Пример #1
    def newerSectorializeDegrees(self, empirical_distribution, binomial,
                                 incident_degrees_, max_degree_empirical,
                                 minimum_count, num_agents):
        # compute bins [start, end]
        prob_min = minimum_count / num_agents
        llimit = 0
        rlimit = 0
        self.bins = bins = []
        self.empirical_probs = empirical_probs = []
        while (rlimit < len(incident_degrees_)):
            if (sum(empirical_distribution[llimit:]) > prob_min):
                prob_empirical = 0
                while True:
                    prob_empirical = sum(empirical_distribution[llimit:rlimit +
                    if prob_empirical >= prob_min:
                        rlimit += 1
                bins.append((llimit, rlimit))
                rlimit += 1
                llimit = rlimit
            else:  # last bin
                print("last bin less probable than prob_min")
                rlimit = len(incident_degrees_) - 1
                bins.append((llimit, rlimit))
                prob_empirical = sum(empirical_distribution[llimit:rlimit + 1])
                rlimit += 1

        binomial_probs = []
        for i, bin_ in enumerate(bins):
            llimit = bin_[0]
            rlimit = bin_[1]
            ldegree = incident_degrees_[llimit] - 1
            rdegree = incident_degrees_[rlimit]
            binomial_prob = binomial.cdf(rdegree) - binomial.cdf(ldegree)

        # calcula probabilidades em cada bin
        # compara as probabilidades
        distribution_compare = list(A(empirical_probs) < A(binomial_probs))
        self.binomial_probs = binomial_probs
        self.distribution_compare0 = distribution_compare
        if sum(distribution_compare):
            tindex = distribution_compare.index(True)
            tindex2 = distribution_compare[::-1].index(True)
            periphery_degrees = incident_degrees_[:tindex]
            intermediary_degrees = incident_degrees_[tindex:-tindex2]
            hub_degrees = incident_degrees_[-tindex2:]
            periphery_degrees = incident_degrees_[:]
            intermediary_degrees = []
            hub_degrees = []

        return periphery_degrees, intermediary_degrees, hub_degrees
Пример #2
def ft(img, x, y, ψ=ϕ, Δ=0b11):
    N, M = img.shape
    xx, yy = int(x), int(y)
    n, m = A(*rclp(xx - Δ, xx + Δ, N)), A(*rclp(yy - Δ, yy + Δ, M))

    fx, fy = ψ(x - n), ψ(y - m)
    fxy = tendot(fx, fy, axes=0)

    img = img[clp(xx - Δ, N):clp(xx + Δ, N), clp(yy - Δ, M):clp(yy + Δ, M)]
    return tendot(fxy, img)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, flight_controller=None, verbose=True):
        Keeps track of the data and runs the simulation for a single flight

        #  Simulation settings
        self.simulation_resolution = 0.1            # Size of time steps [s] (0.03=30fps for nice animations)
        self.max_runtime = 10.0                     # Maximum allowed simulation time [s]
        self.gravitational_field = A([0.0, -9.81])  # Vector acc. due to gravity [m/s^2]
        self.verbose = verbose                      # Simulation verbosity True/False for printing updates on/off

        # Initialise the rocket
        self.rocket = Rocket()

        # Initial conditions
        # (all of these arrays will be appended to as the simulation runs)
        self.status = A([1]).astype('int')                  # Status (0=Crashed, 1=Flying, 2=Landed)
        self.angle = A([0.0])                               # Angle of thrust (zero points to ground) [rads]
        self.time = A([0.0])                                # Time [s]
        self.position = A([[0.0, 100]])                     # Position vector [m]
        self.velocity = A([[0.0, 0.0]])                     # Velocity vector [m/s]
        self.acceleration = A([self.gravitational_field])   # Acceleration vector [m/s^2]
        self.mass = A([self.rocket.hull_mass +              # Total mass of rocket [kg]
        self.throttle = A([0.0])                            # Throttle position (from 0 to 1, 1 being full power)

        # Check the flight controller function
        if callable(flight_controller):
            self.flight_controller = flight_controller
            self.flight_controller = template_controller
Пример #4
 def newSectorializeDegrees(self, empirical_distribution,
                            binomial_distribution, incident_degrees_):
     distribution_compare = A(empirical_distribution) < A(
     self.distribution_compare = distribution_compare
     tindex = list(distribution_compare).index(True)
     tindex2 = list(distribution_compare[::-1]).index(True)
     periphery_degrees = incident_degrees_[:tindex]
     intermediary_degrees = incident_degrees_[tindex:-tindex2]
     hub_degrees = incident_degrees_[-tindex2:]
     return periphery_degrees, intermediary_degrees, hub_degrees
Пример #5
    def run(self):
        Runs the simulation given this flight's initial conditions
        and flight controller

