Пример #1
        def _arc_cosine_hypothesis_test(ac_output, X, W, b, s):
            Runs hypothesis test for Arc Cosine layer.

                ac_output -- output of net after running arc cosine layer
                X -- input data
                W -- weight parameter from train_init_net
                b -- bias parameter from train_init_net
                s -- degree parameter
            # Get output from net
            net_output = workspace.FetchBlob(ac_output)

            # Computing output directly
            x_rand = np.matmul(X, np.transpose(W)) + b
            x_pow = np.power(x_rand, s)
            if s > 0:
                h_rand_features = np.piecewise(x_rand,
                                               [x_rand <= 0, x_rand > 0],
                                               [0, 1])
                h_rand_features = np.piecewise(x_rand,
                                               [x_rand <= 0, x_rand > 0],
                                               [0, lambda x: x / (1 + x)])
            output_ref = np.multiply(x_pow, h_rand_features)

            # Comparing net output and computed output
            npt.assert_allclose(net_output, output_ref, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Пример #2
        def EpEvo(t,eta,j,Gamma0,q):

            # For now I'm going to set a few params at good values
            # Adjust later


            #E0 = 1.E54
            E0 = 1.97E55        
            #E0 = power(10.,E0)
            g = (j+1.-eta)*0.5

            n0 = 1.E2

            #xd = ((3.-eta)*E0 / ( 4.*pi*n0*Gamma0**2. * mp  ) )**(1./3.)
            xd = 1.8E16*((1.+j-eta)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)))**(1./3.)
            #td = (1.+z)*xd / (Gamma0**2. * c)
            td = 6.7*(1.+z)*((1.+j-eta)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)**8.))**(1./3.)

            ### Calculate X(t)  ###

            test = td/(2. * g + 1.) *( Gamma0**(2.+1./g) + 2.*g)
            condition1 = t<td
            condition2 = logical_and(td<=t, t<=test)

            X = piecewise(t, [condition1, condition2],\
            [lambda t: t/td, \
            lambda t: ((2.*g+1.)*(t/td) - 2.*g)**(1./(2.*g+1.)) ])

            ### Calculate X(t)  ###

            ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###

            condition3 = X<1.
            condition4 = logical_and(1.<=X, X<=Gamma0**(1./g))

            Gamma = piecewise(X, [condition3, condition4],\
            [lambda X: Gamma0, \
            lambda X: Gamma0*X**(-g) ])

            ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###

            eE0 = 3.E-8 * (1E-3)  * n0**(.5)*q*Gamma0**4. /(1.+z)

            result = 511.8 *  eE0*(Gamma/Gamma0)**4. * (X)**(-eta/2.)
            return result
Пример #3
def makewdnoise(f,wdstyle,obs='X'):
    if wdstyle == 'mldc':
        x = 2.0 * math.pi * model.lisaL * f
        t = 4 * x**2 * N.sin(x)**2 * (1.0 if obs == 'X' else 1.5)
        return t * ( N.piecewise(f,(f >= 1.0e-4  ) & (f < 1.0e-3  ),[lambda f: 10**-44.62 * f**-2.3, 0]) + \
                     N.piecewise(f,(f >= 1.0e-3  ) & (f < 10**-2.7),[lambda f: 10**-50.92 * f**-4.4, 0]) + \
                     N.piecewise(f,(f >= 10**-2.7) & (f < 10**-2.4),[lambda f: 10**-62.8  * f**-8.8, 0]) + \
                     N.piecewise(f,(f >= 10**-2.4) & (f < 10**-2.0),[lambda f: 10**-89.68 * f**-20.0,0])     )
    elif wdstyle in wdnoise:
        mod, p = wdnoise[wdstyle]
        p = p[0] if obs == 'X' else p[1] # assume AE if not X
        y = N.log10(f)
        if mod == 'rat42':
            return 10.0**( (p[0]*y**4+p[1]*y**3+p[2]*y**2+p[3]*y+p[4])/(y**2+p[5]*y+p[6]) )
        elif mod == 'poly4':
            return 10.0**( p[0]*y**4+p[1]*y**3+p[2]*y**2+p[3]*y+p[4] )
            raise NotImplementedError
        if '.txt' in wdstyle:
            conf = N.loadtxt(wdstyle)
            conf[N.isnan(conf[:,1]),1] = 0
            return N.interp(f,conf[:,0],conf[:,1])
            raise NotImplementedError
Пример #4
        def EpEvo(t,eta,g,Gamma0,q):

            # For now I'm going to set a few params at good values
            # Adjust later

            #            q=1.E-4
#            q=1E-3

            E0 = 9.1E53        
            n0 = 1.E2

            #n0 = power(10,n0)
            #xd = ((3.-eta)*E0 / ( 4.*pi*n0*Gamma0**2. * mp  ) )**(1./3.)
            xd = 2.6E16*((1.-eta/3.)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)))**(1./3.)
            #td = (1.+z)*xd / (Gamma0**2. * c)
            td = 9.7*(1.+z)*((1.-eta/3.)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)**8.))**(1./3.)

            ### Calculate X(t)  ###
            test = td/(2. * g + 1.) *( Gamma0**(2.+1./g) + 2.*g)
            #frac = t/td

            condition1 = t<td
            condition2 = logical_and(td<=t, t<=test)

            X = piecewise(t, [condition1, condition2],\
            [lambda t: t/td, \
            lambda t: ((2.*g+1.)*(t/td) - 2.*g)**(1./(2.*g+1.)) ])

            ### Calculate X(t)  ###

            ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###

            condition3 = X<1.
            condition4 = logical_and(1.<=X, X<=Gamma0**(1./g))

            Gamma = piecewise(X, [condition3, condition4],\
            [lambda X: Gamma0, \
            lambda X: Gamma0*X**(-g) ])

            ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###
            eE0 = 3.E-8 * (1E-3)  * n0**(.5)*q  *Gamma0**4. /(1.+z)

#            eE0 = 3.E-8 * n0**(.5)*q*Gamma0**4. /(1.+z)

            return 511. *  eE0*(Gamma/Gamma0)**4. * (X/xd)**(-eta/2.)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, Ymax, Y0, mumax, lag, x):
         # x is x data      
     a1 = np.piecewise(x, [x < lag, x >= lag], [0.0, 1.0])
     tc = (Ymax-Y0)/mumax+lag
     a2 = np.piecewise(x, [x < tc, x >= tc], [0.0, 1.0])
     self.Buchanan = Y0*(1.0-a1)+(Y0 + mumax*(x-lag))*a1*(1.0-a2) +  Ymax*a2
     print x, self.Buchanan
Пример #6
    def _get_solution(self):
        """Get the solution from the solver output

        Fills the dictionary self.sol with the information:
            * 's': The optimal s as a function of time
            * 't': The time vector
            * 'states': Numerical values of the states defined in self.sys

        TODO: perform accurate integration to determine time
        TODO: Do exact interpolation
        solver = self.prob['solver']
        N = self.options['N']
        x_opt = np.array(solver.getOutput("x")).ravel()
        b_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, -1), order='F')
        self.sol['b'] = b_opt

