Пример #1
def _trimmed_mean_1d(arr, k):
    """Calculate trimmed mean on a 1d array.

    Trim values largest than the k'th largest value or smaller than the k'th
    smallest value

    arr: ndarray, shape (n,)
        The one-dimensional input array to perform trimmed mean on

    k: int
        The thresholding order for trimmed mean

    trimmed_mean: float
        The trimmed mean calculated
    kth_smallest = np.partition(arr, k)[k-1]
    kth_largest = -np.partition(-arr, k)[k-1]

    cnt = 0
    summation = 0.0
    for elem in arr:
        if elem >= kth_smallest and elem <= kth_largest:
            cnt += 1
            summation += elem
    return summation / cnt
Пример #2
def arg_median(a):
    if len(a) % 2 == 1:
        return np.where( a == np.median(a) )[0][0]
        l,r = len(a)/2 -1, len(a)/2
        left = np.partition(a, l)[l]
        right = np.partition(a, r)[r]
        return [np.where(a == left)[0][0], np.where(a==right)[0][0]]
Пример #3
def color_range(data):
  #Define the color range
  clean = data[data>0]
  min_element = clean.size/20
  max_element = clean.size*9/10
  vmin = np.partition(clean, min_element, axis=None)[min_element]   #invece di subint[subint>0] possibile subint[:-(num_rows/down_fact)]
  vmax = np.partition(clean, max_element, axis=None)[max_element]
  return vmin,vmax
    def _degree_feats(uts=None, G=None, name_ext="", exclude_id=None):
        Helper method for retrieve_feats().
        Generate statistics on degree-related features in a Hypergraph (G), or a Hypergraph
        constructed from provided utterances (uts)
        :param uts: utterances to construct Hypergraph from
        :param G: Hypergraph to calculate degree features statistics from
        :param name_ext: Suffix to append to feature name
        :param exclude_id: id of utterance to exclude from Hypergraph construction
        :return: A dictionary from a thread root id to its stats dictionary,
            which is a dictionary from feature names to feature values. For degree-related
            features specifically.
        assert uts is None or G is None
        if G is None:
            G = HyperConvo._make_hypergraph(uts, exclude_id=exclude_id)

        stat_funcs = {
            "max": np.max,
            "argmax": np.argmax,
            "norm.max": lambda l: np.max(l) / np.sum(l),
            "2nd-largest": lambda l: np.partition(l, -2)[-2] if len(l) > 1
            else np.nan,
            "2nd-argmax": lambda l: (-l).argsort()[1] if len(l) > 1 else np.nan,
            "norm.2nd-largest": lambda l: np.partition(l, -2)[-2] / np.sum(l)
            if len(l) > 1 else np.nan,
            "mean": np.mean,
            "mean-nonzero": lambda l: np.mean(l[l != 0]),
            "prop-nonzero": lambda l: np.mean(l != 0),
            "prop-multiple": lambda l: np.mean(l[l != 0] > 1),
            "entropy": scipy.stats.entropy,
            "2nd-largest / max": lambda l: np.partition(l, -2)[-2] / np.max(l)
            if len(l) > 1 else np.nan

        stats = {}
        for from_hyper in [False, True]:
            for to_hyper in [False, True]:
                if not from_hyper and to_hyper: continue  # skip c -> C
                outdegrees = np.array(G.outdegrees(from_hyper, to_hyper))
                indegrees = np.array(G.indegrees(from_hyper, to_hyper))

                for stat, stat_func in stat_funcs.items():
                    stats["{}[outdegree over {}->{} {}responses]".format(stat,
                                                                         name_ext)] = stat_func(outdegrees)
                    stats["{}[indegree over {}->{} {}responses]".format(stat,
                                                                        name_ext)] = stat_func(indegrees)
        return stats
Пример #5
def getMedianIndex(array):
	if len(array) % 2 == 1:
		print "Par"
		return np.where( array == np.median(array) )[0][0]
			print "Impar"
			l,r = len(array)/2 -1, len(array)/2
			left = np.partition(array, l)[l]
			right = np.partition(array, r)[r]
			return [np.where(array == left)[0][0], np.where(array==right)[0][0]]
			print "Warning: excepction controlled in median : "+str(len(array))
			return (len(array)/(np.e*2))
def avg_x_weak_weights(wmxO, x):
    Holds only the 4000-x strongest weight in every row and average the other ones
    :param wmxO: original weight matrix (4000 * 4000 ndarray)
    :return: wmxM: modified weight matrix (4000 * 4000 ndarray)

    nHolded = 4000 - x
    wmxM = np.zeros((4000, 4000))

    for i in range(0, 4000):
        row = wmxO[i, :]

        tmp = np.partition(-row, nHolded)
        max = -tmp[:nHolded]  # values of first 4000-x elements
        rest = -tmp[nHolded:]
        mu = np.mean(rest)  # mean of the x weights
        tmp = np.argpartition(-row, nHolded)
        maxj = tmp[:nHolded]  # indexes of first 4000-x elements

        rowM = mu * np.ones((1, 4000))
        for j, val in zip(maxj, max):
           rowM[0, j] = val

        wmxM[i, :] = rowM

    return wmxM
Пример #7
def compute_csls_accuracy(x_src, x_tgt, lexicon, lexicon_size=-1, k=10, bsz=1024):
    if lexicon_size < 0:
        lexicon_size = len(lexicon)
    idx_src = list(lexicon.keys())

    x_src /= np.linalg.norm(x_src, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8
    x_tgt /= np.linalg.norm(x_tgt, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-8

    sr = x_src[list(idx_src)]
    sc = np.dot(sr, x_tgt.T)
    similarities = 2 * sc
    sc2 = np.zeros(x_tgt.shape[0])
    for i in range(0, x_tgt.shape[0], bsz):
        j = min(i + bsz, x_tgt.shape[0])
        sc_batch = np.dot(x_tgt[i:j, :], x_src.T)
        dotprod = np.partition(sc_batch, -k, axis=1)[:, -k:]
        sc2[i:j] = np.mean(dotprod, axis=1)
    similarities -= sc2[np.newaxis, :]

    nn = np.argmax(similarities, axis=1).tolist()
    correct = 0.0
    for k in range(0, len(lexicon)):
        if nn[k] in lexicon[idx_src[k]]:
            correct += 1.0
    return correct / lexicon_size
Пример #8
    def make_query(self):
        """Return the index of the sample to be queried and labeled.

        ask_id: int
            The entry_id of the sample this algorithm wants to query.
        dataset = self.dataset

        unlabeled_entry_ids, X_pool = zip(*dataset.get_unlabeled_entries())

        if self.method == 'lc':  # least confident
            ask_id = np.argmin(
                np.max(self.model.predict_real(X_pool), axis=1)

        elif self.method == 'sm':  # smallest margin
            dvalue = self.model.predict_real(X_pool)

            if np.shape(dvalue)[1] > 2:
                # Find 2 largest decision values
                dvalue = -(np.partition(-dvalue, 2, axis=1)[:, :2])

            margin = np.abs(dvalue[:, 0] - dvalue[:, 1])
            ask_id = np.argmin(margin)

        return unlabeled_entry_ids[ask_id]
Пример #9
def _chunk_based_bmu_find(input_matrix, codebook, y2, nth=1):
    Finds the corresponding bmus to the input matrix.

    :param input_matrix: a matrix of input data, representing input vector as
                         rows, and vectors features/dimention as cols
                         when parallelizing the search, the input_matrix can be
                         a sub matrix from the bigger matrix
    :param codebook: matrix of weights to be used for the bmu search
    :param y2: <not sure>
    dlen = input_matrix.shape[0]
    nnodes = codebook.shape[0]
    bmu = np.empty((dlen, 2))

    # It seems that small batches for large dlen is really faster:
    # that is because of ddata in loops and n_jobs. for large data it slows
    # down due to memory needs in parallel
    blen = min(50, dlen)
    i0 = 0

    while i0+1 <= dlen:
        low = i0
        high = min(dlen, i0+blen)
        i0 = i0+blen
        ddata = input_matrix[low:high+1]
        d = np.dot(codebook, ddata.T)
        d *= -2
        d += y2.reshape(nnodes, 1)
        bmu[low:high+1, 0] = np.argpartition(d, nth, axis=0)[nth-1]
        bmu[low:high+1, 1] = np.partition(d, nth, axis=0)[nth-1]
        del ddata

    return bmu
Пример #10
def disp_results(fig, ax1, ax2, loss_iterations, losses, accuracy_iterations, accuracies, accuracies_iteration_checkpoints_ind, fileName, color_ind=0):
    modula = len(plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'])
    acrIterations =[]
    if accuracies.size:
        if 	accuracies.size>4:
		    top_n = 4
            top_n = accuracies.size -1		
        temp = np.argpartition(-accuracies, top_n)
        result_indexces = temp[:top_n]
        temp = np.partition(-accuracies, top_n)
        result = -temp[:top_n]
        for acr in result_indexces:

        sorted_top4 = sorted(top_acrs.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
        maxAcc = np.amax(accuracies, axis=0)
        iterIndx = np.argmax(accuracies)
        maxAccIter = accuracy_iterations[iterIndx]
        maxIter =   accuracy_iterations[-1]
        consoleInfo = format('\n[%s]:maximum accuracy [from 0 to %s ] = [Iteration %s]: %s ' %(fileName,maxIter,maxAccIter ,maxAcc))
        plotTitle = format('max accuracy(%s) [Iteration %s]: %s ' % (fileName,maxAccIter, maxAcc))
        print (consoleInfo)
        #print (str(result))
       # print 'Top 4 accuracies:'		
        print ('Top 4 accuracies:'+str(sorted_top4))		
    ax1.plot(loss_iterations, losses, color=plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][(color_ind * 2 + 0) % modula])
    ax2.plot(accuracy_iterations, accuracies, plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][(color_ind * 2 + 1) % modula], label=str(fileName))
    ax2.plot(accuracy_iterations[accuracies_iteration_checkpoints_ind], accuracies[accuracies_iteration_checkpoints_ind], 'o', color=plt.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][(color_ind * 2 + 1) % modula])
    plt.legend(loc='lower right') 
Пример #11
def find_top_k(x, k):
    #return an array where anything less than the top k values of an array is zero
    if( np.count_nonzero(x) <k):
        return x
        x[x < -1*np.partition(-1*x, k)[k]] = 0
        return x
Пример #12
def distance_to_kth_neighbor(metric, k_neighbors):
    """Computes the distance to the kth neighbor for each point in a metric.

    metric : ndarray
        A distance matrix in square or condensed form.
    k_neighbors : int
        The order of neighbor to which distance is computed, where the 0th
        neighbor of any point is the point itself.

    distances : ndarray
        Distance to the kth neighbor for each point in `metric`.

    It is an implementation detail that the input metric is coerced to a 
    squareform array.

    # coerce any condensed metric to square form
    if metric.ndim == 1:
        metric = _dist.squareform(metric)

    if k_neighbors >= metric.shape[0]:
        message = 'k_neighbors must be less than the number of points.'
        raise ValueError(message)

    if k_neighbors < 0:
        raise ValueError('k_neighbors must be non-negative')

    return _np.partition(metric, k_neighbors, axis=1)[:, k_neighbors]
Пример #13
def estimate_eps(dist_mat, n_closest=5):
    Estimates possible eps values (to be used with DBSCAN)
    for a given distance matrix by looking at the largest distance "jumps"
    amongst the `n_closest` distances for each item.

    Tip: the value for `n_closest` is important - set it too large and you may only get
    really large distances which are uninformative. Set it too small and you may get
    premature cutoffs (i.e. select jumps which are really not that big).

    TO DO this could be fancier by calculating support for particular eps values,
    e.g. 80% are around 4.2 or w/e
    dist_mat = dist_mat.copy()

    # To ignore i == j distances
    dist_mat[np.where(dist_mat == 0)] = np.inf
    estimates = []
    for i in range(dist_mat.shape[0]):
        # Indices of the n closest distances
        row = dist_mat[i]
        dists = sorted(np.partition(row, n_closest)[:n_closest])
        difs = [(x, y,
                (y - x)) for x, y in zip(dists, dists[1:])]
        eps_candidate, _, jump = max(difs, key=lambda x: x[2])

    return sorted(estimates)
Пример #14
def nsmall(arr, n, axis):
    return np.partition(arr, n, axis)[n]

#def addToPlot(subplot, appendX, appendY):
#    plt.figure(1)
#    plt.subplot(subplot)
#    plt.se
Пример #15
    def test_uint64(self):
        arr = np.arange(10, -1, -1, dtype='int64')

        partition = np.partition(arr, self.pivot_index)

        self._check_partition(partition, self.pivot_index)
        self._check_content_along_axis(arr, partition, -1)
Пример #16
    def make_query(self):
        Choices for method (default 'lc'):
        'lc' (Least Confident), 'sm' (Smallest Margin)
        dataset = self.dataset

        unlabeled_entry_ids, X_pool = zip(*dataset.get_unlabeled_entries())

        if self.method == 'lc':  # least confident
            ask_id = np.argmin(
                np.max(self.model.predict_real(X_pool), axis=1)

        elif self.method == 'sm':  # smallest margin
            dvalue = self.model.predict_real(X_pool)

            if np.shape(dvalue)[1] > 2:
                # Find 2 largest decision values
                dvalue = -(np.partition(-dvalue, 2, axis=1)[:, :2])

            margin = np.abs(dvalue[:, 0] - dvalue[:, 1])
            ask_id = np.argmin(margin)

        return unlabeled_entry_ids[ask_id]
Пример #17
def fast_abs_percentile(data, percentile=80):
    """ A fast version of the percentile of the absolute value.

    data: ndarray, possibly masked array
        The input data
    percentile: number between 0 and 100
        The percentile that we are asking for

    value: number
        The score at percentile


    This is a faster, and less accurate version of
    scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(np.abs(data), percentile)
    if hasattr(data, 'mask'):
        # Catter for masked arrays
        data = np.asarray(data[np.logical_not(data.mask)])
    data = np.abs(data)
    data = data.ravel()
    index = int(data.size * .01 * percentile)
    if partition is not None:
        # Partial sort: faster than sort
        return partition(data, index)[index + 1]
    return data[index + 1]
Пример #18
def random_con_bitmask(prob, shape, mins=1):
    """Generate a random bitmask with constraints

    The functions allows specifying the minimum number of True values along a
    single dimension while counting over the other ones. `mins` can be a scalar
    or a tuple for each dimension and must be less than the product of the size
    of the other dimensions.