        # Get the initital state vector
        state = self.state_vector(self.mode)

        i, done = 1, False
        # Start at time step 1 and run until max_runtime or the rocket lands/crashes
        while (not done) and (self.time[i - 1] < self.max_runtime):

            # Get the throttle position
            throttle = self.flight_controller(A([state]))

            # If rocket is out of fuel, cut the throttle
            if self.mass[i - 1] <= self.rocket.hull_mass:
                throttle = 0

            # Update the flight based on the throttle chosen by the controller
            state, reward, done = self.update(throttle)

            # Print the current status
            if self.verbose:
                update_text = 'T: {:05.2f} | {:<6}'.format(
                    self.time[i - 1] + self.simulation_resolution,
                print('\r', update_text, end='')

            # Iterate
            i += 1
Пример #6
def thrust_parse(j, mode=0):
    j in binary gives the appropriate thrust selection:
    Input    0 1 2 4 5 6
    Main     0 0 0 1 1 1 2^2
    Left     0 0 1 0 0 1 2^1
    Right    0 1 0 0 1 0 2^0
    if mode == 0:
        thrust = A([j, 0, 0])
        if j > 2:
            k = j + 1
            k = j
        thrust = A([x for x in '{0:03b}'.format(k)]).astype(int)
    return thrust
Пример #7
    def update(self, throttle):
        Updates the position, velocity and mass of the rocket at each
        timestep, given the previous state and the current throttle setting

        # Set delta t for convenience
        dt = self.simulation_resolution

        # Mass expulsion needed to achieve the specified thrust
        delta_m = (throttle * self.rocket.max_thrust * dt) / self.rocket.exhaust_velocity[1]

        # Update the total mass
        self.mass = np.append(self.mass, [self.mass[-1] - delta_m])

        # Update the throttle
        self.throttle = np.append(self.throttle, [throttle])

        # Update the acceleration based on the mass expulsion above
        delta_v = self.rocket.exhaust_velocity * np.log(self.mass[-2] / self.mass[-1])
        total_a = (delta_v / dt) + self.gravitational_field
        self.acceleration = np.append(self.acceleration, [total_a], axis=0)

        # Update the velocity, position and time
        self.velocity = np.append(self.velocity, [self.velocity[-1] + total_a * dt], axis=0)
        self.position = np.append(self.position, [self.position[-1] + self.velocity[-1] * dt], axis=0)
        self.time = np.append(self.time, [self.time[-1] + dt])

        # Check if rocket has landed safely
        if ((self.position[-1][1] <= 0.0) and
            (norm(self.velocity[-1]) <= self.rocket.impact_velocity)):

            self.status = np.append(self.status, [2])
            self.position[-1] = A([self.position[-1][0], 0])[np.newaxis, :]

        # Check if rocket has crashed
        elif self.position[-1][1] <= 0.0:
            self.status = np.append(self.status, [0])
            self.position[-1] = A([self.position[-1][0], 0])[np.newaxis, :]

            self.status = np.append(self.status, [1])
Пример #8
 def __init__(self):
     Holds all the constant attributes of the rocket
     Units for each quantity are in the square brackets
     self.hull_mass = 1000                       # Mass of the rocket w/o fuel [kg]
     self.fuel_mass = 5000                       # Initial mass of the fuel only [kg]
     self.width = 2                              # Width [m]
     self.height = 20                            # Height [m]
     self.impact_velocity = 5.0                  # Speed above which rocket crashes on impact [m/s]
     self.exhaust_velocity = A([0, 200 * 9.81])  # Specific impulse of engine [s]
     self.max_thrust = 100000                    # Maximum thust of engine [N]
Пример #9
    def state_vector(self, mode):
        Returns the state vector for the current state. The state
        vector is different in each mode...
        0   [y pos, y vel]
        1   [x pos, y pos, x vel, y vel]
        2   [x pos, y pox, x vel, y vel, angle, angular vel]
        All positions and velocities are normalised by the size of the simulation
        so that they're roughly around 0-1.
        if mode == 0:
            state = A([
                self.position[-1][1] / self.sim_scale,
                self.velocity[-1][1] / self.sim_scale

