Пример #1
def conv2d(smaller, larger):
    """convolve a pair of 2d numpy matrices
    Uses fourier transform method, so faster if larger matrix
    has dimensions of size 2**n
    Actually right now the matrices must be the same size (will sort out
    padding issues another day!)
    smallerFFT = numpy.fft2(smaller)
    largerFFT = numpy.fft2(larger)
    invFFT = numpy.ifft(smallerFFT*largerFFT)
    return invFFT.real
Пример #2
    def getimage(self,z):

        :param z: the Zernike vector in microns, starting from Z=2 (tip)
                    z[0] is seeing in arcseconds
        #COMMON imagedata, uampl, filter2, seeing

        fact = 2.*np.pi/self.alambda

        nzer = len(z)
        phase = np.zeros_like(self.zgrid[0]) # empty array for phase

        for j in range(1, nzer):
            phase += fact*z[j]*ztools.zernike_estim(j+1,self.zgrid)
        # # log.debug('GETIMAGE: %s %s'%(phase[0],phase[-1]))
        # exit(0)
        uampl = np.zeros((self.ngrid*2,self.ngrid*2),dtype=np.complex)
        #uampl = np.complex(tmp, tmp)
        self.uampl = uampl

        uampl[self.inside] += np.cos(phase) #,
        uampl[self.inside] += (np.sin(phase)*np.complex(0,1))

        #uampl[np.bitwise_not(self.inside)] = 0.

        self.seeing = z[0]

        #---------  compute the image ----------------------
        # imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(uampl,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2)),self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2))**2.
        imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(uampl,self.ngrid,self.ngrid)),self.ngrid,self.ngrid))**2.

        if (self.sflag > 0): # exact seeing blur

            filter2 = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(self.seeing/2.35/self.asperpix/2/self.ngrid)**2*self.r**2) # unbinned image
            imh = np.abs(np.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft2(imh),self.ngrid,self.ngrid)*filter2))
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,(self.fovpix,self.fovpix)) # rebinning into CCD pixels

            rr = ztools.shift(ztools.dist(self.fovpix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)
            filter2 = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(self.seeing/2.35/self.ccdpix/self.fovpix)**2*rr**2) # binned image
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,[self.fovpix,self.fovpix]) # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(impix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)*filter2)) # Seeing blur

        self.filter2 = filter2
        return impix/np.sum(impix)
Пример #3
    def getimage(self,z):

        :param z: the Zernike vector in microns, starting from Z=2 (tip)
                    z[0] is seeing in arcseconds
        #COMMON imagedata, uampl, filter2, seeing

        fact = 2.*np.pi/self.alambda

        nzer = len(z)
        phase = np.zeros_like(self.zgrid[0]) # empty array for phase

        for j in range(1, nzer):
            phase += fact*z[j]*ztools.zernike_estim(j+1,self.zgrid)
        # # log.debug('GETIMAGE: %s %s'%(phase[0],phase[-1]))
        # exit(0)
        uampl = np.zeros((self.ngrid*2,self.ngrid*2),dtype=np.complex)
        #uampl = np.complex(tmp, tmp)
        self.uampl = uampl

        uampl[self.inside] += np.cos(phase) #,
        uampl[self.inside] += (np.sin(phase)*np.complex(0,1))

        #uampl[np.bitwise_not(self.inside)] = 0.

        self.seeing = z[0]

        #---------  compute the image ----------------------
        # imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(uampl,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2)),self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2))**2.
        imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(uampl,self.ngrid,self.ngrid)),self.ngrid,self.ngrid))**2.

        if (self.sflag > 0): # exact seeing blur

            filter2 = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(self.seeing/2.35/self.asperpix/2/self.ngrid)**2*self.r**2) # unbinned image
            imh = np.abs(np.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft2(imh),self.ngrid,self.ngrid)*filter2))
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,(self.fovpix,self.fovpix)) # rebinning into CCD pixels

            rr = ztools.shift(ztools.dist(self.fovpix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)
            filter2 = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(self.seeing/2.35/self.ccdpix/self.fovpix)**2*rr**2) # binned image
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,[self.fovpix,self.fovpix]) # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(impix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)*filter2)) # Seeing blur

        self.filter2 = filter2
        return impix/np.sum(impix)
Пример #4
	def __init__(self,cambfile='',N=500,L=1.,seed=626):

		kPk   = numpy.loadtxt(cambfile)
		k,Pk  = zip(*kPk)
		kPkf = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(k,Pk,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.)
		kx   = map(abs,numpy.fft.fftfreq(N))
		ky   = map(abs,numpy,fft.fftfreq(N))
		rnd = TRandom3(seed)
		delta_R = [ [ rnd.Gaus(0,1) for kx_ in kx ] for ky_ in ky ]
		delta_F = numpy.fft2(delta_R)
		A_F = [ [ kPkf(math.sqrt(kx_**2+ky_**2)) for kx_ in kx ] for ky_ in ky ]
		for i_ in xrange(N):
			for j_ in xrange(N):
				delta_F[i_][j_] *= A_F[i_][j_]/sum(A_F[0])
		delta_M = numpy.fft.ifft2(delta_F)

		self.N  = N
		self.L  = L
		self.k  = k
		self.Pk = Pk
		self.delta_M = delta_M
Пример #5
    def newimage(self, a, jzer):
        a is the amplitude change of aberration (micron), Jzer is the Zernike number
        (1=seeing, 4=focus etc.)

