def dynamic_axis(zero,pole,K):
    if list(zero)+list(pole)==[]:
        x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max = -1,1,-1,1
        x_min = min(list(np.real(zero))+list(np.real(pole)))
        x_max = max(list(np.real(zero))+list(np.real(pole)))
        if x_min == x_max:
            x_min -= 1
            x_max += 1
            x_min,x_max = (x_min- 0.75*(x_max-x_min)),(x_max + 0.75*(x_max-x_min))
        y_min = min(list(np.imag(zero))+list(np.imag(pole)))
        y_max = max(list(np.imag(zero))+list(np.imag(pole)))
        if y_min == y_max:
            y_min -= 1
            y_max += 1
            y_min,y_max = (y_min- 0.75*(y_max-y_min)),(y_max + 0.75*(y_max-y_min))
    if K == 0:
        z_min,z_max = -1,1
        K = abs(K)
        print K
        z_min,z_max = K*0.1,K*10.0
    return x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max
Пример #2
    def zplane(self, title="", fontsize=18):
        """ Display filter in the complex plane


        rb = self.z
        ra = self.p

        t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + 0.1, 0.1)
        plt.plot(np.cos(t), np.sin(t), "k")

        plt.plot(np.real(ra), np.imag(ra), "x", color="r")
        plt.plot(np.real(rb), np.imag(rb), "o", color="b")
        M1 = -10000
        M2 = -10000
        if len(ra) > 0:
            M1 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(ra)), np.abs(np.imag(ra))])
        if len(rb) > 0:
            M2 = np.max([np.abs(np.real(rb)), np.abs(np.imag(rb))])
        M = 1.6 * max(1.2, M1, M2)
        plt.axis([-M, M, -0.7 * M, 0.7 * M])
        plt.title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
Пример #3
def solveBlockGlasso(signal):
    start = int(signal[0]) # include
    S_Matrix  = S_Matrix_bc.value
    W_matrix = W_Matrix_bc.value
    old_W = np.copy(W_matrix)
    end   = min(int(signal[1]),S_Matrix.shape[0]) # non-inclusive
    deltamatrix = np.zeros(S_Matrix.shape)
    NN = S_Matrix.shape[0]
    for n in range(start,end):
        W11 = np.delete(W_matrix,n,0)
        W11 = np.delete(W11,n,1)
        Z   = linalg.sqrtm(W11)

        s11 = S_Matrix[:,n]
        s11 = np.delete(s11,n)
        Y   =,s11)
	Y = np.real(Y)
	Z = np.real(Z)
	B = lasso(Z,Y,beta_value)

    updated_column =,B)

    matrix_ind = np.array(range(0,NN))
    matrix_ind = np.delete(matrix_ind,n)
    column_ind = 0
    for k in matrix_ind:
        deltamatrix[k,n]=updated_column[column_ind] - W_matrix[k,n]
        deltamatrix[n,k]=updated_column[column_ind] - W_matrix[k,n]
	    W_matrix[k,n] = updated_column[column_ind]
	    W_matrix[n,k] = updated_column[column_ind]
        column_ind = column_ind+1
Пример #4
 def invert(self, estimate):
     """Invert the estimate to produce slopes.
     estimate : array_like
         Phase estimate to invert.
     xs : array_like
         Estimate of the x slopes.
     ys : array_like
         Estimate of the y slopes.
     if self.manage_tt:
         estimate, ttx, tty = remove_tiptilt(self.ap, estimate)
     est_ft = fftpack.fftn(estimate) / 2.0
     xs_ft = self.gx * est_ft
     ys_ft = * est_ft
     xs = np.real(fftpack.ifftn(xs_ft))
     ys = np.real(fftpack.ifftn(ys_ft))
     if self.manage_tt and not self.suppress_tt:
         xs += ttx
         ys += tty
     return (xs, ys)
Пример #5
def FFT_Correlation(x,y):
    FFT-based correlation, much faster than numpy autocorr.
    x and y are row-based vectors of arbitrary lengths.
    This is a vectorized implementation of O(N*log(N)) flops.

    lengthx = x.shape[0]
    lengthy = y.shape[0]

    x = np.reshape(x,(1,lengthx))
    y = np.reshape(y,(1,lengthy))

    length = np.array([lengthx, lengthy]).min()
    x = x[:length]
    y = y[:length]
    fftx = fft(x, 2 * length - 1, axis=1) #pad with zeros
    ffty = fft(y, 2 * length - 1, axis=1)

    corr_xy = fft.ifft(fftx * np.conjugate(ffty), axis=1)
    corr_xy = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_xy, axes=1)) #should be no imaginary part

    corr_yx = fft.ifft(ffty * np.conjugate(fftx), axis=1)
    corr_yx = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_yx, axes=1))

    corr = 0.5 * (corr_xy[:,length:] + corr_yx[:,length:]) / range(1,length)[::-1]
    return np.reshape(corr,corr.shape[1])
Пример #6
def fourier(self):
    Generate a profile of fourier coefficients, amplitudes and phases
    if pynbody.config['verbose'] : print 'Profile: fourier()'

    f = {'c': np.zeros((7, self.nbins),dtype=complex),
         'amp': np.zeros((7, self.nbins)),
         'phi': np.zeros((7, self.nbins))}

    for i in range(self.nbins):
        if self._profiles['n'][i] > 100:
            phi = np.arctan2(self.sim['y'][self.binind[i]], self.sim['x'][self.binind[i]])
            mass = self.sim['mass'][self.binind[i]]
            hist, binphi = np.histogram(phi,weights=mass,bins=100)
            binphi = .5*(binphi[1:]+binphi[:-1])
            for m in range(7) : 
                f['c'][m,i] = np.sum(hist*np.exp(-1j*m*binphi))

    f['c'][:,self['mass']>0] /= self['mass'][self['mass']>0]
    f['amp'] = np.sqrt(np.imag(f['c'])**2 + np.real(f['c'])**2)
    f['phi'] = np.arctan2(np.imag(f['c']), np.real(f['c']))

    return f
Пример #7
	def SaveData (self, fname, verbose = True):

		if (verbose):
			print ("  Saving measurement to %s ... " % fname)

		start = time.clock()

		f = h5py.File(fname, 'w')

		f['data_r'] = np.squeeze(np.real(
		f['data_i'] = np.squeeze(np.imag(

		if (self.noise != 0):
			f['noise_r'] = np.squeeze(np.real(self.noise).transpose())
			f['noise_i'] = np.squeeze(np.imag(self.noise).transpose())
		if (self.acs != 0):
			f['acs_r'] = np.squeeze(np.real(self.acs).transpose())
			f['acs_i'] = np.squeeze(np.imag(self.acs).transpose())
		if (self.sync.any() != 0):
                        f['sync']  = self.sync.transpose()


		if (verbose):
			print '    ... saved in %(time).1f s.\n' % {"time": time.clock()-start}

Пример #8
def fbm(n, hurst):
    """Generate Fractional brownian motion noise.

        n (int): Length of the time series.
        H (float): Hurst parameter.

        seed (int): Random generator number seed.

        Time series array.
    r = np.empty((n + 1,)) * np.NaN
    r[0] = 1
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        a = 2.0 * hurst
        r[k] = 0.5 * ((k + 1)**a - 2 * k**a + (k - 1)**a)
    r = np.append(r, r[-2:0:-1])  # first row of circulant matrix
    lambda_ = np.real(np.fft.fft(r)) / (2 * n)  # Eigenvalues
    W = np.fft.fft(np.sqrt(lambda_) * (np.random.randn(2 * n) +
                                       1j * np.random.randn(2 * n)))
    W = n**(-hurst) * np.cumsum(np.real(W[0:n + 1]))  # Rescale
    return W
Пример #9
    def _exportDataToText(self, file):
        """Saves textual data to a file

        Nt =[0]
        N =[1]
        # all elements [real] + (all elements - diagonal) [imaginary] + time
        Na = N + 1 + N*(N-1) 

        out = numpy.zeros((Nt, Na), dtype=numpy.float64)   
        for i in range(Nt):
            # time
            out[i,0] =[i]
            # populations
            for j in range(N):
               out[i,j+1] = numpy.real([i,j,j])
            # coherences
            l = 0
            for j in range(N):
                for k in range(j+1,N):
                    out[i,N+1+l] = numpy.real([i,j,k])
                    l += 1
                    out[i,N+1+l] = numpy.imag([i,j,k])
                    l += 1
        numpy.savetxt(file, out)
Пример #10
def childGeneration(N, particles, tree, i):
    maxInCell = 3
    p, t = noOfParticlesInside(particles, N[i])
    N[i].particleIndex = t
    if p > maxInCell:
        t = len(N)
        tree[i] = [t, t + 1, t + 2, t + 3]
        c = N[i].center
        v = N[i].vertex
        N.append(Node((c - (v - c) / 2), c, t))
        N.append(Node((c + (v - c) / 2), v, t + 1))
        N.append(Node(c + (conj(v - c) / 2), real(v) + 1j * imag(c), t + 2))
        N.append(Node(c - (conj(v - c) / 2), real(c) + 1j * imag(v), t + 3))
        for ch in tree[i]:
            childGeneration(N, particles, tree, ch)

        N[i].aj = zeros(noOfTerms) * 1j
        for j in range(1, noOfTerms + 1):
            for k in range(1, j + 1):
                for chi in tree[i]:
                    N[i].aj[j - 1] += (
                        N[chi].aj[k - 1] * combitorial(j - 1, k - 1) * pow((-N[i].center + N[chi].center), j - k)

        N[i].aj = zeros(noOfTerms) * 1j
        for j in range(1, noOfTerms + 1):
            for tempIdx in t:
                N[i].aj[j - 1] += particles[tempIdx].strength * pow((particles[tempIdx].xy - N[i].center), (j - 1))
Пример #11
def update_all_baseline_plots(i, fig, crawler, lines, norm_cross=False, forward=True):

    if forward:
        except EOFError as err:
            print err
            raw_input("End of File. Press enter to quit.")

    burst = crawler

    for k in range(len(BASELINES)):
        if k < 4:
            lines[k].set_data(FREQS, 10*np.log10([BASELINES[k]]))

        elif norm_cross:

			norm_val = np.array(burst.cross[BASELINES[k]])/np.sqrt(np.array([BASELINES[k][0]*2])*np.array([BASELINES[k][1]*2]))
			lines[k]['real'].set_data(FREQS, np.real(norm_val))
			lines[k]['imag'].set_data(FREQS, np.imag(norm_val))
			lines[k].set_data(FREQS, 10*np.log10(np.abs(np.real(burst.cross[BASELINES[k]]))))

    return lines
Пример #12
def _default_response_frequencies(A, n):
    """Compute a reasonable set of frequency points for bode plot.

    This function is used by `bode` to compute the frequency points (in rad/s)
    when the `w` argument to the function is None.

    A : ndarray
        The system matrix, which is square.
    n : int
        The number of time samples to generate.

    w : ndarray
        The 1-D array of length `n` of frequency samples (in rad/s) at which
        the response is to be computed.
    vals = linalg.eigvals(A)
    # Remove poles at 0 because they don't help us determine an interesting
    # frequency range. (And if we pass a 0 to log10() below we will crash.)
    poles = [pole for pole in vals if pole != 0]
    # If there are no non-zero poles, just hardcode something.
    if len(poles) == 0:
        minpole = 1
        maxpole = 1
        minpole = min(abs(real(poles)))
        maxpole = max(abs(real(poles)))
    # A reasonable frequency range is two orders of magnitude before the
    # minimum pole (slowest) and two orders of magnitude after the maximum pole
    # (fastest).
    w = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(minpole) - 2, numpy.log10(maxpole) + 2, n)
    return w
Пример #13
def window_fn_matrix(Q,N,num_remov=None,save_tag=None,lms=None):
    Q = n.matrix(Q); N = n.matrix(N)
    Ninv = uf.pseudo_inverse(N,num_remov=None) # XXX want to remove dynamically
    #print Ninv 
    info =,,Q))
    M = uf.pseudo_inverse(info,num_remov=num_remov)
    W =,info)

    if save_tag!=None:
        foo = W[0,:]
        foo = n.real(n.array(foo))
        foo.shape = (foo.shape[1]),
        print foo.shape
        p.xlabel('l (color is m)')
        p.title('First Row of Window Function Matrix')

        print 'W ',W.shape
        p.title('Window Function Matrix')

    return W
Пример #14
def p_sector5(MSA=[], C="seq", klist=[0, 1, 2, 3], Niter=20000, r=0.0001):
    if MSA.__class__ != msa:
        print "The function needs a msa as input"
        return False
    if C not in ["seq", "pos"]:
        print "gotta pick seq or pos"
        return False
    print "Calculating the SCA matrices"
    Cp, Cs = SCA5(MSA)

    print "Computing eigenmodes with numpy/LAPACK"
    if C == "seq":
        lbd, ev = numpy.linalg.eig(Cs)
    elif C == "pos":
        lbd, ev = numpy.linalg.eig(Cp)

        # ordering
    print "Sorting eigenmodes"
    idx = lbd.argsort()
    lbdsort = numpy.real(lbd[idx[::-1]])
    evsort = numpy.real(ev[:, idx[::-1]])

    print "top 10 eigenvalues"
    print lbdsort[:10]

    print "Calculating Independent Component Analysis"
    W, c = ICA(evsort, klist, Niter, r)

    return lbdsort, evsort, W,, evsort[:, klist].T).T
Пример #15
    def eta_fil(self, x, V_app, apprx=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
        m_eff = self.m_r * const.electron_mass = 20
        x0 = Symbol('x0')  # eta_fil
        x1 = Symbol('x1')  # eta_ac
        x2 = Symbol('x2')  # eta_hop
        x3 = Symbol('x3')  # V_tunnel

        f0 = const.Boltzmann * self.T / (1 - self.alpha) / const.elementary_charge / self.z * \
             ln(self.A_fil/self.A_ac*(exp(- self.alpha * const.elementary_charge * self.z / const.Boltzmann / self.T * x0) - 1) + 1) - x1# eta_ac = f(eta_fil) x1 = f(x0)
        f1 = x*2*const.Boltzmann*self.T/self.a/self.z/const.elementary_charge*\
             asinh(self.j_0et/self.j_0hop*(exp(- self.alpha * const.elementary_charge * self.z / const.Boltzmann / self.T * x0) - 1)) - x2# eta_hop = f(eta_fil)
        f2 = x1 - x0 + x2 - x3

        f3 = -V_app + ((self.C * 3 * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+x3/2)*const.elementary_charge)) / 2 / x * (const.elementary_charge / const.Planck)**2 * \
             exp(- 4 * const.pi * x / const.Planck * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+x3/2)*const.elementary_charge))) * self.A_fil*x3)
                       + (self.j_0et*self.A_fil*(exp(-self.alpha*const.elementary_charge*self.z*x0/const.Boltzmann/self.T) - 1))) * (self.R_el + self.R_S + self.rho_fil*(self.L - x) / self.A_fil) \
             + x3

        eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel = nsolve((f0, f1, f2, f3), [x0, x1, x2, x3], apprx)
        eta_fil = np.real(np.complex128(eta_fil))
        eta_ac = np.real(np.complex128(eta_ac))
        eta_hop = np.real(np.complex128(eta_hop))
        V_tunnel = np.real(np.complex128(V_tunnel))
        current = ((self.C * 3 * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+V_tunnel)*const.elementary_charge)) / 2 / x * (const.elementary_charge / const.Planck)**2 * \
            exp(- 4 * const.pi * x / const.Planck * sqrt(2 * m_eff * ((4+V_tunnel)*const.elementary_charge))) * self.A_fil*V_tunnel)
                       + (self.j_0et*self.A_fil*(exp(-self.alpha*const.elementary_charge*self.z*eta_fil/const.Boltzmann/self.T) - 1)))
        print(eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel)
        # print(eta_ac - eta_fil + eta_hop - V_tunnel)
        return eta_fil, eta_ac, eta_hop, V_tunnel, current
Пример #16
def _coherence_bavg(fxy, fxx, fyy):
    Compute the band-averaged coherency between the spectra of two time series.
    input to this function is in the frequency domain


    fxy : float array
         The cross-spectrum of the time series

    fyy,fxx : float array
         The spectra of the signals


    float :
        the band-averaged coherence
    if not np.isrealobj(fxx):
        fxx = np.real(fxx)
    if not np.isrealobj(fyy):
        fyy = np.real(fyy)

    return (np.abs(fxy.sum()) ** 2) / (fxx.sum() * fyy.sum())
Пример #17
def _select_function(sort, typ):
    if typ in ['F','D']:
        if callable(sort):
            # assume the user knows what they're doing
            sfunction = sort
        elif sort == 'lhp':
            sfunction = lambda x,y: (np.real(x/y) < 0.0)
        elif sort == 'rhp':
            sfunction = lambda x,y: (np.real(x/y) >= 0.0)
        elif sort == 'iuc':
            sfunction = lambda x,y: (abs(x/y) <= 1.0)
        elif sort == 'ouc':
            sfunction = lambda x,y: (abs(x/y) > 1.0)
            raise ValueError("sort parameter must be None, a callable, or "
                "one of ('lhp','rhp','iuc','ouc')")
    elif typ in ['f','d']:
        if callable(sort):
            # assume the user knows what they're doing
            sfunction = sort
        elif sort == 'lhp':
            sfunction = lambda x,y,z: (np.real((x+y*1j)/z) < 0.0)
        elif sort == 'rhp':
            sfunction = lambda x,y,z: (np.real((x+y*1j)/z) >= 0.0)
        elif sort == 'iuc':
            sfunction = lambda x,y,z: (abs((x+y*1j)/z) <= 1.0)
        elif sort == 'ouc':
            sfunction = lambda x,y,z: (abs((x+y*1j)/z) > 1.0)
            raise ValueError("sort parameter must be None, a callable, or "
                "one of ('lhp','rhp','iuc','ouc')")
    else:  # to avoid an error later
        raise ValueError("dtype %s not understood" % typ)
    return sfunction
Пример #18
def plot_potential(grid, potential, view=None, size=(12, 9), path="."):
    # The Grid
    u = grid.get_nodes(split=True)
    u = real(u[0])

    # Create potential and evaluate eigenvalues
    potew = potential.evaluate_eigenvalues_at(grid)
    potew = [real(level).reshape(-1) for level in potew]

    # View
    if view[0] is None:
        view[0] = u.min()
    if view[1] is None:
        view[1] = u.max()

    # Plot the energy surfaces of the potential
    fig = figure(figsize=size)
    ax = fig.gca()

    for index, ew in enumerate(potew):
        ax.plot(u, ew, label=r"$\lambda_{%d}$" % index)

    ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0, 0), axis="y")
    legend(loc="outer right")
    ax.set_title(r"The eigenvalues $\lambda_i$ of the potential $V\left(x\right)$")
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(path, "potential" + GD.output_format))
Пример #19
def coherence_spec(fxy, fxx, fyy):
    Compute the coherence between the spectra of two time series.

    Parameters of this function are in the frequency domain.


    fxy : array
         The cross-spectrum of the time series

    fyy, fxx : array
         The spectra of the signals


    float : a frequency-band-dependent measure of the linear association
        between the two time series

    See also
    if not np.isrealobj(fxx):
        fxx = np.real(fxx)
    if not np.isrealobj(fyy):
        fyy = np.real(fyy)
    c = np.abs(fxy) ** 2 / (fxx * fyy)
    return c
def filters_bank(M, N, J, L=8):
    filters = {}
    filters['psi'] = []

    offset_unpad = 0
    for j in range(J):
        for theta in range(L):
            psi = {}
            psi['j'] = j
            psi['theta'] = theta
            psi_signal = morlet_2d(M, N, 0.8 * 2**j, (int(L - L / 2 - 1) - theta) * np.pi / L, 3.0 / 4.0 * np.pi / 2**j,offset=offset_unpad)  # The 5 is here just to match the LUA implementation :)
            psi_signal_fourier = fft.fft2(psi_signal)
            for res in range(j + 1):
                psi_signal_fourier_res = crop_freq(psi_signal_fourier, res)
                psi[res] = torch.FloatTensor(np.stack((np.real(psi_signal_fourier_res), np.imag(psi_signal_fourier_res)), axis=2))
                # Normalization to avoid doing it with the FFT!
                psi[res].div_(M * N // 2**(2 * j))

    filters['phi'] = {}
    phi_signal = gabor_2d(M, N, 0.8 * 2**(J - 1), 0, 0, offset=offset_unpad)
    phi_signal_fourier = fft.fft2(phi_signal)
    filters['phi']['j'] = J
    for res in range(J):
        phi_signal_fourier_res = crop_freq(phi_signal_fourier, res)
        filters['phi'][res] = torch.FloatTensor(np.stack((np.real(phi_signal_fourier_res), np.imag(phi_signal_fourier_res)), axis=2))
        filters['phi'][res].div_(M * N // 2 ** (2 * J))

    return filters
Пример #21
 def writeToAscii(self, directory):
     This function writes the values of the normalization integral to a text file.
     Make sure to run execute method first.
     outfile = open(os.path.join(directory, "normint.txt"), "w")
     outfile.write(str(len(self.waves)) + "\n")
     outfile.write(str(len(self.alphaList)) + "\n")
     for eps1 in range(2):
         for eps2 in range(2):
                 str(len(self.waves)) + " " + str(len(self.waves)) + " " + str(eps1) + " " + str(eps2) + "\n"
             for index1 in range(len(self.waves)):
                 for index2 in range(len(self.waves) - 1):
                     tempcomplex = self.ret[eps1, eps2, index1, index2]
                     tempreal = numpy.real(tempcomplex)
                     tempim = numpy.imag(tempcomplex)
                     outfile.write(" (" + str(tempreal) + " + i " + str(tempim) + ") , ")
                 tempcomplex = self.ret[eps1, eps2, index1, int(len(self.waves) - 1)]
                 tempreal = numpy.real(tempcomplex)
                 tempim = numpy.imag(tempcomplex)
                 outfile.write(" (" + str(tempreal) + " + i " + str(tempim) + ")")
             outfile.write(str(len(self.waves)) + "\n")
             for wave in self.waves:
                 outfile.write(wave.filename + " " + str(self.waves.index(wave)) + "\n")
Пример #22
def writeToDatFile(data, file, field="E", punits="mm", funits="V/m", pscale=1.0, fscale=1.0):
    Write to field map to DAT data file.

    nx = data.nx
    ny = data.ny
    nz =

    file.write("       x [{0}]         y [{0}]         z [{0}]     {1}xRe [{2}]     {1}yRe [{2}]     {1}zRe [{2}]     {1}xIm [{2}]     {1}yIm [{2}]     {1}zIm [{2}]  \r\n".format(punits, field, funits))

    for x in xrange(nx):
        px = pscale * data.px[x]
        for y in xrange(ny):
            py = pscale *[y]
            for z in xrange(nz):
                pz = pscale * data.pz[z]
                fxre = fscale * numpy.real(data.fx[x,y,z])
                fyre = fscale * numpy.real(data.fy[x,y,z])
                fzre = fscale * numpy.real(data.fz[x,y,z])
                fxim = fscale * numpy.imag(data.fx[x,y,z])
                fyim = fscale * numpy.imag(data.fy[x,y,z])
                fzim = fscale * numpy.imag(data.fz[x,y,z])
                file.write("%13.1f  %13.1f  %13.1f  %13.6g  %13.6g  %13.6g  %13.6g  %13.6g  %13.6g\r\n" % (px, py, pz, fxre, fyre, fzre, fxim, fyim, fzim))
Пример #23
def _test_random(test_case,inarr,outarr,tol):
    tc = test_case
    # Test that applying a transform and its inverse to reasonably long, random
    # input gives back the (appropriately scaled) input. We must allow for numerical
    # error, and it seems more reliable to check using normwise error (than elementwise).
    # First test IFFT(FFT(random))
    # The numpy randn(n) provides an array of n numbers drawn from standard normal
    if dtype(inarr).kind == 'c':
        inarr._data[:] = randn(len(inarr)) +1j*randn(len(inarr))
        # If we're going to do a HC2R transform we must worry about DC/Nyquist imaginary
        if dtype(outarr).kind == 'f':
            inarr._data[0] = real(inarr[0])
            if (len(outarr)%2)==0:
                inarr._data[len(inarr)-1] = real(inarr[len(inarr)-1])
        inarr._data[:] = randn(len(inarr))
    incopy = type(inarr)(inarr)
    # An FFT followed by IFFT gives Array scaled by len(Array), but for
    # Time/FrequencySeries there should be no scaling.
    if type(inarr) == pycbc.types.Array:
        incopy *= len(inarr)
    with tc.context:
        pycbc.fft.fft(inarr, outarr)
        pycbc.fft.ifft(outarr, inarr)
        emsg="IFFT(FFT(random)) did not reproduce original array to within tolerance {0}".format(tol)
        if isinstance(incopy,ts) or isinstance(incopy,fs):
    # Perform arithmetic on outarr and inarr to pull them off of the GPU:
    outarr *= 1.0
    inarr *= 1.0
    # Now the same for FFT(IFFT(random))
    if dtype(outarr).kind == 'c':
        outarr._data[:] = randn(len(outarr))+1j*randn(len(outarr))
        # If we're going to do a HC2R transform we must worry about DC/Nyquist imaginary
        if dtype(inarr).kind == 'f':
            outarr._data[0] = real(outarr[0])
            if (len(inarr)%2)==0:
                outarr._data[len(outarr)-1] = real(outarr[len(outarr)-1])
        outarr._data[:] = randn(len(outarr))
    outcopy = type(outarr)(outarr)
    if type(outarr) == pycbc.types.Array:
        outcopy *= len(inarr)
    with tc.context:
        pycbc.fft.ifft(outarr, inarr)
        pycbc.fft.fft(inarr, outarr)
        emsg="FFT(IFFT(random)) did not reproduce original array to within tolerance {0}".format(tol)
        if isinstance(outcopy,ts) or isinstance(outcopy,fs):
def closest_point_on_the_parabola(a, px, py):
    thingy1 = 2. * a * py
    thingy2 = np.sqrt(-3 + 0j)
    thingy3 = 2 ** (1 / 3.)
    thingy4 = 2 ** (2 / 3.)
    thingy = (-108. * a ** 4 * px + np.sqrt(11664. * a ** 8 * px ** 2 - 864. * a ** 6 * (-1 + thingy1) ** 3 + 0j)) ** (
    1 / 3.)
    Aone = (thingy3 * (-1. + thingy1))
    Atwo = thingy
    Athree = thingy
    Afour = (6. * thingy3 * a ** 2)
    Bone = ((1. + thingy2) * (-1. + thingy1))
    Btwo = (thingy4 * thingy)
    Bthree = ((1. - thingy2) * thingy)
    Bfour = (12. * thingy3 * a ** 2)
    Cone = (1. - thingy2) * (-1 + thingy1)
    Ctwo = thingy4 * thingy
    Cthree = (1. + thingy2) * thingy
    Cfour = 12. * thingy3 * a ** 2

    A = -np.real(Aone / Atwo + Athree / Afour)
    B = np.real(Bone / Btwo + Bthree / Bfour)
    C = np.real(Cone / Ctwo + Cthree / Cfour)

    solns = [A, B, C]
    solns_temp = []
    for soln in solns:
        solns_temp.append(np.abs(soln - px))

    val, idx = min((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(solns_temp))
    return solns[idx]
Пример #25
    def simulate(self, steps, time, collect_dynamic = False):
        @brief Performs static simulation of oscillatory network.
        @param[in] steps (uint): Number simulation steps.
        @param[in] time (double): Time of simulation.
        @param[in] collect_dynamic (bool): If True - returns whole dynamic of oscillatory network, otherwise returns only last values of dynamics.
        @return (list) Dynamic of oscillatory network. If argument 'collect_dynamic' is True, than return dynamic for the whole simulation time,
                 otherwise returns only last values (last step of simulation) of output dynamic.
        @see simulate()
        @see simulate_dynamic()
        dynamic_amplitude, dynamic_time = ([], []) if collect_dynamic is False else ([self.__amplitude], [0]);
        step = time / steps;
        int_step = step / 10.0;
        for t in numpy.arange(step, time + step, step):
            self.__amplitude = self.__calculate(t, step, int_step);
            if collect_dynamic is True:
                dynamic_amplitude.append([ numpy.real(amplitude)[0] for amplitude in self.__amplitude ]);
        if collect_dynamic is False:
            dynamic_amplitude.append([ numpy.real(amplitude)[0] for amplitude in self.__amplitude ]);

        output_sync_dynamic = fsync_dynamic(dynamic_amplitude, dynamic_time);
        return output_sync_dynamic;
Пример #26
def getArgumentVariable(_ComplexVariable):

	print('l 31 Numscipier')
	print('_ComplexVariable is ')

	import numpy as np

	return 2.*np.arctan(
Пример #27
def instantaneous_frequency(data, fs, fk):
    Instantaneous frequency of a signal.

    Computes the instantaneous frequency of the given data which can be
    windowed or not. The instantaneous frequency is determined by the time
    derivative of the analytic signal of the input data.

