_indxs = len(indxs) if n_indxs <= 5: return False # completeness compl = float(n_indxs) / float(n_asts) # setup the variables for output n_filters = len(filters) ifluxes = np.empty((n_filters), dtype=np.float32) diffs = np.empty((n_filters, n_indxs), dtype=np.float32) biases = np.empty((n_filters), dtype=np.float32) cov_matrix = np.full((n_filters, n_filters), 0.0, dtype=np.float32) for ck, cfilter in enumerate(filters): ifluxes[ck] = np.power(10.0,-0.4*asts[cfilter+'_IN'][indxs[0]])* \ self.vega_flux[ck] # compute the difference vector between the input and output fluxes # note that the input fluxes are in magnitudes and the # output fluxes in normalized vega fluxes diffs[ck,:] = asts[cfilter+'_RATE'][indxs]*self.vega_flux[ck] - \ ifluxes[ck] # compute the bias and standard deviations around said bias biases[ck] = np.mean(diffs[ck, :]) # compute the covariance matrix for ck in range(n_filters): for dk in range(ck, n_filters): for ci in range(n_indxs): cov_matrix[ck,dk] += (diffs[ck,ci] - biases[ck])* \ (diffs[dk,ci] - biases[dk]) # fill in the symmetric terms cov_matrix[dk, ck] = cov_matrix[ck, dk] cov_matrix /= (n_indxs - 1) stddevs = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov_matrix)) # compute the corrleation matrix corr_matrix = np.array(cov_matrix) for ck in range(n_filters): for dk in range(ck, n_filters): if stddevs[ck] * stddevs[dk] > 0: corr_matrix[ck, dk] /= stddevs[ck] * stddevs[dk] else: corr_matrix[ck, dk] = 0.0 # fill in the symmetric terms corr_matrix[dk, ck] = corr_matrix[ck, dk] if return_all: return (cov_matrix, biases, stddevs, corr_matrix, diffs, ifluxes, compl) else: return (cov_matrix, biases, compl)
def fitgaussian(y, x=None, bgpars=None, fitbg=0, guess=None, mask=None, weights=None, maskg=False, yxguess=None): """ Fits an N-dimensional Gaussian to (value, coordinate) data. Parameters ---------- y : ndarray Array giving the values of the function. x : ndarray (optional) Array (any shape) giving the abcissas of y (if missing, uses np.indices(y). The highest dimension must be equal to the number of other dimensions (i.e., if x has 6 dimensions, the highest dimension must have length 5). The rest of the dimensions must have the same shape as y. Must be sorted ascending (which is not checked), if guess is not given. bgpars : ndarray or tuple, 3-elements Background parameters, the elements determine a X- and Y-linearly dependant level, of the form: f = Y*bgparam[0] + X*bgparam[1] + bgparam[2] (Not tested for 1D yet). fitbg : Integer This flag indicates the level of background fitting: fitbg=0: No fitting, estimate the bg as median(data). fitbg=1: Fit a constant to the bg (bg = c). fitbg=2: Fit a plane as bg (bg = a*x + b*y + c). guess : tuple, (width, center, height) Tuple giving an initial guess of the Gaussian parameters for the optimizer. If supplied, x and y can be any shape and need not be sorted. See gaussian() for meaning and format of this tuple. mask : ndarray Same shape as y. Values where its corresponding mask value is 0 are disregarded for the minimization. Only values where the mask value is 1 are considered. weights : ndarray Same shape as y. This array defines weights for the minimization, for scientific data the weights should be 1/sqrt(variance). Returns ------- params : ndarray This array contains the best fitting values parameters: width, center, height, and if requested, bgpars. with: width : The fitted Gaussian widths in each dimension. center : The fitted Gaussian center coordinate in each dimension. height : The fitted height. err : ndarray An array containing the concatenated uncertainties corresponding to the values of params. For example, 2D input gives np.array([widthyerr, widthxerr, centeryerr, centerxerr, heighterr]). Notes ----- If the input does not look anything like a Gaussian, the result might not even be the best fit to that. Method: First guess the parameters (if no guess is provided), then call a Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer to finish the job. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import gaussian as g >>> # parameters for X >>> lx = -3. # low end of range >>> hx = 5. # high end of range >>> dx = 0.05 # step >>> # parameters of the noise >>> nc = 0.0 # noice center >>> ns = 1.0 # noise width >>> na = 0.2 # noise amplitude >>> # 1D Example >>> # parameters of the underlying Gaussian >>> wd = 1.1 # width >>> ct = 1.2 # center >>> ht = 2.2 # height >>> # x and y data to fit >>> x = np.arange(lx, hx + dx / 2., dx) >>> x += na * np.random.normal(nc, ns, x.size) >>> y = g.gaussian(x, wd, ct, ht) + na * np.random.normal(nc, ns, x.size) >>> s = x.argsort() # sort, in case noise violated order >>> xs = x[s] >>> ys = y[s] >>> # calculate guess and fit >>> (width, center, height) = g.gaussianguess(ys, xs) >>> (fw, fc, fh, err) = g.fitgaussian(ys, xs) >>> # plot results >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.plot(xs, ys) >>> plt.plot(xs, g.gaussian(xs, wd, ct, ht)) >>> plt.plot(xs, g.gaussian(xs, width, center, height)) >>> plt.plot(xs, g.gaussian(xs, fw, fc, fh)) >>> plt.title('Gaussian Data, Guess, and Fit') >>> plt.xlabel('Abcissa') >>> plt.ylabel('Ordinate') >>> # plot residuals >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.plot(xs, ys - g.gaussian(xs, fw, fc, fh)) >>> plt.title('Gaussian Fit Residuals') >>> plt.xlabel('Abcissa') >>> plt.ylabel('Ordinate') >>> # 2D Example >>> # parameters of the underlying Gaussian >>> wd = (1.1, 3.2) # width >>> ct = (1.2, 3.1) # center >>> ht = 2.2 # height >>> # x and y data to fit >>> nx = (hx - lx) / dx + 1 >>> x = np.indices((nx, nx)) * dx + lx >>> y = g.gaussian(x, wd, ct, ht) + na * np.random.normal(nc, ns, x.shape[1:]) >>> # calculate guess and fit >>> #(width, center, height) = g.gaussianguess(y, x) # not in 2D yet... >>> (fw, fc, fh, err) = g.fitgaussian(y, x, (wd, ct, ht)) >>> # plot results >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('2D Gaussian Given') >>> plt.xlabel('X') >>> plt.ylabel('Y') >>> plt.imshow( g.gaussian(x, wd, ct, ht)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('2D Gaussian With Noise') >>> plt.xlabel('X') >>> plt.ylabel('Y') >>> plt.imshow(y) >>> #plt.imshow( g.gaussian(x, width, center, height)) # not in 2D yet... >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('2D Gaussian Fit') >>> plt.xlabel('X') >>> plt.ylabel('Y') >>> plt.imshow( g.gaussian(x, fw, fc, fh)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.title('2D Gaussian Fit Residuals') >>> plt.xlabel('X') >>> plt.ylabel('Y') >>> plt.imshow(y - g.gaussian(x, fw, fc, fh)) >>> # All cases benefit from... >>> # show difference between fit and underlying Gaussian >>> # Random data, your answers WILL VARY. >>> np.array(fw) - np.array(wd) array([ 0.00210398, -0.00937687]) >>> np.array(fc) - np.array(ct) array([-0.00260803, 0.00555011]) >>> np.array(fh) - np.array(ht) 0.0030143371034774269 >>> Last Example: >>> x = np.indices((30,30)) >>> g1 = g.gaussian(x, width=(1.2, 1.15), center=(13.2,15.75), height=1e4, >>> bgpars=[0.0, 0.0, 100.0]) >>> error = np.sqrt(g1) * np.random.randn(30,30) >>> y = g1 + error >>> var = g1 >>> >>> plt.figure(1) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.imshow(y, origin='lower_left', interpolation='nearest') >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.title('2D Gaussian') >>> plt.xlabel('X') >>> plt.ylabel('Y') >>> >>> guess = ((1.2,1.2),(13,16.),1e4) >>> reload(g) >>> fit = g.fitgaussian(y, x, bgpars=[0.0, 0.0, 110.], fitbg=1, guess=guess, >>> mask=None, weights=1/np.sqrt(var)) >>> print(fit[0]) Revisions --------- 2007-09-17 Joe Initial version, portions adapted from [email protected] 2007-11-13 Joe Made N-dimensional. 