    If you just want a random bitmask use np.random.random(shape) < prob"""
    assert len(shape) > 1
    vals = np.random.random(shape)
    mask = vals < prob
    total = vals.size

    if isinstance(mins, abc.Sequence):
        assert len(mins) == vals.ndim
        assert all(0 < s <= total // m for s, m in zip(mins, vals.shape))
        assert mins > 0
        mins = tuple(min(mins, total // m) for m in vals.shape)

    for dim, num in enumerate(mins):
        aligned = np.rollaxis(vals, dim).reshape(vals.shape[dim], -1)
        thresh = np.partition(aligned, num - 1, 1)[:, num - 1]
        thresh.shape += (1,) * (vals.ndim - dim - 1)
        mask |= vals <= thresh

    return mask
Пример #19
 def sumvalues(self, q=0):
     """Sum of top q passowrd frequencies
     if q == 0:
         return self._totalf
         return -np.partition(-self._freq_list, q)[:q].sum()
Пример #20
def test_partition_matrix_none():
    # gh-4301
    # 2018-04-29: moved here from core.tests.test_multiarray
    a = np.matrix([[2, 1, 0]])
    actual = np.partition(a, 1, axis=None)
    expected = np.matrix([[0, 1, 2]])
    assert_equal(actual, expected)
    assert_(type(expected) is np.matrix)
Пример #21
def get_top_k_elements_per_row_sim_mat(similarity_matrix, k):
    Introduces another parameter, k, where we only keep the top k similarity
    scores per row in the similarity matrix.
    for i, row in enumerate(similarity_matrix):
        k = len(row) - k
        kth_largest = np.partition(row, k)[k]
        similarity_matrix[i] = [ele if ele >= kth_largest else 0 for ele in row]
    return similarity_matrix
Пример #22
	def _phase2(self):
		Execute phase 2 of the SP region. This phase is used to compute the
		active columns.
		Note - This should only be called after phase 1 has been called and
		after the inhibition radius and neighborhood have been updated.
		# Shift the outputs
		self.y[:, 1:] = self.y[:, :-1]
		self.y[:, 0] = 0
		# Calculate k
		#   - For a column to be active its overlap must be at least as large
		#     as the overlap of the k-th largest column in its neighborhood.
		k = self._get_num_cols()
		if self.global_inhibition:
			# The neighborhood is all columns, thus the set of active columns
			# is simply columns that have an overlap >= the k-th largest in the
			# entire region
			# Compute the winning column indexes
			if self.learn:				
				# Randomly break ties
				ix = np.argpartition(-self.overlap[:, 0] -
					self.prng.uniform(.1, .2, self.ncolumns), k - 1)[:k]
				# Choose the same set of columns each time
				ix = np.argpartition(-self.overlap[:, 0], k - 1)[:k]
			# Set the active columns
			self.y[ix, 0] = self.overlap[ix, 0] > 0
			# The neighborhood is bounded by the inhibition radius, therefore
			# each column's neighborhood must be considered
			for i in xrange(self.ncolumns):
				# Get the neighbors
				ix = np.where(self.neighbors[i])[0]
				# Compute the minimum top overlap
				if ix.shape[0] <= k:
					# Desired number of candidates is at or below the desired
					# activity level, so find the overall min
					m = max(bn.nanmin(self.overlap[ix, 0]), 1)
					# Desired number of candidates is above the desired
					# activity level, so find the k-th largest
					m = max(-np.partition(-self.overlap[ix, 0], k - 1)[k - 1],
				# Set the column activity
				if self.overlap[i, 0] >= m: self.y[i, 0] = True
def cluster_select_func(self):
    num_selected = self.num_selected

        inp = self.alternate_clustering_input
#        print("alternate used...")
#        print("alternate_clustering_input_shape: " + str(self.alternate_clustering_input.shape) + " net.input.shape:  " +
#                str(self.input.shape))
        inp = self.input
        self.distances = np.sum(self.centroids**2,1)[:,np.newaxis] \
                         - 2.0*np.dot(self.centroids*self.weights,inp) \
                         + np.dot(self.weights**2,inp**2)
        #temp_centroids = self.centroids/self.weights;
        #temp_distances = np.sum(temp_centroids**2,1)[:,np.newaxis] - 2*np.dot(temp_centroids,self.input) + \
        #                np.sum(self.input**2,0)[np.newaxis,:]
        #self.distances = temp_distances*(np.sum(self.weights**2,1)[:,np.newaxis])
        #print("Distance error: " + str(np.sum(np.sum((temp_distances - self.distances)**2))))
        print("Weighted Euclidean Distance")
        self.distances = -np.dot(self.centroids,inp)/(np.sqrt(np.sum(self.centroids**2.,1)[:,np.newaxis]*np.sum(inp**2.,0)[np.newaxis,:]))
        #print("centroids shape: " + str(self.centroids.shape))
        #print("inp shape: " + str(inp.shape))
        #print("centroids dtype: " + str(self.centroids.dtype))
        #print("inp dtype: " + str(inp.dtype))

        self.distances = pairwise_distances(self.centroids,self.input.T)
        #self.distances = np.sum(self.centroids**2,1)[:,np.newaxis] - 2*np.dot(self.centroids,inp) + \
        #        np.sum(inp**2,0)[np.newaxis,:]
    distances_sorted = np.partition(self.distances,num_selected,axis=0)
    #distances_sorted = np.sort(self.distances,axis=0)
    #print("distances_sorted " + str(distances_sorted[0:10,0]))
    self.selected_neurons = self.distances > distances_sorted[num_selected,:]
    #keep track of this so we can count the number of times a centroid was selected
    self.saved_selected_neurons = np.copy(self.selected_neurons)
    #initialize selected count to 0
    if(not hasattr(self,'selected_count')):
        self.selected_count = np.zeros(self.saved_selected_neurons.shape[0])
    if(not hasattr(self,'eligibility_count')):
        self.eligibility_count = np.ones(self.saved_selected_neurons.shape[0])
    self.centroids_prime = (np.dot(inp,(~self.selected_neurons).transpose())/ \
    self.centroids_prime[np.isnan(self.centroids_prime)] = self.centroids[np.isnan(self.centroids_prime)]
        self.centroids_prime = self.centroids_prime*self.weights;

    #save a copy of the full output -- it is useful to some tests
    self.full_output = np.copy(self.output)
    self.output[self.selected_neurons] = 0;
Пример #24
 def min_payoffs(self):
     # Computes the min payoff by finding the required facilities that have
     # the lowest payoff when everyone uses them. This will fail if the
     # highest order term isn't negative.
     if self._min_payoffs is None:
         self._min_payoffs = self.num_players.astype(float)
         self._min_payoffs *= np.partition(
             self.facility_coefs.dot(self.num_players ** np.arange(3)),
             self.num_required - 1)[:self.num_required].sum()
     return self._min_payoffs
Пример #25
def largestElement(x, n):
    Returns the n-th largest element of x
    :param x:
    :param n:

    # The n-th largest element is the (N+1-n)th smallest element
    len = x.size
    desc_pos = (len-n)
    return np.partition(x, desc_pos)[desc_pos]
Пример #26
  def fit(self, X, Y):
     X: (n, d) array-like of samples
     Y: (n,) array-like of class labels
    X, Y, num_classes, n, d = self._process_inputs(X, Y)
    tSb = np.zeros((d,d))
    tSw = np.zeros((d,d))

    for c in xrange(num_classes):
      Xc = X[Y==c]
      nc = Xc.shape[0]

      # classwise affinity matrix
      dist = pairwise_distances(Xc, metric='l2', squared=True)
      # distances to k-th nearest neighbor
      k = min(self.params['k'], nc-1)
      sigma = np.sqrt(np.partition(dist, k, axis=0)[:,k])

      local_scale = np.outer(sigma, sigma)
      with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        A = np.exp(-dist/local_scale)
        A[local_scale==0] = 0

      G = Xc.T.dot(A.sum(axis=0)[:,None] * Xc) - Xc.T.dot(A).dot(Xc)
      tSb += G/n + (1-nc/n)*Xc.T.dot(Xc) + _sum_outer(Xc)/n
      tSw += G/nc

    tSb -= _sum_outer(X)/n - tSw

    # symmetrize
    tSb += tSb.T
    tSb /= 2
    tSw += tSw.T
    tSw /= 2

    if self.params['dim'] == d:
      vals, vecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(tSb, tSw)
      vals, vecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(tSb, k=self.params['dim'], M=tSw,

    order = np.argsort(-vals)[:self.params['dim']]
    vals = vals[order]
    vecs = vecs[:,order]

    if self.params['metric'] == 'weighted':
       vecs *= np.sqrt(vals)
    elif self.params['metric'] == 'orthonormalized':
       vecs, _ = np.linalg.qr(vecs)

    self._transformer = vecs.T
    return self
Пример #27
def fast_abs_percentile(map, percentile=80):
    """ A fast version of the percentile of the absolute value.
    if hasattr(map, 'mask'):
        # Catter for masked arrays
        map = np.asarray(map[np.logical_not(map.mask)])
    map = np.abs(map)
    map = map.ravel()
    index = int(map.size * .01 * percentile)
    if partition is not None:
        # Partial sort: faster than sort
        return partition(map, index)[index + 1]
    return map.sort()[index]
Пример #28
    def hard_sparsity(self, d, sparsity, save_metadata=True):
        """Alters the given linear decomposition, applying a median filter.

        The filtering process is done in the time domain.

        The argument provided is destroyed.

            d: LinearDecomposition object to filter.
            sparsity: maximum polyphony allowed.
            save_metadata: flag indicating whether the metadata should be
                           computed. Default: True.

            Same decomposition given in arguments.
        if save_metadata:
            metadata = md.ObjectMetadata(a)
            metadata = None

        meta = md.Metadata(name="sparsity_level",

        # Binarizes the data and adjusts the metadata
        A = None
        p = []
        for k in d.data.right.keys():
            if A is None:
                A = d.data.right[k]
                A = numpy.vstack((A, d.data.right[k]))

        for i in xrange(A.shape[1]):
            b = numpy.partition(A[:,i], sparsity-1)[sparsity-1]
            A[:,i] = A[:,i] * (A[:,i] >= b)

        for argk in xrange(len(p)):
            d.data.right[p[argk]] = A[argk,:]
            d.data.right[p[argk]].shape = (1, len(d.data.right[p[argk]]))
            d.metadata.right[p[argk]] = md.Metadata(method="sparsity_level",
                                              original_method =

        return d
Пример #29
def topk(a, k, axis, keepdims):
    """ Chunk and combine function of topk

    Extract the k largest elements from a on the given axis.
    If k is negative, extract the -k smallest elements instead.
    Note that, unlike in the parent function, the returned elements
    are not sorted internally.
    assert keepdims is True
    axis = axis[0]
    if abs(k) >= a.shape[axis]:
        return a

    a = np.partition(a, -k, axis=axis)
    k_slice = slice(-k, None) if k > 0 else slice(-k)
    return a[tuple(k_slice if i == axis else slice(None)
                   for i in range(a.ndim))]
Пример #30
def topk(a, k, axis, keepdims):
    """Kernel of topk and argtopk.
    Extract the k largest elements from a on the given axis.
    If k is negative, extract the -k smallest elements instead.
    Note that, unlike in the parent function, the returned elements
    are not sorted internally.
    axis = axis[0]
    if abs(k) >= a.shape[axis]:
        return a
    a = np.partition(a, -k, axis=axis)
    # return a[-k:] if k>0 else a[:-k], on arbitrary axis
    return a[[
        (slice(-k, None) if k > 0 else slice(None, -k))
        if i == axis else slice(None)
        for i in range(a.ndim)
Пример #31
    def schedule(self, simulation, changed):
        clock = simulation.clock

        # mark freed hosts
        for task in changed:
            if task.kind == csimdag.TaskKind.TASK_KIND_COMP_SEQ and task.state == csimdag.TaskState.TASK_STATE_DONE:
                host = task.hosts[0]
                if host != self.master_host:
                    task.hosts[0].data["is_free"] = True

        # schedule unscheduled ready tasks
        unscheduled = self.tasks[csimdag.TaskState.TASK_STATE_SCHEDULABLE]\
                          .by_func(lambda task: task.data["target_host"] is None)
        num_unscheduled = len(unscheduled)
        if num_unscheduled > 0:

            # build ECT matrix
            ECT = np.zeros((num_unscheduled, len(self.exec_hosts)))
            for t, task in enumerate(unscheduled):
                parents = [(p, p.parents[0].hosts[0]) for p in task.parents
                           if p.kind == csimdag.TaskKind.TASK_KIND_COMM_E2E]
                for h, host in enumerate(self.exec_hosts):
                    comm_times = [
                        p_comm.get_ecomt(p_host, host)
                        for (p_comm, p_host) in parents
                    ECT[t][h] = max(host.data["est"], clock) + task.get_eet(
                        host) + (max(comm_times) if comm_times else 0.)

            # build schedule
            task_idx = np.arange(num_unscheduled)
            for _ in range(0, num_unscheduled):
                min_hosts = np.argmin(ECT, axis=1)
                min_times = ECT[np.arange(ECT.shape[0]), min_hosts]

                if ECT.shape[1] > 1:
                    min2_times = np.partition(ECT, 1)[:, 1]
                    # round sufferage values to eliminate the influence of floating point errors
                    sufferages = np.round(min2_times - min_times, decimals=2)
                    # use min time for a single host case
                    sufferages = min_times

                possible_schedules = []
                for i in range(0, len(task_idx)):
                    best_host_idx = int(min_hosts[i])
                    best_ect = min_times[i]
                    sufferage = sufferages[i]
                        (i, best_host_idx, best_ect, sufferage))

                t, h, ect = self.batch_heuristic(possible_schedules)
                task = unscheduled[int(task_idx[t])]
                host = self.exec_hosts[h]
                # logging.info("%s -> %s" % (task.name, host.name))

                task.data["target_host"] = host.name
                task_time = ect - max(host.data["est"], clock)
                host.data["est"] = ect

                task_idx = np.delete(task_idx, t)
                ECT = np.delete(ECT, t, 0)
                ECT[:, h] += task_time

        for host in self.exec_hosts:
            if host.data["is_free"]:
                tasks = host.data["tasks"]
                if len(tasks) > 0:
                    task = tasks.pop(0)
                    host.data["is_free"] = False
Пример #32
def test(db, split, testiter, debug=False, suffix=None):
    result_dir = system_configs.result_dir
    result_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, str(testiter), split)
    class_name = []
    for i in range(1, len(db._coco.cats)):
        # if db._coco.cats[i] is None:
        #     continue
        # else:
        ind = db._cat_ids[i]
    if suffix is not None:
        result_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, suffix)


    test_iter = system_configs.max_iter if testiter is None else testiter
    print("loading parameters at iteration: {}".format(test_iter))

    print("building neural network...")
    nnet = NetworkFactory(db)
    print("loading parameters...")