        # Determine time on a sufficiently fine spatial grid
        s0 = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001)
        delta = s0[1] - s0[0]

        pieces = [lambda s, b=b_opt, ss=ss, j=j:
                  sum([bb * (s - ss) ** i / fact[i]
                       for i, bb in enumerate(b[j])])
                  for j, ss in enumerate(self.prob['s'][:-1])]
        conds = lambda s0: [np.logical_and(self.prob['s'][i] <= s0,
                                           s0 <= self.prob['s'][i+1])
                            for i in range(N)]
        b0_opt = np.piecewise(s0, conds(s0), pieces)
        b0_opt[b0_opt < 0] = 0
        time = np.cumsum(np.hstack([0, 2 * delta / (np.sqrt(b0_opt[:-1]) +

        # Resample to constant time-grid
        t = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], self.options['Ts'])
        st = np.interp(t, time, s0)
        # Evaluate solution on equidistant time grid
        b_opt = np.c_[[np.piecewise(st, conds(st), pieces, b=b_opt[:, i:])
                       for i in range(self.sys.order)]].T
        st = np.matrix(st)

        # Determine s and derivatives from b_opt
        b, Ds = self._make_path()[1:]
        Ds_f = cas.SXFunction([b], [Ds])  # derivatives of s wrt b
        s_opt = np.hstack((st.T, np.array([evalf(Ds_f, bb).toArray().ravel()
                                          for bb in b_opt])))
        self.sol['s'] = np.asarray(s_opt)
        self.sol['t'] = t
        # Evaluate the states
        f = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [cas.substitute(cas.vertcat(self.sys.x.values()),
                                           self.sys.y, self.path)])
        f_val = np.array([evalf(f, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in s_opt])
        self.sol['states'] = dict([(k, f_val[:, i]) for i, k in
Пример #7
def EpEvo(t,A,eta,g,E0,Gamma0,n0,q):

        #c = 2.99E10 #cm/s
    mp = 1.67E-26   # keV ??

    #Gamma0 = 300.

    #g = (3.-eta)/2.
    #n0 = 1.E2

    #xd = ((3.-eta)*E0 / ( 4.*pi*n0*Gamma0**2. * mp  ) )**(1./3.)
    xd = 2.6E16*((1.-eta/3.)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)))**(1./3.)
    #td = (1.+z)*xd / (Gamma0**2. * c)
    td = 9.7*(1.+z)*((1.-eta/3.)*(E0/1.E54)/((n0/100.)*(Gamma0/300.)**8.))**(1./3.)
    ### Calculate X(t)  ###
    test = (td/(2. * g + 1.) * Gamma0**(2.+1./g) + 2.*g)
    #frac = t/td

    condition1 = t<td
    condition2 = logical_and(td<=t, t<=test)

    X = piecewise(t, [condition1, condition2],\
    [lambda t: t/td, \
    lambda t: ((2.*g+1.)*(t/td) - 2.*g)**(1./(2.*g+1.)) ])

    ### Calculate X(t)  ###

    ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###

    condition3 = X<1.
    condition4 = logical_and(1.<=X, X<=Gamma0**(1./g))

    Gamma = piecewise(X, [condition3, condition4],\
    [lambda X: Gamma0, \
    lambda X: Gamma0*X**(-g) ])

    ### Calculate Gamma(X)  ###

    eE0 = 3.E-8 * n0**(.5)*q*Gamma0**4. /(1.+z)

    return A*eE0*(Gamma/Gamma0)**4. * (X/xd)**(-eta/2.)
Пример #8
def I(w, wa, wb, wc):
    wa,wb,wc = float(wa), float(wb), float(wc)
    f = (wb - wa) / (wc - wa)
    eps = (wc-wa)/1e3
    if (wb-wa)>eps and (wc-wb)>eps:
        w1 = wa+eps
        w2 = wb-eps
        w3 = wc-eps
        return np.piecewise(w, 
                            [(w <= wa-eps),
                            (wa-eps < w) & (w <= wa+eps),
                            (wa+eps < w) & (w < wb-eps),
                            (wb-eps <= w) & (w <= wb+eps),
                            (wb+eps < w) & (w < wc-eps),
                            (wc-eps <= w) & (w < wc+eps),
                            (wc+eps <= w)],
                             4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K([(1-f)*((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa))))]),
                             lambda w: 4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K((1-f)*((w - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa))))),
                             4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K([(1-f)*((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa))))]),
                             lambda w: 4/np.sqrt(((w - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f)) * K((1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa)))*f / (((w - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f))),
                             4/np.sqrt(((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f)) * K([(1-((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa)))*f / (((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f))]),
    elif (wb-wa)<=eps:
        w2 = wb+eps
        w3 = wc-eps
        return np.piecewise(w, 
                            [(w <= wa-eps),
                            (wa-eps < w) & (w <= wb+eps),
                            (wb+eps < w) & (w < wc-eps),
                            (wc-eps <= w) & (w < wc+eps),
                            (wc+eps <= w)],
                             4/np.sqrt(((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f)) * K([(1-((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa)))*f / (((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f))]),
                             lambda w: 4/np.sqrt(((w - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f)) * K((1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa)))*f / (((w - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f))),
                             4/np.sqrt(((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f)) * K([(1-((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa)))*f / (((w3 - wa) / (wc - wa))*(1-f))]),
    elif (wc-wb)<=eps:
        w1 = wa+eps
        w2 = wb-eps
        return np.piecewise(w, 
                            [(w <= wa-eps),
                            (wa-eps < w) & (w <= wa+eps),
                            (wa+eps < w) & (w < wb-eps),
                            (wb-eps <= w) & (w <= wc+eps),
                            (wc+eps <= w)],
                             4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K([(1-f)*((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w1 - wa) / (wc - wa))))]),
                             lambda w: 4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K((1-f)*((w - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w - wa) / (wc - wa))))),
                             4/np.sqrt(f*(1-((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa)))) * K([(1-f)*((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa)) / (f*(1-((w2 - wa) / (wc - wa))))]),
Пример #9
def phi(xs, Z):
    """Evaluate phi(x) on a numpy list.
    This uses invibro.phi.phi0_cache to interpolate values."""
    Z0, x_bound = phi0_cache['Z0'], phi0_cache['xs'][0]
    c1 = pi ** 2 /6; c2 = 7 * pi ** 4 / 60.0
    neg = lambda x: log((Z - x) / (Z + x))
    interp = lambda x: phi0_cache['interp'](x) + log((Z + x) / (Z0 + x))
    large = lambda x: log(1 + Z / x) + c1 / x ** 2 + c2 / x ** 4
    return (
        piecewise(xs, [xs < 0], [neg, 0.0]) +
        piecewise(abs(xs), [abs(xs) < x_bound], [interp, large]) +
        complex(0, -0.5) * n(xs)
Пример #10
 def _evaluate(self, t):
     if self.direction == 1:
         kernel = np.piecewise(
             t, [t < 0, t >= 0], [
                 lambda t: 0,
                 lambda t: (1.0 / self._sigma_scaled.magnitude) * np.exp(
                     (-t / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude)]) / t.units
     elif self.direction == -1:
         kernel = np.piecewise(
             t, [t < 0, t >= 0], [
                 lambda t: (1.0 / self._sigma_scaled.magnitude) * np.exp(
                     (t / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude),
                 lambda t: 0]) / t.units
     return kernel
Пример #11
 def loadExampleData():
     data = pd.DataFrame({'Seconds': np.arange(0,15,1/200)})
     t = data.loc[:,'Seconds'].values
     data.loc[:,'T ACP'] = \
     np.piecewise(t, [t < 4, 4 <= t], [1,0]) * (1800/4*t) + \
     np.piecewise(t, [t < 4,(4<=t)*(t<=12)], [0,1]) * (1800 + (1200-1800)/8*(t-4)) + \
     np.piecewise(t, [12 < t, 20 < t], [1,0]) * (1500 + -400/8*(t-12))
     data.loc[:,'time'] = t           
     self.data = data
     self.camera = 'rad' 
     self.times = [4,7,12]          
Пример #12
def reposition(coords, box_size):
    com = compute_com_pbc(coords, box_size)
    cob = box_size / 2.0
    coords_recenter = coords - com + cob
    coords_recenter_x = coords_recenter[:,0]
    coords_recenter_y = coords_recenter[:,1]
    coords_recenter_z = coords_recenter[:,2]
    #print coords_recenter
    coords_recenter_x = np.piecewise(coords_recenter_x, [coords_recenter_x < 0.0, (coords_recenter_x >= 0.0) * (coords_recenter_x <= box_size[0]), coords_recenter_x > box_size[0]], \
        [lambda coords_recenter_x: coords_recenter_x + box_size[0], lambda coords_recenter_x: coords_recenter_x, lambda coords_recenter_x: coords_recenter_x - box_size[0]])
    coords_recenter_y = np.piecewise(coords_recenter_y, [coords_recenter_y < 0.0, (coords_recenter_y >= 0.0) * (coords_recenter_y <= box_size[1]), coords_recenter_y > box_size[1]], \
        [lambda coords_recenter_y: coords_recenter_y + box_size[1], lambda coords_recenter_y: coords_recenter_y, lambda coords_recenter_y: coords_recenter_y - box_size[1]])
    coords_recenter_z = np.piecewise(coords_recenter_z, [coords_recenter_z < 0.0, (coords_recenter_z >= 0.0) * (coords_recenter_z <= box_size[2]), coords_recenter_z > box_size[2]], \
        [lambda coords_recenter_z: coords_recenter_z + box_size[2], lambda coords_recenter_z: coords_recenter_z, lambda coords_recenter_z: coords_recenter_z - box_size[2]])
    return np.array(zip(coords_recenter_x,coords_recenter_y,coords_recenter_z))
Пример #13
def I_axial(w, wa, wc):
    if wc > wa:
        return np.piecewise(w, [(w <= wa),
                                (wa < w) & (w < wc),
                                (wc <= w)],
                                 lambda w: 1 / (2*np.sqrt((w - wa) / (wc - wa))),
    elif wa > wc:
        return np.piecewise(w, [(w <= wc),
                            (wc < w) & (w < wa),
                            (wa <= w)],
                             lambda w: 1 / (2*np.sqrt((w - wa) / (wc - wa))),
Пример #14
def f(x, a1, b1, c1, d1, b2, c2, v0):
    a2_calculated = a2(a1, b1, c1, d1, b2, c2, v0)
    d2_calculated = d2(a1, b1, c1, d1, b2, c2, v0)
    return np.piecewise(
            [x < v0, x >= v0],
            [lambda x: p(x, a1, b1, c1, d1), lambda x: p(x, a2_calculated, b2, c2, d2_calculated)])
Пример #15
def B_012(x):
    """ A linear B-spline function B(x | 0, 1, 2)."""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    return np.piecewise(x, [(x < 0) | (x > 2),
                            (x >= 0) & (x < 1),
                            (x >= 1) & (x <= 2)],
                           [lambda x: 0., lambda x: x, lambda x: 2.-x])
Пример #16
def fermi_poly3(x):
    """fermi_poly3(x), equal to -Li_3(-e^x)"""