    :type data: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param data: Data to determine instantaneous frequency of.
    :param fs: Sampling frequency.
    :param fk: Coefficients for calculating time derivatives
        (calculated via central difference).
    :return: **omega[, domega]** - Instantaneous frequency of input data, Time
        derivative of instantaneous frequency (windowed only).
    x = envelope(data)
    if len(x[0].shape) > 1:
        omega = np.zeros(x[0].shape[0], dtype=np.float64)
        i = 0
        for row in x[0]:
            f = np.real(row)
            h = np.imag(row)
            # faster alternative to calculate f_add
            f_add = np.hstack(([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f, [f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
            fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add)
            # correct start and end values of time derivative
            fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(fd)]
            # faster alternative to calculate h_add
            h_add = np.hstack(([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h, [h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
            hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add)
            # correct start and end values of time derivative
            hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(hd)]
            omega_win = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) * fs / 2 / np.pi)
            omega[i] = np.median(omega_win)
            i = i + 1
        # faster alternative to calculate omega_add
        omega_add = np.hstack(
            ([omega[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), omega, [omega[np.size(omega) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2))
        domega = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, omega_add)
        # correct start and end values of time derivative
        domega = domega[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(domega)]
        return omega, domega
        omega = np.zeros(np.size(x[0]), dtype=np.float64)
        f = np.real(x[0])
        h = np.imag(x[0])
        # faster alternative to calculate f_add
        f_add = np.hstack(([f[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), f, [f[np.size(f) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
        fd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, f_add)
        # correct start and end values of time derivative
        fd = fd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(fd)]
        # faster alternative to calculate h_add
        h_add = np.hstack(([h[0]] * (np.size(fk) // 2), h, [h[np.size(h) - 1]] * (np.size(fk) // 2)))
        hd = signal.lfilter(fk, 1, h_add)
        # correct start and end values of time derivative
        hd = hd[np.size(fk) - 1 : np.size(hd)]
        omega = abs(((f * hd - fd * h) / (f * f + h * h)) * fs / 2 / np.pi)
        return omega
Пример #28
    def icd(self, G1, G2):
        """Incomplete Cholesky decomposition
        # remove mean. avoid standard calculation N0 = eye(N)-1/N*ones(N);
        G1 = G1 - numpy.array(numpy.mean(G1, 0), ndmin=2, copy=False)
        G2 = G2 - numpy.array(numpy.mean(G2, 0), ndmin=2, copy=False)

        R, D = self.method(G1, G2, self.reg)
        #solve generalized eigenvalues problem
        betas, alphas = scipy.linalg.eig(R,D)
        ind = numpy.argsort(numpy.real(betas))
        max_ind = ind[-1]
        alpha = alphas[:, max_ind]
        alpha = alpha/numpy.linalg.norm(alpha)
        beta = numpy.real(betas[max_ind])
        N1 = G1.shape[1]
        alpha1 = alpha[:N1]
        alpha2 = alpha[N1:]
        y1 = dot(G1, alpha1)
        y2 = dot(G2, alpha2)

        self.alpha1 = alpha1
        self.alpha2 = alpha2
        return (y1, y2, beta)                
Пример #29
def test_morlet():
    """Test morlet with and without zero mean"""
    Wz = morlet(1000, [10], 2., zero_mean=True)
    W = morlet(1000, [10], 2., zero_mean=False)

    assert_true(np.abs(np.mean(np.real(Wz[0]))) < 1e-5)
    assert_true(np.abs(np.mean(np.real(W[0]))) > 1e-3)
Пример #30
    def compress_data(X, k):
        Xtemp =
        if len(Xtemp) == 0:
            return None
        e_vals, e_vecs = np.linalg.eig(Xtemp)

        e_vals = np.maximum(0.0, np.real(e_vals))
        e_vecs = np.real(e_vecs)

        idx = np.argsort(e_vals)[::-1]

        e_vals = e_vals[idx]
        e_vecs = e_vecs[:, idx]

        # Truncate to k dimensions
        if k < len(e_vals):
            e_vals = e_vals[:k]
            e_vecs = e_vecs[:, :k]

        # Normalize by the leading singular value of X
        Z = np.sqrt(e_vals.max())

        if Z > 0:
            e_vecs = e_vecs / Z

Пример #31
def build_initial_condition(rossby, froude, nx, outfilename, csvFlag):
    Main method to compute initially-balanced turbulent flow field.

    Creates initially-balanced randomised flow field plus height field for
    use in rotating shallow water equations. Follows the procedure implemented
    in Polvani et al (1994).

    Relies on the methods contained in the TurbulentICs class as well as those in
    the spectral_toolbox.


    - `rossby` : the desired Rossby number, defined as :math: `R = U/(f_{0}L)`
    - `froude` : the Froude number, defined as :math: `F = U/\\sqrt{gH}`
    - `nx` : the number of points to use, such that the domain is n x n
    - `outfilename` : the stem to be used for creating outfiles
    - `csvFlag` : optional flag to create MATLAB-syle output


    - `outfilename.bin` : data file for use by RSWE code
    - `outfilename_u.txt` : CSV file with v1
    - `outfilename_v.txt` : CSV file with v2
    - `outfilename_h.txt` : CSV file with h
    - `outfilename_data.txt` : CSV file with other data

    **See Also**

    TurbulentICs, SpectralToolbox

    control = dict()
    np.set_printoptions(precision=2, linewidth=200)

    # Set control parameters:
    control['Rossby'] = rossby
    control['Froude'] = froude
    control['Nx'] = nx
    control['Lx'] = 2.0 * np.pi * 14.0
    control['outname'] = outfilename

    # Compute the Burger number
    control['Burger'] = (control['Rossby'] / control['Froude'])**2

    # Hardcode tolerance for iterative solver
    control['tolerance'] = 1e-6'Control Structure Created Successfully')

    # Create spectral toolbox object for use in TurbulentICs
    st = SpectralToolbox(control['Nx'], control['Lx'])

    # Create turbulence handler
    turb_cond = TurbulentICs(control, st)'Turbulence Handler Created Successfully')

    # Create streamfunction field, store in turb_cond
    turb_cond.construct_streamfunction()'Streamfunction Created Successfully')

    # Create height field, store in turb_cond
    turb_cond.create_height(control)'Height Computed Successfully')

    # Create velocity potential field, store in turb_cond'Beginning Computation of Velocity Potential')
    turb_cond.create_velocity_potential(control)'Potential Created Successfully')

    # Compute velocities

    # Save ICs to File
    if csvFlag:
        h = np.real(
        h = 1.0 + control['Rossby'] * h / control['Burger']

        v1 = np.real(
        v2 = np.real(

        np.savetxt(str(outfilename) + "_u.txt", v1, delimiter="\t")
        np.savetxt(str(outfilename) + "_v.txt", v2, delimiter="\t")
        np.savetxt(str(outfilename) + "_h.txt", h, delimiter="\t")

        with open(str(outfilename) + '_data.txt', 'w') as f:
            f.write("Rossby {}\n".format(control['Rossby']))
            f.write("Froude {}\n".format(control['Froude']))
            f.write("Burger {}\n".format(control['Burger']))
            f.write("Nx {}\n".format(control['Nx']))"Initial Condition saved to successfully")

        with open(str(outfilename) + '.bin', 'wb') as f:
  , control['Nx'])

            # Compute total nondimensional height
            height = 1.0 + (control['Rossby'] /
                            control['Burger']) * st.inverse_fft(turb_cond.h)
  , st.forward_fft(height))
  , turb_cond.vx)
  , turb_cond.vy)

  "Initial Condition saved to {}".format(
                str(outfilename) + '.bin'))
    def tsp_signal(self, impulse, real_num=7, app=None):
        # tsp = TSP('../config_tf.ini')
        recode_data_directory = self.data_search(,
        wave_path = self.recode_data_path + recode_data_directory
        print("Making data set....")
        # impulse = Trueでインパルス応答計算用に平均したデータを作成
        if impulse:
            data_set = np.empty((0, self.data_set_freq_len), dtype=np.float)
            for data_dir in self.DIRECTIONS:
                sound_data, channel, sampling, frames = self.wave_read_func(
                    wave_path + str(data_dir) + '.wav')
                if self.mic_name == 'Respeaker':
                    sound_data = np.delete(sound_data, [0, 5], 0)
                elif self.mic_name == 'Matrix':
                    sound_data = sound_data
                start_time = self.zero_cross(sound_data,
                if start_time < 0:
                    if real_num != self.data_num:
                        start_time = start_time + self.origin_frames
                        start_time = 0
                cut_data = sound_data[:, start_time:int(start_time +
                                                        self.origin_frames *
                fft_data = np.fft.rfft(cut_data)[0]
                fft_data = fft_data[self.freq_min_id:self.freq_max_id]
                smooth_data = np.convolve(fft_data,
                                          np.ones(self.smooth_step) /
                smooth_data = np.reshape(smooth_data, (1, -1))
                # print(smooth_data.shape)
                data_set = np.append(data_set, smooth_data, axis=0)
                print('finish: ', data_dir + 50 + 1, '/', len(self.DIRECTIONS))
            print('Made data set: ', data_set.shape)
            return np.real(data_set)
        # impluse = FalseでSVRやPCA用の一個一個のデータに分割
            data_set = np.zeros((len(self.DIRECTIONS), self.mic_num,
                                 self.data_num, self.data_set_freq_len),
            print('Need Number', self.origin_frames)
            for data_dir in self.DIRECTIONS:
                sound_data, channel, sampling, frames = self.wave_read_func(
                    wave_path + str(data_dir) + '.wav')
                if self.mic_name == 'Respeaker':
                    sound_data = np.delete(sound_data, [0, 5], 0)
                elif self.mic_name == 'Matrix':
                    sound_data = sound_data
                start_time = self.zero_cross(sound_data,
                if start_time < 0:
                    if real_num != self.data_num:
                        start_time = start_time + self.origin_frames
                        start_time = 0
                cut_data = sound_data[:, start_time:int(start_time +
                                                        self.origin_frames *
                cut_data = np.reshape(cut_data,
                                      (self.mic_num, self.data_num, -1))
                fft_data = np.fft.rfft(cut_data)

                if data_dir == self.DIRECTIONS[0]:
                    print("This mic is ", self.mic_name)
                    print("Channel ", channel)
                    print("Frames ", frames)
                    print("Data Set ", fft_data.shape)
                    # print("0Cross point ", start_time)
                    print("Object ",
                    print("Rate ", sampling)

                    plt.specgram(cut_data[0, 0, :], Fs=sampling)
                    plt.title("cut_data check")

                for data_id in range(cut_data.shape[1]):
                    for mic in range(cut_data.shape[0]):
                        smooth_data = np.convolve(np.abs(
                            fft_data[mic, data_id,
                                                  np.ones(self.smooth_step) /
                        smooth_data = np.real(np.reshape(smooth_data,
                                                         (1, -1)))[0]
                        normalize_data = stats.zscore(smooth_data, axis=0)
                        # normalize_data = (smooth_data - smooth_data.mean()) / smooth_data.std()
                        # normalize_data = (smooth_data - min(smooth_data))/(max(smooth_data) - min(smooth_data))
                        data_set[data_dir, mic, data_id, :] = normalize_data
                        # print(normalize_data)
                print('finish: ', data_dir + self.label_max + 1, '/',
            print('Made data set: ', data_set.shape)
            output_path = self.make_dir_path(array=True)
   + recode_data_directory.strip('/'), data_set)
    def tsp_signal_individually(self, app=None):
        recode_path = self.data_search(,
        wave_path = self.recode_data_path + recode_path
        if self.beam:
            data_set = np.zeros((len(self.DIRECTIONS), len(
      , self.data_num, self.data_set_freq_len),
            data_set = np.zeros((len(self.DIRECTIONS), self.mic_num,
                                 self.data_num, self.data_set_freq_len),
        for data_id in range(self.data_num):
            for data_dir in self.DIRECTIONS:
                sound_data, channel, sampling, frames = \
                    self.wave_read_func(wave_path + + '_' + str(data_id + 1) + '/' + str(data_dir) + '.wav')
                if self.mic_name == 'Respeaker':
                    sound_data = np.delete(sound_data, [0, 5], 0)
                elif self.mic_name == 'Matrix':
                    sound_data = np.delete(sound_data, 0, 0)
                start_time = self.zero_cross(sound_data,
                if start_time < 0:
                    start_time = 0
                sound_data = sound_data[:, start_time:int(start_time +
                if data_dir == self.DIRECTIONS[0]:
                    print("This mic is ", self.mic_name)
                    print("Channel ", channel)
                    print("Frames ", frames)
                    print("Data Set ", sound_data.shape)
                    print("0Cross point ", start_time)
                    print("Object ",
                    print("Rate ", sampling)
                fft_data = np.fft.rfft(sound_data)
                if self.beam:
                    bmp =
                        fft_data[:, self.freq_min_id:self.freq_max_id],
              , self.fft_list)
                    for dir in range(bmp.shape[0]):
                        smooth_data = np.convolve(np.abs(bmp[dir, :]),
                                                  np.ones(self.smooth_step) /
                        smooth_data = np.real(np.reshape(smooth_data,
                                                         (1, -1)))[0]
                        normalize_data = stats.zscore(smooth_data,
                                                      axis=0)  # 平均0 分散1
                        data_set[data_dir, dir, data_id, :] = normalize_data
                    for mic in range(fft_data.shape[0]):
                        smooth_data = np.convolve(np.abs(
                            fft_data[mic, self.freq_min_id:self.freq_max_id]),
                                                  np.ones(self.smooth_step) /
                        smooth_data = np.real(np.reshape(smooth_data,
                                                         (1, -1)))[0]
                        normalize_data = stats.zscore(smooth_data,
                                                      axis=0)  # 平均0 分散1
                        # normalize_data = (smooth_data - smooth_data.mean()) / smooth_data.std()
                        # normalize_data = (smooth_data - min(smooth_data))/(max(smooth_data) - min(smooth_data))
                        data_set[data_dir, mic, data_id, :] = normalize_data

                # print('finish: ', data_dir + 50 + 1, '/', len(self.DIRECTIONS))
            print('finish: ', data_id + 1, '/', self.data_num)
        print('Made data set: ', data_set.shape)
        output_path = self.make_dir_path(array=True) + recode_path.strip('/'), data_set)
Пример #34
# calculating and sorting eigenvalues and eigenvectors
for Gam_up in Gam_up_array:

    j = 0

    # Calculating rates gamma_i^{\mu}  (requires Lindblad parameters)
    gam_mu_i = rates(Gam_up, Gam_down, Gam_z, gam_phon, lam, N, T, om_v, S)

    # calculating zeta, xi and psi  (requires Hamiltonian and Lindblad parameters)
    zeta, xi, psi, phi, eta = equat_coeff(gam_mu_i, f, g, A, N)

    # normal state specification
    A_vec = -(2j / N) * np.einsum('mj, mk, ijk -> i', gam_mu_i,
                                  np.conjugate(gam_mu_i), f)
    xi_inv_matr = inv(xi)
    lam_ns = np.real(, A_vec))

    for om_c in phot_freq:

        # build stability matrix with A^2 term
        M = M_stability_with_A_squared(om_c, kappa, B, f, xi, lam_ns, N_m,
                                       g_light_mat, eps)

        # build stability matrix without A^2 term
        #M = M_stability(om_c, kappa, B, f, xi, lam_ns, N_m)

        # get eigenvalues and assosiated eigenvectors
        eigenValues, eigenVectors = linalg.eig(M)

        # sort the according to eigenvalues' real parts from smallest to largest
        idx_real_sort = eigenValues.argsort()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.fft import fft

n = 52
F = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="complex")
w = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * np.complex(0, 1) / n)

for i in range(n):
    for k in range(n):
        m = (i) * (k)  # (j - 1)*(k - 1), but python is 0 indexed
        F[i, k] = w**m

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)

