Пример #1
def butter_filter(freq, fs=RATE, order=5):
	nyq = 0.5 * fs
	low = freq / nyq
	b, a = butter(order, low, 'lowpass')
	for i in streamData:
		i = np.asArray(i)
		i = lfilter(b, a, i)
		i = np.tolist(i)
Пример #2
    def convert_NP_to_LIST(self, np) -> list:
        numpy의 array 형식의 데이터를 list로 변환
            list 자료형의 값
        list = np.tolist()

        return list
Пример #3
def concDisOxySaturated(pressure_mmHg, Temperature_degC):
    # Calibration Table
    # 160910
    # http://www.vernier.com/files/manuals/odo-bta/odo-bta.pdf

    x_pressmmHg = [770., 760., 750., 740.]  # PRESSURE mmHg
    x_pressmmHg = np.array(x_pressmmHg)

    y_degC = [
        0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12., 14., 16., 18.,
        20., 22., 24., 26., 28., 30., 32., 34.
    ]  # TEMPERATURE degC
    y_degC = np.array(y_degC)

    z_mgPerL = [  # 770 , 760 , 750 ,740
        [14.76, 14.57, 14.38, 14.19],  # 0 degC
        [14.38, 14.19, 14, 13.82],  # 1
        [14.01, 13.82, 13.64, 13.46],  # 2
        [13.65, 13.47, 13.29, 13.12],  # 3
        [13.31, 13.13, 12.96, 12.79],  # 4
        [12.97, 12.81, 12.64, 12.47],  # 5
        [12.66, 12.49, 12.33, 12.16],  # 6
        [12.35, 12.19, 12.03, 11.87],  # 7 
        [12.05, 11.90, 11.74, 11.58],  # 8
        [11.77, 11.62, 11.46, 11.31],  #9
        [11.50, 11.35, 11.20, 11.05],  #10
        [11.24, 11.09, 10.94, 10.80],  #11
        [10.98, 10.84, 10.70, 10.56],  #12
        [10.51, 10.37, 10.24, 10.10],  #14
        [10.07, 9.94, 9.81, 9.68],  #16
        [9.67, 9.54, 9.41, 9.29],  #18
        [9.29, 9.17, 9.05, 8.93],  #20
        [8.94, 8.83, 8.71, 8.59],  #22
        [8.62, 8.51, 8.40, 8.28],  #24
        [8.32, 8.21, 8.10, 7.99],  #26
        [8.04, 7.93, 7.83, 7.72],  #28
        [7.77, 7.67, 7.57, 7.47],  #30
        [7.51, 7.42, 7.32, 7.22],  #32
        [7.27, 7.17, 7.08, 6.98],  #34
    z_mgPerL = np.array(z_mgPerL)

    # scipy.interpolate.interp2d
    #  http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.13.0/reference/generated/scipy.interpolate.interp2d.html

    # Define function to call
    _concDisOxySaturated = interpolate.interp2d(x_pressmmHg,

    x = _concDisOxySaturated(pressure_mmHg, Temperature_degC)

    return np.tolist()
Пример #4
    def convert_NP_to_LIST(self, np, dtype=None):
        numpy의 array 형식의 데이터를 list로 변환
        :param np:
        :param dtype:
            list 자료형의 값
        list = np.tolist()

        return list
Пример #5
    def np_to_list(self, np, dtype=None):
        list = np.tolist()

        return list
Пример #6
#Support multidimensional arrays and matrices.
#It also support wide range of mathematical operations.