2008-12-02 Nate Included error calculation, and return Fixed a bug in which if the initial guess was None, and incorrect shape array was generated. This caused gaussian guess to fail. [email protected] 2009-10-25 Converted to standard doc header, fixed examples to return 4 parameters. 2011-05-03 patricio Added mask, weights, and background-fitting options. [email protected] """ if x == None: x = np.indices(np.shape(y)) else: if (((x.ndim == 1) and (x.shape != y.shape)) or ((x.ndim > 1) and (x.shape[1:] != y.shape))): raise (ValueError, "x must give coordinates of points in y.") # Default mask: all good if mask == None: mask = np.ones(np.shape(y)) # Default weights: no weighting if weights == None: weights = np.ones(np.shape(y)) # Mask the gaussian if requested: medmask = np.copy(mask) if maskg and (yxguess != None or guess != None): if yxguess != None: center = yxguess elif guess != None: center = guess[1] medmask *= (1 - d.disk(3, center, np.shape(y))) # Estimate the median of the image: medbg = np.median(y[np.where(medmask)]) if bgpars == None: bgpars = [0.0, 0.0, medbg] # get a guess if not provided if guess == None: if yxguess == None: guess = gaussianguess(y - medbg, mask=mask) else: guess = gaussianguess(y - medbg, mask=mask, yxguess=yxguess) # "ravel" the guess gparams = np.append(guess[0], guess[1]) gparams = np.append(gparams, guess[2]) # Background params to fit: if fitbg == 0: bgparams = [] elif fitbg == 1: bgparams = bgpars[2] elif fitbg == 2: bgparams = bgpars # Concatenate sets of parameters we want to fit: params = np.append(gparams, bgparams) # Rest of parameters needed by residuals: args = (x, y, mask, weights, bgpars, fitbg) # The fit: p, cov, info, mesg, success = so.leastsq(residuals, params, args, full_output=True) try: err = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov)) except: err = None return p, err
def __init__(self, m=None, P=None, U=None, S=None, Pm=None): """ Initialize a gaussian pdf given a valid combination of its parameters. Valid combinations are: m-P, m-U, m-S, Pm-P, Pm-U, Pm-S :param m: mean :param P: precision :param U: upper triangular precision factor such that U'U = P :param S: covariance :param Pm: precision times mean such that P*m = Pm """ if m is not None: m = np.asarray(m) self.m = m self.ndim = m.size if P is not None: P = np.asarray(P) L = np.linalg.cholesky(P) self.P = P self.C = np.linalg.inv(L) self.S =, self.C) self.Pm =, m) self.logdetP = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L))) elif U is not None: U = np.asarray(U) self.P =, U) self.C = np.linalg.inv(U.T) self.S =, self.C) self.Pm =, m) self.logdetP = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(U))) elif S is not None: S = np.asarray(S) self.P = np.linalg.inv(S) self.C = np.linalg.cholesky(S).T self.S = S self.Pm =, m) self.logdetP = -2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(self.C))) else: raise ValueError('Precision information missing.') elif Pm is not None: Pm = np.asarray(Pm) self.Pm = Pm self.ndim = Pm.size if P is not None: P = np.asarray(P) L = np.linalg.cholesky(P) self.P = P self.C = np.linalg.inv(L) self.S =, self.C) self.m = np.linalg.solve(P, Pm) self.logdetP = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L))) elif U is not None: U = np.asarray(U) self.P =, U) self.C = np.linalg.inv(U.T) self.S =, self.C) self.m = np.linalg.solve(self.P, Pm) self.logdetP = 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(U))) elif S is not None: S = np.asarray(S) self.P = np.linalg.inv(S) self.C = np.linalg.cholesky(S).T self.S = S self.m =, Pm) self.logdetP = -2.0 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(self.C))) else: raise ValueError('Precision information missing.') else: raise ValueError('Mean information missing.')