#x = np.random.randn(n, 1)
x = np.random.randn(n)
x1 = np.matmul(F, x)

x2 = fft(x)

fig, ax2 = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax2.plot(range(n), np.abs(x1))
Пример #36
 def real(self):
     """Returns the real part of the hs (read-only property)."""
     return np.real(self.hs)
def FID(m0, c0, m1, c1):
    ret = 0
    ret += np.sum((m0 - m1) ** 2)
    ret += np.trace(c0 + c1 - 2.0 * scipy.linalg.sqrtm(, c1)))
    return np.real(ret)
Пример #38
def _extract_emd(mat, **kwargs):
    """Extract the data from the EMD substruct, given a medusa-created MNU0-mat


    mat: matlab-imported struct

    emd = mat['EMD'].squeeze()
    # Labview epoch
    epoch = datetime.datetime(1904, 1, 1)

    def convert_epoch(x):
        timestamp = epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=x.astype(float))
        return timestamp

    dfl = []
    # loop over frequencies
    for f_id in range(0, emd.size):
        # print('Frequency: ', emd[f_id]['fm'])
        fdata = emd[f_id]
        # some consistency checks
        if len(fdata['nu']) == 2 and fdata['nu'].shape[1] == 2:
            raise Exception('Need MNU0 file, not a quadpole .mat file:')

        timestamp = np.atleast_2d(
            [convert_epoch(x) for x in fdata['Time'].squeeze()]).T
        df = pd.DataFrame(
                fdata['nu'][:, np.newaxis],
                fdata['As3'][:, 0, :].squeeze(),
                fdata['As3'][:, 1, :].squeeze(),
                fdata['As3'][:, 2, :].squeeze(),
                fdata['As3'][:, 3, :].squeeze(),
            )), )
        df.columns = (

        df['frequency'] = np.ones(df.shape[0]) * fdata['fm']

        # cast to correct type
        df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'])
        df['a'] = df['a'].astype(int)
        df['b'] = df['b'].astype(int)
        df['p'] = df['p'].astype(int)

        df['Z1'] = df['Z1'].astype(complex)
        df['Z2'] = df['Z2'].astype(complex)
        df['Z3'] = df['Z3'].astype(complex)

        df['Zg1'] = df['Zg1'].astype(complex)
        df['Zg2'] = df['Zg2'].astype(complex)
        df['Zg3'] = df['Zg3'].astype(complex)

        df['Is1'] = df['Is1'].astype(complex)
        df['Is2'] = df['Is2'].astype(complex)
        df['Is3'] = df['Is3'].astype(complex)

        df['Il1'] = df['Il1'].astype(complex)
        df['Il2'] = df['Il2'].astype(complex)
        df['Il3'] = df['Il3'].astype(complex)

        df['ShuntVoltage1_1'] = df['ShuntVoltage1_1'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage1_2'] = df['ShuntVoltage1_2'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage1_3'] = df['ShuntVoltage1_3'].astype(complex)

        df['ShuntVoltage2_1'] = df['ShuntVoltage2_1'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage2_2'] = df['ShuntVoltage2_2'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage2_3'] = df['ShuntVoltage2_3'].astype(complex)

        df['ShuntVoltage3_1'] = df['ShuntVoltage3_1'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage3_2'] = df['ShuntVoltage3_2'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage3_3'] = df['ShuntVoltage3_3'].astype(complex)

        df['ShuntVoltage4_1'] = df['ShuntVoltage4_1'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage4_2'] = df['ShuntVoltage4_2'].astype(complex)
        df['ShuntVoltage4_3'] = df['ShuntVoltage4_3'].astype(complex)


    if len(dfl) == 0:
        return None
    df = pd.concat(dfl)

    # average swapped current injections here!
    # TODO

    # sort current injections
    condition = df['a'] > df['b']
    df.loc[condition, ['a', 'b']] = df.loc[condition, ['b', 'a']].values
    # for some reason we lose the integer casting of a and b here
    df['a'] = df['a'].astype(int)
    df['b'] = df['b'].astype(int)
    # change sign because we changed A and B
    df.loc[condition, ['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3']] *= -1

    # average of Z1-Z3
    df['Zt'] = np.mean(df[['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3']].values, axis=1)
    # we need to keep the sign of the real part
    sign_re = np.real(df['Zt']) / np.abs(np.real(df['Zt']))
    df['r'] = np.abs(df['Zt']) * sign_re
    # df['Zt_std'] = np.std(df[['Z1', 'Z2', 'Z3']].values, axis=1)

    df['Is'] = np.mean(df[['Is1', 'Is2', 'Is3']].values, axis=1)
    df['Il'] = np.mean(df[['Il1', 'Il2', 'Il3']].values, axis=1)
    df['Zg'] = np.mean(df[['Zg1', 'Zg2', 'Zg3']].values, axis=1)

    # "standard" injected current, in [mA]
    df['Iab'] = np.abs(df['Is']) * 1e3
    df['Iab'] = df['Iab'].astype(float)
    # df['Is_std'] = np.std(df[['Is1', 'Is2', 'Is3']].values, axis=1)

    # take absolute value and convert to mA
    df['Ileakage'] = np.abs(df['Il']) * 1e3
    df['Ileakage'] = df['Ileakage'].astype(float)

    return df
Пример #39
def mcm_to_m2(m1,mc):
    c   = [m1**3 , 0 , -mc**5 , -mc**5*m1]
    m2  = np.real(np.roots(c))
    return float(m2[np.where(m2>=0)])
Пример #40
    def construct_streamfunction(self):
        Construct the initially-balanced streamfunction.

        Sets the attribute psi with the streamfunction computed according to

        .. math:: 1/2 k^{2}|\\psi_{k}|^{2} = E_{K}(k)

        Proceeds by creating a vorticity field with initially random phases
        in Fourier space and moduli of 1. This field is then integrated to
        find the corresponding streamfunction which is 'tuned' to have the
        desired kinetic energy spectrum. The spectrum is tuned such that
        the desired spectrum occurs in shells.


        # Initialise the random phases, e^{i*theta}
        N = self.N
        phases = np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi, (N - 1, N - 1))
        vorticity_hat = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
        vorticity_buffer = np.exp(1j * phases)

        Nyquist_1 = np.exp(1j * np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi,
                                                  (N // 2 - 1)))
        Nyquist_2 = np.exp(1j * np.random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi,
                                                  (N // 2 - 1)))

        # Ensure that the initial vorticity field has a Hermitian
        # spectrum in Fourier space for a real-valued solution.
        mid = (N - 1) // 2
        mid2 = 2 * mid
        for k1 in range(N - 1):
            for k2 in range(k1 + 1, N - 1):
                vorticity_buffer[k1, k2] = np.conj(vorticity_buffer[mid2 - k1,
                                                                    mid2 - k2])

        for k in range(mid):
            vorticity_buffer[k, k] = np.conj(vorticity_buffer[mid2 - k,
                                                              mid2 - k])

        vorticity_hat[1:, 1:] = vorticity_buffer

        # Set up the Nyqusist frequencies to yield a real-valued,
        # C_{inf} vorticity field in realspace.
        vorticity_hat[0, 1:N // 2] = Nyquist_1
        vorticity_hat[0, N // 2 + 1:N] = np.conj(Nyquist_1[::-1])
        vorticity_hat[1:N // 2, 0] = Nyquist_2
        vorticity_hat[N // 2 + 1:N, 0] = np.conj(Nyquist_2[::-1])

        vorticity_hat[N // 2, N // 2] = 0.0
        vorticity_hat[0, 0] = 0.0
        vorticity_hat[0, N // 2] = 0.0
        vorticity_hat[N // 2, 0] = 0.0

        vorticity =

        vorticity /= np.amax(np.real(vorticity))
        vorticity_hat =

        # Find the associated streamfunction via inverse Helmholtz
        self.psi =, 0.0)

        # Calculate the total kinetic energy in each wavenumber shell
        E_k = dict()
        for k1 in range(-N // 2, N // 2):
            for k2 in range(-N // 2, N // 2):
                k = np.sqrt(k1**2 + k2**2)
                k_ctr = int(round(k))

                psi_value = self.psi[k1 + N // 2, k2 + N // 2]
                local_energy = np.real(0.5 * ((2 * np.pi)**2) * k**2 *
                                       psi_value * np.conj(psi_value))
                    E_k[k_ctr] += local_energy
                except KeyError:
                    E_k[k_ctr] = local_energy

        for k1 in range(-N // 2, N // 2):
            for k2 in range(-N // 2, N // 2):
                k = np.sqrt(k1**2 + k2**2)
                k_ctr = int(round(k))
                # Compute the desired kinetic energy level for the
                # current shell
                E_target = self.energy_spectrum(k1, k2)

                # `Tune' the kinetic energy spectrum, shell by shell
                if k_ctr > 0 and E_k[k_ctr] > 1e-12:
                    self.psi[k1 + N // 2,
                             k2 + N // 2] *= np.sqrt(E_target / E_k[k_ctr])
                    self.psi[k1 + N // 2, k2 + N // 2] = 0.0
Пример #41
 def grad(self,complex_im,axis=0):
     g_r = np.gradient(np.real(complex_im),edge_order=2,axis=axis)
     g_i = np.gradient(np.imag(complex_im),edge_order=2,axis=axis)
Пример #42
    x_bottom = np.array([np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, int(N_b/4))])
    y_bottom = np.zeros((int(N_b/4),1),dtype = np.float32)
    X_b_bottom = np.concatenate((x_bottom.T, y_bottom), axis=1)
    u_y_b_bottom = np.zeros((int(N_b/4),1),dtype = np.float32)

    x_top = np.array([np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, int(N_b/4))])
    y_top = np.ones((int(N_b/4),1),dtype = np.float32)
    X_b_top = np.concatenate((x_top.T, y_top), axis=1)
    u_y_b_top = np.zeros((int(N_b/4),1),dtype = np.float32)
    x_right = 2*np.ones((int(N_b/4),1),dtype = np.float32)
    y_right = np.array([np.linspace(0.0,1.0,int(N_b/4))])
    X_b_right = np.concatenate((x_right, y_right.T), axis=1)
    x_right_scal = 2;
    u_x_b_right = np.float32(np.real(np.cos(m*np.pi*y_right)*(A[0]*(-1j)*kx*np.exp(-1j*kx*x_right_scal)+A[1]*1j*kx*np.exp(1j*kx*x_right_scal))))
    u_x_b_right = u_x_b_right.T
    nPred = 160
    xPred = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, nPred)
    yPred = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nPred)
    xGrid, yGrid = np.meshgrid(xPred, yPred)
    xGrid = np.array([xGrid.flatten()])
    yGrid = np.array([yGrid.flatten()])
    Grid = np.concatenate((xGrid.T,yGrid.T),axis=1)
    np.savetxt('Grid.out', Grid, delimiter=',')

    print('Defining model...')
    model = PhysicsInformedNN(X_b_left, u_x_b_left, X_b_bottom, u_y_b_bottom,  X_b_top, u_y_b_top, X_b_right, u_x_b_right, X_f, layers,  LB_Plate, UB_Plate, m, k)
Пример #43
def plot_one_testcase_panels(preds_dd, solns, show_n_timesteps=10, alpha=0.7,
                             title=None, fp=None):
    """Plots a single test case solutions/predictions by producing a series of
    panels. The rows of panels each correspond to one time step, and the 
    three columns are the real part, the imaginary part, and the errors.

        preds_dd (dict): Dictionary of 2d numpy arrays. Each array corresponds 
            to the predictions on a single test-case, and has time on the 0th 
            axis and space on the 1st axis. The arrays should have matching 
            shape (n_time_steps, n_grid_points). Time step 0 (assumed to be the
            initial conditions) will not be shown.
        solns (numpy array): The true solutions. 2d array with time on the 0th 
            axis and space on the 1st axis. Should have shape 
            (n_time_steps, n_grid_points). Time step 0 (assumed to be the
            initial conditions) will not be shown.
        show_n_timesteps (int, optional): min(show_n_timesteps, n_time_steps-1)
            will be shown. Defaults to 10.
        alpha (float, optional): Constrols satuation value. Defaults to 0.7.
        title (string, optional): Figure title. Defaults to None.
        fp (string, optional): Filepath to save the plot. If not specified, the 
            plot will be shown via ``. Defaults to None.

    # Checking that the time axes are the same size to avoid silly off-by-one 
    # plotting errors

    n_tsteps, grid_size = solns.shape
    for k,v in preds_dd.items:
        assert v.shape[0] == n_tsteps

    N_TSTEPS = min(n_tsteps - 1, show_n_timesteps)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(N_TSTEPS, 3, sharex='col', sharey=False)

    # This sets the figure to an image with aspect ratio 1.5x2
    fig.set_size_inches(1.5 * N_TSTEPS ,2 * N_TSTEPS) 
    ax[0,0].set_title("$Re(u)$", size=20)
    ax[0,1].set_title("$Im(u)$", size=20)
    ax[0,2].set_title("$| u - \\hat u|$", size=20)

    for i in range(1, N_TSTEPS+1):
        # First column has Re(prediction), Re(solution)
        ax[i,0].plot(np.real(solns[i]), '--', alpha=alpha, label='solution')

        # Second column has Im(predictions), Im(solution)
        ax[i,1].plot(np.imag(solns[i]), '--', alpha=alpha, label='solutions')

        for k,v in preds_dd.items():
            ax[i,0].plot(np.real(v[i]), alpha=alpha, label=k)

            ax[i,1].plot(np.imag(v[i]), alpha=alpha, label=k)

            # Third column has errors Abs(solns - predictions)
            ax[i,2].plot(np.abs(solns[i] - v[i]), alpha=alpha, label=k)

        ax[i,0].set_ylabel("t = {}".format(i), size=15)

        ax[i,2].hlines(0, xmin=0, xmax=grid_size, linestyles='dashed')

    ax[0,0].legend(fontsize=13, markerscale=2)
    ax[0,1].legend(fontsize=13, markerscale=2)
    ax[0,2].legend(fontsize=13, markerscale=2)

    if title is not None:
        fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])

    if fp is not None:
Пример #44
def get_q_values(freqs, cplx, filename_wo_ext):
    # find resonant frequency
    idx_res = np.argmin(np.abs(cplx))
    f_res = freqs[idx_res]

    # determine the rotation angle from the offset for detuned short location
    idx_max = np.argmin(np.abs(cplx)) + 100
    idx_min = np.argmin(np.abs(cplx)) - 100
    rotation = (np.angle(cplx[idx_min]) + np.angle(cplx[idx_max])) / 2

    # find the detuned short position
    real_shifted = np.abs(cplx) * np.cos(np.angle(cplx) - rotation)
    imag_shifted = np.abs(cplx) * np.sin(np.angle(cplx) - rotation)
    cplx_shifted = np.vectorize(complex)(real_shifted, imag_shifted)
    # without multiplication with 50 ohm. so it is normalized
    impz_shifted = (1 + cplx_shifted) / (1 - cplx_shifted) * 50

    # find detuned open position
    real_dop = np.abs(cplx_shifted) * np.cos(np.angle(cplx_shifted) - np.pi)
    imag_dop = np.abs(cplx_shifted) * np.sin(np.angle(cplx_shifted) - np.pi)
    cplx_dop = np.vectorize(complex)(real_dop, imag_dop)
    impz_dop = (1 + cplx_dop) / (1 - cplx_dop) * 50

    # find the index of the point where Re(Z) = |Im(Z)| left of the resonance and call it f5
    f5 = freqs[np.argmin(np.abs(np.real(impz_shifted)[:idx_res] -

    # find the index of the point where Re(Z) = |Im(Z)| right of the resonance and call it f6
    f6 = freqs[np.argmin(np.abs(np.real(impz_shifted)[idx_res:] -
                                np.abs(np.imag(impz_shifted)[idx_res:]))) + idx_res]

