Пример #1
def kf_update(u, sigma, z):
	F = np.matrix('1 1; 0 1')
	H = np.matrix('0 1')
	I = np.diag([1, 1])
	#u_of_t : Previous state
	#z_of_t : current measurement
	#Sigma_x : movement uncertainty : G * G^T * little_sigma^2_x. Should be [deltaT^2 ; deltaT / 2] --> G [ 1 ; 1/2 ]
	#Sigma_z : measurement uncertainty : little_sigma^2_z (std. deviation of measurement noise)

	#Sigma : location uncertainty

	#Calculate the Kalman gain
	Fsigma_t = np.multiply(F, sigma)
	Fsigma_tF_T = np.multiply(Fsigma_t, F.T)
	G = np.matrix([1; .5])
	GG_T = np.multiply(G, G.T)
	Sigma_x = GG_T
	K_tplus1 = (Fsigma_tF_T + )

	#location mean information
	Fmu_t = np.multiply(F, u)
	HF = np.multipy(H, F)
	HFmu_t = np.multiply(HF, u)

	mu_tplus1 = Fmu_t + K_tplus1(z_tplus1 - HFmu_t)

	print('u_tplus1 : {u_tplus1}\n'.format(u_tplus1=u_tplus1))
	print('sigma : {sigma}\n'.format(sigma=sigma))
	print('z : {z}\n'.format(z=z))

	return [u, sigma]
def sigmoid_function(data, derivative=False):
	data = np.clip(data, -500, 500)
	data = expit(data)

	if derivative:
		return np.multipy(data, 1-data)
		return data
Пример #3
def SMA_CHANNEL(close, n, high_n, low_n):

    sma = [np.mean(close[i:i + n]) for i in range(0, len(close) - n + 1)]

    upper_channel = np.multipy(sma, high_n)

    lower_channel = np.multiply(sma, low_n)

    return (upper_channel, lower_channel)
Пример #4
def adaBoostTrainDs(dataArr,classLabels,numIt=40):
	weakClassArr = []
	m = np.shape(dataArr)[0]
	D = np.mat(np.ones((m,1)))
	aggClassEst = np.mat(np.zeros((m,1)))
	for i in range(numIt):
		bestStump,error,classEst = buildStump(dataArr,classLabels,D)
		print "D:",D.T
		alpha = float(0.5*np.log((1.0-error)/max(error,1e-16)))
		bestStump['alpha'] = alpha
		print "classEst: ",classEst.T
		expon = np.multipy(-1*alpha*np.mat(classLabels).T,classEst)
		D = np.multipy(D,np.exp(expon))
		D = D/D.sum()
		aggClassEst += alpha * classEst
		print "aggClassEst: ",aggClassEst.T 
		aggErrors = np.multipy(sign(aggClassEst) != np.mat(classLabels).T,np.ones((m,1)))
		errorRate = aggErrors.sum()/m
		print "total error: ",errorRate,"\n"
		if errorRate == 0.0: break
	return weakClassArr
Пример #5
    def inverse_transform(self, data):
        Performs an inverse transform on the data using
            the params stored

            data: a normalized numpy array
            full_data: a denormalized numpy array
        copy = np.copy(data)

        (mean, std) = self.params.get('1d')

        copy = np.multipy(copy, std, where=std!=0)
        copy += mean

        return copy
Пример #6
def times(a, b):
    Multiply a by b.


    a : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array one.

    b : `numpy.ndarray`
        Array two


    result : `numpy.ndarray`
        ``a`` multiplied by ``b``

    return np.multipy(a, b)
Пример #7
    def updateOutput(self, input):
        # Your code goes here. ################################################
		self.output = np.add(np.multiply(input > 0, input), 
                             np.multipy(input <= 0, self.alpha * np.exp(input) - self.alpha))
Пример #8
def multiply(a, b):
    return np.multipy(a, b)
Пример #9
def multiply(a, b):
    return np.multipy(a, b)
Пример #10
import numpy as np
from I_Rainfall import I_RainDoY
import config