    import numpy as np
    ndarray - an N-dimensional array, which describes a collection of “items” of the same type
    array(list)                    # constructor
    asarray(a[, dtype, order])     # Convert the input to an array
        ndarray.shape        #tuple of array dimensions
        ndarray.size         #number of elements in array
        ndarray.itemsize     #size of one element
        ndarray.dtype        #data type of elements
        ndarray.flat         #1D iterator over elements of array
    Common Functions
        np.tolist()          #Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.
        np.reshape(a, (3,2)) #Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
        np.swapaxes(axis1, axis2) #Return a view of the array with axis1 and axis2 interchanged.
        np.copy()            #Return a copy of the array.
        np.arange()          #Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.
    Statistics Functions:
        np.sum(a, axis)     #Sum of array elements over a given axis.
        np.prod             #Return the product of array elements over a given axis.
        np.min              #Return the minimum along a given axis.
        np.max              #Return the maximum along a given axis.
        np.mean             #Compute the arithmetic mean along the specified axis.
        np.std              #Compute the standard deviation along the specified axis. 
	np.var              #Compute the variance along the specified axis.
        np.sort(axis)       #Return a sorted copy of an array.
	Other Functions:
		String operations #A set of vectorized string operations for arrays. 
Пример #7
def array2param(array,ptype):
    if ptype == 'list':
        return np.tolist(array)
    if ptype == 'scalar':
        return array[0]
Пример #8
def heat_eq_ui():
    Solve heat equation with arguments (all are optional) from the commands
    line; Type of solver, constants, initial dist. from file, animation etc.
    Run with "-h" for a complete description of available commands.

    When using timeit via "-time RUNS ITER" animation and other output
    are ignored. User settings i.e. f, m, t0 etc. are used if acceptable.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-time", nargs=2, help="Turn on timeit-module. "+ \
                                                   "Run ARG1 tests with ARG2 iterations", type=int)
                        help="The mesh points in X-direction",
                        help="The mesh points in Y-direction",
                        help="The start time of computations [sec]",
                        help="The end time of computations [sec]",
                        help="The time step (temporal resolution)",
                        help="The thermal diffusivity",
                        help="The constant heat source term",

                        help="Filename (save to disk) of final solution u",
                        help="Filename (read from disk) of initial u",

                        help='Save plot of last solution: "last_u.png"',
                        help="Increase output verbosity",
                        help="Animate solution while computation runs",

    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(
    )  # Pick only one solver-method
                       help="Solve problem with pure python objects",
                       help="Solve problem with NumPy",
                       help="Solve problem with Weave",

    # Store user options with readable names
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dt = args.dt
    n = args.n
    m = args.m
    t0 = args.t0
    t1 = args.t1
    nu = args.nu
    f_constant = args.f
    verbose = args.v
    save_last_fig = args.s
    show_animation = args.a

    # File handling switches
    use_timeit = False if not args.time else True
    output_last_u_to_file = False if not args.o else True
    change_initial_u = False if not args.i else True
    print_progress = True if verbose else False

    if use_timeit:
        timeit_repeats = args.time[0]
        timeit_iter = args.time[1]

    # Set method for solver
    method = SolverPurePython if args.python else SolverNumpy if args.numpy else SolverWeave if args.weave else None
    scheme_name = 'Python' if args.python else 'Numpy' if args.numpy else 'Weave' if args.weave else None
    if not method:
        if verbose:
            print "\nNo method specified. Choosing 'weave' for speed!"
        method = SolverWeave
        scheme_name = 'Weave'

    # Give the user options if dt is unstable/too large
    # dt <= dx*dy / (4*nu) (and we have dx=dy=1 for any mesh size, see report)
    max_stable_dt = 1.0 / (4 * nu)
    if dt > max_stable_dt:
        print "\nThe chosen dt (%.2e) is  too large, solution might be unstable!" % dt
        print "Choose what to do:"
        print "- Press enter to use the max. stable dt (%.2e) and continue" % max_stable_dt
        print "- Enter 'c' or 'cont' to continue anyway, or"
        user_choice = raw_input(
            "- Enter 'exit' (or anything else than the above options) to quit\n"
        if not user_choice:
            dt = max_stable_dt
        elif user_choice in ['c', 'cont']:

    # Check that time parameters makes sense
    if t0 >= t1 or t0 < 0:
        print "\nStart time must be larger then end time. Also, start time can't be negative"