        elif mode == 1:
            state = A([
                self.position[-1][0] / self.sim_scale,
                self.position[-1][1] / self.sim_scale,
                self.velocity[-1][0] / self.sim_scale,
                self.velocity[-1][1] / self.sim_scale

        elif mode == 2:
            state = A([
                self.position[-1][0] / self.sim_scale,
                self.position[-1][1] / self.sim_scale,
                self.velocity[-1][0] / self.sim_scale,
                self.velocity[-1][1] / self.sim_scale, self.angle[-1] / np.pi,
                self.angular_v[-1] / np.pi
            state = None

        return state
Пример #10
def produce_out(val_dl, model, int2en, int2spql, interval=(20, 30)):
    x, y = next(iter(val_dl))
    x, y = x.transpose(1, 0), y.transpose(1, 0)
    probs = seq2seq(V(x.long()))
    if isinstance(probs, tuple): probs = probs[0]
    preds = A(probs.max(2)[1].cpu())
    for i in range(interval[0], interval[1]):
        print(' '.join([int2en[o] for o in x[:, i] if o not in [0, 1, 2]]))
        print(''.join([int2spql[o] for o in y[:, i] if o not in [0, 1, 2]]))
        print(''.join([int2spql[o] for o in preds[:, i]
                       if o not in [0, 1, 2]]))
Пример #11
 def __getitem__(self, idx):
     return A(self.x[idx]), A(self.y[idx])
Пример #12
# Copyright (c) 2013 Stefan Seefeld
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of OpenVSIP. It is made available under the
# license contained in the accompanying LICENSE.BSD file.

from vsip import vector
from vsip import matrix
from vsip.selgen.generation import ramp
from vsip.math.matvec import dot, prod
import numpy as np
from numpy import array as A

v1 = ramp(float, 0, 1, 8)
v2 = ramp(float, 1, 2, 8)
d = dot(v1, v2)
assert d == np.dot(A(v1), A(v2))

v1 = vector(array=np.arange(4, dtype=float))
m1 = matrix(array=np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(4, 4))
m2 = matrix(array=np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(4, 4))
# vector * matrix
v3 = prod(v1, m1)
assert (A(v3) == np.tensordot(A(v1), A(m1), (0, 0))).all()
# matrix * vector
v3 = prod(m1, v1)
assert (A(v3) == np.tensordot(A(m1), A(v1), (1, 0))).all()
# matrix * matrix
m3 = prod(m1, m2)
assert (A(m3) == np.tensordot(A(m1), A(m2), (1, 0))).all()
def save_and_clear_input():
    global Ans
    try: Ans=A(eval(input_var.get()))
    except: pass
Пример #14
    def update(self, throttle):
        Updates the position, velocity and mass of the rocket at each
        timestep, given the previous state and the current throttle setting

        # Set some numbers for convenience
        dt = self.simulation_resolution
        ve = self.rocket.exhaust_velocity

        # PHYSICS UPDATES -------------------------------------

        # Convert throttle selection to vector: ([M, L, R])
        M, L, R = thrust_parse(throttle, self.mode)
        delta_m_M = (M * self.rocket.main_thrust * dt) / ve
        delta_m_L = (L * self.rocket.side_thrust * dt) / ve
        delta_m_R = (R * self.rocket.side_thrust * dt) / ve

        # Update the total mass
        self.mass = np.append(
            self.mass, [self.mass[-1] - (delta_m_M + delta_m_L + delta_m_R)])

        # Update the throttle
        self.throttle = np.append(self.throttle, [throttle])

        # Update the acceleration based on the mass expulsion above
        # Note this calculation always uses the initial mass of the rocket
        # so the engine achieves the same acceleration regardless of how much fuel is in the rocket

        # Left/Right delta-v
        if self.mode < 2:
            delta_v_L = A([ve, 0]) * np.log(
                (self.mass[0] + delta_m_L) / self.mass[0])
            delta_v_R = A([-ve, 0]) * np.log(
                (self.mass[0] + delta_m_R) / self.mass[0])
            self.angular_v = np.append(self.angular_v, [0.0])
            self.angle = np.append(self.angle, [0.0])
            delta_v_M = A([0, ve]) * np.log(
                (self.mass[0] + delta_m_M) / self.mass[0])
            total_a = ((delta_v_L + delta_v_R + delta_v_M) /
                       dt) + self.gravitational_field