    def f0(x):
        return np.exp(x)
    def f1(x):
        ex = np.exp(x)
        return (1 + (-0.125 + (0.037037037037037035 + (-0.015625 + (0.008 - 0.004629629629629629*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex
    def f2(x):
        x2 = x**2
        return 0.9015426773696955 + (0.8224670334241131 + (0.34657359027997264 + (0.08333333333333333 + (0.010416666666666666 +(-0.00017361111111111112 + (6.200396825396825e-6 +(-2.927965167548501e-7 + (1.6179486665597777e-8 + (-9.90785651003905e-10 + (6.525181428041877e-11 +(-4.5372283133067906e-12 + 3.290608283068484e-13*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x2)*x)*x)*x)*x
    def f3(x):
        invex = np.exp(-x)
        return (((((0.008*invex - 0.015625)*invex + 0.037037037037037035)*invex) - 0.125)*invex + 1)*invex + 1.6449340668482262*x + 0.16666666666666666*x**3
    def f4(x):
        return 1.6449340668482262*x + 0.16666666666666666*x**3

    # fix for bug in piecewise, fixed in more recent numpy
    if np.isscalar(x):
        x = np.array([x], dtype=float)
    # define piecewise function and evaluate
    ans = np.piecewise(x, [x<=-20, np.logical_and(x>-20, x<=-2), \
                       np.logical_and(x>-2, x<=2), np.logical_and(x>2, x<=20)],\
                       [f0, f1, f2, f3, f4])
    return ans
Пример #17
def fermi_poly2(x):
    """fermi_poly2(x), equal to -Li_2(-e^x)"""

    def f0(x):
        return np.exp(x)
    def f1(x):
        ex = np.exp(x)
        return (1.+( -0.25+( 0.111111+( -0.0625+( 0.04+( -0.0277778+( 0.0204082+( -0.015625+( 0.0123457+( -0.01+( 0.00826446+( -0.00694444+( 0.00591716+( -0.00510204+( 0.00444444+( -0.00390625+( 0.00346021+( -0.00308642+( 0.00277008+ -0.0025*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex
    def f2(x):
        ex = x**2
        return 0.822467+(0.6931471805599453+( 0.25+( 0.04166666666666666+( -0.0010416666666666534+( 0.00004960317460316857+( -2.927965167558005e-6+(1.9415383998507108e-7+( -1.3870999148454729e-8+(1.0440288911003276e-9+(-8.167040926799743e-11+6.5806618711692295e-12*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*x)*x)*x
    def f3(x):
        ex = np.exp(-x)
        return 1.6449340668482262 + 0.5*x**2 - (1.+( -0.25+( 0.111111+( -0.0625+( 0.04+( -0.0277778+( 0.0204082+( -0.015625+( 0.0123457+( -0.01+( 0.00826446+( -0.00694444+( 0.00591716+( -0.00510204+( 0.00444444+( -0.00390625+( 0.00346021+( -0.00308642+( 0.00277008 -0.0025*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex
    def f4(x):
        return 1.6449340668482262 + 0.5*x**2