def __call__(self, sedgrid, generic_absflux_a_matrix=None, progress=True): """ Interpolate the results of the ASTs on the model grid Parameters ---------- sedgrid: beast.core.grid type model grid to interpolate AST results on Returns ------- progress: bool, optional if set, display a progress bar """ flux = sedgrid.seds if generic_absflux_a_matrix is not None: model_absflux_cov = False if generic_absflux_a_matrix is not None: print('using model indepdent absflux cov matrix') else: print('not using any absflux cov matrix') elif ((sedgrid.cov_diag is not None) & (sedgrid.cov_offdiag is not None)): model_absflux_cov = True absflux_cov_diag = sedgrid.cov_diag absflux_cov_offdiag = sedgrid.cov_offdiag print('using model dependent absflux cov matrix') else: model_absflux_cov = False n_models, n_filters = flux.shape n_offdiag = (((n_filters**2) - n_filters) / 2) if n_filters != len(self.filters): raise AttributeError('the grid of models does not seem to' + 'be defined with the same number of filters') biases = np.empty((n_models, n_filters), dtype=np.float64) sigmas = np.empty((n_models, n_filters), dtype=np.float64) cov_diag = np.empty((n_models, n_filters), dtype=np.float64) cov_offdiag = np.empty((n_models, n_offdiag), dtype=np.float64) icov_diag = np.empty((n_models, n_filters), dtype=np.float64) icov_offdiag = np.empty((n_models, n_offdiag), dtype=np.float64) q_norm = np.empty((n_models), dtype=np.float64) compls = np.empty((n_models), dtype=float) if progress is True: it = Pbar(desc='Evaluating model').iterover(range(n_models)) else: it = range(n_models) for i in it: # AST results are in vega fluxes cur_flux = flux[i, :] # find the 10 nearest neighbors to the model SED result = self._kdtree.query(np.log10(cur_flux), 10) dist = result[0] indxs = result[1] # check if the distance is very small, set to a reasonable value tindxs, = np.where(dist < 0.01) if len(tindxs) > 0: dist[tindxs] = 0.01 # compute the interpolated covariance matrix # use the distances to generate weights for the sum dist_weights = 1.0 / dist dist_weights /= np.sum(dist_weights) cur_cov_matrix = np.average(self._cov_matrices[indxs, :, :], axis=0, weights=dist_weights) # add in the absflux covariance matrix # unpack off diagonal terms the same way they were packed if model_absflux_cov: m = 0 cur_cov_matrix[n_filters-1,n_filters-1] += \ absflux_cov_diag[i,n_filters-1] for k in range(n_filters - 1): cur_cov_matrix[k, k] += absflux_cov_diag[i, k] for l in range(k + 1, n_filters): cur_cov_matrix[k, l] += absflux_cov_offdiag[i, m] cur_cov_matrix[l, k] += absflux_cov_offdiag[i, m] m += 1 elif generic_absflux_a_matrix is not None: for k in range(n_filters): for l in range(n_filters): cur_cov_matrix[k, l] += (generic_absflux_a_matrix[k, l] * cur_flux[k] * cur_flux[l]) # compute the interpolated biases biases[i, :] = np.average(self._biases[indxs, :], axis=0, weights=dist_weights) # compute the interpolated completeness compls[i] = np.average(self._completenesses[indxs], weights=dist_weights) # save the straight uncertainties sigmas[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cur_cov_matrix)) # invert covariance matrix inv_cur_cov_matrix = np.linalg.inv(cur_cov_matrix) # save the diagnonal and packed version of non-diagonal terms m = 0 icov_diag[i, n_filters - 1] = inv_cur_cov_matrix[n_filters - 1, n_filters - 1] cov_diag[i, n_filters - 1] = cur_cov_matrix[n_filters - 1, n_filters - 1] for k in range(n_filters - 