    # Load initial temp. dist. from file if specified.
    # Using a human readable text format (little slower than np.save or pickle)
    if change_initial_u:
        if verbose:
            print "\nReading initial temperature distribution u0 from file"
        filename = args.i
            initial_u = np.loadtxt(filename)
            print "File does not exit or is not in txt-format. Exiting..."
        if method == SolverPurePython:  # Must convert to nested list
            initial_u = np.tolist(initial_u)
        n_i = initial_u.shape[0]
        m_i = initial_u.shape[1]
        if n != n_i or m != m_i:
            print "\nMesh dimensions of initial u from file (%d,%d) does NOT match" % (
                n_i, m_i)
            print "user (or default) specified values: (%d,%d)\nExiting..." % (
                n, m)
        initial_u = None

    # If timeit is used and method = PurePython, give the user a warning
    if method == SolverPurePython and use_timeit:
        timeit_total_iter = timeit_repeats * timeit_iter  # Total number of iterations (i.e. runs of solver)
        if timeit_total_iter >= 2 and t1 - t0 >= 200:
            estimate_time_used = int((t1 - t0) / 1000. * 55)
            print "\nWarning: Testing the pure python implementation is really slow. "
            if verbose:
                print "Rough time estimate per iteration (and total time): %d, (%d) seconds" \
                       %(estimate_time_used, timeit_total_iter*estimate_time_used)
                raw_input('Press enter to continue..')

    # Fill the source term f (as a list or array)
    if method == SolverPurePython:
        f = SourceTermF_LIST(n, m, f_constant)
    else:  # All other methods use arrays
        f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(n, m, f_constant)

    # One call to rule them all
    if use_timeit:
        if verbose:
            print "\nWhen running timeit, some user specified settings might"
            print "be ignored for consistency and reproducability"

        if method == SolverPurePython:  # Sorry for long lines of code, but I get indent error otherwise...
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation import SolverPurePython, SourceTermF_LIST; method = SolverPurePython; f = SourceTermF_LIST(%d,%d,%f)" % (
                n, m, f_constant)
        elif method == SolverNumpy:
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation_numpy import SolverNumpy, SourceTermF_ARRAY; method = SolverNumpy; f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(%d,%d,%f)" % (
                n, m, f_constant)
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation_weave import SolverWeave, SourceTermF_ARRAY; method = SolverWeave; f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(%d,%d,%f)" % (
                n, m, f_constant)
        solver_call = "u = method(f,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,None,False,False)" % (
            nu, dt, n, m, t0, t1)
        timeit_results = timeit.Timer(solver_call, setup=setup_timeit).repeat(
            timeit_repeats, timeit_iter)
        best_time = min(timeit_results) / float(
        )  # All noise in data is "positive", so minimum time is most accurate
        if verbose:
            print "\nTest repeats: %d, each with %d iterations" % (
                timeit_repeats, timeit_iter)
            print "Settings: f=1,nu=%.1f,dt=%.1f,n=%d,m=%d,t0=%d,t1=%d" % (
                nu, dt, n, m, t0, t1)
            print "Minimum CPU-time of scheme '%s': %f seconds" % (scheme_name,
            print "Min. CPU-time: %f sec. (%s)" % (best_time, scheme_name)

        u = method(f,nu,dt,n,m,t0,t1,initial_u, \

        if verbose:  # Need to add some spacing for aesthetical purposes
            print ""
        print u.max()

        # Save last u
        if output_last_u_to_file:
            if verbose:
                print "\nSaving final temperature distribution u to file"
            filename = args.o
            np.savetxt(filename, u)  # Works with both nested list and array

        if save_last_fig:
            if verbose:
                print "\nSaving the final temperature plot of u to 'last_u.png'"
            im = plt.imshow(zip(*u),
                            cmap='gray')  # Initiate plotting / animation
            plt.title('u(x,y,t=%d)' % (t1))  # Update title time
            if not show_animation:  # Do not add a second colorbar if already added!
Пример #9
def heat_eq_ui():
    Solve heat equation with arguments (all are optional) from the commands
    line; Type of solver, constants, initial dist. from file, animation etc.
    Run with "-h" for a complete description of available commands.