    # These are the point needed for the unloaded Q
    delta_f_u = np.abs(f5 - f6)
    Qu = f_res / delta_f_u
    print('Qu: ', Qu, '∆fu: ', delta_f_u, 'MHz')

    # These are the point needed for the loaded Q
    f1 = freqs[np.argmax(np.imag(cplx_shifted))]
    f2 = freqs[np.argmin(np.imag(cplx_shifted))]
    delta_f_l = np.abs(f1 - f2)
    Ql = f_res / delta_f_l
    print('Ql: ', Ql, '∆fl: ', delta_f_l, 'MHz')

    # Calculate the external Q from the other two Qs
    Qext = 1 / (1 / Ql - 1 / Qu)
    print('Qext: ', Qext)

    # Calculate the coupling factor
    beta = Qu / Qext
    print('beta', beta)

    # Calculate the external Q using the impedance ~ ±j
    # cnt = 0
    # for z in impz_shifted:
    #     if 0.9 < np.imag(z) < 1.1:
    #         print(z, cnt, freqs[cnt])
    #     cnt += 1
    # cnt = 0
    # for z in impz_shifted:
    #     if -0.9 > np.imag(z) > -1.1:
    #         print(z, cnt, freqs[cnt])
    #     cnt += 1
    # f2 = freqs[np.argmin(
    #     np.abs(np.imag(impz_shifted) - np.ones(len(impz_shifted))))]
    # f3 = freqs[np.argmin(np.abs(np.imag(impz_shifted) -
    #                             (np.ones(len(impz_shifted)) * -1)))]
    # print(f2, f3)
    # Qext = f_res / (np.abs(f2 - f3))
    # print('Qext: ', Qext)

    # Plot section
    plt.figure()  # figsize=(6, 6))
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='smith', grid_minor_enable=False)
    plt.plot(cplx, markevery=10, label='Measurement data',
    plt.plot(cplx_shifted, markevery=10, label='Detuned short position',
    plt.plot(cplx_dop, markevery=10, label='Detuned open position',
    plt.legend(loc="lower right", fontsize=8)
    plt.title("File: {}".format(filename_wo_ext))
    print('Plotting to file.')
    txt = 'Qu={:0.0f}, Ql={:0.0f}\n∆fu={:0.3f} [MHz]\nf_res={:0.3f} [MHz]\nbeta={:.3f}'.format(
        Qu, Ql, delta_f_u, f_res, beta)
    plt.text(0, 0.6, txt, size=9, rotation=0,
             ha="left", va="top",
                       ec=(1., 0.5, 0.5),
                       fc=(1., 0.8, 0.8),

Пример #45
    def cs_decomp(unitary_mats):
        This function does a CS (cosine-sine) decomposition (by calling the
        LAPACK function cuncsd.f. The old C++ Qubiter called zggsvd.f
        instead) of each unitary matrix in the list of arrays unitary_mats.
        This function is called by the constructor of the class Node and is
        fundamental for decomposing a unitary matrix into multiplexors and
        diagonal unitaries.

        unitary_mats : list(np.ndarray)

        list(np.ndarray), list(np.ndarray), list(np.ndarray)

        block_size = unitary_mats[0].shape[0]
        num_mats = len(unitary_mats)
        for mat in unitary_mats:
            assert mat.shape == (block_size, block_size)
        if block_size == 1:
            left_mats = None
            right_mats = None
            vec = np.array([unitary_mats[k][0, 0]
                            for k in range(0, num_mats)])
            vec1 = vec[0]*np.ones((num_mats,))
            if np.linalg.norm(vec-vec1) < 1e-6:
                central_mats = None
                c_vec = np.real(vec)
                s_vec = np.imag(vec)
                central_mats = np.arctan2(s_vec, c_vec)
            # Henning Dekant constructed a python wrapper for LAPACK's cuncsd.f
            # via the python application f2py. Thanks Henning!

            # In[2]: import cuncsd
            # In[3]: print(cuncsd.cuncsd.__doc__)
            # x11,x12,x21,x22,theta,u1,u2,v1t,v2t,work,rwork,iwork,info =
            # cuncsd(p,x11,x12,x21,x22,lwork,lrwork,
            # [jobu1,jobu2,jobv1t,jobv2t,trans,signs,m,q,
            # ldx11,ldx12,ldx21,ldx22,ldu1,ldu2,ldv1t,ldv2t,credit])
            # Wrapper for ``cuncsd``.
            # Parameters
            # ----------
            # p : input int
            # x11 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x12 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x21 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x22 : input rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # lwork : input int
            # lrwork : input int
            # Other Parameters
            # ----------------
            # jobu1 : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'Y'
            # jobu2 : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'Y'
            # jobv1t : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'Y'
            # jobv2t : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'Y'
            # trans : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'T'
            # signs : input string(len=1), optional
            #     Default: 'O'
            # m : input int, optional
            #     Default: 2*p
            # q : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldx11 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldx12 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldx21 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldx22 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldu1 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldu2 : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldv1t : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # ldv2t : input int, optional
            #     Default: p
            # credit : input int, optional
            #     Default: 0
            # Returns
            # -------
            # x11 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x12 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x21 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # x22 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # theta : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (p)
            # u1 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # u2 : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # v1t : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # v2t : rank-2 array('F') with bounds (p,p)
            # work : rank-1 array('F') with bounds (abs(lwork))
            # rwork : rank-1 array('f') with bounds (abs(lrwork))
            # iwork : rank-1 array('i') with bounds (p)
            # info : int

            left_mats = []
            central_mats = []
            right_mats = []

            for mat in unitary_mats:
                dim = mat.shape[0]
                assert dim % 2 == 0
                hdim = dim >> 1  # half dimension

                p = hdim
                # x11 = np.copy(mat[0:hdim, 0:hdim], 'C')
                # x12 = np.copy(mat[0:hdim, hdim:dim], 'C')
                # x21 = np.copy(mat[hdim:dim, 0:hdim], 'C')
                # x22 = np.copy(mat[hdim:dim, hdim:dim], 'C')

                x11 = mat[0:hdim, 0:hdim]
                x12 = mat[0:hdim, hdim:dim]
                x21 = mat[hdim:dim, 0:hdim]
                x22 = mat[hdim:dim, hdim:dim]

                # print('mat\n', mat)
                # print('x11\n', x11)
                # print('x12\n', x12)
                # print('x21\n', x21)
                # print('x22\n', x22)
                x11, x12, x21, x22, theta, u1, u2, v1t, v2t,\
                    work, rwork, iwork, info =\
                        csd.cuncsd(p, x11, x12, x21, x22, lwork=-1, lrwork=-1,
                # print('x11\n', x11)
                # print('x12\n', x12)
                # print('x21\n', x21)
                # print('x22\n', x22)

                lw = math.ceil(work[0].real)
                lrw = math.ceil(rwork[0].real)
                # print("work query:", lw)
                # print("rwork query:", lrw)
                x11, x12, x21, x22, theta, u1, u2, v1t, v2t,\
                    work, rwork, iwork, info =\
                        csd.cuncsd(p, x11, x12, x21, x22, lwork=lw, lrwork=lrw,
                # print('info', info)
                # print('u1 continguous', u1.flags.contiguous)
                # u1 = np.ascontiguousarray(u1)
                # u2 = np.ascontiguousarray(u2)
                # v1t = np.ascontiguousarray(v1t)
                # v2t = np.ascontiguousarray(v2t)
                # print('u1 continguous', u1.flags.contiguous)

        return left_mats, central_mats, right_mats
Пример #46
 def sort_complex_by_order(self,complex_im,sorter):
     ii,jj = self.sort_by_order(np.real(sorter))
     real = np.real(complex_im)[ii,jj]
     ii,jj = self.sort_by_order(np.imag(sorter))
     imag = np.imag(complex_im)[ii,jj]
     return(real + 1j*imag)
Пример #47
 def mu_fun_r(r,n,domain_index,result):
def main():
    n = 3  # complex channel use per message
    rate = 3  # bit per complex channel use
    Pa = 0.005  # avewrage power constraint
    iter_length = 100
    sequence_l = 1000000
    snr = 50  #dB

    k = rate * n  #number of bits per complex symbol
    file_name = 'analytic_code_pp_nx_' + str(2**k) + '_0p005_L' + str(
        2 * n) + '.pickle'
    M = 2**k * n  # total
    Code_book_name = 'Codebook_0p' + str(Pa - int(Pa))[2:] + '_' + str(
        2**k) + '_' + str(2 * n) + '.pickle'
    p_on = Pa / 0.31  # probability of the on signal for the flash signalling

    "Power delivery"
    "Open the EH model"
    file_name_EH = 'Sys_params.pickle'
    with open(file_name_EH, 'rb') as f:
        EH_Model = pickle.load(f)

    with open(Code_book_name, 'rb') as f:
        CB = pickle.load(f)
    Number_of_Flashes = np.argmin(
        np.abs(p_on - np.arange(1, M + 1, 1) / M)) + 1
    Cb_r, Cb_i = CB[0], CB[1]
    Code_r, Code_i = Cb_r.reshape(1, -1), Cb_i.reshape(1, -1)

    Yr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [2, None])
    P_del_tf = Fs.compute_delivery_power(Yr, EH_Model)

    ind_sorted_symbols = np.argsort(Code_r**2 +
                                    Code_i**2)[0, ::-1][0:Number_of_Flashes]
    Phi_t = np.zeros((Number_of_Flashes))
    for i in range(Number_of_Flashes):
        t1 = ind_sorted_symbols[i]
        Phi_t[i] = np.pi * (1 - np.sign(Code_r[0, t1])) / 2 + np.arctan(
            Code_i[0, t1] / Code_r[0, t1])
    t2 = np.argsort(Phi_t)

    delta_vector = np.zeros((2, Number_of_Flashes))
    for i in range(Number_of_Flashes):
        t1 = ind_sorted_symbols[t2[i]]
        Phi = np.pi * (1 - np.sign(Code_r[0, t1])) / 2 + np.arctan(
            Code_i[0, t1] / Code_r[0, t1])
        radius = np.sqrt(Code_r[0, t1]**2 + Code_i[0, t1]**2)
        Phi_t1 = (2 * np.pi * i / Number_of_Flashes - Phi) / iter_length
        temp = (np.sqrt(M * Pa / Number_of_Flashes - 1e-10) -
                radius) / iter_length
        delta_vector[0, t2[i]], delta_vector[1, t2[i]] = temp, Phi_t1

    params = []
    for j in range(iter_length + 1):
        if j != 0:
            for i in range(Number_of_Flashes):

                c1, c2 = Code_r[0, ind_sorted_symbols[i]], Code_i[
                    0, ind_sorted_symbols[i]]
                ra, th = np.sqrt(
                    c1**2 +
                    c2**2), np.pi * (1 - np.sign(c1)) / 2 + np.arctan(c2 / c1)

                Tz = (ra + delta_vector[0, i]) * np.exp(
                    1j * (th + delta_vector[1, i]))

                Code_r[0, ind_sorted_symbols[i]] = np.real(Tz)
                Code_i[0, ind_sorted_symbols[i]] = np.imag(Tz)

            t0 = list(
                set(np.arange(Code_r.shape[1])) - set(ind_sorted_symbols))
            t1 = Code_r[0, t0]
            t2 = Code_i[0, t0]
            t3 = np.sum(Code_r[0, ind_sorted_symbols]**2 +
                        Code_i[0, ind_sorted_symbols]**2)
            Code_r[0, t0] *= np.sqrt(
                (M * Pa - np.sum(t3)) / np.sum(t1**2 + t2**2))
            Code_i[0, t0] *= np.sqrt(
                (M * Pa - np.sum(t3)) / np.sum(t1**2 + t2**2))

        "Each row is a codeword for a message index and real and imaginary symbols ordered alternativel"
        Codebook = (np.concatenate((Code_r, Code_i),
                                   axis=0).transpose()).reshape(-1, 2 * n)
        # print(np.sum(Codebook**2)/M)
        Codebook_norm = np.sum(Codebook**2, axis=1).reshape(1, -1)
        Codebook_tran = Codebook.transpose()


        err_rate, P_delivery = Fs.SER_Pdel_calculator(k, snr, Pa, sequence_l,
                                                      Codebook, Codebook_tran,
                                                      Codebook_norm, 101, Yr,
                                                      P_del_tf, EH_Model)
        print(err_rate, P_delivery)

        params += [[n, k, p_on, Pa, snr, err_rate, P_delivery, Codebook]]

        "Save the file"
        with open(file_name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(params, f)
def retorna_sinal(X, x):
    return np.real(ifft(X) * len(x))
Пример #50
#    Heff = Heff -complex(0,1)* 1/2*L[i].dag()*L[i]
e_ops = [a1.dag()*a2, a1.dag()*a3, a2.dag()*a3, a1.dag()*a1, a2.dag()*a2, a3.dag()*a3, (a1+a1.dag())/np.sqrt(2), (a2+a2.dag())/np.sqrt(2),(a3+a3.dag())/np.sqrt(2)]
final_state = steadystate(Htot,c_op)
ssevals = [expect(a1.dag()*a2,final_state), expect(a1.dag()*a3,final_state), expect(a2.dag()*a3,final_state), expect(a1.dag()*a1,final_state), expect(a2.dag()*a2,final_state),expect(a3.dag()*a3,final_state) ]
Cpi12 = ssevals[0]/np.sqrt(ssevals[3]*ssevals[4])
Cpimod12 = np.abs(Cpi12)*np.ones(len(times))
Cpiphi12 = np.angle(Cpi12)*np.ones(len(times))
Cpi13 = ssevals[1]/np.sqrt(ssevals[3]*ssevals[5])
Cpimod13 = np.abs(Cpi13)*np.ones(len(times))
Cpiphi13 = np.angle(Cpi13)*np.ones(len(times))
Cpi23 = ssevals[2]/np.sqrt(ssevals[4]*ssevals[5])
Cpimod23 = np.abs(Cpi23)*np.ones(len(times))
Cpiphi23 = np.angle(Cpi23)*np.ones(len(times))
pnarr,pinarr = np.linalg.eig(final_state)
pnarr = np.real(pnarr)
pinlist =[]
for j in range(len(pinarr)):
pick = np.random.choice(len(pnarr),p=pnarr) #picking the initial state vector, this starts the Monte Carlo part
psi0 = pinlist[pick]
data = ssesolve(Htot,psi0,times2,sc_ops=c_op, e_ops = e_ops, method="homodyne")
Cphi12 = data.expect[0][1:len(times)]/np.sqrt(data.expect[3][1:len(times)]*data.expect[4][1:len(times)])
Cphimod12 = np.abs(Cphi12)
Cphiphase12 = np.angle(Cphi12)
Cphi13 = data.expect[1][1:len(times)]/np.sqrt(data.expect[3][1:len(times)]*data.expect[5][1:len(times)])
Cphimod13 = np.abs(Cphi13)
Cphiphase13 = np.angle(Cphi13)
Cphi23 = data.expect[2][1:len(times)]/np.sqrt(data.expect[4][1:len(times)]*data.expect[5][1:len(times)])
Cphimod23 = np.abs(Cphi23)
    def compute_diff(