I_MultiplierEvapoTrans = [
    np.zeros(config.SUBCATCHMENT) for i in range(config.MONTH)
I_EvapoTrans = [0 for i in range(config.MONTH)]

I_FracArea = np.multipy(I_FracVegClassNow, I_RelArea)

I_TimeEvap = 0 if I_RainDoY == 0 else 365 if I_RainDoY % 365 == 0 else I_RainDoY % 365
I_MoY = 0 if I_RainDoY == 0 else int(I_TimeEvap / 30.5) + 1
if config.I_EvapotransMethod == 1:
    I_PotEvapTransp = np.multily(
        np.multiply(I_MultiplierEvapoTrans[I_MoY], I_FracArea))
    I_PotEvapTransp = np.multiply(
        I_Daily_Evapotrans, np.multiply(MultiplierEvapoTrans, I_FracArea))
I_MaxInfSubSAreaClass = config.I_MaxInfSSoil * I_FracArea
I_MaxInfArea = config.I_MaxInf * np.multiply(
                  where=I_BD_BDRefVegNow != 0), config.I_PowerInfiltRed))
I_CanIntercAreaClass = np.multiply(I_InterceptClass, I_FracArea)
I_AvailWaterClass = (config.I_AvailWaterConst *
                     I_FracArea if config.I_SoilPropConst_ else np.multiply(
def lineSegmentIntersect(XY1, XY2):
    #LINESEGMENTINTERSECT Intersections of line segments.
    #   OUT = LINESEGMENTINTERSECT(XY1,XY2) finds the 2D Cartesian Coordinates of
    #   intersection points between the set of line segments given in XY1 and XY2.
    #   XY1 and XY2 are N1x4 and N2x4 matrices. Rows correspond to line segments.
    #   Each row is of the form [x1 y1 x2 y2] where (x1,y1) is the start point and
    #   (x2,y2) is the end point of a line segment:
    #                  Line Segment
    #       o--------------------------------o
    #       ^                                ^
    #    (x1,y1)                          (x2,y2)
    #   OUT is a structure with fields:
    #   'intAdjacencyMatrix' : N1xN2 indicator matrix where the entry (i,j) is 1 if
    #       line segments XY1(i,:) and XY2(j,:) intersect.
    #   'intMatrixX' : N1xN2 matrix where the entry (i,j) is the X coordinate of the
    #       intersection point between line segments XY1(i,:) and XY2(j,:).
    #   'intMatrixY' : N1xN2 matrix where the entry (i,j) is the Y coordinate of the
    #       intersection point between line segments XY1(i,:) and XY2(j,:).
    #   'intNormalizedDistance1To2' : N1xN2 matrix where the (i,j) entry is the
    #       normalized distance from the start point of line segment XY1(i,:) to the
    #       intersection point with XY2(j,:).
    #   'intNormalizedDistance2To1' : N1xN2 matrix where the (i,j) entry is the
    #       normalized distance from the start point of line segment XY1(j,:) to the
    #       intersection point with XY2(i,:).
    #   'parAdjacencyMatrix' : N1xN2 indicator matrix where the (i,j) entry is 1 if
    #       line segments XY1(i,:) and XY2(j,:) are parallel.
    #   'coincAdjacencyMatrix' : N1xN2 indicator matrix where the (i,j) entry is 1
    #       if line segments XY1(i,:) and XY2(j,:) are coincident.

    # Version: 1.00, April 03, 2010
    # Version: 1.10, April 10, 2010
    # Author:  U. Murat Erdem. This file is updated to do calculate intersections even faster by Hesham Eraqi.
    # Ver. 1.00:
    #   -Initial release.
    # Ver. 1.10:
    #   - Changed the input parameters. Now the function accepts two sets of line
    #   segments. The intersection analysis is done between these sets and not in
    #   the same set.
    #   - Changed and added fields of the output. Now the analysis provides more
    #   information about the intersections and line segments.
    #   - Performance tweaks.

