Пример #1
def MassCenter(data_sel, periods):
    data_bv = data_sel.copy()
    p = np.array(periods) - periods[0]+1
    #Get week's usages
    for i in periods:
        if i!=1:
            data_bv[i] = data_sel[i] - data_sel[i-1]
    mass_center = []
    mass_center2 = []
    mass_moment = []
    r_moment = []
    for i in range(0,data_bv.shape[0]):
        center = (data_bv[periods].irow(i).values*p).sum()/data_bv[periods].irow(i).values.sum()
        center2 = (data_bv[periods].irow(i).values*np.square(p)).sum()
        moment = (data_bv[periods].irow(i).values*np.square(p-center)).sum()
        r_m = moment/data_bv[periods].irow(i).values.sum()
    print data_bv.shape
    print data_sel.shape
    return np.array(mass_center), np.array(mass_moment), np.array(r_moment), np.array(mass_center2)
def dice_(seg, gt):
    intersection = 2. * np.sum(seg * gt)
    denominator = (np.sum(np.square(seg)) + np.sum(np.square(gt)))
    if denominator == 0:
        return 1.
    similarity = intersection / denominator
    return similarity
Пример #3
    def __regionQuery(self, i):
        Searches for neighboring points for a given data set i in a distance <= epsilon

        ::param i: one data set / point, in whose epsilon region should be searched

        :return: a numpy array containing the indexes of all found neighboring points

        # prepare a buffer object for the indexes of eventually found neighboring points
        regionIndexes = deque()

        # get a numpy iterator with C indexing-style
        npiter = np.nditer([self.data[0], self.data[1]], flags=["c_index"])

        # iterate through the numpy iterator
        for x, y in npiter:
            # if the currently processed point of the iterator is in a circle
            # with the radius of self.epsilon it is a neighboring point
            if np.sqrt(np.square(x - self.data[0][i]) + np.square(y - self.data[1][i])) < self.epsilon:
                regionIndexes.append(npiter.index)  # append the points index to the found neighbors

        points = np.array(regionIndexes)

        # this returns our array (tuple is not necessary)
        return points
Пример #4
 def intercept(self, y, u):
     if self.aspherics is not None:
         return Interface.intercept(self, y, u) # expensive iterative
     # replace the newton-raphson with the analytic solution
     c, k = self.curvature, self.conic
     if c == 0:
         return -y[:, 2]/u[:, 2] # flat
     if not k:
         uy = (u*y).sum(1)
         uu = 1.
         yy = np.square(y).sum(1)
         k = np.array([(1, 1, 1 + k)])
         uy = (u*y*k).sum(1)
         uu = (np.square(u)*k).sum(1)
         yy = (np.square(y)*k).sum(1)
     d = c*uy - u[:, 2]
     e = c*uu
     f = c*yy - 2*y[:, 2]
     g = np.sqrt(np.square(d) - e*f)
     if self.alternate_intersection:
         g *= -1
     #g *= np.sign(u[:, 2])
     s = -(d + g)/e
     return s
Пример #5
    def compute_distances_no_loops(self, X):
        Compute the distance between each test point in X and each training point
        in self.X_train using no explicit loops.

        Input / Output: Same as compute_distances_two_loops
        num_test = X.shape[0]
        num_train = self.X_train.shape[0]
        dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train))
        # TODO:                                                                 #
        # Compute the l2 distance between all test points and all training      #
        # points without using any explicit loops, and store the result in      #
        # dists.                                                                #
        #                                                                       #
        # You should implement this function using only basic array operations; #
        # in particular you should not use functions from scipy.                #
        #                                                                       #
        # HINT: Try to formulate the l2 distance using matrix multiplication    #
        #       and two broadcast sums.                                         #
        X_train_square = np.square(self.X_train).sum(axis=1)
        test_square = np.square(X).sum(axis=1)
        M = -2 * np.dot(X, self.X_train.T)
        dists = np.sqrt(M + X_train_square + np.matrix(test_square).T)
        #                         END OF YOUR CODE                              #
        return dists
def plot_robots_ratio_time_micmac(deploy_robots_mic, deploy_robots_mac, deploy_robots_desired, delta_t):
    plot_option = 0 # 0: ratio, 1: cost
    num_iter = deploy_robots_mic.shape[1]
    total_num_robots = np.sum(deploy_robots_mic[:,0,:])
    diffmic_sqs = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmac_sqs = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmic_rat = np.zeros(num_iter)
    diffmac_rat = np.zeros(num_iter)
    for t in range(num_iter):
        diffmic = np.abs(deploy_robots_mic[:,t,:] - deploy_robots_desired)    
        diffmac = np.abs(deploy_robots_mac[:,t,:] - deploy_robots_desired) 
        diffmic_rat[t] = np.sum(diffmic) / total_num_robots       
        diffmic_sqs[t] = np.sum(np.square(diffmic))
        diffmac_rat[t] = np.sum(diffmac) / total_num_robots 
        diffmac_sqs[t] = np.sum(np.square(diffmac))
    x = np.arange(0, num_iter) * delta_t
        l1 = plt.plot(x,diffmic_rat)
        l2 = plt.plot(x,diffmac_rat)
        l1 = plt.plot(x,diffmic_sqs)
        l2 = plt.plot(x,diffmac_sqs)
    plt.xlabel('time [s]')    
    plt.ylabel('ratio of misplaced robots')
    plt.legend((l1, l2),('Micro','Macro'))
def predictions(weather_turnstile):

    features_df = pandas.DataFrame({'Hour': weather_turnstile['Hour'], 
                                    'rain': weather_turnstile['rain'],
                                    'meantempi': weather_turnstile['meantempi'],
                                    'meanwindspdi': weather_turnstile['meanwindspdi'],
                                    'precipi': weather_turnstile['precipi'],
                                    'HourSquared': np.square(weather_turnstile['Hour']),
                                    'meantempiSquared': np.square(weather_turnstile['meantempi']),
                                    'precipiSquared': np.square(weather_turnstile['precipi'])})
    label = weather_turnstile['ENTRIESn_hourly']

    # Adds y-intercept to model
    features_df = sm.add_constant(features_df)

    # add dummy variables of turnstile units to features
    dummy_units = pandas.get_dummies(weather_turnstile['UNIT'], prefix='unit')
    features_df = features_df.join(dummy_units)
    model = sm.OLS(label,features_df)

    results = model.fit()

    prediction = results.predict(features_df)
    return prediction
Пример #8
 def render_indicators(self, W, H):
     s = W/40.0
     h = H/40.0
     gl.glVertex3f(W, 0, 0)
     gl.glVertex3f(W, 5*h, 0)
     gl.glVertex3f(0, 5*h, 0)
     gl.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0)
     def vertical_ind(place, val, color):
         gl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+0)*s, h + h*val, 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+1)*s, h + h*val, 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+1)*s, h, 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+0)*s, h, 0)
     def horiz_ind(place, val, color):
         gl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], 1)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+0)*s, 4*h , 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+val)*s, 4*h, 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+val)*s, 2*h, 0)
         gl.glVertex3f((place+0)*s, 2*h, 0)
     true_speed = np.sqrt(np.square(self.car.hull.linearVelocity[0]) + np.square(self.car.hull.linearVelocity[1]))
     vertical_ind(5, 0.02*true_speed, (1,1,1))
     vertical_ind(7, 0.01*self.car.wheels[0].omega, (0.0,0,1)) # ABS sensors
     vertical_ind(8, 0.01*self.car.wheels[1].omega, (0.0,0,1))
     vertical_ind(9, 0.01*self.car.wheels[2].omega, (0.2,0,1))
     vertical_ind(10,0.01*self.car.wheels[3].omega, (0.2,0,1))
     horiz_ind(20, -10.0*self.car.wheels[0].joint.angle, (0,1,0))
     horiz_ind(30, -0.8*self.car.hull.angularVelocity, (1,0,0))
     self.score_label.text = "%04i" % self.reward
Пример #9
    def time_std(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_time_std'):
            return self._time_std
        if self.savedir is not None:
                with open(join(self.savedir, 'time_std.pkl'),
                          'rb') as f:
                    time_std = pickle.load(f)
            except IOError:
                # Same protocol as the averages. Make sure the
                # std is a single 4D (zyxc) array and if not just
                # re-calculate the time std.
                if isinstance(time_std, np.ndarray):
                    self._time_std = time_std
                    return self._time_std

        sums = np.zeros(self.frame_shape)
        sums_squares = np.zeros(self.frame_shape)
        counts = np.zeros(self.frame_shape)
        for frame in it.chain.from_iterable(self):
            sums += np.nan_to_num(frame)
            sums_squares += np.square(np.nan_to_num(frame))
            counts[np.isfinite(frame)] += 1
        means = old_div(sums, counts)
        mean_of_squares = old_div(sums_squares, counts)
        std = np.sqrt(mean_of_squares-np.square(means))
        if self.savedir is not None and not self._read_only:
            with open(join(self.savedir, 'time_std.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(std, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        self._time_std = std
        return self._time_std
Пример #10
def ratio_err(top,bottom,top_low,top_high,bottom_low,bottom_high):
    #uses simple propagation of errors (partial derivatives)
    #note it returns errorbars, not interval