        # Load first file_b, to avoid wasting time for filename_a if filename_b doesn't exist
        file_b = PlaneDataPhysical(filename_b)
        file_a = PlaneDataPhysical(filename_a)

        self.norm_l1_value = 0.0
        self.norm_l2_value = 0.0
        self.norm_linf_value = 0.0
        self.norm_rms_value = 0.0
        self.N = 0

        size_ref_j = len(
        size_ref_i = len([0])
        size_cmp_j = len(
        size_cmp_i = len([0])

        if size_ref_j == size_cmp_j and size_ref_i == size_cmp_i:# and False:
  "Using 'default' method (matching resolutions)")

            data_ref =
            data_cmp =

        elif 'reduce_ref_to_cmp' in params:
  "Using 'ref_reduce' method")

            # Reduce reference solution, assuming that the
            # resolution is integer multiples of the one to compare with

            data_ref =
            data_cmp =

            multiplier_j = size_ref_j/size_cmp_j
            multiplier_i = size_ref_i/size_cmp_i

            print("Dimensions of reference solution: ", size_ref_i, size_ref_j)
            print("Dimensions of method under analysis: ", size_cmp_i, size_cmp_j)

            if not float(multiplier_i).is_integer() or not float(multiplier_j).is_integer() : 
                print("Grids are not aligned")
                print("Try to use (TODO) interpolation script")
                print("Dimensions of method under analysis: ", size_cmp_i, size_cmp_j)
                print("Multipliers: ", multiplier_i, multiplier_j)
                raise Exception("Grids not properly aligned")

            multiplier_j = int(multiplier_j)
            multiplier_i = int(multiplier_i)

            print("Using multipliers (int): ", multiplier_i, multiplier_j)

            data_ref_new = np.zeros(shape=data_cmp.shape)
            for j in range(0, size_cmp_j):
                for i in range(0, size_cmp_i):

                    data_ref_new[j,i] = 0.0
                    for sj in range(0, multiplier_j):
                        for si in range(0, multiplier_i):
                            data_ref_new[j,i] += data_ref[j*multiplier_j+sj, i*multiplier_i+si]

                    data_ref_new[j,i] /= multiplier_i*multiplier_j

            data_ref = data_ref_new

        elif ('interpolate' in params and size_ref_j > size_cmp_j and size_ref_i > size_cmp_i) or ('interpolate_cmp_to_ref' in params):
  "Using 'interpolate_cmp_to_ref' method")

            # Interpolate solution to resolution of reference solution.
            # Note, that this can also lead to a reduction in case of a lower resolution of the reference

            # This is the code written by Pedro which uses spline interpolation

            # Comparison via interpolation
            # print("Interpolation")
            # A-grid REFERENCE (file1) - sweet outputs only A grids physical space

            data_ref =
            data_cmp =

            ny_ref = len(
            nx_ref = len([0])
            print("REF resolution: "+str(nx_ref)+", "+str(ny_ref))

            ny_cmp = len(
            nx_cmp = len([0])
            print("CMP resolution: "+str(nx_cmp)+", "+str(ny_cmp))

            dx_ref = 1.0/(nx_ref)
            dy_ref = 1.0/(ny_ref)
            x_ref = np.linspace(0, 1, nx_ref, endpoint=False)
            y_ref = np.linspace(0, 1, ny_ref, endpoint=False)
            x_ref += dx_ref/2    # Make it cell-centered
            y_ref += dy_ref/2
            X_ref, Y_ref = np.meshgrid(x_ref, y_ref)

            # A-grid cmp file (file2)
            x_cmp = np.linspace(0, 1, nx_cmp, endpoint=False)
            y_cmp = np.linspace(0, 1, ny_cmp, endpoint=False)
            x_cmp += dx_cmp/2
            y_cmp += dy_cmp/2
            X_cmp, Y_cmp = np.meshgrid(x_cmp, y_cmp)

            # Create cubic interpolation of comparison
            # Data to be interpolated
            interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(x_cmp, y_cmp, data_cmp)

            # Compute reduced reference resolution
            # Target grid
            data_cmp_high = interp_spline(x_ref, y_ref)

            data_cmp = data_cmp_high
            data_ref = data_ref

        elif ('interpolate' in params and size_ref_j < size_cmp_j and size_ref_i < size_cmp_i) or ('interpolate_ref_to_cmp' in params):
  "Using 'interpolate_ref_to_cmp' method")

            # Interpolate: REF => resolution(CMP)

            # Interpolate solution to resolution of reference solution.
            # Note, that this can also lead to a reduction in case of a lower resolution of the reference

            # This is the code written by Pedro which uses spline interpolation

            # Comparison via interpolation
            # print("Interpolation")
            # A-grid REFERENCE (file1) - sweet outputs only A grids physical space

            data_ref =
            data_cmp =

            ny_ref = len(
            nx_ref = len([0])
            print("REF resolution: "+str(nx_ref)+", "+str(ny_ref))

            ny_cmp = len(
            nx_cmp = len([0])
            print("CMP resolution: "+str(nx_cmp)+", "+str(ny_cmp))

            dx_ref = 1.0/nx_ref
            dy_ref = 1.0/ny_ref
            x_ref = np.linspace(0, 1, nx_ref, endpoint=False)
            y_ref = np.linspace(0, 1, ny_ref, endpoint=False)
            x_ref += dx_ref/2    # Make it cell-centered, this significantly reduces the errors
            y_ref += dy_ref/2
            X_ref, Y_ref = np.meshgrid(x_ref, y_ref)

            # A-grid cmp file (file2)
            x_cmp = np.linspace(0, 1, nx_cmp, endpoint=False)
            y_cmp = np.linspace(0, 1, ny_cmp, endpoint=False)
            x_cmp += dx_cmp/2
            y_cmp += dy_cmp/2
            X_cmp, Y_cmp = np.meshgrid(x_cmp, y_cmp)

            # Create cubic interpolation of reference file
            interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(x_ref, y_ref, data_ref)

            # Compute reduced reference resolution
            data_ref_low = interp_spline(x_cmp, y_cmp)

            data_ref = data_ref_low

        #elif 'spectral_ref_to_cmp' in params:
        elif 'spectral_ref_to_cmp' in params or 'spectral' in params:

  "Using 'spectral_ref_to_cmp' method")

            # This is the code written by Pedro which uses spline interpolation

            # Comparison via interpolation
            # print("Interpolation")
            # A-grid REFERENCE (file1) - sweet outputs only A grids physical space

            data_ref =
            data_cmp =

            #if True:
            if False:
                data_ref = np.zeros((8, 8))
                data_cmp = np.zeros((6, 6))
                for i in range(len(data_ref[0])):
                    for j in range(len(data_ref)):
                        data_ref[j,i] = 1.0

                        a = 1.0
                        a *= math.sin(2.0*i*math.pi*2.0/len(data_ref[0]))
                        a *= math.cos(2.0*j*math.pi*2.0/len(data_ref))
                        data_ref[j,i] += a

                        a = 1.0
                        a *= math.sin(i*math.pi*2.0/len(data_ref[0]))
                        a *= math.cos(j*math.pi*2.0/len(data_ref))
                        data_ref[j,i] += a

                for i in range(len(data_cmp[0])):
                    for j in range(len(data_cmp)):
                        data_cmp[j,i] = 1.0

                        a = 1.0
                        a *= math.sin(2.0*i*math.pi*2.0/len(data_cmp[0]))
                        a *= math.cos(2.0*j*math.pi*2.0/len(data_cmp))
                        data_cmp[j,i] += a

                        a = 1.0
                        a *= math.sin(i*math.pi*2.0/len(data_cmp[0]))
                        a *= math.cos(j*math.pi*2.0/len(data_cmp))
                        data_cmp[j,i] += a

            ny_ref = len(data_ref)
            nx_ref = len(data_ref[0])
            res_ref = nx_ref*ny_ref
            print("REF resolution: "+str(nx_ref)+", "+str(ny_ref))

            ny_cmp = len(data_cmp)
            nx_cmp = len(data_cmp[0])
            res_cmp = nx_cmp*ny_cmp
            print("CMP resolution: "+str(nx_cmp)+", "+str(ny_cmp))

            if nx_cmp & 1 or ny_cmp & 1:
                raise Exception("Only even resolutions allowed")

            # Spectral rescaling

            shift_ref_i = -1.0/size_ref_i*0.5
            shift_ref_j = -1.0/size_ref_j*0.5

            shift_cmp_j = 1.0/size_cmp_j*0.5
            shift_cmp_i = 1.0/size_cmp_i*0.5

            #if False:
            if True:
                # RFFT

                # Convert reference data to spectrum
                data_ref_spec = np.fft.rfft2(data_ref)

                # Dummy transformation to get matching spectral size
                data_ref_new_spec = np.fft.rfft2(np.zeros(shape=data_cmp.shape))

                specx = data_ref_spec.shape[1]
                specy = data_ref_spec.shape[0]

                newspecx = data_ref_new_spec.shape[1]
                newspecy = data_ref_new_spec.shape[0]

                data_ref_new_spec[0:newspecy//2, 0:newspecx] = data_ref_spec[0:newspecy//2, 0:newspecx]

                d = specy - newspecy//2
                nd = newspecy - newspecy//2
                data_ref_new_spec[nd:nd+newspecy//2, 0:newspecx] = data_ref_spec[d:d+newspecy//2, 0:newspecx]


                def shift(
                        spec_data,    # spectral data
                        sh_x,        # shift in x direction within domain [0;1]
                        sh_y,        # shift in y direction within domain [0;1]

                    # return data
                    ret_data = np.zeros(spec_data.shape, dtype=complex)

                    for iy in range(spec_data.shape[0]):
                        # compute mode
                        if iy < spec_data.shape[0]//2:
                            ky = iy
                            ky = iy-spec_data.shape[0]

                        for ix in range(spec_data.shape[1]):
                            # compute mode
                            kx = ix

                            ret_data[iy,ix] = spec_data[iy,ix]
                            #ret_data[iy,ix] *= np.exp(1j*2.0*math.pi*kx*sh_x)
                            #ret_data[iy,ix] *= np.exp(1j*2.0*math.pi*ky*sh_y)
                            ret_data[iy,ix] *= np.exp(1j*2.0*math.pi*(kx*sh_x + ky*sh_y))

                    return ret_data

                # Shift high res reference data to 0,0
                data_ref_new_spec = shift(data_ref_new_spec, shift_ref_i+shift_cmp_i, shift_ref_j+shift_cmp_j)

                data_ref_new = np.fft.irfft2(data_ref_new_spec)
                data_ref_new *= res_cmp/res_ref

                # FFT

                # Convert reference data to spectrum
                data_ref_spec = np.fft.fft2(data_ref)

                # Dummy transformation to get matching spectral size
                data_ref_new_spec = np.fft.fft2(np.zeros(shape=data_cmp.shape))

                specx = data_ref_spec.shape[1]
                specy = data_ref_spec.shape[0]

                newspecx = data_ref_new_spec.shape[1]
                newspecy = data_ref_new_spec.shape[0]

                dy = specy - newspecy//2
                ndy = newspecy - newspecy//2

                dx = specx - newspecx//2
                ndx = newspecx - newspecx//2

                data_ref_new_spec[    0:newspecy//2,            0:newspecx//2    ] = data_ref_spec[    0:newspecy//2,        0:newspecx//2    ]
                data_ref_new_spec[    ndy:ndy+newspecy//2,    0:newspecx//2    ] = data_ref_spec[    dy:dy+newspecy//2,    0:newspecx//2    ]

                data_ref_new_spec[    0:newspecy//2,            ndx:ndx+newspecx//2    ] = data_ref_spec[    0:newspecy//2,        dx:dx+newspecx//2    ]
                data_ref_new_spec[    ndy:ndy+newspecy//2,    ndx:ndx+newspecx//2    ] = data_ref_spec[    dy:dy+newspecy//2,    dx:dx+newspecx//2    ]

                if False:

                def shift(
                        spec_data,    # spectral data
                        sh_x,        # shift in x direction within domain [0;1]
                        sh_y,        # shift in y direction within domain [0;1]

                    # return data
                    ret_data = np.zeros(spec_data.shape, dtype=complex)

                    for iy in range(spec_data.shape[0]):
                        # compute mode
                        if iy < spec_data.shape[0]//2:
                            ky = iy
                            ky = iy-spec_data.shape[0]

                        for ix in range(spec_data.shape[1]):
                            # compute mode
                            if ix < spec_data.shape[1]//2:
                                kx = ix
                                kx = ix-spec_data.shape[1]

                            ret_data[iy,ix] = spec_data[iy,ix]
                            ret_data[iy,ix] *= np.exp(1j*2.0*math.pi*kx*sh_x)
                            ret_data[iy,ix] *= np.exp(1j*2.0*math.pi*ky*sh_y)

                    return ret_data

                # Shift high res reference data to 0,0
                data_ref_new_spec = shift(data_ref_new_spec, shift_ref_i+shift_cmp_i, shift_ref_j+shift_cmp_j)

                data_ref_new = np.fft.ifft2(data_ref_new_spec)
                data_ref_new *= res_cmp/res_ref

                # Restrict to real data
                data_ref_new = np.real(data_ref_new)

            # The axes might be wrong.
            # Swap axis=1 and axis=0 if there are some errors.
            #f = signal.resample(data_ref, nx_cmp, t=None, axis=0)
            #data_ref_new = signal.resample(f, ny_cmp, t=None, axis=1)

            data_ref = data_ref_new

            print("No supported method provided in '"+(','.join(params))+"'")
            raise Exception("No supported method provided in '"+(','.join(params))+"'")

        # Grids have same resolution
        for j in range(0, data_cmp.shape[0]):
            for i in range(0, data_cmp.shape[1]):
                value = data_cmp[j,i] - data_ref[j,i]

                self.norm_l1_value += abs(value)

                self.norm_l2_value += value*value

                self.norm_linf_value = max(abs(value), self.norm_linf_value)

                self.norm_rms_value += value*value

                self.N += 1

        # Compute sqrt() for Euklidian L2 norm
        self.norm_l2_value = math.sqrt(self.norm_l2_value)

        # RMS final sqrt(N) computation
        self.norm_rms_value  = math.sqrt(self.norm_rms_value/float(self.N))

        # resolution normalized L1 value
        self.res_norm_l1_value = self.norm_l1_value/float(self.N)
Пример #52
subs = []
for i in range(4):
    subs.append(fig.add_subplot(int("22" + str(i + 1))))
    n4 = ondas[i]
    p.plot(n4, "bo")

    ff = f(n4)

    # Primeiro componente, 0Hz
    a0 = n.real(ff[0])
    b0 = n.imag(ff[0])  # sempre zero

    # Segundo componente, t_a/N Hz
    ab1 = n.abs(ff[1])  # (a**2+b**2)**0.5
    a1 = n.real(ff[1])
    b1 = n.imag(ff[1])
    fas = n.arctan(b1 / a1)  # fase fas=n.angle(f[1])
    if a1 < 0: fas += n.pi  # segundo e terceiro quadrantes somam pi
    print("abs: %s, a1: %s, b1: %s, fas: %s" % (ab1, a1, b1, fas))