    # fix for bug in piecewise, fixed in more recent numpy
    if np.isscalar(x):
        x = np.array([x], dtype=float)

    # define piecewise function and evaluate
    ans = np.piecewise(x, [x<=-20, np.logical_and(x>-20, x<=-1), \
                       np.logical_and(x>-1, x<=1), np.logical_and(x>1, x<=20)],\
                       [f0, f1, f2, f3, f4])

    return ans
Пример #18
def fermi_poly5half(x):
    """fermi_poly5half(x), equal to -Li_{5/2}(-e^x)

    def f0(x):
            return np.exp(x)
    def f1(x):
        ex = np.exp(x)
        return (1 + (-0.17677669529663687 + (0.06415002990995843 - (0.03125 + (0.01788854381999832 - (0.011340230290662863 + (0.007713560673657698 - (0.005524271728019902 + (0.00411522633744856 - 0.0031622776601683794*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex)*ex
    def f2(x):
        res = (7.999472242952045e-8 + (2.015789875039643e-8 + (-5.182488893752819e-9 + (-1.3550552937770878e-9 + (3.5944104666022113e-10 + (9.653703483078106e-11 + (-2.6209625544677692e-11 + (-7.185930974961928e-12 + (1.9812061650792594e-12 + 5.447084984800099e-13*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x
        return 0.8671998890121841+(0.7651470246254081+(0.30244932171081546+(0.06335080210161399+(0.0049450362799933825+(-0.0007320093393446121+(-0.00013339945006254949  + (0.000027147085179903566+(5.930588304137955e-6+(-1.3626304577484817e-6 + (-3.252451788607287e-7 + res*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x
    def f3(x):
        res = 5.992860912139351e-7 + (-6.083668666935579e-8 + (5.041252634789406e-9  + (-3.386896134140133e-10 + (1.8196669171414837e-11 + (-7.642990316874879e-13 + (2.4202106712129105e-14 + (-5.437364923509245e-16 + (7.72925401611516e-18 -5.228771407811986e-20*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x
        return 0.869416215427492 + (0.7603408345815055 + (0.30606614629176887 + (0.06361411550944529 + (0.002145410757189772 + (0.002020072416997651 + (-0.0017045762862650151 + (0.0006382881546811445 + (- 0.00016246851298525836 + (0.00003140383144730955 + (-4.819813947314412e-6+res*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x)*x
    def f4(x):
        x2 = x**2
        invex = np.sqrt(x)
        return (-2.0851412241155116/x/x - 0.5343060576801043)/x/invex + 1.8561093322772355*invex + 0.30090111122547003*x2*invex
    def f5(x):
        x2 = x**2
        invex = np.sqrt(x)
        return 1.8561093322772355*invex + 0.30090111122547003*x2*invex

    # fix for bug in piecewise, fixed in more recent numpy
    if np.isscalar(x):
        x = np.array([x], dtype=float)
    # define piecewise function and evaluate
    ans = np.piecewise(x, [x<=-20, np.logical_and(x>-20, x<=-2), \
                       np.logical_and(x>-2, x<=2), np.logical_and(x>2, x<=12), \
                       np.logical_and(x>12, x<=20)], [f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5])
    return ans
Пример #19
def de_sitter_form_testing(x,s,A,C,N3,num_slices):
    The functional form for de Sitter Space. x is position, s, A, C
    are all fit parameters. N3 is the total number of 3-simplices in
    the spacetime. num_slices is the number of time slices in the spacetime.
    # A normalized cosine. used for clarity.
    n_cos = lambda y: np.cos(y/(s * N3**(1/3.)))

    # The full width/half-max of the spacetime
    fwhm = np.arccos(np.sqrt((np.pi * A/2.)*(s * N3**(1/3.)/N3)))
    # The conditional functions
    # for -num_slices/2.0 <= (x - C) < -s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm 
    # or 
    # s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm < (x-C) <= num_slices/2.0
    stem = lambda x: float(A)
    # for -s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm <= (x - C) <= s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm
    bulk = lambda x: (2/np.pi) * (N3/(s * N3**(1/3.))) * n_cos(x-C)**2

    # List of conditions for the piecewise function
    conds = [(-num_slices/2.0 <= (x-C))&((x-C) < -s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm),
             (-s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm <= (x-C))&((x-C) <= s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm),
             (s * N3**(1/3.) * fwhm < (x-C))&((x-C) <= num_slices/2.0)]

    # List of return functions for the piecewise function
    returnfuncs = [stem,bulk,stem]

    return np.piecewise(x,conds,returnfuncs)
Пример #20
    def _ale(self):
        """ale algorithm in SubSection 3.1 of the paper.

        Basically just the implementation of the following formula:
            In_prime = f(In, z)
        Calculates In and z, then return In_prime

        :return In_prime:

        # Calculate In
        In = self.img_gray / 255.0  # 2d array, equation 2

        # Calculate z
        cdf = cv2.calcHist([self.img_gray], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]).cumsum()
        L = np.searchsorted(cdf, 0.1 * self.img_gray.shape[0] * self.img_gray.shape[1], side='right')
        L_as_array = np.array([L])  # L as array, for np.piecewise
        z_as_array = np.piecewise(L_as_array,
                         [L_as_array <= 50,
                          50 < L_as_array <= 150,
                          L_as_array > 150
                         [0, (L-50) / 100.0, 1]
        z = z_as_array[0]  # take the value out of array

        self.z = z

        # Result In_prime = f(In, z)
        In_prime = 0.5 * (In**(0.75*z+0.25) + (1-In)*0.4*(1-z) + In**(2-z))
        return In_prime
Пример #21
def invert_or_zero(x):
    '''Calculate 1 / x unless x is zero, in which case zero is returned.'''
    return numpy.piecewise(
        [x == 0, x != 0],
        [lambda x: 0, lambda x: 1 / x],
Пример #22
def ptx_temperature(r0, r, standard=ptxITS90, poly=None) -> Quantity("°C"):
    Compute the PTx temperature at a given temperature.

    Accepts an additive correction polynomial that is applied to the resistance.
    If the poly kwarg is None, the polynom is automatically selected.
    noCorrection is used for other r0 values. In this case, use a
    custom polynomial (numpy poly1d object) as the poly kwarg.

    See http://www.thermometricscorp.com/pt1000 for reference
    r = normalize_numeric(r)
    A, B = standard.a, standard.b
    # Select
    if poly is None:
        if abs(r0 - 1000.0) < 1e-3: poly = pt1000Correction
        elif abs(r0 - 100.0) < 1e-3: poly = pt100Correction
        else: poly = noCorrection