        :param a:
        :param jzer:

        #COMMON imagedata, uampl, filter2, seeing

        newampl = np.array(self.uampl, copy=True)

        if (jzer > 1):  # Change Zernike coefficient
            newphase = 2. * np.pi / self.alambda * a * ztools.zernike_estim(
                jzer, self.zgrid)
            tmp = np.zeros_like(newphase, dtype=np.complex)
            tmp += np.cos(newphase)
            tmp += np.sin(newphase) * np.complex(0., 1.)
            newampl[self.inside] *= tmp
            filter = self.filter2
        else:  # new seeing
            newseeing = self.seeing + a
            if (self.sflag > 0):
                filter = np.exp(
                    -2. * np.pi**2 *
                    (newseeing / 2.35 / self.asperpix / 2 / self.ngrid)**2 *
                    self.r**2)  # unbinned image
                rr = ztools.shift(ztools.dist(self.fovpix), self.fovpix / 2,
                                  self.fovpix / 2)
                filter = np.exp(
                    -2. * np.pi**2 *
                    (newseeing / 2.35 / self.ccdpix / self.fovpix)**2 *
                    rr**2)  # binned image

        #---------  compute the image ----------------------
        imh = np.abs(
                np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(newampl, self.ngrid, self.ngrid)),
                self.ngrid, self.ngrid))**2
        # imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(newampl,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2)),self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2))**2.
        if (self.sflag > 0):  # exact seing blur
            imh = np.abs(
                    ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(imh), self.ngrid, self.ngrid) *
            impix = ztools.rebin(
                imh, [self.fovpix, self.fovpix])  # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = ztools.rebin(
                imh, [self.fovpix, self.fovpix])  # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = np.abs(
                    ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(impix), self.fovpix / 2,
                                 self.fovpix / 2) * filter))  # Seeing blur

        return impix / np.sum(impix)
Пример #6
def scale_image_2d(image, factor):
    """Scales up the image by the scaling factor. No cropping is done.
    size_x = image.shape[0]
    size_y = image.shape[1]
    center_x = size_x/2
    center_y = size_y/2
    window_x = int(size_x/factor)
    window_y = int(size_y/factor)
    image_ft = _numpy.fft2(image[center_x-window_x/2:center_x+window_x/2,
    image_scaled = abs(_numpy.fft.ifftn(_numpy.fft.fftshift(image_ft), [size_x, size_y]))

    return image_scaled
Пример #7
def HT_y(y, fft_BT, sf, sz):
    [ch, n] = y.shape
    s0 = sf / 2
    if ch == 1:
        z = zeros(sz)
        z[s0:sf:end, s0:sf:end] = reshape(y, floor(sz / sf))
        z = np.real(np.ifft2(np.fft2(z) * fft_BT))
        z = z[:]
        z = np.zeros([ch, n * sf**2])
        t = np.zeros(sz)
        for i in range(0, ch):

            t[::8, ::8] = np.reshape(y[i, :], (np.asarray(sz, dtype=int) /
            Htz = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fft2(t) * fft_BT))
            z[i, :] = np.reshape(Htz, Htz.shape[0] * Htz.shape[1])
    return z
Пример #8
    def newimage(self, a, jzer):
        a is the amplitude change of aberration (micron), Jzer is the Zernike number
        (1=seeing, 4=focus etc.)

        :param a:
        :param jzer:

        #COMMON imagedata, uampl, filter2, seeing

        newampl = np.array(self.uampl,copy=True)

        if (jzer > 1): # Change Zernike coefficient
            newphase =  2.*np.pi/self.alambda*a*ztools.zernike_estim(jzer,self.zgrid)
            tmp = np.zeros_like(newphase,dtype=np.complex)
            tmp += np.cos(newphase)
            tmp += np.sin(newphase)*np.complex(0.,1.)
            newampl[self.inside] *= tmp
            filter = self.filter2
        else: # new seeing
            newseeing = self.seeing + a
            if (self.sflag > 0):
                filter = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(newseeing/2.35/self.asperpix/2/self.ngrid)**2*self.r**2) # unbinned image
                rr = ztools.shift(ztools.dist(self.fovpix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)
                filter = np.exp(-2.*np.pi**2*(newseeing/2.35/self.ccdpix/self.fovpix)**2*rr**2) # binned image

        #---------  compute the image ----------------------
        imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(newampl,self.ngrid,self.ngrid)),self.ngrid,self.ngrid))**2
        # imh = np.abs(ztools.shift(np.fft.ifft2(ztools.shift(newampl,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2)),self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2,self.ngrid+self.fovpix/2))**2.
        if (self.sflag > 0): # exact seing blur
            imh = np.abs(np.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(imh),self.ngrid,self.ngrid)*filter))
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,[self.fovpix,self.fovpix]) # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = ztools.rebin(imh,[self.fovpix,self.fovpix]) # rebinning into CCD pixels
            impix = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(ztools.shift(np.fft.fft2(impix),self.fovpix/2,self.fovpix/2)*filter)) # Seeing blur

        return impix/np.sum(impix)