        # Angular delta-v
            delta_v_L = A([-ve]) * np.log(
                (self.mass[0] + delta_m_L) / (self.mass[0]))
            delta_v_R = A([ve]) * np.log(
                (self.mass[0] + delta_m_R) / (self.mass[0]))
            angular_a = (delta_v_L + delta_v_R) / (dt * self.rocket.height / 2)
            self.angular_v = np.append(self.angular_v,
                                       self.angular_v[-1] + angular_a * dt)
            self.angle = np.append(
                angle_wrap(self.angle[-1] + self.angular_v[-1] * dt))
            delta_v_M = A([
                -ve * np.sin(self.angle[-1]), ve * np.cos(self.angle[-1])
            ]) * np.log((self.mass[0] + delta_m_M) / (self.mass[0]))
            total_a = (delta_v_M / dt) + self.gravitational_field

        # Update the acceleration
        self.acceleration = np.append(self.acceleration, [total_a], axis=0)

        # Update the velocity, position and time
        self.velocity = np.append(self.velocity,
                                  [self.velocity[-1] + total_a * dt],
        self.position = np.append(self.position,
                                  [self.position[-1] + self.velocity[-1] * dt],
        self.time = np.append(self.time, [self.time[-1] + dt])

        # Update the bounding rectangle
        self.b_h = np.append(
                self.rocket.height * np.abs(np.cos(self.angle[-1])) +
                self.rocket.width * np.abs(np.sin(self.angle[-1]))
        self.b_w = np.append(
                self.rocket.height * np.abs(np.sin(self.angle[-1])) +
                self.rocket.width * np.abs(np.cos(self.angle[-1]))

        # Collision check
        status_, done = self.status_check()
        self.status = np.append(self.status, [status_])

        # Calculate the reward
        reward_ = self.reward_function(self)
        self.score = np.append(self.score, [reward_])

        return self.state_vector(self.mode), reward_, done
    def animate(self, filename, debug):

        hull_colour = '#3b4049'
        accent_colour = '#ffffff'
        thrust_colour = '#e28b44'

        # Intitialise figure
        booster_width = self.flight.rocket.width * 0.3
        frame_scale = self.flight.sim_scale / 2
        self.leg_height = self.flight.rocket.height * 0.2
        self.fig, self.ax = subplots(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=150)
        self.ax.imshow(A([np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 101)] * 101).T,
                       extent=[-frame_scale, frame_scale, 0, 2 * frame_scale])
        self.ax.set(xlim=[-frame_scale, frame_scale],
                    ylim=[-10.0, 2 * frame_scale],
                    ylabel='Altitude (m)',

        # Find centre of rocket
        self.pos_x_0 = self.flight.position[0][0]
        self.pos_y_0 = self.flight.position[0][1]

        # Flight data
        telemetry = 'Status: {:>7s}\nT Vel:    {:>7.2f}\nH Vel:    {:>7.2f}\nV Vel:    {:>7.2f}\nA Vel:    {:>7.2f}\nScore:    {:>7.2f}'.format(
            self.flight.status_string(0), norm(self.flight.velocity[0]),
            self.flight.velocity[0][0], self.flight.velocity[0][1],
            self.flight.angular_v[0], self.flight.score[0])
        self.telemetry = self.ax.text(-0.9 * frame_scale,
                                      1.9 * frame_scale,

        # Body of rocket
        self.body = Rectangle(
            (self.pos_x_0 - self.flight.rocket.width / 2, self.pos_y_0 -
             (self.flight.rocket.height / 2 - self.leg_height)),
            self.flight.rocket.height - self.leg_height,

        # Main thruster
        self.main = Ellipse(
            (self.pos_x_0, self.pos_y_0 -
             (self.flight.rocket.height / 2 - self.leg_height)),
            self.flight.rocket.width * 0.8,
            2 * self.leg_height *
            thrust_parse(self.flight.throttle[0], mode=self.flight.mode)[0],

        # L Booster
        self.LBooster = Ellipse(
            (self.pos_x_0 - self.flight.rocket.width / 2, self.pos_y_0 +
             (0.5 * self.flight.rocket.height - 2 * booster_width)),
            self.flight.rocket.width * 2 *
            thrust_parse(self.flight.throttle[0], mode=self.flight.mode)[1],
            booster_width * 2,

        # L Booster
        self.RBooster = Ellipse(
            (self.pos_x_0 + self.flight.rocket.width / 2, self.pos_y_0 +
             (0.5 * self.flight.rocket.height - 2 * booster_width)),
            self.flight.rocket.width * 2 *
            thrust_parse(self.flight.throttle[0], mode=self.flight.mode)[2],
            booster_width * 2,

