Пример #1
    def forward_pass(self, data_sqeuence):
        Feed a sequence in the data to the RNN unit and calculates the next words probabilites.
        :param data_sqeuence: a sequence for which we want to predict the next word.
                1. matrix O - each row is a vector of vobabulary size which predicts the i+1 word of the sqeuence.
                 number of rows as the length of the sequence.
                2. matrix S - the hidden state valus. ( starting from S(-1) ) : each row is the hidden state at time i.

        # length of sequence:
        T = len(data_sqeuence)

        # During forward propagation we save all hidden states in s because wee need them for the gradient calculations.
        # We init S(-1) to 0
        S = np.zeros(shape=(T + 1, self.hidden_layer_size))
        S[-1] = np.zeros(shape=(1, self.hidden_layer_size))

        O = np.zeros(shape=(T, self.vocabulary_size))

        # calculate for each time step t the prediction of the t+1 word in the sequence:
        for t in range(T):
            word_index = self.get_word_index(data_sqeuence[t])
            S[t] = np.tanh(S[t - 1].dot(self.W) + self.U[:, word_index])
            O[t] = np.softmax(S[t].dot(self.V))  # TODO: implement softmax ?

        return [O, S]
Пример #2
    def feed_forward(self, input):
        T = len(input)
        s = np.zeros((T + 1, self.hidden_units))
        s[-1] = np.zeros(self.hidden_units)
        o = np.zeros((T, self.vocab_size))
        for t in range(T):
            s[t] = np.tanh(self.U[:, input[t]] + self.W.dot(s[t - 1]))
            o[t] = np.softmax(self.V.dot(s[t]))

        return [o, s]
def rnn_cell_forward(xt, a_prev, parameters):
    Wax = parameters["Wax"]
    Waa = parameters["Waa"]
    Wya = parameters["Wya"]
    ba = parameters["ba"]
    by = parameters["by"]

    a_next = np.tanh(np.dot(Waa, a_prev) + np.dot(Wax, xt) + ba)
    yt_pred = np.softmax(np.dot(Wya, a_next) + by)

    cache = (a_next, a_prev, xt, parameters)

    return a_next, yt_pred, cache
Пример #4
def fCE (X, Y, w):
    W1, b1, W2, b2 = unpack(w)
    z(1) = W(1)x + b(1)
    h(1) = relu(z(1)))
    z(2) = W(2)h(1) + b(2)
    ^y = g(x) = softmax(z(2))
    z1 = predictor(W1, X, b1)
    h1 = reLU(z1)
    z2 = predictor(W2, h1, b2)
    Yhat = np.softmax(z2)
    cost = -np.mean(np.log(Yhat[Y==1]))
    return cost
    def forward_propagation(self, x):
        :param x:

        S[t] = U[:,x[t]] * W.S[t-1]

        timesteps = len(x)
        S = np.zeros((timesteps + 1), self.hidden_dim)

        O = np.zeros(timesteps, self.word_dim)

        for t in range(timesteps):
            S[t] = self.U[:, x[t]] + np.dot(self.W, S[t - 1])
            O[t] = np.softmax(np.dot(self.V, S[t - 1]))
Пример #6
    def issue_queries(self, query_samples):
        for i in range(len(query_samples)):
            data = self.qsl.get_features(query_samples[i].index)

            print("Processing sample id {:d} with shape = {:}".format(
                query_samples[i].index, data.shape))

            # Follow the PyTorch implementation.
            # The ONNX file has five outputs, but we only care about the one named "output".
            before_softmax = self.sess.run(["output"],
                                           {"input": data[np.newaxis, ...]})[0]
            softmax = np.softmax(before_softmax, axis=0).astype(np.float16)

            response_array = array.array("B", softmax.tobytes())
            bi = response_array.buffer_info()
            response = lg.QuerySampleResponse(query_samples[i].id, bi[0],
Пример #7
def max_probability(outputs):
    return np.max(np.softmax(outputs, axis=-1), axis=-1)