    t = ((-r0 * A + np.sqrt(r0 * r0 * A * A - 4 * r0 * B * (r0 - r))) /
         (2.0 * r0 * B))
    # For subzero-temperature refine the computation by the correction polynomial
    if isinstance(r, numbers.Number):
        if r < r0:
            t += poly(r)
    else:  # Treated like a numpy array
        t += poly(r) * np.piecewise(r, [r < r0, r >= r0], [1.0, 0.0])
    return t
def intgl_simp38(f,a,b,steps=-1,h=1):
    if steps>0:
        xis = np.linspace(a,b,steps+1)
        h  = xis[1]-xis[0]
    fxis = f(xis)
    wis = np.zeros(steps+1)
    pcs = []; fpcs = []
    for i in xrange(0,steps-2,3):
        wis[i:i+4] += [1,3,3,1]
    wis *= 3*h/8
    if steps%3==2:
        wis[-3:] += [h/3,4*h/3,h/3]
    elif steps%3==1:
        wis[-2:] += [h/2,h/2]
    fapprox = lambda x: np.piecewise(x,
                                     [np.logical_and(p[0]<=x,x<=p[-1]) for p in pcs],
                                     [lagrange(pcs[i],fpcs[i]) for i in xrange(len(pcs))])# np.interp(x,xis,fxis)
    # fapprox = lambda x: np.interp(x,xis,fxis)
    return (sum(fxis*wis),xis,fxis,wis,fapprox) # h/2 * sum(np.array([f(x) for x in xs]) * np.array([1]+[2]*(len(xs)-2)+[1]))
Пример #24
 def phiPrime(self,t):
     derivative of the double exponential transform
     if N.isscalar(t):
         t = M.array([t])
     return N.piecewise(t,[M.fabs(t)>5.0],[self.phiPrime1,self.phiPrime2])
def crystalball(x,s,a,n,xbar,sigma):
    A = np.power(n/np.absolute(a),n)*np.exp(-np.absolute(a)**2/2)
    B = n/np.absolute(a)-np.absolute(a)
    C = n/np.absolute(a)*(1/(n-1))*np.exp(-np.absolute(a)**2/2)
    D = np.sqrt(np.pi/2)*(1+erf(np.absolute(a)/np.sqrt(2)))
    N = 1/(sigma*(C+D))
    return np.piecewise(x, [(x-xbar)/sigma > -a], [lambda x:s*N*np.exp(-np.power(x-xbar,2)/(2*sigma**2)), lambda x:s*N*A*np.power((B-(x-xbar)/sigma),-n)])
Пример #26
def BorueErukhimovich_Powerlaw(q, C, r0, s, t, nu):
    """Borue-Erukhimovich model ending in a power-law.

        ``q``: independent variable
        ``C``: scaling factor
        ``r0``: typical el.stat. screening length
        ``s``: dimensionless charge concentration
        ``t``: dimensionless temperature
        ``nu``: excluded volume parameter

        ``C*(x^2+s)/((x^2+s)(x^2+t)+1)`` where ``x=q*r0`` if ``q<qsep``
        ``A*q^(-1/nu)``if ``q>qsep``
        ``A`` and ``qsep`` are determined from conditions of smoothness at the
    def get_xsep(alpha, s, t):
        A = alpha + 2
        B = 2 * s * alpha + t * alpha + 4 * s
        C = s * t * alpha + alpha + alpha * s ** 2 + alpha * s * t - 2 + 2 * s ** 2
        D = alpha * s ** 2 * t + alpha * s
        r = np.roots([A, B, C, D])
        #print "get_xsep: ", alpha, s, t, r
        return r[r > 0][0] ** 0.5
    get_B = lambda C, xsep, s, t, nu:C * (xsep ** 2 + s) / ((xsep ** 2 + s) * (xsep ** 2 + t) + 1) * xsep ** (1.0 / nu)
    x = q * r0
    xsep = np.real_if_close(get_xsep(-1.0 / nu, s, t))
    A = get_B(C, xsep, s, t, nu)
    return np.piecewise(q, (x < xsep, x >= xsep),
                        (lambda a:BorueErukhimovich(a, C, r0, s, t),
                         lambda a:A * (a * r0) ** (-1.0 / nu)))
Пример #27
    def _apply(self, imls):
        Given IML values, interpolate the corresponding loss ratio
        value(s) on the curve.

        Input IML value(s) is/are clipped to IML range defined for this
        vulnerability function.

        :param float array iml: IML value

        :returns: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` containing a number of interpolated
            values equal to the size of the input (1 or many)
        # for imls < min(iml) we return a loss of 0 (default)
        ret = numpy.zeros(len(imls))

        # imls are clipped to max(iml)
        imls_curve = numpy.piecewise(
            [imls > self.imls[-1]],
            [self.imls[-1], lambda x: x])

        # for imls such that iml > min(iml) we get a mean loss ratio
        # by interpolation and sample the distribution

        idxs, = numpy.where(imls_curve >= self.imls[0])
        imls_curve = numpy.array(imls_curve)[idxs]
        means = self._mlr_i1d(imls_curve)

        # apply uncertainty
        covs = self._cov_for(imls_curve)
        ret[idxs] = self.distribution.sample(means, covs, covs * imls_curve)
        return ret
Пример #28
 def phi(self,t):
     double exponential transformation
     if N.isscalar(t):
         t = M.array([t])
     return N.piecewise(t,[M.fabs(t)>5.0],[self.phi1,self.phi2])
Пример #29
def spherical_variogram_model(m, d):
    """Spherical model, m is [psill, range, nugget]"""
    psill = float(m[0])
    range_ = float(m[1])
    nugget = float(m[2])
    return np.piecewise(d, [d <= range_, d > range_],
                        [lambda x: psill * ((3.*x)/(2.*range_) - (x**3.)/(2.*range_**3.)) + nugget, psill + nugget])
Пример #30
def get_LUT_value(data, window, level):
    """Apply the RGB Look-Up Table for the given data and window/level value."""
    f = lambda data: ((data - (level - 0.5)) / (window - 1) + 0.5) * (255 - 0)
    return np.piecewise(data, [
        data <= (level - 0.5 - (window - 1) / 2),
        data > (level - 0.5 + (window - 1) / 2)
    ], [0, 255, f])
n = 8


# Plot some of the stationary states

V0 = pos.V0
b = pos.b

x = np.linspace(-b, b, 200 * b)

for i in range(0, n):
    plt.plot(x, energy(i) + psi_n(i, x), label="E: " + str(energy(i)))

xW = np.linspace(-b - 0.1, b + 0.1, 200 * b)

    np.piecewise(xW, [
        xW > b,
        np.logical_and(xW <= b, xW > 1),
        np.logical_and(1 >= xW, xW >= -1),
        np.logical_and(-1 > xW, xW >= -b), -b > xW
    ], [10 + energy(n), 0, -V0, 0, 10 + energy(n)]))
plt.ylim(-V0 - 1, energy(n - 1) + 1)
Пример #32
def psi_n_odd(n, x):
  k = np.sqrt(-2*energies["odd"][n])
  l = np.sqrt(2*(energies["odd"][n] + V0))
  A = np.exp(k)*1/(np.sqrt(1/k+1/(np.sin(l))**2 - 1/np.tan(l)))
  return np.piecewise(x, [x > 1, np.logical_and(1 >= x, x >= -1), -1 > x], [lambda x: A*np.exp(-k*x), lambda x: A*np.exp(-k)/(np.sin(l))*np.sin(l*x), lambda x: -A*np.exp(k*x)])
Пример #33
    "Small": lambda dwt: 0.831 * dwt - 0.2,
    "Handy": lambda dwt: 1.05 * (0.153 - 0.00000158 * dwt),
    "Handymax": lambda dwt: 1.05 * (0.151 - 0.00000127 * dwt),
    "Panamax": lambda dwt: 1.05 * 0.079,
    "Capesize": lambda dwt: 0.0817 - 0.0000000486 * dwt,
    "VLBC": lambda dwt: 1.05 * (0.076 - 0.0000000261 * dwt)