    # test_file = "test.{}".format(db.data)
    # testing = importlib.import_module(test_file).testing


    debug_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, "debug")
    if not os.path.exists(debug_dir):

    if db.split != "trainval":
        db_inds = db.db_inds[:100] if debug else db.db_inds
        db_inds = db.db_inds[:100] if debug else db.db_inds[:5000]

    K = db.configs["top_k"]
    ae_threshold = db.configs["ae_threshold"]
    nms_kernel = db.configs["nms_kernel"]

    scales = db.configs["test_scales"]
    weight_exp = db.configs["weight_exp"]
    merge_bbox = db.configs["merge_bbox"]
    categories = db.configs["categories"]
    nms_threshold = db.configs["nms_threshold"]
    max_per_image = db.configs["max_per_image"]
    nms_algorithm = {
        "nms": 0,
        "linear_soft_nms": 1,
        "exp_soft_nms": 2

    img_name = os.listdir(db._image_dir)
    for i in range(0, len(img_name)):
        top_bboxes = {}
        # for ind in tqdm(range(0, num_images), ncols=80, desc="locating kps"):
        db_ind = i + 1

        # image_id = db.image_ids(db_ind)
        image_id = img_name[i]
        image_file = db._image_dir + '/' + img_name[i]
        image = cv2.imread(image_file)

        height, width = image.shape[0:2]

        detections = []

        for scale in scales:
            new_height = int(height * scale)
            new_width = int(width * scale)
            new_center = np.array([new_height // 2, new_width // 2])

            inp_height = new_height | 127
            inp_width = new_width | 127

            images = np.zeros((1, 3, inp_height, inp_width), dtype=np.float32)
            ratios = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=np.float32)
            borders = np.zeros((1, 4), dtype=np.float32)
            sizes = np.zeros((1, 2), dtype=np.float32)

            out_height, out_width = (inp_height + 1) // 4, (inp_width + 1) // 4
            height_ratio = out_height / inp_height
            width_ratio = out_width / inp_width

            resized_image = cv2.resize(image, (new_width, new_height))
            resized_image, border, offset = crop_image(resized_image, new_center, [inp_height, inp_width])

            resized_image = resized_image / 255.
            normalize_(resized_image, db.mean, db.std)

            images[0] = resized_image.transpose((2, 0, 1))
            borders[0] = border
            sizes[0] = [int(height * scale), int(width * scale)]
            ratios[0] = [height_ratio, width_ratio]

            images = np.concatenate((images, images[:, :, :, ::-1]), axis=0)
            images = torch.from_numpy(images)
            dets = kp_decode(nnet, images, K, ae_threshold=ae_threshold, kernel=nms_kernel)
            dets = dets.reshape(2, -1, 8)
            dets[1, :, [0, 2]] = out_width - dets[1, :, [2, 0]]
            dets = dets.reshape(1, -1, 8)

            _rescale_dets(dets, ratios, borders, sizes)
            dets[:, :, 0:4] /= scale

        detections = np.concatenate(detections, axis=1)

        classes = detections[..., -1]
        classes = classes[0]
        detections = detections[0]

        # reject detections with negative scores
        keep_inds = (detections[:, 4] > -1)
        detections = detections[keep_inds]
        classes = classes[keep_inds]

        top_bboxes[image_id] = {}
        for j in range(categories):
            keep_inds = (classes == j)
            top_bboxes[image_id][j + 1] = detections[keep_inds][:, 0:7].astype(np.float32)
            if merge_bbox:
                soft_nms_merge(top_bboxes[image_id][j + 1], Nt=nms_threshold, method=nms_algorithm,
                soft_nms(top_bboxes[image_id][j + 1], Nt=nms_threshold, method=nms_algorithm)
            top_bboxes[image_id][j + 1] = top_bboxes[image_id][j + 1][:, 0:5]

        scores = np.hstack([
            top_bboxes[image_id][j][:, -1]
            for j in range(1, categories + 1)
        if len(scores) > max_per_image:
            kth = len(scores) - max_per_image
            thresh = np.partition(scores, kth)[kth]
            for j in range(1, categories + 1):
                keep_inds = (top_bboxes[image_id][j][:, -1] >= thresh)
                top_bboxes[image_id][j] = top_bboxes[image_id][j][keep_inds]

        # result_json = os.path.join(result_dir, "results.json")
        detections = db.convert_to_list(top_bboxes)
        print('demo for {}'.format(image_id))
        img = cv2.imread(image_file)
        box = []
        if detections is not None:
            for i in range(len(detections)):
                name = db._coco.cats[detections[i][1]]['name']  #db._coco.cats[ind]['name']
                confi = detections[i][-1]
                if confi <0.3:
                for j in range(0, 4):
                    box.append(detections[i][j + 2])
                cv2.rectangle(img, (int(box[0]), int(box[1])), (int(box[2]), int(box[3])), (0, 255, 255), 1)
                # cv2.putText(img, name[0] + '  ' + '{:.3f}'.format(confi), (int(box[0]), int(box[1] - 10)),
                #             cv2.FONT_ITALIC, 1, (0, 0, 255), 1)
                while (box):
        cv2.imshow('Detecting image...', img)
        # timer.total_time = 0
        if cv2.waitKey(3000) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
def main():
    logger = create_logger(save_dir=cfg.log_dir)
    print = logger.info

    cfg.device = torch.device('cuda')
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

    max_per_image = 100

    Dataset_eval = COCO_eval if cfg.dataset == 'coco' else PascalVOC_eval
    dataset = Dataset_eval(cfg.data_dir,
    data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset,

    print('Creating model...')
    if 'hourglass' in cfg.arch:
        model = get_hourglass[cfg.arch]
    elif 'resdcn' in cfg.arch:
        model = get_pose_net(num_layers=int(cfg.arch.split('_')[-1]),
        raise NotImplementedError

    model = load_model(model, cfg.pretrain_dir)
    model = model.to(cfg.device)

    results = {}
    with torch.no_grad():
        for inputs in data_loader:
            img_id, inputs = inputs[0]

            detections = []
            for scale in inputs:
                inputs[scale]['image'] = inputs[scale]['image'].to(cfg.device)

                output = model(inputs[scale]['image'])[-1]
                dets = ctdet_decode(*output, K=cfg.test_topk)
                dets = dets.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(
                    1, -1, dets.shape[2])[0]

                top_preds = {}
                dets[:, :2] = transform_preds(
                         0:2], inputs[scale]['center'], inputs[scale]['scale'],
                    (inputs[scale]['fmap_w'], inputs[scale]['fmap_h']))
                dets[:, 2:4] = transform_preds(
                         2:4], inputs[scale]['center'], inputs[scale]['scale'],
                    (inputs[scale]['fmap_w'], inputs[scale]['fmap_h']))
                cls = dets[:, -1]
                for j in range(dataset.num_classes):
                    inds = (cls == j)
                    top_preds[j + 1] = dets[inds, :5].astype(np.float32)
                    top_preds[j + 1][:, :4] /= scale


            bbox_and_scores = {}
            for j in range(1, dataset.num_classes + 1):
                bbox_and_scores[j] = np.concatenate([d[j] for d in detections],
                if len(dataset.test_scales) > 1:
                    soft_nms(bbox_and_scores[j], Nt=0.5, method=2)
            scores = np.hstack([
                bbox_and_scores[j][:, 4]
                for j in range(1, dataset.num_classes + 1)

            if len(scores) > max_per_image:
                kth = len(scores) - max_per_image
                thresh = np.partition(scores, kth)[kth]
                for j in range(1, dataset.num_classes + 1):
                    keep_inds = (bbox_and_scores[j][:, 4] >= thresh)
                    bbox_and_scores[j] = bbox_and_scores[j][keep_inds]

            results[img_id] = bbox_and_scores

    eval_results = dataset.run_eval(results, cfg.ckpt_dir)
Пример #34
import numpy as np
# numpy裡面的排序, default: np.sort為Quick Sort(Time: N logN)
x = np.array([2, 4, 3, 1, 5])
# print("np.sort(x): ", np.sort(x)) # 傳回排序後的陣列, 但不會改變原本的內容
# x.sort() # 會改變原本的陣列內容
# print("x: ", x)

# 另一種排序為np.argsort() 傳會被排序過後元素的索引值
i = np.argsort(x)
# print("index: ", i)

# 沿著行或列排序 增加axis參數即可
rand = np.random.RandomState(1)
array = rand.randint(0, 10, (4, 6))
print("Array: \n", array)
# print("row sorted: \n", np.sort(array, axis = 0)) # 行排序
# print("column sorted: \n", np.sort(array, axis = 1)) # 列排序

# 分區(Partitioning): 將陣列中最小的K個值放入左側 np.partition(array, K) #
x = np.array([7, 2, 3, 1, 6, 5, 4])
# print(np.partition(x, 2)) # 排列順序隨意 (BTW: 只排列K個數值, 則被分開的數值順序隨意)
print(np.partition(array, 2, axis=1))  # 每一列中的兩個最小值會被放在左側
Пример #35
 def compute_2nd_bmu(self, inp):
     #computes distances using euklid norm
     dist = np.linalg.norm(self.weights-inp, axis=2)
     return np.unravel_index(np.partition(dist,2)[2], dist.shape)
Пример #36
def main():
    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Map the source embeddings into the target embedding space')
    parser.add_argument('src_input', help='the input source embeddings')
    parser.add_argument('trg_input', help='the input target embeddings')
    parser.add_argument('--model_path', default=None, type=str, help='directory to save the model')
    parser.add_argument('--geomm_embeddings_path', default=None, type=str, help='directory to save the output GeoMM latent space embeddings. The output embeddings are normalized.')
    parser.add_argument('--encoding', default='utf-8', help='the character encoding for input/output (defaults to utf-8)')
    parser.add_argument('--max_vocab', default=0,type=int, help='Maximum vocabulary to be loaded, 0 allows complete vocabulary')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', default=0,type=int, help='Verbose')
    mapping_group = parser.add_argument_group('mapping arguments', 'Basic embedding mapping arguments')
    mapping_group.add_argument('-dtrain', '--dictionary_train', default=sys.stdin.fileno(), help='the training dictionary file (defaults to stdin)')
    mapping_group.add_argument('-dtest', '--dictionary_test', default=sys.stdin.fileno(), help='the test dictionary file (defaults to stdin)')
    mapping_group.add_argument('--normalize', choices=['unit', 'center', 'unitdim', 'centeremb'], nargs='*', default=[], help='the normalization actions to perform in order')
    geomm_group = parser.add_argument_group('GeoMM arguments', 'Arguments for GeoMM method')
    geomm_group.add_argument('--l2_reg', type=float,default=1e2, help='Lambda for L2 Regularization')
    geomm_group.add_argument('--max_opt_time', type=int,default=5000, help='Maximum time limit for optimization in seconds')
    geomm_group.add_argument('--max_opt_iter', type=int,default=150, help='Maximum number of iterations for optimization')
    eval_group = parser.add_argument_group('evaluation arguments', 'Arguments for evaluation')
    eval_group.add_argument('--normalize_eval', action='store_true', help='Normalize the embeddings at test time')
    eval_group.add_argument('--eval_batch_size', type=int,default=1000, help='Batch size for evaluation')
    eval_group.add_argument('--csls_neighbourhood', type=int,default=10, help='Neighbourhood size for CSLS')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    BATCH_SIZE = args.eval_batch_size
    ## Logging
    #method_name = os.path.join('logs','geomm')
    #directory = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),method_name), datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))
    #if not os.path.exists(directory):
    #    os.makedirs(directory)
    #log_file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.dictionary_train))
    #log_file_name = log_file_name + '.log'
    #class Logger(object):
    #    def __init__(self):
    #        self.terminal = sys.stdout
    #        self.log = open(os.path.join(directory,log_file_name), "a")

    #    def write(self, message):
    #        self.terminal.write(message)
    #        self.log.write(message)  

    #    def flush(self):
    #        #this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility.
    #        #this handles the flush command by doing nothing.
    #        #you might want to specify some extra behavior here.
    #        pass    
    #sys.stdout = Logger()
    if args.verbose:
        print('Current arguments: {0}'.format(args))

    dtype = 'float32'
    if args.verbose:
        print('Loading train data...')
    # Read input embeddings
    srcfile = open(args.src_input, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
    trgfile = open(args.trg_input, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
    src_words, x = embeddings.read(srcfile,max_voc=args.max_vocab, dtype=dtype)
    trg_words, z = embeddings.read(trgfile,max_voc=args.max_vocab, dtype=dtype)

    # Build word to index map
    src_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(src_words)}
    trg_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(trg_words)}

    # Build training dictionary
    src_indices = []
    trg_indices = []
    f = open(args.dictionary_train, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
    for line in f:
        src,trg = line.split()
        if args.max_vocab:
            src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
            trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
        except KeyError:
            if args.verbose:
                print('WARNING: OOV dictionary entry ({0} - {1})'.format(src, trg)) #, file=sys.stderr
    if args.verbose:
        print('Number of training pairs having at least one OOV: {}'.format(noov))
    src_indices = src_indices
    trg_indices = trg_indices
    if args.verbose:
        print('Normalizing embeddings...')
    # STEP 0: Normalization
    for action in args.normalize:
        if action == 'unit':
            x = embeddings.length_normalize(x)
            z = embeddings.length_normalize(z)
        elif action == 'center':
            x = embeddings.mean_center(x)
            z = embeddings.mean_center(z)
        elif action == 'unitdim':
            x = embeddings.length_normalize_dimensionwise(x)
            z = embeddings.length_normalize_dimensionwise(z)
        elif action == 'centeremb':
            x = embeddings.mean_center_embeddingwise(x)
            z = embeddings.mean_center_embeddingwise(z)

    # Step 1: Optimization
    if args.verbose:
        print('Beginning Optimization')
    start_time = time.time()
    x_count = len(set(src_indices))
    z_count = len(set(trg_indices))
    A = np.zeros((x_count,z_count))
    # Creating dictionary matrix from training set
    for i in range(len(src_indices)):
        if src_indices[i] not in map_dict_src.keys():
    for j in range(len(trg_indices)):
        if trg_indices[j] not in map_dict_trg.keys():

    for i in range(len(src_indices)):

    U1 = TT.matrix()
    U2 = TT.matrix()
    B  = TT.matrix()

    cost = TT.sum(((shared(x[uniq_src]).dot(U1.dot(B.dot(U2.T)))).dot(shared(z[uniq_trg]).T)-A)**2) + 0.5*Lambda*(TT.sum(B**2))

    solver = ConjugateGradient(maxtime=args.max_opt_time,maxiter=args.max_opt_iter)

    manifold =Product([Stiefel(x.shape[1], x.shape[1]),Stiefel(z.shape[1], x.shape[1]),PositiveDefinite(x.shape[1])])
    problem = Problem(manifold=manifold, cost=cost, arg=[U1,U2,B], verbosity=3)
    wopt = solver.solve(problem)

    w= wopt
    U1 = w[0]
    U2 = w[1]
    B = w[2]