    #-make sure input is numpy arrays-
    top = np.array(top)
    top_low = np.array(top_low)
    top_high = np.array(top_high)
    bottom = np.array(bottom)
    bottom_low = np.array(bottom_low)
    bottom_high = np.array(bottom_high)

    #-calculate errorbars-
    top_errlow = np.subtract(top,top_low)
    top_errhigh = np.subtract(top_high,top)
    bottom_errlow = np.subtract(bottom,bottom_low)
    bottom_errhigh = np.subtract(bottom_high,bottom)

    #-calculate ratio_low-
    ratio_low  = np.sqrt( np.square(np.divide(top_errlow,bottom)) + np.square( np.multiply(np.divide(top,np.square(bottom)),bottom_errlow)) )
    #-calculate ratio_high-
    ratio_high = np.sqrt( np.square(np.divide(top_errhigh,bottom)) + np.square( np.multiply(np.divide(top,np.square(bottom)),bottom_errhigh)) )
#    ratio_high = ((top_errhigh/bottom)**2.0 + (top/(bottom**2.0))*bottom_errhigh)**2.0)**0.5

    # return two vectors, err_low and err_high
    return ratio_low,ratio_high
    def test_meanSquaredDisplacement(self):
        from getMeanSquareDisplacement import getMeanSquareDisplacement
        numTradingDays = 4*getNumTradingDaysPerYear()
        growthRate     = 0.5
        logVolatility  = 2.0**-8
        numCols = 15000
        p = makeFakeDailyPrices(growthRate,logVolatility,numTradingDays,numCols)
        Ex21 = np.mean(getMeanSquareDisplacement(np.log(p),10),1)
        t = np.arange(10)
        volTerm = t*np.square(logVolatility)
        driftTerm = np.square(t*np.log(1.0+growthRate)/getNumTradingDaysPerYear())
        Ex20 = volTerm + driftTerm

        error = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((Ex21[1:] - Ex20[1:])/Ex20[1:])))


        if 0:    
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            print 'MSE =',np.round(100*error,3),'%'
            plt.plot(t,Ex21,'ro ')
Пример #12
    def update(self):
        rho = self.opt_config.rho
        epsilon = self.opt_config.epsilon
        lr = self.opt_config.lr
        clip = self.opt_config.clip

        all_norm = 0.0
        for param_name in self.apollo_net.active_param_names():
            param = self.apollo_net.params[param_name]
            grad = param.diff
            all_norm += np.sum(np.square(grad))
        all_norm = np.sqrt(all_norm)

        for param_name in self.apollo_net.active_param_names():
            param = self.apollo_net.params[param_name]
            grad = param.diff

            if all_norm > clip:
                grad = clip * grad / all_norm

            if param_name in self.sq_grads:
                self.sq_grads[param_name] = (1 - rho) * np.square(grad) + rho * self.sq_grads[param_name]
                rms_update = np.sqrt(self.sq_updates[param_name] + epsilon)
                rms_grad = np.sqrt(self.sq_grads[param_name] + epsilon)
                update = -rms_update / rms_grad * grad

                self.sq_updates[param_name] = (1 - rho) * np.square(update) + rho * self.sq_updates[param_name]
                self.sq_grads[param_name] = (1 - rho) * np.square(grad)
                update = np.sqrt(epsilon) / np.sqrt(epsilon + self.sq_grads[param_name]) * grad
                self.sq_updates[param_name] = (1 - rho) * np.square(update)

            param.data[...] += lr * update
            param.diff[...] = 0
Пример #13
def outlierCleaner(predictions, ages, net_worths):
        clean away the 10% of points that have the largest
        residual errors (difference between the prediction
        and the actual net worth)

        return a list of tuples named cleaned_data where 
        each tuple is of the form (age, net_worth, error)
    cleaned_data = []
    # calculate threshold of 90%    
    residual_errors = net_worths - predictions 
    residual_errors_square = np.square(residual_errors)
    residual_errors_square.sort(axis = 0)
#    print residual_errors_square
    percentile_90_index = int(len(residual_errors_square) * .9)
    percentile_90_threshold = residual_errors_square[percentile_90_index - 1][0]
#    print "threshold", percentile_90_threshold
    cleaned_data_all = zip(ages[:, 0].tolist(), net_worths[:, 0].tolist(), residual_errors[:, 0].tolist())
#    count = 0
    for e in cleaned_data_all: 
        (age, net_worth, error) = e
        if np.square(error) <= percentile_90_threshold: 
#            print error, percentile_90_threshold
#            count += 1
#    print count
    return cleaned_data
Пример #14
def genEmpCov_kernel(sigma, width, sample_set, knownMean = True):
    timesteps = sample_set.__len__()
#    print timesteps
    mean_tile = 0
    K_sum = 0
    if knownMean != True:
        for j in range(int(max(0,timesteps-width)),timesteps):            
            K =  np.exp(-np.square(timesteps-j-1)/sigma)
            samplesPerStep = sample_set[j].shape[1]
            mean_tile = mean_tile + K* sample_set[j]
            K_sum = K_sum + K
        mean_tile =  np.sum(mean_tile, axis = 1)/samplesPerStep
        mean_tile = np.tile(mean_tile, (samplesPerStep,1)).T
    K_sum = 0
    S = 0
#    print 'timesteps and width is %d, %d, %d'%(timesteps,width, max(0,timesteps- width))
    for j in range(int(max(0,timesteps-width)),timesteps):
        K = np.exp(-np.square(timesteps-j-1)/sigma)
#        print 'j = ',j, 'K = ', K
        samplesPerStep = sample_set[j].shape[1]
        S = S + K*np.dot(sample_set[j]- mean_tile, (sample_set[j] -  mean_tile).T)/samplesPerStep
        K_sum = K_sum + K
    S = S/K_sum
    return S
Пример #15
    def setup(self):
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('audio-brightness', 1.0))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('audio-stripe-width', 100.0))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('audio-speed', 0.0))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('speed', 0.01))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('angle-speed', 0.1))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('stripe-width', 20))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('center-orbit-distance', 200))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('center-orbit-speed', 0.1))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('hue-step', 0.1))
        self.add_parameter(IntParameter('posterization', 8))
        self.add_parameter(StringParameter('color-gradient', "[(0,0,1), (0,0,1), (0,1,1), (0,1,1), (0,0,1)]"))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('stripe-x-center', 0.5))
        self.add_parameter(FloatParameter('stripe-y-center', 0.5))
        self.hue_inner = random.random() + 100
        self._center_rotation = random.random()
        self.stripe_angle = random.random()

        cx, cy = self.scene().center_point()
        self.locations = self.scene().get_all_pixel_locations()
        x,y = self.locations.T
        x -= cx
        y -= cy
        self.pixel_distances = np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y))
        self.pixel_angles = (math.pi + np.arctan2(y, x)) / (2 * math.pi)
        self.pixel_distances /= max(self.pixel_distances)