        # Legs
        self.legs = Polygon(A(
                self.pos_x_0 -
                (self.flight.rocket.width / 2 + 0.5 * self.leg_height),
                self.pos_y_0 - self.flight.rocket.height / 2
            ], [self.pos_x_0, self.pos_y_0 - 0.5 * self.leg_height],
                 self.pos_x_0 +
                 (self.flight.rocket.width / 2 + 0.5 * self.leg_height),
                 self.pos_y_0 - self.flight.rocket.height / 2

        # Landing area
        self.ground = Rectangle((-frame_scale, -10),
                                2 * frame_scale,
        self.base = Rectangle((-self.flight.base_size, -5),
                              2 * self.flight.base_size,

        # Draw objects to canvas
        self.patches = [
            self.body, self.main, self.LBooster, self.RBooster, self.legs

        ts = self.ax.transData
        # Translate and rotate everything else
        tr = Affine2D().rotate_around(self.flight.position[0][0],
        transform = tr + ts

        if debug:
            self.com = self.ax.plot([self.pos_x_0], [self.pos_y_0],
            self.ax.plot(self.flight.position[:, 0],
                         self.flight.position[:, 1],
            b_h = self.flight.rocket.height
            b_w = self.flight.rocket.height
            self.bbox = Rectangle(
                (self.pos_x_0 - b_w / 2, self.pos_y_0 - b_h / 2),

        for p in self.patches:



        # Add an extra second to the end of the animation
        extra_frames = int(1.0 / self.flight.simulation_resolution)

        # Animate the plot according to teh update function (below)
        movie = FuncAnimation(
            interval=(1000 * self.flight.simulation_resolution),
            frames=(len(self.flight.position + extra_frames)),
Пример #16
    def __init__(self,
        Keeps track of the data and runs the simulation for a single flight.
        Requires a flight controller (see starting notebook)
        and a reward function (see starting notebook).

        Verbose=True/False turns on/off printing the status as it runs.

        Can be run in one of three modes:

        0   Vertical motion only, all horizontal motion set to zero.
            In this mode the throttle can only have two values:
            0   Main booster off
            1   Main booster on

        1   As above plus left/right motion. The R/L boosters move the
            rocket L/R respectively. Throttle has six possible values:

                    Throttle value
                    0   1   2   3   4   5
            M       0   0   0   1   1   1
            L       0   0   1   0   0   1
            R       0   1   0   0   1   0

        2   As in mode 0 plus ACW/CW rotation. Throttle takes the
            same values as mode 1 but now the R/L boosters rotate
            the rocket ACW/CW respectively.


        # Initialise the rocket
        # Units for quantities are in [square brackets]
        self.rocket = Rocket()

        #  Simulation constants
        self.simulation_resolution = 0.1  # dt [s]
        self.max_runtime = 30.0  # Max time before sim ends [s]
        self.gravitational_field = A([0.0, -9.81])  # Field strength [m/s^2]
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.sim_scale = 10.0 * self.rocket.height  # Height of sim 'roof' [m]
        self.base_size = 20.0  # Size of the safe landing zone [m]
        self.mode = mode

        # Initial conditions
        # (all of these arrays will be appended to as the simulation runs)

        self.status = A([0]).astype('int')
        self.time = A([0.0])
        self.score = A([0.0])

        # Random starting position near the top of the screen
        initial_x = np.random.uniform(-self.sim_scale / 2 + self.rocket.height,
                                      self.sim_scale / 2 - self.rocket.height)
        initial_y = np.random.uniform(self.sim_scale / 2 + self.rocket.height,
                                      self.sim_scale - self.rocket.height)

        self.position = A([[initial_x * int(self.mode > 0), initial_y]])

        # Initial angle pointing (more or less) towards the base
        initial_angle = np.arctan2(initial_x, initial_y)
        self.angle = A([initial_angle]) * int(self.mode == 2)

        # Initial angular velocity of zero
        self.angular_v = A([0.0])

        # Random starting velocity in the direction of the base for mode==2,
        # completely random for mode==1
        initial_v = np.random.uniform(-25.0, -10.0)
        initial_v_x = (np.sin(initial_angle) * initial_v *
                       int(self.mode == 2)) + (int(self.mode == 1) *
                                               np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0))
        initial_v_y = np.cos(initial_angle) * initial_v
        self.velocity = A([[initial_v_x * int(self.mode > 0), initial_v_y]])

