Пример #1
    def _apply_clamping(activations, clamped, symbolic=True):
        Resets the value of some layers within the network.

        activations : list
            List of symbolic tensors representing the current activations.
        clamped : list of (int, matrix, matrix or None) tuples
            The first component of each tuple is an int representing the
            index of the layer to clamp.
            The second component is a matrix of the initial values for that
            layer (ie what we are resetting the values to).
            The third component is a matrix mask indicated which indices in
            the minibatch to clamp (1 indicates clamping, 0 indicates not).
            The value of None is equivalent to the 0 matrix (so no clamping).
            If symbolic is true then matrices are Theano tensors, otherwise
            they should be numpy matrices.
        symbolic : bool, optional
            Whether to execute with symbolic Theano tensors or numpy matrices.
        for idx, initial, clamp in clamped:
            if clamp is None:

            # take values from initial
            clamped_val = clamp * initial

            # zero out values in activations
            if symbolic:
                activations[idx] = T.switch(clamp, initial, activations[idx])
                activations[idx] = np.switch(clamp, initial, activations[idx])
        return activations
Пример #2
    def _apply_clamping(activations, clamped, symbolic=True):
        Resets the value of some layers within the network.

        activations : list
            List of symbolic tensors representing the current activations.
        clamped : list of (int, matrix, matrix or None) tuples
            The first component of each tuple is an int representing the \
            index of the layer to clamp. \
            The second component is a matrix of the initial values for that \
            layer (ie what we are resetting the values to). \
            The third component is a matrix mask indicated which indices in \
            the minibatch to clamp (1 indicates clamping, 0 indicates not). \
            The value of None is equivalent to the 0 matrix (so no clamping). \
            If symbolic is true then matrices are Theano tensors, otherwise \
            they should be numpy matrices.
        symbolic : bool
            Whether to execute with symbolic Theano tensors or numpy matrices.
        for idx, initial, clamp in clamped:
            if clamp is None:

            # take values from initial
            clamped_val = clamp * initial

            # zero out values in activations
            if symbolic:
                activations[idx] = T.switch(clamp, initial, activations[idx])
                activations[idx] = np.switch(clamp, initial, activations[idx])
        return activations
Пример #3
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data
        t = data[0]
        x0 = data[1]
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(tt.lt(t, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        return ll_L
Пример #4
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        k1 = self.k1

        #theta5_print = theano.printing.Print('theta5')(theta5)
        #theta6_print = theano.printing.Print('theta6')(theta6)
        #theta7_print = theano.printing.Print('theta7')(theta7)
        #theta8_print = theano.printing.Print('theta8')(theta8)
        #theta9_print = theano.printing.Print('theta9')(theta9)
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]

        p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)
        g_ends_print = theano.printing.Print('g_ends')(g_ends)
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta5 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta6)))

        #Q_print = theano.printing.Print('Q')(Q)

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)

        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta7) - theta7 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta7 > 0)
        #ll_S = tt.log(theta7) - theta7*p_lengths # just exponential dist
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        #t_cs_print = theano.printing.Print('t_cs')(t_cs)
        #p_lengths_print = theano.printing.Print('p_lengths')(p_lengths)

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta8 + theta9 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta8

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta9 / theta8) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta8 * theta9))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta8

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(tt.lt(p_lengths, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)
		ll_1_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_1_print')(ll_L_1)
		ll_2_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_2_print')(ll_L_2)
		ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L_print')(ll_L)

        ## Assemble 2 likelihood paths

        ll_Q_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_Q')(ll_Q)
        ll_notQ_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_notQ')(ll_notQ)

        ll_L_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_L')(ll_L)
        ll_S_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_S')(ll_S)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp
        #ll_short = ll_notQ_print + ll_S_print
        #ll_long = ll_Q_print + ll_L_print

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L
		ll_pause = tt.switch(tt.lt(ll_short, ll_long),
							 ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short)),
							 ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long)))
        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))
        ll_nans = tt.any(tt.isnan(ll_pause))
        ll_nan_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_nans')(ll_nans)
        ll_pause_print = theano.printing.Print('ll_pause')(ll_pause)

        #ll = ll_pause # tt.log(tt.exp(ll_notQ + ll_S) + tt.exp(ll_Q + ll_L))

        #ll_print = theano.printing.Print('ll')(ll)

        return ll_pause_print + ll_nan_print
Пример #5
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        #theta9 = self.theta9
        #self.theta10 = theta10
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
		p = 0.5
		ll_bout = p + bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

		ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
        ll_S = bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
		Long pause ll
        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends) / k1

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        g_pausing_1 = 0.25 * tt.sqr(
            k1 * p_lengths) - tt.sqrt(g_ends) * k1 * p_lengths + g_ends

        phi_L_1 = 1. / (theta7 + theta8 * g_pausing_1)

        psi_L_1 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * p_lengths - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_1 = psi_L_1 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(phi_L_1) - psi_L_1

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        phi_L_2 = 1. / theta7

        psi_L_2 = 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                 (k1 * t_cs - 2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 - 2. * tt.arctan(0.5 * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7) *
                                           (-2. * tt.sqrt(g_ends)))
        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 / (k1 * tt.sqrt(theta7 * theta8))

        psi_L_2 = psi_L_2 + (p_lengths - t_cs) / theta7

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(phi_L_2) - psi_L_2

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(tt.lt(p_lengths, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))

        return ll_pause
Пример #6
    def logp(self, data):
		Retrieve thetas
        theta4 = self.theta4
        theta5 = self.theta5
        theta6 = self.theta6
        theta7 = self.theta7
        theta8 = self.theta8
        theta9 = self.theta9
        p = self.p
        k1 = self.k1
		Parse data

        f_lengths = data[0]
        g_starts = data[1]
        rates = data[2]
        p_lengths = data[3]
        g_ends = data[4]
		Transition kernel
        eps = 0.01
        Q = eps + (1. - 2. * eps) / (1. + tt.exp(-0.1 * theta4 *
                                                 (g_ends - 20. * theta5)))

        ll_Q = tt.log(Q)
        ll_notQ = tt.log(1 - tt.exp(ll_Q))
		Short pause ll
        #ll_S = bound(tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        #p = 0.8
        ll_bout = p + bound(
            tt.log(theta6) - theta6 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta6 > 0)
        ll_drink = (1. - p) + bound(
            tt.log(theta9) - theta9 * p_lengths, p_lengths > 0, theta9 > 0)

        ll_S = ll_drink + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_bout - ll_drink))
		Long pause ll
        x0 = g_ends
        t = p_lengths

        ## Full emptying time
        t_cs = 2. * tt.sqrt(x0) / k1

        ## Stomach fullness
        x = 0.25 * tt.sqr(k1 * t) - k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) + x0

        ## ll if time is less than full emptying
        a_part1 = k1 * t * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        a_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 *
                              (x + x0) + x0 * tt.pow(theta8, 2) * x)
        a_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        a_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7, 3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (
            theta7 + theta8 * x)
        a_psi = (a_part1 + a_part2_1 * a_part2_2) / a_denom

        a_phi = 1. / (tt.sqr(theta7 + theta8 * x))

        ll_L_1 = tt.log(a_phi) - a_psi

        ## ll if time exceeds full emptying
        b_phi = 1. / tt.sqr(theta7)

        b_part1 = k1 * t_cs * theta8 * tt.pow(
            theta7, 2) * (0.5 * theta7 + theta8 *
                          (0.25 * k1 * t_cs * tt.sqrt(x0) - 0.5 * x0))
        b_part2_1 = theta7 * (tt.pow(theta7, 2) + theta7 * theta8 * (x0))
        b_part2_2 = tt.sqrt(
            theta7 * theta8) * (tt.arctan(
                (0.5 * k1 * t_cs - tt.sqrt(x0)) * tt.sqrt(theta8 / theta7)) +
                                tt.arctan(tt.sqrt(theta8 * x0 / theta7)))

        b_denom = k1 * tt.pow(theta7,
                              3) * theta8 * (theta7 + x0 * theta8) * (theta7)
        b_psi = (b_part1 + b_part2_1 * b_part2_2) / b_denom
        b_psi = b_psi + (t - t_cs) / tt.sqr(theta7)

        ll_L_2 = tt.log(b_phi) - b_psi

        ## Switch based on t_c
        ll_L = tt.switch(tt.lt(t, t_cs), ll_L_1, ll_L_2)

        ## Avoid numerical issues in logaddexp

        ll_short = ll_notQ + ll_S
        ll_long = ll_Q + ll_L

        #ll_pause = ll_short + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_long - ll_short))
        ll_pause = ll_long + tt.log1p(tt.exp(ll_short - ll_long))

        return ll_pause