1): icov_diag[i, k] = inv_cur_cov_matrix[k, k] cov_diag[i, k] = cur_cov_matrix[k, k] for l in range(k + 1, n_filters): icov_offdiag[i, m] = inv_cur_cov_matrix[k, l] cov_offdiag[i, m] = cur_cov_matrix[k, l] m += 1 # save the log of the determinat for normalization # the ln(det) is calculated and saved as this is what will # be used in the actual calculation # norm = 1.0/sqrt(Q) det = np.linalg.slogdet(cur_cov_matrix) #print(det) if det[0] <= 0: print('something bad happened') print('determinant of covarinace matrix is zero or negative') print(det) q_norm[i] = -0.5 * det[1] return (biases, sigmas, compls, q_norm, icov_diag, icov_offdiag, cov_diag, cov_offdiag)
print(get_short_diagnostics(full_mcmc_tensor)) out = sampler1.get_diagnostics(permuted=False) print("num divergent") processed_diag = process_diagnostics(out, name_list=["divergent"]) print(processed_diag.sum(axis=1)) print("num hit max tree depth") processed_diag = process_diagnostics(out, name_list=["hit_max_tree_depth"]) print(processed_diag.sum(axis=1)) print("average acceptance rate after warmup") processed_diag = process_diagnostics(out, name_list=["accept_rate"]) average_accept_rate = numpy.mean(processed_diag, axis=1) print(average_accept_rate) print("energy diagnostics") print(energy_diagnostics(diagnostics_obj=out)) mixed_mcmc_tensor = sampler1.get_samples(permuted=True) print(mixed_mcmc_tensor) true_cov = numpy.cov(mixed_mcmc_tensor, rowvar=False) sd_vec = numpy.diagonal(true_cov) print("problem difficulty") print(max(sd_vec) / min(sd_vec)) # val = 11.5
def profile_align(prof1, prof2): """ Profile-to-profile Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm :param prof1: aminoacid-profile of a sequence (output of seqprofile function); must be a numpy array of 20 rows :param prof2: aminoacid-profile of a sequence (output of seqprofile function); must be a numpy array of 20 rows :return: """ assert len(prof1) == 20 and len(prof2) == 20, 'The profiles prof1 and prof2 ' \ 'must be numpy arrays with 20 rows' # The following are the assumptions made # extendgap = False # adjust_oldgap = True # adjust_endgap = False # v2_flag = False gap_penalty = -8 gapgap_function = lambda a, b: 0.1 * a gapres_function = lambda a, b: 0.1 * b blosum50 = np.loadtxt('./sca/blosum50.txt') len1, len2 = len(prof1[0]), len(prof2[0]) gap1, gap2 = np.ones(len1 + 1) * gap_penalty, np.ones(len2 + 1) * gap_penalty prof1 = np.concatenate((prof1, np.zeros((1, len(prof1[0]))))) prof2 = np.concatenate((prof2, np.zeros((1, len(prof2[0]))))) num_sym = 21 scoring_matrix = np.zeros((num_sym, num_sym)) scoring_matrix[0:num_sym - 1, 0:num_sym - 1] = blosum50[0:num_sym - 1, 0:num_sym - 1] sm = np.mean(np.diagonal(scoring_matrix)) sx = sum(sum(scoring_matrix - np.diag(np.diagonal(scoring_matrix)))) gapgap_const = gapgap_function(sm, sx) gapres_const = gapres_function(sm, sx) scoring_matrix[num_sym - 1, :] = gapres_const scoring_matrix[:, num_sym - 1] = gapres_const scoring_matrix[num_sym - 1, num_sym - 1] = gapgap_const gap_weight1, gap_weight2 = sum(prof1[:-1, :]), sum(prof2[:-1, :]) temp1 = np.vstack((np.append(gap_weight1, max(gap_weight1)), np.insert(gap_weight1, 0, max(gap_weight1)))) gap1 = gap1 * np.min(temp1, axis=0) temp2 = np.vstack((np.append(gap_weight2, max(gap_weight2)), np.insert(gap_weight2, 0, max(gap_weight2)))) gap2 = gap2 * np.min(temp2, axis=0) f, pointer = needle_wunsch_align(prof1, prof2, scoring_matrix, gap1, gap2, gap_weight1, gap_weight2) i, j = len2 + 1, len1 + 1 