    # Segundo componente, t_a/N Hz
    ab2 = n.abs(ff[2])  # (a**2+b**2)**0.5
    a2 = n.real(ff[2])
    b2 = n.imag(ff[2])
    if a2: fas2 = n.arctan(b2 / a2)  # fase fas=n.angle(f[1])
Пример #53
 def aux(c, eta0, la0):
     v = np.roots(poly(eta0, la0, c))
     m = max(np.real(v[np.isreal(v)]))
     if m < 0:
         print("error ")
     return (eta0 * m / (m + ra * c), m)
Пример #54
def demapping(x):
    condlist = [(np.real(x)>0.0)&(np.imag(x)>0.0),(np.real(x)<=0.0)&(np.imag(x)>0.0),(np.real(x)>0.0)&(np.imag(x)<=0.0),(np.real(x)<=0.0)&(np.imag(x)<=0.0)]
    funclist = [lambda x: 0,lambda x: 1,lambda x: 2,lambda x: 3]
    return np.piecewise(x.astype(dtype=np.complex), condlist, funclist)
Пример #55
def plot_state_qsphere(rho):
    """Plot the qsphere representation of a quantum state."""
    num = int(np.log2(len(rho)))
    # get the eigenvectors and egivenvalues
    we, stateall = linalg.eigh(rho)
    for k in range(2**num):
        # start with the max
        probmix = we.max()
        prob_location = we.argmax()
        if probmix > 0.001:
            print("The " + str(k) + "th eigenvalue = " + str(probmix))
            # get the max eigenvalue
            state = stateall[:, prob_location]
            loc = np.absolute(state).argmax()
            # get the element location closes to lowest bin representation.
            for j in range(2**num):
                test = np.absolute(
                    np.absolute(state[j]) - np.absolute(state[loc]))
                if test < 0.001:
                    loc = j
            # remove the global phase
            angles = (np.angle(state[loc]) + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)
            angleset = np.exp(-1j * angles)
            # print(state)
            # print(angles)
            state = angleset * state
            # print(state)
            # start the plotting
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            ax.axes.set_xlim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
            ax.axes.set_ylim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
            ax.axes.set_zlim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
            # Plot semi-transparent sphere
            u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 25)
            v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 25)
            x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
            y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
            z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
            # wireframe
            # Get rid of the panes
            ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

            # Get rid of the spines
            ax.w_xaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            ax.w_yaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            ax.w_zaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
            # Get rid of the ticks

            d = num
            for i in range(2**num):
                # get x,y,z points
                element = bin(i)[2:].zfill(num)
                weight = element.count("1")
                zvalue = -2 * weight / d + 1
                number_of_divisions = n_choose_k(d, weight)
                weight_order = bit_string_index(element)
                # if weight_order >= number_of_divisions / 2:
                #    com_key = compliment(element)
                #    weight_order_temp = bit_string_index(com_key)
                #    weight_order = np.floor(
                #        number_of_divisions / 2) + weight_order_temp + 1
                angle = weight_order * 2 * np.pi / number_of_divisions
                xvalue = np.sqrt(1 - zvalue**2) * np.cos(angle)
                yvalue = np.sqrt(1 - zvalue**2) * np.sin(angle)
                ax.plot([xvalue], [yvalue], [zvalue],
                        markerfacecolor=(.5, .5, .5),
                        markeredgecolor=(.5, .5, .5),
                # get prob and angle - prob will be shade and angle color
                prob = np.real([i], state[i].conj()))
                colorstate = phase_to_color_wheel(state[i])
                a = Arrow3D([0, xvalue], [0, yvalue], [0, zvalue],
            # add weight lines
            for weight in range(d + 1):
                theta = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100)
                z = -2 * weight / d + 1
                r = np.sqrt(1 - z**2)
                x = r * np.cos(theta)
                y = r * np.sin(theta)
                ax.plot(x, y, z, color=(.5, .5, .5))
            # add center point
            ax.plot([0], [0], [0],
                    markerfacecolor=(.5, .5, .5),
                    markeredgecolor=(.5, .5, .5),
            we[prob_location] = 0
Пример #56
def se_2D_v0_RP():
    sample_nr = 1100             # number of (I,Q) samples to acquire during a shot of the experiment
    pe_step_nr = 32             # number of phase encoding steps
    tx_dt = 0.1                 # RF TX sampling time in microseconds; will be rounded to a multiple of system clocks (122.88 MHz)
    rx_dt = 1                 # desired sampling dt
    rx_dt_corr = rx_dt * 0.5    # correction factor till the bug is fixed
    sample_nr_echo = 32
    ##### Times in "<instruction_file>.txt" #####
    TR = 0.02e6  # Repetition time (us)
    TE = 0.001e6  # Echo time (us)
    T_tx_Rf = 10  # RF pulse length (us)
    T_G_pe_trig = 50  # Phase encoding gradient starting time (us)
    T_G_pe_dur = 200  # Phase encoding gradient ON time length (us)
    T_G_ramp_dur = 50  # Gradient ramp time
    T_G_fe_dur = 2 * T_G_pe_dur  # Frequency encoding gradient ON time length (us)
    t = np.linspace(0, TR, math.ceil(TR / tx_dt) + 1)  # 90 TX instruction length
    seq = np.array([[0, T_tx_Rf],  # 90 Rf pulse
                    [T_G_pe_trig, T_G_pe_trig + T_G_pe_dur],  # Phase encoding gradient
                    [TE / 2, TE / 2 + T_tx_Rf],  # 180 Rf pulse
                    [TE + T_tx_Rf / 2 - T_G_fe_dur / 2,
                     TE + T_tx_Rf / 2 + T_G_fe_dur / 2]])  # Frequency encoding gradient
    idx_tmp = np.zeros([np.size(seq, 1), np.size(seq, 0)])
    for idx in range(np.size(seq, 0)):
        idx_tmp[0, idx] = np.argmin(t <= seq[idx, 0])  # Instruction Start times
        idx_tmp[1, idx] = np.argmin(t <= seq[idx, 1])  # Instruction Stop times

    ##### RF pulses #####
    ### 90 RF pulse   ###
    # Time vector
    t_Rf_90 = np.linspace(0, T_tx_Rf, math.ceil(T_tx_Rf / tx_dt) + 1)  # Actual TX RF pulse length
    # sinc pulse
    alpha = 0.46  # alpha=0.46 for Hamming window, alpha=0.5 for Hanning window
    Nlobes = 1
    Rf_ampl = 0.125
    # sinc pulse with Hamming window
    tx90 = Rf_ampl * sinc(math.pi*(t_Rf_90 - T_tx_Rf/2),T_tx_Rf,Nlobes,alpha)
    # tx90 = Rf_ampl * np.ones(np.size(t_Rf_90))
    ### 180 RF pulse ###
    # sinc pulse     
    tx180 = tx90 * 2
    tx180 =np.concatenate((tx180, np.zeros(1000-np.size(tx180)-np.size(tx90))))

    # For testing ONLY: echo centering
    acq_shift = 0
    tx90_echo_cent = np.hstack((
        np.zeros(np.floor(T_G_fe_dur/(2*tx_dt)).astype('int')- np.floor(np.size(tx90)/2).astype('int')-acq_shift),
        tx90 ,
        np.zeros(np.floor(T_G_fe_dur/(2*tx_dt)).astype('int')- np.floor(np.size(tx90)/2).astype('int')+acq_shift)))
    # tx90_echo_cent = tx90_echo_cent * 0
    ##### Gradients #####
    # Phase encoding gradient shape
    grad_pe_samp_nr = math.ceil(T_G_pe_dur / 10)
    grad_ramp_samp_nr = math.ceil(T_G_ramp_dur / 10)
    grad_pe = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, 1, grad_ramp_samp_nr),  # Ramp up
                         np.ones(grad_pe_samp_nr - 2 * grad_ramp_samp_nr),  # Top
                         np.linspace(1, 0, grad_ramp_samp_nr)])  # Ramp down
    grad_pe = np.hstack([grad_pe, np.zeros(100 - np.size(grad_pe))])
    # Frequency encoding gradient shape
    grad_fe_samp_nr = math.ceil(T_G_fe_dur / 10)
    grad_fe = np.hstack([np.linspace(0, 1, grad_ramp_samp_nr),  # Ramp up
                         np.ones(grad_fe_samp_nr - 2 * grad_ramp_samp_nr),  # Top
                         np.linspace(1, 0, grad_ramp_samp_nr)])  # Ramp down
    grad_fe = np.hstack([grad_fe, np.zeros(100 - np.size(grad_fe))])
    # Correct for DC offset and scaling
    scale_G_x = 0.1
    scale_G_y = 0.1
    scale_G_z = 0.1
    offset_G_x = 0.05
    offset_G_y = 0.05
    offset_G_z = 0.0

    # Loop repeating TR and updating the gradients waveforms
    # data = np.zeros([np.size(grad_fe_corr),pe_step_nr])
    data = np.zeros([sample_nr, pe_step_nr], dtype=complex)
    exp = Experiment(samples=sample_nr,  # number of (I,Q) samples to acquire during a shot of the experiment
                     lo_freq=5,  # local oscillator frequency, MHz
                     # RF TX sampling time in microseconds; will be rounded to a multiple of system clocks (122.88 MHz)
                     rx_t=rx_dt_corr,  # RF RX sampling time in microseconds; as above

    for idx2 in range(pe_step_nr):
        exp = Experiment(samples=sample_nr,  # number of (I,Q) samples to acquire during a shot of the experiment
                         lo_freq=5,  # local oscillator frequency, MHz
                         # RF TX sampling time in microseconds; will be rounded to a multiple of system clocks (122.88 MHz)
                         rx_t=rx_dt_corr,  # RF RX sampling time in microseconds; as above
        ###### Send waveforms to RP memory ###########
        # Load the RF waveforms
        tx_idx = exp.add_tx(tx90)  # add the data to the ocra TX memory
        tx_idx = exp.add_tx(tx180)  # add the data to the ocra TX memory
        tx_idx = exp.add_tx(tx90_echo_cent)
        scale_G_pe_sweep = 2 * (idx2 / (pe_step_nr - 1) - 0.5)

        grad_x_pe_corr = grad_pe * scale_G_x + offset_G_x
        grad_y_pe_corr = grad_pe * scale_G_y * scale_G_pe_sweep + offset_G_y
        grad_z_pe_corr = np.zeros(np.size(grad_x_pe_corr))+ offset_G_z
        grad_x_fe_corr = grad_fe * scale_G_x + offset_G_x
        grad_y_fe_corr = np.zeros(np.size(grad_x_fe_corr)) + offset_G_y
        grad_z_fe_corr = np.zeros(np.size(grad_x_fe_corr)) + offset_G_z

        grad_idx = exp.add_grad(grad_x_pe_corr , grad_y_pe_corr , grad_z_pe_corr)
        grad_idx = exp.add_grad(grad_x_fe_corr , grad_y_fe_corr , grad_z_fe_corr)
        # grad_idx = exp.add_grad(np.zeros(np.size(grad_fe_corr)), grad_fe_corr, np.zeros(np.size(grad_fe_corr)))
        data[:, idx2] =
        # data =
        data_mV = data * 1000    # data = np.zeros([sample_nr, pe_step_nr])

    # time vector for representing the received data
    samples_data = len(data)
    t_rx = np.linspace(0, rx_dt * samples_data, samples_data)  # us

    plt.plot(t_rx, np.real(data_mV))
    # plt.plot(t_rx, np.imag(data_mV))
    plt.plot(t_rx, np.abs(data_mV))
    plt.legend(['real', 'imag', 'abs'])
    plt.xlabel('time (us)')
    plt.ylabel('signal received (mV)')
    plt.title('sampled data = %i' % samples_data)

    echo_delay = 96.5 # ms
    echo_shift_idx = np.floor(echo_delay/rx_dt).astype('int')
    echo_idx = np.floor(T_G_fe_dur / (2 * rx_dt)).astype('int') - np.floor(sample_nr_echo/ 2).astype('int')
    kspace = data[echo_idx+echo_shift_idx:echo_idx+echo_shift_idx+sample_nr_echo, : ]
    # Y = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(kspace)))

    plt.plot(t_rx[echo_idx+echo_shift_idx:echo_idx+echo_shift_idx+sample_nr_echo], np.real(kspace))
    # plt.plot(t_rx, np.imag(data_mV))
    plt.plot(t_rx[echo_idx+echo_shift_idx:echo_idx+echo_shift_idx+sample_nr_echo], np.abs(kspace))
    plt.legend(['real', 'imag', 'abs'])
    plt.xlabel('time (us)')
    plt.ylabel('signal received (mV)')
    plt.title('sampled data = %i' % samples_data)

    Y = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.fftshift(kspace)))
    img = np.abs(Y)
    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
Пример #57
def plot_state_qsphere(state, figsize=None, ax=None, show_state_labels=True,
                       show_state_phases=False, use_degrees=False, *, rho=None):
    """Plot the qsphere representation of a quantum state.
    Here, the size of the points is proportional to the probability
    of the corresponding term in the state and the color represents
    the phase.

        state (Statevector or DensityMatrix or ndarray): an N-qubit quantum state.
        figsize (tuple): Figure size in inches.
        ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): An optional Axes object to be used for
            the visualization output. If none is specified a new matplotlib
            Figure will be created and used. Additionally, if specified there
            will be no returned Figure since it is redundant.
        show_state_labels (bool): An optional boolean indicating whether to
            show labels for each basis state.
        show_state_phases (bool): An optional boolean indicating whether to
            show the phase for each basis state.
        use_degrees (bool): An optional boolean indicating whether to use
            radians or degrees for the phase values in the plot.

        Figure: A matplotlib figure instance if the ``ax`` kwarg is not set

        ImportError: Requires matplotlib.
        VisualizationError: if input is not a valid N-qubit state.

        QiskitError: Input statevector does not have valid dimensions.

        .. jupyter-execute::

           from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
           from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector
           from qiskit.visualization import plot_state_qsphere
           %matplotlib inline

           qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
 , 1)

           state = Statevector.from_instruction(qc)
    if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB:
        raise ImportError('Must have Matplotlib installed. To install, run '
                          '"pip install matplotlib".')