    ### Save the models if requested
    if args.model_path is not None: 

    # Step 2: Transformation
    xw = x.dot(U1).dot(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(B))
    zw = z.dot(U2).dot(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(B))

    end_time = time.time()
    if args.verbose:
        print('Completed training in {0:.2f} seconds'.format(end_time-start_time))

    ### Save the GeoMM embeddings if requested
    xw_n = embeddings.length_normalize(xw)
    zw_n = embeddings.length_normalize(zw)
    if args.geomm_embeddings_path is not None: 

        with open(out_emb_fname,'w',encoding=args.encoding) as outfile:

        with open(out_emb_fname,'w',encoding=args.encoding) as outfile:

    # Step 3: Evaluation
    if args.normalize_eval:
        xw = xw_n
        zw = zw_n

    X = xw[src_indices]
    Z = zw[trg_indices]

    # Loading test dictionary
    f = open(args.dictionary_test, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
    src2trg = collections.defaultdict(set)
    trg2src = collections.defaultdict(set)
    oov = set()
    vocab = set()
    for line in f:
        src, trg = line.split()
        if args.max_vocab:
            src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
            trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
        except KeyError:
    src = list(src2trg.keys())
    trgt = list(trg2src.keys())

    oov -= vocab  # If one of the translation options is in the vocabulary, then the entry is not an oov
    coverage = len(src2trg) / (len(src2trg) + len(oov))

    translation = collections.defaultdict(int)
    translation5 = collections.defaultdict(list)
    translation10 = collections.defaultdict(list)

    ### compute nearest neigbours of x in z

    for i in range(0, len(src), BATCH_SIZE):
        j = min(i + BATCH_SIZE, len(src))
        similarities = xw[src[i:j]].dot(zw.T)
        similarities_x = -1*np.partition(-1*similarities,args.csls_neighbourhood-1 ,axis=1)

    ### compute nearest neigbours of z in x (GPU version)
    with cp.cuda.Device(1):
        for i in range(0, zw.shape[0], BATCH_SIZE):
            j = min(i + BATCH_SIZE, zw.shape[0])
            similarities = -1*cp.partition(-1*cp.dot(cp.asarray(zw[i:j]),cp.transpose(cp.asarray(xw))),args.csls_neighbourhood-1 ,axis=1)[:,:args.csls_neighbourhood]

    #### compute nearest neigbours of z in x (CPU version)
    #for i in range(0, len(zw.shape[0]), BATCH_SIZE):
    #    j = min(i + BATCH_SIZE, len(zw.shape[0]))
    #    similarities = zw[i:j].dot(xw.T)
    #    similarities_z = -1*np.partition(-1*similarities,args.csls_neighbourhood-1 ,axis=1)
    #    nbrhood_z[i:j]=np.mean(similarities_z[:,:args.csls_neighbourhood],axis=1)

    #### find translation 
    #for i in range(0, len(src), BATCH_SIZE):
    #    j = min(i + BATCH_SIZE, len(src))
    #    similarities = xw[src[i:j]].dot(zw.T)
    #    similarities = np.transpose(np.transpose(2*similarities) - nbrhood_x[src[i:j]]) - nbrhood_z
    #    nn = similarities.argmax(axis=1).tolist()
    #    similarities = np.argsort((similarities),axis=1)

    #    nn5 = (similarities[:,-5:])
    #    nn10 = (similarities[:,-10:])
    #    for k in range(j-i):
    #        translation[src[i+k]] = nn[k]
    #        translation5[src[i+k]] = nn5[k]
    #        translation10[src[i+k]] = nn10[k]

    #if args.geomm_embeddings_path is not None:
    #    delim=','
    #    os.makedirs(args.geomm_embeddings_path,exist_ok=True)

    #    translations_fname=os.path.join(args.geomm_embeddings_path,'translations.csv')
    #    with open(translations_fname,'w',encoding=args.encoding) as translations_file:
    #        for src_id in src: 
    #            src_word = src_words[src_id]
    #            all_trg_words = [ trg_words[trg_id] for trg_id in src2trg[src_id] ]
    #            trgout_words = [ trg_words[j] for j in translation10[src_id] ]
    #            ss = list(nn10[src_id,:])
    #            p1 = ':'.join(all_trg_words)
    #            p2 = delim.join( [ '{}{}{}'.format(w,delim,s) for w,s in zip(trgout_words,ss) ] )
    #            translations_file.write( '{s}{delim}{p1}{delim}{p2}\n'.format(s=src_word, delim=delim, p1=p1, p2=p2) )

    ### find translation  (and write to file if output requested)
    translations_file =None
    if args.geomm_embeddings_path is not None:
        translations_file = open(translations_fname,'w',encoding=args.encoding)

    for i in range(0, len(src), BATCH_SIZE):
        j = min(i + BATCH_SIZE, len(src))
        similarities = xw[src[i:j]].dot(zw.T)
        similarities = np.transpose(np.transpose(2*similarities) - nbrhood_x[src[i:j]]) - nbrhood_z
        nn = similarities.argmax(axis=1).tolist()
        similarities = np.argsort((similarities),axis=1)

        nn5 = (similarities[:,-5:])
        nn10 = (similarities[:,-10:])
        for k in range(j-i):
            translation[src[i+k]] = nn[k]
            translation5[src[i+k]] = nn5[k]
            translation10[src[i+k]] = nn10[k]

            if args.geomm_embeddings_path is not None:
                src_word = src_words[src_id]
                all_trg_words = [ trg_words[trg_id] for trg_id in src2trg[src_id] ]
                trgout_words = [ trg_words[j] for j in translation10[src_id] ]
                #ss = list(nn10[src_id,:])

                p1 = ':'.join(all_trg_words)
                p2 = ':'.join(trgout_words)
                #p2 = delim.join( [ '{}{}{}'.format(w,delim,s) for w,s in zip(trgout_words,ss) ] )
                translations_file.write( '{s}{delim}{p1}{delim}{p2}\n'.format(s=src_word, p1=p1, p2=p2, delim=delim) )

    if args.geomm_embeddings_path is not None:

    accuracy = np.mean([1 if translation[i] in src2trg[i] else 0 for i in src])
    for i in src:
        for k in translation5[i]:
            if k in src2trg[i]:

    accuracy5 = mean

    for i in src:
        for k in translation10[i]:
            if k in src2trg[i]:

    accuracy10 = mean
    print('Coverage:{0:7.2%}  Accuracy:{1:7.2%}  Accuracy(Top 5):{2:7.2%}  Accuracy(Top 10):{3:7.2%}'.format(coverage, accuracy, accuracy5, accuracy10))
Пример #37
def calculate_nearest_k(sim_mat, k):
    sorted_mat = -np.partition(-sim_mat, k + 1, axis=1)  # -np.sort(-sim_mat1)
    nearest_k = sorted_mat[:, 0:k]
    return np.mean(nearest_k, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Пример #38
    def val_map(epoch):
        print_log('\n Val@Epoch: %d' % epoch)
        max_per_image = 100

        results = {}
        speed_list = []
        with torch.no_grad():
            for inputs in val_loader:
                img_id, inputs = inputs[0]
                start_image_time = time.time()
                segmentations = []
                for scale in inputs:
                    inputs[scale]['image'] = inputs[scale]['image'].to(

                    # hmap, regs, w_h_, offsets, active_codes, inactive_codes, active_cls = model(inputs[scale]['image'])[-1]
                    hmap, regs, w_h_, offsets, _, _, active_codes, active_cls = model(
                    active_cls = torch.sigmoid(active_cls) > 0.5
                    active_mask = active_cls * 1
                    # inactive_mask = (~ active_cls) * 1
                    codes = active_codes * active_mask  # + inactive_codes * inactive_mask
                    output = [hmap, regs, w_h_, codes, offsets]
                    segms = ctsegm_scale_decode(
                    # segms = ctsegm_amodal_cmm_decode(*output,
                    #                                  torch.from_numpy(dictionary.astype(np.float32)).to(cfg.device),
                    #                                  K=cfg.test_topk)
                    segms = segms.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(
                        1, -1, segms.shape[2])[0]

                    top_preds = {}
                    for j in range(cfg.n_vertices):
                        segms[:, 2 * j:2 * j + 2] = transform_preds(
                            segms[:, 2 * j:2 * j + 2], inputs[scale]['center'],
                            (inputs[scale]['fmap_w'], inputs[scale]['fmap_h']))
                    segms[:, cfg.n_vertices * 2:cfg.n_vertices * 2 +
                          2] = transform_preds(
                                    cfg.n_vertices * 2:cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 2],
                              inputs[scale]['center'], inputs[scale]['scale'],
                    segms[:, cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 2:cfg.n_vertices * 2 +
                          4] = transform_preds(
                              segms[:, cfg.n_vertices * 2 +
                                    2:cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 4],
                              inputs[scale]['center'], inputs[scale]['scale'],

                    clses = segms[:, -1]
                    for j in range(val_dataset.num_classes):
                        inds = (clses == j)
                        top_preds[j + 1] = segms[inds, :cfg.n_vertices * 2 +
                        top_preds[j + 1][:, :cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 4] /= scale


                end_image_time = time.time()
                segms_and_scores = {
                    j: np.concatenate([d[j] for d in segmentations], axis=0)
                    for j in range(1, val_dataset.num_classes + 1)
                scores = np.hstack([
                    segms_and_scores[j][:, cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 4]
                    for j in range(1, val_dataset.num_classes + 1)
                if len(scores) > max_per_image:
                    kth = len(scores) - max_per_image
                    thresh = np.partition(scores, kth)[kth]
                    for j in range(1, val_dataset.num_classes + 1):
                        keep_inds = (
                            segms_and_scores[j][:, cfg.n_vertices * 2 + 4] >=
                        segms_and_scores[j] = segms_and_scores[j][keep_inds]

                results[img_id] = segms_and_scores
                speed_list.append(end_image_time - start_image_time)

        eval_results = val_dataset.run_eval(results, save_dir=cfg.ckpt_dir)
        summary_writer.add_scalar('val_mAP/mAP', eval_results[0], epoch)
        print_log('Average speed on val set:{:.2f}'.format(
            1. / np.mean(speed_list)))

        return eval_results[0]
             profit = profit + CADCHF10080[5][tick+1] - CADCHF10080[5][tick]
         if( (CADCHF10080[5][tick] < CADCHF10080[5][tick+1]  )   and (Decision == 0)    ):
             profit = profit + (CADCHF10080[5][tick+1] - CADCHF10080[5][tick])*-1
         if( (CADCHF10080[5][tick] > CADCHF10080[5][tick+1]  )   and (Decision == 1)    ):
             profit = profit + (CADCHF10080[5][tick+1] - CADCHF10080[5][tick])
         if( (CADCHF10080[5][tick] > CADCHF10080[5][tick+1]  )   and (Decision == 0)    ):     
             profit = profit + (CADCHF10080[5][tick+1] - CADCHF10080[5][tick])*-1    
         PopulationProfitArray[n] = profit
 for B in range(1,TopSpecimenNumber+1):
     BestSpecimens[B-1] = np.partition(PopulationProfitArray.flatten(), -B)[-B] #Encontrar el X más alto.
     t, = np.where(PopulationProfitArray == BestSpecimens[B-1])
     if(t.size > 1):
         t = t[0]
     BestSpecimensArray[B-1] = PopulationArray[t]
 for B in range(0,TopSpecimenNumber):
     if(TopSpecimenNumber < TopSpecimenNumber/2):
         SN = random.randint(0,TopSpecimenNumber/2-1)
         BestSpecimensSonsArray[B] = BestSpecimensArray[SN]
         for O in range(0,5):
             SN = random.randint(TopSpecimenNumber/2,TopSpecimenNumber-1)
             Z = random.randint(0,NeuronAmmount-1)
             BestSpecimensSonsArray[B][Z] = BestSpecimensArray[SN][Z]
Пример #40
        t = time.time()
        # load data
        mat_contents = sio.loadmat(data_path + '/' + train_mat_names[id])
        adj = mat_contents['adj']
        yy = mat_contents['indset_label'].transpose()
        nn, nr = yy.shape  # number of nodes & results
        # y_train = yy[:,np.random.randint(0,nr)]
        # y_train = np.concatenate([1-np.expand_dims(y_train,axis=1), np.expand_dims(y_train,axis=1)],axis=1)

        # sample an intermediate graph
        yyr = yy[:, np.random.randint(0, nr)]
        yyr_num = np.sum(yyr)
        yyr_down_num = np.random.randint(0, yyr_num)
        if yyr_down_num > 0:
            yyr_down_prob = yyr * np.random.random_sample(yyr.shape)
            yyr_down_flag = (yyr_down_prob >= np.partition(
                yyr_down_prob, -yyr_down_num)[-yyr_down_num])
            tmp = np.sum(adj[yyr_down_flag, :], axis=0) > 0
            tmp = np.asarray(tmp).reshape(-1)
            yyr_down_flag[tmp] = 1
            adj_down = adj[yyr_down_flag == 0, :]
            adj_down = adj_down[:, yyr_down_flag == 0]
            yyr_down = yyr[yyr_down_flag == 0]
            adj = adj_down
            nn = yyr_down.shape[0]
            yyr = yyr_down

        y_train = np.concatenate(
            [1 - np.expand_dims(yyr, axis=1),
             np.expand_dims(yyr, axis=1)],
Пример #41
def SinglMatch(ps1, w, md, edges1C, gt, fx_C, fy_C, edges0C, gt_0, fx_C0,
               fy_C0, mask_b_C0):
    pbar = tqdm(total=1, position=0, desc="RECC      ")
    max_dist = int((md) / ps1)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours((1 - mask_b_C0).astype(np.uint8),
    contour_sizes = [(cv2.contourArea(contour), contour)
                     for contour in contours]
    biggest_contour = max(contour_sizes, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
    polygon = Polygon(np.array(biggest_contour[:, 0]))
    x, y = polygon.exterior.xy
    b1 = int(min(x))
    b2 = int(max(x))
    b3 = int(min(y))
    b4 = int(max(y))
    target = edges0C[b3:b4, b1:b2]
    sum_target = np.sum(target)
    xd = int(round((b4 - b3) / 2))
    yd = int(round((b2 - b1) / 2))
    buffer = 2 * max(xd, yd)
    edges1Ca = np.zeros(
        (edges1C.shape[0] + buffer * 2, edges1C.shape[1] + 2 * buffer))
    edges1Ca[buffer:-buffer, buffer:-buffer] = edges1C
    x_i_0 = b3 + xd
    y_i_0 = b1 + yd
    lat_0 = gt_0[3] + gt_0[5] * x_i_0 * fx_C0
    lon_0 = gt_0[0] + gt_0[1] * y_i_0 * fy_C0
    x_i_0_og = int(round((lat_0 - gt[3]) / (gt[5] * fx_C)))
    y_i_0_og = int(round((lon_0 - gt[0]) / (gt[1] * fy_C)))
    search_wide = np.zeros((2 * (max_dist + yd), 2 * (max_dist + xd)))
    search_wide = edges1Ca[buffer + x_i_0_og - max_dist - xd:buffer +
                           x_i_0_og + max_dist + xd, buffer + y_i_0_og -
                           max_dist - yd:buffer + y_i_0_og + max_dist + yd]
    RECC_total = np.zeros(edges1Ca.shape)
    RECC_over = np.zeros(edges1Ca.shape)
    circle2 = np.zeros((2 * max_dist, 2 * max_dist))
    for x in range(circle2.shape[0]):
        for y in range(circle2.shape[1]):
            if (x - max_dist)**2 + (y - max_dist)**2 < max_dist**2:
                circle2[x, y] = 1
    circle2[circle2 == 0] = np.NaN
    sum_patch = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, np.ones(target.shape))
    numerator = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, target)
    RECC_wide = numerator / (sum_patch + sum_target)
    RECC_area = RECC_wide[xd:-xd, yd:-yd] * circle2
    RECC_total[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
               y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist] = RECC_area
    max_one = np.partition(RECC_total[~np.isnan(RECC_total)].flatten(), -1)[-1]
    y_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[1][0]
    x_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[0][0]
    x_offset = (x_i - x_i_0_og) * ps1
    y_offset = (y_i - y_i_0_og) * ps1
    o_x = x_i
    o_y = y_i
    t_x = x_i_0
    t_y = y_i_0
    return x_offset, y_offset, o_x, o_y, t_x, t_y
Пример #42
    def constraints_s(self,
        """Apply the constraints on the sources (thresholding in the wavelet domain and possibly a projection on the
        positive orthant. The input data are Sfft. The output data are S, as well as Sfft and Sfft_det.

