Пример #1
def calc_hail_prob(t, p, f, z, mask):

    sze = p[0].size
    shp = p.shape

    temp = t.reshape((shp[0], sze)).T
    geop = z.reshape((shp[0], sze)).T
    pres = p.reshape((shp[0], sze)).T
    relh = f.reshape((shp[0], sze)).T

    i = 0
    prob = np.zeros(sze)
    for tm, gp, pr, rh in zip(temp, geop, pres, relh):

        wb = calc_tw(tm, pr, rh, method='annfit')

        wbz = nl.intercep(wb, 273.159, gp)[0]
        hgr = -1.67e-4 * wbz + 1.0737

        k3 = 4.98957134574e-06 * 64.29275512704638
        dr1 = (hgr - 0.0001 * wbz)
        var = np.var(dr1)

        prob[i] = 100. * np.exp(-dr1**2 / k3)  #2.5e-4

        if i % 100 == 0: print '%.1f %s' % (100. * i / sze, '%')
        i += 1

    return np.where(mask, prob.reshape(shp[1:]), np.nan).clip(min=25.)
Пример #2
def pbl_stull(tempsn, pressn, relhum, zlevls):

    # Stull method ...
    parcel = calc_profile(tempsn, pressn, relhum, method='iterate', kind='it')

    sfc_parcel_virtual = calc_tv_from_f(parcel, pressn, relhum)
    sfc_soundg_virtual = calc_tv_from_f(tempsn, pressn, relhum)

    return nl.intercep(sfc_soundg_virtual, sfc_parcel_virtual, zlevls)
Пример #3
def calc_lcl(t_sfc, p, f_sfc, method='normand'):

    p_sfc = p[0]

    if method == 'normand':
        tdry = calc_t(calc_tp(t_sfc, p_sfc), p)
        tirm = calc_trm(t_sfc, p, f_sfc)

        return nl.intercep(tirm, tdry, p, i0=1, item=0)

    elif method == 'iterate':

        lcl_pre, lcl_tmp = lcl_iteratively(t_sfc, p_sfc, f_sfc)

        return lcl_pre[0], lcl_tmp[0]
Пример #4
def pbl_layer_height(t, p, f, u, v, z, zlim=4000.):

    # user defined height limit (default = 4000.)...
    ind_lim = z < zlim

    # using variables just below zlim:
    zlevls = z[ind_lim]
    ucompn = u[ind_lim]
    vcompn = v[ind_lim]
    tempsn = t[ind_lim]
    pressn = p[ind_lim]
    relhum = f[ind_lim]

    # Calculate virtual potential temperature:
    esatrn = calc_es(tempsn, pressn, 'fbuck')
    wvapor = relhum * calc_w_from_e(esatrn, pressn)

    thetad = calc_tp(tempsn, pressn)
    thetav = calc_tv_from_w(thetad, wvapor)

    # calculate Gradient Richardson number
    RiG = nl.low_pass(calc_gRi(thetav, ucompn, vcompn, zlevls), ipass=10)

    Rleng = zlevls[np.argsort(RiG)[:-10:-1]]
    depht = Rleng.max() - Rleng.min()

    # Truncating

    h0 = pbl_height_from_profiles(thetad,

    if len(h0) == 0:
        return []

        # Calculate Cloud base and Cloud top:
        lcl_p, _ = calc_lcl(t[0], p, f[0], method='iterate')

        cloud_base = nl.intercep(p, lcl_p, z)[0]

        if h0 > cloud_base:
            # If h0 is higher than the cloud base, we find the level at wish
            # the first stable layer is located within the cluod.

            # calculate equivalent temperature
            ind_lim = zlevls > cloud_base

            zlevls = zlevls[ind_lim]
            pressn = pressn[ind_lim]
            tempsn = tempsn[ind_lim]

            thetae = calc_tpe(tempsn, pressn)
            dthe_dz = nl.calc_derv_ngrid(thetae, zlevls)
            pbl_height = zlevls[dthe_dz > 0.0][0]

            pbl_height = h0[0]

    return depht, pbl_height
Пример #5
def calc_eql(t, parcel, p):
    # Find Level of Equilibrium
    return nl.intercep(t, parcel, p, item=-1)
Пример #6
def calc_lfc(t, parcel, p):
    # Find Level of free conversion
    return nl.intercep(t, parcel, p, d='all', i0=1, item=0)
Пример #7
def calc_ccl(t, p, f_sfc):
    # Find Convertive Level for heated parcel
    t_sfc = t[0]
    return nl.intercep(calc_trm(t_sfc, p, f_sfc), t, p, d='all')