    # I opted not to call this 'curve intersect' because it would be misleading
    # unless you accept that curves are pairwise linear constructs.
    # I tried to put emphasis on speed by vectorizing the code as much as possible.
    # There should still be enough room to optimize the code but I left those out
    # for the sake of clarity.
    # The math behind is given in:
    #   http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline2d/
    # If you really are interested in squeezing as much horse power as possible out
    # of this code I would advise to remove the argument checks and tweak the
    # creation of the OUT a little bit.

    ### Argument check.


    [n_rows_1, n_cols_1] = numpy.size(XY1)
    [n_rows_2, n_cols_2] = numpy.size(XY2)

    if n_cols_1 != 4 or n_cols_2 != 4:
        print('Arguments must be a Nx4 matrices.')

    ### Prepare matrices for vectorized computation of line intersection points.
    X1 = repmat(XY1[:, 1], 1, n_rows_2)
    X2 = repmat(XY1[:, 3], 1, n_rows_2)
    Y1 = repmat(XY1[:, 2], 1, n_rows_2)
    Y2 = repmat(XY1[:, 4], 1, n_rows_2)

    XY2 = XY2

    X3 = repmat(XY2[1, :], n_rows_1, 1)
    X4 = repmat(XY2[3, :], n_rows_1, 1)
    Y3 = repmat(XY2[2, :], n_rows_1, 1)
    Y4 = repmat(XY2[4, :], n_rows_1, 1)

    X4_X3 = (X4 - X3)
    Y1_Y3 = (Y1 - Y3)
    Y4_Y3 = (Y4 - Y3)
    X1_X3 = (X1 - X3)
    X2_X1 = (X2 - X1)
    Y2_Y1 = (Y2 - Y1)

    numerator_a = numpy.multiply(X4_X3, Y1_Y3) - numpy.multiply(Y4_Y3, X1_X3)
    numerator_b = numpy.multiply(X2_X1, Y1_Y3) - numpy.multiply(Y2_Y1, X1_X3)
    denominator = numpy.multiply(Y4_Y3, X2_X1) - numpy.multiply(X4_X3, Y2_Y1)

    u_a = numpy.divide(numerator_a, denominator)
    u_b = numpy.divide(numerator_b, denominator)

    # Find the adjacency matrix A of intersecting lines.
    INT_X = numpy.multiply(X1 + X2_X1, u_a)
    INT_Y = numpy.multipy(Y1 + Y2_Y1, u_a)
    INT_B = (u_a >= 0) & (u_a <= 1) & (u_b >= 0) & (u_b <= 1)
    PAR_B = denominator == 0
    COINC_B = (numerator_a == 0 & numerator_b == 0 & PAR_B)

    # Arrange output.
    out = [
        numpy.multiply(INT_X, INT_B),
        numpy.multipliy(INT_Y, INT_B), u_a, u_b, PAR_B, COINC_B
    #intAdjacencyMatrix , intMatrixX , intMatrixY, intNormalizedDistance1To2, intNormalizedDistance2To1 , parAdjacencyMatrix , coincAdjacencyMatrix

    return out
Пример #12



np.concatenate((aa,aaa), axis=1)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Пример #13
############## 演算
tf.add([1, 2], [3, 4])
tf.multiply(x, y)  #要素積

tf.square(5)  #25

tf.reduce_sum([1, 2, 3])  #->6, shape=はなし(整数)

tf.reshape(x, (5, 5))

tf.cast(x, tf.float32)

############# numpyとの互換性
np.multipy(a, b)
tf.multiply(numpy, 3)

a.numpy()  #->numpy型で返す

############# keras Layer
# Dot レイヤー
x = np.arange(10).reshape(1, 5, 2)
print(x.shape)  #->(1,5,2)
y = np.arange(10, ).reshape(1, 2, 5)
print(y.shape)  #-> (1,2,5)
dotted = tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=(1, 2))(
    [x, y])  #xのaxis=2(5次元ベクトル) と yのaxis=2(5次元ベクトル)の内積をとる
print(dotted.shape)  #(1,2,2)
def output_torque( inertial_moment, radial_acceleration):
	return np.multipy( inertial_moment, radial_acceleration)