        doThr : bool
            perform thresholding
        K: float
            L0 support of the sources
        doRw: bool
            do reweighting
        nnegS: bool
            apply non-negativity constraint on the sources
        Sfft: np.ndarray
            (n,p) complex array, estimated sources in Fourier domain (in-place update, default: self.Sfft)
        Sfft_det: np.ndarray
            (n,p) complex array, estimated sources with only the detail scales in Fourier domain (in-place update,
            default: self.Sfft_det)
        S: np.ndarray
            (n,p) float array, estimated sources (in-place update, default: self.S)
        stds: np.ndarray
            (n,nscales) float array, std of the noise in the source space, per detail scale (default: mad or analytical
        Swtrw: np.ndarray
            (n,p,nscales) float array, sources in the wavelet domain of previous iteration (default: self.Swtrw)
        oracle: bool
            perform an oracle update (using the ground-truth A and S)

            error code

        if Sfft is None:
            Sfft = self.Sfft
        if Sfft_det is None:
            Sfft_det = self.Sfft_det
        if S is None:
            S = self.S
        if Swtrw is None:
            if not oracle:
                Swtrw = self.Swtrw
                Swtrw = self.S0wt

        if not doThr:

            S[:] = fftt.ifft(Sfft)
            if not nnegS:  # nothing more to do
                Sfft_det[:] = fftt.fftprod(Sfft, 1 - self.wt_filters[:, -1])
                return 0


            if self.verb >= 3:
                print("Maximal L0 norm of the sources: %.1f %%" % (K * 100))

            Swt = fftt.wt_trans(Sfft, nscales=self.nscales, fft_in=True)

            # Thresholding
            for i in range(self.n):
                for j in range(self.nscales):
                    Swtij = Swt[i, :, j]
                    Swtrwij = Swtrw[i, :, j]
                    if stds is not None:
                        std = stds[i, j]
                    elif self.useMad:
                        std = utils.mad(Swtij, M=self.M)
                        std = self.nStd * np.sqrt(
                            np.sum(self.invOpSp[:, i] *
                                   self.wt_filters[:, j]**2) / self.p)
                    thrd = self.k * std

                    # If oracle, threshold Swtrw
                    if oracle and self.L1 and doRw:
                        Swtrwij = (
                            Swtrwij - np.sign(Swtrwij) * (thrd - np.sqrt(
                                    (Swtrwij - thrd * np.sign(Swtrwij)) *
                                    (3 * thrd * np.sign(Swtrwij) + Swtrwij))))
                        ) / 2 * (np.abs(Swtrwij) >= thrd)

                    # Support based threshold
                    if K != 1:
                        npix = np.sum(abs(Swtij) - thrd > 0)
                        Kval = np.maximum(np.int(K * npix), 5)
                        thrd = np.partition(abs(Swtij),
                                            self.p - Kval)[self.p - Kval]

                    if self.verb == 4 and i == 0:
                        print("Threshold of source %i at scale %i: %.5e" %
                              (i + 1, j + 1, thrd))
                    elif self.verb == 5:
                        print("Threshold of source %i at scale %i: %.5e" %
                              (i + 1, j + 1, thrd))

                    # Adapt the threshold if reweighing demanded
                    if doRw and self.L1:
                        thrd = thrd / (np.abs(Swtrwij) /
                                       np.maximum(1e-20, self.k * std) + 1)
                        thrd = thrd * np.ones(self.p)

                    # Apply the threshold
                    Swtij[(abs(Swtij) < thrd)] = 0
                    if self.L1:
                        indNZ = np.where(abs(Swtij) > thrd)[0]
                        Swtij[indNZ] = Swtij[indNZ] - thrd[indNZ] * np.sign(

                    Swt[i, :, j] = Swtij

        # Reconstruct S
        S[:] = fftt.wt_rec(Swt)

        # Non-negativity constraint
        if nnegS:
            nneg = S > 0
            S *= nneg

        if oracle:
            return 0

        # Save the wavelet coefficients of S for next iteration
        if doThr and doRw and self.L1 and not oracle:
            if nnegS:
                Swt *= nneg[:, :, np.newaxis]
            self.Swtrw = Swt[:, :, :-1]

        Sfft[:] = fftt.fft(S)
        Sfft_det[:] = fftt.fftprod(Sfft, 1 - self.wt_filters[:, -1])

        return 0
Пример #43
def GDP_PCA_plot(filename=None,
    data = np.load('uploads/' + filename)

    image1 = data.f.image  #-np.median(data.f.image)
    image2 = np.array(image1 * 255 / image1.max(), dtype='uint8')
    image_avg = np.mean(np.partition(image2, int(len(image2) * 0.2)))
    image2[image2 < image_avg] = int(image_avg)
    H1 = gaussian_filter(image2, factor * np.std(image2), mode='nearest')
    image2 = H1
    blobs_log = blob_log(image2,
                         max_sigma=0.3 * np.std(image2),
                         min_sigma=0.02 * np.mean(image2),
    blobs_log[:, 2] = blobs_log[:, 2] * np.sqrt(2)
    blobs = blobs_log[(blobs_log[:, 2] > lowerbound)
                      & (blobs_log[:, 2] < upperbound)]

    xx = (data.f.X.min(), np.round(data.f.X.max(), -1))
    yy = (data.f.Y.min(), np.round(data.f.Y.max(), -1))
    x_step = (xx[1] - xx[0]) / np.shape(H1)[0]
    y_step = (yy[1] - yy[0]) / np.shape(H1)[1]

    #Number of NV
    height = yy[1] - yy[0]
    width = xx[1] - xx[0]
    total = len(blobs)
    per_nv = round(len(blobs) / float(height * width) * (20 * 20), 2)
    t = [
        'Original Density Plot,'
        ' Filename=' + filename, 'Gaussian Filtered Density Plot',
        'Total NVs =' + str(total) + ' , NVs per 20x20 pixel area = ' +

    data_list = [image1, H1, H1]
    color_list = [
        Viridis256, cc.b_linear_bgy_10_95_c74, cc.b_linear_bgy_10_95_c74
    return_list = []
    #hover tool hack to work for image function in bokeh.
    px = np.linspace(xx[0], xx[1], np.shape(H1)[0] / 2)
    py = np.linspace(yy[0], yy[1], np.shape(H1)[1] / 2)
    px = np.array(px, dtype='uint32')
    py = np.array(py, dtype='uint32')
    a = []
    for i in px:
        a.extend(zip(itertools.repeat(i), py))
    dt = np.dtype('int,float')
    X = np.array(a, dtype=dt)
    x1 = X['f0']
    y1 = X['f1']
    for i in range(3):
        color_mapper = LogColorMapper(palette=color_list[i], \
                              low=np.mean(data_list[i]), \

        color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper,\
                              label_standoff=12, \
                              border_line_color=None, \

        p1 = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=600,title=t[i],title_text_font_size='12pt',\
        p1.square(x1, y1, alpha=1.0)
                 dh=yy[1] - yy[0],
                 dw=xx[1] - xx[0],
        p1.add_layout(color_bar, 'right')
        if i == 2:
            p1.circle(blobs[:, 1] * x_step + xx[0],
                      blobs[:, 0] * y_step + yy[0],
                      radius=blobs[:, 2] * 1.6,

        p1.title.text_font_size = "11pt"
        p1.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "13pt"
        p1.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "13pt"

        #plots = {'Navy': p1, 'Blue': p2};
        tuple_plot = components(p1)
        #script2, div2 = components(p2);


            plot_width=600, plot_height=600,tools=TOOLS,\
            title="Distribution of Radii of NV Centers")


    return return_list
Пример #44
        step_cpt += actor_steps

        # save stuff
        if step_cpt >= args.period:

            # evaluate mean actor over several runs. Memory is not filled
            # and steps are not counted
            f_mu, _ = evaluate(actor, env, memory=None, n_episodes=args.n_eval,
            prRed('Actor Mu Average Fitness:{}'.format(f_mu))

            df.to_pickle(args.output + "/log.pkl")
            res = {"total_steps": total_steps,
                   "average_score": np.mean(fitness),
                   "average_score_half": np.mean(np.partition(fitness, args.pop_size // 2 - 1)[args.pop_size // 2:]),
                   "average_score_rl": np.mean(fitness[:args.n_grad]),
                   "average_score_ea": np.mean(fitness[args.n_grad:]),
                   "best_score": np.max(fitness),
                   "mu_score": f_mu}

            if args.save_all_models:
                os.makedirs(args.output + "/{}_steps".format(total_steps),
                    args.output + "/{}_steps".format(total_steps), "critic")
                    args.output + "/{}_steps".format(total_steps), "actor_mu")
                critic.save_model(args.output, "critic")
Пример #45
     len(x))  #stores distance to 2nd nearest neighbor
 nn3 = np.zeros(len(x))  #stores CloudNum of 3rd nearest neighbor
 mindist3 = np.zeros(
     len(x))  #stores distance to 3rd nearest neighbor
 k = 0
 j = 0
 while k < len(x):
     for j in range(len(x)):
         dist[k, j] = np.sqrt(
             np.square(xs[k] - xs[j]) + np.square(y[k] - y[j]))
     k += 1
 dist[dist == 0] = np.nan
 for k in range(len(x)):
     ind = np.where(dist[k] == np.nanmin(
         dist[k]))  #index of nearest neighbor
     ind2 = np.where(dist[k] == np.partition(
         dist[k], 1)[1])  #index of 2nd nearest neighbor
     ind3 = np.where(dist[k] == np.partition(
         dist[k], 2)[2])  #index of 3rd nearest neighbor
     mindist[k] = np.deg2rad(dist[k, int(ind[0])]) * distance[0]
     nn[k] = int(ind[0]) + 1
     if len(ind2[0]) == 1:
         mindist2[k] = np.deg2rad(dist[k,
                                       int(ind2[0])]) * distance[0]
         nn2[k] = int(ind2[0]) + 1
         mindist2[k] = np.deg2rad(
             dist[k, int(ind2[0][0])]) * distance[0]
         nn2[k] = int(ind2[0][1]) + 1
     if len(ind3[0]) == 1:
         mindist3[k] = np.deg2rad(dist[k,
                                       int(ind3[0])]) * distance[0]
Пример #46
# %%
print(np.sort(a2, axis=0))

# %%
print(np.sort(a2, axis=1))

# 부분 정렬
#   - partition() : 배열에서 k개의 작은 값을 반환

# %%
a1 = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=10)

# %%
print(np.partition(a1, 3))

# %%
a2 = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=(5, 5))

# %%
print(np.partition(a2, 3))

# %%
print(np.partition(a2, 3, axis=0))

# %%
print(np.partition(a2, 3, axis=1))

# 배열 입출력
Пример #47
    def train(self, load_dir=None, save_dir=None):
        ######## TODO ########
        if self.style == 'Real':
            self.train_real(load_dir, save_dir)
            self.debug = True if self.num_chosen_wc < 1000 else False
            if load_dir != None and os.path.exists(load_dir):
                self.chosen_wcs = pickle.load(open(load_dir, 'rb'))
                self.wc_errors = pickle.load(open("errors_" + load_dir, 'rb'))
                self.chosen_wcs_predictions = pickle.load(
                    open("preds_" + load_dir, 'rb'))

                n = self.data.shape[0]
                weights = np.array([1 / n for i in range(n)])
                self.chosen_wcs = []
                self.chosen_wcs_predictions = np.zeros((self.num_chosen_wc, n))
                k = 1000  #if self.debug==False else 50
                t = 5
                self.wc_errors = {}
                min_index = -1
                for weak_classifier in self.weak_classifiers:
                    weak_classifier.sorted_indices = np.argsort(

                rem_classifiers = [
                    classifier for classifier in self.weak_classifiers
                range_keys = [0, 9, 49,
                              99]  #if self.debug == False else [0,4,9,14,19]
                for i in tqdm(range(self.num_chosen_wc)):
                    my_result_array = Parallel(n_jobs=self.num_cores)(
                        delayed(wc.calc_error)(weights, self.labels)
                        for wc in rem_classifiers)
                    my_result_array = list(zip(*my_result_array))
                    error = np.asarray(my_result_array[0])
                    predict = np.asarray(my_result_array[1])
                    threshold = np.asarray(my_result_array[2])
                    pol = np.asarray(my_result_array[3])

                    min_wc_error = min(error)
                    min_index = np.argmin(error)
                    rem_classifiers[min_index].threshold = threshold[min_index]
                    rem_classifiers[min_index].polarity = pol[min_index]
                    predict_min = predict[min_index]
                    if i in range_keys:
                        top_k_errors = np.partition(error, k)[:k]