    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
    from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch
    import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.patches import Circle
    from matplotlib import get_backend

    class Arrow3D(FancyArrowPatch):
        """Standard 3D arrow."""

        def __init__(self, xs, ys, zs, *args, **kwargs):
            """Create arrow."""
            FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self, (0, 0), (0, 0), *args, **kwargs)
            self._verts3d = xs, ys, zs

        def draw(self, renderer):
            """Draw the arrow."""
            xs3d, ys3d, zs3d = self._verts3d
            xs, ys, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(xs3d, ys3d, zs3d, renderer.M)
            self.set_positions((xs[0], ys[0]), (xs[1], ys[1]))
            FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)

        import seaborn as sns
    except ImportError as ex:
        raise ImportError('Must have seaborn installed to use '
                          'plot_state_qsphere. To install, run "pip install seaborn".') from ex
    rho = DensityMatrix(state)
    num = rho.num_qubits
    if num is None:
        raise VisualizationError("Input is not a multi-qubit quantum state.")
    # get the eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    eigvals, eigvecs = linalg.eigh(

    if figsize is None:
        figsize = (7, 7)

    if ax is None:
        return_fig = True
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        return_fig = False
        fig = ax.get_figure()

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=3, ncols=3)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:3, 0:3], projection='3d')
    ax.axes.set_xlim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
    ax.axes.set_ylim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
    ax.axes.set_zlim3d(-1.0, 1.0)
    ax.view_init(elev=5, azim=275)

    # Force aspect ratio
    # MPL 3.2 or previous do not have set_box_aspect
    if hasattr(ax.axes, 'set_box_aspect'):
        ax.axes.set_box_aspect((1, 1, 1))

    # start the plotting
    # Plot semi-transparent sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 25)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 25)
    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
    ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=plt.rcParams['grid.color'],
                    alpha=0.2, linewidth=0)

    # Get rid of the panes
    ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

    # Get rid of the spines
    ax.w_xaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.w_yaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.w_zaxis.line.set_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))

    # Get rid of the ticks

    # traversing the eigvals/vecs backward as sorted low->high
    for idx in range(eigvals.shape[0]-1, -1, -1):
        if eigvals[idx] > 0.001:
            # get the max eigenvalue
            state = eigvecs[:, idx]
            loc = np.absolute(state).argmax()
            # remove the global phase from max element
            angles = (np.angle(state[loc]) + 2 * np.pi) % (2 * np.pi)
            angleset = np.exp(-1j * angles)
            state = angleset * state

            d = num
            for i in range(2 ** num):
                # get x,y,z points
                element = bin(i)[2:].zfill(num)
                weight = element.count("1")
                zvalue = -2 * weight / d + 1
                number_of_divisions = n_choose_k(d, weight)
                weight_order = bit_string_index(element)
                angle = (float(weight) / d) * (np.pi * 2) + \
                        (weight_order * 2 * (np.pi / number_of_divisions))

                if (weight > d / 2) or ((weight == d / 2) and
                                        (weight_order >= number_of_divisions / 2)):
                    angle = np.pi - angle - (2 * np.pi / number_of_divisions)

                xvalue = np.sqrt(1 - zvalue ** 2) * np.cos(angle)
                yvalue = np.sqrt(1 - zvalue ** 2) * np.sin(angle)

                # get prob and angle - prob will be shade and angle color
                prob = np.real([i], state[i].conj()))
                if prob > 1:  # See
                    prob = 1
                colorstate = phase_to_rgb(state[i])

                alfa = 1
                if yvalue >= 0.1:
                    alfa = 1.0 - yvalue

                if not np.isclose(prob, 0) and show_state_labels:
                    rprime = 1.3
                    angle_theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - zvalue ** 2), zvalue)
                    xvalue_text = rprime * np.sin(angle_theta) * np.cos(angle)
                    yvalue_text = rprime * np.sin(angle_theta) * np.sin(angle)
                    zvalue_text = rprime * np.cos(angle_theta)
                    element_text = '$\\vert' + element + '\\rangle$'
                    if show_state_phases:
                        element_angle = (np.angle(state[i]) + (np.pi * 4)) % (np.pi * 2)
                        if use_degrees:
                            element_text += '\n$%.1f^\\circ$' % (element_angle * 180/np.pi)
                            element_angle = pi_check(element_angle, ndigits=3).replace('pi', '\\pi')
                            element_text += '\n$%s$' % (element_angle)
                    ax.text(xvalue_text, yvalue_text, zvalue_text, element_text,
                            ha='center', va='center', size=12)

                ax.plot([xvalue], [yvalue], [zvalue],
                        marker='o', markersize=np.sqrt(prob) * 30, alpha=alfa)

                a = Arrow3D([0, xvalue], [0, yvalue], [0, zvalue],
                            mutation_scale=20, alpha=prob, arrowstyle="-",
                            color=colorstate, lw=2)

            # add weight lines
            for weight in range(d + 1):
                theta = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 100)
                z = -2 * weight / d + 1
                r = np.sqrt(1 - z ** 2)
                x = r * np.cos(theta)
                y = r * np.sin(theta)
                ax.plot(x, y, z, color=(.5, .5, .5), lw=1, ls=':', alpha=.5)

            # add center point
            ax.plot([0], [0], [0], markerfacecolor=(.5, .5, .5),
                    markeredgecolor=(.5, .5, .5), marker='o', markersize=3,

    n = 64
    theta = np.ones(n)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:, 2:])
    ax2.pie(theta, colors=sns.color_palette("hls", n), radius=0.75)
    ax2.add_artist(Circle((0, 0), 0.5, color=plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'], zorder=1))
    offset = 0.95  # since radius of sphere is one.

    if use_degrees:
        labels = ['Phase\n(Deg)', '0', '90', '180   ', '270']
        labels = ['Phase', '$0$', '$\\pi/2$', '$\\pi$', '$3\\pi/2$']

    ax2.text(0, 0, labels[0], horizontalalignment='center',
             verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14)
    ax2.text(offset, 0, labels[1], horizontalalignment='center',
             verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14)
    ax2.text(0, offset, labels[2], horizontalalignment='center',
             verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14)
    ax2.text(-offset, 0, labels[3], horizontalalignment='center',
             verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14)
    ax2.text(0, -offset, labels[4], horizontalalignment='center',
             verticalalignment='center', fontsize=14)

    if return_fig:
        if get_backend() in ['module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline',
        return fig
Пример #58
def plot_wigner_function(state, res=100):
    """Plot the equal angle slice spin Wigner function of an arbitrary
    quantum state.

        state (np.matrix[[complex]]):
            - Matrix of 2**n x 2**n complex numbers
            - State Vector of 2**n x 1 complex numbers
        res (int) : number of theta and phi values in meshgrid
            on sphere (creates a res x res grid of points)

        [1] T. Tilma, M. J. Everitt, J. H. Samson, W. J. Munro,
        and K. Nemoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 180401 (2016).
        [2] R. P. Rundle, P. W. Mills, T. Tilma, J. H. Samson, and
        M. J. Everitt, Phys. Rev. A 96, 022117 (2017).
    state = np.array(state)
    if state.ndim == 1:
        state = np.outer(state,
                         state)  # turns state vector to a density matrix
    state = np.matrix(state)
    num = int(np.log2(len(state)))  # number of qubits
    phi_vals = np.linspace(0, np.pi, num=res, dtype=np.complex_)
    theta_vals = np.linspace(0, 0.5 * np.pi, num=res,
                             dtype=np.complex_)  # phi and theta values for WF
    w = np.empty([res, res])
    harr = np.sqrt(3)
    delta_su2 = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex_)

    # create the spin Wigner function
    for theta in range(res):
        costheta = harr * np.cos(2 * theta_vals[theta])
        sintheta = harr * np.sin(2 * theta_vals[theta])

        for phi in range(res):
            delta_su2[0, 0] = 0.5 * (1 + costheta)
            delta_su2[0, 1] = -0.5 * (np.exp(2j * phi_vals[phi]) * sintheta)
            delta_su2[1, 0] = -0.5 * (np.exp(-2j * phi_vals[phi]) * sintheta)
            delta_su2[1, 1] = 0.5 * (1 - costheta)
            kernel = 1
            for _ in range(num):
                kernel = np.kron(kernel,
                                 delta_su2)  # creates phase point kernel

              theta] = np.real(np.trace(state * kernel))  # Wigner function

    # Plot a sphere (x,y,z) with Wigner function facecolor data stored in Wc
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 9))
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    w_max = np.amax(w)
    # Color data for plotting
    w_c = cm.seismic_r((w + w_max) / (2 * w_max))  # color data for sphere
    w_c2 = cm.seismic_r(
        (w[0:res, int(res / 2):res] + w_max) / (2 * w_max))  # bottom
    w_c3 = cm.seismic_r((w[int(res / 4):int(3 * res / 4), 0:res] + w_max) /
                        (2 * w_max))  # side
    w_c4 = cm.seismic_r(
        (w[int(res / 2):res, 0:res] + w_max) / (2 * w_max))  # back

    u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, res)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, res)
    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))  # creates a sphere mesh

                    antialiased=False)  # plots Wigner Bloch sphere

    ax.plot_surface(x[0:res, int(res / 2):res],
                    y[0:res, int(res / 2):res],
                    -1.5 * np.ones((res, int(res / 2))),
                    rcount=res / 2,
                    ccount=res / 2,
                    antialiased=False)  # plots bottom reflection

    ax.plot_surface(-1.5 * np.ones((int(res / 2), res)),
                    y[int(res / 4):int(3 * res / 4), 0:res],
                    z[int(res / 4):int(3 * res / 4), 0:res],
                    rcount=res / 2,
                    ccount=res / 2,
                    antialiased=False)  # plots side reflection

    ax.plot_surface(x[int(res / 2):res, 0:res],
                    1.5 * np.ones((int(res / 2), res)),
                    z[int(res / 2):res, 0:res],
                    rcount=res / 2,
                    ccount=res / 2,
                    antialiased=False)  # plots back reflection

    ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0))
    ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0))
    ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0))
    ax.set_xticks([], [])
    ax.set_yticks([], [])
    ax.set_zticks([], [])
    ax.set_xlim(-1.5, 1.5)
    ax.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.5)
    ax.set_zlim(-1.5, 1.5)
    m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.seismic_r)
    m.set_array([-w_max, w_max])
    plt.colorbar(m, shrink=0.5, aspect=10)
Пример #59
def plot_state_hinton(state, title='', figsize=None, ax_real=None, ax_imag=None, *, rho=None):
    """Plot a hinton diagram for the density matrix of a quantum state.

        state (Statevector or DensityMatrix or ndarray): An N-qubit quantum state.
        title (str): a string that represents the plot title
        figsize (tuple): Figure size in inches.
        ax_real (matplotlib.axes.Axes): An optional Axes object to be used for
            the visualization output. If none is specified a new matplotlib
            Figure will be created and used. If this is specified without an
            ax_imag only the real component plot will be generated.
            Additionally, if specified there will be no returned Figure since
            it is redundant.
        ax_imag (matplotlib.axes.Axes): An optional Axes object to be used for
            the visualization output. If none is specified a new matplotlib
            Figure will be created and used. If this is specified without an
            ax_imag only the real component plot will be generated.
            Additionally, if specified there will be no returned Figure since
            it is redundant.

            The matplotlib.Figure of the visualization if
            neither ax_real or ax_imag is set.

        ImportError: Requires matplotlib.
        VisualizationError: if input is not a valid N-qubit state.

        .. jupyter-execute::

            from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
            from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix
            from qiskit.visualization import plot_state_hinton
            %matplotlib inline

            qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
  , 1)

            state = DensityMatrix.from_instruction(qc)
            plot_state_hinton(state, title="New Hinton Plot")
    if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB:
        raise ImportError('Must have Matplotlib installed. To install, run '
                          '"pip install matplotlib".')
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import get_backend

    # Figure data
    rho = DensityMatrix(state)
    num = rho.num_qubits
    if num is None:
        raise VisualizationError("Input is not a multi-qubit quantum state.")
    max_weight = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log(np.abs( / np.log(2))
    datareal = np.real(
    dataimag = np.imag(

    if figsize is None:
        figsize = (8, 5)
    if not ax_real and not ax_imag:
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize)
        if ax_real:
            fig = ax_real.get_figure()
            fig = ax_imag.get_figure()
        ax1 = ax_real
        ax2 = ax_imag
    column_names = [bin(i)[2:].zfill(num) for i in range(2**num)]
    row_names = [bin(i)[2:].zfill(num) for i in range(2**num)]
    ly, lx = datareal.shape
    # Real
    if ax1:
        ax1.set_aspect('equal', 'box')

        for (x, y), w in np.ndenumerate(datareal):
            color = 'white' if w > 0 else 'black'
            size = np.sqrt(np.abs(w) / max_weight)
            rect = plt.Rectangle([0.5 + x - size / 2, 0.5 + y - size / 2], size, size,
                                 facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)

        ax1.set_xticks(0.5 + np.arange(lx))
        ax1.set_yticks(0.5 + np.arange(ly))
        ax1.set_xlim([0, lx])
        ax1.set_ylim([ly, 0])
        ax1.set_yticklabels(row_names, fontsize=14)
        ax1.set_xticklabels(column_names, fontsize=14, rotation=90)
        ax1.set_title('Re[$\\rho$]', fontsize=14)
    # Imaginary
    if ax2:
        ax2.set_aspect('equal', 'box')

        for (x, y), w in np.ndenumerate(dataimag):
            color = 'white' if w > 0 else 'black'
            size = np.sqrt(np.abs(w) / max_weight)
            rect = plt.Rectangle([0.5 + x - size / 2, 0.5 + y - size / 2], size, size,
                                 facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)

        ax2.set_xticks(0.5 + np.arange(lx))
        ax2.set_yticks(0.5 + np.arange(ly))
        ax1.set_xlim([0, lx])
        ax1.set_ylim([ly, 0])
        ax2.set_yticklabels(row_names, fontsize=14)
        ax2.set_xticklabels(column_names, fontsize=14, rotation=90)
        ax2.set_title('Im[$\\rho$]', fontsize=14)
    if title:
        fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=16)
    if ax_real is None and ax_imag is None:
        if get_backend() in ['module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline',
        return fig
Пример #60
def plot_state_city(rho, title=""):
    """Plot the cityscape of quantum state.

    Plot two 3d bargraphs (two dimenstional) of the mixed state rho

        rho (np.array[[complex]]): array of dimensions 2**n x 2**nn complex
        title (str): a string that represents the plot title
    num = int(np.log2(len(rho)))

    # get the real and imag parts of rho
    datareal = np.real(rho)
    dataimag = np.imag(rho)

    # get the labels
    column_names = [bin(i)[2:].zfill(num) for i in range(2**num)]
    row_names = [bin(i)[2:].zfill(num) for i in range(2**num)]

    lx = len(datareal[0])  # Work out matrix dimensions
    ly = len(datareal[:, 0])
    xpos = np.arange(0, lx, 1)  # Set up a mesh of positions
    ypos = np.arange(0, ly, 1)
    xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(xpos + 0.25, ypos + 0.25)

    xpos = xpos.flatten()
    ypos = ypos.flatten()
    zpos = np.zeros(lx * ly)

    dx = 0.5 * np.ones_like(zpos)  # width of bars
    dy = dx.copy()
    dzr = datareal.flatten()
    dzi = dataimag.flatten()

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, projection='3d')
    ax1.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dzr, color="g", alpha=0.5)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')
    ax2.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dzi, color="g", alpha=0.5)

    ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, lx + 0.5, 1))
    ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, ly + 0.5, 1))
    ax1.axes.set_zlim3d(-1.0, 1.0001)
    ax1.set_zticks(np.arange(-1, 1, 0.5))
    ax1.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels(row_names, fontsize=12, rotation=45)
    ax1.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels(column_names, fontsize=12, rotation=-22.5)
    # ax1.set_xlabel('basis state', fontsize=12)
    # ax1.set_ylabel('basis state', fontsize=12)

    ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, lx + 0.5, 1))
    ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, ly + 0.5, 1))
    ax2.axes.set_zlim3d(-1.0, 1.0001)
    ax2.set_zticks(np.arange(-1, 1, 0.5))
    ax2.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels(row_names, fontsize=12, rotation=45)
    ax2.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels(column_names, fontsize=12, rotation=-22.5)
    # ax2.set_xlabel('basis state', fontsize=12)
    # ax2.set_ylabel('basis state', fontsize=12)