# Derived DWT regression formulas (with 5 significant digits)
SMALL_DWT = lambda L, B: 0.0029893 * L**3.0395 - 366.02 * np.sqrt(1737. - 67. *
                                                                  B) + 11575.0
HANDY_DWT = lambda L, B: 0.00030717 * L**3.0441 + 1894.9 * B - 28158.0
HANDYMAX_DWT = lambda L, B: 7.0187e-09 * L**5.5157 + 1841.0 * B - 34850.0
PANAMAX_DWT = lambda L, B: np.piecewise(
    [(L < 201.05) * (L >= 193.68), (L <= 226.32) * (L >= 201.05),
     (L > 226.32) * (L <= 233.68)],
    [(L - 107.00) / 0.0014, (L - 31.00) / 0.00267, (L - 180.50) / 0.0005],

CAPESIZE_DWT = lambda L, B: 0.0030344 * L**3.1056 + np.piecewise(
    B, [(B < 41) * (B >= 38), (B <= 47) *
        (B >= 41)], [1979.8 * B - 55038.1, 3167.7 * B - 103740.0])

VLBC_DWT = lambda L, B: 1602.29 * L - 279210.0

Пример #34
def safe_inverse_root(d):
    if (d < 0).any():
        raise ValueError
    return np.piecewise(d, [d > 0, d == 0], [lambda x: x**(-0.5), lambda x: x])
Пример #35
def fu():
    return lambda x: np.piecewise(x, [x == 0, x > 0],
                                  [0, lambda x: x**2 * np.log(x)])
Пример #36
def generate_pin_bandstructure(mat, Lp,Aname,Na,d, Ln,Dname,Nd, Va):
    # The Material class will find the bulk energy levels
    # Band edges far on the p and n side
    # Depletion edges, assuming depletion fully within device.
    # Note, these are locations in x (with appropriate signs), where depletion ends
    # ...not the absolute widths of the respective regions!
    xn= (-Na*d+np.sqrt(Na**2*d**2+2*mn.eps*(Ecp-Ecn)/q*Na/Nd*(Na+Nd)))/(Na+Nd) + d/2
    xp=-(-Nd*d+np.sqrt(Nd**2*d**2+2*mn.eps*(Ecp-Ecn)/q*Nd/Na*(Na+Nd)))/(Na+Nd) - d/2
    # P-side depletion should stay within the device
    assert (xp > -Lp-d/2), "p-side depletion region extends outside device!"
    # x-grid for calculation
    # If the n-side depletion region is fully within the device
    if (xn<Ln+d/2):
        # Return np.piecewise band diagram from depletion approximation
        return {"x":x,\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<-d/2), (x>=-d/2)&(x<d/2), (x>=d/2)&(x<xn), x>=xn],
                [lambda x: Ecp, lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)**2-q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)*(x+d/2),
                 lambda x: Ecn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(xn-x)**2, lambda x: Ecn]),\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<-d/2), (x>=-d/2)&(x<d/2), (x>=d/2)&(x<xn), x>=xn],
                [lambda x: Evp, lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)**2-q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)*(x+d/2),
                 lambda x: Evn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(xn-x)**2, lambda x: Evn]),\
            "EB": np.piecewise(x,
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<xn), (x>=xn)],
                [lambda x: -Va/2, lambda x: np.NaN, lambda x: Va/2]),\
            "Vr": -Va,\
            "material": mp}
    # If the n-side depletion region hits the device edge
        # Assume a sheet charge after the n-side to rebalance charge
        # Recalculate xp, and the sheet charge.
        # Again, make sure the p-side depletion is still inside the device
        assert (xp > -Lp), "p-side depletion region extends outside device!"
        # Return a np.piecewise bandstructure given our maxed out depletion
        return {"x":x,\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<-d/2), (x>=-d/2)&(x<d/2), (x>=d/2)&(x<Ln+d/2), x>=Ln+d/2],
                [lambda x: Ecp, lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)**2-q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)*(x+d/2),
                 lambda x: Ecn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(Ln+d/2-x)**2+q*sigma_n*(Ln+d/2-x)/mn.eps, lambda x: Ecn]),\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<-d/2), (x>=-d/2)&(x<d/2), (x>=d/2)&(x<Ln+d/2), x>=Ln+d/2],
                [lambda x: Evp, lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)**2-q*Na/mp.eps*(-d/2-xp)*(x+d/2),
                 lambda x: Evn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(Ln+d/2-x)**2+q*sigma_n*(Ln+d/2-x)/mn.eps, lambda x: Evn]),\
            "EB": np.piecewise(x,
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<xn), (x>=Ln+d/2)],
                [lambda x: -Va/2, lambda x: np.NaN, lambda x: Va/2]),\
            "Vr": -Va,\
            "material": mn}
Пример #37
def ReLU_derivative(x):
    y = x
    np.piecewise(y, [ReLU(y) == 0, ReLU(y) == y], [0, 1])
    return y
Пример #38
    out : ndarray
       !!!  The output is the same shape and type as `x`  !!!
        and is found by calling the functions in `funclist` on the appropriate portions of `x`,
        as defined by the boolean arrays in `condlist`.
        Portions not covered by any condition have a default value of 0.

See also:  choose, select (Indexing routines),  where (Sorting, searching, and counting)

This is similar to `choose` or `select`,
except that functions are evaluated on elements of `x` that satisfy the corresponding condition from `condlist`.

x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 6)
np.piecewise(x, [x < 0, x >= 0],
             [-1, 1])  # array([-1., -1., -1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])

# Define the absolute value, which is -x for x <0 and x for x >= 0.

    x, [x < 0, x >= 0],
    [lambda x: -x, lambda x: x])  # array([2.5,  1.5,  0.5,  0.5,  1.5,  2.5])

# Apply the same function to a scalar value.
y = -2
np.piecewise(y, [y < 0, y >= 0], [lambda x: -x, lambda x: x])  # array(2)

xx = np.arange(100)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Пример #39
def inc_tophat(x):
    J = x.size
    q = np.piecewise(x,[x < -0.25,x >= -0.25],[0.0,1.0])*np.piecewise(x,[x <= 0.25, x > 0.25],[1.0,0.0])
    return q
Пример #40
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as sc
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.30)
po = 0.000002
a = 20
x = np.arange(0.01, 40, 0.01)

H1 = lambda x: np.piecewise(x, [x < 20.0, x >= 20], [1, 0])
H2 = lambda x: np.piecewise(x, [x < 20.0, x >= 20], [0, 1])