        super(StripeGradient, self).setup()
Пример #16
 def AGD_optimization(self, seed=None):
     if seed is None:
         self.U = np.sqrt(1/float(self.num_factors))*np.random.normal(size=(self.num_drugs, self.num_factors))
         self.V = np.sqrt(1/float(self.num_factors))*np.random.normal(size=(self.num_targets, self.num_factors))
         prng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
         self.U = np.sqrt(1/float(self.num_factors))*prng.normal(size=(self.num_drugs, self.num_factors))
         self.V = np.sqrt(1/float(self.num_factors))*prng.normal(size=(self.num_targets, self.num_factors))
     dg_sum = np.zeros((self.num_drugs, self.U.shape[1]))
     tg_sum = np.zeros((self.num_targets, self.V.shape[1]))
     last_log = self.log_likelihood()
     for t in range(self.max_iter):
         dg = self.deriv(True)
         dg_sum += np.square(dg)
         vec_step_size = self.theta / np.sqrt(dg_sum)
         self.U += vec_step_size * dg
         tg = self.deriv(False)
         tg_sum += np.square(tg)
         vec_step_size = self.theta / np.sqrt(tg_sum)
         self.V += vec_step_size * tg
         curr_log = self.log_likelihood()
         delta_log = (curr_log-last_log)/abs(last_log)
         if abs(delta_log) < 1e-5:
         last_log = curr_log
Пример #17
	def test_quarticspike(self):
		rr = np.square(self.X) + np.square(self.Y)
		r = np.sqrt(rr)
		res = blowup.quartic_spike(r)
		npt.assert_allclose(res[0,self.N//2], 0.)
		npt.assert_allclose(res[self.N//2, self.N//2],1.)
Пример #18
    def CalculateModelPredictions(self, inCoeffs, inDataCacheDictionary):
        x_in = inDataCacheDictionary['X'] # only need to perform this dictionary look-up once
        y_in = inDataCacheDictionary['Y'] # only need to perform this dictionary look-up once
        a = inCoeffs[0]
        b = inCoeffs[1]
        c = inCoeffs[2]
        d = inCoeffs[3]
        f = inCoeffs[4]
        g = inCoeffs[5]
        h = inCoeffs[6]
        i = inCoeffs[7]
        j = inCoeffs[8]
        k = inCoeffs[9]
        m = inCoeffs[10]

            temp = a
            temp += b * numpy.exp(i * x_in + j)
            temp += c * numpy.exp(k * y_in + m)
            temp += d * numpy.square(numpy.exp(i * x_in + j))
            temp += f * numpy.square(numpy.exp(k * y_in + m))
            temp += g * numpy.power(numpy.exp(i * x_in + j), 3.0)
            temp += h * numpy.power(numpy.exp(k * y_in + m), 3.0)
            return self.extendedVersionHandler.GetAdditionalModelPredictions(temp, inCoeffs, inDataCacheDictionary, self)
            return numpy.ones(len(inDataCacheDictionary['DependentData'])) * 1.0E300
def glrm_set_loss_by_col():
    print("Importing USArrests.csv data...")
    arrestsH2O = h2o.upload_file(pyunit_utils.locate("smalldata/pca_test/USArrests.csv"))
    arrestsPy = np.array(h2o.as_list(arrestsH2O))
    print("H2O GLRM with loss by column = Absolute, Quadratic, Quadratic, Huber")
    glrm_h2o = h2o.glrm(x=arrestsH2O, k=3, loss="Quadratic", loss_by_col=["Absolute","Huber"], loss_by_col_idx=[0,3], regularization_x="None", regularization_y="None")
    fit_y = glrm_h2o._model_json['output']['archetypes'].cell_values
    fit_y_np = [[float(s) for s in list(row)[1:]] for row in fit_y]
    fit_y_np = np.array(fit_y_np)
    fit_x = h2o.get_frame(glrm_h2o._model_json['output']['representation_name'])
    fit_x_np = np.array(h2o.as_list(fit_x))
    print("Check final objective function value")
    fit_xy = np.dot(fit_x_np, fit_y_np)
    fit_diff = arrestsPy.__sub__(fit_xy)
    obj_val = np.absolute(fit_diff[:,0]) + np.square(fit_diff[:,1]) + np.square(fit_diff[:,2])
    def huber(a):
        return a*a/2 if abs(a) <= 1 else abs(a)-0.5
    huber = np.vectorize(huber)
    obj_val = obj_val + huber(fit_diff[:,3])
    obj_val = np.sum(obj_val)
    glrm_obj = glrm_h2o._model_json['output']['objective']
    assert abs(glrm_obj - obj_val) < 1e-6, "Final objective was " + str(glrm_obj) + " but should equal " + str(obj_val)
Пример #20
def FindOptimalScaleAndTranslationBetweenPointsAndReference(points,pointsRef):
    '''Find the (non-rotational) transformation that best overlaps points and pointsRef
       aka, minimize the distance between:
       using linear least squares
       return the transformation parameters: a,(x0,y0,...)'''
    # Force to array of floats:
    points = np.asarray(points,dtype=np.float)
    pointsRef = np.asarray(pointsRef,dtype=np.float)

    # Compute some means:
    pm     = points.mean(axis=0)
    pm2    = np.square(pm)
    prefm  = pointsRef.mean(axis=0)
    p2m    = np.square(points).mean(axis=0)
    pTpref = (points * pointsRef).mean(axis=0)
    a = ((   (pm*prefm).sum() - pTpref.sum()   ) /
         #   -------------------------------     # fake fraction bar...
         (        pm2.sum() - p2m.sum()        ))
    p0 = prefm - a*pm
    return a,p0
Пример #21
def welch_ttest (X, y):

    classes = np.unique(y)
    n_class = len(classes)
    n_feats = X.shape[1]

    b = np.zeros(n_feats)
    for i in np.arange(n_class):
        for j in np.arange(i+1, n_class):
            if j > i:
                xi = X[y == i, :]
                xj = X[y == j, :]
                yi = y[y == i]
                yj = y[y == j]

                mi = np.mean (xi, axis=0)
                mj = np.mean (xj, axis=0)

                vi = np.var  (xi, axis=0)
                vj = np.var  (xj, axis=0)

                n_subjsi = len(yi)
                n_subjsj = len(yj)

                t = (mi - mj) / np.sqrt((np.square(vi) / n_subjsi) + (np.square(vj) / n_subjsj))
                t[np.isnan(t)] = 0
                t[np.isinf(t)] = 0

                b = np.maximum(b, t)

    return b
Пример #22
    def __iter__(self):
        MAX_X,MAX_Y = self.dimensions
        MIN_V, MAX_V = self.velocity
        wt_min = 0.
        if self.init_stationary:

            x, y, x_waypoint, y_waypoint, velocity, wt = \
                init_random_waypoint(self.nr_nodes, MAX_X, MAX_Y, MIN_V, MAX_V, wt_min, 
                             (self.wt_max if self.wt_max is not None else 0.))


            NODES = np.arange(self.nr_nodes)
            print NODES
            x = U(0, MAX_X, NODES)
            y = U(0, MAX_Y, NODES)
            x_waypoint = U(0, MAX_X, NODES)
            y_waypoint = U(0, MAX_Y, NODES)
            wt = np.zeros(self.nr_nodes)
            velocity = U(MIN_V, MAX_V, NODES)

        theta = np.arctan2(y_waypoint - y, x_waypoint - x)
        costheta = np.cos(theta)
        sintheta = np.sin(theta)
        while True:
            # update node position
            x += velocity * costheta
            y += velocity * sintheta
            # calculate distance to waypoint
            d = np.sqrt(np.square(y_waypoint-y) + np.square(x_waypoint-x))
            # update info for arrived nodes
            arrived = np.where(np.logical_and(d<=velocity, wt<=0.))[0]
            # step back for nodes that surpassed waypoint
            x[arrived] = x_waypoint[arrived]
            y[arrived] = y_waypoint[arrived]
            if self.wt_max:
                velocity[arrived] = 0.
                wt[arrived] = U(0, self.wt_max, arrived)
                # update info for paused nodes
                wt[np.where(velocity==0.)[0]] -= 1.
                # update info for moving nodes
                arrived = np.where(np.logical_and(velocity==0., wt<0.))[0]
            if arrived.size > 0:
                x_waypoint[arrived] = U(0, MAX_X, arrived)
                y_waypoint[arrived] = U(0, MAX_Y, arrived)
                velocity[arrived] = U(MIN_V, MAX_V, arrived)
                theta[arrived] = np.arctan2(y_waypoint[arrived] - y[arrived], x_waypoint[arrived] - x[arrived])
                costheta[arrived] = np.cos(theta[arrived])
                sintheta[arrived] = np.sin(theta[arrived])
            self.velocity = velocity
            self.wt = wt
            yield np.dstack((x,y))[0]
Пример #23
  def test_infer(self):
    kmeans = self.kmeans
    kmeans.fit(input_fn=self.input_fn(), relative_tolerance=1e-4)
    clusters = kmeans.clusters()

    # Make a small test set
    num_points = 10
    points, true_assignments, true_offsets = make_random_points(clusters,
    # Test predict
    assignments = kmeans.predict(input_fn=self.input_fn(
        batch_size=num_points, points=points))
    self.assertAllEqual(assignments, true_assignments)