                        self.wc_errors[i] = top_k_errors

                    predict_min = pol[min_index] * np.sign(
                        rem_classifiers[min_index].activations -
                    print('Minimum error:', min_wc_error, 'Minimum index: ',
                          min_index, 'in iteration ', i, 'classifier id',
                    x = (1 - min_wc_error) / min_wc_error
                    alpha_i = 0.5 * np.log(x)
                    if self.style == 'Real':
                        alpha_i = 1
                    #wc_error_min, predict_min = rem_classifiers[min_index].calc_error(weights, self.labels)
                    weights = weights * np.exp(
                        -alpha_i * self.labels * predict_min)
                    weights = weights / sum(weights)
                    p = rem_classifiers[min_index]
                    print("id", id)
                    #self.wc_errors[i] = min_wc_error
                    self.chosen_wcs.append((alpha_i, p))
                    self.chosen_wcs_predictions[i] = alpha_i * predict_min
                    # print(i,":",self.chosen_wcs_predictions[i])
                    del rem_classifiers[min_index]
                if save_dir is not None:
                    pickle.dump(self.wc_errors, open("errors_" + save_dir,
                                open("preds_" + save_dir, 'wb'))
                    pickle.dump(self.chosen_wcs, open(save_dir, 'wb'))
Пример #48
    parser.add_argument('filename', help='submission', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--max_num', help='maximum number of predictions', type=int,
                        default=150 * 10**6)
    parser.add_argument('-f', help='force overwrite', action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if os.path.exists(args.result) and not args.f:
        print(args.result, 'already exists, exiting')

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
    print('reading predictions')
    all_confs: List[float] = []

    with open(args.filename) as f:
        for confs in tqdm(pool.imap(read_confidences, f), total=100000):

    print(f'sorting scores (total {len(all_confs)})')
    assert len(all_confs) >= args.max_num

    pos = len(all_confs) - args.max_num
    threshold = np.partition(all_confs, pos)[pos]
    print('applying threshold', threshold)

    with open(args.filename) as f:
        with open(args.result, 'w') as out:
            for line in tqdm(pool.imap(partial(trim_line, threshold), f), total=100000):
Пример #49
def MRAS_categ_elite(
    game_ll = args.games[game_i]
    game = Game(game_ll)
    best_reward, best_arm = np.max(game.game_ll), np.argmax(game.game_ll)

    if verbose:
        print(f"\n\nRunning game {game_i} with MRAS Categorical")
        print(f"Arms distribution used {game_ll}")
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # 1. Rewards collected and optimal arm pull (overall)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    regret_ll = np.zeros(args.n)
    var_regret_ll = np.zeros(args.n)
    arm_ll = np.zeros((len(game), args.n))

    for exp in range(args.repeat):
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # 2. Rewards collected and optimal arm pull (for experiment)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

        regret_exp_ll = np.zeros(args.n)
        sample_mean_ll = np.zeros(len(game))
        theta = np.ones(len(game)) / len(game)
        pulls_ll = np.zeros(len(game))

        count = 0

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        # 3. Initialisation
        for k in range(10):
            for j in range(len(game)):
                arm_ll[j, k * len(game) + j] += 1
                reward = game.get_reward(j)
                regret_exp_ll[j] = best_reward - reward

                # Update sample mean
                pulls_ll[j] += 1
                sample_mean_ll[j] = (reward - sample_mean_ll[j]) / pulls_ll[j]

                count += 1

        # Samples to take
        N = N_0
        kai = kai_0
        kai_bar = kai_0
        rho = rho_0
        phase = 1

        while count < args.n:
            # pull sample
            arms = np.random.choice(len(game), N, p=theta)
            mask = np.zeros(len(game))
            J_vec = np.zeros(N)
            J_vec_arms = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int)

            for e, arm in enumerate(arms):
                arm_ll[arm, count] += 1

                # Update sample mean
                reward = game.get_reward(arm)
                regret_exp_ll[count] = best_reward - reward
                pulls_ll[arm] += 1
                sample_mean_ll[arm] += (reward -
                                        sample_mean_ll[arm]) / pulls_ll[arm]
                # J_vec[e] = sample_mean_ll[arm]
                J_vec_arms[e] = arm
                count += 1

                if count >= args.n:

            for e in range(len(J_vec_arms)):
                J_vec[e] = sample_mean_ll[J_vec_arms[e]]

            # Update elite set
            k = int((1 - rho) * N) - 1
            kai_bar = np.partition(J_vec, k)[k - 1]

            # Check if threshold is acceptable
            if kai_bar - kai > epi_J:
                kai = kai_bar
                rho_bar = rho
                while rho_bar > epi_J:
                    rho_bar = 0.9 * rho_bar
                    k = int((1 - rho_bar) * N) - 1
                    kai_bar = np.partition(J_vec, k)[k]
                    if kai_bar - kai > epi_J:
                        kai = kai_bar
                        rho = rho_bar

                if rho > rho_bar:
                    N = int(alpha * N)

            # Find elite mask
            if len(J_vec_arms[np.where(J_vec >= kai)]) > 0:
                for arm in J_vec_arms[np.where(J_vec >= kai)]:
                    mask[arm] += 1

                # Update theta
                theta[mask > 0] = (np.exp(phase * sample_mean_ll[mask > 0]) *
                                   mask[mask > 0] / theta[mask > 0])
                theta[mask == 0] = 0
                theta = theta / np.sum(theta[mask > 0])
                phase += 1

            if verbose:
                print(f"N value {N}")
                print(f"\nTurn {count} of {args.n}  Arm pulled {arms}")
                print(f"Updated sample means {sample_mean_ll}")
                print(f"Mask {mask}")
                print(f"New theta: {theta}")
        if pbar:
                f"Game:{game_i + 1} MRAS_Categ_Elite exp:{exp} arm: {arm}")
        regret_exp_ll = np.cumsum(regret_exp_ll)
        regret_ll += regret_exp_ll
        var_regret_ll += regret_exp_ll**2

    regret_ll = regret_ll / args.repeat

    var_regret_ll /= args.repeat
    var_regret_ll -= regret_ll**2
    var_regret_ll /= np.arange(1, args.n + 1)
    var_regret_ll = np.sqrt(var_regret_ll)

    arm_ll /= args.repeat

    print(f"Final theta: {theta}")

    return regret_ll, var_regret_ll, arm_ll
def process_back_data(file):    
    f_cam = 1000
    n_tags = 23
    no_subj = 1
    pose_all = np.empty((no_subj), dtype=object)
    mesh_all = np.empty((no_subj), dtype=object)
    suct = 0
    print('Calculating center of mass on file', file)
    for i in np.array([1]):  # files in os.listdir(path_loc):
        file_path = file
        f = open(file_path)
        csv_f = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')

        new_frame = np.empty((23, 7, 1))
        new_frame[:] = np.NAN
        full_array = new_frame.copy()
        count = -1
        for row in csv_f:
            row = row[1:]
            if (count == -1):
                count = count+1
            elif (row[1] == str(NULL_MARKER)):
                full_array = np.append(full_array, new_frame, axis=2)
                count = count+1
                if (int(row[0]) < 23):
                    read_array = np.asarray(row[2:]).astype(np.float)
                    quart = Quaternion(matrix=rf.eul2mat(read_array[4:]))
                    full_array[int(row[0]), :, count] = np.concatenate(
                        (np.array([-read_array[2], read_array[3], -read_array[1]]), quart.elements), axis=0)
        full_array = full_array[:, :, :-1]

        pose_all[suct] = full_array
        suct += 1
        final_ori = np.zeros((full_array.shape[2], full_array.shape[1]))
        cur_fullmesh = np.empty((n_tags*4, 3, full_array.shape[2]))
        cur_fullmesh[:] = np.NaN
        mesh_visible = np.empty((n_tags*4, 3, full_array.shape[2]))
        mesh_visible[:] = np.NaN

        vismesh_px = np.empty((n_tags*4, 2, full_array.shape[2]))
        vismesh_px[:] = np.NaN

        fullmesh_px = np.empty((n_tags*4, 2, full_array.shape[2]))
        fullmesh_px[:] = np.NaN
        err_dist = np.zeros((full_array.shape[2], 1))

        avg_mesh = np.load("mesh_calib.npy")

        for f_ct in range(0, full_array.shape[2]):
            cur_mesh = np.empty((n_tags*4, 3))
            cur_mesh[:] = np.NaN
            for tag_ct in range(0, n_tags):
                cur_mesh[tag_ct*4:(tag_ct+1)*4, :] = rf.orient_square(
                    full_array[tag_ct, 0:3, f_ct], Quaternion(full_array[tag_ct, 3:, f_ct]))
            while True:
                mesh1 = avg_mesh[(~np.isnan(cur_mesh[:, 1])), :]
                mesh2 = cur_mesh[(~np.isnan(cur_mesh[:, 1])), :]
                m1c = rmsd.centroid(mesh1)
                m2c = rmsd.centroid(mesh2)
                mesh1 -= m1c
                mesh2 -= m2c
                rot2_1 = rmsd.kabsch(mesh1, mesh2)
                cur_fullmesh[:, :, f_ct] = np.dot(avg_mesh - m1c, rot2_1) + m2c
        #        if f_ct >= 2:
        #            cur_fullmesh[:,:,f_ct] = np.nansum((0.5*cur_fullmesh[:,:,f_ct],0.3*cur_fullmesh[:,:,f_ct-1],0.2*cur_fullmesh[:,:,f_ct-2]),axis = 0)
                err = np.linalg.norm(
                    cur_fullmesh[:, :, f_ct] - cur_mesh, axis=1)
                if mesh1.shape[0] == 0:
                if np.partition(err, 3)[3] > 0.005:
                elif (np.nanmean(err) < 0.005):
                cur_mesh[np.nanargmax(err), :] = np.array(
                    [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
            final_ori[f_ct, 0:3] = rmsd.centroid(cur_fullmesh[:, :, f_ct])
            final_ori[f_ct, 3:] = Quaternion(matrix=rot2_1).elements

    #        mesh_visible[(~np.isnan(cur_mesh[:,1])),:] = cur_fullmesh[(~np.isnan(cur_mesh[:,1])),:]
            vismesh_px[:, 0, f_ct] = 960 - \
                (cur_mesh[:, 0]/cur_mesh[:, 2]*f_cam)
            vismesh_px[:, 1, f_ct] = 540 + \
                (cur_mesh[:, 1]/cur_mesh[:, 2]*f_cam)
            fullmesh_px[:, 0, f_ct] = 960 - \
                (cur_fullmesh[:, 0, f_ct]/cur_fullmesh[:, 2, f_ct]*f_cam)
            fullmesh_px[:, 1, f_ct] = 540 + \
                (cur_fullmesh[:, 1, f_ct]/cur_fullmesh[:, 2, f_ct]*f_cam)
            err_dist[f_ct] = np.nanmean(np.linalg.norm(
                cur_fullmesh[:, :, f_ct] - cur_mesh, axis=1))
            if np.size(mesh2, axis=0) <= 12:
                err_dist[f_ct] = 1
            loc = rmsd.centroid(cur_fullmesh)
        #pose_all[suct] = final_ori
        #mesh_all[suct] = fullmesh_px
        suct = suct+1

    axis_px = np.empty((4, 2, full_array.shape[2]))
    axis_px[:] = np.NaN
    for ct in range(0, full_array.shape[2]):
        rot_mat = Quaternion(np.array(
            [final_ori[ct, 3], final_ori[ct, 4], final_ori[ct, 5], final_ori[ct, 6]])).rotation_matrix/25
        ax = np.c_[rot_mat, final_ori[ct, 0:3]]
        ax_ad = ax.copy()
        for row in range(3):
            ax_ad[:, row] = ax[:, row] + final_ori[ct, 0:3]
            axis_px[:, 0, ct] = 960 - (ax_ad[0, :]/ax_ad[2, :]*f_cam)
            axis_px[:, 1, ct] = 540 + (ax_ad[1, :]/ax_ad[2, :]*f_cam)

    axis_px1 = np.empty((4, 2, full_array.shape[2]))
    axis_px1[:] = np.NaN
    for ct in range(0, full_array.shape[2]):
        rot_mat = Quaternion(np.array(
            [final_ori[ct, 6], final_ori[ct, 5], final_ori[ct, 4], final_ori[ct, 3]])).rotation_matrix/25
        ax = np.c_[rot_mat, final_ori[ct, 0:3]]
        ax_ad = ax.copy()
        for row in range(3):
            ax_ad[:, row] = ax[:, row] + final_ori[ct, 0:3]
            axis_px1[:, 0, ct] = 960 - (ax_ad[0, :]/ax_ad[2, :]*f_cam)
            axis_px1[:, 1, ct] = 540 + (ax_ad[1, :]/ax_ad[2, :]*f_cam)

    # sio.savemat('meshsave_back_2.mat',{'vismesh_px':vismesh_px,'mesh_all':fullmesh_px,'pose_all':pose_all[1],'axis_px':axis_px,'axis_px1':axis_px1})
    sio.savemat('meshsave_back_2.mat', {'vismesh_px': vismesh_px, 'mesh_all': fullmesh_px,
                                        'pose_all': final_ori, 'axis_px': axis_px, 'axis_px1': axis_px1})
Пример #51
 def partition(self, kth, axis=-1, kind='introselect', order=None):
     return np.partition(self, kth, axis, kind, order)
Пример #52
def initialize(num_centers_ratio,
    This functions initializes representative prototypes (RBF centers) c and scaling factors sigma.

    This function will generate one group of centers for all labels as a whole. Be cautious with initialize_per_label.
        num_centers_ratio: The number of centers to be decided / total number of examples that belong to label l,
            for l = 0, ..., num_classes - 1.
        data_pipeline: A namedtuple consisting of the following elements.
            reader, video-level features reader or frame-level features reader.
            data_pattern, File Glob of data set.
            batch_size, How many examples to handle per time.
            num_readers, How many IO threads to prefetch examples.
        method: The method to decide the centers. Possible choices are random selection, kmeans and online (kmeans).
         Default is None, which represents randomly selecting a certain number of examples as centers.
        metric: Distance metric, euclidean distance or cosine distance.
        max_iter: The maximal number of iterations clustering to be done.
        tol: The minimal reduction of objective function of clustering to be reached to stop iteration.
        scaling_method: There are four choices. 1, all of them use the same sigma, the p smallest pairs of distances.
         2, average of p nearest centers.
         3, distance to the nearest center that has a different label (Not supported!).
         4, mean distance between this center and all of its points.
        alpha: The alpha parameter that should be set heuristically. It works like a learning rate. (mu in Zhang)
        p: When scaling_method is 1 or 2, p is needed.
        centers (prototypes) and scaling factors (sigmas).
        ValueError if num_centers_ratio is not between 0.0 (open) and 1.0 (closed).
        ValueError if metric is not euclidean or cosine.
        ValueError if method is not one of None, kmeans or online.
        NotImplementedError if scaling_method is 3 or 5.
        ValueError if scaling method is not 1 - 5.
    logging.info('Generate a group of centers for all labels. See Schwenker.')
    # Argument checking.
    if (num_centers_ratio <= 0.0) or (num_centers_ratio > 1.0):
        raise ValueError(
            'num_centers_ratio must be larger than 0.0 and no greater than 1.0.'
    logging.info('num_centers_ratio is {}.'.format(num_centers_ratio))

    if ('euclidean' == metric) or ('cosine' == metric):
            'Using {} distance. The larger, the less similar.'.format(metric))
        raise ValueError(
            'Only euclidean and cosine distance are supported, {} passed.'.