    When using timeit via "-time RUNS ITER" animation and other output
    are ignored. User settings i.e. f, m, t0 etc. are used if acceptable.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-time", nargs=2, help="Turn on timeit-module. "+ \
                                                   "Run ARG1 tests with ARG2 iterations", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-n",  default=50,   help="The mesh points in X-direction",       type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-m",  default=100,  help="The mesh points in Y-direction",       type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-t0", default=0,    help="The start time of computations [sec]", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-t1", default=1000, help="The end time of computations [sec]",   type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-dt", default=0.1,  help="The time step (temporal resolution)",  type=float)
    parser.add_argument("-nu", default=1.0,  help="The thermal diffusivity",              type=float)
    parser.add_argument("-f",  default=1.0,  help="The constant heat source term",        type=float)

    parser.add_argument("-o", "-output", help="Filename (save to disk) of final solution u", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("-i", "-input",  help="Filename (read from disk) of initial u"     , type=str)

    parser.add_argument("-s", "-save",    help='Save plot of last solution: "last_u.png"', action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "-verbose", help="Increase output verbosity",                action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-a", "-anim",    help="Animate solution while computation runs",  action="store_true")

    group  = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() # Pick only one solver-method
    group.add_argument("-python", help="Solve problem with pure python objects", action="store_true")
    group.add_argument("-numpy",  help="Solve problem with NumPy", action="store_true")
    group.add_argument("-weave",  help="Solve problem with Weave", action="store_true")

    # Store user options with readable names
    args = parser.parse_args()
    dt = args.dt
    n  = args.n;  m  = args.m
    t0 = args.t0; t1 = args.t1
    nu = args.nu
    f_constant       = args.f
    verbose          = args.v
    save_last_fig    = args.s
    show_animation   = args.a

    # File handling switches
    use_timeit            = False if not args.time else True
    output_last_u_to_file = False if not args.o    else True
    change_initial_u      = False if not args.i    else True
    print_progress        = True  if verbose       else False

    if use_timeit:
        timeit_repeats   = args.time[0]
        timeit_iter      = args.time[1]

    # Set method for solver
    method = SolverPurePython if args.python else SolverNumpy if args.numpy else SolverWeave if args.weave else None
    scheme_name = 'Python'    if args.python else 'Numpy'     if args.numpy else 'Weave'     if args.weave else None
    if not method:
        if verbose:
            print "\nNo method specified. Choosing 'weave' for speed!"
        method = SolverWeave
        scheme_name = 'Weave'

    # Give the user options if dt is unstable/too large
    # dt <= dx*dy / (4*nu) (and we have dx=dy=1 for any mesh size, see report)
    max_stable_dt = 1.0/(4*nu)
    if dt > max_stable_dt:
        print "\nThe chosen dt (%.2e) is  too large, solution might be unstable!" %dt
        print "Choose what to do:"
        print "- Press enter to use the max. stable dt (%.2e) and continue" %max_stable_dt
        print "- Enter 'c' or 'cont' to continue anyway, or"
        user_choice = raw_input("- Enter 'exit' (or anything else than the above options) to quit\n")
        if not user_choice:
            dt = max_stable_dt
        elif user_choice in ['c','cont']:

    # Check that time parameters makes sense
    if t0 >= t1 or t0 < 0:
        print "\nStart time must be larger then end time. Also, start time can't be negative"