    # Test score
    score = kmeans.score(
        input_fn=lambda: (constant_op.constant(points), None), steps=1)
    self.assertNear(score, np.sum(true_offsets), 0.01 * score)

    # Test transform
    transform = kmeans.transform(
        input_fn=lambda: (constant_op.constant(points), None))
    true_transform = np.maximum(
        np.sum(np.square(points), axis=1, keepdims=True) - 2 * np.dot(
            points, np.transpose(clusters)) +
        np.transpose(np.sum(np.square(clusters), axis=1, keepdims=True)))
    self.assertAllClose(transform, true_transform, rtol=0.05, atol=10)
Пример #24
    def fitness(self, recordings):
        Calculates the sum squared difference between each spike in the
        signal and the closest spike in the reference spike train, plus the
        vice-versa case

        `analysis` -- The analysis object containing all recordings and
                      analysis of them [analysis.AnalysedRecordings]
        spikes = recordings.get_analysed_signal().spikes()
        inner = spikes[numpy.where(
            (spikes >= (self.time_start + self.time_buffer)) &
            (spikes <= (self.time_stop - self.time_buffer)))]
        # If no spikes were generated create a dummy spike that is guaranteed
        # to be further away from a reference spike than any within the time
        # window
        if len(spikes) == 0:
            spike_t = self.time_stop + self.time_start
            spikes = neo.SpikeTrain([spike_t], spike_t, units=spike_t.units)
        fitness = 0.0
        for spike in inner:
            fitness += float(numpy.square(self.ref_spikes - spike).min())
        for ref_spike in self.ref_inner:
            fitness += float(numpy.square(spikes - ref_spike).min())
        return fitness
Пример #25
 def K(self, X, X2=None,alpha=None,variance=None):
     Computes the covariance matrix cov(X[i,:],X2[j,:]).
         X: Matrix where each row is a point.
         X2: Matrix where each row is a point.
         alpha: It's the scaled alpha.
         Variance: Sigma hyperparameter.
     if alpha is None:
     if variance is None:
     if X2 is None:
         Xsq=np.sum(np.square(X), 1)
         r=-2.*np.dot(X, X.T) + (Xsq[:, None] + Xsq[None, :])
         r = np.clip(r, 0, np.inf)
         return variance*np.exp(-0.5*r)
         r=-2.*np.dot(X, X2.T) + (np.sum(np.square(X), 1)[:, None] + np.sum(np.square(X2), 1)[None, :])
         r = np.clip(r, 0, np.inf)
         return variance*np.exp(-0.5*r)
Пример #26
   def analyse(self, a):
      global motion_detected, motion_timestamp, motion_array, motion_array_mask
      # calcuate length of motion vectors of mpeg macro blocks
      a = np.sqrt(
          np.square(a['x'].astype(np.float)) +
          ).clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
      a = a * motion_array_mask
      # If there're more than 'sensitivity' vectors with a magnitude greater
      # than 'threshold', then say we've detected motion
      th = ((a > motion_threshold).sum() > motion_sensitivity)
      now = time.time()
      # motion logic, trigger on motion and stop after 2 seconds of inactivity
      if th:
         motion_timestamp = now

      if motion_detected:
          if (now - motion_timestamp) >= video_postseconds:
               motion_detected = False
        if th:
             motion_detected = True
        if debug:
                idx = a > motion_threshold
                a[idx] = 255
                motion_array = a
Пример #27
 def hit(self, ray):
     # assume sphere at origin, so translate ray:
     raypoint = ray.point - self.point
     p0 = raypoint[0]
     p1 = raypoint[1]
     p2 = raypoint[2]
     v0 = ray.vector[0]
     v1 = ray.vector[1]
     v2 = ray.vector[2]
     a = ((N.square(v0))/(N.square(self.A))) + ((N.square(v1))/(N.square(self.B))) + ((N.square(v2))/(N.square(self.C)))
     b = ((2*p0*v0)/(N.square(self.A))) + ((2*p1*v1)/(N.square(self.B))) + ((2*p2*v2)/(N.square(self.C)))
     c = ((N.square(p0))/(N.square(self.A))) + ((N.square(p1))/(N.square(self.B))) + ((N.square(p2))/(N.square(self.C))) - 1
     disc = b*b - 4*a*c
     if disc > 0.0:
         t = (-b-N.sqrt(disc))/(2*a)
         if t > EPSILON:
             p = ray.pointAt(t)
             n = normalize(self.normalAt(p))
             return (t, p, n, self)
         t = (-b+N.sqrt(disc))/(2*a)
         if t > EPSILON:
             p = ray.pointAt(t)
             n = normalize(self.normalAt(p))
             return (t, p, n, self)
     return (None, None, None, None)
Пример #28
def sphDist(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
    """Calculate distance on the surface of a unit sphere.

    Input and Output are in radians.

    Uses the Haversine formula to preserve accuracy at small angles.

    Law of cosines approach doesn't work well for the typically very small
    differences that we're looking at here.
    # Haversine
    dra = ra1-ra2
    ddec = dec1-dec2
    a = np.square(np.sin(ddec/2)) + \
    dist = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))

    # This is what the law of cosines would look like
#    dist = np.arccos(np.sin(dec1)*np.sin(dec2) + np.cos(dec1)*np.cos(dec2)*np.cos(ra1 - ra2))

    # Could use afwCoord.angularSeparation()
    #  but (a) that hasn't been made accessible through the Python interface
    #  and (b) I'm not sure that it would be faster than the numpy interface.
    #    dist = afwCoord.angularSeparation(ra1-ra2, dec1-dec2, np.cos(dec1), np.cos(dec2))

    return dist
def energy(x, y, z):
    ex = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(x,mean(x)))))
    ey = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(y,mean(y)))))
    ez = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(z,mean(z)))))
    e = (1/(3 * len(x))) * (ex + ey + ez)
    return e
Пример #30
def pick_triplets_impl(q_in, q_out):
  more = True
  while more:
      deq = q_in.get()
      if deq is None:
        more = False
        embeddings, emb_start_idx, nrof_images, alpha = deq
        print('running', emb_start_idx, nrof_images, os.getpid())
        for j in xrange(1,nrof_images):
            a_idx = emb_start_idx + j - 1
            neg_dists_sqr = np.sum(np.square(embeddings[a_idx] - embeddings), 1)
            for pair in xrange(j, nrof_images): # For every possible positive pair.
                p_idx = emb_start_idx + pair
                pos_dist_sqr = np.sum(np.square(embeddings[a_idx]-embeddings[p_idx]))
                neg_dists_sqr[emb_start_idx:emb_start_idx+nrof_images] = np.NaN
                all_neg = np.where(np.logical_and(neg_dists_sqr-pos_dist_sqr<alpha, pos_dist_sqr<neg_dists_sqr))[0]  # FaceNet selection
                #all_neg = np.where(neg_dists_sqr-pos_dist_sqr<alpha)[0] # VGG Face selecction
                nrof_random_negs = all_neg.shape[0]
                if nrof_random_negs>0:
                    rnd_idx = np.random.randint(nrof_random_negs)
                    n_idx = all_neg[rnd_idx]
                    #triplets.append( (a_idx, p_idx, n_idx) )
                    q_out.put( (a_idx, p_idx, n_idx) )
        #emb_start_idx += nrof_images
Пример #31
def _squared_error(x, y):
    return np.square(x - y)
Пример #32
def balldrop_analysis():

    # Load truth
    fdir = 'C:\Users\Steve\Documents\\research\lp_norm\\test\\balldrop'
    fname = 'balldrop_inputs_and_truth.pkl'
    inputs_file = os.path.join(fdir, fname)
    pklFile = open(inputs_file, 'rb')
    data = pickle.load(pklFile)
    truth_dict = data[2]

    # Load filter results
    pnorm = 1.5
    n_outliers = 10.
    fname = 'ubatch_balldrop_output_' + str(pnorm) + 'norm_' + \
        str(int(n_outliers)).zfill(2) + 'p.pkl'
    out_file = os.path.join(fdir, fname)
    pklFile = open(out_file, 'rb')
    data = pickle.load(pklFile)
    filter_output = data[0]

    # Compute errors
    ti_list = sorted(filter_output.keys())
    pos_err = np.zeros(len(ti_list))
    vel_err = np.zeros(len(ti_list))
    pos_sig = np.zeros(len(ti_list))
    vel_sig = np.zeros(len(ti_list))
    resid_array = np.zeros(len(ti_list))
    ii = 0
    for ti in ti_list:
        X_est = filter_output[ti]['X']
        P_est = filter_output[ti]['P']
        resids = filter_output[ti]['resids']