K = H1(x) * (po / sc.epsilon_0) * ((x / 3) - (x**3) / (5 * a**2)) + H2(x) * (
    (a**3) / x**2) * (po / sc.epsilon_0) * (0.133333333)
k1 = H2(x) * ((a**3) / x**2) * (po / sc.epsilon_0) * (0.133333333)

         label="Campo Electrico Interno",

plt.plot(x, k1, linewidth=2, label="Campo Electrico Externo", color="green")

font1 = {"family": "century", "color": "black", "weight": "normal", "size": 1}

font2 = {"family": "century", "color": "black", "weight": "normal", "size": 1}
Пример #41
def k(x, theta):
    return np.piecewise(x, [
        x < 0.25,
        np.logical_and(x >= 0.25, x < 0.5),
        np.logical_and(x < 0.75, x >= 0.5), (x >= 0.75)
    ], theta)
Пример #42
def generate_spikedpn_bandstructure(mat, Lp,Aname,Na, sigmaD, Ln,Dname,Nd, Va):
    # The Material class will find the bulk energy levels
    # Band edges far on the p and n side
    # x-grid for calculation
    # Depletion edges, assuming spike is undepleted
    print ("Va",Va," sigma", sigma)
    # If the spike is not fully depleted
        print ("not dep")
        # P-side depletion should stay within the device
        assert (xp > -Lp), "p-side depletion region extends outside device!"
        # Depletion edges, assuming depletion fully within device.
        # Note, these are locations in x (with appropriate signs), where depletion ends
        # ...not the absolute widths of the respective regions!
        return {"x":x,\
                    [lambda x: Ecp, lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,lambda x: Ecn]),\
                    [lambda x: Evp, lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,lambda x: Evn]),\
                "EB": np.piecewise(x,
                    [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<0), (x>=0)],
                    [lambda x: -Va/2, lambda x: np.NaN, lambda x: Va/2]),\
                "Vr": -Va,\
                "material": mp}
    # If the spike is fully depleted, we actually have to solve for xn
        # N-side depletion should stay within the device, because I haven't considered full depletion
        assert (xn < Ln), "n-side depletion region extends outside device, and I haven't coded that"
        # Return np.piecewise band diagram from depletion approximation
        return {"x":x,\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<0), (x>=0)&(x<xn), x>=xn],
                [lambda x: Ecp, lambda x: Ecp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x:Ecn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(xn-x)**2, Ecn]),\
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<0), (x>=0)&(x<xn), x>=xn],
                [lambda x: Evp, lambda x: Evp-.5*q*Na/mp.eps*(x-xp)**2,
                 lambda x:Evn+.5*q*Nd/mn.eps*(xn-x)**2, Evn]),\
            "EB": np.piecewise(x,
                [x<xp, (x>=xp)&(x<xn), (x>=xn)],
                [lambda x: -Va/2, lambda x: np.NaN, lambda x: Va/2]),\
            "Vr": -Va,\
            "material": mp}
Пример #43
def _int_piecewise(x, *condlist, **kwargs):
    return np.piecewise(x, list(condlist), kwargs["funclist"],
                        *kwargs["func_args"], **kwargs["func_kw"])
Пример #44
 def inner(x, deg=2):
     return np.piecewise(
         x, [x < a, x > b],
         [lambda x: (a - x)**deg, lambda x: (x - b)**deg])
Пример #45
def psi_n_even(n, x):
  k = np.sqrt(-2*energies["even"][n])
  l = np.sqrt(2*(energies["even"][n] + V0))
  A = np.exp(k)*1/(np.sqrt(1/k+1/(np.cos(l))**2 + np.tan(l)))
  return np.piecewise(x, [x > 1, 1 >= x, -1 > x], [lambda x: A*np.exp(-k*x), lambda x: A*np.exp(-k)/(np.cos(l))*np.cos(l*x), lambda x: A*np.exp(k*x)])
apply_fit(freqs, p_lambertian, quartic_fit, "cyan", plt)
apply_fit(freqs, p_specular, quartic_fit, "r", plt)

def lambertian(f):
    return -2.98e-11 * (f**4) + 1.71e-8 * (f**3) - 2.47e-6 * (
        f**2) + 7.83e-4 * f + 5.88e-2

def total_diff(f):
    return -2.9e-13 * f**4 - 3.1e-9 * f**3 + 3.21e-6 * f**2 + 2.03e-4 * f + 7.16e-2

         np.piecewise(freqs, [freqs < 366.2, freqs >= 366.2], [
             lambda f: -2.98e-11 * (f**4) + 1.71e-8 * (f**3) - 2.47e-6 *
             (f**2) + 7.83e-4 * f + 5.88e-2, 0.318
         label='Physical Lambertian Probability',
    np.piecewise(freqs, [freqs < 366.2, freqs >= 366.2],
                 [lambda f: total_diff(f), lambda f: 0.318 + 1.51e-14 * f**5]),
    label='Physical Total Diffusive Probability')
        freqs, [freqs < 366.2, freqs >= 366.2],
        [lambda f: 1 - total_diff(f), lambda f: 1 -
         (0.318 + 1.51e-14 * f**5)]),
Пример #47
def trailer_profile(z):
    n = np.piecewise(z, [z<1.8558, z>2.8689],\
                        [      0.,       0., lambda z: 0.4+0.6/1.0131*(z-1.8558)])
    # the last value is the default value, when no condition is satisfied
    return (n)
Пример #48
def init_progressive_mask(mask, bounds):
    random_nums = np.random.uniform(0, bounds, mask.shape)
    conds = [mask == 1, mask == -1]
    funcs = [lambda x: bounds - x, lambda x: x - bounds]
    return np.piecewise(random_nums, conds,
                        funcs)  # return initialised random numbers
Пример #49
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp

ary = np.array([60, 50, 70, 32, 65, 28, 73, 93])
r = np.piecewise(ary, [np.all([ary <= 100, ary >= 60], axis=0), ary < 60],
                 [1, 0])
Пример #50
def Huber_loss(a, delta):
    # a=y-t
    # H=np.where(abs(a)<=delta,1/2*a**2,delta*(abs(a)-delta/2))
    dH = np.piecewise(a, [abs(a) <= delta, a > delta, -a < delta], [a, delta, -delta])
    return dH
Пример #51
def piecewise_linear_2(x, x0, y0, a1, a2):
    condlist = [x <= x0]
    funclist = [lambda x: a1*x + y0 - a1*x0, lambda x: a2*x + y0 - a2*x0]
    return np.piecewise(x, condlist, funclist)
Пример #52
x = np.array([
    [3, 1],
    [2, 5],
    [1, 8],
    [6, 4],
    [5, 2],
    [3, 5],
    [4, 7],
    [4, -1]])
y = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0])
# 把整个空间分为500*500的网格化矩阵
l, r = x[:,0].min()-1, x[:,0].max()+1
b, t = x[:,1].min()-1, x[:,1].max()+1
grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(
	np.linspace(l, r, 500),
	np.linspace(b, t, 500))
# grid_z存储了网格化矩阵中每个坐标点的类别标签:0 / 1
grid_z = np.piecewise(grid_x, 
	[grid_x>grid_y, grid_x<grid_y] , 
	[0, 1])

# 绘制散点图
mp.figure('Simple Classification', facecolor='lightgray')
mp.title('Simple Classification', fontsize=20)
mp.xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
mp.ylabel('y', fontsize=14)
# 为网格化矩阵中的每个元素填充背景颜色
mp.pcolormesh(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, cmap='gray')
mp.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y, cmap='brg', s=80)
Пример #53
    def E_gsf(self, **kwargs):
        Returns values for generalized stacking fault energy interpolated from
        the raw data.  Values can be obtained relative to a1, a2 fractional
        coordinates, x, y plotting coordinates, or pos Cartesian coordinates.
        a1 : float(s), optional
            Fractional coordinate(s) along a1vect.
        a2 : float(s), optional
            Fractional coordinate(s) along a2vect.
        pos : np.array, optional
            3D Cartesian position vector(s).
        x : float(s), optional
            Plotting x coordinate(s).
        y : float(s), optional
            Plotting y coordinate(s).
        a1vect : np.array, optional
            Vector for the a1 fractional coordinates.  Default value of None 
            uses the saved a1vect.
        a2vect : np.array, optional
            Vector for the a2 fractional coordinates.  Default value of None 
            uses the saved a2vect.
        xvect : np.array, optional
            Cartesian vector corresponding to the plotting x-axis. If None
            (default), this is taken as the Cartesian of a1vect.
        smooth : bool, optional
            If True (default) the returned values are smoothed using a RBF fit.
            If False, the closest measured values are returned.
        if not self.__hasdata:
            raise AttributeError('gamma surface data not set')
        smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', True)