    # Load initial temp. dist. from file if specified.
    # Using a human readable text format (little slower than np.save or pickle)
    if change_initial_u:
        if verbose:
            print "\nReading initial temperature distribution u0 from file"
        filename  = args.i
            initial_u = np.loadtxt(filename)
            print "File does not exit or is not in txt-format. Exiting..."; sys.exit(1)
        if method == SolverPurePython: # Must convert to nested list
            initial_u = np.tolist(initial_u)
        n_i = initial_u.shape[0]
        m_i = initial_u.shape[1]
        if n != n_i or m != m_i:
            print "\nMesh dimensions of initial u from file (%d,%d) does NOT match" %(n_i,m_i)
            print "user (or default) specified values: (%d,%d)\nExiting..." %(n,m)
        initial_u = None

    # If timeit is used and method = PurePython, give the user a warning
    if method == SolverPurePython and use_timeit:
        timeit_total_iter = timeit_repeats*timeit_iter # Total number of iterations (i.e. runs of solver)
        if timeit_total_iter >= 2 and t1-t0 >= 200:
            estimate_time_used = int((t1-t0)/1000. * 55)
            print "\nWarning: Testing the pure python implementation is really slow. "
            if verbose:
                print "Rough time estimate per iteration (and total time): %d, (%d) seconds" \
                       %(estimate_time_used, timeit_total_iter*estimate_time_used)
                raw_input('Press enter to continue..')

    # Fill the source term f (as a list or array)
    if method == SolverPurePython:
        f = SourceTermF_LIST(n,m,f_constant)
    else: # All other methods use arrays
        f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(n,m,f_constant)

    # One call to rule them all
    if use_timeit:
        if verbose:
            print "\nWhen running timeit, some user specified settings might"
            print "be ignored for consistency and reproducability"

        if method == SolverPurePython: # Sorry for long lines of code, but I get indent error otherwise...
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation import SolverPurePython, SourceTermF_LIST; method = SolverPurePython; f = SourceTermF_LIST(%d,%d,%f)" %(n,m,f_constant)
        elif method == SolverNumpy:
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation_numpy import SolverNumpy, SourceTermF_ARRAY; method = SolverNumpy; f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(%d,%d,%f)" %(n,m,f_constant)
            setup_timeit = "from heat_equation_weave import SolverWeave, SourceTermF_ARRAY; method = SolverWeave; f = SourceTermF_ARRAY(%d,%d,%f)" %(n,m,f_constant)
        solver_call = "u = method(f,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,None,False,False)" %(nu,dt,n,m,t0,t1)
        timeit_results = timeit.Timer(solver_call, setup=setup_timeit).repeat(timeit_repeats, timeit_iter)
        best_time = min(timeit_results)/float(timeit_iter) # All noise in data is "positive", so minimum time is most accurate
        if verbose:
            print "\nTest repeats: %d, each with %d iterations" %(timeit_repeats, timeit_iter)
            print "Settings: f=1,nu=%.1f,dt=%.1f,n=%d,m=%d,t0=%d,t1=%d" %(nu,dt,n,m,t0,t1)
            print "Minimum CPU-time of scheme '%s': %f seconds" %(scheme_name, best_time)
            print "Min. CPU-time: %f sec. (%s)" %(best_time, scheme_name)

        u = method(f,nu,dt,n,m,t0,t1,initial_u, \

        if verbose: # Need to add some spacing for aesthetical purposes
            print ""
	print u.max()

        # Save last u
        if output_last_u_to_file:
            if verbose:
                print "\nSaving final temperature distribution u to file"
            filename = args.o
            np.savetxt(filename, u) # Works with both nested list and array

        if save_last_fig:
            if verbose:
                print "\nSaving the final temperature plot of u to 'last_u.png'"
            im = plt.imshow(zip(*u), cmap='gray')  # Initiate plotting / animation
            plt.title('u(x,y,t=%d)' %(t1)) # Update title time
            plt.xlabel('X'); plt.ylabel('Y')
            if not show_animation: # Do not add a second colorbar if already added!
Пример #10
def np_to_vec(np):
	if np[3]:
		return vec3d(np[0], np[1], np[2], np[3])
	return vec3d(np[0], np[1], np[2])