        X_true = truth_dict[ti]

        pos_err[ii] = float(X_est[0] - X_true[0])
        vel_err[ii] = float(X_est[1] - X_true[1])
        pos_sig[ii] = np.sqrt(P_est[0, 0])
        vel_sig[ii] = np.sqrt(P_est[1, 1])
        resid_array[ii] = float(resids[0])

        ii += 1

    # Compute RMS errors
    RMS_pos = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(pos_err)))
    RMS_vel = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(vel_err)))
    RMS_resid1 = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(resid_array)))

    print 'RMS Results'
    print 'RMS pos', RMS_pos
    print 'RMS vel', RMS_vel
    print 'RMS resid 1 (pos)', RMS_resid1

    # Plot Position and Velocity Errors
    plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(ti_list, pos_err, 'k.')
    plt.plot(ti_list, 3. * pos_sig, 'k--')
    plt.plot(ti_list, -3. * pos_sig, 'k--')
    plt.ylabel('Position Error [m]')

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(ti_list, vel_err, 'k.')
    plt.plot(ti_list, 3. * vel_sig, 'k--')
    plt.plot(ti_list, -3. * vel_sig, 'k--')
    plt.ylabel('Velocity Error [m/s]')

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    plt.plot(ti_list, resid_array, 'k.')
    plt.ylabel('Post-Fit Resids [m]')
    plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')


 def is_collision_obstacle(self, agent, obstacle):
     delta_pos = agent.state.p_pos - obstacle.state.p_pos
     dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
     dist_min = agent.size + obstacle.size
     return True if dist < dist_min + 0.02 else False
 def is_collision_agent(self, agent1, agent2):
     delta_pos = agent1.state.p_pos - agent2.state.p_pos
     dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(delta_pos)))
     dist_min = agent1.size + agent2.size
     return True if dist < dist_min + 0.01 else False
Пример #35
    def visualize(self):
        mag = np.square(np.abs(self.psi))
        mag = np.power(mag, 0.5)

Пример #36
    weights_after = model.state_dict()
    outerstepsize = outerstepsize0 * (1 - iteration / niterations) # linear schedule
#     outerstepsize=outerstepsize0
    model.load_state_dict({name : 
        weights_before[name] + (weights_after[name] - weights_before[name]) * outerstepsize  # decreased update with iter increase
        for name in weights_before})

# Periodically plot the results on a particular task and minibatch
# if plot and iteration==0 or (iteration+1) % 1000 == 0:
f = f_plot
weights_before = deepcopy(model.state_dict()) # save snapshot before evaluation
plt.plot(x_all, predict(x_all), label="pred after 0", color=(0,0,1))
for inneriter in range(32):
    train_on_batch(xtrain_plot, f(xtrain_plot))
    if (inneriter+1) % 8 == 0:
        frac = (inneriter+1) / 32
        plt.plot(x_all, predict(x_all), label="pred after %i"%(inneriter+1), color=(frac, 0, 1-frac))
plt.plot(x_all, f(x_all), label="true", color=(0,1,0))
lossval = np.square(predict(x_all) - f(x_all)).mean()
plt.plot(xtrain_plot, f(xtrain_plot), "x", label="train", color="k")
plt.legend(loc="lower right")
# plt.pause(0.01)
model.load_state_dict(weights_before) # restore from snapshot
print('iteration {}'.format (iteration+1))
print('loss on plotted curve  {}'.format(lossval)) # would be better to average loss over a set of examples, but this is optimized for brevity
Пример #37
def _mse(p, y): 
    return np.mean(np.square(p-y)) 
Пример #38
loss_history = []
train_acc_history = []
val_acc_history = []
seed = 0
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
for t in range(iterations):
    time.sleep(t1 / 1000)
    count += 1

    indices = np.arange(Ntr)
    x = x_train[indices]
    y = y_train[indices]
    h = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-(x.dot(w1) + b1)))
    y_pred = h.dot(w2) + b2
    loss = 1. / batch_size * np.square(y_pred - y).sum() + reg * (np.sum(w2 * w2) + np.sum(w1 * w1))
    if t % 10 == 0:
        print('iteration %d / %d: loss %f' % (t, iterations, loss))
        print('Learning rate -', 60 * count / (time.time() - start), 'epochs per minute')
    dy_pred = 1. / batch_size * 2.0 * (y_pred - y)
    dw2 = h.T.dot(dy_pred) + reg * w2
    db2 = dy_pred.sum(axis=0)
    dh = dy_pred.dot(w2.T)
    dw1 = x.T.dot(dh * h * (1 - h)) + reg * w1
    db1 = (dh * h * (1 - h)).sum(axis=0)
    w1 -= lr * dw1
    w2 -= lr * dw2
    b1 -= lr * db1
    b2 -= lr * db2
    lr *= lr_decay
Пример #39
def MSE_loss(y, y_hat):
    """ 这里写你的代码 """
    return np.mean(np.square(y - y_hat))
Пример #40
 def cal_euc_dis(self, A, B):
     return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(A - B)))
def test_quantization_error():
    image = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (500, 500))
    quantized = quantize(image)

    variance = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(image - quantized)))
    assert variance == pytest.approx(1 / (np.sqrt(12)), rel=0.01)
Пример #42
def getRMS(vals):
    if np.size(vals) != 0:
        return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(vals)))
        return 0
Пример #43
                            n1_node_attrs = np.column_stack(
                                [node_attrs, tmp_goal])
                            n_s = s
                            n_s1 = s1
                            n_s[0][:, 20] = n_g
                            n_s1[0][:, 20] = n_g
                            n_s = s
                            n_s1 = s1
                            n_s[0][:, -1] = n_g
                            n_s1[0][:, -1] = n_g
                        # print('afterHER##########################################################################non_const_features', n_s)
                        final = (num_infl >= n_g)
                        if shaped_reward:
                            n_r = num_infl / g_n if final else -np.sum(
                                np.square(np.array(s1) == np.array(g_n)))
                            n_r = num_infl / g_n if final else -1
                        # td = acmodel.td_compute(s, actual_action_embed, r1, s1,
                        #                         s_embs[get_action(s1, s_embs, env.possible_actions)[0]])
                        # td = acmodel.td_compute(n_s, actual_action_embed, n_r, n_s1,
                        #                         s_embs[get_action(n_s1, s_embs, env.possible_actions)[0]])

                # if (ep == 0 and stps < 2) or replay.size > batch_size:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as signal
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
import warnings
get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')

# load acceleration datasets and initialize variables
trainingSetAcc = np.array(["ACC_UNA.csv", "ACC_JES.csv", "ACC_DDP.csv", "ACC_ENN.csv", "ACC_TJR.csv"])
trainingSetSignatures = []
acc, magACC, tACC = [], [], []

for i in range(len(trainingSetAcc)):
    acc.append(pd.read_csv(trainingSetAcc[i], header=0, sep=',').values)
    tACC.append(np.linspace(1,60, len(acc[i][1::, 0].astype(float))))

# extract three samples from Participant 1
UA_example_0 = magACC[0][400:650]
UA_example_1 = magACC[0][850:1100]
UA_example_2 = magACC[0][1150:1450]

# compile samples, normalizing their length to the length of the shortest sample
UA_examples = np.array([UA_example_0[0:250], UA_example_1[0:250], UA_example_2[0:250]])
t_acc = range(0, 250)

# define mean gait
UA_signature = np.mean(UA_examples, axis=0)
Пример #45
def rms(Z):
    rms = __np__.sqrt(__np__.mean(__np__.square(Z)))
    return rms
Пример #46
def mse(y, y_pred):
    y = y.ravel()
    y_pred = y_pred.ravel()
    return np.square(y - y_pred).mean()
Пример #47
for i in range(99):
    mod = lr()
    mod.fit(np.dot(sample_train, testk), label_train)

    # Plot Figure 1 based on w1 and w2
    #wt1 = w_train[0]#.reshape(-1,1)
    #wt1 = np.transpose(wt1)
    #wt2 = w_train[1]#.reshape(-1,1)
    #print(wt1.shape, wt2.shape)
    sample_pca_1 = mod.predict(np.dot(sample_test,testk))  # this is a n-by-1 vector; each row is one instance and the value is its projection on w1 (1st pca feature)
    #sample_pca_2 = mod.predict(np.dot(sample_test,wt2)) # same, but projection on w2
    error = np.square(sample_pca_1-label_test).mean()