path = np.zeros((len1 + len2, 2)) step = 1 score = f[-1, -1] while i > 1 or j > 1: if pointer[i - 1, j - 1] == 1: i, j = i - 1, j - 1 path[step - 1, :] = np.array([j, i]) elif pointer[i - 1, j - 1] == 2: i -= 1 path[step - 1, 1] = i elif pointer[i - 1, j - 1] == 4: j -= 1 path[step - 1, 0] = j else: raise Exception step += 1 path = path[:step - 1, :] path = np.flipud(path) prof = np.zeros((num_sym, step - 1)) mask1 = path[:, 0] > 0 mask2 = path[:, 1] > 0 prof[:, mask1] = prof1 prof[:, mask2] = prof[:, mask2] + prof2 prof[num_sym - 1, ~mask1] = prof[num_sym - 1, ~mask1] + np.mean(sum(prof1)) prof[num_sym - 1, ~mask2] = prof[num_sym - 1, ~mask2] + np.mean(sum(prof2)) h1 = np.where(mask1 != 0)[0] h2 = np.where(mask2 != 0)[0] return prof, h1, h2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from rf import * import numpy as np ##Diverse Portfolios Decrease Variance I path = 'stock_data.csv' path = 'stock_data_nvidia.csv' stock_data = pd.read_csv(path) selected = list(stock_data.columns[1:]) returns_quarterly = stock_data[selected].pct_change() expected_returns = returns_quarterly.mean() cov_quarterly = returns_quarterly.cov() single_asset_std = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov_quarterly)) df = return_portfolios(expected_returns, cov_quarterly) weights, returns, risks = optimal_portfolio(returns_quarterly[1:]) df.plot.scatter(x='Volatility', y='Returns', fontsize=12) plt.plot(risks, returns, 'y-o') plt.scatter(single_asset_std, expected_returns, marker='X', color='red', s=200) for xc in single_asset_std: plt.axvline(x=xc, color='red') if 'nvidia' in path: plt.axvline(single_asset_std[-1], color='green') plt.scatter(single_asset_std[-1], expected_returns[-1], marker='X', color='green',
input_data=train_set, prior_dict=prior_dict, model_dict=model_dict) precision_type = "torch.DoubleTensor" te2, predicted2 = test_error(test_set, v_obj=v_generator(precision_type=precision_type), mcmc_samples=mcmc_samples_mixed, type="classification", memory_efficient=False) print(te2) mixed_mcmc_tensor = sampler1.get_samples(permuted=True) print(mixed_mcmc_tensor) mcmc_cov = numpy.cov(mixed_mcmc_tensor, rowvar=False) mcmc_sd_vec = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diagonal(mcmc_cov)) print("mcmc problem difficulty") print(max(mcmc_sd_vec) / min(mcmc_sd_vec)) # val = 2.25 out = sampler1.get_diagnostics(permuted=False) print("num divergences after warmup") processed_diag = process_diagnostics(out, name_list=["divergent"]) print(processed_diag.sum(axis=1)) print("num hit max tree depth after warmup") processed_diag = process_diagnostics(out, name_list=["hit_max_tree_depth"])
def get_cbepath(params, rpath, wpath): ''' -------------------------------------------------------------------- Generates matrices for the time path of the distribution of individual savings, individual consumption, and the Euler errors associated with the savings decisions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUTS: params = length 9 tuple, (S, T, beta, sigma, nvec, bvec1, b_ss, TPI_tol, EulDiff) S = integer in [3,80], number of periods an individual lives T = integer > S, number of time periods until steady state beta = scalar in (0,1), discount factor for each model period sigma = scalar > 0, coefficient of relative risk aversion nvec = (S,) vector, exogenous labor supply n_s bvec1 = (S-1,) vector, initial period savings distribution b_ss = (S-1,) vector, steady-state savings distribution TPI_tol = scalar > 0, tolerance level for fsolve's in TPI EulDiff = Boolean, =True if want difference version of Euler errors beta*(1+r)*u'(c2) - u'(c1), =False if want ratio version [beta*(1+r)*u'(c2)]/[u'(c1)] - 1 rpath = (T+S-2,) vector, equilibrium time path of interest rate wpath = (T+S-2,) vector, equilibrium time path of the real wage OTHER FUNCTIONS AND FILES CALLED BY THIS FUNCTION: paths_life() OBJECTS CREATED WITHIN FUNCTION: cpath = (S, T+S-2) matrix, time path of the distribution of consumption bpath = (S-1, T+S-2) matrix, time path of the distribution of savings EulErrPath = (S-1, T+S-2) matrix, time path of Euler errors pl_params = length 5 tuple, (S, beta, sigma, TPI_tol, EulDiff) p = integer >= 2, index representing number of periods remaining in a lifetime, used to solve incomplete lifetimes b_guess = (p-1,) vector, initial guess for remaining lifetime savings, taken from previous cohort's choices bveclf = (p-1,) vector, optimal remaining lifetime savings decisions cveclf = (p,) vector, optimal remaining lifetime consumption decisions b_err_veclf = (p-1,) vector, Euler errors associated with optimal remaining lifetime savings decisions DiagMaskb = (p-1, p-1) Boolean identity matrix DiagMaskc = (p, p) Boolean identity matrix FILES CREATED BY THIS FUNCTION: None RETURNS: cpath, bpath, EulErrPath -------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' S, T, beta, sigma, nvec, bvec1, b_ss, TPI_tol, EulDiff = params cpath = np.zeros((S, T + S - 2)) bpath = np.append(bvec1.reshape((S - 1, 1)), np.zeros((S - 1, T + S - 3)), axis=1) EulErrPath = np.zeros((S - 1, T + S - 2)) # Solve the incomplete remaining lifetime decisions of agents alive # in period t=1 but not born in period t=1 cpath[S - 1, 0] = ((1 + rpath[0]) * bvec1[S - 2] + wpath[0] * nvec[S - 1]) pl_params = (S, beta, sigma, TPI_tol, EulDiff) for p in range(2, S): b_guess = np.diagonal(bpath[S - p:, :p - 1]) bveclf, cveclf, b_err_veclf = paths_life( pl_params, S - p + 1, bvec1[S - p - 1], nvec[-p:], rpath[:p], wpath[:p], b_guess) # Insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist donut) # into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices DiagMaskb = np.eye(p - 1, dtype=bool) DiagMaskc = np.eye(p, dtype=bool) bpath[S - p:, 1:p] = DiagMaskb * bveclf + bpath[S - p:, 1:p] cpath[S - p:, :p] = DiagMaskc * cveclf + cpath[S - p:, :p] EulErrPath[S - p:, 1:p] = (DiagMaskb * b_err_veclf + EulErrPath[S - p:, 1:p]) # Solve for complete lifetime decisions of agents born in periods # 1 to T and insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist # donut) into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices DiagMaskb = np.eye(S - 1, dtype=bool) DiagMaskc = np.eye(S, dtype=bool) for t in range(1, T): # Go from periods 1 to T-1 b_guess = np.diagonal(bpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 2]) bveclf, cveclf, b_err_veclf = paths_life( pl_params, 1, 0, nvec, rpath[t - 1:t + S - 1], wpath[t - 1:t + S - 1], b_guess) # Insert the vector lifetime solutions diagonally (twist donut) # into the cpath, bpath, and EulErrPath matrices bpath[:, t:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskb * bveclf + bpath[:, t:t + S - 1]) cpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskc * cveclf + cpath[:, t - 1:t + S - 1]) EulErrPath[:, t:t + S - 1] = (DiagMaskb * b_err_veclf + EulErrPath[:, t:t + S - 1]) return cpath, bpath, EulErrPath
def sigmas(self): return np.sqrt(np.diagonal(self.cov()))