        # Convert x, y to a1, a2
        if 'x' in kwargs:
            x = kwargs.pop('x')
            y = kwargs.pop('y')
            a1vect = kwargs.pop('a1vect', None)
            a2vect = kwargs.pop('a2vect', None)
            xvect = kwargs.pop('xvect', None)
            assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'Unknown/incompatible arguments given'
            a1, a2 = self.xy_to_a12(x, y, a1vect=a1vect, a2vect=a2vect, xvect=xvect)
        # Convert pos to a1, a2
        elif 'pos' in kwargs:
            pos = kwargs.pop('pos')
            a1vect = kwargs.pop('a1vect', None)
            a2vect = kwargs.pop('a2vect', None)
            assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'Unknown/incompatible arguments given'
            a1, a2 = self.pos_to_a12(pos, a1vect=a1vect, a2vect=a2vect)
        # Get a1, a2 from kwargs
            a1 = np.array(kwargs.pop('a1'))
            a2 = np.array(kwargs.pop('a2'))
            a1vect = kwargs.pop('a1vect', None)
            a2vect = kwargs.pop('a2vect', None)
            assert len(kwargs) == 0, 'Unknown/incompatible arguments given'
            if a1vect is not None or a2vect is not None:
                shape = a1.shape
                # Convert into pos using given a1vect, a2vect, then back into a1, a2
                pos = self.a12_to_pos(a1, a2, a1vect=a1vect, a2vect=a2vect)
                a1, a2 = self.pos_to_a12(pos)
                a1 = a1.reshape(shape)
                a2 = a2.reshape(shape)

        # Return interpolated values
        if smooth:
            cushion = (1 - self.data.a1.max()) / 2
            # Wrap all a1, a2 values within [-cushion, 1.0 - cushion)
            while np.any(a1 >= 1.0 - cushion): 
                a1[a1 >= 1.0 - cushion] -= 1.0
            while np.any(a1 < -cushion): 
                a1[a1 < -cushion] += 1.0
            while np.any(a2 >= 1.0 - cushion): 
                a2[a2 >= 1.0 - cushion] -= 1.0
            while np.any(a2 < -cushion): 
                a2[a2 < -cushion] += 1.0
            # Compute weighting factors
            def zone1(x):
                return (x + cushion) / (2 * cushion)
            def zone2(x):
                return np.ones_like(x)
            x = np.piecewise(a1, [a1 < cushion, a1>= cushion], [zone1, zone2])
            y = np.piecewise(a2, [a2 < cushion, a2>= cushion], [zone1, zone2])
            # Linear smoothing across boundaries
            return ( x * y * self.__E_gsf_fit(a1, a2)
                + x * (1 - y) * self.__E_gsf_fit(a1, a2 + 1)
                + (1 - x) * y * self.__E_gsf_fit(a1 + 1, a2)
                + (1 - x) * (1 - y) * self.__E_gsf_fit(a1 + 1, a2 + 1))
        # Return nearest values

            # Wrap all values within 0.0 < a1, a2 < 1.0
            while np.any(a1 > 1.0): 
                a1[a1 > 1.0] -= 1.0
            while np.any(a1 < 0.0): 
                a1[a1 < 0.0] += 1.0
            while np.any(a2 > 1.0): 
                a2[a2 > 1.0] -= 1.0
            while np.any(a2 < 0.0): 
                a2[a2 < 0.0] += 1.0

            return self.__E_gsf_nearest(np.array([a1.flatten(), a2.flatten()]).T).reshape(a1.shape)
Пример #54
def piecewise_linear_3(x, x0, x1, y0, a1, a2, a3):
    condlist = [x <= x0, x <= x1, x1 < x]
    funclist = [lambda x: a1*x + y0, lambda x: a2*x + (a1*x0 + y0 - a2*x0), lambda x: a3*x + (a2*(x1-x0) + a1*x0 + y0) - a3*x1, lambda x: 0]
    print(len(condlist), len(funclist))
    return np.piecewise(x, condlist, funclist)
def piecewise_linear(x, x0, y0, k1, k2):
    return np.piecewise(
        x, [x < x0],
        [lambda x: k1 * x + y0 - k1 * x0, lambda x: k2 * x + y0 - k2 * x0])
Пример #56
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pdb

x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)

cutoff = 0.3
satslope = 10
y = np.piecewise(
    x, [x < -cutoff,
        np.logical_and(x >= -cutoff, x < cutoff), x >= cutoff], [
            lambda x: x * satslope +
            (satslope - 1) * cutoff, lambda x: x, lambda x: x * satslope -
            (satslope - 1) * cutoff

plt.plot(x, y)
Пример #57
def f(x, b):
    return np.piecewise(x, [x < -b, x > b], [0, 1, 5])
Пример #58
from scipy.sparse import diags
import scipy.linalg as la
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
import scipy.constants as sc

l = 1e-9  # Lengde på boksen
Dx = 1.0E-11  # Steglengden
x = np.arange(0, l, Dx)  # x-kooridnatene
size = len(x)  # Størrelsen på matrisa
V = np.zeros(size)  # Potensialet, som et array

# konstanter, definert ved hjelp av scipy - biblioteket
h = sc.h
hbar = sc.hbar
m = sc.m_e
c = sc.c

def analy(i):
    E = (i**2 * sc.pi**2 * hbar**2) / (2 * m * l**2)
    return E / sc.eV

n = np.arange(1, (size + 1), 1)
V = np.piecewise(x, [x < 0, x > l], [np.inf, np.inf, 0])
energi_funk = np.sqrt(2 / l) - np.sin((n * np.pi * x) / l)
engeri_verdi = (n * np.pi * hbar) / (2 * m * l)
Пример #59
def Vpot(x):  # Pozo de potencial
    y=np.piecewise(x, [x < -1, x >= 1],[lambda x:20, lambda x:20])
    return y
Пример #60
    x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid, ids_train, ids_valid = train_test_split(
        stratify=coverage[:, 1],

    x_train_, y_train_ = augment_images(x_train, y_train)

        x_valid = x_train_
        y_valid = y_train_
        ids_valid = ids_train

    y_train_ = np.piecewise(y_train_, [y_train_ > 127.5, y_train_ < 127.5],
                            [1, 0])
    y_valid = np.piecewise(y_valid, [y_valid > 127.5, y_valid < 127.5], [1, 0])

    assert x_train_.shape[1:] == x_valid.shape[1:]
    time_delta = datetime.datetime.now() - start_time
    print('Loading time', time_delta)

    amodel = create_model((datamanager.img_size_input,
                           datamanager.img_size_input, datamanager.im_chan))
        print('Loading weights')
    if TRAIN:
        print('Start training')