# now, plot data distribution based on these two features
mpl.plot(test,label="MSE Error")
#mpl.title("W1 and W2")
mpl.xlabel("Number of instances used")

Пример #48
def sphere_normalize(x_data):
    array = np.zeros(x_data.shape)
    for i in range(len(x_data)):
        array[i] = x_data[i] / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(x_data[i] * 1.0)))
    return array
Пример #49
XF = Xtrain
yf = ytrain.as_matrix()
XF = XF.as_matrix()
XFT = np.transpose(XF)
#calculo de coeficiente
XTXi = np.matrix(np.dot(XFT, XF)).getI()  #(XTX)-1
coef = np.dot(XTXi, XFT)  #(XTX)-1XT
coef = np.dot(coef, yf)  #B = (XTX)-1XTy
coef = np.transpose(coef)

yhat = np.dot(XF, coef)
yhat = np.transpose(yhat)
var = yf - yhat
#print XF.shape
N = XF.shape[0]
p = XF.shape[1]
std = np.sqrt((1. / (N - p - 1)) * np.sum(np.square(var)))

print std

#print np.matrix(np.diag(XTXi))
zscore = coef / np.transpose(np.matrix(np.sqrt(np.diag(XTXi))))
zscore = zscore / std
#print zscore
#print zscore.shape

print coef
print zscore
Пример #50
from context import modest as md
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

orbitPeriod = 10000 / (2 * np.pi)
orbitAmplitude = 0

constantVelocity = -20
constantAcceleration = -0.001

tFinal = 3600 * 24 * 1
speedOfLight = 299792
velocityStdDev = 30 / speedOfLight
vVar = np.square(velocityStdDev)
nTaps = 9
aStdDev = 1e-2 / speedOfLight
myProfile = './pulsarData/profiles/J0534+2200_profile.txt'
myPARFile = '/home/joel/Documents/pythonDev/research/pulsarJPDAF/Data/2019_03_15_22h02m05s_chandraPhaseFrequency/ephem_B1509-58_chandra5515.par'

# myPARFile = '/home/joel/Documents/pythonDev/research/pulsarJPDAF/Data/2019_03_25_10h08m33s_chandraPhaseFrequency/ephem_B0540-6919_chandra1735.par'
# myProfile = './pulsarData/profiles/sinProfile.txt'
myPARFile = '/home/joel/Documents/pythonDev/research/pulsarJPDAF/pulsarData/PAR_files/ephem_B0540-6919_chandra1735.par'

detectorArea = 400  # cm^2
electronVoltPerPhoton = 6e3  # Electron-Volt x 10^3
electronVoltPerErg = 6.242e11
ergsPerElectronVolt = 1 / electronVoltPerErg

myFlux = 9.93e-9  # erg/cm^2/s
Пример #51
def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=None):
    Weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([in_size, out_size]))
    biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size]) + 0.1)
    Wx_plus_b = tf.add(tf.matmul(inputs, Weights), biases)
    if activation_function is None:
        outputs = Wx_plus_b
        outputs = activation_function(Wx_plus_b)
    return outputs

# 生成伪数据
x_data = np.linspace(-1, 1, 300)[:, np.newaxis]
noise = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, x_data.shape)
y_data = np.square(x_data) - 0.5

xs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
ys = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])

# 添加隐藏层和输出层
# hidden layer
layer1Result = add_layer(xs, 1, 10, activation_function=tf.nn.relu)

# output layer
tPrediction = add_layer(layer1Result, 10, 1, activation_function=None)

# loss函数
loss = tf.reduce_mean(
    tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ys - tPrediction), reduction_indices=[1]))
tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
Пример #52
def calcRMS(log, directory, subdir):
    file = open("/home/superjax/Documents/inertial_sense/config.yaml", 'r')
    config = yaml.load(file)
    directory = config["directory"]
    serials = config['serials']

    numDev = len(log.devices)
    debug = True
    averageRMS = []
    compassing = False
    navMode = (log.devices[0].data['ins2']['iStatus'] & 0x1000)[-1]
    if numDev > 1:

        print("\nComputing RMS Accuracies: (%d devices)" % (numDev))

        # Build a 3D array of the data.  idx 0 = Device,    idx 1 = t,     idx 2 = [t, lla, uvw, log(q)]
        data = [np.hstack((log.devices[i].data['ins2']['tow'][:,None],
                           log.devices[i].data['ins2']['q'])) for i in range(numDev)]

        # Make sure that the time stamps are realistic
        for dev in range(numDev):
            if (np.diff(data[dev][:,0]) > 10.0).any():
                print("large gaps in data for dev", dev, "chopping off data before gap".format(dev))
                idx = np.argmax(np.diff(data[dev][:,0])) + 1
                data[dev] = data[dev][idx:,:]

        min_time = max([np.min(data[i][:,0]) for i in range(numDev)])
        max_time = min([np.max(data[i][:,0]) for i in range(numDev)])

        # If we are in compassing mode, then only calculate RMS after all devices have fix
        if log.devices[0].data['flashConfig']['RTKCfgBits'][-1] == 8:
            compassing = True
            time_of_fix_ms = [dev.data['gps1RtkCmpRel']['timeOfWeekMs'][np.argmax(dev.data['gps1RtkCmpRel']['arRatio'] > 3.0)] / 1000.0 for dev in log.devices]
            # print time_of_fix_ms
            min_time = max(time_of_fix_ms)

        # only take the second half of the data
        min_time = max_time - (max_time - min_time)/2.0

        # Resample at a steady 100 Hz
        dt = 0.01
        t = np.arange(1.0, max_time - min_time - 1.0, dt)
        for i in range(numDev):
            # Chop off extra data at beginning and end
            data[i] = data[i][data[i][:, 0] > min_time]
            data[i] = data[i][data[i][:, 0] < max_time]

            # Chop off the min time so everything is wrt to start
            data[i][:,0] -= min_time

            # Interpolate data so that it has all the same timestamps
            fi = interp1d(data[i][:,0], data[i][:,1:].T, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate', bounds_error=False)
            data[i] = np.hstack((t[:,None], fi(t).T))

            # Normalize Quaternions
            data[i][:,7:] /= norm(data[i][:,7:], axis=1)[:,None]

        # Make a big 3D numpy array we can work with [dev, sample, data]
        data = np.array(data)

        # Convert lla to ned using first device lla at center of data as reference
        refLla = data[0, int(round(len(t) / 2.0)), 1:4].copy()
        for i in range(numDev):
            data[i, :, 1:4] = lla2ned(refLla, data[i, :, 1:4])

        # Find Mean Data
        means = np.empty((len(data[0]), 10))
        means[:,:6] = np.mean(data[:,:,1:7], axis=0) # calculate mean position and velocity across devices
        means[:,6:] = meanOfQuatArray(data[:,:,7:].transpose((1,0,2))) # Calculate mean attitude of all devices at each timestep

        # calculate the attitude error for each device
        att_error = np.array([qboxminus(data[dev,:, 7:], means[:, 6:]) for dev in range(numDev)])
        # Calculate the Mounting Bias for all devices (assume the mounting bias is the mean of the attitude error)
        mount_bias = np.mean(att_error, axis=1)
        if compassing:
            # When in compassing, assume all units are sharing the same GPS antennas and should therefore have
            # no mounting bias in heading
            mount_bias[:,2] = 0

        # Adjust all attitude errors to the mean by the mounting bias
        # TODO: Talk to Walt about the mount bias - because this probably includes more biases than just the mount bias
        att_error -= mount_bias[:,None,:]

        if debug:
            colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm']
            plt.subplot(3,1,1) # Position
            plt.title("position error")
            for m in range(3):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n,:,0], data[n, :, m+1], color = colors[m])
                plt.plot(data[0,:,0], means[:, m], linewidth=2, color = colors[m])
            plt.title("velocity error")
            for m in range(3):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n,:,0], data[n, :, m+4], color = colors[m] )
                plt.plot(data[0,:,0], means[:, m+3], linewidth=2, color = colors[m])
            for m in range(4):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n,:,0], data[n, :, m+7], color = colors[m])
                plt.plot(data[0,:,0], means[:, m+6], linewidth=2, color = colors[m])

            for m in range(3):
                plt.subplot(3, 1, m +1)
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(att_error[n, :, m])

        # RMS = sqrt ( 1/N sum(e^2) )
        RMS = np.empty((numDev, 9))
        # Calculate RMS for position and velocity
        RMS[:,:6] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(data[:, :, 1:7] - means[:,0:6]), axis=1))
        # Calculate RMS for attitude
        RMS[:,6:] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(att_error[:, :, :]), axis=1))