    # Sample features only.
    _, centers, _, _ = random_sample(num_centers_ratio,
                                     mask=(False, True, False, False),
    logging.info('Sampled {} centers totally.'.format(centers.shape[0]))
    logging.debug('Randomly selected centers: {}'.format(centers))

    # Used in scaling method 4. Average distance of each point with its cluster center.
    per_clu_mean_dist = None
    # Perform k-means or online k-means.
    if method is None:
            'Using randomly selected centers as model prototypes (centers).')
    elif 'online' == method:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Only None (randomly select examples), online, kmeans are supported.'
    elif 'kmeans' == method:
            'Using k-means clustering result as model prototypes (centers).')

        return_mean_clu_dist = (scaling_method == 4)
        kmeans = KMeans(centers,
        kmeans.fit(max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol)
        # Get current centers and update centers.
        centers = kmeans.current_centers
        per_clu_mean_dist = kmeans.per_clu_mean_dist

        raise ValueError(
            'Only None (randomly select examples), online, kmeans are supported.'

    # Compute scaling factors based on these centers.
    num_centers = centers.shape[0]
    sigmas = None
    if scaling_method == 1:
        # Equation 27.
        pairwise_distances = sci_distance.pdist(centers, metric=metric)
        p = min(p, len(pairwise_distances))
        logging.info('Using {} minimal pairwise distances.'.format(p))
        # np.partition second argument begins with 0.
        sigmas = np.array(
            [alpha * np.mean(np.partition(pairwise_distances, p - 1)[:p])] *
    elif scaling_method == 2:
        # Equation 28.
        p = min(p, num_centers - 1)
        logging.info('Using {} minimal distances per center.'.format(p))

        if 'euclidean' == metric:
            dis_fn = sci_distance.euclidean
            dis_fn = sci_distance.cosine
        sigmas = []
        for c in centers:
            distances = [dis_fn(c, _c) for _c in centers]
            # The distance between c and itself is zero and is in the left partition.
            sigmas.append(alpha * np.sum(np.partition(distances, p)[:p + 1]) /

        sigmas = np.array(sigmas, dtype=np.float32)
    elif scaling_method == 3:
        # Equation 29.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Not supported when all labels use the same centers.')
    elif scaling_method == 4:
        # Equation 30.
        if per_clu_mean_dist is None:
            kmeans = KMeans(centers,
            kmeans.fit(max_iter=1, tol=tol)

            centers = kmeans.current_centers
            per_clu_mean_dist = kmeans.per_clu_mean_dist

                'Compute mean distance per cluster using kmeans or online kmeans.'
                'Reuse mean distance per cluster computed in kmeans or online kmeans.'

        sigmas = alpha * per_clu_mean_dist
    elif scaling_method == 5:
        # Equation 31.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Only three methods are supported. Please read the documentation.')
        raise ValueError(
            'Only three methods are supported. Please read the documentation.')

    logging.debug('Scaling factor sigmas: {}'.format(sigmas))

    return centers, sigmas
Пример #53
def partition_wrapper(arr, kth):
        return np.partition(arr, kth)
    except AttributeError:
        return np.sort(arr)
Пример #54
    def qValues_planning_abstr(self,
        """ Get the q values for pseudo-state(s) with a planning depth d. 
        This function is called recursively by decreasing the depth d at every step.

        state_abstr_val : internal state(s).
        R : float_model
            Model that fits the reward
        gamma : float_model
            Model that fits the discount factor
        T : transition_model
            Model that fits the transition between abstract representation
        Q : Q_model
            Model that fits the optimal Q-value
        d : int
            planning depth

        The Q-values with planning depth d for the provided encoded state(s)
        #if(branching_factor==None or branching_factor>self._n_actions):
        #    branching_factor=self._n_actions

        n = len(state_abstr_val)
        identity_matrix = np.identity(self._n_actions)

        this_branching_factor = branching_factor.pop(0)
        if (n == 1):
            # We require that the first branching factor is self._n_actions so that this function return values
            # with the right dimension (=self._n_actions).
            this_branching_factor = self._n_actions

        if (d == 0):
            if (this_branching_factor < self._n_actions):
                return np.partition(
                    -this_branching_factor)[:, -this_branching_factor:]
                return Q.predict([state_abstr_val
                                  ])  # no change in the order of the actions
            if (this_branching_factor == self._n_actions):
                # All actions are considered in the tree
                # NB: For this case, we do not use argpartition because we want to keep the actions in the natural order
                # That way, this function returns the Q-values for all actions with planning depth d in the right order
                repeat_identity = np.repeat(identity_matrix,
                if (state_abstr_val.ndim == 2):
                    tile3_encoded_x = np.tile(state_abstr_val,
                                              (self._n_actions, 1))
                elif (state_abstr_val.ndim == 4):
                    tile3_encoded_x = np.tile(state_abstr_val,
                                              (self._n_actions, 1, 1, 1))
                # A subset of the actions corresponding to the best estimated Q-values are considered et each branch
                estim_Q_values = Q.predict([state_abstr_val])
                ind = np.argpartition(
                    -this_branching_factor)[:, -this_branching_factor:]
                # Replacing ind if we want random branching
                #ind = np.random.randint(0,self._n_actions,size=ind.shape)
                repeat_identity = identity_matrix[ind].reshape(
                    n * this_branching_factor, self._n_actions)
                tile3_encoded_x = np.repeat(state_abstr_val,

            r_vals_d0 = np.array(R.predict([tile3_encoded_x, repeat_identity]))
            r_vals_d0 = r_vals_d0.flatten()

            gamma_vals_d0 = np.array(
                gamma.predict([tile3_encoded_x, repeat_identity]))
            gamma_vals_d0 = gamma_vals_d0.flatten()

            next_x_predicted = T.predict([tile3_encoded_x, repeat_identity])
            return r_vals_d0 + gamma_vals_d0 * np.amax(
                    d=d - 1,
                        len(state_abstr_val) * this_branching_factor,
Пример #55
def init_match(ps1, w, md, edges1C, gt, fx_C, fy_C, xb_C, yb_C, edges0C, gt_0,
               fx_C0, fy_C0, xb_C0, yb_C0, mask_b_C0):
    w = int(w / ps1)
    buffer = 2 * w
    edges1Ca = np.zeros(
        (edges1C.shape[0] + buffer * 2, edges1C.shape[1] + 2 * buffer))
    edges1Ca[buffer:-buffer, buffer:-buffer] = edges1C
    max_dist = int((md) / ps1)
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours((1 - mask_b_C0).astype(np.uint8),
    contour_sizes = [(cv2.contourArea(contour), contour)
                     for contour in contours]
    biggest_contour = max(contour_sizes, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
    polygon = Polygon(np.array(biggest_contour[:, 0]))
    polygon = polygon.buffer(-w)
    v = w
    while polygon.is_empty or polygon.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon' or polygon.area / ps1 < 100:
        v -= int(2 / ps1)
        polygon = Polygon(np.array(biggest_contour[:, 0]))
        polygon = polygon.buffer(-v)
    if v != w:
        print("WARNING   : Polygon-buffer: " + str(v * ps1) + " < w...")
    x, y = polygon.exterior.xy
    distance = np.cumsum(
        np.sqrt(np.ediff1d(x, to_begin=0)**2 + np.ediff1d(y, to_begin=0)**2))
    distance = distance / distance[-1]
    fx, fy = interp1d(distance, x), interp1d(distance, y)
    alpha = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
    x_regular, y_regular = fx(alpha), fy(alpha)
    grid = []
    for i in range(len(x_regular)):
        grid.append((int(round(x_regular[i])), int(round(y_regular[i]))))
    x_offset = []
    y_offset = []
    o_x = np.zeros(len(grid))
    o_y = np.zeros(len(grid))
    t_x = np.zeros(len(grid))
    t_y = np.zeros(len(grid))
    cv = np.zeros(len(grid))
    RECC_total = np.zeros(edges1Ca.shape)
    RECC_over = np.zeros(edges1Ca.shape)
    circle1 = np.zeros((2 * w, 2 * w))
    for x in range(circle1.shape[0]):
        for y in range(circle1.shape[1]):
            if (x - w)**2 + (y - w)**2 < w**2:
                circle1[x, y] = 1
    circle2 = np.zeros((2 * max_dist, 2 * max_dist))
    for x in range(circle2.shape[0]):
        for y in range(circle2.shape[1]):
            if (x - max_dist)**2 + (y - max_dist)**2 < max_dist**2:
                circle2[x, y] = 1
    circle2[circle2 == 0] = np.NaN
    for i in tqdm(range(len(grid)),
                  miniters=int(len(grid) / 10),
                  desc="RECC      "):
        x_i_0 = grid[i][1]
        y_i_0 = grid[i][0]
        target = edges0C[x_i_0 - w:x_i_0 + w, y_i_0 - w:y_i_0 + w] * circle1
        if target.shape != (2 * w, 2 * w):
        sum_target = np.sum(target)
        lat_0 = gt_0[3] + gt_0[5] * x_i_0 * fx_C0
        lon_0 = gt_0[0] + gt_0[1] * y_i_0 * fy_C0
        x_i_0_og = int(round((lat_0 - gt[3]) / (gt[5] * fx_C)))
        y_i_0_og = int(round((lon_0 - gt[0]) / (gt[1] * fy_C)))
        search_wide = np.zeros((2 * (max_dist + w), 2 * (max_dist + w)))
        search_wide = edges1Ca[buffer + x_i_0_og - max_dist - w:buffer +
                               x_i_0_og + max_dist + w, buffer + y_i_0_og -
                               max_dist - w:buffer + y_i_0_og + max_dist + w]
        if search_wide.shape != (2 * (max_dist + w), 2 * (max_dist + w)):
        sum_patch = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, circle1)
        numerator = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, target)
        RECC_wide = numerator / (sum_patch + sum_target)
        RECC_area = RECC_wide[w:-w, w:-w] * circle2
        RECC_total[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                   y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist] = RECC_area
        if np.nansum(RECC_over[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                               y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist]) == 0:
            RECC_over[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                      y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist] = RECC_area
        max_one = np.partition(RECC_total[~np.isnan(RECC_total)].flatten(),
        max_n = np.partition(RECC_total[~np.isnan(RECC_total)].flatten(),
                             -4 - 1)[-4 - 1]
        y_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[1][0]
        x_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[0][0]
        y_n = np.where(RECC_total >= max_n)[1][0:-1]
        x_n = np.where(RECC_total >= max_n)[0][0:-1]
        cv[i] = sum(np.sqrt(np.square(x_i - x_n) + np.square(y_i - y_n))) / 4
        x_offset.append(x_i - x_i_0_og)
        y_offset.append(y_i - y_i_0_og)
        o_x[i] = x_i
        o_y[i] = y_i
        t_x[i] = x_i_0
        t_y[i] = y_i_0
    x_offset = np.array(x_offset)
    y_offset = np.array(y_offset)
    a, b, c = np.histogram2d(x_offset[cv < 4],
                             y_offset[cv < 4],
    d, e = np.where(a == np.max(a))
    if len(d) > 1:
        i = [0, 0]
        binnnn = len(x_offset) / 10
        while len(i) > 1:
            binnnn -= 1
            f, g, h = np.histogram2d(x_offset[cv < 4],
                                     y_offset[cv < 4],
            i, j = np.where(f == np.max(f))
        diff = (b[d] - g[i])**2 + (c[e] - h[j])**2
        ind = np.where(diff == np.min(diff))[0]
        d = d[ind]
        e = e[ind]
    x_offset = (b[d] + b[d + 1]) / 2
    y_offset = (c[e] + c[e + 1]) / 2
    x_offset = x_offset[0] * ps1
    y_offset = y_offset[0] * ps1
    o_x = o_x[cv < 4]
    o_y = o_y[cv < 4]
    t_x = t_x[cv < 4]
    t_y = t_y[cv < 4]
    return x_offset, y_offset, o_x, o_y, t_x, t_y
Пример #56
    def fft(self):
        #Performs fft of each state channel seperately and returns (symmetry, [spacial peaks], [temporal peaks])

        #//16 or //32 work best

        #'background' signal removal parameters
        t0 = self.max_iters//2
        q0 = self.size//2
        # One hot decode real space trajectory and fft the indivual binary representations of each state
        im_one_hot = one_hot_encode(self.image,self.states)
        fd = (np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(im_one_hot,axes=(1,2,3))))
        #Data for visualising purposes
        self.fft_data = np.abs(one_hot_decode(fd))
        #Remove background signal (q=0,f=0)
        gs = gaus3d(ts,xs,ys,t0,q0,q0,4,4,4)
        fd_filtered = np.zeros(fd.shape,dtype=fd.dtype)
        for i in range(self.states):
            fd_filtered[i] = (1-gs)*fd[i]
            #fd_filtered[i] = fd[i]
        #Apply local max filter to enhance peaks and suppress noise
        n_peaks = self.size*self.size//8
        for i in range(self.states):
            for t in range(self.max_iters):
                slice = ndimage.maximum_filter(np.abs(fd_filtered[i,t]),filter_resolution,mode="wrap")
                flat = np.abs((slice)).flatten()
                k = np.partition(flat,-n_peaks)[-n_peaks]
                fd_filtered[i,t] = slice 
        #Peak detection along time axis
        max_t_peaks = np.zeros((4,self.states)).astype(int)
        a,b = sp.signal.butter(3,0.3,analog=False)
        for i in range(self.states):
            tdata = np.pad(np.abs(np.sum(fd_filtered[i,t0:],axis=(1,2))),(0,filter_resolution),mode='reflect')
            tdata = sp.signal.filtfilt(a,b,tdata)
            #tdata = np.pad(np.abs(fd_filtered[i,t0:,q0,q0]),(0,filter_resolution),mode='reflect')
            peaks,dicts = sp.signal.find_peaks(tdata,prominence=256)
            if len(peaks)==0:
                #No peaks found
                max_t_peaks[0,i] = 0#peaks[ind_max]
                max_t_peaks[1,i] = 0#peaks[ind_2nd]
            elif len(peaks)==1:
                #only one peak found
                ind_max = np.argmax(dicts['prominences'])
                max_t_peaks[0,i] = peaks[ind_max]
                max_t_peaks[1,i] = 0#peaks[ind_2nd]