        # Initial a = g
        self.acceleration = A([self.gravitational_field])

        # Initial mass = fuel + hull mass
        self.mass = A([self.rocket.hull_mass + self.rocket.fuel_mass])

        # Throttle begins in the off position
        self.throttle = A([0])

        # Bounding rectangle of the rocket for collision checks
        # (this has to rotate as the rocket rotates in mode 2)
        self.b_h = A([
            self.rocket.height * np.abs(np.cos(self.angle[0])) +
            self.rocket.width * np.abs(np.sin(self.angle[0]))
        self.b_w = A([
            self.rocket.height * np.abs(np.sin(self.angle[0])) +
            self.rocket.width * np.abs(np.cos(self.angle[0]))

        # Assign the passed functions
        self.flight_controller = flight_controller
        self.reward_function = reward_function
Пример #17
landA = []

scoreA = []

episodeA = [i for i in range(episodes)]

for i in range(episodes+1):

    # Initialise a new flight. This randomises the initial conditions each time
    flight = Flight(flight_controller=flight_controller,
                    reward_function=reward_function, mode=mode)

    # Get the initital state vector
    done, total_reward = False, 0
    state = A([flight.state_vector(mode)])

    # Update the flight until it crashes
    while not done:

        # Get the action from the flight controller
        action = flight_controller(state)

        # Update the flight and get the reward and the new state
        next_state, reward, done = flight.update(action)

        # Add the reward from the previous step to the total
        total_reward += reward

        # Transform the state vector (Keras only takes 2D)
        next_state = np.reshape(next_state, [1, input_size])
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from heapq import merge
from multiprocessing import Pool
import heapq

from spectral_librarian.non_overlapping_intervals import OpenClosed, OpenOpen
from spectral_librarian.cluster import PeakCluster, peak_distance_clusters, ppm_dist_clusters
from spectral_librarian.array_ops import arrayfy
from spectral_librarian.get_our_data import spectra_clusters
from spectral_librarian.models import polyfit

sp = max(spectra_clusters, key=len)
MZ = A([p.mz for p in sp.peaks()])
N = A([p.spec_no for p in sp.peaks()])
dMZ = np.diff(MZ)

def spectral_peak_repeats(peak_clusters):
	return Counter(cnt for pc in peak_clusters
				        for cnt in pc.which_spectra().values())

def left_right_intervals(peak_clusters, d=0):
	L = []; R = []
	for pc in peak_clusters:
		L.append(pc[ 0].mz-d)
	return np.array(L), np.array(R)

SPR = spectral_peak_repeats
Пример #19
    ret = []
    points = cutter.GetOutput().GetPoints()
    for i in range(points.GetNumberOfPoints()):
        point = points.GetPoint(i)
    return ret

if __name__ == "__main__":
    b1 = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    b2 = (0.3, 1.7, 1.25, 2.25, 2.75, 4)

    c1 = addCube(b1, (1, 0, 0))
    c2 = addCube(b2, (0, 1, 0))

    l = A(c2.GetCenter()) - A(c1.GetCenter())

    p1 = cut(c1, l)
    p2 = cut(c2, l)
    for q in p1:
        for p in p2:
            addLine(p,q, (1,1,1))

    pts = []
    for i in [0, 1]:
        for j in [2, 3]:
            for k in [4, 5]:
                #addLine((b1[i], b1[j], b1[k]), (b2[i], b2[j], b2[k]), (1,1,1))
                pts.append((b1[i], b1[j], b1[k]))
Пример #20
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from heapq import merge
from multiprocessing import Pool
import heapq

from spectral_librarian.get_data import list_spectra_clusters
from spectral_librarian.non_overlapping_intervals import OpenClosed, OpenOpen
from spectral_librarian.cluster import PeakCluster, peak_distance_clusters
from spectral_librarian.array_ops import arrayfy
from spectral_librarian.get_our_data import spectra_clusters

max_cluster = max(spectra_clusters, key=len)

MZ = A([p.mz for p in max_cluster.peaks()])
dMZ = np.diff(MZ)

for pc in peak_distance_clusters(self.peaks(), initial_distance):
	if len(pc) > len(self)*quorum and pc.peaks_from_different_spectra():

distance = max_cluster.refine_intracluster_distance(.1, 0.95)
PC = list(max_cluster.peak_clusters(.9, distance))
max_pc = max(PC, key=len)

# problem still there
l_pc, r_pc = max_pc.split(233.153)