        # Average RMS across devices
        averageRMS = np.mean(RMS, axis=0)

        print("average RMS = ", averageRMS)

        # Convert Attitude Error To Euler Angles
        RMS_euler = RMS[:,6:] # quat2eulerArray(qexp(RMS[:,6:]))
        averageRMS_euler = averageRMS[6:] #quat2eulerArray(qexp(averageRMS[None,6:]))[0]
        mount_bias_euler = mount_bias #quat2eulerArray(qexp(mount_bias))

        # Below is creating the RMS report
        thresholds = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, # LLA
                               0.2, 0.2, 0.2, # UVW
                               0.1, 0.1, 2.0]) # ATT (rpy) - (deg)
        if navMode or compassing:
            thresholds[8] = 0.3 # Higher heading accuracy
            thresholds[:6] = np.inf

        thresholds[6:] *= DEG2RAD # convert degrees threshold to radians

        specRatio = averageRMS / thresholds

        filename = os.path.join(directory, 'RMS_report_new.txt');
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        f.write('*****   Performance Analysis Report - %s   *****\n' % (subdir))
        f.write('Directory: %s\n' % (directory))
        mode = "AHRS"
        if navMode: mode = "NAV"
        if compassing: mode = "DUAL GNSS"

        # Print Table of RMS accuracies
        line = 'Device       '
        if navMode:
                '--------------------------------------------------- RMS Accuracy -------------------------------------------\n')
            line = line + 'UVW[  (m/s)   (m/s)   (m/s) ],  NED[    (m)     (m)     (m) ],'
        else:  # AHRS mode
            f.write('-------------- RMS Accuracy --------------\n')
        line = line + ' Att [  (deg)   (deg)   (deg) ]\n'

        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            line = '%2d SN%d      ' % (n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1])
            if navMode:
                line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ],     ' % ( RMS[n, 3], RMS[n, 4], RMS[n, 5])
                line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ],     ' % ( RMS[n, 0], RMS[n, 1], RMS[n, 2])
            line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ]\n' % (RMS_euler[n, 0] * RAD2DEG, RMS_euler[n, 1] * RAD2DEG, RMS_euler[n, 2] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'AVERAGE:        '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (averageRMS[3], averageRMS[4], averageRMS[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (averageRMS[0], averageRMS[1], averageRMS[2])
        else:  # AHRS mode
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (averageRMS_euler[0] * RAD2DEG, averageRMS_euler[1] * RAD2DEG, averageRMS_euler[2] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'THRESHOLD:      '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (thresholds[3], thresholds[4], thresholds[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (thresholds[0], thresholds[1], thresholds[2])
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (thresholds[6] * RAD2DEG, thresholds[7] * RAD2DEG, thresholds[8] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'RATIO:          '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (specRatio[3], specRatio[4], specRatio[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (specRatio[0], specRatio[1], specRatio[2])
        else:  # AHRS mode
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (specRatio[6], specRatio[7], specRatio[8])

        def pass_fail(ratio): return 'FAIL' if ratio > 1.0 else 'PASS'

        line = 'PASS/FAIL:      '
        if navMode:
            line        = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ],     ' % (pass_fail(specRatio[3]),pass_fail(specRatio[4]),pass_fail(specRatio[5])) # LLA
            line        = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ],     ' % (pass_fail(specRatio[0]),pass_fail(specRatio[1]),pass_fail(specRatio[2])) # UVW
        line            = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ]\n' % (pass_fail(specRatio[6]),pass_fail(specRatio[7]),pass_fail(specRatio[8]))     # ATT

        if navMode:
            f.write('                                                                                         ')
        else:  # AHRS mode
            f.write('                  ')
        f.write('('+mode +' mode)\n\n')

        # Print Mounting Biases
        f.write('--------------- Angular Mounting Biases ----------------\n')
        f.write('Device       Euler Biases[   (deg)     (deg)     (deg) ]\n')
        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            f.write('%2d SN%d               [ %7.4f   %7.4f   %7.4f ]\n' % (
                n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1], mount_bias_euler[n, 0] * RAD2DEG, mount_bias_euler[n, 1] * RAD2DEG, mount_bias_euler[n, 2] * RAD2DEG))

        # Print Device Version Information
            '------------------------------------------- Device Info -------------------------------------------------\n')
        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            hver = devInfo.v['hardwareVer'][-1]
            cver = devInfo.v['commVer'][-1]
            fver = devInfo.v['firmwareVer'][-1]
            buld = devInfo.v['build'][-1]
            repo = devInfo.v['repoRevision'][-1]
            date = devInfo.v['buildDate'][-1]
            time = devInfo.v['buildTime'][-1]
            addi = devInfo.v['addInfo'][-1]
                '%2d SN%d  HW: %d.%d.%d.%d   FW: %d.%d.%d.%d build %d repo %d   Proto: %d.%d.%d.%d  Date: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d  %s\n' % (
                    n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1],
                    hver[3], hver[2], hver[1], hver[0],
                    fver[3], fver[2], fver[1], fver[0], buld, repo,
                    cver[3], cver[2], cver[1], cver[0],
                    2000 + date[2], date[1], date[0],
                    time[3], time[2], time[1],


        # Automatically open report in Windows
        if 'win' in sys.platform:
            subprocess.Popen(["notepad.exe", filename])  # non-blocking call
        if 'linux' in sys.platform:
            subprocess.Popen(['gedit', filename])


    # TODO: Pass out the union of the test errors
    return averageRMS
 def sampleEr(self, actualout):
     error = np.subtract(self.out, actualout)
     sqerror = np.sum(np.square(error)) / self.Top[2]
     return sqerror
 def return_euclidean_distance(feature_1, feature_2):
     feature_1 = np.array(feature_1)
     feature_2 = np.array(feature_2)
     dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(feature_1 - feature_2)))
     return dist
Пример #55
def _estimate_weights_window(sindx, vals, nmedian, nstddev, type, outQueue):
    Set weights using a median-filter method

    sindx: int
        Index of station
    vals: array
        Array of values
    nmedian: odd int
        Size of median time window
    nstddev: odd int
        Size of stddev time window
    typ: str
        Type of values (e.g., 'phase')

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.ndimage import generic_filter

    pad_width = [(0, 0)] * len(vals.shape)
    pad_width[-1] = ((nmedian-1)/2, (nmedian-1)/2)
    if type == 'phase':
        # Median smooth and subtract to de-trend
        if nmedian > 0:
            # Convert to real/imag
            real = np.cos(vals)
            pad_real = np.pad(real, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            med_real = np.nanmedian(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_real, nmedian), axis=-1)
            real -= med_real
            real[real < -1.0] = -1.0
            real[real > 1.0] = 1.0

            imag = np.sin(vals)
            pad_imag = np.pad(imag, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            med_imag = np.nanmedian(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_imag, nmedian), axis=-1)
            imag -= med_imag
            imag[imag < -1.0] = -1.0
            imag[imag > 1.0] = 1.0

            # Calculate standard deviations
            pad_width[-1] = ((nstddev-1)/2, (nstddev-1)/2)
            pad_real = np.pad(real, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            stddev1 = _nancircstd(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_real, nstddev), axis=-1, is_phase=False)
            pad_imag = np.pad(imag, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            stddev2 = _nancircstd(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_imag, nstddev), axis=-1, is_phase=False)
            stddev = stddev1 + stddev2
            phase = normalize_phase(vals)

            # Calculate standard deviation
            pad_width[-1] = ((nstddev-1)/2, (nstddev-1)/2)
            pad_phase = np.pad(phase, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            stddev = _nancircstd(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_phase, nstddev), axis=-1)
        # Median smooth and subtract to de-trend
        if nmedian > 0:
            pad_vals = np.pad(vals, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
            med = np.nanmedian(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_vals, nmedian), axis=-1)
            vals -= med

        # Calculate standard deviation in larger window
        pad_width[-1] = ((nstddev-1)/2, (nstddev-1)/2)
        pad_vals = np.pad(vals, pad_width, 'constant', constant_values=(np.nan,))
        stddev = np.nanstd(_rolling_window_lastaxis(pad_vals, nstddev), axis=-1)