                #at least 2 peaks found
                ind_max = np.argmax(dicts['prominences'])
                ind_2nd = np.argpartition(dicts['prominences'],-2)[-2]
                max_t_peaks[0,i] = peaks[ind_max]
                max_t_peaks[1,i] = peaks[ind_2nd]

            max_t_peaks[2,i] = tdata[max_t_peaks[0,i]]
            max_t_peaks[3,i] = tdata[max_t_peaks[1,i]]

        max_t_peak_mean = (2/self.max_iters)*safe_average(max_t_peaks[0,max_t_peaks[0]!=0],max_t_peaks[2,max_t_peaks[0]!=0])
        max_t_peak_var = (2/self.max_iters)*np.std(max_t_peaks[0,max_t_peaks[0]!=0])
        harmonic_t_mean = (2/self.max_iters)*safe_average(max_t_peaks[1,max_t_peaks[1]!=0],max_t_peaks[3,max_t_peaks[1]!=0])
        harmonic_t_var = (2/self.max_iters)*np.std(max_t_peaks[1,max_t_peaks[1]!=0])

        temporal_peaks = np.array([[max_t_peak_mean,max_t_peak_var],[harmonic_t_mean,harmonic_t_var]])

        #Check for 4-fold symmetry
        fd_filtered_rot = np.rot90(fd_filtered,axes=(2,3))
        rot_coeff = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl',fd_filtered_rot,fd_filtered)
        norm = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl',fd_filtered,fd_filtered)
        symmetry_coeff = np.abs(rot_coeff/norm)
        #Calculuate radial distribution functions of fft data
        #print("Calculating rdf")
        fd_rdf = np.zeros((self.states,self.max_iters,self.size//2)).astype(fd.dtype)
        fd_rdf_filtered = np.zeros((self.states,self.max_iters,self.size//2)).astype(fd.dtype)
        for x in range(self.size//2):
            sq = square_ring(self.size,x+1)
            fd_rdf_filtered[:,:,x] = np.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij',fd_filtered,sq)/np.sum(sq)
            fd_rdf[:,:,x] = np.einsum('ijkl,kl->ij',fd,sq)/np.sum(sq)


        #peak detection on rdf
        #print("Finding peaks")
        max_peaks = np.zeros((4,self.states)).astype(int)
        for i in range(self.states):
            xdata = np.pad(np.abs(fd_rdf_filtered[i,t0]),(0,filter_resolution),mode='reflect')

            #peaks,dicts = signal.find_peaks(xdata,height=256,prominence=None,width=filter_resolution)
            peaks,dicts = sp.signal.find_peaks(xdata,prominence=None,width=filter_resolution)
            if len(peaks)==0:
                #No peaks found
                max_peaks[0,i] = 0#peaks[ind_max]
                max_peaks[1,i] = 0#peaks[ind_2nd]
            elif len(peaks)==1:
                #only one peak found
                ind_max = np.argmax(dicts['prominences'])
                max_peaks[0,i] = peaks[ind_max]
                max_peaks[1,i] = 0#peaks[ind_2nd]

                #at least 2 peaks found
                ind_max = np.argmax(dicts['prominences'])
                ind_2nd = np.argpartition(dicts['prominences'],-2)[-2]
                max_peaks[0,i] = peaks[ind_max]
                max_peaks[1,i] = peaks[ind_2nd]
            #Magnitude at peaks
            max_peaks[2,i] = xdata[max_peaks[0,i]]
            max_peaks[3,i] = xdata[max_peaks[1,i]]
        max_peak_mean = (2/self.size)*safe_average(max_peaks[0,max_peaks[0]!=0],max_peaks[2,max_peaks[0]!=0])
        max_peak_var = (2/self.size)*np.std(max_peaks[0,max_peaks[0]!=0])
        harmonic_mean = (2/self.size)*safe_average(max_peaks[1,max_peaks[1]!=0],max_peaks[3,max_peaks[1]!=0])
        harmonic_var = (2/self.size)*np.std(max_peaks[1,max_peaks[1]!=0])
        spacial_peaks = np.array([[max_peak_mean,max_peak_var],[harmonic_mean,harmonic_var]])


        #stat_struct_filtered = np.zeros(stat_struct.shape,dtype='complex')

        #waves_filtered = signal.convolve(waves,f_gs_3,mode='same')
        self.image = np.abs(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(one_hot_decode(fd_filtered))))

        #Split up sections of 3d fft that correspond to certain features - disused

        stat_struct = fd[:,t0]
        stat_struct_filtered = fd_filtered[:,t0]#ndimage.maximum_filter(np.abs(stat_struct),self.size//16,mode="wrap")
        stat_struct_filtered_rot = fd_filtered_rot[:,t0]
        blinkers = fd_filtered[:,:,q0,q0]
        waves = np.copy(fd)
        waves[:,t0] = 0
        for i in range(self.states):
            xdata = (np.abs(fd_rdf[i,t0]))
            peaks,_ = signal.find_peaks(xdata,prominence=None,width=filter_resolution)


            xdata = (np.abs(fd_rdf_filtered[i,t0]))
            peaks,dicts = signal.find_peaks(xdata,prominence=None,width=filter_resolution)
            #maximum peak height
            #max_peaks[0,i] = peaks[np.argmax(xdata[peaks])]
            #most prominant peak
            max_peaks[0,i] = peaks[np.argmax(dicts['prominences'])]
            max_peaks[1,i] = xdata[max_peaks[0,i]]


        for j in range(self.states):

        for j in range(self.states):

        for j in range(self.states):

        return (symmetry_coeff,spacial_peaks,temporal_peaks,fd[:,t0])
Пример #57
def PatchMatch(ps2, w, md, edges1F, gt, fx_F, fy_F, edges0F, gt_0, fx_F0,
               fy_F0, contour_F0, x_offset, y_offset):
    w = int(w / ps2)
    buffer = 2 * w
    edges1Fa = np.zeros(
        (edges1F.shape[0] + buffer * 2, edges1F.shape[1] + 2 * buffer))
    edges1Fa[buffer:-buffer, buffer:-buffer] = edges1F
    max_dist = int((md) / (ps2 * 4))
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours((1 - contour_F0).astype(np.uint8),
    contour_sizes = [(cv2.contourArea(contour), contour)
                     for contour in contours]
    biggest_contour = max(contour_sizes, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
    polygon = Polygon(np.array(biggest_contour[:, 0]))
    polygon = polygon.buffer(-w)
    v = w
    while polygon.is_empty or polygon.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon' or polygon.area / ps2 < 100:
        v -= int(2 / ps2)
        polygon = Polygon(np.array(biggest_contour[:, 0]))
        polygon = polygon.buffer(-v)
    if v != w:
        print("WARNING   : Polygon-buffer: " + str(v) + " < w...")
    x, y = polygon.exterior.xy
    distance = np.cumsum(
        np.sqrt(np.ediff1d(x, to_begin=0)**2 + np.ediff1d(y, to_begin=0)**2))
    distance = distance / distance[-1]
    fx, fy = interp1d(distance, x), interp1d(distance, y)
    alpha = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
    x_regular, y_regular = fx(alpha), fy(alpha)
    grid = []
    for i in range(len(x_regular)):
        grid.append((int(round(x_regular[i])), int(round(y_regular[i]))))
    cv = np.zeros(len(grid))
    dist_lon = np.zeros(len(grid))
    dist_lat = np.zeros(len(grid))
    origin_x = np.zeros(len(grid))
    origin_y = np.zeros(len(grid))
    target_lon = np.zeros(len(grid))
    target_lat = np.zeros(len(grid))
    o_x = np.zeros(len(grid))
    o_y = np.zeros(len(grid))
    t_x = np.zeros(len(grid))
    t_y = np.zeros(len(grid))
    dx = np.zeros(len(grid))
    dy = np.zeros(len(grid))
    RECC_total = np.zeros(edges1Fa.shape)
    RECC_over = np.zeros(edges1Fa.shape)
    circle1 = np.zeros((2 * w, 2 * w))
    for x in range(circle1.shape[0]):
        for y in range(circle1.shape[1]):
            if (x - w)**2 + (y - w)**2 < w**2:
                circle1[x, y] = 1
    circle2 = np.zeros((2 * max_dist, 2 * max_dist))
    for x in range(circle2.shape[0]):
        for y in range(circle2.shape[1]):
            if (x - max_dist)**2 + (y - max_dist)**2 < max_dist**2:
                circle2[x, y] = 1
    circle2[circle2 == 0] = np.NaN
    for i in tqdm(range(len(grid)),
                  miniters=int(len(grid) / 10),
                  desc="RECC      "):
        x_i_0 = grid[i][1]
        y_i_0 = grid[i][0]
        target = edges0F[x_i_0 - w:x_i_0 + w, y_i_0 - w:y_i_0 + w]
        if target.shape != (2 * w, 2 * w):
        target = target * circle1
        sum_target = np.sum(target)
        lat_0 = gt_0[3] + gt_0[5] * x_i_0 * fx_F0
        lon_0 = gt_0[0] + gt_0[1] * y_i_0 * fy_F0
        x_i_0_og = int(
            round((lat_0 - gt[3]) / (gt[5] * fx_F) + (x_offset / ps2)))
        y_i_0_og = int(
            round((lon_0 - gt[0]) / (gt[1] * fy_F) + (y_offset / ps2)))
        search_wide = np.zeros((2 * (max_dist + w), 2 * (max_dist + w)))
        search_wide = edges1Fa[buffer + x_i_0_og - max_dist - w:buffer +
                               x_i_0_og + max_dist + w, buffer + y_i_0_og -
                               max_dist - w:buffer + y_i_0_og + max_dist + w]
        if search_wide.shape != (2 * (max_dist + w), 2 * (max_dist + w)):
        sum_patch = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, circle1)
        numerator = cv2.filter2D(search_wide, -1, target)
        RECC_wide = numerator / (sum_patch + sum_target)
        RECC_area = RECC_wide[w:-w, w:-w] * circle2
        RECC_total[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                   y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist] = RECC_area
        if np.nansum(RECC_over[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                               y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist]) == 0:
            RECC_over[x_i_0_og - max_dist:x_i_0_og + max_dist,
                      y_i_0_og - max_dist:y_i_0_og + max_dist] = RECC_area
        max_one = np.partition(RECC_total[~np.isnan(RECC_total)].flatten(),
        max_n = np.partition(RECC_total[~np.isnan(RECC_total)].flatten(),
                             -4 - 1)[-4 - 1]
        y_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[1][0]
        x_i = np.where(RECC_total >= max_one)[0][0]
        y_n = np.where(RECC_total >= max_n)[1][0:-1]
        x_n = np.where(RECC_total >= max_n)[0][0:-1]
        cv[i] = sum(np.sqrt(np.square(x_i - x_n) + np.square(y_i - y_n))) / 4
        lon = gt[0] + gt[1] * y_i * fy_F + gt[2] * x_i * fx_F
        lat = gt[3] + gt[4] * y_i * fy_F + gt[5] * x_i * fx_F
        lon_0 = gt_0[0] + gt_0[1] * y_i_0 * fy_F0 + gt_0[2] * x_i_0 * fx_F0
        lat_0 = gt_0[3] + gt_0[4] * y_i_0 * fy_F0 + gt_0[5] * x_i_0 * fx_F0
        dist_lon[i] = lon_0 - lon
        dist_lat[i] = lat_0 - lat
        o_x[i] = x_i
        o_y[i] = y_i
        t_x[i] = x_i_0
        t_y[i] = y_i_0
        dx[i] = (x_i - x_i_0_og) * ps2
        dy[i] = (y_i - y_i_0_og) * ps2
        # For referencing:
        origin_x[i] = x_i * fx_F
        origin_y[i] = y_i * fy_F
        target_lon[i] = lon_0
        target_lat[i] = lat_0
    return origin_x, origin_y, target_lon, target_lat, o_x, o_y, t_x, t_y, cv, dx, dy, RECC_over
Пример #58
fft_len = 2304
effect_fft = int(fft_len / 2)

for k in range(3,4):

	data_zif90 = list_test[k][:-1]	
	data_zif90 -= np.median(data_zif90)
	data_zif90[data_zif90<0] = 0
	data_zif90 /= np.max(np.abs(data_zif90))

	copy_no_peak = np.copy(data_zif90)

	h_the = np.partition(data_zif90, -num_large)[-num_large]
	# copy_no_peak[data_zif90 > h_the] = np.median(data_zif90)
	copy_no_peak[data_zif90 > h_the] = 0

	copy_only_peak = np.copy(data_zif90)
	copy_only_peak[data_zif90 < h_the] = 0
	# copy_only_peak[data_zif90 < h_the] = np.median(data_zif90)

	names= ['original', 'no_peak', 'only_peak']	

	data = np.zeros((len(names), fft_len))

	data[0, 20:2251+20] = data_zif90
	data[1, 20:2251+20] = copy_no_peak
	data[2, 20:2251+20] = copy_only_peak
Пример #59
def nsmall(a, n):
    # find the smallest nth element of an np array
    return np.partition(a, n)[n]
Пример #60
def _topk_py_impl(op, x, k, axis, idx_dtype):
    ndim = x.ndim
    assert -ndim <= axis < ndim
    axis %= ndim
    if k == 0:
        raise ValueError("topk: kth cannot be zero")
    elif k > x.shape[axis]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"topk: kth cannot be larger than the size of specified axis {int(axis)}"
    if abs(k) == 1:
        # negative k means min instead of max
        fn_max = [None, np.max, np.min][k]
        fn_argmax = [None, np.argmax, np.argmin][k]
        if not op.return_indices:
            return np.expand_dims(fn_max(x, axis=axis), axis)
        elif op.return_values:
            zi = np.expand_dims(fn_argmax(x, axis=axis), axis)
            idx2 = tuple(
                np.arange(s).reshape((s, ) + (1, ) *
                                     (ndim - i - 1)) if i != axis else zi
                for i, s in enumerate(x.shape))
            zv = x[idx2]
            return zv, zi.astype(idx_dtype)
            zi = np.expand_dims(fn_argmax(x, axis=axis), axis)
            return zi.astype(idx_dtype)

    if x.shape[axis] == abs(k):
        if not op.return_indices:
            return x.copy()
            l = axis
            r = ndim - l
            reps = list(x.shape)
            reps[axis] = 1
            zi = np.arange(abs(k), dtype=idx_dtype)
            zi = zi.reshape((1, ) * l + (k, ) + (1, ) * (r - 1))
            zi = np.tile(zi, reps)
            if op.return_values:
                return x.copy(), zi
                return zi

    idx = [slice(None)] * ndim
    idx[axis] = slice(-k, None) if k > 0 else slice(-k)

    if not op.return_indices:
        zv = np.partition(x, -k, axis=axis)[idx]
        return zv
    elif op.return_values:
        zi = np.argpartition(x, -k, axis=axis)[idx]
        idx2 = tuple(
            np.arange(s).reshape((s, ) + (1, ) *
                                 (ndim - i - 1)) if i != axis else zi
            for i, s in enumerate(x.shape))
        zv = x[idx2]
        return zv, zi.astype(idx_dtype)
        zi = np.argpartition(x, -k, axis=axis)[idx]
        return zi.astype(idx_dtype)