    # Check for periods where standard deviation is zero or NaN and replace
    # with min value to prevent inf in the weights. Also limit weights to
    # float16
    zero_scatter_ind = np.where(np.logical_or(np.isnan(stddev), stddev == 0.0))
    if len(zero_scatter_ind[0]) > 0:
        good_ind = np.where(~np.logical_or(np.isnan(stddev), stddev == 0.0))
        stddev[zero_scatter_ind] = np.min(stddev[good_ind])
    if nmedian > 0:
        fudge_factor = 2.0 # factor to compensate for smoothing
        fudge_factor = 1.0
    w = 1.0 / np.square(stddev*fudge_factor)

    # Rescale to fit in float16
    float16max = 65504.0
    if np.max(w) > float16max:
        w *= float16max / np.max(w)

    outQueue.put([sindx, w])
Пример #56
	def infer(
		Deep Xi inference. The specified 'out_type' is saved.

			test_x - noisy-speech test batch.
			test_x_len - noisy-speech test batch lengths.
			test_x_base_names - noisy-speech base names.
			test_epoch - epoch to test.
			model_path - path to model directory.
			out_type - output type (see deepxi/args.py).
			gain - gain function (see deepxi/args.py).
			out_path - path to save output files.
			saved_data_path - path to saved data necessary for enhancement.
		out_path_base = out_path
		if not isinstance(test_epoch, list): test_epoch = [test_epoch]
		if not isinstance(gain, list): gain = [gain]

		# The mel-scale filter bank is to compute an ideal binary mask (IBM)
		# estimate for log-spectral subband energies (LSSE).
		if out_type == 'subband_ibm_hat':
			mel_filter_bank = self.mel_filter_bank(n_filters)

		for e in test_epoch:
			if e < 1: raise ValueError("test_epoch must be greater than 0.")
			for g in gain:

				out_path = out_path_base + '/' + self.ver + '/' + 'e' + str(e) # output path.
				if out_type == 'xi_hat': out_path = out_path + '/xi_hat'
				elif out_type == 'gamma_hat': out_path = out_path + '/gamma_hat'
				elif out_type == 's_STPS_hat': out_path = out_path + '/s_STPS_hat'
				elif out_type == 'y':
					if self.inp_tgt_type == 'MagIRM': out_path = out_path + '/y'
					else: out_path = out_path + '/y/' + g
				elif out_type == 'deepmmse': out_path = out_path + '/deepmmse'
				elif out_type == 'ibm_hat': out_path = out_path + '/ibm_hat'
				elif out_type == 'subband_ibm_hat': out_path = out_path + '/subband_ibm_hat'
				elif out_type == 'cd_hat': out_path = out_path + '/cd_hat'
				else: raise ValueError('Invalid output type.')
				if not os.path.exists(out_path): os.makedirs(out_path)

				self.model.load_weights(model_path + '/epoch-' + str(e-1) +
					'/variables/variables' )

				print("Processing observations...")
				inp_batch, supplementary_batch, n_frames = self.observation_batch(test_x, test_x_len)

				print("Performing inference...")
				tgt_hat_batch = self.model.predict(inp_batch, batch_size=1, verbose=1)

				print("Saving outputs...")
				batch_size = len(test_x_len)
				for i in tqdm(range(batch_size)):
					base_name = test_x_base_names[i]
					inp = inp_batch[i,:n_frames[i],:]
					tgt_hat = tgt_hat_batch[i,:n_frames[i],:]

					# if tf.is_tensor(supplementary_batch):
					supplementary = supplementary_batch[i,:n_frames[i],:]

					if saved_data_path is not None:
						saved_data = read_mat(saved_data_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat')
						supplementary = (supplementary, saved_data)

					if out_type == 'xi_hat':
						xi_hat = self.inp_tgt.xi_hat(tgt_hat)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', xi_hat, 'xi_hat')
					elif out_type == 'gamma_hat':
						gamma_hat = self.inp_tgt.gamma_hat(tgt_hat)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', gamma_hat, 'gamma_hat')
					elif out_type == 's_STPS_hat':
						s_STPS_hat = self.inp_tgt.s_stps_hat(tgt_hat)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', s_STPS_hat, 's_STPS_hat')
					elif out_type == 'y':
						y = self.inp_tgt.enhanced_speech(inp, supplementary, tgt_hat, g).numpy()
						save_wav(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.wav', y, self.inp_tgt.f_s)
					elif out_type == 'deepmmse':
						xi_hat = self.inp_tgt.xi_hat(tgt_hat)
						d_PSD_hat = np.multiply(np.square(inp), gfunc(xi_hat, xi_hat+1.0,
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', d_PSD_hat, 'd_psd_hat')
					elif out_type == 'ibm_hat':
						xi_hat = self.inp_tgt.xi_hat(tgt_hat)
						ibm_hat = np.greater(xi_hat, 1.0).astype(bool)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', ibm_hat, 'ibm_hat')
					elif out_type == 'subband_ibm_hat':
						xi_hat = self.inp_tgt.xi_hat(tgt_hat)
						xi_hat_subband = np.matmul(xi_hat, mel_filter_bank.transpose())
						subband_ibm_hat = np.greater(xi_hat_subband, 1.0).astype(bool)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', subband_ibm_hat,
					elif out_type == 'cd_hat':
						cd_hat = self.inp_tgt.cd_hat(tgt_hat)
						save_mat(out_path + '/' + base_name + '.mat', cd_hat, 'cd_hat')
					else: raise ValueError('Invalid output type.')
Пример #57
def l2_difference(A, B):
    return np.sum(np.square(np.abs(A[:, None, :] - B)), 2)
Пример #58
def draw_boxes(im, boxes, labels=None, colors=None, font_scale=0.6,
               font_thick=1, box_thick=1, bottom_text=False, offsets=None):
  if not boxes:
    return im

  boxes = np.asarray(boxes, dtype="int")

  FONT_SCALE = font_scale

  if labels is not None:
    assert len(labels) == len(boxes), "{} != {}".format(len(labels), len(boxes))
  if colors is not None:
    assert len(labels) == len(colors)
  areas = (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] + 1) * (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] + 1)
  sorted_inds = np.argsort(-areas)  # draw large ones first
  assert areas.min() > 0, areas.min()

  im = im.copy()
  COLOR_DIFF_WEIGHT = np.asarray((3, 4, 2), dtype='int32')
  if im.ndim == 2 or (im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[2] == 1):
    im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
  for i in sorted_inds:
    box = boxes[i, :]
    # for cropped visualization
    if box[0] < 0 or box[1] < 0 or box[2] < 0 or box[3] < 0:

    color = (218, 218, 218)
    if colors is not None:
      color = colors[i]
    best_color = color

    lineh = 2 # for box enlarging, replace with text height if there is label
    if labels is not None:
      label = labels[i]

      # find the best placement for the text
      ((linew, lineh), _) = cv2.getTextSize(label, FONT, FONT_SCALE, font_thick)
      bottom_left = [box[0] + 1, box[1] - 0.3 * lineh]
      top_left = [box[0] + 1, box[1] - 1.3 * lineh]
      if top_left[1] < 0:   # out of image
        top_left[1] = box[3] - 1.3 * lineh
        bottom_left[1] = box[3] - 0.3 * lineh

      textbox = IntBox(int(top_left[0]), int(top_left[1]),
                       int(top_left[0] + linew), int(top_left[1] + lineh))

      offset = 0
      if offsets is not None:
        offset = lineh * offsets[i]

      if color is None:
        # find the best color
        mean_color = textbox.roi(im).mean(axis=(0, 1))
        best_color_ind = (np.square(COLOR_CANDIDATES - mean_color) *
        best_color = COLOR_CANDIDATES[best_color_ind].tolist()

      if bottom_text:
        cv2.putText(im, label, (box[0] + 2, box[3] - 4 + offset),
                    FONT, FONT_SCALE, color=best_color)
        cv2.putText(im, label, (textbox.x1, textbox.y2 - offset),
                    FONT, FONT_SCALE, color=best_color) #, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
    # expand the box on y axis for overlapping results
    offset = 0
    if offsets is not None:
      offset = lineh * offsets[i]
      box[0] -= box_thick * offsets[i] + 1
      box[2] += box_thick * offsets[i] + 1
      if bottom_text:
        box[1] -= box_thick * offsets[i] + 1
        box[3] += offset
        box[3] += box_thick * offsets[i] + 1
        box[1] -= offset

    cv2.rectangle(im, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]),
                  color=best_color, thickness=box_thick)
  return im
Пример #59
def mse(X, B, C):
    q_x = reconstruct(C, B)
    return np.sum(np.square(X - q_x), 1)
Пример #60
def quantization_error(X, B, C):
    q_x = reconstruct(C, B)
    return np.mean(np.sum(np.square(X - q_x), 1))